HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. City Unity Day Resolution, April 21, 1994 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE S'Ul�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: CITY UNITY DAY RESOLUTION AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA N��AA .{�. � D CITY ADMINISTRATOR I1�� 7T � ATTACI�NTS: RESOLUTION, REGISTRATION FORM APPROVED BY: � The League of Minnesota Cities has scheduled a rally for Thursday, April 21, 1994, at the State Capitol for the purpose of emphasizing that city government is not a "special interest" lobbying on their own behalf at the Le islatur r f Minnesota. Cities g e, but a e partners in the government o provide services to over three million people who live in cities, work in cities, and come to cities for entertainment or education. RECOb�tENDED ACTION: MOTION to adopt a RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING CITY UNITY DAY on April 21, 1994 at the State Capitol . COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994- A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING CITY UNITY DAY WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a member of the League of Minnesota Cities; and WHE�REAS, Thursday, April 21, 1994, is Minnesota Cities Unity Day; WFIEREAS, cities working together have established the League of Minnesota Cities action agenda for the 1994 session of the legislators; and WHEREAS, in the closing days of the 1994 session many of these issues , remain unresolved; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that: 1. The Legislature and Governor restore the shortfall in the Local Government Trust Fund which they created so that there will be no cuts in government aid {LGA) and homestead agricultural aid credit (HACA) in 1994, and provide reliable additional funding for LGA and HACA in future years to preserve the fiscal stability of cities; 2 . Preserve and improve the ability of cities to expand their boundaries in order to provide city services to all who need them; 3 . Remove the aid penalties in manufacturing and redevelopment districts so that cities will not be penalized for improving their local economies . 4 . Increase funding for roads and transit; 5 . Establish a new program to clean up landfills and adequately fund pollution clean up grants; and 6. Support the other legislative initiatives of the League of Minnesota Cities . ADOPTED this 19th day of April, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor RESOLUTION 1994- ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk I Motion by; Seconded by: �! Voted in favor• I Voted against• • 2 • ..�� �.� �� e �� �� �� �� � � � 3490 I,exington Avenue Nort,h S�Paui,MN 551'16-8044 League of Minnesota Cities (6�2)490-5600 CITY iJNITY DAY RALLY THURSDAY, APRIL 21 9:00 a.m. Coffee and Ro1Ls 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Briefmg Then walk to the Capitol to confront our Legislators outside the Senate and House Cham6ers. Meet at the Kelly Inn near the State Capitol in St. PauT ' Find out how the Legislature will affect cities in the closing days of the 1994 session. Tell your legislators how they can help cities achieve fiscal stability and improve their local econ�my. THIS WILL BE TEIE CRITICAL TIlVIE WI�EN THE OMN�US TAX BILL WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT DEAL ADEQUATELY WITfi OUR ISSUES IS BIING FINALIZED. Your presence will strongly influence the outcome of this legislative session. We hope that one or two persons from every city in the state will attend. Return the registration below to Julie Johns, Legislative Secretary at the League. YES! WE'RE COIVIING TO ST. PAUL TO THE LEAGUE OF 11ZIlvNT.SOTA CITIES ' CITY iJNITY DAY RAI�LY. City (please print or type) ', Name � Name ' Name , Registration Fee $5 in advance, $5 at the door. (Please make advance registration if at I�I ali possi6le so we can have an adequate number of briefing papers) Make check payable i and mail to: I League of Minnesota Cities I Attn: Finance Department 'i 3490 Lexington Avenue North '�, St. Paul, MN 55126 '