HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of February 1, 1994 Regular City Council Meeting . ,-• � _ ROSII+20UNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR. MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regul.ar meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, February 1, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Wippermann and Staats present. Staff present included: City Attorney Mi1es, Interim Administrator Wasmund, Administrative Assistant Walsh, Finance Director May, Assistant Planner Pearson, Parks & Recreation Director Bechtold, City Engineer Bud Osmundson, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Community Center Ma.nager Topitzhofer, Fire Chief Ak.er, and Police Chief Knutsen. Mayor McMenomy lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Additions to the Agenda were as follows: 2tem 3 .b. MVTA - A Transportation in the Community Workshop; Item 6. g. Discussion of Shamrock Square; Item S . Community Center Construction Budget Update, also noted was a petition to be presented with the Senior Housing issue, Item 5,.�,c. Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director introduced Vern LaBeau, a new employee in the position of Maintenance Level I. Vern brings twenty years experience in large 'equipmen� handling and procedures. Vern started on January 10, 1994 . Council welcomed him. Assistant Planner Richard Pearson presented a seminar on transportation which the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority will help fund. Councilmember Cathy Busho will be attending the Februar� 23 , 1994 seminar. Others interested are encouraged to attend. MaTION by Wippermann to approve the Cansent Agenda with an amendment to the January 4 and January 25, 1994 minutes. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. The Mayor continued the Appeal of Variance Decision by James (Pete) Atwood, 3190 145th Street West which had been tabled at the January 4, 1994 meeting. Assistant Planner Pearson showed a drawing of the placement of the Atwood home, out building, property lines, 'and right-of-ways. Discussion was held by City Council regarding the placement of a garage. Pete Atwood noted he would like a few more feet ta be-able to add a deck to the back of his house. A four foot compromise was reached. MOTION by Anderson granting a variance for James (Pete) Atwoad, 3190 145th Street West as follows: 21' north of the south property line, 14' west of the east property line and 25' from the sidewalk along Canada Avenue for the placement Qf a garage. Second by Busho''. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant Walsh presented a request from the Rosemount Town Pages to additionally service the City by publishing the eity' s monthly newsletter and city cauncil minutes. Doug HeikkiZa made a R�SEMOUNT CITY PRQCEEDZNGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1994 presentation for the Town Pages. Bob Temple made a presentation for the This Week publication which now publishes the city monthly newsletter and the minutes. After discussion, Council decided to remain with the This Week mainly due to its la�ger circulation but to reconsider the Town Pages next January and compare its circulation at that time. No motion was required. Mayor McMenomy called for a break at 8:10 p.m. The meeting was resumed at 8 •20 p.m. Senator Pat Pariseau talked briefly about the upcoming Legislative Session. Some topics to be discussed are annexation, taxation, and school funding. Mayor McMenomy noted the sewer eapacity concerns Rosemount has and that the Orfield Bill could not be supported if it takes sewer capacity from the suburbs for the metro area. The Senator thanked Council for the time. Diane Nordquist from the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority made a short slide presentation of senior housing projects which have taken place in Dakota County since 1988 . The slides showed how the buildings can be designed to fit into a neighborhood nieely. Nordquist offered tours of the Senior Housing Projects. John O�cborough, 14690 Cameo Avenue, presented a petition to City Council opposing the site selected for the senior hausing. Oxborough voiced concerns for the residents in the area including property value deereases, need of a buffer zone, relocation issues, and against having a three story building in a residential area. Discussion followed by the City Council . Council reached a consensus that the Cameo site was the most appropriate location, at this time, for the Senior Hausing Project. MOTI4N by McMenomy to approve the development agreement and cooperation agreement between the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Rosemount initiating the development process for construction of a 40 unit senior hausing project and accepting the petition presented opposing the site selected for the project. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenamy. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant Walsh noted that state law prohibits public jurisdictions to hold meetings after 6:00 p.m. on the evening designated for precinet caucuses. Minnesota DFL and IR parties wi31 be holding caucuses on March 1, 1994 at 7c00 p.m. The City Council needs to reschedule their regular meeting. MOTION by McMenomy to change the date of the Ma.rch l, 1994 regular council meeting to Ma.rch 2, 1994, at 7,30 p.m. Second by Staats. