HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.d. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing CSAH 42 Turn Lanes, City Project #258 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 'I � � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public AGENDA SECTION: I Hearing-CSAH #42 Turn Lanes, City Project #258 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA �I�� � City Engineer/Public Works Director � � ATTACHMfNTS: Feasibility Report, Resolution APPROVED BY: Attached is a Feasibility Report which summarizes the improvements for Project #258 which are right turn lanes on CSAH 42 onto Chippendale and Canada Avenues, plus a right turn lane on Canada Avenue onto CSAH 42. This project resulted from the traffic analysis which was completed as part of the Rosemount Market Square Development. At that time the Consulting Engineers and Staff recommended that these improvements be completed due to the increased traffic from the development. The Executive Summary in the Project #258 report states that there will be approximately 1,500 feet of turn lane construction, plus roadway signage and striping and a traffic , signal revision. The total estimated project cost is 5119,600 of which 565,800 is the City of Rosemount's portion and 553,800 is Dakota County's portion. Approximately 0.2 acres of easement or right-of-way acquisition will be required as part of this project on CSAH 42 at.Canada Avenue from McDonalds and Pizza Hut. We are proposing that the funding for this project will come from assessments to the benefitting areas which are exhibitied on a map in the rear of the Feasibility Report. Brian Bourassa from OSM will present an overview of the project and Staff will be available for any questions. Staff recommends adoption of the motion as stated. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT/SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR CSAH 42 AND CANADA AVENUE TURN LANES, CITY PROJECT #258. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBIUTY REPORT/SE CSAH 42 AND CANADA q�/ENUE TURN LANE IMPROVE PUBLIC HEARING CITY PROJECT #258 MENTS WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient th certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #258, CSAH 42 and C at the City construct Improvements, in the City as described in and in accord � anada Avenue Turn Lane prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., Consult n W�th the feasibility report g Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers th improvements, City Project #258 is feasible, and should best be made as r at said turn lane Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received p p �p°sed, and the with the City Clerk on July 5, 1994; and Y Council, and filed WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements sh has heid a public hearing on such improvements foliowing mailed notice and t all be made until the Councii thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the h WO publications the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area earing, the general nature of accordance with the law, p oposed to be assessed, in NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rose : feasibility report for City Project #25g and places it on file. mount accepts the NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Cit that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #258, CSAH 4 y Council of the City of Rosemount Avenue Turn Lane Improvements to be held on Tuesday, July 19, 1994 at 8;0 2 and Canada or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, � o'clock p.m, ADOpTED this 5th day of July, 1994. E• B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: n e � � � FEASIBILITY R'EPORT � T,A1vES CSAH 42, CANADA AVENIJE TURN CITY PROJ'ECT NO. 258 � FOR THE CITY �F ROSEMOUNT, � � OSM PROJECT NO. 5128.20 � � � jUI�1E 15, 1994 � � ,� , la s ecification or report w� I hereby certify that this p � P e�sion, and that I am me or under my direct sup prepared by ineer under the laws of the � a duly Registered Professional Eng State of Minnesota. J ' � �J Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. � No. 21816 Reg. Date: June 15, 1994 � .