HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of January 15, 1994 Special Meeting and March 2, 1994 Regular City Council Meeting - - - RQSE�+tOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 15, 1994 Pursuant to due ea11 and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on January 15, 1994 at 8: 15 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order wa.th Council Members Staats, Wippermann, Andersan, and Busho present. Interim Administrator Ron Wasmund was also present. Mayor McMenomy led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the special meeting was to interview applicants for positions on various commissions and committees for the City of Rasemount. A schedule of ak�out twelve minute interview9 of 21 applicants was set for the morning. City Council reviewed their recommendations to be approved at the next City Council meeting. Appointed commissianers would be given the Oath of Office at the first regularly scheduled meeting of their commission or committee in February. MOTION by McNienomy to adjourn. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes; 5 . Nays: Nane. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. , Respectfull submitted, Y Ron Wasmund Interim City Administrator , ATTEST: ' E. B. McMenomy, Mayor The Ci�y Gouncil Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1994-3 . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCE�DINGS , , r REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 19g4 Mayor McMenomy called for a short break at 9 :25 p.m. The regular City Council meeting was reconvened at 9 :38 p.m. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition .Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251. City Engineer Osmundson noted that the public hearing for Sha,nnon Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project ' 251 had been requested by the developer, Steven Fiterman of Ground Development Corporation, to be continued to March 15 because he was . unable to attend the public hearing. MOTION by McMenomy to continue the public hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251 to the regular meeting of Mareh 15, 1994 and table any action to that meeting. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Developrnent, preliminary plat, and rezoning request. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the Wensmann 6th Addition for a residential _ Planned Unit Development with single famil� houses and townhouses. The Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee have reviewed and the Planned Unit Development and recommended approval. A one-third acre play lot was designated upon the suggestion of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the landscaping is three times more than what is required, and there is a $47, 000 Park Dedication fee that will be paid. Mayor McMenomy noted for the record that the small park is not needed because there is a neighborhood park just three blocks away. Residents commented on their concerns. Discussion ensued by Council. MOTION by McMenomy to close the public hearing on Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning request. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLtTTION APPROVING THE WE�TSblANN SIXTH ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OIIT CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOTION by���':�to table action on the requested rezoning of the Wensma.nn xth Addition from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential/R-2 Single Family Residential Attached until final plat approval . Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Ma.yor McMenomy opened the public hearing for the grant application for land acquisition of the prairie area north of Carrolls Woods. 4 � f ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGLTLAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Pursuant to due ca11 and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, March 2, 1994 at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 I45th Street West. The meeting was held on Wednesday due to the state caucuses. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Busho, Wippermann and Staats present. Councilmember Anderson was out of town. Staff present included: CiCy Attorney Miles, Interim Administrator Wasmund, Administrative Assistant Wa1sh, Assistant Planner Pearson, Parks & Recreation Director Bechtold, City Engineer �smundson, Community Center Ma.nager Topitzhofer, Fire Chief Aker, and Police Chief Knutsen. Mayor McMenomy lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Additions to the Agenda were as follows: Item 3 .e. Chamber of Commerce Update; Item 4. a. Minutes of February 12, 1994 Special Meeting; Item 14 . c. Amend Police Department Labor Agreement; Item 14. d. Vermillion State Bank Branch Proposal; and Item 16. a. Closed Session/McDonough Litigation, One item fram the consent agenda� (4 . m. