HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Additions, City Projects #253 and #254 . � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 2, 1994 - AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public AGENDA SECTION: Hearing, O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Street & Utility Consent Improvements, City Projects #253 & #254 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGfNDA NO. '� _f City EngineerlAssistant Public Works Director �M �� ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report, Resolution, APPROVED B : Public Notice, Mailing List � � This item is to receive the feasibility report and set the public hearing for City Projects # ' 253 & #254, O'Leary's Hills 7th & $th Additians Street & Utility Improvements. This project includes the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, streets and sidewalks. The reason it is broken down into two City Projects is to provide the developer with the flexibility to construct only the 7th in 1994 and the 8th in 1995 or complete it all this year. The majority of the funding for the project will be from assessments to the developer, Parkview, �ncorporated and a minor amount to adjacent property which will be provided sanitary sewer service. There are also sanitary sewer core costs which will be paid from the Sanitary Sewer Core Fund. Dave Simons, P.E. of SEH Engineering will provide an overview of the project. Dave and Staff will be available to answer any questions. Staff recommends Council receive the feasibility report and set the public hearing for March 15, 1994 to consider the project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT/SETTING PUBLIC HEARTNG FOR O'LEARY'S HILLS 7TH & 8TH ADDiTION STREET ' AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECTS #253 & #254. COUNCIL ACTION: 5 - Resolution 1994 - hearing. Not less than ten days before the hearing the Clerk shali mail notice of the hearing to the owner of each parcel of land within the area proposed to be assessed as described in the notice. For the purpose of giving such mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the County Auditor or, if the tax statements in the County are mailed by the County Treasurer, on the records of the County Treasurer. As to properties not listed on tMe records of the County Auditor or the County Treasurer, the Clerk shall ascertain such ownership by any practicable means and give mailed notice to such owners. ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against; 2 � / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Exhibit A DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLtC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS O'LEARY'S HILLS 7TH & 8TH QDDITION STREET & UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO'S. 253 & 254 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Gouncil of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, March 15, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2$75 145th Street WEst, to consider the following improvements: City Project No's. 253 & 254 - O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Addition Street & Utility Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the construction of street construction, curb & gutter, sidewalk, watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. The total estimated cost of said improvements is $639,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would be all that area generally described as: That part of the south half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying southerly and easterly of O'Leary's Hills Fifth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof; easterly of O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, and north of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said 0'Leary's Hills Fifth Addition; thence South 00 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the east line of said south half of the Northeast Quarter 355.02 feet to the point of beginning of the iine to be described; thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 31 seconds West 1436.84 feet to the east line of said O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition and said line there terminating, which is to be platted as O`Leary's Hil1s Seventh Addition, Block 1, Lots 1-14; Block 2, Lots 1-7; Block 3, Lots 1-11 and that part of the south half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota . . , Public Notice O'Leary's Hiiis 7th & 8th Rddition Improvements County, Minnesota lying northerly and easteriy of O'Leary's Hilis according to the recorded piat thereo#, northerly of O'Leary's Hills Sixth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, easterly of O'Leary's HiI1s Third Addition and O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition, according to the recorded plats thereof, and southerly of O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, which is to be platted as O'Leary's HiIIs Eighth Addition, Block 1, Lots 1 - 7; Block 2, Lots 1 - 11; Block 3, Lots 1 - 15 and Carrousel Plaza South, Outlot A all within Sections 31 and 32, Township 115, Range 19 in the City of Rosemount recorded in the office of Dakota County, Minnesota. Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1994. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. - Susan M. Walsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 2 . . �. MAILING LIST O'LEARY'S H1LLS 7TH & 8TH ADDITION STREE7 & UTII.iTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO'S. 253 & 254 PUBLIC HEARING: MARCH 15, 1994 8:00 P.M. Parkview, fncorporated 3480 Upper 149th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Carison Properties of Rosemount 15125 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 � x REVISED 3!2/94 Executive Summary City Project Nuxnbers �53 and 254 provide for the cons�ruction of saxutary sewer, water main, storm sewer and streetfacilities in 4'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Aciclitions. This combined deveiopment consists of 65 singie-farnily residential lots, 32 of which are located in O'Leary's Hilis Seventh Addition, and 33 0#which are located in O`Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. This improvement i.s located in the northeast quarter of Section 31 adjaeent to the previous six O'L.eary Hills Additions. O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions are the last two additions in the O'Leary's Hilis Residential Planned Unit Development. The project includes approximately 3,640 feet of sanitary sewer, 3,200 feet of water main, l,3� feet of storrn drain and 3,300 feet of street cons#ruction.' The total estimated project c�t is$b70,(m0. Uf this total,$319,000 will be assessed to O'Leary's Hills Seven#h Addition,$322,000 will be assessed to O'Leary's Hi11s'Eighth Addition,$17,000 will be assessed to Uutlot A of Carrousel Plaza Soufili, and the remaining $12,OOQ will be obtained from the 5azutary Sewer Core Facility Fund. Project construction tturough substantial completion is scheduled for the 1994 construction season. Final completion {bituminous wear caurse) is scheduled for the spring of 1995. a REViSED 3J2/94 4.0 Financing 4.� Cost �stimates Detailed cc�t estimates for all propased improvements are included in Appendices A, B and C of this report. These estimates are based on anticipated. 1994 unit cos#s, and include allowances far contingencies (10 percent) and anticipated overhead c�ts (3�D percent). These estimates do not include any rnsts for street or site rough grading, or far easements which will be required a€ the developer as part of the Developrnent Agreement. A surnmary of these costs is as follows Sanitary Sewer $1T7,OU0 Water Main 128,U00 Storm Urainage 104,�0 Street Construction 227,400 S#reet Lighting 3� Total BsEimated Project Cost $67UA00 A breakdown of the costs attributable to each development is given below: O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition Sanitary Sewer $ 85,000 ** Wa#er Main d6.400 Storm T?rainage 39,000 StT�t C01lStTUChOri �Z�,OOO Street Lighting 17,OQ0 * Total,O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition $331,000 �'* O'Leary's Hiils Eighth Addition Sanitary Sewer $75,000 Water Main 62,000 Storm Drainage 65,000 Street Construction 103,000 Street Lighting 17,000 * Total, O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition $322,000 Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 6 REYiSED 312/94 Carrousel Plaza South Sanitary Sewer $17,�0 Tatal, Carrousel Plaza South $17,(�00 * Street lighting will be installed by NSP and will be invoiced directly to the deveioper. The budget figures listed above are' based on information provided by NSP. ** Of this cc>st, $12,000 is considered a City core cost. ' 4.2 Assessmen# Area The following parcels of Iand are located within. the groject area and aze subjeet to assessments to recover the project costs. O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition Number of TAis Block 1, Lats 1 through 14 14 Block 2, Lots 1 through 7 7 Blocic 3, Lots 1 through 11 11 Subtotal, O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition 32 O'Leary's Hills Bighth Addition Block 1,Lots 1 through 7 7 Block 2, T..ots 1 through 11 11 Block 3, Lats 1 through 15 15 Subtotal, 0'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition 33 Total Number of Residential Lots 65 In addition, Outlot A of Caxrousel Plaza South is subjecfi to an - assessment for sanitary sewer service. 4.3 Cost Recovery 4.3.1 Core Facilities A core facility cost is defined as the difference in cost between the actual improvement and a residential equivalent improvement. For trunk sanitary sewer, the cost of extra depth or larger pipe diameter required to serve property outside the development is considered#o be a City core facility cost. For this project,the cost for the extra depth of sanitary sewer installation in 153rd Street Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 7 REVISEt3 3/2/94- West between Clare# Avenue and Chokecherry Avenue is cansidered a core cost because it is necessary in order to serve property outside the subject development. The sanitary sewQr core cc�st calcuiation is included in, Appendix D of#his repc�rt. This cflre cos#is not assessable to the project area, but can�recovered from the Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund. With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, the ' estimated sanitary sewer core cost is$12,000. 4.3.2 Assessments ' After the core faciliry cost has been subtxacted from the #otal estimated cvst of the proj�ct, the rernaining assessable amc�unt is $658,0�. �f this amount,$319,Q00 will be assessed to the 32 lc�ts` �in O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, $322,U00 will be assessed to the 331ots in 4'Leary's Hilis Eighth Addi#ion,and$17,Q00 will be assessed t4 Outlot A of Canousel,Plaza�uth. Spreading these amounts over the number of lots indicated above yields the following appraximate assessment rates: Assessment Area Assessment Rate O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition 32 lois @ $9,969 jlot* O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition 33 lots �$9,758/lot* Carrousel Plaza South Outlot A � $17,000 * In addition to these assessments, all lots in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions will be assessed for the trunk, storm sewer which was constructed in 1993 as a part of the O'Leary's Hills Fif�li. Addition Project; The approximate assessment for this is $2,177 per lot. Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 8 . REVlSED 3/2/94 4.3.3. Summary Assessments O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition $3i9,0� O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition 322,000 Canrousel Plaza South 17,000 City Funds � Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund 12,400 Total Project Cost $b70,000 5.0 Project Schedule The propc�sed schedule for this improvement is lis#ed below. This schedule is based on the provisions af Chapter 429 of the Minneso#a Statutes. The schedule assumes that all elements of the improvement, including developer obligations and easement acquisition are campleted in a timely manner. Receive Report, Set Public Hearing March 2, 1994 Hoid Public Fiearing, Order Plans and Speci�ications March 15, 1994 Approve Plans and Specifications April 5, 1994 Open Bids May 6, 1�94 . Receive Bids/Award Contract May 17, 1994 Begin Construction June l, 1994' Substantial Completion August 1994 Wear Course Placement and Final Completion Spring 1995 Hold Assessment Hearing Fall 1995 First Payment Due with Taxes May 1996 Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 9 REVtSED 3i�/94 Estimate of Cost Sani#ary Sewer Carrousel P1a�a South unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount 8" PVC, 15'-20' L.F. 310 $20.00 $6,200 Standard Manhole, l0' L)eep Each 2 1,2QO.U0 2,400 Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 5 80.t10 :4t}0 Aggregate Base Restoration Ton 43 15.00 645 Bituminous Surface Restoration Ton 21 50.00 1,050 Agb�regate Shoulder Restoration In.-S.Y, 1(� 2.00 200 , Seeding . Atxe .2 1,OUQ.00 200 Sodding S.Y. 1Q0 2.t� 200 Traffic Control L.S. 1 200.00 200 Silt Fence L.F. 1U0 3.OQ 3Q0 Straw Bales Each 20 6.00 12Q Subtotai Sani#ary Sewer $11,915 Plus 109'o Contingencies 1.185 Est�mated Construcfion Cost $13,100 Plus 30°l0 4verhead and Engineering 3,900 Total Estimated Cost $17,000 Preliminary Report A-R4SEM9405.d0 Rosemount, Minneso#a Page G1 � O'Leary's Hills s Seventh and Eighth Additions • Preliminary Report • �' City of Rosemount Minnesota . i City Project Nos. 253 and 254 SEH No. A-ROSEM9405.00 � March 2, 1994 • � SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. � - � _5 MU4TIDISCIPLINED. SINGLE SOURCE. f � Preliminary Report � for Utility and Street Construction in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions s Rosemount Minnesota City Project Nos. 253 and 254 �, SEH No. A-ROSEM9405.00 March 2, 1994 i � t I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under by direct supervi ' ,and that I a d y Registered Engineer under the laws of e tate,of sota. , . Date: March 2, 1994 Reg. Na 19699 ! Reviewed by: ���� �,�•�"`. March 2� 1994 Date f Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. � 3535 Vadnais Center Drive St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 (612) 490-2000 i � - - - 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55110 612 490-2000 800 325-2055 � ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERING . ENVIRONMENTAL • TRANSPORTATION � Mazch 2, 1994 RE: Rosemount,Minnesota O'Leary's I-iills Seventh and Eighth Additions � Utilities and Streets City Project Nos. 253 and 254 SEH No. A-ROSEM9405.00 � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 `d'��TI�N� Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works L?i ' rectar � Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization, we have prepared the attached rel' ' utility and street construction in O'Leary's Hi11s Seventh and Eighth Addi o�� report for � discusses sanitary sewer, water main, drainage and street improvements, and �s report estimates for each. provides cost We find this improvement to be feasible and recommend that it be constru compliance with the provisions of this report. cted in general � � We would be pleased to review this report with you i� detaiL S' ely, . . � � `.e�J���'�'�'t—J David F. Simons, P.E. wrc Attachment � SHORT ELLIOTT ` HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS,MN ST CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wl MADISON, Wl � Executive Summary s City Project Numbers 253 and 254 provide'for the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and street facilities in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions. This combined development consists of 65 single-family residential lots, 37 of which are located in O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, and 33 of which are located in O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition, �4 This improvement is located in the northeast quarter of Section 31 adjacent to the previous six O'Leary Hills Additions. O'Leary's Hi11s Seventh and Eighth Additions are the last two additions in the O'Leary's Hills ResidenHal Planned Unit Development. The project includes approximately 3,600 feet of sanitary sewer, 3,200 feet of water main, 1,300 � feet of storm drain and 3,300 feet of street construction. The total estimated project cost is $682,000. Of this total, $319,000 will be assessed to O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition,$322,000 will be assessed to O'Leary's Hil1s Eighth Addition,$29,000 will be assessed to Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza South, and the remaining $12,000 will be obtained from the Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund. <� Project construction through substantial completion is scheduled for the 1994 construction season. Final completion (bituminous wear course) is scheduled for the spring of 1995. � ! � � � S � � Table of Contents Certification Page Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents ! Executive Summary Page � 1-0 introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Data Available � • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2A General Background . . . . . � 2.1 Location . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 2.2 Project Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.3 Site Conditions , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3A Proposed Improvements . . . . . 3.1 Sanitary Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 � 3.2 Water Main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.3 Drainage . . . . . . . . ' • ' � . . . . 3 3.4 Street Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.5 Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.6 Easements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 5 4A Financing . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Cost Estimates. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.2 Assessment Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.3 Cost Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.3.1 Core Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 7 � 4.3.2 Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 7 4.3.3. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 8 . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5A Project Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , g � � Preliminary Report Rosemount, Minnesota A-ROSEM9405.00 Page i' • � � List of Appendices ApPendix A Detailed Cost Estimates O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition � ApPendix B Detailed Cost Estimates O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition A endix C � Pp Detailed Cost Estimates Carrousel Plaza South Appendix D Sanitary Sewer Core Cost Calculations i Appendix E Drawings � � � � � A-ROSEM9405,00 Page ii � � March 2, 1994 � � Preliminary Report O'Leary's Hilis Seventh and Ei hth Additions I � g Rosemount, Minnesota ! 1 A Introduction 1.1 Authorization �; On January 4, 1994, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, upon petition by the developer, authorized the preparation of a preliminary report far construction of utilities and streets in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions. Thess projects have been designated as City Project Numbers 253 and 254. ;� 1.2 Scope The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this project based upon a review of the data available, and to make recommendations and to provide cost estimates for the construction of sanitary sewer,water main, storm sewer, and � street facilities in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions. 1.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: � L Preliminary Plats for O"Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions � , A-ROSEM9405.00 Page 1 * � 2. Grading and Drainage Plan for O'Leary's Hills Seventh and � Eighth Additions 3. O'Leary's Hills Residential Planned Unit Development (March 1987) ! 4. Preliminary Plat of Carrousel Plaza South(December 1993) 5. Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update (June 1991) 6. City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan (October 1988) � 7. City of Rosernount Drainage Plan for the West Drainage Area (May 1989) 8. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings � � 9. City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy (March 1992) � 2A Generai Background � 2.1 Location The project location is shown on Drawing No. 1. The project area is located in the northeast quarter of Section 31, and lies east of O'Leary's Hills Third and Fourth Additions, south of O'Leary's Hills Fifth Addition north of O'Leary's Hills First and Sixth `� Additions and west of Carrousel Plaza South. 2.2 Project Area The boundary between O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addi.tion and O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition can be seen in Drawing No. 2. ! O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition consists of 32 single-family residential lots and rights-of-way for segments of Chokecherry Avenue, Cimarron Avenue and 153rd Street West. � O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition consists of 33 single-family residential lots and rights-of-way for segments of Chokecherry Avenue, Cimarron Avenue and 154th Street West. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405,00 Rosemount, Minnesota page 2 � s 2.3 Site Conditions � The project area has been used for agricultural purposes in the past. In accordance with City requirements, all street and site grading will be completed by the developer in accordance with the Grading and Drainage Plan submitted with the Preliminary Plats. The required street grading includes core excavation of all plastic � (non-suitable)materials within the roadway area,and replacement with granular (suitable) materials. 3.0 Proposed Improvements � 3.1 Sanitary Sewer Proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. These facilities include the easterly extension of an 8-inch sewer along 153rd Street from Claret Avenue to Chokecherry Avenue and continuing east across Chippendale Avenue. "This main will � be installed at extra depth to provide sewer service to Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza South located on the east side of Chippendale Avenue. Sewer mains will also be extended north on Chokecherry Avenue , and south on Cimarron Avenue from 153rd Street. Frorn the south � end of Cimarron, sewer mains will be extended west and east I along 154th Street, and also south on Chokecherry Avenue to the south boundary of the project. The proposed sanitary facilities also include the extension of 4-inch � services 15 feet into each lot from the sewer mains. Service risers will be installed on the extra depth main in 153rd Street. 