HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Expenditure from Donation Account - Fire Safety Trailer d CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE S'[JN�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEbI: EXPENDITUR.E FROM DONATION AGENDA SECTION: ACCOUNT - FIRE SAFETY TRAILER CONSENT PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENDl�`��i1 .�L �� 1 1 1._IVl 7�'. ATTACI�tENTS: DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET APPROVBD BY: This item is a request for authorization to proceed with the purchase of various components which will be brought together by the members of the Rosemount Fire Department as they construct a fire safety trailer/house. Monies for the purchase of these components and the construction of the trailer was donated for that purpose by Koch Refining Corporation. We have been seeking bids on items such as the trailer frame itself, smoke machine, video equipment, and the like. We will be proceeding with the purchase or the contracting of the services with the lowest bidder. Other items such as lumber, that will be needed for the construction, will be sought out and purchased at the most economical location as needed. RECOMMENDED ACTI I ON: Motion to authorize the fire department to spend up to $20, 000 for the purchase of components and construction of a fire safety trailer/house with monies to come from donation account #101-22220 . COUNCIL ACTION: , DONATION REVENIIE WORICSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: 3-�5-A4 Amount Received: $2.^,OC?�.00 ' Receipt # for ponation: 31120 . �', Purpose of Donation: R,,;i� Fi rP �afPt-� Tr ; 1 Pr/No �s Account # for ponation: 101-22220 (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) E%PENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $Z0.000.00 To be Spent from Acct �: 101 -42210-01-530 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department} Purpose of Expenditure: Fire Safetv Tra� ler/House AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS . Amend Donation Revenue A�ct �101-36230-00-000: $�n�(t��_(1� Amend Expend�ture Acct #_ 101 -42210-01-530 $20.000.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENER.AL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADSIIST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101 -2222� (Donation Liability �) $2�.000.�0 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $Z0,000.00 Credit: 101-29300 $20.Q00.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donatian revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 4-19-94