� � � .� OSM Project No. 5128.20 � • . . • i � � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Project No. 258 provides for the construction of right tum lanes on County State � Aid Highway No. 42 (CSAH 42) at Chippendale and Canada Avenues, and on Canada Avenue at CSAH 42 and a traffic signal revision at the intersection of CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue. The proposed improvement recommendations were made based � on the traffic a.nalysis completed in the Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount Market Square Retail Center and on discussions with state, county and local representatives. � The ro'ect is feasible from an engineering standpoint. This Feasibility Report proposes P J the construction of approximately 1500 feet of turn lane construction, roadway signage � and striping and a tr�c signal revision. The total estimated project cost is $119,600, of which $65,800 is the City of Rosemount's portion and $53,800 is Dakota County's portion. Approximately 0.20 acres of right-of-way acquisition will be required as part of � this project. The funding for this project will come from assessments to the benefitting -'' properties and from Dakota County. er 1994 and co m leted in in Se temb P � The project canstruction can be mitiated p , November, 1994 provided that the required easements can be obtained. � � J i � 1� ] . � 1� � _l � ; , �- l .] � OSM Pro'ect No. 5128.20 � , � ___ � ' � ' FEASIBILITY REPORT � CSAH 42, CANADA AVENUE TURN LANES CITY PROJECT NO. 258 � FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN � OSM PROJECT NO. 5128.20 � ' JUNE 15, 1994 i i JI I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was � prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � ��`' � �- � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. � � � � � , Date: June 15, 1994 Reg. No. 21816 . _ � , r OSM Pro'ect No. 5128.20 J � Orr � Schelen eron& tes,Inc. 300 Park P1ace Center � 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis,MN 55416-1 22 8 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 ' � FAX 595-5774 Engineers June 15, 1994 Architects Planners Surveyors � Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount � 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 � Re: CSAH 42, Canada Avenue Tum Lanes City Project No. 258 Rosemount, Minnesota � OSM Project No. 5128.2Q Dear Mayor and Council Members: � Enclosed is the Feasibili Re ort for the CSAH 42, Canada Avenue Turn Lanes Ci tY P � tY Project No. 258. This report addresses the turn lanes and traffic signal revisions necessary � for the projected increased traffic due to the proposed development in the South Rose Park replat area. � We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call me at 595-5694, if you have any questions. , Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ` & ASSOCIATES, INC. J�r�l�t��' 13 ' Brian J. Bour assa, P.E. Project Manager � En closure � c: Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount � � � � J:\512d.2D\C(VIL\M1SC�FFJIS.LTR Equal Opportunity Employer I � � 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS � TTTLE SHEET � LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATTON � TABLE OF CONTENTS ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 � 1.1. Authorization 1 1.2. Scope 1 � 1.3. Data Available 1 2. GENERAL BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 � 2.L Location 1 2.2. Project Area 1 2.3. Existing Conditions 2 2.4. Tra�c Analysis 2 � 3. FROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 � 3.1. Streets 2 3.2. Storm Drain 3 3.3. Watermain 3 � 3.4. Pemuts 4 3.5. Right-of-Way / Easements 4 � 4. FINANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.1. Cost Estimates 4 4.2. Assessments 4 � 5. PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 � 6. APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 � � � OSM Project No. 5128.20 � � � EXECUTIVE SLT�VIMARY `� City Project No. 258 provides for the construction of right tum lanes on County State Aid Highway No. 42 (CSAH 42) at Chippendale and Canada Avenues, and on Canada � Avenue at CSAH 42 and a traf�c signal revision at the intersection of CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue. The proposed improvement recommendations were made based on the tra,f�c analysis completed in the Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount Market � Square Retail Center and on discussions with state, county and local representatives. The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. This Feasibility Report proposes the construction of approximately 1500 feet of turn lane construction, roadway signage � and striping and a traffic signal revision. The total estimated project cost is $119,600, of which $65,800 is the City of Rosemount's portion and $53,800 is Dakota County's � portion. Approximately 0.20 acres of right-of-way acquisition will be required as part of this project. The funding for this project will come from assessments to the bene�tting properties and from Dakota County. � The project construction can be initiated in Se tember, 1994 and com leted in P p November, 1994 provided that the required easements can be obtained. � � � � � • � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5128.20 � � ' � 1. INTRODUCTION �i 1.1. Authorization - On May 3, 1994, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for Public Streets � and Utilities Construction for the CSAH 42, Canada Avenue Turn La,nes. This project has been designated as City Project No. 258. � 1.2. Scope - This project provides for the construction of right-turn lanes on CSAH 42 at Chippendale and Canada Avenues, and on Canada Avenue at CSAH 42, and a traffic signal revision at the intersection of CSAH 42 � and Chi endale Avenue. Minor storm r ' pp d a.m, tra.ii and watermain improvements will also be required, along with construction of the tum � lanes, � 1.3. Data Available-Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: � • Ci of Rosemount Record Plans. tY • Dakota County Highway Record Plans. � • Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount Market Square Retail Center at CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue, October, � 1993. � 2. GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2.1. Location - The project is located in the southwest corner of Rosemount � on CSAH 42 from Chippendale Avenue to Canada Avenue and on Canada Avenue at CSAH 42. The project location is shown on the Location Map, Figure No. 1, in the Appendix of this report. � 2.2. Project Area - CSAH 42 is a principal arterial highway on the � Metropolitan Council and Mn/DOT's Transportation Plan and is an east/west Dakota County Highway extending through the City of � Rosemount. The north side of CSAH 42 in the project area is zoned residential and the south side is zoned commercial. � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 Page 1 � � � � 2.3. Existing Conditions - CSAH 42 is a four-lane divided roadway with ieft- turn lanes at Chippendale Avenue and Canada Avenue (south). � Chippendale Avenue is a two-lane city street with tum lanes north of CSAH 42 and a four-lane roadway from 151st Street to CSAH 42. ,� Canada Avenue is a two-lane city street. Figure Na 2 in the Appendix of this report, illustrates the existing roadway con�iguration in the praject area (this figure is taken from the Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount � Market Square Retail Center). � Additional information relating to the existing conditions for the project area can be found in the Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount Market � Square Retail Center. 