HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. Payment #5 Armory Sanitation Sewer, City Project #236 e �. . � . . � . . . CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 2, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Paymenfi #5 & Final, Armory Site Sanitary AGENDA SECTION: Sewer, City Project #236 Consent PREPARED BY: B�d Osmundson AGENDA 11�E� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Payrnent Voucher #5 AP V Y: This item requests the fifth and final payment to Richard Knutson, 1nc. in the amount of 516,292J8 for City Project #236, Armory Site Sanitary Sewer. Work completed and represented in this amount as of December 31, 1993 is 100%0 of contracted work. The final construction cost is 5294,011.48 compared to the bid price of $323,875.00. The check will be issued upon receipt of the appropriate IC-134 forms and lien waivers. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with the contract documents. Attached is a eopy of the pay voucher for your in#ormation. Staff recommends approval of this fifth payment request. With the approval of the final payment, the City accepts the utilities for perpetuity. In addition, the contractor has a two (2) year warranty on the improvements which wiil end on March 2, 1996. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #5 AND FINAL TO RICHARD KNUSTON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 516,292.78 FOR THE ARMORY SITE SANITARY SEWER, CITY PROJECT #236 AND ACGEPT THE UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: CTTY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 5 - ' al CTTY PROJECT NO: ��ti SEH FILE NO: R��iE �na�.,.ni PROJECT: ar*Y+nrs. �',itP Sar�itari� �.�Pr Tmnr� �Pmont, CONTRACTOR: �iri�ar� Kn�itcnn,.,,Jr�� CQIVTjZACT DATE: �.1J�97 l7SR�i Rhnr�P Tclanrt Avo c„_ �PLICATION DATE:1f��1�94 '��Py t�m._r ,,�7u FOR PERIOD ENDING: ��n f94 Total Contract Amount ���,R�511p_ Total Amount Earned $�9t�7�� aR Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ Contract Change Order Na 1 Percent Complete 100%0 $ �,�nn nQ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete � Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete � GROSS AMOUNT DLJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�Aa,m i aR LESS 0% RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ --- AMOUNT DIJE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ �a4,��� ag LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $277,7�7Q AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_.Ci ,,�A�7R APPROVED: � — u smun son City Engineer/Assistant Director of Public Works . i Job #442 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT (UNIT PRICE COT�3TRACT j NO. 5 - Final )WNER: ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA OWNER'S PROJECT NO. 236 ----------------------- - ---------- ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO. 9204Q.01 ,OCATION• --------------- . . ARMORY SITE :ONTRACTOR RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. _CONTRACT DATE --------------------- ------------------------ 12585 RIiODE ISLAND AVE SO CONTRACT AMOUNT $323,875.00 -------------------- ---------------------- SAVAGE MN 55378 • ---------------------=-'------ :ONTR. FOR ARMORY SZTE - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ------------------ ---------�------------------------ tPPLIC.DATE ------------- � --------------------- 'ERIOD END. __12/31/93 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL ------------------------------ )150.501 ------i----------------------,-__---- MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 3400.00 3 400.-00 ?153.501 TEMPORARY FENCING L.F. 4000 2, 340 1.25 2 ,925.00 )I5?.201 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 I 250�.00 2,500.00 )207.40i REMOVE CONC C & G L.F. 100 110 1.50 165.OQ 3207.402 REMOVE CM CULVERT L.F. 42 125 4.50 562.50 1207.409 REMOVE SANITARY MANHOLE EACH 2 2 195.00 390.OQ +207.410 REMOVE CONCRETE LIGHTING UNIT BASE EACH 2 0 1000.00 -0- 1207.423 SALVAGE SEWER METER EACH 1 , i 3�0.00 3�o.ao 'AGE 1 OF 5 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. 