HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Armory/Community Center PCL Construction Pay Request #14 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SU�+�iARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNGIL MEETING DATE: March 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Armory/Community Center AGENDA SECTION: Construction Pay Request #14 Consent PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA��t��.lYi 7T" � � Center Manager iiI ATTAC�NTS: Pay Request AP O Y: This executive summary serves as a recommendation to approve pay request #14, from PCL Construction Services, Inc. , for the construction of the Armory/Community Center (City share only) . This pay request has been reviewed by the architect, the MSABC, and the City staf f. Payment is recommended. - RECO�Il�lENDED ACTION: Motion to approwe payment to PCL Construction Services Inc. in the amount of $29, 560.00 to be paid out of accounts 426-48000-01-521 ($19, 509 .60) , and 427-48000-01-521 ($10, 050 .40) . COUNCIL ACTION- �� STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMEM OF M{UtARY AfFAIRS ' ���`�� . MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL 6YARD . -�v«Su�LCU(,' � � ' "'� PACIUTIES MfWAGEMEM OFFiCE ���3� P:O.Box 348.Camp Ripley F; �� £ ° � -� z_ littie Falfs,Minnesoto 56345-Q348 ���� � `�i..I�a}'��.` --TO• MNAG-PPO-CB ATTN: Ms. Madsm MNAG-PFO-CA ATiN: Ms. Wornberg MSABC ATTN: Mr. Ralmer City of R�emount ATTN: - Nr. Jiw Topitzl�afer PCL Cor►struction Services, Inc. Arthur Diekey Architects, Inc. SUBJECT: CaIiTRACT PAYMENT CERTIPICATiON N0. 14 (PARTIAL) Tl 94•53l . . sama_caaas�as:�sosaaa=ssa�rn=a=�asa=aaa=s:saasxassxsssxsex=z_xa:saa=zaaxas3aaaasasaa�sasssxssmaaxasaarsszsa . . CONTRACT N0: NG621-92-C-0044 PROJECT N0: 8909 PERCENTAGE Of irORK COMPLETE PROJECT TITIE: Construction of s Nationsi AS OF THIS PAYl�NT: 96.65X Gusrd Armory Fsci[ity, Rosenqunt, Mimesota PAIFMEN7 PERIOD ENOFNG: 31 Jarxiary 1994 CO�ITRAC70R: PCL Construction Services, Ine. 9330 James Averxre South • DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 14 February 1444 Btoamir�}ton, Minnesota 55431 DATE DUE CONTRACTOR: 1b March t994 fEDERAL TRX ID NOr 84-095-7552 (Cvrporaiion} � . n_=s===a�_aemsas=o_=_seeear__es=a___a_�a=xxxxaaoaecsoa�r=:esss_eaxm_sa�maaas_a�aaa�aaasx��arsaxxxasaass �cFc ���,_ . (fC 01) (FC 14) �Localty � MILCON Major MSABC Share ;Bonded Sh�re Total Originat Contract f�,nt 54,400,568.04 S2,242,831.% 53,746,Od0.00 510,384,600.Q0 Net Changes 8y ModificatSon(s) ' S74,535.69 554,708.09 571,654.22 5200,848,00 Contract Artaunt To Date 54,475,1D3.73 52,297,5.40.05 53,817,654.22 Si0,590,298.00 Totat Payabte To Date S4,327,833.45 52,221,551.31 f3,685,650.00 fl0,235,034.76 Atternate Form of Retainage ** SO.Op 50.00 fQ.pp :p.� lunp Sua Ratainsge for Landscapirg, Masonry and Roofing 510,650.57 S5,4ba.04 519,275.39 535,394.40 Miount Payabta less Retaina9e S4,3t7,182.88 52,216,083.27 S3,b66,374.61 f10,199,b40.