2.4. Tra�c Analysis -A detailed traf�c analysis was completed in 1993 for the �;: project area (Traffic Impact Study for Rosemount Market Square Retail Center at CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue). Based on the traffic � analysis and discussions with the state, county and local representatives, recommendations were made for roadway improvements in the project area to accommodate the anticipated traffic increase. The proposed � roadway improvements are described in Section 3 of this report. � 3. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 3.L Streets - As shown on Figure 3, in the Appendix of this report, the propo�ed project will provide right-tum lanes at three different loeations: ,j A - On CSAH 42 at Chippendale Avenue B - On CSAH 42 at Canada Avenue � C - On Canada Avenue at CSAH 42 Each of the proposed right-turn lanes on CSAH 42 will include a 300-foot long 'I � turn lane (14 feet wide)with a 210-foot long taper seetion (15:1) transitioning the turn lane back into the typical roadway width. The right-turn lane on Canada � Avenue will include a 200-foot long turn lane (14 feet wide) with a 15:1 taper section. The existing roadway width on Canada Avenue is 36 feet. It will only be required to widen the existing roadway six feet in order to construct the � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 Page 2 � � � • proposed right-tum lane on Canada Avenue. The turn lanes will be flanked with B618 concrete curb and gutter. � . Based on the soils information known at this tirne,the street section for the turn � lanes on CSAH 42 will consist of six inches of bituminous courses and 12 inches of aggregate base. The street section for the turn lane on Canada Avenue is � proposed to include five inehes of bituminous courses and eight inches of aggregate base. � There is an existing eight-foot wide bituminous trail located on the south side of CSAH 42 between Chippendale Avenue and Ca.nada Avenue. A portion of this � trail will need to be relocated further to the south after the construction of the right-tum lane on CSAH 42 at Canada Avenue. �; Traf�c striping and signage in the project area are also proposed to be included with City Project No. 258. New striping will be placed on 151st Street and on � Canada Avenue to delineate the traffic lanes and turning lanes. Stop signs wiil be installed on 151st Street at Chippendale Avenue (4-Way). "No Parking" signs will also be installed along Canada Avenue from STH 3 to CSAH 42. � There is an existing traffic signal located at the intersection of CSAH 42 and � Chippendale Avenue. In order to construct the right-turn lane at this location the traffic signal will need to be revised. Minor modifications to the traffic signal � electrical system wili also be required with this project. As part of the Rosemount Market Square Retail Center construction, it is �; proposed to construct an additional right-turn lane on CSAH 42 into the site. Costs for this turn lane were not considered in this Feasibility Report. � 3.2. Storm D ra�n • There are existing storm dra.ins located at Ganada Avenue and CSAH 42. These storm drains will need to be modified to collect r , stormwater runoff from the proposed right-turn lanes. � 3.3. Watermain - There are existing watermain valves-and hydrants located in the project area. Final design will determine whether these items will need to be adjusted or relocated. � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 Page 3 � � � 3.4. Permits - Pemuts will be re uired from the Dakota Coun Hi wa Q tY 1� Y �� Department for work within the CSAH 42 right-of-way. I � '!I 3.5. Right-of-Way/ Easements -At this time, it was deterniined that only the ' � right-of-way required to construct the tum lanes be acquired. Right-of-way will be required from the following parcels: � Lot 1, Block 1 - South Rose Park 2nd Addition 0.05 Acres � Lot 2, Block 1 - South Rose Park 2nd Addition 0.03 Acres 4. FINANCES � 4.1. Cost Estimates - Detailed Cost Estimates ca.n be found in the Appendix � of this report. 