HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Rezoning Petition: Dave's Auto Body, 14785 S. Robert Trail Rasemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Diane Berge, being duly swom, on oath says that she is an auWorized agent and employee of the pubiisher of the newspaper, known as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has fuil lrnowledge of the facts which are City of Rosemount - stated below: r��rr�ua (A)The newspager has eomplied with all of the requirements constituting '�°°�P°� qualificadon as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues D"°'�'"'�"�Owa°�- is7�soew RoWre v�aq 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. s�;�m�na.��,��a,, (B)The printed -���Y-�\1 C. 1'�'� ��.... �s���arP•r� 1ri WHQM If bIAY ODNCFRN: NQTIfE IS F�'REBY CiNEN.tLe CSty Coancil of eLe dity of Raemoaot wi0 Lold a pabatc hesriva m'iLad�y Fe6touY l5.1994 in tBe Coondl C3ambes of�¢(Sry ' wl�ich is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was �n.�,s�asm s�w�,u��,�s�o p.m.�„, printed and published once each week for t(cn�successive '°°°''""'�"� 1Le parpac ot tlds bati��g L m oaooda a reqoeu W weeks; it was first published on Thursday, the �F day of � �r�r�aux.�ass�mxa��,,oa lesalty daon'betta Lot 2.Blbcic i.Erens�Fint-. ' , 19 9�i and was thereafter printed and published on � . ,�;a,,,s�c.2 cco�����>w'c.� every Thursday, to and including Thursday, the � day of «�n.b���c , 19 — ; and nnted below is a co of the °fm'`�"�`�`m°`"ro°�°"�°'°°�"`�,' A PY �-�'�s t�r�r�.n�a��c z a aa lower case alphabet from A to Z, botli inclusive, which is hereby ; ,',�"°°1draitb"''�"'�"°`°'""°�'��'°''°'�°� �ywuem�r��mms«�ma acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition ���or a�u�;�,�w��ma,u�; and publicadon of the notice: ot°"�dm`�°,a'°o°°"°e��,. ,-�- Perm��ins w'�ieat w Qds ia�oc�re tmiisd a"" . � � '�attend 0�IDCefit�CG'���'• '.i3.+996•-•8�Otl . . . a�tgw���.w�y� � , , r.m'�tt :r�:�z5•r;u��ttni.� . :91 • � Dated mis la dq orPdunary,1994. ,, _ . B}�: ����..���- I Su�mM.WaWi.QtyCbdc Tide:Typesetter -�csa��°"�°•°` i �� Subscrib�ed and sworn to before me on this �� day ^' � of��L1t"��r , 19�. , � `1 � , � ` 'Z��LL..�`�. ,i.�� ��C.,, Notary Public AFFIDAVIT BONNtE K. PURDY `� NOTARY PU8LK3-MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY • - MY COMMISSION EXPIAES 10�2&97 s s 9 -0 City of Ro�emount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meetia� Date: February 15. 1994 Agenda Item: Rezoning Petition: Dave's A�enda Section: Auto Body, 14785 South Robert FUBLIC HEARIN� Trail Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda No: Assistant Planner ��A A � � Idf Attachments: Petition; Previous Reviews; Approved By• Public Notice; Mlg List; Site Map; Ord No. B-36. Mr. Dave Lawson, owner of Dave` s Auto Body and the property which include ro-Tune, is requesting a rezoning of his property from�2 Caarmunity Commercial to C-4 General Coa�ercial. Mr. Lawson' s reasons for the request are to relieve his businesses of their non-conforming use status so that _ building permits for improvements can be obtained. On January 11, 1994 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. The Commission was concerned that the rezoning would cause the use to expand. In addition, the Commission felt that the site should be cleaned up. Recou�nended Actioa: MOTI�N to adopt Ordinance No. B-36 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINAN�E B - CITY OF ROSEMOUNr 20NING DRDINANCE which certifies the rezoning of Lot 2, Block 1, Evenson First Addition from C-2 Community CQmmercial to C-4 General Commercial. City Goux�cil Actioa: 2-15-94.001 �d: Date: � - Ci#y of Rosemount REZONlNG PETfTiON - _ t� � �a - �. 7� � APp{ieant: c�,, � � �., W � ti _ -.sJ �t.� � ; �hone: __ 0?3 vl�?02 `� Address: -1 '`� � �.� �S o V ro,� �-�� ! r- t/c'rs�.,, �"" ��✓. STATUS OF APPtJCANT: � Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATlO�: Lot�, Biock�_, Addition �� • � ,J �,,,� f s'¢ ,���, �,�-,�.� Street Address: I `7� 7 � 4` S o �o D r.-7L � J �- - Metes & Baunds Description Attached: Survey or Piot Pian Attached: Aifected Section(s): . Present Zonin : C' �-- — �--} 9 .� Proposed Zoning: _ � i R:ASON FOr� RcQUESfi 1. _ � r- rv� c� �r ' $ � c r„�� � � ��✓ Y S o��� 2. 3. . . • . . ----.,� � Signature of Appfican• , .`. ' �/��/9�--- Appii�afion�eceived by: Date: Fee: S �-�. � How Paid:��1 �' �lv�� Date: ��s��Z /}�?CC�cA� ��0/ Planning Commission Acfion: ,\ �_._. i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423aa11 2875-145th Streel West,Rosemount,Minoesota MAYOR FAX (612j 423�5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.MCMenonty P.O.Box StO,Rosemount,Minnesoia 55068�0510 COUNCILMEMBERS S�sifa K�assen T�: PIa1llllilb �OITIITILSSIOI7 Jamea(Red)Staats Harry Wi1VCox �''ROT�1: Richard Pearson, Assistant Ptanner °°""'S w°r�""'"° ADMINISTRA70ii DA't�: Ivovember 19, 1993 s�.a��.