HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Resolution Supporting Legislation for Temporary Storage of Spent Fuel at NSP Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant , � CITY OF ROSEpiOIINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT LEGISLATIDN F�R TEMPORARY STORAGE OF SPENT FUEL AT NSP PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA N����" � '..:. i, � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT �'�' ATTACHMENTS: LETTERS, INFORMATION PACKET, APP D RESOLUTION Attached for City Council review is information Mayor McMenomy and I have received from the City of Red Wing. Red Wing city officials ar.e. asking for Rosemount's support of the construction of temporary storage tanks for spent fuel at NSP's Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant. If the storage � tanks are allowed to be constructed, it is my understanding they would be used for a period of approximately ten years until permanent facilities are built on proposed sites in Mexieo and a federal facilities in Nevada. As the attached information implies, Norther States Power has received approval from state and federal public utilities commissions, but the permit ended up in the Minnesota Court of Appeals because opponents filed an appeal on the basis that any permanent storage of hazardous materials must be approved by the state legislative body. The Court of Appeals did in fact rule that since these temparary storage tanks will be used for a period longer than eight years, that they were in fact permanent and ! legislative approval is required. ' Therefore, the City of Red Wing is asking the Rosemaunt City Council to adopt a resolution of support for construction of temporary storage tanks. The information from Red Wing points aut that if the plant is shut down, the City of Red Wing would lose a considerable amount of taxes which could have an effect on Rosemaunt's local government aid. Red Wing officials also note in their information that NSP would have to increase its customer rates by approximately 20 percent if they cannot use this spent fuel as a source of power. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO ALLOW FOR THE TEMPORARY STORAGE OF SPENT FUEL BY NORTHERN STATES POWER AT THEIR PRAIRIE ISI,kND POWER PLANT . , ,�` , P.O. 8�34 ..v/�'�"""�� (!T �Q�i �� IC�ed Wurg, l4l'uuc�so7'a 5506b �I'��� j- GK� l� / ''�- . .�•� . January 24, 1994 c�� Ms. Susan M. Walsh, Clerk 31fi W:4th St _ vrr�ncs��ass.s�� ` City of Rosemount FAX388�9608 P.�. Box 5'10 *ae,��s��;�- Rasemount, MN 55068-0510 , *ClerkfheasureT. _ .. : *�,g'°�,_ . Dear Ms. Walsh: *��� *�� - _ - *na��8� Enclosed you will find a letter from our -Mayor and Council �e�`�� � President to your Mayor. It relates to legislative approval o€ 229TyterRd.xo ;•., -- �si2�3sa.s�ss NSP's dry-cask storage of spent nuelear €uel at the, Red Wing F�� = Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant. Also enclosed is an *�: � inforrnational packet and a sample resolution of support. it Parks *�`�'� We would request that you discuss it with_ the Mayor and Council and *�r� *w�u�,� < hopefully they will adopt it. ir Seaer uauaes ..: *C,eutralSerrice'. -y _ ro�c�srnTTox ;: Failure to act will mean a loss of a very efficient, low-cost power ��,,��, source. our NSP bills wi11 escalate. In addition, Red Wing �6���=� . receives no lacal government aid because of our power plant tax F��I� base. If we lose the power plant, Red