HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Set Public Hearing: Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal/ Friedges Landscapting - Johnson City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meetiag Date: Februar�"��5, 1994 Agenda Item: Set Public Hearing: Mineral Ageada Sectioa: Extraction Permit Renewal CONSENT AGENDA ' Friedges Landscaping/Lance Johnson Prepared By: Richarc� Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner (��� � �� 1 Attachmeats: Application; Public Notice; Approved B : Mailing List. On February 8, 1994 the Planning Commission recommended City Council set a public hearing date for the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for the Lance Johnson property. Friedges Landscaping has been designated as the pit operator and is filing for the permit renewal in cooperation with Lance Johnson, property owner. Staff recommends the public hearing be set for Wednesday, March 2, 1994 beginning at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Recommended Actfoas MOTION to set a public hearing on March 2, 1994 beginning at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to hear �ublic testimony on the 1994 Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal as requested by Friedges Landscaping/Lance Johnson. City Council Action: 2-IS-94.005 ` . -�AN-26-94 WED 12�41 FRIEDGES LANDSCAPING INC FAX N0. 6124691755 P, 02 ....., . Permii #: „<.;%: " . Date oi lssue• ,.p' ,,,,,�''�' ' �a Expiratiort D�Ie: . ,��t'�' C1TY ��;F ROSEMp�;NT �lfi�ner�1 Extrac�ion Permit Appiic��ior: Applicant: LANC$ J. J03INSON AddrEss: 17b98 ICON TRAT.?. I..�KEV7LLE MINNESOTA 550�►4 $92-6z77 ' �ueei umaer .. �a e P o e one Propertv Owner � PersonlCorporation Condu^tina �xtraction hame: LA*tC� ,7oHI�TSo?�T . Name• rRIEDGES LANllSC.APZ2.TG INC Address: 17698 ICON TRAIL Address: 9380 202h'D ST tt'EST vee ._ t8 c: LATCF_VILLE MSNN. 5 pO44 _ �ryEVIT.T,E ?�I?IN��"'_7'5044 tY � cas� � Pi�one Num6er. f�l�) 592-6277 _,_, Phone hlvmbEr.__CbI2) �64-2996 �.,►*t:txxxxxx-kt,t*#*+t*xxyrxxir*�tt�:##**�irfrinrr.xx�ex*trt�e#t#Xir�iryr*at*xxrttetlrlir�tt,ti�,rf�ti�irtt:�t,rtesrt.f�r;t,tacx*xx*rs�•r.ti.�+ttea�r*t� . Purpose of Excavation/Extraction: (Descri;;e 1n Derail) F.EASQVAL OF SAND A2�D G12A11�L FOF. RESAL� ALSp USED Gt3 CI�y HIGHWAY AND R=:SIDENTIAI. J4BS. � eStlxttfk7�k+fr#i*##s#*lt7t#lr71t7t7t7tt7e7et7Y4Rltftkt**#7k*7r1c**7't*1c*7c9t7r7t1tRltlkft!#*ir*7i#*7C*1c7!*7t7t1tlt7klCyr.Yrt*#*t7t7cT7t1t7k41rx41ks##�tlC7ttYXX7t�Rlthft Pt'operty (nfarmation j Excavation Site Legat Desctiption: Please see attached (Include P.►.a.�) 34-01A00�010-37 � 4-0 4 --0 3- 9 � TOTAL ACREAGE: 33 ACRERS Typ� 0` ti�stEtia! t0 be E.*'i;��e�: SAND AND GRAVEL � Total Cubic Yards to be Extracted; ���QD,Ofl0,00 Estimaied Number of Years of pperatian: 10 YEt4RS � Es:irnated Date for Completion of Slte Rehabfiltatian: FALL 2404 Access/Transport Rautes: FIG� vhLI.�Y $LVD NaFTH TO H[JY 3 � ACCESS WZLL IhTCLUDL� AIZ THE CITZES SURROUh'DING THL� PIT. (W$ WOUi,D LOVE TO SELL TO THE CITY 0� ROSEMOIINT.) . (N�mes ot highways,s:rsets or other public taadw�ys wtthin ihe Gry upon which the materiai wiil be transported� . ??ris pemii�upon cuthoriaolron by Glty Cor�»ci1, i�valid from.Ianuary 3 tJuou;lt Decen:ber 31 af the year of issiiance, ?he proposed atrineral eztraction will be reviewed according to submitred plans and description of die proposed operntioli as required under pro�i:ior�,s detailed i�r Ctty of Rosemout�t Zo»i�rg Ord►nanc�, Section 1S 8 MINER✓tL�,X'1?L�G77DN. In sub»s�tlutg tlus applicafiort the applicant reco�nizes the require,nents set lorth ut tl:e Clry of Rosemo u Za:���g Qrdi»ance or the teg�ilation vf niining and c�rees to meet rhose cer.ditions p ' r to requesting prov t of th' emtit. � 2 �"'./�'�' �, � Date7" �..���Q,�?��!Ty+�G�r, � Si,iature of.�pplt ant' -� �.... �t�^'t G� D �y�f.��t�'/" {OVER� � � � � � .� , ��` Public Notice LANCE JOI3NSON - PROPERTY OWNER N�uvEx�, Exr�cTTox PE�r RErrEwa�, - 1994 Friedges, Inc. - Pit Operator TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No�CE Is HE��Y G�, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 2, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, _ 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public �Iearing listed below pertains to property located at approximately 12487 Rich Valley Boulevard and legally described as follows: Section 14, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota Caunty, Minnesota herein described as follows: Part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S'fi of NE 1/) lying west of RR except commencing at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of fihe Northeast Quarter (S W 1/ of NE i/) west 172.74 feet to beginning; thence south 08D 36M 36S west 388.63 feet north 89D 4�M 20S west 933.14 feet north 89D 57M 20S west 933.14 feet north OD 16M SOS east 451.40 feet to north line east 1080 feet to beginning; EXCEPT commencing at intersection of sauth line and west of right-of-way of RR north 08D 36M 36S east on right-of-way 670 feet west parallel south line 707 feet south to south line east to beginning. The purpose of this hearing is to re�eive public comment on the application received from Lance Johnson for renewal of a Mineral Extraction Permit for 1994 as required in Ordinance B-20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. Persons wishing to speak on tlus Mineral Extract Permit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting on Wednesday. March 2, 1994 at 7•30 g m Written comrnents will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated tYus 18th day of February, 1994. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � ! '-1. � . � . Lance .Tohnson/Friedg.es, Inc. Mineral Extraction Permit Ren�wal (1994) Mailing Li.st 1. Koch Refining Co.; 34-01400-014-01 P O Box 2256 34-Q1400-014-01 Wichita, KS 67201 34-01400-015-01 34-01400-017-01 34-01400-018-01 34-01400-010-OS 34-01400-010-47 34-01400-414-09 34-01400-010-25 34-01400-010-31 34-Q1400-010-33 � 34-01400-010-50 34-014Q0-012-85 34-01400-013-85 34-01400-014-85 34-01500-010-01 2. Charles Koehnen 34-01400-012-09 12255 Rich Valley Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 3. 4. Solberg Aggregate Co. 13245 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068