HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.c. AFS Intercultural Programs Proclamation for Host Family Recognition Week CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SLiNIlKARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AFS INTERCULTURP,L PR4GRAMS AGENDA SECTION: PROCLAMATION FOR HOST FAMILY RECOGNITION WEEK DEPT. HEADS REPORT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH, AGEN�A NO. ADMINISTR.ATIVE ASSISTANT ATTACffi�lENTS: PROCLANlATION App ED The City of Rosemount is interested in cultural exchange and wishes to encourage residents to learn from people around the world to create understanding and world peace. Hence, the attached proclamation sets out the week of Ma.rch 6 - 12, 1994 as AFS Host Family Recognition Week in Rosemount and in conjunetion with a State of Minnesota proclamation for the same. RECOI�lENDED ACTION: Proclaim March 6 - 12, 1994 AFS Host Family Recognition Week. COUNCIL ACTION: f C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T Z875-C145tHS eet West P.O.Box 510 � ° � � RosemounL MN � � � Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-o5io Phone:612-423-4411 ' Fax:612•423-5203 PROCLAMATION WHE,REAS, AFS Intercultural Programs is the leading sponsor of intercultural exchanges in the world; and VV��REAS, more than 350,OQ0 students, teachers and families have experienced the prograrn since its founding in 1947; and WHF.REAS, more than 6,000 students, teachers and families in Minnesota have been touched by the AFS program since its creation in 194'7; and WI�REAS, AFS mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and their extended families have opened their homes and their hearts; and WHEREAS, those students, teachers and families have created bonds of love and understanding which encircle the globe; and WHEREAS, students and teachers from around the world have learned from these famiiies what it really means to be an American; and WHEREAS, they have all greatly contributed to attaining the AFS mission of intercultural understanding and world peace; and WHEREA5, AFS students and families help change the world one person at a time; , NOW, THEREFORE, I, E. B, McMenomy, Mayor of Rosemount do hereby proclaim the week of Mazch 6 - 12, 1994 to be AFS HOST FAMILY RECOG1vITION WEEK IN WITNESS WIiEREOF, under my hand and the official seal of the City of Rosemount this 2nd day of March, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor . � , . � . . . . � %infed on mryrled paper � . containing 3040 .poso-conwmer materials. , C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U I\{T 2875 C145tHSt eet West P.O.Box 510 �: Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount!! Ro�emou�c,MN 'ti Y g� 9 P 55068-0510 y��� - Phone:612-423•4411 -:;_�:,,;,.�,.' �--� fax:612-423•5203 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, AFS Intercultural Programs is the leading sponsor of intercultural exchanges in the world; and WHEREAS, more than 350,000 students, teachers and families have experienced the program since its founding in 1947; and WHEREAS, more than 6,000 students, teachers and families in Minnesota have been touched by the AFS pragrarn since its creatian in 1947; and VPHEREAS, AFS mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and their extended families have opened their hornes and their hearts; and WIiEREAS, those students, teachers and families have created bonds of love and understanding which encircle the globe; and Vt�HEREAS, students and teachers from around the world have learned from these families what it really means to be an American; and VVHEREAS, they have all greatly contributed to attaining the AFS mission of intercultural understanding and world peace; and � WHEREAS, AFS students and families help change the world one person at a time; NOW, THEREFORE, I, E. B. McMenomy, Mayor of Rosemount do hereby proclaim the week of March 6 - 12, 1994 to be AFS HOST FAMILY RECOGNITION WEEK IN WTTNESS v�OF, under my hand and the official seal of the City of Rosemount this 2nd day of March, 1994. � �. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor � o����� tar:airir 30':� . posFcrosu:nnmMensis. � , ° Dear Citizens of the �ity of Rosemount! , The citizens of the City of Ivanteevka express to you our deepest thanks for the aid that ��as so needed by the children, handicapped nnd �+�nsis�ners of our city. We are Eouched by your sincerity and attention to our people, who have found themselv�s in a difficult situaEion due t� our e�ua���;��'� �a�ati�ra tc� � market economy. 4ur city social services depariment provides support for the needy in our comrnunity. Your self-less aid is a real contribution Eo �the social services pragram. So�ial workers delivered aid to almost 2,500 inhabitants of our city, who feit #he warmth of your hearts, not withstanding the distance created between us by sea and continents. We wish you success and prosperity, and hope to maintain a mutually beneficial ' relationship. I E. V. Cukhanova, Head Administra#or City of Ivanteevka,July 8, 1993 i � i i I � Dear Cit'izens of Rosemount, State of Minnesota! �n�half of our parents and dlabe tic children, I express aur deep�st �anks for • n tc, our children. In this di�l��t �me in aur couna'Y.