Wing quaiifies for �srATTox � substantial local government aid. This means there is less to �2a�,�st. ,g�,�a�-,14� =` distribute to other cities. P��Q��`�'� By demonstrating strong support to our legislators, we can prevent zz�E�ta� v'rnDts�>ase'.ss�u.,. this economic loss to our cities from occurring. FeUC 2885 °,' � � _ _ _ S°�mWn�$°u�x Please call us if you have any questions. We can arrange for you rs�a s��n s�. -. �s�z�sae-�eaz - - to get additional information and/or have a City or NSP official eo�rnv�oarr� } attend a meeting. - � ai��;,�st:_ -. � � � � _ _ . � � �s'2��'el - Thanks so much and we would a reciate hearin from ou. F�ssss-�7s� _ PP g. Y civu:n�rrvss > Sirncerely _ alss�hse. � .— . I - A £s�21�sa9a5o /.� J�_,li� FAX 388-9592 � /�. ��•/ rh . . � C� ,,,, � _ .,., ,, � � SHELDQN THEATRE.; _ _ ����"'� ". Steven L. Perkins Burton G. Will � 4612)386.2&42 - �o�3as-� �`.�� Council Administrator - City C1erk-Treasurer ; ,-.., sovvsri�icAvrxoa�rr; - ' . ' �zsw.�ens�. x �: ♦ pas _ � - _ . . rs�i��sn ' Enclosures — 3 - Fex ss�i < ..._ _ IN �r�� � RECYC�ED PAPER An Equal Opportunity Employer __,,�� P.O. B�34 "�"'.%//""""' Q� �►�i ��• Red�'IFutg, Muu►�aot'ei 55Qb6 ��' ,,,,,,••---- �� / �� �'�•• • January 24, 1994 The Honorable Mayor Edward B. McMenomy ��y�, Mayor of Rosemount 315�i'.4th St. P.�. BOX 5�.0 r,�rnn�s.a�ass-s��s Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 F Ui 38S-�OE *,�aro;,,;m.e��n Dear Mayor McMenomy: t Clerk.Treasnrer *Engineering AS you have no doubt heard, Northern States Pawer Company is seeking approval *�°D5 from the State Legislature to temporarily store spent nuclear fuel on site in *m� .����51� large, well-protected dry casks at the Red Wing Prairie Island Nuclear Power P1ant. rusuc sEx�zcEs �T"��'�°. Since 1986, at least six other nuclear plants have stored this material in �s�2,�s€-s�ss �;�,Y�� similar containers until the Federal Government's long-term storage facility is ready to receive high-level waste. In addition, all applicable state and *st*�� Federal regulatory agencies have approved NSP's proposal. yc Parks ,r Gemecenef *�� The City of Red Wing needs your help. We strongly support the legislatur� �c�ace:uhuc�� granting this approval. Zf it is not apgroved and the plant is forced to shut *s�urijic� dawn, the loss of this efficient power source will drive all of our electric *���"`� rates up. This is conservatively esti.mated at $1.8 billion from -our city rottc�srAxtor treasuries and our aonstituents in the form of higher electric biils. soo tt.sst sc 's���-'-� The power plant is a significant tax revenue for the City. �f the plant is F`vt�as'31r� shut down, our tax base is lost. Red Wing would soon start collecting local �escaxtox government aid, taking money away from other cities. azo PI„m sc cs�a3ssaiai On behalf of the City, we feel our best alternative is for the legislature to ���y�� approve this tempa�ary storage. We all can "win" by avoiding higher e:.ectric 2a��cA.�. rates and lost local government aid. The facility is in our "front yard" and ��D{6���� the City of Red Wing, along with the vast majority af our citizens, favars ` F��'� this proposal and accepts the very minimal risk. Won't you join us? We ne�d soLm�nsrE sou.eic Yaur he lp. is7a sencl,st. �si�;ass-iao? Enclosed you will find an inforntational paeket and a sample resoiution. We POSTAUT60R1TY would respectfully request your council's approval and forwarding a copy to zisn�,sc. your legislators and one returned to us. �s��aea-��si Fax�s7a� If you have any qvestions or wish any additional information, please contact �D�� us or our City Administratar, Steve Perkins, at the above numbers or address. 