3.2 Water Main Proposed water main facilities are shown on Drawing No. 3. � These faeilities include the easterly extension of an 8-inch main along 153rd Street from an in-place stub at Claret Avenue to Chokecherry Avenue; the southerly extension of an 8-inch main ' along Chokecherry Avenue from the northern project boundary to 153rd Street; a 6-inch main along Cimarron Avenue from 153rd Street to 154th Stree#; a 6-inch main along 154th Street from an � existing stub at Clazet Avenue to Chokecherry Avenue; and a 6- inch main along Chokecherry Avenue from 154th Street to an in- place stub at the south project boundary. i Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 3 r � The proposed water main facilities also include hydrants for fire � protection and the extension of 1-inch services 15 feet in#o each lot from the mains. 3.3 Drainage Proposed drainage facilities are shown on Drawing No. 4. These �► facilities include a 15-inch storm drain extending south on Chokecherry Avenue from the northern project boundary to 153rd Street; a 15-inch storm drain extending west along 154th Street from Cimarron Avenue;and a 15-inch storm drain extending south on Chokecherry Avenue frorn 154th Street'to the southern project i boundary. In addition, an 18-inch storrn drain will be connected to an existing 18-inch outfall bet�ween Lots 8 and 9 of Block 3. As a part of O'Leary's Hills Fifth Addition, a trunk storm drain was installed through the Seventh and Eight Additions. Most of the drainage facilities in the Seventh and Eight Additions will � connect to this trunk main which will take storm runoff from the site to Wachter Pond. Catch basins will be ins#alled to collect storm runoff from the • streets. Catch basins will generally be installed at intersections and in other locations where there is a need to collect the runoff. � 3.4 Street Construction The construction of standard City streets is proposed as shown on Drawing No. 5. The proposed streets are 32 feet wide between curb faces and are located within 60-foot rights-of-way. The i proposed street section consists of a 1 1/2-inch bituminous wearing course, a 1 1/2-inch bituminous base course, a 6-inch aggregate base course and a design S518 (surmountable) concrete curb and gutter. This pavement section utilizes a granular subgrade which is to be rough graded by the develaper. Fine � grading of the street subgrade will be included in the City's contract. Rough grading of the boulevards, topsoiling and seeding will also be included in the City's contract. However,the developer will be responsible for final restoration of the boulevard areas as part of � the final lot development. The street facilities will aLso include the construction of a 6-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of 153rd Street, and the east side of Chokecherry Avenue north of 153rd Street. The • Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rasemount, Minnesota Page 4 f � proposed sidewalks will link existing walks in adjacent � developments tq provide a continuous sidewalk neitivork. 3.5 Street Lighting All street lighting facilities will be constructed, owned and maintained by NSP under an agreement between the City and � NSP. The street lights will be provided as a part of the extension of service to the project area. T'herefore, construction of street lighting facilities will not be included in the City's construction contract. NSP's construction costs wiil be invoiced directly#o the developer. Installation of thelighting system and electrical service � will also be coordinated by the developer. 3.6 Easements A 15-foot wide drainage and utility easement will be required along both sides of the common lot line between Lots S and 9 of Block 3 in'O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition. This easement is ! required for the construction of a sanitary sewer to serve the Canausel Plaza South property east of Chippendale Avenue. A 10-foot wide drainage and utility easement will be required � along both sides of the common lot line`between Lots 8 and 9 of ', , Block 3 in O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition. This easement is required for construction of a storm drain connection to an existing storm autfall from O'Leary's Hills First Addition. In addition, a 10-foot wide drainage and utility easem�nt will be dedicated along both sides of the common lot line between Lots 9 � and 10 of Block 2 in O'leary's Hills Eighth Addition. This easement will provide access for maintenance of the inplace 36" diameter storm drain which foilows this lot line. Finally, a temporary construction easement will be required on � Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza SQuth for installation of the sanitary � sewer to serve the outlot. This temporary easement will be 40#eet by 40 feet in size, and will be needed to install the manhole on the easterly right-of-way line of Chippendale Avenue. All other proposed improvements will be installed in future street � rights-of-way which will be dedicated to the City as required by the Development Agreement with the City. ! Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota page 5 � � • 4A Financing 4.1 Cost Estimates Detailed cost estimates for all proposed improvements are included in Appendices A, B and C of this report. These estimates are based on anticipated 1994 unit costs, and include allowances for ! contingencies (10 percent) and anticipated overhead costs (30 percent). These estimates do not include any costs for street or site rough grading, or for easements which will be xequired of the developer as part of the Development Agreernent. A summary of these costs is as follows: � I Sanitazy Sewer ; $189,000 Water Main 128,000 Storm Drainage 104,000 Street Construction 227,000 a Street Lighting 34,000 Tatal Estimated Project Cost $682,000 A breakdown of the casts attributable to each development is # given below: O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition Sanitary Sewer $ 85,000 ** Water Main 66,000 r Storm Drainage 39,000 Street Construction 124,OQQ Street Lighting 17,000 * Total, O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition $331,000 ** � O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition Sanitary Sewer $95,000 Water Main 62,000 Storm Drainage 65,000 Street Construction 103,000 � Street Lighting 17,000 * Total, O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition ' $322,000 � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 6 � s Carrousel Plaza South � Sanitary Sewer $29,000 Total, Carrousel Plaza South $29,000 - * Street lighting will be installed by NSP and will be invoiced � directly to the developer. The budget figures listed above are based on informatian provided by NSP. ** Of this cost, $12,000 is considered a City core cost. � 4.2 Assessment Area The following parcels of land are located within the project area and are subjecf to assessments to recover the project costs. O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition Number of Lots . Block 1, Lots 1 through 14 14 Block 2, Lots 1 #hrough 7 7 Block 3, Lots 1 through 11 11 Subtotal, O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition 32 ! O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition Block 1, Lots 1 through 7 7 Block 2, Lots 1 through 11 11 Block 3, Lots 1 through 15 15 � Subtotal, O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition 33 Total Number of Residential Lots 65 In addition, Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza South' is subject to an assessment for sanitary sewer service. � � 4.3 Cost Recovery � 4.31 Core Facilities A core facility cost is defined as the difference in cost between#he actual improvement and a residential equivalent improvement. • For trunk sanitary sewer, the cost of extra depth or larger pipe diameter required to serve property outside the development is considered to be a City core facility cost. For this project, the cost for the extra depth of sanitary sewer installation in 153rd Street i Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 7 � � West between Claret Avenue and Chokecherry Avenue is • considered a core cost because it is necessary in order to serve property outside the subject development. The sanitary sewer core cost calculation is included in Appendix D of this report. This core cost is not assessable to the project area, � but can be recovered from the Sanitary Sewer Core Faciliry Fund. With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, the estimated sanitary sewer core cost is $12,000. 4.3.2 Assessments � After the core facility cost has been subtracted from the total estimated cost of the project, the remaining assessable amount is $670,000. Of this amount, $319,000 will be assessed to the 32 lots in O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition, $322,000 will be assessed to the 331ots in O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition,and $29,000 will be � assessed to Outlot A of Carrousel Plaza South. Spreading these amounts over the number of lots indicated above yields the following approximate assessment rates: � Assessment Area Assessmenf Rate � O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition 321ots � $9,969/lot* O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition 33 lots C�3 $9,758/lot* � Carrousel Plaza South Ouflot A@ $29,000 * In addition to these assessments, all lots in O'Leary's Hills Seventh and Eighth Additions will be assessed for the trunk storm sewer which was constructed in 1993 as a part of the s O'Leary's Hills Pifth Addition Praject. The approximate assessrnent for this is $2,177 per lot. i i Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 8 � , � 4.3.3. Summary � Assessments O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition $319,000 O'Leary's Hills Eighth AddiHon 322,000 Carrousel Plaza South 29,000 � ciry Funds Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Fund 12,000 Total Project Cost $682,000 • 5.0 Project Schedule The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. This schedule is based on the provisians of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. The schedule assumes that all elements of the � improvement, including developer obligations and easement acquisition are completed in a timely manner. Receive Report, Set Public Hearing March 2, 1994 . Hold Public Hearing, Order Plans and � Specifications March 15, 1994 Approve Plans and Specificatians Apri15, 1994 Open Bids � May 6, 1994 Receive Bids/Award Contract May 17, 1994 w Begin Construction June 1, 1994 Substantial Completion August,1994 Wear Course Placement and Final Completion Spring 1995 Hold Assessment Hearing Fall 1995 , � First Payment Due with Taxes May 1996 � ��� • Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 9 • � • APPendix A Detailed Cost Estimates O'Leary's Hilis Seventh Addition � � a • � • • • • � Estimate of Cost � Sanitary Sewer 4'Leary's Hi11s 7th Addition City Project No. 253 i Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount ' 8" PVC, 10'-15' Deep L.F. 350 $20.00 $7,000 � 8"PVC, 15'-20' Deep L.F. 950 22.00 20,9Q0 8„ DIl', 20'-25' Deep L.F. 280 28.00 7,840 Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 5 1,200.00 b,000 Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 40 80.00 3,200 8" x 4" PVC Wye Each 24 40.00 960 • 8„ x 4" DIl' Tee Each 8 120.00 960 4„ PVC Service L.F. 1,100 6.00 6,600 4" PVC Riser L.F. 300 8.� ' 2,4(}0 . 4" DIl' Riser L.F. 160 12.00 1,920 � Connect to Existing Sewer Each 1 500.00 500 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 25 8.00 200 Granulaz Pipe Foundation Ton 25 5.00 125 Replacement Backfill Ton 50 5.00 250 � Subtotal Sanitary Sewer $58,855 Ptus 10% Contingencies 6,145 Estimated Construction Cost $65,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 20,d00 � Total Estimatetl Cost $85,000 • � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page A-1 • � . Estimate of Cost • Water Main O'Leary's Hills 7th Addition City Project No. 253 ♦ Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount 6" DIl' Water Main, CL. 52 L.F. 225 $14.00 $3,150 � 8° DII' Water Main, CL.52 L.F. 1,350 16.00 21,600 6" R.S. Gate Valve and Box Each 3 350.00 1,050 8" R.S. Gate Valve and Box Each 1 500.00 500 Fittings Lb. 300 2.00 600 Fire Hydrant Each 1 1,200.00 1,200 • Salvage and Install Existing Fire Hydrant Each 1 700.00 700 1„ Copper Service L.F. 1,650 7.50 12,375 1„ Corporation Stop Each 32 35.00 1,120 - 1" Curb Stop and Box Each 32 80.00 2,560 � Insulatian Bd. Ft. 50 2.00 100 Connect to Existing Water Main Each 2 300 600 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 25 8.00 200 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 25 5.00 125 Replacement Backfill Ton 50 5.00 250 • SubtotallNater Main $46,130 Pius 10% Contingencies 4,870 Estimated Construction Cost $51,000 � Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 15,000 Total Estimated Cost $66,000 • ! Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page A-2 � � Estimate of Cost • Storm Sewer - O'Leary's Hilis 7th Addition City Project No. 253 � Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount 12" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 290 $21.00" $6,090 • 15" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 170 23.00 ' 3,910 Manhole, Type B L.F. 6 150.00 900 Catch Basin, Type X L.F. 40 140.OU 5,600 Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 5 150.00 750 R-1733 Manhole Casting Each 1 200.00 200 • R-306N Catch Basin Casting Each 10 250.00 2,500 Connect to Existing Sewer Each 8 400.00 3,200 Straw Bales Each 50 6.00 300 . Silt Fence L.F. 1000 3.00 30Q0 � Crushed Rock Pipe Foundatian Ton 25 8.00 200 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 25 5.00 125 Replacement Backfill Ton 50 5.00 250 Subto#ai Storm Sewer $27,025 � Ptus 10% Contingencies 2,975 Estimated.Construction Cost $30,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 9,000 Total Estimated Cost $39,000 � • ! Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page A-3 � � Estimate of Cost • Street Construction O'Leary's Hills 7th Addition City Project No. 253 � Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amoun# Mobilization L.S. 1 $5,000 $5,000 Common Excavarion C.Y. 500 2.OQ 1,000 � Granular Bonow C.Y. 500 4:00 2,000 Subgrade Prepazation R.S. 17 100.00 1,700 Test Rolling R.S. 17 20.00 340 Agg. Base Placed, CL. 5 C.Y. 1,000 12.50 12,500 � Base Course Mixture, Type 31 Ton 490 20.00 9,800 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GaL 300 1.00 300 Wearing Course Mixture,Type 41 Ton 490 22.00 10,780 . Adjust Gate Valve Box Each 4 120.00 480 � Adjust Frame and Ring Casting Each 9 150.00 1,350 4" Concrete Walk S.F. 9,000 1.60 14,400 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Modified L.F. 3,300 5.00 16,500 Salvaged Permanent Barricades L.F. 100 6.00 600 Salvaged Topsoil C.Y. 230 6.00 1,380 • Topsoil Bonow C.Y. 230 8.00 1,840 Seeding Acre .5 500.00 250 Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre .5 500.00 250 Sodding S.Y. 2,200 2.00 4,400 � Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 20 3.00` 60 Street Name Sign Each 2 230 450 2" Nonmetal Conduit L.F. 240 5.00 1,200 Subtotal Street Construction $86,580 � Plus 10% Contingencies 8,658 Estimated Construction Cost $95,000 • - Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 29,000 Total Estimated Cos# $124,000 f Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page A-4 • � Estimate of Cost � Lighting O'Leary's Hilts 7th Addition City Project No. 253 � Unit Description : Unit Qty. Price Amount Lighting Unit, Type A Each 2 $1,200.00 $2,400 Lighting Unit, Type B Each 2 1,800.00 3,600 � Underground Conductor L.F. 1,000 3.00 3,000 Feed Point Each 2 1,500.00 3,000 Subtotal Lighting $12,000 � Plus 10% Contingencies 1,Q00 Estimated Construction Cost $13,000 Ptus 30% Overhead and Engineering 4,000 . *Total Estimated Cost ` $17,U00 • * To be constructed by NSP and invoiced directly to the developer. • • • • Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page A-5 � � • Appendix B Detailed Cost Estimates O'Leary's Hills Eighth Addition • • • • • • • • • � Estimate of Cost � Sanitary Sewer O'Leary's Hilis 8th Addition City Project No. 254 � Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount S" PVC, 10'-15' Deep L.F. 1,660 $20.00 $33,200 Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 6 1,200.00 7,200 � Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 15 80.00 1,200 8" x 4" PVC Wye Each 33 40.00 1,320 4" PVC Service L.F. 1,500 6.00 9,000 ' Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 25 5.00 ' 200 � Granular Pipe Foundation fion 25 5.00 125 Replacement Backfill Ton 50 5.00 250 Subtotal Sanitary Sewer $52,495 , Pius 10% Contingencies` 5,505 Esfimated Construction Cost $58,000 Plus 30°/a Overhead and Engineering 17,000 Total Estimated Cost $75,000 • • • • Prelimin�ry Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page &1 • � Estimate of Cost • Water Main O'Leary's Hilis 8th Addition City Project No. 254 • unit Description Unit �ty.- Price Amount 6" DIl'Water Main, CL. 52 L.�. 1,625 $14A0 $22,750 6" R.S. Gate Valve and Box Each, 6 350.00 2,100 � Fittings Lb. 200 2.00 400 Fire Hydrant Each 1 1,200.00 1,2Q0 Salvage and Install Existing Fire Hydrant Each 1 700:00 700 1" Copper Service L.F. 1,550 7.50 11,625 � 1" Corporation Stop Each 33 35.00 1,155 ' 1" Curb Stop and Box Each 33 80.00 2,640 Insulation Bd. Ft. 50 2.00 100 � Connect to Existing Water Main Each 2 300.00 600 • Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 25 8.00 2�0 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 25 5.00 125 Replacement Back�ll Ton 50 5.00 250 Subtotal Water Main $43,845 • Plus 10% Contingencies 4,155 Estimated Construction Cost $48,000 Plus 30%o Overhead and Engineering 14,000 Total Estimated Cost $62,000 • • • Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page B 2 • � Estimate of Cost � Storm Sewer O'Leary's Hiils 8th Addition City Project Na. 254 � Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount 12" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 260 $21.00 $5,460 15�� RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 380 23.00 8,740 � 18" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 150 25.00 3,750 Manhole, Type B L.F. 12 150.00 1,800 Manhole, Type C L.F. 40 200.00 8,000 Catch Basin, Type X L.F. 40 140.00 5,600 � Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 5 150.00 750 R-1733 Manhole Casting Each 3 200.00 600 R-3067V Cateh Basin Casting Each 11 250.00 ' 2,750 Connect to Existing Sewer Each 10 400.00 4,000 Straw Bales Each 50 6.00 300- � Silt Fence L.F. 1000 3.00 3,0(l0 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 25 8.00 200 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 25 ` 5.00 125 Replacement Backfill Ton 50 5.00 250 � Subtotal Storm Sewer ` $45,325 Plus 10% Contingencies 4,675 Estimated Construction Cost $50,000 � Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 15,000 Totai Estimated Cost $65,000 ! i Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 8-3 � � Estimate of Cost s Street Construction O'Leary's Hilis 8th Addition City Project No. 254 � Unit Description Unit �ty. Price Amount Mobilization L.S. 1 $5,000.00 $5,000' Common Excavation C.Y. 500` 2.00 1,000 � Granular Borrow) C.Y. 500 4.00 2,000 Subgrade Preparation R.S. 17 100.00 1,700 Test Rolling R.S. 17 20.00 340 Agg. Base Placed, CL. 5 C.Y. 1,000 12.50 12�Q0 � Base Course Mixture, Type 31 Ton 490 20.00 9,800 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 300 1.00 300 Wearing Course Mixture, Type 41 Ton 490 22.00 10,780 Adjust Gate Valve Box Each 4 120.00 480 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting Each 13 150.U0 ' 1,950 � Concrete Curb and Gutter, Modified L.F. 3,300 5.00 16,500 Salvaged Permanent Barricades L.F. 100 6.00 600 Salvaged Topsoil C.Y. 270 6.00 1,620 Topsoil Borrow C.Y. 270 5.00 2,160 � Seeding Acre .8 500.00 4Q0 Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre .8 500.00 400 Sodding S.Y. 1,200 2.00 2,400 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 20 3.00 60 Street Name Sign Each 2 230.00 450 � 2" Nonmetalic Conduit L.F. 240 ' S.00 1,200 Subtotal Streefi Construction $71,640 Pius 10°10 Contingencies 7,360 � Estimated Construction Cost ' $79,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 24,000 Total Estimated Cost $103,Q00 • Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page B-4 • � Estimate of Cost � Lighting O'Leary's Hills 8th Addition City Project No. 254 • Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount Lighting Unit, Type A Each 2 $1,200.00 $2,400 Lighting Unit, Type B Each 2 1,800.00 3,600 # Underground Conductor L.F. 1,OOU 3.00 3,000 Feed Point Each 2 1,500.00 3,000 Subtotal Lighting $12,000 � Plus 10%o Contingencies i,000 Estimated Construction Cost $13,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 4,000 *Total Estimated Cost $17,0�0 � * To be constructed by NSP and invoiced directly to the developer. ! 3 • � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page B-5 s: � +� Appendix C Detailed Cost Estimates Carrousel Plaza South • s � � � � • • � r _ Estimate of Cost , Sanitary Sewer Carrousei Plaza South unit � Description Unit Qty. Price amount 8,� PVC, 15'-20' L.F. 310 $20.00 $6,200 Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 2 1,200,00 2,400 Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 5 80.00 400 # Aggregate Base Restoration In.-S.Y. 850 2.00 1,700 Biturninous Surface Restoration In.-S.Y. 500 8.00 4,000 Aggregate Shoulder Restoration In.-S.Y. 100 2.00 200 Seeding Acre .2 1,0OO.OU 200 � Sodding S.Y. 100 2.00 200 Traffic Control L.S. 1 2,500.00 2,500 Silt Fence L.F. 500 3.00 1,500 Straw Bales Each 20 6.00 120 � Subtotai Sanitary Sewer $19,420 Plus 10% Contingencies 2.580 Estimated Construction Cost $22,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 7,000 * Total Estimated Cost $29,000 ! � � Pre4iminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page C-1 • � • Appendix D Sanitary Sewer Core Cost Calculations O'Leary's Hills Seventh Addition � s � � � i i • i � Core Cost Caiculations � Sanitary Sewer O'Leary's Hills 7th Addition City Project No. 253 • Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount 8" PVC, 15'20' vs. 8" PVC 10`-15' L.F. 925 $2.00 * $1,850 8" DIl', 20'-25' vs. 8" PVC 10'-15' L.F. 280 8.00 * 2,240 � Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 25 80.00 2,000 Manhole Drop Section (deduct) L:F. 7 125.00 (875) 8" x 4" DIP Tee vs. 8" x 4" PVC Wye Each 8 80.00 * 640 4" PVC Service (deduct) L.F. 300 6.00 (1,800) ! 4„ PVC Riser . L.F. 260 8.00 2,080 4" DII'Riser L.F. 160 12.00 1,920 - Subtotal Sanitary Sewer $8,050 Plus 10% Contingencies 945 � Estimated Construction Cost $9,000 Plus 30% Overhead and fngineering 3,000 Total Estimated Cos# $12,000 • * Unit Price is a Differential � i i Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9405.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page D-1 • � s Appendix f Drawings � • s • • � � • • � � � i � • ! • • • � � .--..�J � �, ,: � _ . � � . Tn � . � . 4� r'� � . . .. . . . � � . . . .� ��tM .�.� ' . . a .Q i»t. .� � � � . . . ' C � � Q 1��[I� . . . . . . . . � � " �} . � . . r' '. 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