1'be following estimates are based on 1993 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and related administrative � costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, interest, and other administration. A summary of these costs is as follows: � A, Right Turn Lane on CSAH 42 at Chippendale Avenue$33,400.U0 � B. Right Turn Lane on CSAH 42 at Canada Avenue $46,200.Q0 C. Right Turn Lane on Canada Avenue at CSAH 42 $20,000.00 D. Traffic Signal Revision at the intersection of � CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue 20 0 0. Q � Tota1 Estimated Project Cost $119,600.00 4.2. Assessments - Dakota County has agreed to participate in a portion of the � costs for the CSAH 42 and Canada Avenue Turn Lane Project. According to Dakota County policy, the City would be required to participate in 45% � of the turn lane construction and 50% of the cost for the signal revision. Therefore, the City of RosemounYs portion of the estimated project costs � are as follows: � OSM Project No. 5408.00 page 4 � ' � � Right Turn L.ane A $33,40Q.� Right Turn Lane B �46.200.00 � Subtotal $79,600.� * 45% =$35,800 � * Right Tum Lane C $20,000.00 100% $20,Q00 � Tr�c Signal Revision $20,000.00 * 50% = 1 0 City of Rosemount's Portion of Project Cost $65,800 � The City of Rosemount's portion of the CSAH 42 and Canada Avenue , � Tum Lane Project is proposed to be assessed on an area-wide basis to the bene�tting properties. Figure No. 4 in the Appendix of this report shows assessment area for the project. Also included in the Appendix of this �'� � report is the preliminary assessment roll for the project. � The total area of the benefitting properties is 3261080 square feet. The assessment rate for the project is calculated as follows:' � $65,800./3261080 Sq.Ft. _ $0.02./Sq.Ft. {$878.93/Ac) � � � � � ' � � � OSM Project Na 5408.00 Page 5 � ' � � ' S. PROJECT SCHEDULE , The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Receive Feasibility Report/Set Publie Hearing . . , . , , , � Hold Public Hearing/Order Plans and Spec's . . . . . . . • • • . •Jul 119� 1994 Accept Plans and Spec's/Order Ad for Bid . . . � ' Bid Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' • . . . . . . . . . August 2, 1994 � Receive Bids/Award Contract . . , , � � , � , . . . . . . . : ; ; • • August 26, 1994 • • . . September 6, 1994 Begin Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September, 1994 � Substantiai Completion of Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November, 1994 Final Project Completion . . . . . . , , , , , Assessment Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, 1995 � First Pa .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fa11, 1995 yment with Rea1 Estate Taxes , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , May, 1996 � � j � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 Page 6 � � � 6. APPENDIX � � � � � � � � , ' � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 . Page 7 � � � � ' '�+�'' ` ;::;::;::::>::>::;:><�»>::>::>::><:>:::<:;:::>::::::><:>:::::;<;; ;�Fst�i�� ��� , : ..... ..:.. '<`:::':�.::<:;>::::r:;:;:.;::<::::::>::>:::::�:::::;:::<:::::::::::.:.:; :.:; ... . 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Binder $�Spp � 100 TN $23.00 g Type 31 Bit. Base $�� 9 1�� $23.00 Bit. Tack Coat $�� � 10 s� 70 GA $iS0 $105 11 600 SY $2.00 StriP�g& S�gnage �1,� � 1IS $2520.00 52,520 Subtotal $23,450 � +10% CQntingencies $2,345 � Subtotal +30% Le al �,795 g �Administrative & Engineering $7,605 � Total $33,4pp R.O.W.A��sition $0 � Total $33,400 --�------__.. � f � � O�M Projeet No. 5408.00 Pag� g � � � <;;;;;::.::::.:.::::<.>;;>;;;>;;;>:.;;:.;:.:»::;>;;;;>;:;:.;:.:.;:.;:.;::::.:::::,:::.:::................. 