419 Bnah St �stzysesaaso Thanks for your consideration and help. FAX 88&9592 , s�t.noxz�,�rxE Sincerely, �a st.g�cn�. .; r �, .-_-----''"--;� �, . -� s�o��a,aos ,' f:-:�..�%tir �`� �j;/ � 1L�.y, ' /-�,. �J. ,3sa- « , �,.���. �/ HOtFSINGAVfHORtTY Romeo C. Cyr '� Nancy M�.�it'ta�� a2sv�.s�nss. Mayor Council��Xresident (612i366�757Y Faxaa��ossi pas Enclosures - 2 IN � � � . . . . . E .nvao�a��nW�er . �j� RECYCLED PAPER An Equal Opportunity Empioyer � • _ !•'^--'''4 , --' r � ' � ��� �� � ■ n � r � �. � � � �� � � , ? , , , , ; . . �� � , . t�v�r��eW . �r Custorners: � .7 m�ltion ■ Popula#�on s$rved: 3 mitlion � �mployees: 7t522 � Service area: 5 statesl49,U00 sc�. rntles ■ �eneration capacity: 6,789 MW � ■ Peak demand: 1991 - 7,�8d MVV � � 993 - 6,99� MW . � Ener�Y production: 58°lo Coa! . 37°f� Nuc�ea� �%Q C�ther . � Business in#erests: . . . - e�ectr�c �ape►�ations . - gas operat�ons - in#e�rated wa�te �nanagernent - flth�r non-regulat+�d :�: � � �' , / . • � �. ... . . � . � � �. . . �,�3�.. � . . . . . . � �. • , � . . . � . . . . , . . "^"' � ISSt�e � prair�� ls�and nuc�ear genera�in� fa�ility has o erate� . � since � 973. � a1! s�ent fue� is store� at �he p�ant .anc� fh�s stora e s ace � � �s limited. � �U�thout additional storage capac�#�, Prair�e �sfand �rill� run o�ut af storage space in 1995-� 99G, lea��n� tQ fihe premature closing of the pla�t i� � 9�5. ,�� ■ The �PU� has appraved a plan �a fiemporar�ly store spent f�el rn sealed-steel eantafners c�nt�! �t can �e shi��ed ta a � y . ��erman�nt disposal #acility. , . ,, ■ The �J1ir�r�esota ��urt of Appea�s has ruled that ��gEslative approval is requ�re� to exp�n�d th� spen� fuel ca�acity. l�egis�ative appr�vai is necessar�r in the 1994 legis�a��v� sess�on c�r the plan� wif� �e required �o close ir� 1 �95. . . . � . � ' . ' Si ni�icanc� afi �h� Prairie I�l�nd piant g r Lc�ca�ion: R�d Wing, �oodhue County, flllinr��sota. Located adjacen� to the Mdewakantan Sio�x Cor�munity at Prairie �sland. ■ Errergy: 8,3�Q MV1rhr tEnough ta s�rve �ity of �t. �Pacr! one year} - Sup�lies �Q%Q o� N�P's customers' energy � - Low cos#; 1 .5 cents/kwh � Em��oyment: 50� full-time empiaye�s ■ Payroll: $27.$ millionlyr � Prop�rty Taxes �Pay '�4}: - �c�odhue Cot�n�y $4.� million - Cit� �fi F�ed VVing $6.2 mill�on . � School District 2�� $� 1 .5 mii�ion- T�►#al: $22.6 million �. � l � , .t� �� . � � . %'�, 1 � � . . . -.. � ' � �irec� I m acfis of ��rl �h u p . y td��r� � Totaf C�s# on a pres�nt value �as�s $1 .8 �i�lion more. ■ �I�ctric�ty rates �n same y�ars for �ertai�n customers . coul�d incre�s� as mu�h as � � per�en�, - � Lass of N�P jabs at Pra�r�e f sland and su ort areas � �P 5af� ernpfQy�es, � �t� af which are unian �jo�s. A ad�i�ic�naf � � 5�-2a� crafit unF�n �o�s are ad�ed during retu�i�n � autage�. , . � E�oss of �r�p+�rty taxes - �22.� rn��f�onJ r. Y �r I r�creased SC�2 em�ssio�s {1 t�-�f 5,�0� fionsl r and �42 . . , . Y � emissians {5 millt�or� �onslyr.