►�k SuBd: November 23, 1993 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item Sc. Dave's Auto Bodv. Inc.: Rezonin; Request ATTACH��E�v''rS: APplicatian; Location Map. Sc. Dave Lawsan, DAVE'S Atrro BonY, It�*C. Rezoning Petition (G2 to C-4) I4785 South Roberi Trail PETITtON: Mr. Dave Lawson, owner of Dave's Auto Body is re+questing a rezoning for his property at 14785 South Robert Tz�ail. The current zoning is C-2 Community Commerciai and the petition requests G-4 General Commercial. Mr. Lawson's property is also the lacation of Pro-Tune, Inc. The primary reason for the request is to relieve the automobile serviee related businesses af non- conforming status so that Mr. Iawsan can obtain building permits to improve his property. BACI:GROUND In February 1992, the City Council adopted an ordinance rezoning the Master Txansmission site (14805 South Robert Trail) to C-4 General Commercial. This property is adjacent to the south of Mr. Lawson's property. The reasons for rezoning were: 1) it is consistent with the existing uses; _ 2) it provides more opportunities for reuse than the C-3 zoning district (origutally requested); 3) it serves as a loaical transition area between the Community Commercial District and the Genera.l Commercial Distriet in the Comprehensi�je Plan; and 4) it is consistent with the function plan deiineated in the McComb Commercial Study completed in 1990. Mr. Lawson is asking that the City provide the same consideratian for lus property - Dave's auto Body as with Master Transmission. , , DISCUSSION - The Downtown Scoping Committee recommenda.tions are one of the missing elements of previous discussions regarding this area af the downtown. The Committee's report recommended that existing motorized vehicle sales, rental, or repair businesses should be eonsidered non-confonning, and encouraged to mave to the Commercial Districts south of C.S.A.H. 42. B:�ii•23-93.a�� �.,'7ver��hiH9 s �amsn� �� C;1�osemaunt'� Pace 1 of 2 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Revie«�s Da��e's Auto Body Rezoning Page T«�o The Downtown Scoping Committee Report was received but not adopted as policy by the City Gouncil. The rezoning v�fould le�itimize the automobile related businesses cn the property contrary ta the reeommendation. Positive effects of the rezoning couId benefit the area in a manner not currently found in the C-2 Community Cornmercial Districc by imposing setback requirements. The Residential uses adjacent to the west would 'unpose a 30 faot building setback where none are currently requued. Setbac�:s would also be required along the sides and franta�e to South Robert Trail. The existing building would be non-conforming in rear yard and (south) side yard setbacl�s. Buildin� permits could be abtained for impro�=ements in these areas only with a variance which the Plannin� Commission could �rant with conditians. Both the C-2 (Community Commercial) and C-4 (General Commercial) Districts are in conformance with the Commercial Land Use Designation in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. RECon��?�'D ATio?�' Two motions are requested: A MO'T�ON to recommend to City Council to schedule a public hearinb to hea.r testimony regardin� the requested rezoning. -A11'D - A R�OTION to recommend to City Council approval of a rezoning of the property for Da��e's _Auto Body, Inc. at 1478� South Robert Trail from C-2 Community Commercial to G� General Commercial because it is consistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and meets the same criteria that resultrci in the rezoning of the Master Transmission property. B:\l 1-23-93.OSc Pa�e 2 of?. y . City of Rosemount , Exec�tive Suncmary for Action Planning Cammission Meeting Date: D�ember 14. 