�6 I ttss Previousty Approved Payments t4,050,241.85 52,064,?.53.64 53,636,814.b1 59,751,310.15 Net Amant Due This Certification 5266,941.03 i151,829.58 �S�``�iO:Of�'� S44g,330.6'! • (4T.58X State Share 572,240.51) (52.42X local Share t79,589:0?) * For Contrsct price oadifieatfons, see Supptemer►tat Agreement Nas. 1, 2 �d 3, dated 4 August, 13 October a�d 22 Novamber 1943. ** I� accordanee with Supplemer►tary Generat Conditio� of the Contract end Minnesota Statutes 15.73, the I contractor has securities hetd by Norwest BaMc Nimesota, N.A., 6tfi snd Marc�uette, Kimespolis, Mimesota. �:a=_ssssmazxscaxaao=xsxusxaexa_asaem=assaxxxmx���saxsa�assxasx�=cas�sasasaxmxaxxaa�assxea=xassasaa��m�=s � I .8909CPTMT AP?ROYE� fOR PATMENT - FkCILITIES MAMAGEMENT OFfICE: I � I' .�(jrQ�_ 2ANNE M. KRUEGER _ II � Contracts Officer _ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I �; . APPUCATION AND C�RTIFICATE FQR PAYAAENT AIA Document G702 PAQ�E 1 OF PAGES Distrfbuted ta TO(OWNER): State of Minnssota PROJECT: National Guard Armory APPLICATION NO: 14 � • • P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley and Community Genter QX OWNER Gttle Faila,MN. 58345 Rosemount,MN. PERIOD TO: 1/31/94 QX ARCNITECT FROM{CONTRACTOR): ARCHITECTS • PCL Conahuctlon Servtcea,Ina VIA PF�JECT NO; 8909 Q CANTRACTOR 933Q James Ave.$. • ARCHITECT: Arthur Dickey Archftects,lnc. Bloomington�MN. 55431 4930 France Ave.S. . CONTRAGfi DATE: �f�s/s2 Edina,MN. 55410 CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACTQR'S APPUCATION FOR PAYMENT Appiication is made tor Peyment,as shown below,in�nnection with the Cantract Contrect Gont(nuatlon Sheet,attached. GHANtiE ORDER SUMMARY Cfiange Ekdets Approved in /tDDfTIONS �DUG'f10NS 1 ORIGINAL COM'RACT SUM S 14,389,AUd.00 previous months by Ch�mer 2 Net ehanges by Changs OMers Z00,898.00 70TAL 3 GONTRACT SUM Tf10ATE(Une 1+;2� s 10,590,299.00 :•:<.;>:�::,. ..;..., . :. ..;.,..,,,.:.. . .. :.,,,;.:, . �:+:\�<.'���i�t2::;r:;'r�:�w::��'�44: .+S<•:''..k#'•�,'�'fi. :.�%::<:x::iti�:F�:�:;:'<v,••S:� ' •�k�i:'c�::::,:: � � . . . � ... .::::.:;., .. ..;....:r:,•i::t'+.�$ r'v�,...,.x:..f::�. .k.r ,, '<is�::`�2t%^:�:+�•`��`•�•.;r.,...•.,� ���::;:v;..s:::;.:.y,:. .... , . .:::;: g.;•:••:�•:,:•.. •.,;.\•.; :, ..,••,, K 1. :a 3•.•�. .,;w,rt s::•>,.,; ' :.y . . . •:::... ... .x .:�..: . . . ...... . . . :..:..::� APPR VEO THI MONTH: 4 TOTAI.COMPLETED de STQREO TO DATE S 10,199,640.76 Number Qate oved #�1 Su lementai 207,752. 