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Binder 100 TN $23.OQ $�300 � g Type 31 Bit. Base 100 TN $23.00 $�300 9 Bit. Tack Coat 70 GA $1.50 $105 � 10 Sod 600 SY $2.00 $1,200 11 Remove CB ' 2� $�.� � � 12 15" RCP Storm Sewer 24 LF $24.00 $576 13 Reinstall CB 2 EA $3U0.00 $600 � 14 Bit. Trail 4000 SF $1.00 $4,000 ' Subtotal $27,381 +10% Contingencies g�?38 � Subtotal $30,119 +30% L,egal,Administrative & Engineering $g ggi � � Total 539,000 +R.O.W.Acquisition Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 2nd Addition 0.05 Ac � Lot Z, Block 1, South Rose Park 2nd Addition .03 Ac 0.08 Ac * $90,000 = $7,200 , Total $46,200 , � OSM Project No. 5408.40 Page 9 � � � >::»»><_<:<::»>::»<::;;.;:.;>:;;:.;;;>;:<:.:;.;;;;;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...................................',...... .................... .................. ...... .... ...... .....: ....... ;;:::;:>;::: ....... . » ; .:: :;:.:.;.>.: � :;::>::;><:::;:::<<:><:;::>::»::>>;>:<:::::;;:>:<:<::;:::;:><:::::.<:::>:>::::;:::>:;:;;::::;:;:<:»>::>:::: ;::::;;::>:;:;:::;;:»::::>:>::;:«.<:>::.>:::::»:::>:>:::<>::::::<; n .;>:>:;:<:::::.;.::;;>;::;::::,<::::::.::.:.:.<:.::.;:.>:.;:.;:::;:;::>:<:>;::>:.;;::.:::;:;:::;:<::;.>::;>:::;:.;:;::::::.:;<>::::.;;<::::.::;;::>:;.;:.;;:;:.;;:.>:::<:..;: ;:.Engi eet���istimat�;. ..;:t;S ; _ _.... 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Binder ' 90 TN $23.pp ��p � 9 Bit.Tack Coat 70 GA $1.50 $105 10 Sod , 600 SY $2.00 $1,2pp ' 11 Remove CB 1 EA $300.00 $3t)p 12 Reinstall CB 1 EA �300.00 $300 � 13 15" RCP Storm Sewer 6 LF $24.00 $i44 ' Subtotal $13,574 � +10% Contingencies $1,357 Subtotal $14,931 , +30% Legal,Administrative & Engineering $$069 � � T'otal $20,000 R.O.W.Acquisition $p � Total 520,000 � � � � OSM Project No. 5408.00 page 10 r x � a a` � A �\ �' ��`7��� 13��f � � r�l_l f3/st ST. M. � • o Z��n � � � litn � � o �� 111SN� Oa - C7. �.. RIOM prv✓ � �� 131nd ST. . . � y� LAE _ � g � B°�'+, O 'Pf •(A MAY � o' � ... . , �°4 . � ' ly � ` -`�. 7Y ��ytN UPvfR -+ � M � � �P'_ CiR. 37 135tA Sf. _ , . � _� NO SCALE � � �' f361h Si N. � 737I=ST, w Q � . . . . 0� 3j�'Sl-M.. DqCV/��� o ` O �8q . �<< . . ROSEMOLTNT . e CONNfMARA TR. � � Ca �� �'�ST.M. /3Sth � i� ,, ��' r 1990 POP. 8612 � � O .N � 0 �` �� . !Gr �� Q j 4 Z a Q�' f�4'r . . . r � y OA.1� tr i v <o CONN EhARP TR. . . . MMOM� Q e �r. Q'�� 04 � P c,�• ip�� v P �il �' � � � . . ONy�,Q�a � oe�ti � M fa��� a 51� � � M'� � � ,,�yE � „ Trnile� � e �� �i a ppµtMAV�Ho�iy�AVE. � �� � O �OUf t . 2 a na � � 51 o Ct - DE�RB�R. Q�1a iJs CJ. W_ n So Ji1nd Sf. N. v � . p c'd �, . 3019 . � � r � . � GAlN CT . p'm �AVEI�at 'O�TH� o li/SN R79N ` 0� . . . . . . x P8� �. ' Y � > ��3.e : sr j. '9 �'�9 33 , o N 1 r a � v�•�F i l.�'2 �Y W UGPER 1[3�0 ST. x W C �� . � �t. q � �s� m . lc<fh � �' ST. � . � . � � . QpG 9>, ��. Q, �A ST.� W. � s � �, . . . y �'.� "(�S' . 4 1GSih V b ST. �k. _ � .W. li57b Sl. � . � v F � _ �7 Q. . y � W ,,, . . ¢ x ,V fisf sr. W �� � ' � j > � � �W w e �c � � ���,,; < <I<6fd� Si. W � � m �� a v�� u e �� ,,; < 7 7. �_ � . i . � �'< 3 < < . W 2 i - z � o � � � o < < < BlVO,�� 5T6iA ; � LOMER ls7lh yST. . � � �� �lE � ' ,. o o = 2 4 � � 79. � 00�� 5t. 2� I<7! � ST. �. . � . . � .N 8/iC�'r �t� `. � O i q o oD9'9�¢ 14�t � /ldiA Sl. -w+ UPP£R ii7l aST.. � �� Y � O l, lLdfh o G f< � � a .,. CT. 76. � la Z � i �,� UPOER� /<dih SI. � � ` fi . . � "' � o " � LOWER /49f n d3.l6M LOMCRu o . . ' ` � /<91A CT jj B 6 'a = x e/ b ` illfA S7 �, .m OJ 75. li9fh5l. v. �"'„ � � UPP£R !l9/AST �._� V � 7. c�„ isotn sr. w. 9 ¢ � 3 O `' � a � � m ` 4 . w Jr e � . . J � 7f S/ 751nd ST.O a � 151s1 ST. � � e . W � i �1 3133 J� � r . �+�� � > ; � i ' j � � l775N Nf9M �� B� a � ¢ z < ISInd 3 0 � o�3 . . Bpa 80. j � m u V � �e Q SI. {l � 4 �•� � URR . . . . �. ��a aE DEN : w � p s'�p0 . m � i � � 8�. CHRYSLER AVE. o � ORfSD� �� 4+��j-q�V/�o 154QJ�e� ~�� IS[th Q �, ) 82. CHORIEY AVE. \ p C ' a � CT. M. o �Sr. M = a � 83. UPPER I49�P CT. - ��SS�� ~ S7. M. `� - +SSrh sr.w.