HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.o. Fitness Equipment Purchase 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 19, 1994 � AGENDA ITEM: FITNESS EQUIPMENT PURCHASE AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Lisa Jost, Assistant Community Center Manager AGEND ��� � � � ATTACHMENTS: Quotes APPROVED BY: The Community Center has a room with the dimensions of 24'x40' designated as a Fitness room. Staff is in the process of setting up this room. The weight equipment that was previously in city hall will be installed at the Community Center. Staff is recommending purchase of five aerobic machines to compliment the existing weight equipment. The combination of equipment would offer the user options far working out aerobically as well as strength conditioning. To ma�cimize the space and funds available, we are requesting approval to purchase the five aerobic machines listed below. These five machines are a11 commercial level, the type you would find in a health clubs which receive a high volume of use. All pieces have a minimum of a one year warranty. When the selection was made, consideration was to features such as how "user friendly" the computerized machines were, low maintenance, durability and if the type of excercise compliment the e�sting equipment. Our intent is to establish an exercise area that offers both strength conditioning and aerobic workout options in a safe environment. Staff is requesting approval to purchase the items listed below. PRO SOURCE 2 - 9500 HR Lifecycle Bikes x $2,073 $ 4,126.00 FITNESS (Includes reading rack, mats, shipping, taxJ STAIRMASTER 2 - Stairmaster ('TM) 4000PT (R)x$2,599.825 $ 5,199.65 (Includes reading rack, mat, shipping, tax) NORDIC TRACK 1 - Club 900 Nordic Track x $2,136.70 $ 2,136.70 (Includes tax & shipping) ACCESSORIES Gopher Athletic 1 - 4'xl2' High Impact Ethafoam floor mat $ 293.89 with handles (Includes shipping & taxJ � 2 - Charts (1-Target Heart Rate, Aerobic $ 69.80 Flexibility/Stretches, CPR, Choking) (Includes tax) TOTAL EXPENSE $11,826.04 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve purchase the aerobic equipment from Pro Sources for $4,216.00; Stairmaster for $5,199.65; Nordic Track for $2,136.70; and accessories from Gopher Athletic for $363.69 from account 427-48000-01-580. . COUNCIL ACTION: ezec . . •. • . . ..' � -.... '" . .;�>.:s-:.:➢Msa::'6tyf.':.ww.'.?'G'NSF:a:eV:�.�.7Z��. ... u__t.