5 RET/1INAGE: �2 Su tem�ntal -27,843. a. 0 96 of Completed Work 0 r�3 Supplernsntal 20,969. b. U 9b M Feea Q � Total Ratainage TOTAL 200.898.00 (Une 5e►+5b or totat in Column I of G703j S 0.00 Net Cha s Cfian OMers 200,898.Oq 6 Total Eamed Less Retalnay� ; 10.199,640.76 (Ur►e 4 tesa line 5 Totay The undersignsQ Contractor Cenitiss thatM the best of ths Gontrncta�'s 7 Less Pnvlous CerdAcata tor Payment knowledgs,tnformefMn and belfet ths Vlbrk c�veted by this apptic�tloit for (Une 6�rom prfor Certificate) 9,T51,310.15 Payment has besn�mpleted in axordanos with the Contract flocumen�,that e CURRENT PAYMENT DUE i 448,330.61 ati am.ounts hevs been paid by ths Cflnt�achu for Work tar wfiich p�evious 9 BAt�INCE TO FiN15N�PLUS RETAINAGE Ceriificates!or payment were issued and payments reahrod irom ths(�msr, (lina 3 less Une 6)' ; 390,65T.24 and thet curroM paymeM ahown herein Is now dus: Stats of: �11 i 11 � �� JENNI A. ,�1 CONTRAGTOR: PCL CopstrucUon Services�inc. Subscrfbed a�d S + � ���.t,AlMdapat: �C'�;�.�, +19�"I � � H � {� Nota Publla . � 7 mmission ex rsa: Z'� '��� : . Er_.�..� Date: "Y ! � � .«1 ` AMOUNT CERTIF 4- � 3�S -�f Ai1CHiTECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (Attech expianation tf amount certified diNen from the amount epplfed for.) In accordancs with the Contract[bcuments,baesd upon on-s{te observado�s ARCHITECT• , and Ms data comprising the above appifcation,ths Archttect certiNes to �Z r� � the Owner that to the baet ot the ArchkecYs knowledga,Mformatto�e�d t3 : Date: beltet the wcrk as progessed as indioeted,ths quantity of�s Wark is fn This Gertiflcate la not negotlable. 'i'hs AMQUNT CERTIFIED Is payabis only to ths accordancs wNh ths Contrect Oocuments,and ths Ccmtractor la entitled to Contract�named heroln. Issuanos,paymeM�u►d ths socepfanos of paymeM ars payrt�ent of ths AMOUNT CERTIFiED. without prejudice to any righis o(d�Qwner ot Contrector undsar thle Conirnct. AtA Dxuncnt G702 * PCL CONSTRUCTION SERYICES�INC Page 1 ot 4 Applicallon No. u App. Date 2/1/44 . ROSEMOUNT NATIONAL GUARD Period Fran 1/t/94 TRAINING&COMMUNITY CENTER Pe�iod To 1/31/w� � Architects Pro ect No 8409 A 8 C D E F 6 N i J Work teted 7otal Caaplete Belence ttem Scheduted Previous This A lication and Stored • To Retai►�ge No. Descriptian of 11ork Veiue Apptications No�k Stored Materiat To Dete X Finish In Ptece (not in 0 or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Div #1 C3ENERAI.REGIUIREMENTS 1000 Site Staff �:`:�>;.;�<�':!.�`t:%v�:�� Sup�tmdent/Fore�nan/Engr 166,000.00 156,040.00 6,640'.00 0.00 16t,680.00 98% 3,320.00 0.00 1100 Conat�uction Equipment sw.....:.„; y:>`>•`'s':;>:.?�:>.>�::��: forklift/Hoisting 8,800.00 8,624.00 176.00 0.00 8,800.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 .� �;�'��i�`' Gortsumebtes/Exper�debtes 13,756.00 12,430.64 550.24 0.00 13,480.88 98% 2Z5.12 0.00 �� *'•'^� Misc Equip/Smatl Toots 27,581.00 25,926.14 1,103.24 0.00 27,029.38 98X 551.62 0.00 1300 Project Overbead �<y;':;�,�'��_`;h,. '�� Mobilfze/Setup 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 5.500.00 1007G 0.00 0.00 '�:��`:�;;�*�'>>� Demobliize/Move•out 800,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 800.00 0.00 #"�'„�'�'���k'�L�� Ctose-oukJFinat Req'rnnts 600.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 OX 600.00 0.00 ,?::<•:::><ass:::`>.;.