�, � 84. CHEVELIE Ci. z '�'! � MAY � � r • � � 85. CHAR�ESTON AVE. o � � j � � CO UMBIA¢a�< CORNflUR. .86. (49Qj� Si. N.� . � , 2 0 � _ �T. � PROJECT c � issinsr W �� UPPfRpP�E = O¢ Q '�E� �? �.u y `�pNf[C lR. ° `,r oQ � � ,,ao��r LOCAT I ON � � DARC/NG ��J� o W� PA� . . . . � P4lN 'I, = a �l �. . . . . . . 157I 1�/C7 M /571h S/. N. ��N H �/��sa�ncr �Sarnsr w. %' 7597d� OAKOTA OR. � � ' �CTJ J601 ST. �� . . � I ? 7115M � � t RIIV ..1.. . . � . . . � � . . . � � . . Drawn By� Orr Drowing Title � PL J Schelen Comm. No. LOCATION MAP Mayeron & 512$. 2Q Date� Associates, lnc. CSAH 42, CANADA AVE TURN �I Engineers ■ Architects ■ Planners � Surveyors LANE�7-CITY PROJECT NO. 258 Figure No.' . � 4����9`I � 300 Perk Placa Center�5775 �e�zet� Boulererd � � Yinneepolia.NN 55�16-1228 ■ 6f2•S93•5775 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � r �r � � � +� � � r � a� � � � � i r �r � _ : ,� ..�� �., : .� , _ _---�,. F t , �, --- - ---— � � � .�� , s�. � � , . 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CITY PROJECT N0.258 EXI$TINCi spao•.�...«e�e��c,.r,,o,.r,.$��,,,,�, R4ADWAY CONFIGfUItATION z '°°'"�"'•°•�•°�•�•s���•,uu���...,, ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA Itlan��plia.YN sytl0•122!�OIR-39S•37l3 . . � . . .. \t'e,f\cs!\ 1 3fc4.a;n . . . � � . . j�\5128.00\trons\cod\5128fo4.dgn a� � � , � �■r +� � � r � � r � � � s � � � � , .ti� �� , rf- .,, ., . . � .. - . , , ;. . . _ - .:.. , _ . . - - X COUNTY ROAD 42 Jj� - _ _ _ _ - � � � � �— �' �tr _ � � �uuE o — — — �r 0 �!� � ; � _ _ ` �tr ,� Q - �l � � _ ���l�, � Q� �� � � � 4 �� l�r e � rs�sr � � \ ST 9�FT � i i ` W \` Q � Z � � '�1 � W � a � -ti v ��� Drown By� Dote� Comm.No. Orr Drawing Titie Pigure No. sene�en CSAH 42,CANADA AVE TURN LANE3 PROP03ED lleyeron d PL,J 6/t 5/94 5128.20 �� Aa�oc�ntes,taa CITY PROJECT N0.25$ EiOADWAY CONFIG}URATION 3 � � En�foeen.AreAitaets■Pl�nner�.s�T..,or, �BOSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA � � aoo e..�rrK.c.e�...e»s a��,i.eo�i....� ' rmo..00u..rK ssueasze�e�s-sns�ws � PRO-4.DGN , `• `' ,; - , ; � — ,� _ : — t �Z1'd Yt. 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I S �. - ' .i::i..I..I..!..I.. ..I..I ,� / .. / i ,.u.. _ �— Gr�Nn By: Cate� Ccrr,m.No. Orr Drowing Title �'y�`e �'� Schelen CSAH 42,CANADA AVE TURN LANES PLJ 6/t5/94 5128.20 � Assoc atn.es!nc CITY PROJECT NO.258 AS3ESSMENT MAP y � En`toeero•Arohiteets.Plenner3■Surveyon � � � ROSEMOUNT�M�NNE.'$0'j'�1 � � . � � � � � � � . . . ]00 P�rY Pl�ee hnter�57v3 Y�rx�l�Bouie.�rd � . .. ' . � � . .. � � . . Yinnr�yolia.YN 35{16-122E�E12�595•5773 � . . . . . _�v.�.�._.�..�-.....�-...�.-....-�...-.-,-�_.�..___ . _ -. ___._ .�.__'_" _ ' ' '. _ "" _ _.�'_ " �. . __ _......�+.��_ ._. . .` _. .._ _. ._ . .._. . -'"_, _ �""" '"..,. _.. � . . . . . �,.z.q....u�.e z.,.,. .�;:.• .. � .. � � � . � }}�_' . . . . ... . �.� .�...,. ,,� .... ..�, y . .. . : . ' � .:� �+nr���„��t`,,F'...._. "- . .`'�� .`• � _ •. .�.:.. . . . . . . r..�;.:� � ... � . . .��. . .:.. ' City of Rosemount CSAH 42, Canada Ave. Tum Lanes , City Project No. 258 OSM Project No. 5128.20 � Preliminary Ass�ssment Rolt ' Parcel Estimated Porcel Assessment Tatai Assessment Areo(sq. ff.) Amount Amount � A 5544� $11.186 S65,8Q0 ' B 217800 54,395 C 15998 $323 �i � D 39898 5805 E 47138 5951 , F 290408 $5,860 ' G 40600 $8J9 H 62800 $1,267 I 18925 $382 , J 39838 $804 K 2b800 5541 L 7500 '$151 M 856� $1,727 ' N 280000 $5,650 O 47100 5950 P 28800 5581 � 6� 300� 5605 R 390� S787 S 44400 $896 ' T 390� 5787 U 38900 $785 V 164000 53,309 ' W 91500 $1,846 X 645� S 1,301 Y 43400 $876 ' Z 44700 $902 AA 329200 $6,642 BB 380900 $7,686 � DD 44600 S900 EE 3375 $68 fF 46000 $928 ' GG 54000 $1,090 , Totals 32b1080 S+65,800 , Assessment rate=565800/3261080 s .ff. _$A20/s . ff. ' ' 1:5128.20\civillmisc\Prelas2PRELAS2.XlS PQg21 b/30l94 �, �,; ¢� � �� � -"G� � .,�_ � '. �' � ., : �_.: �::.` � . ��°� �,':;: