HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. Pay Estimate #5 Valley Oak Pond Outlet, City Project #197 �. ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #5, Valley Oak Pond Outiet AGEIVDA SECTION: City Project #197 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N City Engineer/Public Works Director ���� � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #5 APPROVED BY: �--' This item requests the fifth payment to Busse Construction, Inc. in the amount of S 11,855.52 for construction of City Project #197, Valley Oak Pond Outlet, Phase I. Work completed and represented in this amount as of June 10, 1994 is 98% of the contracted work. A final payment will be made next month after all punch list items are completed. Attached is a copy of'the Payment Voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fifth payment request. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #5 TO BUSSE CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 511,855.52 FOR VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET, PHASE I, CITY PROJECT #197. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 5 CITY PROJECT NO: 197 SEH FILE NO: A-ROSEM9245.03 PROJECT: VALLEY OAK POND OtTTLET - PHASE I CONTRACTOR: Busse Construction Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 7/14/93 13001 Belle Plaine Trail APPLICATION DATE: 6/10/94 Belle Plaine MN 56011 FOR PEIZIOD ENDING: 6/10/94 Total Contract Amount $ 211,800.91 Total Amount Earned $ 206,710.51 Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 206,710.51 LESS 5% RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,335.53 AMOUNT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 196,374.98 LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATION . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 184,519.46 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 11,855.52 APPROVED: t u smun son City Engineer/Assistant Director of Public Works TUi�I - 1 0 - 94 FR I 9 : 38 P � 0 � , nl�f'LICA'1'lON I�QIt PAYML'N'I' (UN1"1' PttICT CON'fRACI� N4. 5 _____...----�� ---...�. _. ..-----•—� .- ...., --�.— _"� —��._.__ . .. � �.� .� 3WNl.:it: � CCI'Y 4� ltOSI'sMOUN'1' UWN�?ti'S PROI�CT NO. _I---r---1 y7'- -------------------------------------------------__-------LNG. I'ROJCCT NO. 89245.03 ,(}��,'�'it)N: ROS�MOUN1', M1NNI'sS0'!'A � , � -------- _._.�..,__...... _ _.__—.._ --_--�—�---..._... .. __._... ..�...�.--,_-_......----• --�-- .,. _. ,..�._,., .----�---�—�--- ....----......�,.- '�ON'1'RACI'Ult 1;US$L CONS'!'12UG"CION, lNC. CON'1'IZACI'UA7'E _�f_) .¢..l�3 -------------------------------------------- 13OUI t3Gt,t.lz Pt,A1Nf:7'l2Alt, C'UN"1'RA(,`I'AMOUN'I' $21^1,KUU_91_ �3i.i.r,r� E���iN, MN SGt)i 1 C.ON"l'lt. I�Utt YAt_1_LY_(?AK.I'ONDIUt1_t'1.li'►---I'IlAS1: 1-------------w----...__^^--•----------•--•---_.._ ----------- ----- Al'1'1.,1C.UA'I'Is � Ub/2U/91+ E'1'sI2tQU );Nt�. -----__-- �,. _...__.._ ,_. ---..__....—_..�,__.__ , _—... _---.------_ �.. __. .____ A!'I�L[CA"I'i(?N I�UIt i'AYMI;N'1' CUN'1"R/1C1' QU11NTi'1'Y UN1'1' � UN1'1' (,�UAN'['t'i'Y TO DATL� PRIC[; '1'Q'1'AL I'1'1�M Nf). . 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JIJN - 1 0 - 94 FR I 9 � 38 P . 03 ♦ �59.G07 Iteplaccment T3Ackfill 't'on 14U _..._ _...� IO,SO ----.�._,. i11.SU1 E2ancloR��riprap, Cl. Ill C.Y. fi _,__6,�_ �12.ix} _..... 252_0O_ i11.S0? Grvuted itiprap C.Y. 5{1 --.--..,55 grl.tx} _ 4,b'zU_t)c:} 311.311 0�����uf�u r•;1��, C.v. �7 •--. 22 �.M ��.i� �.._"Lt36.c�(� S�U.501 Agg. I3ase Itesror�ttivn lfi-SY 12(H} _ _...._— l.tx) _...._�__.._... 590.4U5 13it. Surfacc Etestortt�ion In-SY GQO ._.�,. . 5.