�yf{o f your care and attenho o n 1 material help to every familY� but a lso a g r e a t �a� beaudful gifts were not y ' of our childr'en. They are overjoyed ta wear your �ell-ma e spuits clothing. i Thank you very much. ive in a small aty outside Mascow called Now a few wards about us. We 1 o�ow. � �� � S�,°�ded on all sides bY Ivanteevka, 32 kilomeEers from M ' v� een. We also have two smail rivers: the Ucha forests and the city itself is rY 87 and Skalba. bers; Myself tmom}, paPa and two daughters, Sveta who � My family has four mem and Oi a,who is 12 years oId (she has h ad diabetes since she was faur and a half?, y is 10. 'es well. She likes painting and still likes � Sve�lana tSveta) is in 7th grade and studi �. Svetlana will show you her to play �th dolls. She sews clothes for th drawings• e name of the parents, again, great thanks• In th Irina Mikhailovna Dunaevskaya 141250 Russia City af Ivanteevlca Tolmacheva Street, 10/68 ,,: I, $vgeny I. Kalesar►, was b�rn March 7, 1914 in the �ity of Ivan�eevl�a and live � �here cu.�rrently. I ax�+ a veteran af the Great Fatherland War {WyVIY), an invalici � of the 3r� graup (translatar's note: handieapped peaple are classified in groups � � dependin� an severity of the injury}. I began my participadon in the war in the � �Zeni#h ar�illery division as a plataon cammander, managi.ng the ai.r defense of � the City af Moscaw£rom the fascis�s. I received hanors -bath orders and medalS. � I marched with i'�ny division from Moscow to t�►e fas�ist city af Koenigsberg. The � : war began August 9, 1941 and ended� or was demobil�z�d,C)ctober �1, 1945. i . . � _ , In De�ember 194I I began a family. I raised 2 daughterS wha have sin� � cample�ed callege a�nd worl� as engineers in Moscaw. I warked as a senior engineer af the Ivanteevk� Experimesltal Factary of the . Scien�.fic Research Ir►stitute of Tractar and �arn1 Bquipment Development. In 1974 I went on a well-earned leave af absence (re#ired), buf I don't sit at hame.I � love my homel�nd and her nahue..Every year I go on a hil�ing trip and travel. I � always enjayed new places, the nature there, the people and traditions. When I � return home, I always hold a photo exhibitian at the factory where I wrarked. My exhibi�ions were always a great joy to the factory workers. It was like this every ' ' year, and ea�h year I went to a new place.But time passed. I bought a video � camera, and 6egan taking films and showed �liem ta people at the Jubilee House � of Culture (trans. not�c most towns have a �iouse af Culture, where cul#ural events are held), , In 1986 I was dasaified as an inval�d of t�he third group. In the war near the ciEy af ' Bryansk during a bombing raid I was injured. I went into the haspital with a � a�sio�t�a ni�. � After the war I partiapated in sports, skiing, skai3ng, bicycling. I 2oved to play the Russian game gorodlci, and played it well. tTrans.note: Gorodki is a cross between bawling and bas�ball. �ylindrical block�s are atacked into diff�rent ahapes, and the player artempts to �nock them down by batting a ball at thern.) . � '. alid. I cauld no longer particip�te k� ��-�;=���`�. ���� When I was classifaed as an inv in{ ic�es o+�{ �n ������'. � ��� F' I remembered my chiidhood, when I wouldi� o �r, �o I beg�n. � �"�U�'� ��en 4� quit painting, and nc�� i realized I must b�a m � es can still s��• painting since 198?, �nd will paint as long Y Y ::.., ain�in s in the club at the factory• At first only the fac�°�' In 1988 I hung mY p g c�me to � aintin s Then people from all over the c��Y workers came to see my P g artis�s ca�x►e and gave my works good visit my exh�bition. Even we�t-�o�^'I' reviews. The main thing is that I h ave never studied pa��g an�'�'�'here, and I be���ve thaE I received this skill from God. That's my life. E. Kolesov , love it when I paint. They really like it, and in x P.S. My wlfe and children really our apartment we hav e a whole exhibition. Stop by and take a loak - we wc�uld �e�ery glad to see yau. ,� __ _ — I ---- --------- _ ---- ------- _ ^.�I����_c1���__ r��i�v�.��_y1�� ---__- --- - --- - '�_/�_f���1�X�_t9L"J s� � H. 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Rachesl�'A+1'P� Fprovemmts or a��o�°D�' : ome on 1lus«iea;2et me tist ju.st►kw: o�oa 'fhe duat-uact pnre� th� A4SP aiceadY m�'��d��oia�} Arawbaeks of sueh�� for coetty hi86wsy a�� 'f6ea ev�rYbodP eoc�ne ��� �gutld a new Nuport� �a ted wi�Uoi+rco- c�ts,tiue radrndant aoed � „�dd be de000�misseoned it ipaeased catw� �re a Quic&thedauP at tIle biaYo CGn� �'��i�pn MmacsP�1���i uma •7'La Ux.28 ar1ick su�s � developmeuts.artd!ha lo����e iiy+�iuires a new si*D�- whik wa�for s�N• r sitY��nseota ProPtnY�R o a e m o�u+ vni6 movinB P�� � tiie Ws�y War6ei� �� u�oepl. fe�[Me sun�7a but ttra!iud is ao�� ��ptnst w m�Wher and disuibut- coacleKkd that"1Le oniY aotrcxx ���C� tan A'vpor1s 1s.Mc vre w 6elieve Nev+�e�� $�� � nptqa.Tpe lrkkuoP� � gN'fB of ing tfiose to���� MFuneaota'�*ou� chaoE� around AiSP would be a metc►Bul plw�tr�w�malbu�k ReNe�tlay A�3�� W�1)o ra1Gi�i� �on and ita svaitiort W�'��° �,hich ia thst pwPk . abaera of che de�isn�n8�x"'llie ides of Tafc Y`ra�A�� n D C..kd the P,� boa�d a tri[in a!� teaving a aaatatenana cunway at MSP m�kea SOAR(dt1eea f7O���S�D�'�'` �'Ms��q��S pxr ia VMoo�ince 1989 WasU�w . �'� dimm�tai 19at a�te Eor a number travd w RwhfeeW. ,� � o�i�Dri�ad►CwItA } ai 6ock trome to cosaea rriti�31'i�h• mock�y ot'ttk enti� P��P�G '� rad�t6ss►iT.S asiqtaa I�s W e o s�et8 ofP����!�q�t Pre a e r c e o f i w:e c d� dalfwaY �'irali�sang ihase oA�� WitA a�h is►i m Koch RSRnipS� t a wnths�en,n riu mu�,srta s-mae tas ous••a�e,n� r �' .� y '� . . .� .. 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