���.. 1350 Site Conditions :}°'�'`''�'��'''' Ffetd Off1Ce/Temp Bldgs 7 950.00 7 473.00 3'18.00 0.00 7 791.00 98% 159.00 0.00 :r•<,•:;�:,,.:;<:. > ,:...;;,:... �}�> ��.#`. p Pield Otfice-Furnish6Equi 2,4d0.00 2,256.00 9b.00 0.00 2,352.00 48X 48.00 0.00 t �,'�r`Y�'� Teiap Utitities - tnstall 3,T00.00 3,700.00 0.00 0.� 3,700.001 t00X Or00 0.00 �r�.�z'�>;h� Site Services �tel .. .. ;�;. ephot�e, 92,56a.00 87,013.92 3,702.T2 0.00 90,716.6r. 98% 1,851.36 0.00 housekeeping, trucki►�9, t�P �/ heatlelec/weter, a�ess�nger, eet.) ;;:::•.":::T:;:�:a`.4.W'3�'"; $UP � ,�::s::.;,:c.�,:...,� veY nD 5,625.00 5,625.00 Q.00 0.00 5,6Z5.00 100X 0.00 0.00 1400 ea�ds/Permits/insur�ce <::k:�;�;w��:�:''• Petwnits 2$8,575.00 288,575.00 0.00 0.� 288,575.� t00X 0.00 0.00 �> �<• � < .�>��rt.��Cy Perfo�mence Ba�d-PCt 186,898.00 186,898.00 0.00 0.00 1a6,848.00 100X 0.00 0.00 � i� F}�j`'ti Performance�8ond-Subs �6 �,,.,:,,: s ,155.00 76,115.00 0.00 0.00 7b,U5.00 t00X 0.00 O.QO s�h} t,.'��k� Insu�ance - PLfPD 124,6T3.00 124,bT3.00 0.00 0.00 12y,673.00 100% 0,00 0.00 ;�..,..�1�,.,,., Insurance - Buitders Risk 9,350.00 9,350.00 0.00 0.00 9�350.00 100X 0.00 ` 0.00 1800 Ileather Expense ���y$�k �,'• Snow Renwvat 8,200.00 8,200.00 0.0� 0.00 8,200.00 100% 0.�0 0.00 �; �����. frost Protection 6,800.00 b,800.00 0.00 0.00 6,SOO.t� 100% 0.00 0:00 �,h Remove frozen Graxx!(Prem) 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 100% O,AO 0.00 M:;•,rr.;•:.;: . . <s ;�:,:"::t:�;:�;;� Tenp Nty/AC - 81c� 20,SQO.OQ 20,5INi.00 0.00 0.00 20,500.00 1�% O.dO O.Q� Div �Y2 SltENORKlDEMOLtTtON �%�"M:i•�y.� _L 123,000.00 123,Q00.00 �. �S�}k�,.,y.;� �MI�IaIt Pevin9 0.00 0.00 123,OOO.QO t00X 0.00 0.00 �fi�,�'<°z�s Curb i Gutter 3�,516.OQ 37,516.00 0.00 O.W 3T,5?6.00 100X 0.00 0.00 �'`:::."'�:' Site Conc-Yatks/Pads/Struct 29,162.00 29,162.00 0.00 O.OQ 29,162.00 100% 0.00 0.00 .�,�:,�•�: :, ;.�2:.h:4:x,.',�.',✓.;i... . . . , Sit�a Fencinp 4,OOb.Ofl 4,000.00 0.00 0.� ;,�O.OG 100X Q.00 0.00 �'�5 '�=;��'•a Irriqetta� System 19,000.00 18,700.00 0.00 ' 0.00 1a,T00.00 98% 3(tO.OQ 0.40 a �s<,�}�{��;�. Landscsping b6,000.00 54,E?00.00 0.00 0.00 54,040.Q0 �2l� 12,�Q.00 0.00 AIA Docunent G702 � Apptication No. 14 PCL CONSTFiUCTION SERYICES�INC Pege 2 of 4 App. uate 2/1/94 � ' � . ROSEMOUNT NATIONAI.GUARD veriod Fram 1Jt/94 TRAINING b COMMUNIIY CENTER t►eriod To ' t/31!'� . . A�chitects Pro ect No 8909 A B C D E f G N f J Work C leted Total CoAplete Belance item Scheduted Previous This A lication �d Stared .To Reteinege No. Desc�iption of {lork Value Appticatia�s York Stored Meteriat To Date X Finish In Ptace (not in D or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Reteininp Watt 48,24i.00 18,244.00 0.00 0.00 t$,244.00 100% 0.00 0.00 ,+�':�.�,�,:y:�, `;':>t:::;:':;`;;;; . EarthMork/Clearing/Fnd Drair� 272,i68.00 272,468.00 0.00 0.00 2T2,w68.