HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. 145th St Street Improvements, Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245 � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 2, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: 145th Street Improvements, Chili Avenue AGENDA SECTION: to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA �Q��� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � � ATTACHMENTS: Duff & Fischer Letters, Memo from Joan APP �VE� B : Anderson, Funding Overview, Resolutions , �" : �� �� ,, � This item is on the agenda for the public hearing for City Project #245,the recons uction of 145th ' Street between Chili Avenue and Cameo Avenue. On Wednesday, February 23, 1994, an informational meeting was held at City Hall for residents in the project area. Twelve residents attended along with Council Member Joan Anderson, City Staff, Engineering Consultant, N.S.P, and Vista representatives. The discussion centered on the proposed 44' width, parking, snow removal, sidewalk width and location and boulevard width. The results were that parking should be retained on both sides, but that the public wishes to have a boulevard area separating the sidewalk from the street for safety considerations. Specifically, this results in retaining a 44' wide street with parking on both sides, afong with a 3'-4' boulevard on each side and a 5' sidewalk on both sides. A good discussion was held regarding the reconfiguration/burial of overhead lines with the consensus that this would improve the area. If this proposal of a 44' wide street with a 3'-4' boulevard and 5' sidewalk on each side is approved, then the attached funding overview would change slightly. The column entitled "Other Funds" will have 515,200 deleted from it due to the reduction in the size of the sidewalk from 6' to 5'. (MSA will cover the cost of a 5' sidewalk and the City was responsible for anything over that width.) With the approval of this project and the amount of funds required from MSA it should be pointed out to Council that this will reduce the number of MSA projects that can be done in the next 2-3 years. Other funding considerations are that the proposed 38 decorative lights will cost approximately 5110,000. The overhead reconfiguration and/or burial is estimated by NSP to be somewhere between 545,000-560,000 and Vista at 55,000-58,OOOfor a total of 568,000. For this project to continue on a 1994 summer construction schedule, this project will require that NSP and Vista be notified as soon as possible so that they can proceed with the burial or reconversion of their lines. Therefore, we are recommending that if Council orders the project and orders the preparation of plans and specifications, that they also pass a second motion which would reallocate C.I.P. funds which were designated for the reconstruction of Cameo Avenue and 143rd Street, which would then be used for this overhead reconfiguration and/or burial. Please note that we are excluding the decorative lights from these motions. When/if the funding for this is more concrete, then we will ask that it be added to the project. Staff will provide an updated funding overview on Wednesday night which will itemize the changes discussed above. Brian Bourassa, P.E. from OSM Engineering, the project manager for the project, Dan Schultz of NSP and Staff will provide a brief overview of the project and then answer any questions the public or Council may have. Staff recommends approval of the motions as listed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL OF 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM CHILI AVENUE TO CAMEO AND APPROVAL OF THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CITY PROJECT #245. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1994 BUDGET ITEMS. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 1 A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPROVAL OF 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM CHILI /CHIPPENDALE AVENUES TO CAMEO AVENUE AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CITY PROJECT #245 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 145th Street Improvements from Chili /Chippendale Avenues to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on February 1, 1994 for City Project #245; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on March 2, 1994 to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of 145th Street Improvements from Chili /Chippendale Avenues to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245, excluding the installation of decorative lighting and orders the preparation of plans and specifications for the improvements of the 145th Street Improvements from Chili /Chippendale Avenues to Cameo Avenue, City Project #245. ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1994. ATTEST: Susan M. Wa City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 16 E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Motion by: W i p p e r m a n n Seconded b Staats y: y: Voted in favor: W i ppermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho None. Voted against: 1 1 1 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1994 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Council ordered certain improvements for 145th Street, City Project No. 245, and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to reallocate funds to pay for certain improvements associated with City Project No. 245, and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1994 General Fund Operating Budget, for this reallocation as follows: Capital Improvements (C.I.P.) expenditures, the total which reflects a change as follows: Fund No. 202 49002 -01 -531 ($43,000) and 202 49002 -01 -532 ($29,000) which were designated for the use of the reconstruction of Cameo Avenue (north of 145th Street) and 143rd Street from Cameo Avenue to Trunk Highway 3 will be reallocated to City Project No. 245 for the expressed use of the reconfiguration and burial of certain overhead utility lines, which reflect a total change of $72,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the amendment of the above listed budget items for the 1994 Capital Improvements Budget. ADOPTED this 2nd day of March, 1994. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 17 E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Susan M. Wa City Clerk Motion by: McMenomy Seconded by: W i ppermann Voted in favor: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, W i ppermann Voted against: None. ESTIMATED GENERAL FUNDING OVERVIEW February 9, 1994 H(:O CITY PROJECT NO. 245 •- 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION I�ROM CHIPPENDALE/CHILI AVENUE TO CAMEO AVENUE REVENUES ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT STORM WATERMaIN SANITARY MSA FUND OTNER FUNDS TOTAL COST SEW�R CORE �UND SEWER CORE REVENUES COR� RUND FUND Sanitary 76,800.00 -0- -0- -0- 76,800.00 -0- -0- 76,800.00 Sewer Sanitary 36,800.00 -0- -0- -0- 36,800.00 -0- -0- 36,800.00 Sewer Services Watermain 107,800.00 -0- -0- 107,800.00 -0- -0- -0- 107,800.00 Water 55,200.00 -0- -0- 55,200.00 -0- -0- -0- 55,200.00 Service Storm Drain 24,100.00 -0- -0- -0- • -0- 24,100.00 -0- 24,1 Q0.00 Street 689,100.00 55,500.00 -0- -0- -0- 633,600.00 -0- 633,600.00 Street! 