} � `. • : , , ' . ' C�n�si�� �t�r�. e b �ta � Y �e Me#ric T'ons af Spent Fuel � Staie i 998 Estimate 20U8 Esiimate State 1998 Estlmate 2408 �stirnate AL 0-10 420-12i4 MS 90-170 360-500 Az o-0 2�o-5ao Mo a-o �oa-2oA AR 0-5f? •240-35U t�E 20-9Q 270-340 CA 270-4v0 800-�020 NY 5Q-�SO G20-�040 CQ �482 NTGf� " NJ 70-160 560-920 CT 18�-23Q 500-690 NH 0-0 0•f?0 �� 20t��250 560•82Q 1UG 290-380 7�0-1�00 GA U-20 �OQ-101Q flH 70-120 230-4fi0 IA 0•10 100-1 fifl • •QR 0-0 50-140. • 1L 1234-1$1� 3160-43i 0 RA 190-69Q 1480-25�0 KS 4-0 t0-i20 S� fiOQ-76Q 12�a0-154p LA 0-fl4U i 80-410 TiV 24fl-57Q 1050-1 Q94 • �� ��•40 14{?-210 • TX t}-0 . 0-90 MD 17Q-25Q 480•620 VT 0-0 80-130 MA 70-�10 2�10-268 VA 30q-460 890-1�84 �Nf 270-47C� �000-1�440 1NA 80-1 fi0 32tJ-44t} MN 100-i5R 320-�t20 1NI 30-80 320-v20 • ' Indlcates sperit fuel etements; not measured ir►rnetric tans . � � �� a � � . • � .K� �lu�l�ar P�an�� �Jsir� Dr �ask r � . g }� . �t� a�e ,:. Piant Utility : Yea�- Activated Surry Pawer �tation Vir�inia Power � 986 � H. B. Robinson �aralina P�o�er � Light 1987 Oconee Duke Power . � 994 - �t. Sa��t Vra�� Co�arado P'ublic Servic� �I ��� Caiver� Cliffs Bai#i�nor+e �as & Electric 1992 Palisades Consumers Pc�wer . � 9�3 .�' . ' �'' . . �,.• • � '� taleCtivE Covef � --`,, Lid neutron shietd . lid � � .� , - : - `Metattic 0-rinq seats �-� . . �'� Cask bady . � � � .. � � . . 1 � � ���' � � _ � � � � � . � � � - . . �. ' �w Cavity wictt �=; tuel�as�et i , w i ' ; ; ;: . � ��,. Neutron shield ;II ( " �::r. : ; � �:; ; . • ;: �ster s�elt ;� _ :: . �.� � h . .: • . . � � � • � . ~ .• � . . J • • . . i .di • , ���� . . . � � • � � I - ' � . �'�` 1'runnioR _ r � r, " 1 , L � • TN-40 Spent�ue! Storac�e Cask Hei�hi: ' i6.8�eei Dlam�ter: �.5 teet Wel�t�i: 't22 tons .. � � •� ' • �s '-+�.� � r'�.�Z :kA �..,"y..... . . �• / a' .:���. ..'� ,� _ ..� •�.� � � `� �. . -• w�, t' � :•- .. : - ► I.�.�i•A. . :i.,;� , rt�,�►��''►} i•� , ,,,° ., • . • •� _ . � : . . • ---, .� . • �� • -s`` � •,�^:•,;a, • , . -_.,. . . `��"{1.�11'.�• �'�►.�� r�' �+ . . � ' w � �' . � � � � . . + �t.r� �+� 1. •'�'\�o4y�i V ' � �_.;��.�,,�i •..�,. . , � ,,;: _ . : � :, . . _ �r.• ;�;; � .:.. •�� . Y .` ,,t7r�'�Y�3:�.. '�.'��'_•�.• • _ . . . . „ ` i' . %�, *. '�� ' ';1.�,�_ �..�.�.�.�,..,,::�T..�._��_..._.vt • . .._ i .:,,. '.. • . . � � - •�fT�`.t� �%1•�•��'W', ;.'��' �t�'� y "� y�~ �J • �•�� � � • • . • . �� � . . . .'. ' � . -a�. . . . • � . '} : � .� `��J�r,��,,.`i.�. ►':'�::: �r . .<��..�1 . . ` ; _ . , _ - • � • • - , _ '��,,, f.. � . �' � ` ` . •,, ., i ' 1��. ..+'�..-` • " . : . •� `�'`�J`�� .''1'Y%�,i�lplt�.�.� . • , � . �..7', � . .'� : '��; ' • :. .. ,,. , , 1 ,f.� • xr,'-•�►r'!�.:tb!' �,,'�-',, + . •' r� �t��•.1`:�. 2, . ., � .�..r ;*-► - t� ,�:3 ., '�� �;�.����' �5:,, , � ... � . � -: . . . � y��'� ---�'+.!� I i � . �. .. . . � ; -...-.... . . _ - �'� :� :....�, �..:� �_� �s-��- ��:; _ _ � ::�t . _ �� =�' - , :� �- ;� . � 4 � ;----. ' ��� � ,� ,�..+a _`="� `,� t, ~� F4� '�---- 1 _ � _ � � � " aati , � ' ��wrr � � �� f �� 7�� �r.wr� y � � � � . . . � (. • r • : � ��.•wr� ay.r�4 � • �a .i � i � � . � � . � � , .� � , . ' . . ' i�n fc�� 1"em orar N uclear 1�aste Stara�e Chronal�gy o� i�S� s p p Y May 1 989 �SP announces plan for t�rnp spent fuel sta�age NSP and s�ate a encies begin e�vironmental revie�r C�ctober �989 g anuar �99a MEQB beg�ns environmer�tal review � Y p ' NSp a 1�es to i�RC for s�arage facili#y license August 199 R� . . M�QB acce ts E1S, concludes nv nega#ive effects May 19�� . P �fSP submits appiication �ar �ertificate of Need Novembe� � �9�1 ALJ holds pubfic hearings �: � .. `af.: . . � . .. .. � .. . . . � . � � . . . '�.' � . � �hr�nolo �f NSP's �lan for 7'�mparary Nu�l�ar �lVas#e Star��+e �Y • �cantinued� . • ..._..