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Div *3 CtNiGRETE Concrete - Bldg 38�►,018.00 384,018.00 0.00 0.00 384,018.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Rebsr - Suppty 38,000.00 38,000.00 0.00 0.00 38,000.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Reber - Ptete W/ Metal Place 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t00X 0.00 0.0� Precest Conc�ete 110,980.00 110,980.00 0.00 0.00 110,980.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Div *4 MASONR� I�saonry 2,085,195.00 2,058,295.00 0.00 0.00 2,058,295.00 99X 26,900.00 0.00 Div �5 NETA45 Metals - Fabricate 3'x7,667,00 37T�667.04 0.00 0.00 3T7,66T.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Metats - Place 12Z,980.00 t22,980.00 0.00 0.00 122.480.00 100% 0.00 O.dO D;v �6 CARPHNTR� Rough Cerpentry 66,9�.00 65,424.00 -0.0� 0.00 65,424.00 98X 1,476.00 0.00 Finsh Cacpe�ntfy-Nillwk/Wd Tr 91,200.00 74,784.00 12,768.00 0.00 8T,552.00 %% 3,648.00 0.� Div N7 TNERMAL i MOISTURE Demproofinp - Fou�detion 14,910.00 14,900.50 0.00 0.00 14,900.50 100% 9.50 0.00 Raofing/flashinp/Slteet Mttat 405,OQ0.00 399,889.00 0.00 0.00 349,889.00 99% 5,111.00 0.04 Skytights - Fremed 35,000.00 38,0�.00 0.00 0.00 38,000.00 100X 0.00 O.QO CeulkinplJoint Seelants 39,O�.OQ 19,302.00 9,400.00 0.00 28,79D2.00 74X t0,Z98.� 0.00 Div �8 DOORS i� YINOOYS HM DoorslFrame/Fi�ish Ht�dwre 119,335.00 118,141.65 0.00 0.00 118,1i1.b5 99X 1,193.35 0.00 Gtass/Glazi�/Alun Entrances 42,�.00 41,060.00 0.00 0.00 41,060.00 48% 940.00 0.00 Wood doors 1T,000.00 17,000.00 O.Ofl A.00 17,000.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Ove�head Doors-5ectionat 1t,405.00 11,4�.00 O.OU 0.00 11,400.00 1�X 5.00 0.00 Coilinp Doo�s-o.heed3Counter 18,668.� 0.00 18�688.00 0.00 18,688.00 100% 0.� 0.� Wood Cted {iincbws 54,930.00 53,660.00 1,270.00 0.00 54,930.00 100% 0.00 O.QO T�ens Nell/Skyiipht System 46,�0.00 46,Q00.00 0.{t0 0.00 #b,000.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Div �9 fiN1SHES Orywsll 113,200.00 109�134.00 0.00 0.00 109,134.00 %% 4,066.00 0.00 Acoustic Ceilings 85,000.00 84,022.00 0,00 0.00 �►,022.00 99% 978.00 0.00 , Acoustte Oeck/Panels 31,36Z.00 29,900.00 0.00 0.00 29,900.00 95x t��►62.� O.� CeramiclPoreetel� tite 68,000.00 55,900.00 2,800.00 -0.00 5S,T00.00 lib% 9,300.00 0.� 11oodlAthtetic ftoorir►p 1�,690.00 0.00 28,260.00 0.00 2d,260.00 26% 80,434.00 0.� Cerpet/ResitientlSkate N le 4ib,310.00 0.00 117,068.00 0.00 t17,048.00 80X 29,262.00 0.00 PeintinatDaeoreting 419,806.� 101,346.12 t0,QD0.Q0 0.00 111,3�.i2 93% 8,4ft.86 0.00 Oiv M10 SPECIAITIES AIA Docuinent G702 � Applicstion No. ti .� . PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES�(MC Paye 3 of 4 App, oste 2/il44 � ROSEMOUNT NATI�NAL GUARD veriod Fron� 1/1tq4 TRAINING&COMMUNIIY C�NTER ' Period To 1/3t/96 Architects Pro ect No 89Q9 A B C D E F G N i ,f Hork C leted TotaC Caeptete Batance item Scheduled Previous Thi� A t►cation srd Stored •To Retsinege No. Description of {tork Wlue Apptications Hork Stored Material To Oate X Finish in Pteee (not in 0 or E) (D+E+f) (C-G) Chalk & Tack Boards 2,891.00 0.00 2,833.20 0.00' 2,833.20 98% 57.80 0.00 Toitet Partitions 16,142.00 10,900.00 3,000.00 0.00 13,900.00 86X x,242.00 0.00 flag Potes 10,022.00 10,022.00 0.00 0.00 10,022.