-:.i� . F i T N E S S Apri18, 1994 Rosemount Community Center Lisa.7ost ROSEMOUNT COR�VIUNITY CENTER 2 ea Lifecycle 9100 Bike 1,800.00 ea 2 ea Tectrix 150 Climber 2,400.00 ea 1 ea. Cybex Back Extension Machine 2,500.00 ea ' 1 ea Ab-Ad 4 Way Hip O.E.I. 1,950.00 ea ' 4 ea Bike Mats 23.00 ea. * All Aerobic Equipment will come equipped with Reading Racks OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS 2 ea Reconditioned Lifecycle Bikes 1,000.00 ea 1 ea 9500 HR Lifecycle Bikes 2,050.00 ea � 1 ea 9500 R Lifecycle Recumbent Bikes 2,050.00 ea 1 ea Cybex The Bike 2,490.00 ea. 1 ea. Cybex Semi Recumbent 2,59Q.00 ea 1 ea Tectrix Bike Max 1,750.00 ea 2 ea Reconditioned Lifestep Stairmachine 950.00 ea 1 ea Tectrix Personal Climber 1,750.00 ea 1 ea Hoist Back Extension � 1,954.00 ea 1 ea O.E.I. Back Extension 1,630.00 ea 1 ea Cybex Adduction 2,490.00 ea 1 ea Cybex Abduction Machine 2,590.00 ea 1 ea Reconditioned Abduction/Adduction Machine 1,500,00 ea , �� ,��...t.-�; h�G' g r o`�:� 02 b so c�z2,� 8200 Grand Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 f 61218$d-3104 • Fax (612)888-5757 1. 7 � �...���� i�.r •. a�. • �t iV i../�Z 1 ��./� � 11 P�4VEY ROAD + � . CHASKA,MN 55318 USA 1-(80p}4,26-8431 • . „ � . . SO L D TO: S H I P TQ: (If diffarent than aald taj Ne'rr�a(�ny nema If applleabls) Name(Company name It eppllcable) � Q � BUaW etlCre6t Streat addreas Apt.M q�.� City CNy Zlp Oode Zip Code �E P��: WORK PH�NE:( ) . . , . . . . . �CREDI� 7YP ,_„�E .bA PAYN�J�fP CARO CARb�V,r /• 'X1rPE .....�___ _ , � : � +��i�. � 0����� r�f' ����.n ... " � • , � , , � s��Rsoiv ��c-t " �3.�"I- � aa d � . � � - � G1,� � g � � f9yqqs . . t � . � � . . . Y � ' � I��� ' . �`���L��� . ',. � . . "M- ,� � . .. L . r . + • lv . i . . ALL W WEEI(S FOR D�UVERY X ; � __._._._..... ..._ BKANATUflE I ,.___...._..._._._._._.__, _ ..... ... . -------- --..r_.__..... SPECIAI.INS7RUCTlONS SUB TOTAL � q q q� �� � ' � RATE6.5%TAX E , K�.O�Q O 2 SHIPPING , � SHOWR04M INVOIC� -OFitQf NL� r �x**END*** J�V l �T �J l A I IC,�JASI tK : 4-11-�4 : 1�4bCM : �l 3 i�v��J I C�-tN l UHu7L1Cy 1 O1 G 4GJ �LUJ.� J , ' � . ' ■ ' � � s�o�ers/MEaicAc P�apuers, ��vc. MlD�AME4!(:A REGtC7N r.n. �x•��i 7WINSdUITCi,UH10 4dAfl7 (80[1�9.50?.614 (2!�j 41b-dtl.7J Fax: n�6�azsaez� KFNTUCKY,MK_'t�i1GAN,f_71 IIU,7ENNESSFE,WEST VIRC,1NtA EQUIPME1dT PROPOSAL P1tJSkAit�� k'Utt CUST# 106 PROPosAL�36-106 April 11, 1994 City of Rosemount Lisa Jost 2875 14ath St,reet Rc�scimount, MN 55088 QTY. DESCRIP�ION UNIT PItICL EXTENUED 2 3tairMagter{TM) 4000PT(R) $2,195.00 $4,390.Q0 2 StairMdr�ter Mat 65.00 13Q.L1Q 2 5�airMaeter Reading Rack 45.00 90.OQ Fraight � 290.00 Sale� Tax (l�T 6.•5�) 299.65 TOTAI+ �5,199.65 T�sRM�: To ord�r pl.ease �ubmit a purchaee order to Sta�.rMaeter(TM) Sports Medioal and send to tRe abov� adc3reee. Machin�a to be shippad via North American Van Ll.nea. Pltaa� note that tiermA muet be li.et�d �e t�$T 30 daye and freight id�ntified se a eeparate line item. FREIGHT - 4q00PT(R}-$180/1, $145f�ACH/2+; stepmill(TM), 2650 IIE(TM), & ibsor,�{xrl�-iso; Gravitron(R) a000���-Zoaj spinnaker(TMj �000 c,����a�- 150/1, s.oaJr�cx/�+. It ig a 3tairMaater(TM} Sporte Mediaa]. Frodua��a policy to continuouely improve desiqas, materials, and manufacturing methode, nnd vnrinti.onaf inay be mede withaut nvtice. Quotation valid for 60 day8, exCept that 2b50LE (TM) will increase to �3,395 on May 1, 1994. SHi1PlNG 7HE f!lTCIRE C,�SPQRTS MEDIClfVE ti"" L-- — _ SE�(T BY�ST91RMr1STER : 4-11-94 : 1��6P� : ST�[RMASTER-�ID�L�ER� 1 612 423 52Q3,# � . • r � r SPORTS/MEDlCAL PR�DUC7S, INC. M�L�AMER!