207.424 SALVAGE LIGHTING UNIT EACH 2 1 1000.04 1,000.00 2�1.502 CLEARING TREE 100 99 • 45.00 4 ,455.00 211.507 GRUBBING TREE 100 99 45.00 4,455.00 213.001 BALE CHECK BALE � 50 p 5.00 _p_ 213.003 SILT FENCE, PREASSEMBLED L.F. 600 22Q 1.50 330. 00 213.005 ROCK CONST. ENTRANCE EACH 1 Q 595.00 -Q- 222.101 CRUSHED ROCK PIPE • FOUNDATION TON . 100 74 7.65 566.1-0 222.103 GRANULAR PIPE FOUNDATION TON 100 0 4.50 -0- 222.Z07 REPLACEMENT BACKFILL TON 8500 501 4.10 2,054.10 222.701 TEST ROLLING R.S. 12 12 I0.00 120.00 222.$O1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION R.S. 12 12 125.00 1,500.00 223.803 AGG. BASE PLACED, CL 5 C.Y. 180 361. 60 14.65 5,297. 44 230.001 BORE 16" STEEL CASING L.F. 120 120 102.00 12 .240. 00 230.011 JACK 8" PVC CARRIER L.F. 120 120 20.$5 1 ,302 .OQ 250.701 AGG. SURFACING, CL 2 TON 900 545.30 7.10 3,871. 63 250.903 �AGG. SHOULDERZNG PLACED, CLASS 2 C.Y. Z50 93.2 15. 55 1,449 .25 251.108 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 135 137.2 28.05 3 ,84$.46 251.110 TYPE 31 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 135 145.38 . 27.00 3 ,925.26 254.702 BIT. MAT. FOR TACK COAT GAL. 70 75 1.50 112. 50 259.001 AGG. BASE RESTORATION IN-SY 7Q0 1988.4 0. 65 1,292. 46 259.011 HIT. SURFACE RESTORATION IN-SY 350 806.4 3.85 3�104.64 259.021 C & G RESTORATION L.F. 100 110 12.00 1,32Q.00 272.311 12" CM PIPE CULVERT L.F. 45 45 15.25 686. 25 - 2?2.315 12" CM PIPE APRON EACH 2 3 83.50 250. 50 273.011 4" PVC SEWER SERVICE L.F. 75 142.7 6. 50 927. 55 273.112 8"Pt7C SEWER, 10'-15' DEEP L.F. 638 587 i6.9� 9 ,920. 3-0 AGE 2 OF 5 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. 273.113 8"PVC SEWER, 15 ' -20' DEEP �L.F. 589 560 16.90 9,464. Oa 273.114 8"PVC SEWER,20' -25 ' DEEP L.F. 60 60 16.90 1�014.00 273.119 8"DIP SEWER,O' -10 ' DEEP L.F. 30 36 40.45 _ 1 ,456. 20 273.121 8"DIP SEWER, 15 '-20' DEEP L.F. 34 62 40.45 2 ,507.90 273.122 8"DIP SEWER,20' -25 ' DEEP L.F. 151 151 40.45 6,107.95 �273.123 8"DIP SEWER,25' -30' DEEP L.F. 130 130 40.45 5 .258.50 �273.124 8"DIP SEWE�,30' -35 ' DEEP L.F. 43 43 40.45 1,739. 35 �273.125 8"DIP SEWER,35 '-40' DEEP L.F. 24 24 40.45 97Q.80 �273.126 8"DIP SEWER,40'-45' DEEP L.F. � 18 1$ 40.45 72$.14 �273.211 12"DIP SWR, 15'-20' DEEP L.F. 43 42 35.10 1,�74.20 '273.331 2?"RCP SWR,15' -20' DEEP L.F. 31 28 69.10 1,934. 80 �273.332 27"RCP SWR,20'-25 ' DEEP L.F: 520 513 69.10 35, 448.30 �273.333 27"RCP SWR,25 ' -30' DEEP L.F. 186 180 69.10 12,438.00 �273.334 27"RCP SWR,30' -35' DEEP L.F. 168 16$ 69.10 11,608.84 1273.335 27"RCP SWR�35'-40' DEEP L.F. 162 200 69.10 13r820.00 1273.336 2?"RCP SWR�40' -45 ' DEEP L.F. 22 18. 2� 69.10 1�261.08 �273.501 STD MANHOLE, 10' DEEP EACH ' 11 12 985.00 11 ,$20.00 �273.511 EXCESS MANFiOLE DEPTH L.F. 145 12Q 65.00 7,800.40 �273.521 MANHOLE DROP SECTION L.F. 25 27. 10 i72.5� 4,674.75 �273.531 MANHpLE CONNECTION EACH 2 4 235.00 940. 00 }273.611 8" X 4" PVC WYE EACH 3 5 35.00 ' 175.00 ►274.201 ABANDON EX. LIFT STATION L.S. 1 '1 4900.00 . 4,900.04 �274.211 WET PIT SEWAGE LIFT Z��Sba•�� �a,iS�o•oo D STATION L.S. 1 1 ��8:"$0 22J,..3.�$�r$$'' 274.221 TEMPORARY PUMPING L.S. 1 l 5000.00 5.000. 00 274.311 6" DIP FORCEMRIN L.F. 530 523 12. 60 6, 589. 80 274.321 CONNECT TO EX. FORCEMAZN EACH l 1 235.00 235. 00 •274.401 VALVE VAULT L.S. l 1 7130.00 7 ,130.00 'AGE 3 OF 5 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. 293.001 SEEDING ACRE 3 2. 5 185.00 462.50 293.D02 SEED, MIXTURE 600 LH. 225 200 4.40 $$0. 00 293.005 SODDING, TYPE LAWN S.Y. 9600 11908 1.50 1?,862. 00 . 293.OZ1 NNLCH MATERIAL, TYPE 1 TON 6 5 200.00 _ 1,000.00 293.019 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 3 2. 5 165.00 412.5-0 �293.023 WOOD FIBER HLANKET, TYPE HV S.Y. 200 f1 2.10 -�- �293.032 CONII�I. FERTILIZER, � • , ' ANALYSIS 12-12-12 LS. 500 474 0.50 237.Q0 295.501 FURNISH AND PLANT EVERGREEN TREE, COLORADO SPRUCE, 5' B&B TREE 6 6 150.00 900.00 z295.502 FURNISH AND PLANT SHADE TREE, � MARSHALL SEEDLESS ASH, 2"TREE 32 34 180.00 6,120.00 �295.503 FURNISH AND PLANT SHADE TREE, NORTHWOOD MAPLE, 2" CAL. TREE 33 37 I80.00 6,660.40 �295.505 FURNISH AND PLANT DECIDUOUS SHRUB, ALPINE CURRENT SHRUB 10 13 25.00 325.Ofl �295.506 FURNISH AND PLANT DECIDUOUS SHRUB, POTENTILLA SHRUB 12 15 25.00 375. 