HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Final Payment to Community Center Architect - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECUTIVE SLIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Armory/Community Center Architectural Pay AGENDA SECTION: Request - Final Payment CONSENT PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Parks and Recreation and AGENDA NO. Community Center Director. �'��� ,# )� fi' 'T ATTACHMENTS: Pay Requests, Final Payment Settlement APPROVED BY: Proposal. Final payment to Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc., has been in dispute since October, 1994. I have refused to pay a balance of $12,928.70 thus far because of my dissatisfaction with the performance of Arthur Dickey Architects and their contracted engineers, Gausman, Moore & Associates. Last October, our recent City Attomey advised the City not to pay final payment until a legal dispute was settled between Arthur Dickey and Gausman, Moore & Associates. I now have been notified that this dispute has been settled. Arthur Dickey is now requesting final payment plus interest charges of $2,327.17, totalling $15,255.87. After reviewing our signed agreement with Arthur Dickey and consulting with our current City Attorney, I am recommending payment for a portion of the Architect's pay request. I am recommending a final payment of $8,245.00. A breakdown of this proposed final payment settlement is presented in the attached memo dated June 27, 1995. In short, I am recommending to pay all remaining charges with exception to change order CRX 55 (retaini.ng pond) and added interest charges. I do not recommend paying the architect for services rendered in retaining pond design because the City contracted this design to its own engineering firm. I do not recommend paying interest charges. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve payment to Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc., in the amount of $8,245.00 to be paid out of account # 427-48Q00-01-521. COUNCIL ACTION: ���� IN�• ����-+ � CHI�E���' l���� � �� �Y A �•-- DICI� A�����CE r'�VE��pTA 5410 �9 E�,pLIS,M M"� 612)9�0=�993 PH��' � g20-3950 Ft�: (612) ,�,gp��� N�MBE�, g0758 NpT I ON AL GU AR� ARM�RY/ O ��,�,: RpSEM���Y �ENTER � pR j �Oh1M�Ni pctober 12� 199 t f Rosemoun DAT�; �..L�Gt'�i C�ty � itzhofer West NA�'�' 2875 �1435th S 5506 8 A.��I�E'��� Rosemount� MN ,00 �q.g,058.00) o0 TIT�E II ctura� Services 'le�ion � 3,262• gas�� Archite5 5% x 100% �0mp 51,320.00 X ' ents Ten Prev�ous pa� 1�2p0.00 Balan�e � Charges �tan� as p er agreement pdditiona Stem cansu , ted bY City of 1. Sound sY ins��9a �Zg,587 .�� Chan9e �rde bi 11 ed bY Contractor dul e 2. Sche 11 1,247 .00 Rosemount� arena on basketaa _ pccelera�ed ice o CRX �O _ pro�ide colored �0g ond� �,5,167 .00 CRX Site ���rk� � _ Pr vide ad�itiona� 38,939.00 5D, skate 3�-� CRX 55 & fencin9 items 15B & 1 153,940•�a `[;� CRX 62 - De 1 e a� bl eachers �'1"�j � 5'� g�466.70 t (�� ( $12�92$•�0 . X 5.5% / $153,940.�� g galan�e �ue E YpUR�US�ESS wE APpgECIAT cco�Ts) TI-3ANK Y�U ' TE ON PAST�UE�' g%ANNIJ AL TNTERE��� ��,��.��3�DAYS t1 ■ �' A-�T�U / � ��C�YA�� � � HI�C�,S} jNC � ARCHI�CTUI2� , PL � Ap►'t 1 26, 1995 INT�IvNING � RI�RS � Mr. James To 2875 ofi Rose p�tztofer 145th Smoun Rosemount, MN� 5068 Dear Mr, Topitzhofer; Enclosed �S lnterest at my statement � the ate n ��i l m� j fee) a fu l l .Y a r 8o per a num t o f $I5,255.87 fro e d i a te payment� I hav� been a n d t he time�ha°u tstand W h�c h includes I f m m.Y books, ° Please forWard .You��pati nt�dnd�no p ocess cthis ,You have a heck so that j� I expect �mmediately ny comments an remove � accord�nglyo p��ase r�spond d� n0t intend his Thank yoU. 1n °rder that j mdy n on this Statemen struct my p�a s Rega r � a Arthur h, Dicke .Y, A�joAo AHD/mg enc, � 0 FRqNC��vE1VIIE SpUTH •MI��APpLIS, �'�IIIVNESOTq SS 410•(612)920-3993.F '�(612)920-3950 ARTHUR DICKEY ARCHITECTS,INC. MONTHLY 4930 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH ��oL�, MINNESOTA 55410 STATEMENT PHONE: (612) 920-3993 FAX: (612) 920-3950 PROJECT• Rosemount National Guard Armory/ pROJECT ' Ccmr�ur,i ty Cent�r NUMBER• 9�7�$ CLIENT Ci ty of Rosemount NAME• �ames Topitzhofer ' 2875 145th St. West ADDRESS: Rosemount, MN 55068 DA'�• Apri 1 26, 1995 Project Completed -- Final Payment Due $12,928.70 $ 2,327,17 - 18% annual interest $15,255.87 THANK YOU - WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS TERMS:NET 30 DAYS(18%ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS) MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1995 TO: Art Dickey FROM: Jim Topitzhofer SUBJECT: �nal Payment After consulting with Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, I have determined the City of Rosemount contracted design of the storm water retention pond with an independent engineering firm. Because your office did not complete the design of the Community Center's pond, I am rejecting additional charges from change order CRX 55. I am proposing to settle your final payment as follows: Title II Balance $3,262.00 Sound System Consultant $1,200.00 Change Orders CRX 13 $28,587.00 CRX 20 $1,247.00 CRX 62 $38,939.00 Total $68,773.00 @5.5% 3 783.00 Final Payment $8,245.00 Pending your immediate response, I can submit approval today on June 27, 1995. I can be reached at 322-6003. cc Tom Burt, City Administrator Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director