(:AREGfON P.o. a�x�y� fWlN.SB[lRG,C�J-11d 4dU87 (BtN�9,50.2814 (1 T bJ 42.5 t833 F13X: (2i6J42.S•4829 KFNTIl!".KY,MK'HIGAN,��lil0,TENIVESSFF, WES1 VIRCilNfA EQUZPM�NT PROP03AL PRLPARED FOR CUST� 106 PftOPOSAL#36-107 April 17., 1994 City af Roaemount Lisa Jost 2875 145th s�reet Ro�emount, MN 55468 QTY. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRSCE EXTENDED 2 Spinnakez(TM) 3000 CE(TM} g1,595.�0 �3,19Q.00 2 Spir�naker Matg 65.00 130.00 P'reight 200.00 Salee Tax (MN 6.5�� 27.5.80 '.��TAL � $3,735.SO TERMs: To c+rder piease submit a gurchase order ta StairMa�ter(TM) Sporte Mediaal and send t� the abdve �ddre�s. Maahinas to be ehippad via North American Van La.nes. Pleaae nate tiha� terms mu�t be list6d as NET 30 days and freight iden�ified as a separate line item. FREIGHT - 40170PT(R)-$180/1, $145/EACEi/2+; StCpmill(TMj, 2650 US(TM) , & 1650LL{TM)-180= Gravitron(R) 2000(Tl�i)-2p0; Sginnaker{TM} 3000 CE(TMj- 150/1, 100/FACIi/2+. It is a StairMaeter(TM) Sports MediC81 PrOduCte policy to cantinuaualy i.mprove degigns, materiale, and manuPaaturis►g methods, and variatians may be made without notice. Quatation valid for 60 daye, except that 1650LE (TM) wi1.1 increase to �3,395 on May 1, 1994. SF�iPWG THF FUTlJRE QF SPQRTS/k1�DKlNE•�"' �I�N�R QG3DL�G3 �OL�L� bI�[�f� 4�iC� f�QL�L��U��bCc� o�lG�aR�]Q���Jb �O � I� PR�C�f���1�0 �nI04�1C���' DCdW17a PI�C�Q�I� C� ; �,d �1=e����30��� �14 �(� �7CGM G�G°a�� Ga[�� QN�i��4D44�1�0 1. To protect both our interesis, we request your origin�l pur+chese order document� with �n ORlGINAl. signeture. 2. Mechine emounts must be e�act, tf you need a quo#e, pleese call end a propasef wfit be faK�d or m�iled to gau. 3. fretgh# cherges es quoted must be listed as e seporote line item on your purchese order. 4. All shiprnents wiil be sent uie Nocth American Uen Lines, blanket wrapped, fnslde deliuery. If yflu request e cammon Camer deliuery, creting cherges for common carrier shipments must be added as o seperete line item on the purchese order. Piease cell for croting charge quotations. 5. Terms to be listed as Net 30 deys. 6. FOB point Iisted es Desttnation ?. A1i mnchines ere supplied with e comprehensiue instructiunal and main#en�nce menual. Requests for �ddi#ionet metertats such os schematics and odditlon�t m�nuals should be mede under seperete cover and not on a purchase order document. 