{X) __...M_____.._ ��U.SU9 Coltcrece C&{3ltestor�i►ion i..l�. bt� _______— Z-3•�� . -�.. -- 258.415 15" KCP Storn� Sewcr, Cl. !tI L.E�. 2�► ___....22.5 , 31.5t) ^--.��}��7.5 t5�.�'l4 z��� 1zG1'►StUiZil .�viW1, C:l. ilt �..t�. ���� _.___146 _, 31.5(1 4,59y.trf� Z58.43t) 30" ltC`I'Sl�r�ti Sewer, CE. 1V l..l�. 3�/(� ._.._390_....._ �1R.3U 1�3,.�3l...�:tO_ 258.415 IS" KCI'Apr�it w/I'rtesh C�u.��Yi liac:l� Z ---.----.2 .^� t�O�.W „�1.�20�3.t)U_ Z58.52�1 2�t" RCi�Apron wll'rasli Gu��rcl [sach ! .... ...__.1 K(,(}.t}(} ----�t,c}.UU_ 258.53U 3(l" ltCP A�}ron w/Cr�sii C�uarci tiacl► ?. _. ._._ � _..,. I(}7S.UU _.�...1iU.U4_ LSS.SU1 [Yfat111w1�:9'I',7}�c L) ' L.I�. :�.A _ F�_�(l�i �7�.{�{� _,_ ,�/�lj_ 1 i 25�.821 MEt CF�stinS,�YP� K-lG�l2 I:air.h 1 -- .1 .._ :i78.tlU �.. ..._378.t1t�.. 25$.9t?1 Coiinett to liipt�tce Storin Scwcr trsich 2 _ ..?w_ �s2t1.(lU w_, x�,n__r�i}� 258.90� C'oiuticct to ingluc;u Cntcl� 13ticii� li:u-h j 1 _ .._ 7$7.(x) _,_,7�37:()(� 772.4U I t�om»lun I'ond rxcavatic�n C.Y. �I S 1:;G �{�13fi _y 2,(}{, 92.,.9RO.l b_ 772.S1G Pancl�Linerl:xcav�tiort (`..y, 7tKt) 7i89 2,�$ 1.7,Gt'3.t�S,. 772.5.�.(� tfo�,d i_;�,er t3orr,,,sr {1 V) f:.Y. :i115 ._._ 3.SU --.---._... • -- 7�2.524 '!'apsuil 13orrvw (1.V) C:.Y. SU ---•--...__ �).tjU __�_..___..._._ 772,.540 !'oiicl ��cwa�eri+�� t..;3. � _. .�_. 7.So.cx� .__.. >>ra:.Q�l._ 575.5O1 Seeclin�, Acrc 5 _,_, 14 ..., 13:i.(li} ..�..lc�._i)t) _ 575.5U2 Scccl, Mixed �IVMesi� Mix. I.b. 74 _.._..195 --_ 2.G.(}t) .`�,O7(l.t�c�_ 94qo �4�,�09.S- S?S.SUS Socldin�;,'I'y}�e A S.Y. S 19�1 __ S�� . ,, 9K 1..45 _��� 575.511 Mutch Ms�tei•ial,'!'ypc t .I.os� ltl _ 2�_ 1�tS.Ut} _.�+,ot;t�_t)t)� S?S.SI�) 1)isc Anchoring Acrc 5 -- - -14-.-._— 37.t1t} ... .._�it�.UO i�n.ot�;.oi 'AGE 2 Ot�4 - S[(U!t'I'-�I.I.[O'1'I'-1 tt?NUItiC'KSON� li�It`. � U.t�l - 1 0 - 94 FR I 9 � 39 P - 04 ' • 5(H! 13UU i).3S 455.Ut} -- 12-12 I.U. .�... ST5.532 � Comm. l?erc.Analysis 12- ---- '�� ,�.� d _ .. 192.t10 . 195.501 � TrAnsplant Trca. ShcuU g _...—____. bG.W r.,.�....._.... t9S,S02 . ��� '�'fansplant Shrub 320.00 � � 22t},00 1► t93.503 Colarado Spruce, 6' B 8c B 'rz��c 2 —.•�--x�"r �' 295.504 M�rst��tt Secdless Ash, '1'ree 2 __.,._— 2S3.t)O ,...--- 2" CaI. D &B ,�,� Z _ g Zs3.a� z 2� .� 295.505 IIlaCk W11loW,2" Cal, I3 & 13 ' '- � 2 .._�.� 253.UO -- 295.SOb Nor�hwood Maple,2" Cal. l3 & I3 'Cree -- �z95�S07 D�lduaus Shrub- Sl�rub 5 _..M...._.—... 31.U() _.� _.,.._ Alpine Curnet �g�.5pg Deeiduous ShruU- YotentUta Shnib 5 _.---�----�--- 31.{� �.:._ -.— i293.309 D�cic3uou3 Sfu•ub- AwQ�f $11CuU S �.._�� 31.t�U ���..- Korean Lltac l295.510 Dec:�duous Sl�rt�b- Pur��ie l.eaf Shrub 5 ---� -�-- �1,{x} .' �- • S�t�d Cherry ' )295.511 Deciduous Shrub- Shrub � -:.�.-.-._—_ �1.W -�`"_ ttetiJPink Itosc ?2}S.S 12 Ptrettintal Flower- Irls/Lily Fiawec !(1 _._..:..__.....r— 1').t� _._..._._.—._ 4,Q52.00 � PAOB 3 4t�4 51101iT-i's1.L101'I'-[IfsN[�RICKSON, INC. ; JIJ,N — 1 0 - 94 FR I 9 3 39 P . 05 ,� ,� , � � APPI.ICATI0�1 f4R PAYM�NT - Cuntinued ' ' � 206,71o.St 1� Cota� Contract Amount � 211.800.91 Totel Amount Earned $ ���T �' `'�� � �--� aaterisl Suitably Stored on Site. Not Incopor8ted tnto Work . $ � �ontr�ct Changs Order Na, ___�__._ Percent_Complete $ � Contrest Ci�enge Order� No. _ __. __ Percent Complete $ � Cantlr��t Ch�nge Order No. Percent Cpmplete � � ' 2o6i7�o. St o� � C�ROSS AMOlJNT DU£. . .. ... ... .... . $ �'�t � ' • � /o,33S•53 p� tE55 � RETAINAGE..: ., .. .. � ��� � 1 � 6�4$ cf • AMOUNT DUE TO bATE. ... . .. .. .. .. $ � LESS PREVIOUS. APR�,ICATIONS... . . � 184,519.46 //� $5 S• 52 DF �4MOUN�' OU� TkIS APP6ICATION. .. . � �..