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Administrative Assistant Walsh advised that the residents of the Senior Citizen Center and condominiums and/or partieipants at the senior citizens center presented petitions requesting the City of Rosemount to create an ordinance prohibiting any immoral _ 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR. MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1994 entertainment, such as topless dancers and women oil wrestlers. Attorney Miles noted that the City of Coates has a case going to Supreme Court which wi1T affect Rosemount' s freedom of expressions position. Attorney Miles will provide additional information regarding a draft rnodel ordinance at the next Council meeting. MOTSON by McMenomy to receive and place on fi1.e the petitions for concerns of entertainment such as topless dancers and women oil wrestlers. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Andersan, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Brian Bourassa, P.E. of OSM Engineering gave an overview of the Shannon Hills 6th Addition project. It is being developed by Ground Development with total estima.ted project costs of $474,300. A lift station v�rill be required with costs covered partially by the developer and by the stormwater utility fund. The Public Hearing would be March 2. 1994. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLTJTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT/SETTING PIIBLIC HEARING FOR SHANNON HILLS 6T8 ADDITION STREET AND IITILITY IMPROVIIKENTS, CITY PROJECT 251. Second by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. City Engineer Osmundson noted the options available for the 145th Street Improvements from Chili Avenue to Cameo Avenue, City Projec� 245 . Brian Bourassa, P. E. of OSM Engineering reviewed the updated feasibility report with alternatives ta road width and underground utilities. Osmundson noted that Narthern States Power Company indicated that each homeawner would have the option to go overhead fxom the rear or front of the homes depending on location, or go underground. Street scaping was discussed including decorative lighting, trees and sidewalks. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLIITION RECEIVING T88 FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR 145T8 STREET IMPROV�MENTS FOR CHILI AVENiTE TCl CAMEO A�i7;NUE, C=TY PROJECT 245 with consensus of the City Council was for Option 2, the 44 foot width and overhead utility relocated with a 6 foot sidewalk; the informationaT meeting will be held between. February 1 and March 2, and the Public Hearing set for March 2, 1994. Secoad b� Anderson. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Councilmember Anderson noted she would not be available March 2, 1994 for that meeting. Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold and city staff reviewed the present Parks and Recreatian Regulations cflntained in Title 4, Chapter 3 of the City of Rosemount Ordinance. The ordinance was updated by the Parks and Recreation Committee and reviewed by the city attorney for Council approval. MOTION by Husho to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVI.27, AN ORDINANCFs REPEALING TITLF 4, CHAPTE& 3, PERTAINING T0 PARRS RFGIILATIONS AND SUBSTITiTTING A 3 ', _ , . RQSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGU'LAR MEETYNG FEBRIIARY 1, 1994 NEW ORDINANCE THEREFORE. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, MeMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Director Bechtold discussed grants available for land acquisition for parks. MOTION by McMenomy to set Public Hearings on Wednesday, March 2, 1994 at 8: 04 p.m, or as soan thereafter as possible to consider the Birger Pond land acquisition grant proposal and to consider the land acquisition of the prairie area north of Carrolls Woods, Second by wippermann. Ayes: Anderson, Wipgermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Nays: None. Discussion was held regarding the proposed office building, Shamrock Square by Kerry Johnson. MOTION by McMenomy to advise the Port Authority that City Council is not prepared to accept a proposal other than originally proposed by the Johnsons. Secoad by Anderson. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Anderson. Nays: Wippermann, Busho. Mayor McMenomy requested staff to research the pro's and con's of having the ma.yor's term changed from a two year term to a four year � term. Interim City Administrator Wasmund gave an update on the change orders required for eonstruction of the Cammunity Center. The two major expenses were the storm water pond which added $85, 000 and the acceleration of the arena construction schedule which was $28, 587. Attorney Miles noted that some charges may be eontested. MOTION b Anderson to Y balance the Community Center construction budget authorizing transfers from funds as follows: 1) Establish a master lease credit line of $98, 400 with the lending institution offering the best rate. Purchase all items identified leasable with this financing line of credit. 2) Transfer an additional $21, QOO from storm core funds to lower the commitment for the storm water pond. This is consistent with previous authorizations by the Utility Commission and City Council . 3} Transfer $50,000 from the bonds paid up aceount. 4) Transfer the balance of $165, 000 from CIP reserves: These actions , will minimizing the amount needed to be financed now, not affecting daily operation of the city, and proceed with establishing a master lease account. Second by Staats. Ayes: MeMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Staats to adjourn. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. The meeting was ad�ourned at 11:25 p.m. Respectfully submi�ted, ATTEST: Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary Ron Wasmund Interim City Ac�ministrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1994-6. 4