2993 Agenda Item: Rezoning Petition for Dave Lawson: Dave's Agenda Section; Auto Body: 14785 So. Robert Trail OLD BUSINESS Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No.: ' Assistant Planner ITEM NO. 6a. Attachments: City Attorney Memo; November 23, 1993 Approved By: P.C. Reviews; Locatian Map; Petition. On November 23, 1993 the Planning Comrnission tabled action on the rezoning petition for the Dave Lawson property at 14�85 South Robert Trail. Mr. Lawson owns and operates an auto body shop, has a dealership license to sell cars, and owns the space occupied by Pro-Tune, Inc., If granted, the zoning would change from C-2 Community Commercial to C-4 General Commercial. The effect would remove the nonconforming use status of all three uses, but issues with setback encroachments would be created. At the November 23rd meeting, Mr. Lawson wanted to know if he could sell his dealership business with the naneonforming status of the use. City Attorney Mike Miles has indicated that the business can be sold or transferrecl as a nonconfnrming use as long as it is nat enlarged or altered. Mr. Miles' memo is attached. Recammended Action: A MOTION to recommend that City Gouncil schedule a public hearing to hear public testimony rela.tive to the rezoning petition. —AIYD — A MOTION to recommend approval to City Council for the rezoning from C-2 Community Commercial to G4 General Commercial the property located at 14785 5auth Robert Traii and legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Evensan Addition. Planning Commission Action: 12-1493.06s =�UEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 Dec 9 ,03 10 �29 No .001 P .O1 , M E M O R A N D U M �� Ran wasmund, znter�m City Administrator Rick P�arsan, AssisLant City Plannez FRart: Mike Miles ���.. DATE: December 9 , 1993 Fg: Transfez of Property Thzs memo is in response to your inquizy and our meeting regarding whether Mr. Dave Lawson may •�trans�er" hzs non-confflrming use at i4785 South Robert Trail to another party wi�hout rezoning in ozder to make the use a canforming one. Stated another way, do the City of Rosemount's ordinances on non-eonformi.ng uses allow such a transfer to take p�,ace. The operative ordinances regulating non-conforming uses are found j.n Sections 13 .1 and 13 . 2 of Ordinance B, the C:ity of Rosemount' s Zoning �rdinance, In sununary, these provisians authorize non-conforming uses so lon� as the uses are not en�.a�ryed, reestablished after six months of abandonment or altered or restored after destruction. As I understanci it, the �,ssueS oZ sbandon.ment and al.teration ar restorati,on axe noi germane to Mr. LawsUn's �ituatic�n, and I will confine my advice to the enlargement question. You have indica�ed that Mr. Lawson may wish ta convey the car sales portion of his business to anather party and that the buyer wouid use the acquired pr�mises for the same n4n-conforming use as Mr. Lawson. 'The basxc question then becomes whether the buyer's busi.ness opexat�,ons w�,Il require the enlaxgemcnt of L•he non- � con�orming structur� �r use. Section 13 . 2A c�f Ordinanc� B wauld pzah�.b�.t the enlaxgemenz of Lhe non-conf.orma.ng structur.e or use, unless the structur� s�r use so enlarqed w�re k�rvught into canformance with district requirements . ' Thus, .if the buyer's acqu�.sa.tion and operation of the property will not entail the enlargement o:f the structure ar the use, . . current pzavi,sxons x�elating to non-confarming uses would a].low this ac:tivi,ty with�ut rezani.nq. pth�z�wise, a peti.tion to rezone the " praperty tv make `the planned uses con:Eorming would be in ord�r. p�ease cantact me if ynu have any quefitions . JMM:gmo P�st-tt'"brand tax transmittat memo 767t �o+v�9••► To f�vtn O,� W � M I t . co. co. A��►� DapL Phone• Fax! � faxit CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTZON CXTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION:' Master Transmission Rezoning Publie Hearing PREPARED BY: AGEND�'�i�7R� TT �� � Lisa Freese, Director of Planning E �..Elr� �, � ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance, PC Packet, Mailing APP BY: ��� List, Hearing Notice ��,, � f On December 3 , 1991, the City Council initiated a rezoning petition for Mzster Transmission located at 14805 South Robert Trail. Originally Mr. McKinley, the owner of Master Transmission, petitioned the City to rezone his property from C-2 , Community Commercial to C-3 , Highway Service Commercial to enable him to expand his auto repair business which is non- conforming in the C-2 zoning district. The Council decided that C-� , General Commercial, may be a more appropriate zoning district. After tabling action on Mr. McKinley' s petition, the Council initiated a rezoning petition for C-4 zoning. A summary of current project status and an analysis of the rezoning request are provided in the attaehed Flanning Commission review: , dated January 12, ?992 . At the January 14 regular meeting of the Pl�.nning Conaission, the commission recommended unanimously (4-�) �pproval o� the rezaning of this property from C-2 to C-� because: 1) it is consistent with the existing uses; 2) it pravides more opportunities for reuse th�n �he C-3 zoning dist�ict; 3) it serves as a logical transition area be�ween the Com�unity Conmercial District and the General Camraercial district in :.he Comprehensive