HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Expenditure for Paint at Arena in Community Center . r CITY OF ROSENiOtJNT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 1, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Expenditure for paint at the AGENDA SECTIDN: Consent arena in the Community Center PREPARED BY: Randy Moe, Building Maintenance AGEND��p�� � Supervisor t ""1' � ATTACF�2ENTS: Three Quotes AP OV D BY: � Epoxy paint is needed in the arena lobby areas because the existing flat latex cannot be cleaned. PCL Construction offered the Rosemount Community Center a change order for the painting of the arena using epo�cy paint. The cost of this change order was $9, 000 and was rejected. For this reason we have searched for painting quotes. The low quote for this work was submitted by R. J. Painting in the amount of $985 .00 . Paint to be used for this will be a water base epoxy semigloss paint that ma.tches the existing color. Please see other attached bids. This purchase to be funded out of the Community Center eonstruction account 426-48000-01-580 . RECOIrIl+lENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the Community Center to award I the above painting proposal to R.J. Painting in the amount of $985 .00. COMMISSION ACTION: ' R.`✓ �"-� �3t-"oQ Pro osat PA/NTI NG a9er:sss-�i�4s p i INTERIOR f TAPING �1 P�/N / I�G E X T E R I O R � DRYWALL 35 EV@I'�OII AV2. PAPER HANGtNG WATER DAMAGE ,lg Valley, MN 55124 SPRAY TEXTURE CERAMIC TILE 431-1709 Please cail RANDY JOHNSON �PER: 538-1145 Pa9e No. of Pages P�POSAI S�MtTTED TO PNONE DATE � o�.,.�.�„+ ��N � �No �M�� �e.b � STREET JOB NAME {� o�' ���'J ��S �' � 'Nftty c� . ��,�e�uiri-��E �N SSQ[P� 1�8 tOCATtON� se Mn.1 -�„ 3 � w�ou►�. y AR�HITECT DATE Of PtANS :OS PHONE � we ne�eoy OropOse to eum�sn matensK and ta0or rrcCessary lor�M eOmP�et�On ot � � � . . . .. �le°`Se S.o--� �t�-acl.,t a0 �ee.�- W E PROPOSE hereby to furnish maurial and labor—complete in xcordance with above sDecifications,tar the wm of: �.Lt,.v�,a , Q�jC a o �� r D ! ao��an tS 1 O J• 1 Pa ent to De msoe as toilow� /' �S� AII matenat is guaranteeC to b� as spetiti�d. AU work to be comD�eteO in s suD- ftantial wOrkmaniike m�nner itCOrtlin9 t0 SPeCltitst�onf Submitted,O!►ttintlird. �tthOtUed � �� � � Drati�cef. Any iiteritiOfi Of tllvi�tiOf1 ftOm •bOv� fDQCillCitiOnf involvin9 Cxtti S��itYtt costs will be exccutetl only uppn written or0ers,antl wi�l DetOme sn extrs Cdarye � � � . . � over antl aoove the est�matt.Ail sq�eements conting�nt upon ttrikes,stcioents or Kott:This proposll m� Oe oeuys Deyond our eo�tro�. Owner to urry tire, tornstlo sn0 other eecesssrY in- w�tAAnwn Op us d not xcepteC�dA�n � � d�ri. sura�ce.0ur workers are fully�tovere0.by Workmen'tLomptnsatlon InsuNnte. � ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL Tne �bOve prit�i, saetittcations antl coe+es- t�Ons ire fAt�St7CtOry arlp�re hereDy aGtlptetl.V Ou it�iutbOri2e0 t0 40�th!wOf1t. � � � . � . � as sDeCifieO.payment will be ma0e ss outline above. � � Si�n�tYt! � � D�te of AcuDUnct: Sqnatun . � ' ::�" �='h�E�G�»� F�5 �rs� 1'��� Ci ty c�� n�sem��rs� F� J �di nt i ng �81+C3'�+' it3l'1tiSDR �ifln�y� i�as �i;:�� Ev�r�c�n �t'se. ���5 14�th �t.W. � Ai�P�� 4'a1 I ey !'