8, Qa not specify a detiuery dete on the purcna�e order document. !t you haue e question about iead time pteese ceq the number tisted aboue. Rny quotation for deliuery wilt be sn AR0 (After receipt of order) date. SENT SY�STAIRh1ASTER � 4-11-94 : 1��9P� : STaIR�1�STER-�1DAMERy 1 612 423 5203;� 9 , Bid Speufications Continued Page 2 I 23. Features a tough,durable,black wrir►kle, p�wder-coat finish on tt►e frame. ', 14. AtI moving parts are enc3osed and probected by pressure-farmed o4vers. I 15. Fe+�ttxre��srparate power supply(i.e.,it is not directly intorporated into the muhi�e)which I' red�ces the voltage ta a level that ensures user safery. ib. Similar to ather StairMaster products,the StairMaster Spinnaker 3000 C�can be acquired thmugh ASCIIVDT�Capital Group's teas�-purchase prograa,. 17. S�peciKcadons: Machine Height at HandIebars 5?"(145 cm) Machine L.ength 50"t127 cm) Maehine Width a#Base 19"{4$cai) Machine Width at Hat�dlei�ars 22~(56 cnt} We�ght iZ5 ibs.(5T kg) WaIT Mount Pow�r Suppiy Input voitage lIU-12p VAC,50/6Q Hz autput Voitage 9-15 VDC Maxirnum f�utput Current .I.Q Amp Input Power Consumption 15 Watb Group Ra�ciri$Power Suppiy Input Voltage` . 110-I2�VA�5d/60 Hz �iutput Voitage 12-17 VDC 11+faximum C7utput Cument 2.3 Amp9 Input Power Consumption . 60 Watts �onat power supp33es intended far use outside the Unit�d States,Canada and Japan are available foe 27A-240 VAC.5a1�i8 H�p�wer requirements. 0394 SFr'VT BY�ST a I RbLaSTER ; 4-11-94 � 1�45P;14 � ST�1 RM.4STER-u I D.�114ERy 1 612 423 52 Q3;� 2 ` � ' , ■ , � ,� SPC?RTS/MEDtCAt PRaDUCTS, INC. hNDAMERtCA REGtON P.O.BQX 49� T1N7N5BLtKG,OH10 4d0A7 (800J 9S0•2814 (2 J6}�J25-48:�3 FAXr (21b)425-4829 KFMII["KY,MJt.'NK�AN,Ut llO,TEIVNE55EE,WEST VlRG1NL4 apria. 11, 1g94 C3ty of Rosemount , Lisa Joat �', 28�5 145th Street ' Rosa�mount, MN 55068 ' Dear Ms. Jost, Thank yau for your ir�te�est in the producta manufactured by Stai�Magter(TM) Sporta Medical. I have encloaed the pr.apoea.l. you requested. The present lead time on the StairMaeter(TM} exercise ayetem� ie appxaxx.mately one to thre� weeka aftar receipt of puraha�e � documents. A purchase axder is required 'to initiate an arder. Your purohase arder must liet the total price of the ordex, inc3.uding freight, term$ to be net 30, and FOB point ae des�inati4n. Tha above listeci terme are r�ubj�ct ta properiy executed and approved credit application. 3hould you hava any guestions, pleaee don't he�itate to call. Thanka again for your eupport of Stai.zMetater Sports Medical, cnanufacturing �he best praducte and the beet v�luee in exercise. Rc3epect f ully, � T r►�► �,�Oc�z �� Tim Block Salee Representative TB:njp encl:propoeal SHAPING THF FUTURE QF SPQRTS MEDICINE i"" ; �. . , � ,.. .. . ,. . .> . =: - .� F ,CONKERC�AI.'ARIC� tISI: :.�.. � .�� . � < TREAOMfLJ.S; . Fg�Ali0U1l� FITM�S$ c�N�. :�,: ' �. ARECOR 4;4 S. � . .