�-:-�8�" 441�7RAC�QR'S_A��'IQAVIT � . �ie unders g1�e or� ractur heraby swears under penal ty of per�ury that �1�. a t l .previous prtigress. paymen�s received. �'rom the Owner on accaunt of work perform�d ur�der the;�con�ract referired to �bove have beert appliad by the undsrslgn�d to discharge in full ali obi�gatio�s of the �under- siQn�d lncurred 1n connectian with work cavered by priar App�ications for Payment under sdld `. �orttract, . . and {2} �11 - rt�ter��i d�d equ#pment. incorpor�t�d 1h said Pro�ect or otherwis8 11Sted,.in or cavered by this� Appltcation for �ayment a�re free and c1ear of �ll 11ens� claims, securi�y interests and enGumbrances. � OAtBd June 3.0 , lg 94 . Susse Con�trLtCt«�Ori �nc. C�nLractor By ,P , Name a n i l e ` CBUHTY 4F ) SS � STATE OF j � . Before on' thts , /8 ^-� day of ���r�L , 19 �Y_ �ersonal]y �ppeared nowr+ to me, w o be�ing�duTy sworn, di� depase 8n say a Q S e y� __ of the Contrac�or above mentianed; ce tha� he @xecuted the above Applicatfon �tor Payment and Affidavit on behalf of said Contraetor; �tnJ tl�aL all uf� rein ar�s lrua, curr�ct �nd corn�7ec�. �• GERAtblNf 6. SONS ^ Nry Comdiission �Xp �lOI,�RY YUetIC�,����sore gyt,p'�.y �. ��.�.�i cAav� couHrr atary Pub ic My commiasion.xptres }0�1.9t �......�.... - - � - -- ?he undersigned has checked the Contractor's Aqplication for Paym@ttt ShOWn 8b�ve. A part of this App litatian fs the Contractor`s Affidavit sta�ing that all previous p�ym�nts to him under this Cantract have beert appiied by him ta discharg� in full a�l �of his ablig�tions in ' cannectlon with the work �avered by all prior Applications far Payment. . Xn a�cardance with the Cantract. th� undsrsigned approves payment to the Contractor of the Amoun� pue. , StiORT E OT7,lif DEtI KSON INC. Oate � — a.O — 94- gy . . Pa^e 4 ef 4 - - 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 551 i0 672 490-2000 800 325-2055 - ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERING • ENVlRONMENTAL • rRANSPORTATlON- June 22, 1994 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Valley Oak Pond Outlet - Phase I Storm Drainage Improvements SEH No. A-ROSEM9245.03 Mr. Gene Moskop Busse Construction, Inc. 13001 Belle Plaine Trail Belle Plaine, MN 56001 Dear Gene: At the City's request, the following punch list must be completed prior to approval of Payment No. 5 at the City Council meeting on July 5, 1994. Pond No. 1 1. Finish rolling the sod on the east slope. 2. Remove all straw bales from the site. 3. Remove loose mulch which has piled up on the north slope. This mulch is killing the sod beneath it. 4. Clean up all debris from pond shore and slopes. Remove straw and other debris from pipe trash guards. Pond No. 2 1. Remove all silt fence. 2. Fill major crevices with topsoil on south and west slopes. �I 3. Replace dead sod on south slope. This sodded area should also be rolled. 4. Clean up all debris from pond shore and slopes. Remove all debris from pipe trash guards. Pond No. 3 1. Remove all silt fence. 2. Replace sod which has washed out on the west side of pond. SNORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON/NC MINNEAPOLIS,MN ST CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS,WI MADISON,W! Mr. Gene Moskop June 22, 1994 Page 2 3. Pipe outlet coming from pond 2 to pond 3 has been sodded over. Remove sod and topsoil from flared end section, and clean pipe. 4. Clean up all debris from pond shore and slopes. Remove all debris frorn pipe trash guards. Please inform us at least 48 hours in advance of completing this work. We appreciate your prompt cooperation. Sincerely, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. David F. Simons, P.E. tlo c: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer Rich Lonnquist, Engineering Technician