00 �295.507 FURNISH AND PLANT DECIDUOUS SHRUB, DWARF KOREAN LILAC SHRUB 10 13 25.00 325.00 �295.508 FURNISH AND PLANT DECIDUOUS SHRUB, PURPLE LEAF SAND CHERRY ` SHRUB 10 13 25.00 325.00 �295.551 ROCK GARDEN S.Y. 230 143 10.00 1,43Q.00 .652.201 CONSTRUCT LIGHTING UNIT BASE EACH 2 0 1000.00 -0- 652.211 INSTALL SALVAGED LIGHTING UNIT EACH 2 1 1000.00 1,0OO.OQ AGE 4 OF 5 $HORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. ♦ � y � APPLICA710N FOR PAYMENT - Continued xqt , 71! •�Fs p�,�, Total Contract Amount $ 323, s75 .0o Tota! Amount Earned $ �,9.�,�;�'S' Materiai Suitably Stored on Site. Not tncorporated into Work $ Contract Change Order No. �_ Percent Complete l00 0 $ 2, 300. 00 Contract Change Order No. �2"' �F� Percent Complete .k�e�°� �s $ „?,p�pQ' ��s Contract Change Qrder No. Percent Compiete $ � ,oir. 46 p�s GROSS AMOUNT DUE.........................$ '�� ^^, -�- LESS � �°s ss fo RETAfNAGE..................$ -0- AMOUNT DUE TO DATE 4� � � � . .....................� 2s.�a..,.,aa�-:��a- ats LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATtON..........$ 277 718.� —�,�— . p�s AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLtCATiON....,$ 1�.�?' CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVtT The undersigned Contractor hereby swears under penaity of per}ury that {1) a(i previous progress pay- ments received from the Owner on account of work performed under the contract referred to above have been applied by the undersigned to discharge in fuii al1 obiigations of the undersigned incurred in connection with work covered by prior Applications for Payrnent under said contract, and (2)-ail materi- als and equipment incorporated in said Project or otherwise listed in or covered by this App(ication for Payment are free and clear of all �iens, claims, security interests and encumbrances. � Dated ,Tanuarv 10 , 19 94 Richard Knutson, Inc .� , � / � .(;ontractor}� B . � '/ - , G' �� � � Treasurer y. �. � � � (Narri and Titte) COUNTY OF scott ) SS STATE OF Minnesota ) Before me on this lOth day of .7anuary , 1g 94 personally appeared ____ sheri Jo sovum known to me, who being duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the__ Trea��rer of the Contractor above mentioned;that he (4ffice) executed the above Application for Payment and Affidavit on behalf af said Contractor; and that all of the statements contained therein are true, correct and complete. . ...._...� JOSEPH P OR 6R7q My Commission Expires: j�3�/c .: � ':,:�;, " r�°' �c• �►,ic� rA YC_ ^::,�ronExauesJA �� (�UIIC�� ..�.--�.....,.......�..�.-...r The undersigned has checked the Contractor's Application for Payment shown above. A part of this Application is the Contractor's Affidavit stating that aN previous payments to him under this Contraet have been applied by him to discharge in full all of his obiigations in connection with the work covered by all prior Applications for Payment. In accordance with the Contract, the undersigned approves payment to the Contractor of the Amount Due. S RT ELL EN ICKSON, INC.: Date a f 2 / 9 4 gy • �.,�w�-6'^�- . Page 5 of s . DRiE: 62-22-94 TIME: 89:34 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PA6E: i PROGRAM AP@6 VOUCHER pPPRDVWI LI5TIN6 VER. 4.8.�2 BANK: 499 VENODR: pll VEMDORS WIII BE REPORTED SEIECTION CRITERIA. RLL RECORDS WIII BE REPURTEO REF N0. DATE VENDOR NRNE VEN(INY ACCOUNt NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VEN-0QR AMT 1Nt8729 �2-22-94 PCl CONSTRUGTION SERVICES IN t13 4?5-4889/-8I-521 PYMNT #13-ARMORY 6 C�C GONSTRU 565,864.16 427-48��6-g1-521 RYMNT #13-ARNORY & C(C CONSTAU 292,921.24 858,886.�@ **TOTflI VOUCHERS IO BE PflID' 858,886.6! .x.�.+x..xx*.�«...x.+�..x�:� . , * APPROVED BY: ' ,� , tFRRt1RtR**RR1IIRtRtttttl*ttk � . � � � . � .