�n. Rc�=_•Rmr�,tnt Mn �'hone 431-27t►9 � � � �JZ.t�� . . �.�.cC1�C'r'., l�crk: t� be F'�r-T�;m��: i. F':ep Et�t�^'�t-ir'�T �.�r�sj��i az dr-ea, and Stai�w�Y i ea���g to Ice �ren�. . Paint �.�� ����ve area`s v:it� �:n 4.vater-���� c��^�' ��mic�3.c+�s � � �airt ta r���`ch th� �>:-is'�ir�g �o'sar. ._ti, F•aint t� �,� Lt__Etf W1Ii �,e sup�lya� by �iiarnc�nd Vc���i �aints. . . . . � � �. LO�. �iy�� . r�#,�� co�t L���r anr� P'lateri ai s. r uv. R�ndy John��n tl R 3 F'�i nti r�� / � ���� PAINTING & SERVICES 6421 ROLF AVENUE EDINA,MN 55439 W-941-5830�H-941-3072 DATE; 2/3/94 WORK PERFORMED FOR: f R s m un WORKPERFORMED AT: Ro mo t I e Ar na NaME ATN: Rand MOe ADDRESS - h W. AooREss 2875 - 145th S't. W. CITY 21P $ CITY Rosemount MN ziP 55068 sTaTE STATE PHONE PNONE ICE ARENA CI Y OF RO EMO N : r B Hallwa on south end of I e Arena C. Entrance Tnlalls D W 1 A 1 w 1 w' �' W NOTES• LABOR MATERIALS PAYMENTS TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: RESPECTFULLY TOTAL SUBMITTED COST � ,?�5. O� THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES TO E ABOVE PRICES,SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED ABOVE. ANY ALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONS TO 7HE ABOVESPEClFICATIONS INCLUDING EXTRA COSTS WILL BECQME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THE ESTIMATE. PAYMENTS WIL�BE MADE AS OUTLINED ABOYE. IF ACCEPTED,PLEASE CALL US. SIGN,DATE AND MAIL ONE CQPY TO ROGERS PAINTING&SERVICES. DATE SIGNATURE � �j �A ���� Page No. of Pages d�� U� ���,� �a,�� . 3957 Peridot Path Eagan, MN 55122 (612)452-1679 PROPOSAL SUBMITTE T0: PNONE DATE ����-� �-�- "��� C� STREET ` v! �t� �� �Ili C ��� , � ( 1��' JOB�+ME �'l S 1 K 5 �-h �- l, � ICo� r��.���- �C 2;n� CI . TATE AND ZIP CODE JOB IOCATION . . r ._ . i r� 1 1� ( �' . ��J�j _ ' . � � . We hereby submtt Spec�hCaUOns antl esLm8te5 for. � . � . � � . R:�i P��i n ' l"-.� . Fe,r, • n �' ���c C.�t� e.�\�3 c� . fln;> S'�"A�.�+.�;c{ �C� ��� ,�-�-c� 1rC- y' o,l � �.� 1'rz � .�ri�G �-t"o be.. .i �`'� J� 3 . i �.� :��' FC ���.. rcc'S �,,,1,`�-h 'v�J��e.r _ !-= o� � •�-�- , �r �ru�rnsp hereby to furnish material and labor—compl te in accordance with the above specifications,for the sum of: n� n f1� � � � 5D o 0 Payment to be made as followr, dOltars(5_ � ), All matenal is guarenteetl to be as specrf�ed. All work to be completed m a workmanl�ke manner according to standard praa�ces. Any alcerou6ns or dewauons w from tbe above specif�tauons mvolv�ng extra tosts wiN be exewted only upon wntten S�gnatured orders,and will berame ao extra charge over and above the est�mate. All agreemenu eonungent upon strikes,acadents or delays beyond our controL Owner to carry t�re. wind tlamage and other necessary msurance. Our workers are futl covered b Note. Th�s proposal may b 1' Y wrthdrawn by us ii not accepted�wrth�� � � daYs.� , Workman'S CompengaLOn Insurance. � ' ,�1rrr�r�nr� nf �rn�nsai - The above Prrces. spec�f�cauons and condnwns are satisfaetory and are hereby accepted. You are S�gnacure _ authorized to do the work as specified.Payment wdl be made as outhned above. Date of Acceptance: S�gnature fom:iPC SOl � � . � . � . .. .