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, ,: _. O`Leary's Hills 7th and 8th Additions, City Projects 253 and 254) was pulled and moved to Item 13 . d, for discussion. Kevin Carroll represented the S.O.A.R. group and gave an update on the airport planning process. Site 3 near Has�ings was chosen, but some members are clearly not happy with that selection. A group is forming that would promote a light rail transit from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport to a site near Rosemount. S.O.A.R. is requesting that someone be appointed to represent the Gity af Rosemount on the technieal committee reviewing this information. Council will discuss this with Tom Burt the new City Administrator after his arrival March 14, 1994. John Loch gave an update on the Chamber of Commerce and its involvement with a "Sister City" in Russia. Several thank you letters arrived with a painting done by a resident of Ivanteevka, Russia. Clothing and medicine were sent last �ear to help children, elderly, and handicapped people there. About 2,540 residents were given aid. Parents of diabe�ic children sent their deepest thanks. The painting will be hung at the Community Center. Loch also noted that the Shamrock Dinner will be postponed to April 23, 1994 due to the delay in opening the Community Center. Police Chief Knutsen announced an open house Nlarch 16, 1994 at 7z00 p.m. for Law Enforcement Awareness Night. It will be a chance for eitizens to meet all the police officers and learn what the main funetions and services of the Palice Department are. Topics to be c�vered are: D.A.R.E. Program, Safe Streets, Neighbo=hood Watch Program, Traffic Law Ugdate, Gang Activity in Rosemount, and Communications. Knutsen invited all to "share a cup with a cop" after the program. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda with an I amendment to page two of the February 15, 1994 regular minutes; the ' addition of the minutes of February 12 special meeting; and removing Itern 4. m. regarding the feasibility report for 0'Leary' s t � ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEFsTING MARCH 2, 19�4 Hills 7th and Sth Additions for discussion. Secoad by Bushoo � Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy reviewed the public process for Public Hearings for the audience. Because there were eight Public Hearings on the agenda, the Mayor found it expedient to note at this time that all the Affidavits of Published, Mailed, and Posted Notices were on file and in order with the recording secretary as required by law. City Engineer Bud Osmundson gave a review of the 145th Street Reconstruction between Chili Avenue and Cameo Avenue. An informational meeting was held February 23, 1994 . Residents noted that they would like green area or boulevard rather than cement separating the sidewalk from the street for safety considerations. Parking on both sides of the street was desired. Further discussion was held. MOTION by Wippermann to close the Public Hearing far 145th Street Reconstruction, City Project 245 . Secoad by Staats. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None, Council reso],ved that parking would be allowed on both sides of 145th Str�et, green space woul.d be provided between the street and sidewalk, consideration would be given to a 42 foot wide street, and underground utilities would be available. Decarative lighting would be encouraged, but funding has to be determined. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLIITION FOR TIiE APPROVAL OF 145TH STREET IMPROVII�SENTS FROM CEiILI AVENUE TO CpiMEO AND APPROVAL OF PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CITY PROJECT 245. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. MOTION by MeMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THF AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN i994 B'UDGET ITEMS. Second by Wipgermann. Ayes: MeMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wipgerma.nn. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for tl�e 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal of Friedges, Inc. on Lance Johnson's property. Assistant Planner Richard Pearsan noted that ali mineral extraction permits have been standardized. Specific conditions can be added to the permits as needed. Mr. John Friedges is requesting the renewal of the mineral extraction permit for a mining operation on property owned by Lance Johnson. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request on February 8, 1994 with the 1994 Conditions of Approval Agreement. Charlie Koehnen, a neighbor to Friedges mining operation, was concerned about concrete rubble that has been buried. Neil Graee, General Manager of Friedges, nated that the concrete is intended to be recycled by crushing and that much of it has been on the property for years. 2 c i ROSEMOUNT CITF PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 ` MOTION by MCMenomy to close the public hearing for the Mineral Extraction Perrnit renewal for Friedges, Inc. on the Lance Johnson property. Second by Wippermann, Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to approve A RESOLtTTION FOR T8E 1994 MIrTERAI, EXTR.ACTION PERMIT RENEa1AL FOR THT LANCE JOffi�iSON FROPERTY requested by Friedges Landscaping subject to an executed 1994 Conditions for Mineral Extraction Renewal Agreement including amendments regarding recycling materials. Secoad by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal of Solberg Aggregate on Koch Refining property. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the request of Loren Howard of Solberg Aggregate, Inc. for extraction of 90, 000 yards of material over a two year period. The Planning Commission approved the renewal of the mining permit with a conditions agreement. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing for the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal of Solberg Aggregate on Koch Refining property. Secoad by Busho. Ayes: Wipperniann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. MOTI�N by McMenomy to approve A RESOLIITION FOR THF 1994 MINERAL FsXTRRCTION PERMIT RENEWAL FOR THE RC?CH REFINING COMPANY PROPERTY requested by Solberg Aggregate subject to an executed Mineral Extraction Conditions Agreement amended to include recycTing material language. Secoad by Busho. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the publie hearing for the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal of Bituminous Roadways an Otto Ped`s property. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the request of Greg Dambroten of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. to extract material and haul it to their Inver Grove Heights location. Otto Ped wishes to lower a land ridge 15 to 20 feet so that he will be able to irrigate his land for agricultural purposes. MOTION b� Wippermann to close the public hearing for the 1994 Mineral Extraction permit Renewal of Bituminous Roadways on Otto Ped's property. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOT=ON by Wippermann to approve A RESOLtTTION FOR THE 1994 M=NF�RAL EXTRACT=ON FERMIT RENED�AL FOR T8E OTTO PED PROPERT'Y requested by Bituminous Roadways subject to an executed 1994 Conditions for Mineral Extraction Renewal Agreement amended to include recycling material language. Second by Staats. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. 3 1 i ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Mayor McMenomy called for a short break at 9 :25 p.m. The regular � City Council meeting was reconvened at 9 :38 p.m. - ' Ma.yor McMenomy opened the publie hearing for Shannan Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Praject 251. City Engineer Osrnundsan nated that the public hearing for Shannon Hil�.s 6th Additian Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251 had been requested by the developer, Steven Fiterman of Graund Development Corporation, to be continued ta March 1.5 because he was unable to attend the public hearing. MQTION by McMenomy to continue the public hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251 to the regular meeting of March 15, I994 and table any action' ta tha� meeting. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays. None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Development, greliminary plat, and rezoning request. Assistant Planner Pearson reviewed the Wensmann 6th Addition for a residential- Planned Unit Development with single family houses and townhouses. The Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee have reviewed and the Planned Unit Development and recommended approva].. A one-third acre play lot was designated upon the suggestion af the Parks and Reereation Committee, the landscaping is three times mare than what is required, and there is a $47, 000 Park Dedication fee that will be paid. Ma�or McMenomy noted for the record that the small park is not needed because there is a neighborhood park just three blocks away. Residents commented on their concerns. Discussion ensued b� Council. MOTTON by McMenomy �o close the public hearing on Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Develapment, preliminary plat, and rezoning request. Second by Staats. Ayes. McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RLSOLTJTION APPROVING TSE WBNS�lAN1�T SIXTH ADDITI4N PLANNED UNIT DFVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINA3tY PLAT AND SETTING OUT CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. Second by Staatg. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to table action on the reguested rezoning of the Wensmann Sixth Addition from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family� Residential/R-2 Single �amily Residential Attached until fina3 plat approval . Second by Wippermann. Ayesc Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for the grant application for land acquisition of the prairie area narth of Carrolls Woads. 4 � 3 ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold advised that the site has been designated for use in conjunction with the Carrolls Woods Park and the Schwarz Pond Park in the Parks System Master Plan. This grant would supply matching funds for the land purchase if it is appraved by the Department of Natural Resources. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing for the grant application for the prairie area north of Carrolls Woods land acquisition. Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize the submittal of the 0utdoor Recreation Grant for the land acquisition of prairie land north of Carrolls Woods Park. Second by Busho. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for the" grant applieation for 'Birger Pond land acquisition. Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold noted that Birger Fond would provide recreational water uses and act as a stormwater holding pond. The grant would provide _.for land acquisition only, not development. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing for the grant application for Birger Pond land acquisition. Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize the submittal of the Outdoor Recreation Grant for the Birger Pond Iand acguisition. Secoad by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant Walsh outlined the information detailed for the Fire Relief Association benefits adjustment for 1994 and 1995. MOTION by Staats to approve the rate of $1800 per year of service for 1994 and $2000 per year of service for 1995 for the Rosemount Fire Relief Association Benefits and to approve amendments to the Reiief Association' s "Bylaws" to reflect these benefit changes. Second by MeMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, , Busho. Nays: None. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed 0'Leary' s Hills 7th and 8th Additions, Street and Utility Improvements, City Projects 253 and 254. The 7th Addition would be constructed in 1994 and the 8th Addition would be constructed in 1995. Dave Simons, P.E. of SEH Engineering provided an overview of the project. MOTIdN by Busho to adopt A RESOLVTI�N RECEIVING FEASYB=L�TY R£PORT AND SETTING THE P17BLIC HEARING FOR O'LEARY'S HILLS ?TH AND 8TH ADDITION STREET AND IITILITY IMPROVS�fiTTS, CITY PROJECTS 253 AND 254. Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. 5 ROSSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING MAItCH 2, 19 9 4 Mayor McMenomy withdrew from the Vermillion State Bank Branch ' proposal discussion due to a conflict of interest. Councilmember Wippermann filled in as Acting Mayor. Interim Administrator Wasmund noted that the City had been contacted by Jeff Hawkins requesting a location for a branch office of the Vermi113on State Bank in Rosemount. P�operty on 145th Street and Diamond Path was selected for a temporary location (not more than three years) until a site might open up on County Road 42 . Rezoning would be required causing a minor amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Metropolitan Council may not approve any, minor amendments at this time, and delays could be probable: Acting Mayor Wippermann noted that the same site had been selected by Cottages, Inc. and presented to the Port Authority for residential development which would not require any changes to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. It was the cansensus of the Council nat to support the temporary location proposal and to encourage the Vermillion State Bank to ' work with staff for a permanent location of the branch office in Rosemoun�. Interim City Administrator Ron Wasmund reported that resident Larry Walsh has contacted the state Department of Administration beeause city staff had not responded to requests for information from Mr. Walsh. Wasmund and Council discussed the information requested by Mr. Walsh and agreed a great deal of staff time would be incurred in providing the information. much of the information requested by Mr. Walsh was in conjunction wi�h the City' s comment cards and Council agreed this was not the intended purpose of the comrnent cards. MOTION by McMenomy ta direct the City Attorney to draft a general response letter to Mr. Larry Walsh and Mr. Donald Gernberling of the Department of Administration, and direct staff to meet with Larry Walsh. Second by Busho. Ayes: 3taats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson report that the Planning Commission had discussed a new start time for the cammission meetings. The change recomanended was from 5:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. The City Council consensus was that the start time change would not assist residents working outside of Rosemaunt to be able to attend meetings. It could be helpful if public hearings at the Planning Commission meeting eould be held at 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. to accammodate most residents. Staff was asked to research what time surrounding cities have planning meetings. Administrative Assistant Walsh with Citp Attorney Miles drafted an ordinance regulating sexual conduct and nudity in Rosemount businesses. It was d�cided to regulate thzs through businesses which hold intoxicating and nonintoxicating liquor licenses. �SOTION by McMenomy to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVI.28, AN ORDIAiANCS 6 � ' � ROSII�iOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 AMENDIATG TITLE 3 PERTAINING TO LIQIIOR REGIILATSONS Tp PROHIBIT NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONDUCT IN ESTABLIS�NTS HOLDING OR SEEKING INTOXICATING AND NONINT�XICATING LIQUOR LICENSES IN OR.DER TO PRESERVE ORDER AND PROTECT THE PUBLIC WELFARE AND TO AVOID THE SECONDARX EFFECTS ATTENDANT UPON ALLOWING SUCH ACTIVITY IN SUCH ESTABLISHMENTS. Second by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Interim City Administrator Wasmund reviewed the lease agreement with U.S. West NewVector Communications, Inc. This is a cellular communication company which has a tower site adjacent to the city water tower on County Road 42 and Chippendale Avenue. This is the third renewal of the 5 year term. Staff recommends approval. MOTION by Wippermann to approve an automatic renewal for a �ive year term of the specific site identified with NewVector Communications. Secoad by Staats, Ayes: Wipperrnann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to amend the 1993-94 Labor Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Law Enforeement Labor Services, Inc. to redefine article I.5 to include a 8.5 hour shift. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. Community Center Manager Topitzhofer gave an update on the occupancy of the Community Center and National Guard Armory. Inspections will continue this week. The final inspection has delayed the scheduled opening causing some events to be cancelled or changed to another lacation. Councilmember Busho advised the Shamrock Award Dinner was postponed to April 23 , 1994 and comrnittee members working on this dinner have been very understanding ahout changing the date. Mayor McMenomy proclaimed Mareh 15 - 17, 1994 the American Legion 75th Anniversary. McMenomy read the: proclamation thanl�ing the volunteers of Rosemount Post 65 for the many community projects they have undertaken. Mayor McMenomy proclaimed March 6 - 12, 1994 as AFS tAmerican Foreign Student) Host Family Recognition week. McMenomy noted that the mission pf intercultural understanding and world peace are improved due to the participation in this program and thanked all those families; students, and teaehers involved. Mayor McMenamy noted that the Middle School is having an Irish Cafe next week and he would not be available to attend. iie would appreciate if a councilmember could attend. McMenamy also asked staff to provide pencils or Rosemount pins to the program. Cauncilmember Busho thanked city staff for maintaining the city hall so well. Busho thanked Ron Wasmund for acting as City Administrator since November and helping to continue city business as normal. Busho noted that "Welcome to Rosemount° banners have . been pu� up by the Rosemount Chambers of Commerce and they look great! � 7 j r . � ROSEMOiTNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Mayor McMenomy called the City Council to a Closed Session at 11:55 p.m. on the McDonough/Sunrise Litigation. The regular meeting was �, resumed at 12:15 a.m. ' MOTION by Busho to adjourn. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Busho� Wipp�rmann, McMenomy. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 12 :17 a.m. Respectfull}� submitted, Linda Jentink, Reearding Secretary ATTEST. Ron Wasmund ` Interim Gi�ty Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1994-8. 8 , ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ,,�p ,� REGIILAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Mayor McMenomy called for a short break at 9 :25 p.m. The regular City Council meeting was reconvened at 9 :38 p.m. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition .Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251. City Engineer Osmundson noted that the publie hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project ' 251 had been requested by the developer, Steven Fiterman of Ground Development Corporation, to be continued to March 15 because he was unable to attend ,the public hearing. MOTION by McMenomy to continue the public hearing for Shannon Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 251 to the regular meeting of March 15, 1994 and table any action to that meeting. Secoad 'by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy opened the public hearing for Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning request. Assist'ant Planner Pearson reviewed the Wensmann 6th Addition for a residentia� Planned Unit Development with single family houses and townhouses. The 'Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee have reviewed and the Planned Unit Development and recommended approval. A one-third acre play lot was designated upon the suggestion of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the landscaping is three times more than what is required, and there is a $47, 000 Park Dedication fee that will be paid. Mayor McMenomy noted for the record that the smail park is not needed because there is a neighborhood park just three blocks away. Residents commented on their concerns. Discussion ensued by Council. ' MOTION by McMenomy to close the public hearing on Wensmann 6th Addition Planned Unit Development, preliminary plat, and rezoning request. Second ',by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLIITION 1�iPPROVING T8E �TSMANN SIXTB ADDITION PLANNED IINIT DEVELOPMI3NT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETT=NG OtJT CONDITIONS FOR FYNAL PLAT APPROVAL. Second by Staats. "�, Ayes: Staats, Busho, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. i MOTION by -� to table action on the requested rezoning of the , Wensmann Si �"'ition from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential/R-2 Sin le Famil Residential Attached until fi g y nal pla� approval. Second by Wippermann. Ayes. Busho, Wippermann, ' McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. ', Mayor MeMenomy opened the public hearing for the grant application for land acquisition of the prairie area north of Carrolls Woods. ' 4 ,