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Signage 3 Graphics �,451.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 8,451.OQ Q.00 Mesh Pertitions : 8,163.00 4,900.00 3,263.00 0.00 8,ib3.00 100X O.QO O.t� Folding Pertitions f5,500.00 0.00 9,300.00 0.00 9,300.00 60X 6,200.00 0.00 Storage Shetving - Stetl 26,9(t0.00 0.00 22,908.00 0.00 22,908.00 92X 1,992.00 0.00 Toilet Accessories 14,b48.00 10,700.00 2,800.00 0.0� 13,500.00 92x 1,168.00 O.QO Fire Extinguishers/Cabinets 1,349.00 1,349.00 0.00 0.00 1,349.Q0 100X 0.00 �.00 Expa�sion Jofnt Covers 5,24Z.00 Z,000.00 3,242.00 0.00 5,242.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Div #i1 EWiPMENT Yault Doors/Fremes 12,581.00 12,581.00 0.00 0.00 12,581.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Sefe i,509.00 0.00 O.�i 0.00 0.00 0% 4,509.00 0.00 Food Service Equipment 112,000.00 79,497.00 0.00 0.00 79,f97.00 71X 32,503.00 0.00 Athtetic Equipnent 27',700.00 . 4,200.00 18,T00.00 0.00 22,400.00 83X 4,800.00 0.00 Audio W sual Equipn�ent 14,239.00 0.00 d�733.65 0.00 6,733.65 35X 12,505.35 0.00 Rifle Renge Equipnient 29,800.00 22,144.00 4,400.� 0.00 26,546.00 84X 3,256.00 0.00 -0iv *12 PURNISNINGS Curtsin - Stage 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 3,600.00 0.00 Arenb Sesting-Benches 1,8�.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Auditoriva seating-Upolsterd 43,700.00 0.00 40�204.00 0.00 y0,204.00 92% 3,496.00 O.Ofl Oiy �M13 SPECIAL GONSTRUCTION tce Rink 303,000.00 303,000.00 0.00 0.00 303,000.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 Div Mt4 COMIVEVING S�STEMS Etevato�s 53,097.00 53,097.00 0.00 0.00 53,097.00 100X 0.00 0.� Div N15 MECHANICAI HVAC/T6C/Ptumb - Mechenical 1,824,077.00 1.694,517.00 45,OQ0.00 0.00 1,T39,5i7.00 95% 84,560.00 0.00 e firo Protaction - Sprinkla�s 119,�.00 49,875.00 17,000.00 0.00 116,875.00 48X 2,125.00 0.00 `�'�'p>�'"�►'�����'h`' Ut i t i t i es - Outa id+e 102 SQ0.00 102,500.00 0.00 0.00 t02.500.00 100X 0.00 O.� � iJt�SC..ti;+<$:Ly:?{�?::}y:•,: . � . . . . Div #i6 ELEGTRICAL ' Etectrical �1,632.00 945,960.00 10,000.00 0.00 955,960.00 44% 5,672.00 0.� Div #19 CHANGE ORDERS C. 0. A�1 SuppleaMmtet 2Q7,752.00 207,752.00 O.QO 0.00 207,T52.� 100% 0.00 0.00 G. 0. A�2 Supplenrentai -27,8i3.Q0 -27,843.Q0 0.00 0.00 -27,ak3.00 1pOX O.OQ O.� C. 0. �U3 Supptdnent�l 2Q,F89.00 20,989.00 A.00 0.00 20,9�9.00 100X 0.00 0.00 Qiv �Q fEE ` .�����>. Dist. Offlce Werhead i Fee 27S,Ot�.� 218,729.18 4b,136.56 0.00 264.855.74 46X 10,14i.26 0.00 AIA Docunent GT02 ` Applicstion Mo. 14 . 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