$3fb�,00 � . ' t�G �YIc�St�k� ` . ' �1T:4l.Od , : .. . . . l:EG CTfRC ., � .SiZf2 OQ . .�� �PRECOR.:9,.4 SA � . $?625;00 . .�, . �. : lE� F&ES�;: �$1�44 �Q �. � �RRE�OR �46Q ' : 5�4115,OQ � � � � �,�flLTi �}FR :,' :�r�T4 p� .; � ' � , .. FRECQR C9b1 �5132.�00 . � . �rR:IG€F kXIER1Sdu� '� �.11 T3 �Q . PRECaR .C9Q4 $5642.40 . - ' �R�t C'�fRL .: : S�.115 QQ "'�: �:. i;RACK�f�SF.ER TNifO. : $3g.6t.00 .. C.�T PUt�f}GWN :- �i241�Od. -:. � .� TRACKitAST�R.�'MF.t'0� . �`��87,.OQ � . . : CHESt P.R.€SS $'1:I64 QO ; -TR�NASF�R T1t3t0. . �..�5E29.00 :.i1�RT�C�I'B�1FT��`;LY ';- ��25d 4U .'r��cxx�srER r��ao ; .s�oaa:eo :: �: .. .S�'A� iRAC'1200 . , t .` �SN4f�tQ��'���SS : $"�1;T3 U� . $3SS6.00 �BAQ�tIN�t . ;; � , •�.12t? QQ _: � StAI�CLIM8ER5. ; ,�:�W B��K` ,. �r�4i' 40. t$.LACX WflfiktS ���1?t�AR�.:S'f�4G�S ,:� � 1 P��GQR. 7..4 �$ ff43:04 . . � ;RRECOR J$4 $2db2.Qa NpCTI �1fNS,; �D:R�CDR )6� 52643.�OG � � $IID9�tlA8D:��ECUIIVE �f i 1 b.OD P�R�NOI�kr P�� 3ASC �i�Y�.i .'� `� SP3Q3 QQ . .� � 8l�DYGI�AkD GEUB SZ040,00 ;;kN�E RAiac. ..� •' .S 1:9d.,0a `� 900Y&ttA�RD.'CtU81GAS:FiASNA �23S�..QO '.:3.t�� ,4EG �RcS�S� � �73�6.4� - StA�:RMAST�R AT40�10 $2gg5..6� , � ; �3d29.OQ '; � �a���G��r ��x a��s� ,. e�ct�s: ; ���G P�i�� _ : .� ts����..... , < �B GRflNCh � 3�b..6Q . ; 31S# t6.�r P&f�3� ; a�Pii6.QQ � � ,BQflYGU�RD 9S5 $ F1?:QO � B4DYSIlRRD 490 �B1�ACz' � $f�rs�o� $ )12:QQ P��TFIC �it�E5S �t�l�tBit d�tSE �. $t�:lI:QQ ,. • . . RaSS.FUTi1RA S'�68.QQ �. 'SflITEkFL� ,: � 431-:a0 � � 7'tINFQAi PRQ TRAI��R S 435,QQ .: °..Kl�EE RAF:St _ ; . S 2i6,Q0 ., ZIFECYCtE 65Q� N,R, . ¢ 443,Q0 ' A��I.FIC �'F.Fk&SS CA�A�I�l�". � S3.tcd.GQ � � . B;�DVSp�RD 535 ER60 ARa �(3to.oa PAc�FiG F;I�`(�E�S C;kT�tI4�,,� , �3�1og.aa • , . CAT�.kE EC3Sa4 RECf!lfBENT � 42§.QO: �A,4CIFIC' F:FjH�S�:L�G °R�SS;. : �1;2BS:;QQ . : C'ArEY� EC3b�0 RfCtt�i8Eh1' .�1�iD..Off. dEC?.R� 3504:�ASE:': •' ��t3$4'.:DQ _ � .� tFF�CyClE S5a6 REC�1lrfl6kfi �t!9.5.00 � :• �CC�a�afiY ���X��� ` 3 #tI,ap _ '��. , � _ . . AkR�#t�G'�}'.F1T��a"'L��� ��4 8#�E,, �39�b,Q4 - . :31N&t,� STATIaNS: � � : ��� EYT"/ �J�C �:' �; �.{•�g6.�D. , ' ' � � . KNEE.�,§ISE ' � g� �g6,00 � . ,. PA�Ak011NT..PERF4R�I�NCE LINE. ` ���AC� 4►EIGRT�•Sz�NQRR4 St�,GaCS: ." . . , . . . _ , • , ; . � ..: ..: : . ��. LE& EJtT6NS�aN �2Q64..�0 . ' �. ,. F�E�=WFIGNt'`EQ�IAltE�T � ��.��t�6� C1{BL :. �. -. � 52.207.OD . . .:... ..� :.t�IC.EP;EXT�l��I�3N. . � �$2024.Ofl � : . . :.: IRT�'S: 3g;L$ a�:lt�FIC F . . �Rt� CURt , 5�14?.00 • . SX'��FdRRU ALAFE� -. ,�g��� tA7 FiltL7?OWN $I147.0� M�X�GGNn.� �Ei6H�C � .�yf�g �.. .�SERTEQ CM�S� PRESS 52152.00 '. : . . ,-: . . _ ;.SHQttCO�� PRESS $i.468.Q0 ' . �TNIS IS Q,4C.Y A F�RTI�� -Gi1NNcRCIAC tIST.'.�f& � AB�O�tIltai $t 143.0� P�Z.C�.3 �4'�NQT' £kGtlt�c TR.k', FRE.�'v"HT,,4R iNST�it;!'ATION �1tflLTI-NIP �tg3t,00 • . D.ERTICAL BU.TTFRfL.P . • • • $1.1oQ.04 � � �t;�G RRES$ '�414 t.