�.. - - - - -- AprEl 1392 ALJ ru�es project safe and necessary; raises cvnee�n c�f �egisla#ive �urisdic�ion � June �92 f�R� appraves fe�eral Env�ronmenta� Assessr�e�t �'U� grants Certificate of need, allows 17 casks f�avember � 992 P�airie island Community and FICA(�S file appeaE June 1�93 Cac�rt of ApRea�s ru�es �rflject is safe; Leg�s[ature must de�id� June 1993 �JSP appeais decisian to Minnesvta Su�reme �c�urt A�c�ust 1993 �upreme Court refuses to hear appeai CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA GOUNZpY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1994- A RESOLIITION SUPPORTIN'G LEGISLATION TO ALLOi'N FOR TSE TLMPORARY STORAGE OF SPENT FIIEL BY NORTHERN STATES POD�IER AT THEIR PRAIRIE ISLAND NLTCLEAR POWER PLANT WHEREAS, Northern States Power Company' s Prairie Island Power Plant has produced safe, low-cost electricity for more than twenty years and consistently ranks as one of the lowest cost, safest, most productive and efficient nuclear plants in the country; and WHEREAS, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has repeatedZy recognized the Prairie Island Plant as one of the best run nuclear facilities in the country; and WI3EREAS, if the Prairie Island Power Plant is forced to close the loss of this safe and low-cost base load twelve-hundred mega watt electric generating plant would cost not only NSP customers more in higher rates, but remove an efficient power source from the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) and thereb�r adversely affect all upper midwest electric consumers; and D�HEREAS, the Prairie Island Power Plant contributes substantial annual real estate tax payments, thereby reducing and in some cases eliminating traditional educational and local government aids, and the shut down of this plant with resulting lost tax base would cost the State and other cities and school districts millions of dollars in increased State-aid payments thereby affecting adversely the vast ma.jority of Minnesota taxpayers; and D]IIIEREAS, the Prairie Island Power Plant will reach maximum capacity of its temparary storage tacility for spent fuel in 1994 and all necessary permits and approvals from State and Federal regulatory agencies have been obtained so as to allow for the temporary storage of older spent fuel in dry casks, a method safely utilized by a least six other nuclear power plants; and WHEREAS, the Prairie Island Power Plant is located within the City of Red Wing and the City and the vast majority of residents strongly favor approval of State legislation to permit this temporary spent fuel starage and further that the City has requested the support of other Cities. NOV�, THEREFORB, SE IT RESQLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that it supports the City of Red Wing' s efforts to seek approval in the legislature to allow on-site temporary RESOLtTTION 1994 - storage af spent nuclear fuel from the Prairie Island Plant until the U.S. Department of Energy meets its obligations to complete a national high-level permanent waste repository. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a signed copy of this resolution to the Governor and State legislators representing the City in the State legislature and in like manner notify the City of Red Wing of the city' s adoption of this resolution. ADOPTED this 15th day of February, 1994 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vated in favor• Voted against• 2