HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Expenditure for AudioVisual Equipment Community Center � t Cl2'Y OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbIl+2ARY FQR ACTION CTTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Expenditure for audio visual AGENDA SECTION: equipment for the Community Center. Consent PREPARED BY: Dana Brodt, Rental Coordinator AGENDA��{�� � +. � Community Center �V� 1-E• ATTACffi�TTS: AP O Y: Quotes The Community Center is in need of audio visual equipment to accommodate the functions that are seheduled at the Center. Recommendations for equipment include the following items: 2 TV monitors, 2 VCRs, 2 TV/VCR carts with electric assembly, l slide projector with zoom projector lens, 2 porta.ble screens, 2 overhead projectors and 2 extra projector lamps. Several vendors were sought out to obtain a quote inc].uding Business Essentials and Acoustic Communieation Systems, Inc. Aeoustic Communication Systems offered the most reasonable price including delivery, set up and tax at $5,429 .20. I recommend the purchase o€ audio visual equipment fram Acoustic. This purchase would b� funded out of the Community Center , eonstruction budget account #427-48000-01-580. RLCOD�'NDED ACTIONs Motion to apprave the expenditure of $5,429 .20 to Acoustic Communication Systems, Inc. for audio visual equipment at the Community Center. COD�ISSION ACTION: I -� � z ACOUSTICFAX 1�� FAX 612-4?5-0028 PAGE �2 I ACuuztiC 15pf)�S 2 ini Avcnuc Nvrcl� 6 t 2.4'i (1,431 Cc>mmunicu�iu�t Plymoutl�.MN SS�i1� l.;t11�1-'ii.5U34 Sys:�•�.,r, Ini. Aaa t�i.c�,/y.utr+ri February 16� 1994 Ms. Dana Bradt � City of Rosemount 2875 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55d68 a c o u s t � c PROJECT L7ESCRIPTION: Provide Audio Visu�) Equipment for the Nationat �uard Armory. � DESC�IPTION 2 ELMO NP-L3550 Overhead Projector i ELM4 Umnigraphic 301 AF Stide Projector _ 1 W1K� 4=6"Zoom Pfo%ector LenS 2 Panasonic CT27S 1 Siefeo Monlfar/Receiver 2 Luxar Endura LE48 Video table w/e%c. assembly 2 Luxor LSB Safefy Be/t 2 Luxo�' LXK Securlty System 2 Panasonic AG 1280 2 ELMO NP-L-35B0 Lamp Repiecement 2 Draper 70" X 70" Screen TGTAL EQUIPMENT COST $4,$80.00 DELIV'"RY & SET-lJ� 232,�0 TOTAL PRQJECT CdST �5,112.d0 Plus applir,�tbke taxss C�,�c 3r�� -t��;'�'�.�� Written ac�eptattce of this bid induding a depcusit of 3tM6 wifl bs req�red,an additiana1309L duo upan prajeest+ccrtunrncamar�. and the romaining br►la�ce due upon projoct complc�tion. Acoustic Carnrnuniaatian Syratams, Inc, agrees to w�rarrt tFts equipmant to ba froa frorn original defectt in material and workmanship for a period of one{i)year after dalivery to tha Job Address. !n the event oi any defect in material ar workrnanship occurring within s�'td pe�riad, Acoustic Cammunication Syt�tema, Inc.wil! repait ar replaae the Equipment at if� �oto aption, at no additianal charge. Fiepairs or replec�sment of d.fecti�c oquipmant ahall be Acaustic Commurocation SystemS.(nc.'s sole liability u�der thes wnrranty e►nct it is not and shaN rwt be Nabte ot responsible fa�ar�y dsmage$;c�rect, indrreet,ineideMvi er con�6qtJeMidi. THERE ARE NO WARFIAW'TIES WHfCH EXTENG 6EYOFJD TH�dESCRIPTtON ON TNE FACE i-IEREQF. We reserve ths r'tgM tt�make 9ub9tiluti0fl ot equa�o► groator value due to d.1ay�in shipping,back ord8t situations cst to maet insta!lation deadline�. Prices su�ect to review nftsr Nnery{90)days atUar propo�al date. Submttted b�r, Accepted by, signature� _..^— — signature I print name____.,._.�..--------- printyname ___ _______ Dafe: Date:_.� .,.- I�M.232� f . . Business Essentials Project Description: Audio visual equigment for the Rasemount Commuruty Center and ' National Guard Armory. P"roduct Descri 'on p� I 2 3M Madel 9550 Overhead Projector 1,354.80 2 Replacement Lamp for 3M Mode19550 77.98 1 Kc>dak Carouse14400 Projector 356.00 1 Kodak Projector Ektahaz Lense 122.00 2 27" Sterio Hita.chi Monitors 1,398.Ot? 2 Adjustable TV/VCR Cart q04,0p `Y�� 2 Hitachi Four Head VCR ?20.00 2 Porta.ble Tripad Screens 466•00 Subtotal: $5,398.�8 Tax 350.92 Total $5,749.74