�0 , � .`ROTARq FUR�Q S:2t6F,00 . ' , �. &EAFED.RO{� ' , $1885.00 ,�°�J�� .�t �',y�P�r*.� �, ��:�� ;. . , ,.L4Gf:$�C+C '9Z.r52,0Q �:48t3:F�:rr��,sa::���� �, �',;: '�:FNI�E.� I�I6tf: $Y24g,40 -�Surk,k-± ,��'�'� . ��.4tJTFR TElIGN �2064.tl0 , •l1EtT0ID : $2f IS.QD �"i'ace.v.ffla �'k ,-� t , , . . : C+�CE aA1SE , S2I43.44 .,,t$tACK.WEIGNTS-SIRMDARD STaCKS ' - • ' . �-„� • • �`itness E i rnent E erts � p � _ � - APRI� '�. 199�+ D�AR LT;�A_ 4�1:I1"H �'V��''t'TF-II�U EL5c O�Mr��i�L�Ii�lG Y'�UP Ii"il`1�D�r`al"� A�T'T��lTIt�i�!„ Y�JU NEEq TO Ht�V� CONFIDE�!�� TI-Ir�T TH� EQUII�i��i�T YQU Ch1005� F�JR 1'�UR F'AC I�I 1"Y W I LL ��RV� Y'OUh� �i�P�i�F_�;� WELL.. PUSH-PEDAL-PULL SELLS TH� �iCl:�'i" R�LIt��L� �";��.RCI�E ���t�T�'��Ei�T IN TH� �'ITNES� I�C�USTF:`f . G�IJP AuS���T�i�'�T I�lCLUCJE� CYCI���. TREr�nMIl L�, ; C�lGLE--ST��T'ICI� WEIt"aHT �iACHI�!��. MUI_1"T-G`r`i�i::., A�aC� M�+i���1�' OTI-i�P, FIT�lE�� PRQO���;T�. ��LI��,ILI1"Y Ii� FIT���.;:, t��U:�l��i�\T I� �r;;:.�C� U�d Tt�J� t.;I�I�i�Z�;�1L rt1C�C'�Ji�;:�„ C�UAI_ITY O� TI-IE l�F2(J��UC:1� !��!O I�'1P"f�DIr�TC P�-SPO�`,�ac `l`C� ��RSvr I(�'�-". �;�.EQa. PU�'ri-��Ur'�L-F'ULL I S TH� c;�t;LU�T V� ��.r�!_..�F�' FGR PARAMOUNT �t`!� PRECOR FIT�'�CSa �QUIQ�"ici'�T A:a W�LL A� �"iO:�T ►��("F-1EF'.. �"f�;Jt�R �RAhd05. EiQf?Yt�UEST Fil't�cSS C��l1"ER, SHOREVI�W CO�i�fU�lIT'r` ' L�N7�� �ND 100'S OF OTI-1EP, Ci�hit��R�'IAL F��C I L.I T T�S �R�U�!G T�-iE 5Ti`iT� MW'Vc G�-IClSEi�! F'U�H-PECjAL-PL�L.L �'{�R TH�I R F'T 1'�!�"�v ���J�P�i�i�T. b'`( I-Ir�'dli�G �USH-f�E�AL-t�ULL F'I1�NEa� EQUIPM�4T Zi� '�(OUR FACILI`t'Y'. YOU WILL GIJ�R��lT�E SATISrAGTIQi�� TQ YOUF? �iE�i3E�::i A�lC� TI•��T �iE�i�lS �iORE I"iONE1�' I�! YC�UR t�L�C��:`f. TM� FAGT THAT WE I�aI�T 0�; 7rJ1'AL I�UAL�TY COi�lTROI:.� FRC.�P�' �RI��fi2I�IG TO �I�AL Ii�lSTALLAI'Ti�N I5 PAi�,l' OF TF�� RE�l�t7�! Wc ��lG�NO�� CQi`�lFIDEi�lGE Ii�! OUR PP.QOUCTS. T4�TAl� ��C�IC�`wTTOi�! 1'0 SER��ICI�k.�',7 YOUR i�lEED::, I`a l�J{-i�7' PUtiH--t��DAL-PULL I S ABf�Ul'. YOUI�� I�! HEALTH & FIT�ESSy �,C� u / �/►�'--�' KATH1' F'�ETGLE GQh'i�`icF2CIr�L SAL�S �'fAP•�lAC�et� 2480 FairviewAvenue N. •Suite 127 • Roseville, MN 55113• (612) 635-0155 •`Fax # (612) 631-8991 7101 France Avenue S. • Edina, MN 55435 • (612) 927-6348• Fax # {612) 927-6296 �— —-_-__ _ ____- --- — 0 ' , � � ' F�.tness Equipment Experts 0 , THE PLISH PEDAL PLII.L COM1�[iTMENT TO 70LI OLIR MISSION: To provide a LeveL of service for our customers that is so excep- tional , tfiey woufd not consider doing business witk anyone efse . SERVICE G�I7ARANTEED: Tour equipment wiLt be up and ' ru.nrting withitt 48 hours or tfie service is FREE, and if we repair tFie same pro6tem twice white under wa.rranty, we ' tC repface tFie the e�n.tire unit , LOWEST PRICES: We wiff not be u.ndersoCd! Being the fargest exercise equipment supptier iri tfie midwest attows us to pass atong savings to you. SATISFACTION GL1[ARA,N'TEED: With Push Pedat Puft , you fiave 30 days to 6e su.re you have tfce right equipment , Durinq that time you can exchange or returrr. equipment to ensure fu( f v.sage . 