HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Geraghty Building Parking � , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIID�RARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATEc APRIL 19, 1994 �iGENDA ITEM: GERAGHTY BUILDING PARKING AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARFD BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA I�'Q:['�J� � � I 9 t �f�lu� 9 C TY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACHMENTS: MINUTES OF 9/21/93, APPROVED BY: LEGAL REVIEW This issue was on the previous Council meeting for discussion. The general concern for parking is an on going issue that will not easily be resolved. The idea of using City Staff to improve private property is an issue that could set a bad precedence for all future request and I would suggest that during any future redevelopment plans of the downtown this be a continued issue to address. The City had no control over the State decision to restricted parking on highway 3 and is not responsible for private parking issues . Any repairs to private property should be the responsibility of the owner. Attached are previous City Council minutes concerning downtown parking issues. It indicates that staff is to continue to look for ways of relieving the parking problems in the downtown. While staff continues to work on downtown redevelopment they will keep the parking issue as a priority. Recommendation: No action at this time, but direct staff to continue to look at ways to redevelop the downtown and have parking as a primary concern. RECOI�lENDED ACTION: No action at this time. COUNCIL ACTION: , � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING SEPTEMBFR 21, 1993 difficulty of parking may hurt his business. Bergh encouraged the Port Authority to get involved with looking at alternative parking for the downtown area. Also coordinating the time of the traffic lights with County Road 42 may mov� traffic through better. City Engineer Osmundson said we will have to try not parking on Highway 3 for one year because of the contract with MnDot. The left turn lane in the middle has proven to improve safety. The car count at the intersection of 145th Street West and Highway 3 is about 10, 000 cars per day. Osmundson agreed that staff and the Port Authority could look for additional parking in the I downtown area. St. Joseph Church would be allowed to park on the , west side of Highway 3 . ' Mayor McMenomy opposed the non-parking policy on Highway 3 . City Attorney Miles noted that it would be very difficult to change the contract with MnDot. The contract would likely be ready for review in June, 1994 . �r Councilmember Klassen hoped that business owners would share their parking with businesses on Highway 3 while needed. MOTION by Willcox to direct the Port Authority and staff to work with businesses affected by the no parking on Highway 3 in the downtown area to relieve the lack of parking. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klasseri, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Planning Director Lisa Freese updated Council on the action Metropolitan Council took regarding the City' s Comprehensive Plan. Freese explained that Metropolitan Council has required the City to submit a revised plan limiting the City' s urban service area. Discussion ensued. It was determined that a work session would be necessary inviting all commissions and committees . MOTION by McMenomy to have a special meeting on Monday, September 27, 1993 at 6 :30 p.m. to discuss the Comprehensive Plan urban service area. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. City Administrator Jilk reviewed the need to renew the city attorney contract. Jilk noted the need for consistency in this area is extremely important . Councilmember Klassen agreed that for stability it would be good to maintain Fluegel, Moynihan and Miles, P.A. for at least six months. MOTION by Klassen to renew the contract with Fluegel, Moynihan & Miles, P.A. for six months to begin on January 1, 1994 . Second by Wippermann. Ayes : Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays : None. 4 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Tom Burt City Administrator, Rosemount FROM: Mike Miles��;/,��,�, City Attorn �i DATE: April 13, 1994 RE: Use of Rosemount Public Facilities/Funds to Improve Private Property HACKGROUND This memo is in response to the request of both you and the City Council to research whether the City may deploy City staff and funds to modify or improve an individual ' s private prop�rty in the City of Rosemount . The specific request for assistance to private property arose at the City Council meeting of April 5, 1994 , under the following factual situation: Sometime ago, the City, in conjunction with Dakota County and the State of Minnesota, engaged in a project to improve Hwy. #3 . This improvement project essentially eliminated parking along a portion of property on wfiich numerous businesses exist. The requester at the April 5th City Council meeting, asked the City to provide labor and some materials to remove several trees and expand a parking area for her business , in order to offset the elimination of parking on Hwy. #3 . There is no indication that the trees in question are in a diseased or hazardous condition so as to be dangerous to public health and safety. ANALYSIS In response to your request, I have extensively examined the broad-based powers of a municipality such as Rosemount. The result of that research is that I can find no statutory ar common- law authority under which the City of Rasemount could use City staff time and other public resources strictly for the purpose of removing trees which do not pose a public safety hazard for the purpose of expanding a private parking lot for a privately-owned business enterprise . However, my review of the City' s statutory powers suggest several other ways in which the City or its Port Authority may attempt to deal with this problem. Tom Burt April 13, 1994 Page 2 First, under the provisions of Minn. Stat. Chap. 469 , the Rosemount Port Authority has the general power to create development districts and to provide various types of assistance either directly or indirectly to community enterprises . Based on the Port Authority' s powers, it may be possible to structure a development mechanism through which not one, but a number of businesses in downtown Rosemount with parking problems , could be assisted. It should be noted that, through these powers , the Port Authority is more likely to be able to acquire land for public parking, rather than to directly create private parking opportunities for the businesses in need. The second assistance possibility is through the provisions of Minn. Stat. �469 . 181 , under which the Port Authority, acting as Rosemount' s economic development authority, can seek the deferment ', of certain taxes relating to the improvement of private property. ', This is a �less direct and less comprehensive mechanism, but it allows the City to work with individual property owners/developers . Absent the City' s authorization to undertake more legal work on this subject, I have not studied or set forth the specifics of how either of the foregoing options would be undertaken. I would be pleased to do so if the City so requests . JMM:gmo �