HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Firefighter Retirement CITY OF ROSEM�UNT EXECIITIVE SUirIl�+lARY F4R ALTION CITY COTJNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: FIREFIGHTER RETIREMENT AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENDA �� � �'o` � ATTACHMENTS: LETTER OF RESIGNATION/REQUEST APP VED B s ���62�,� FOR MEDICAL RETIREMENT Robert Tabery, a member of the Rosemount Fire Department, has submitted his resignation effective January 25, 1994 . Bob has been a member of the Rosemount Fire Department since 1985 . As is indicated in his letter he is no longer able to perform the duties of a firefighter due to medical reasons. At a regular monthly meeting of the Rosemount Fire Department held on January 25, 1994, the membership accepted Bob Tabery' s resignation and granted him a medical retirement with an effective date of January 25, 1994 . We look to the city council to ratify this action. RECONII�iENDED ACTION: Motion to ratify the fire department' s action and accept Bob Tabery' s resignation and retirement for medical reasons from the fire department, effective January 25, 1994 . COIINCIL AC2'ION: . Rosemot►nt Fire Department J�n�iary �i�, 1 r�4 ..��'_�7J '� �14JtFl "�Jt�"�Et WESt �� � � � � � . Fi�semQ�int , MhJ 55�:�68 Dear Members of the �osemo�int Fire Dept. , It is time for me ta face the facts, of what the doctars h�ve told me about my medical condition. I have been informed by Dr. &os;a11 4orthapedic surgeon} that I I�ave two � herni ated di scs (C6 4: C?) of the necE:. I al so have been di�gnr�sed by Dr. Gilliuson that I have degenerative discs tL�, S1 level > of the lawer bacE;. I h�ve been �dvised by both doctors that I will not be ablz to perform �ll my dttties as a firefiyhter-. It has been a privl�ge and an honor t� serve �s a member nf the F�osemount Fire Department. It has been gre�t to worl:: i besi de si{ch dedi cat�d vol�.cnteers as you �11 are. - ' Due to these medical conditions, I �m requesting a medic2l retirem�nt from th� �tosemount Fire Department. If I can be of assi stance to the Fiosemount 1=i re Department , pl ease don 't hesi-tate to call . ThanE;s again for th� memories ! Sincerely, ��� �� F�obert T�ber-y