2480 Fairview Avenue N. •Suite 127• Roseville, MN 55113•(612) 635-0155• Fax # (612) 631-8991 7101 �rance Avenue S. • Edina, MN 55435 • (612) 927-6348• Fax # (612) 927-6296 ��1� < —�— � � F`itness E i ment E erts � p Xp a � SBRVICB f3UARANTEE � ------------------- , � IF TOLIR EQUIPMENT EVER NEEDS PARTS OR SERVICE, WE WILL GLIAR.ANTEE THEM WITHIN 48 HOLIRS OR THEY'RE FREE. * NO LE11�N GLIAR,ANTEE — I F WE EVER HAVE TO F IX THE SA11� PROBLEM MORE THAN TWICE DLIRING THE WARRANTT PERIOD, WE WILL REPLACE THE ENTIRE MACHINE, FREE, � * THAT'S THE PIISH PEDAL PLILL * * COMMITMENT TO YOU * 2480 Fairview Avenue N. •Suite 127 • Roseviile, MN 55113•(612) 635-0155• Fax # (612) 631-8991 7101 France Avenue S. • Edina, MN 55435 • (612} 927-6348 • Fax# (612) 927-6296 ::. .. . . •` `: �.... , . . . �. ` , . . � . . � ��...r..�..�,...r.�� . . � �� _ � ��, � � � �tt�.e�S. � �u.�p��.��t ���,��. ; . . . � '.. �. ��I�~�-�� � ` � . � �� , �f�CL" �J G'S� • � ' � � � � :}. �� �� �. � �ro� � � . . � � � �� � ,, . h ' r � „ a . lP !� t�5. �{� �' �c�l���� ��t ��- P��..� J-� �i��dr�r' I��C.�- � X � � � .�' . � � r j ,�J , �9? �..�1 S ' �t� -�'� ��r`f.� l�'`�L� � �: . ��� 7"13 �T ��' � . � � -" � � . � �• _ � . _ � ' . .j� . . ��.' � •� . - .. . .. 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FUTURA pur No.i Conaumer Rated Premium Air ResistaM frgometer allavusyou to choose upper and/ar 14wer body warlcauts aided by air resistance.An sasy to read multi-funetion computer disptay,and the uitimate in ROS3 t�chno{ogy.Engine�red to be the safest,rnost versatile exerciser,ths R4S5 FUTURA gives a consistent and prer�res3ive workout that the user can cater to his or her own specific exercise needs.The FUTURA comes with a twa year Cornmerciai Warranry,i.'rfet�me in-home use and one year on the electronics. FEATURES EL�CTRONICS EXERCISE PC1SlTIONS •Sealed bearings •EI&psed Time w��h alarm +5it,pedd�e and row •Ge!comtOrt saddle •Current Speed display •Stand,peddle and row •Easy trdnspaiwneels •Distancs 7r�veied or pistance Remaining •Rowing-afther sitting orstanding •Freewheeling system w/etl}ustable toa straps •RPM:Numaric dispidy&constent bar graph •5eparate or comb�ned upper&bwer hody work0ut ►Average KHo Calorie5 bumed per minute •Child resistanllan shroud •Current Pulse wladjustable Max Aulse Alarm •Padded hdnd grips •Scan Featu�e whlch allows viewing of displays automatically ►Available in hlack w white R+C1SS �1CYCLES, U�A Lfd. 57 Executive Blvd., Farmingdale, NY 117`35+Tel:800-338-RaSS (7�i77) Fax: 516-249-6015