10,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,000.00 120,000.00 130,000.00 Lighting Sidewaiks/ 92,200.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 77,000.00 15,200.00 92,200.00 Trails Overhead 85,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 85,000.00 85,000.00 Utilities TOTALS 1,177,000.00 55,500.00 -0- 163,000.00 113,600.00 844,900.00 220,200.00 1,241,500.00 ��� � � � � � � �C I TY O F RO S E�M�O U�N T z8�5-`;�t"�eet�West — P.O.Box 510 � . Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemo�m,Mrv 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 TO: Mayor E.B. McMenomy Councilmembers: Busho, Staats, Wippermann FROM: Joan Anderson, Councilmember DATE: February 25, 1994 RE: 145th Street Public Hearing, Mar. 2, 1994 Since I was at Wednesday' s "145th Street Informational Meeting° and won' t be at the March 2nd Public Hearing for 145th Street, - I' l1 fill you in on the highlights of the citizens reactions. There were 12 people in attendance in addition to staff. They expressed concern about the final project resulting in "too much concrete" . They felt that a sidewalk adjoining the street would create a safety hazard for children in the neighborhood. They questioned where snow would be piled. Since they see 145th Street as a major use for school children, the question was raised as to whether the city would maintain snow removal . A general consensus was reached that they would prefer at least a 3 foot grass boulevard with decorative lights on it and a 4 or 5 foot sidewalk beyond that. It is my understanding that staff will research this alternative and present it to you as an option. Good luck! . . � � Rinted on recK'led paper � contaminq 30°.G post<onsumer maixials. February 22, 1991� �C vQ. �Z- — Z�-�� �. City of Rosemount City Hall 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Attn: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer �Re: City Pro ject No. 24�5 Dear Sir; This is in response to your notice of an informational meeting on March 2nd. We are in Mesa, AZ for the winter months and will not be able to take paxt in any discussion regarding this improvement. There was so much controversy over the last proposed improvement to 14$th St, so I know you have heard them all. But in going over the improvements proposed, I take exception to some of them. I don't see why there should be a 6 ft. wide sidewalk for us to maintain. Of course, I may be in the minority but I liked having a bike trail past our home and being maintained by the city. Most of us are unable to clean sidewalks during the long winters and heavy accummulation of snow. I hope you will be able to furnish us with names of people who will do this sort of work. Then your proposal that only property with driveways facing on 145th St. would be assessed. Now, isn't that just dandy - how many homes facing 145th St: have driveways cominJ off a side street? They will benefit from a31 'l�he improvements but will not have to pay for any of them. All the sewer and water lines come off 14�5th St. so why should they be exempt? ' Also, why should only 14�5th St. owners pay to have overhead electrical, phone and cable lines buried? If you want that kind of a project, why only the property owners along 145th St. be assessed? Is that to improve the looks of the city of Rosemount? We ha,ve long known tha.t busnesses have left Rosemount being unsatisfied with the cooperation they received from the city administration. I can remember when the town of Apple Valley was first buil�. We la.ughed and. called it a bedroom community. But we laughed too soon - look at how the town ha.s prospered dragging most of the Rosemaunt people there to shop in their stores and other businesses. I am sorry tha.t I will not be able to participate in this discussion, but I ha.ve expressed my views in this matter. Sincerely, <_ � � � � �� � 22 9 E. Balsam Circle Mesa, AZ 85204 , . , . Mesa, AZ, 8520? Feb. 18, 1994 Bud Osmundson, City Engineer City of Rosemount ', Posenount� IvII�T 55068 Dear Sir: l�,�thceived your letter on the subject of city project i#245 St. reconstruction. Since it arrived here only yesterday� � we are short of time to re spond to your inv�tation to this "�nformal information meeting on Wednesday Feb. 23° As a resident of 145th St. for a period of about 70 years T_ feel we have a good understanding of this thoroughfare. We � take this opportunity to respond to your letters # j�ie expe�t to continae to have parking on BOTH sides of the street when this work is completed. # �f you put a 6 foot sidewalk in, w�o is going to keep it shov- e?ed tio that extent �n the �+inter? ' Vlhere will you pile the snovathat builds up when the city snowplows shove it into the s�dew�alk? ' # �ecor2tiv� an� in�roved, intersection lighting is a broad sub- jeat. We do not feel we need to con�inue any decorative light- ing,'or. to our residential neighborhood ONLY GOOD BRIGHT street lights for safE vision at night. � # On your item of buryi.ng and or realignment of overhead elect- rical, phone and cable . . . This could become a very burdensome prob?em financially and physically for homeowners. Tt means dig- ging up their lawns, changing electrical and phone entrances to their homes, and so on. ZJe havs an establlshed metihod of entrance at present and have no problem with it. There are many ot�er stree�s i.n Rosemount in this area which have the same overhead �ntrance. Do you propose to change the whole town, or are you just selecting us because we happen to live on a street that the current city off icials seem to want to renovate to become a super highway into old downtown Ro semount? Also note: This estimated charge af $1,�00 per lot owner is not the whole �$�. Your proposed chaf�es have ' hidden costs to each property owner. Is the city going to redd our yards, or pay for the instail- ation of �00 amp servece to the many homes here to be upgraded for underground electric �f you change the location of power lines going into the homes, etc. etc. ,?? As to the proposal to 11'OT charge homeowners who don't have driveways onto 14�th Street, we are no� in agreement. If a home faces 145�h the residents are serviced by the water and sewer and other utilities that traverse that street. ^hereby they are as reeponsible for this project as anyone e��e. These "improvements" pass their door, just as it will ours. Their benefit (a ltho questionable to us all) is the same. Ve� truly yours , � ��.. ,� � y D=C�a , �l'�� l��tr ;t. i�J. ,�''' � i�� ,,