Plan; and 4) i� is consistent with the function plan delineated in the McCo�r� Conmerc�al S�.udy conpleted �n 1990. RECOMMEND£D ACTION: A motion to adopt Ordinance No. B-17, AN ORDINANCE AMENDZNG ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. COIINCIL ACTION: i�� o osemouvz� PHONE (612ya23-aett 2875•taSth Street West.Ros�mount.Minnesop MAYOR F�.X (612J<2352Q3 Maipng Atldress: Edward 8.McManpmy P.O.Boz 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55066-OS7D COUNCtLMfiMBERS Tos Planning COIDII1lgglpjl SneitaKlassen James iRsc�Staats FROM; Lisa J. Freese ""ry wa'°°x � Directar Of P1dT1IllIICf Denn�s wippermann DATE: January 12, 19 9 2 AOMiNisraaToa StepAan Ji�k SIIBJ: January I4 , 1992 Reqular Meetinq Reviews ATTACEMENTS: CC REpIEAS & HINIITES BACRGROUND MATERIALS HEARING NOTICE AND MAILING LIST LOCATION MAp 5• MASTER TRANSMISSION REZONING FETITION RECOMMENDED MOTIOx; Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning from C-2, Community Cammercial to C-4 , General Commercial. NATIIRE OF REOIIEST: Dave McKinley, owner of Master Transmission located at 14805 South Robert Trail, proposes to e�and his Auto Service related business by adding a two bay service area on the site. The property is presently zoned C-2 Community Co�mercial and auto service businesses are not permitted in that Zoning District. Mr. McKinley�s business is considered a legal nonconforming use because it was legally estabZished prior to 1989 when the Zoning Ordinance was changed. Legal nonconformin uses are g permitted to continue in the C-2 district, but the Ordinance prohibits them from expanding. Mr. McKinley originally recruested that the property be rezoned to C-3 (Highway Service Commercial) , a district which permits auto service business so that he could add a new building to his site. The Planning Commission reviewed this request at the November 24, 1991 Regular meeting and recommended that the City Councii delay action on the rezoning petition until after the Downtown Plan �is complete. The Planr:ing Commission also recommended that if the City Council were to cohsider the rezoning prior to the completion of the Downtown Plan,, t:hat C-4, General Commercial be considered instead. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that C-4 zoning was more consistent with the overall land use pattern south of Lower 147th Street. � At the December 3, 1991 City Council meeting, the City Council tabled actian on the original C-3 petition and initiated a xezoning to C-4 for this property. The City Council felt action needed to be taken on Mr. McKinley's request prior to the completion of the downtown plan. �ver�ihings �oming �C1G�i C.:ll.osemoun111 MASTER TRANSMISSION PAGE 2 SIIRROIINDING CONDITIONS: The property in guestion is located in a commercial area. The area to the north and on the west side of Trunk Highway 3 is zoned C-2, Community Comm�rcial and designated as Comr,iunity Commercial �.n the Comprehensive Plan. The tyges of businesses Zocated in this area include a snowmobile sales and service shop, an autobody shop and a heating and plumbing contractor. These businesses are all legal non conforming in the C-2 zoning - district. The vacant property to the immediate south along TH 3 and the intersection of County Road 42 is zoned residential. It is, however, designated as general Commercial in the Comprehensive Flan. Commercial development has been proposed for this property and previous Planning Commission decisians have been favorably disposed to those projects. To date, however, no project for this vacant property has received final approval. On the east side .of Trunk Highway 3 is Strese Oil. This property is zoned C-3, Highway Service Commercial. The property to the north of Strese Oil is zoned C-2 . All of this area is designated as Community Commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. This cotnmercial area was typified as "destination commercial, auto oriented" in the Retail Area Function Plan that the McComb Group did for the EDA in 1990. This study, however, was never adopted as a plan or official policy by the Planning Commission or City Council. A fully developed residential area abuts this property to the west. The szte is an triangular shaped parcel of approxiinately 22, 670 square feet. The current structure is lacated on the north end of the parcel towards the rear of the lot. The existing parking for the business is located along TH 3 on the north end of the � lot. A number af vehicles appear to be stored on the remaining _ portion of the lot. ' ' • FROJECT IIPDATE AND BACRGROIIND: , ' At the December 3 discussion at the City Council, it was recommended that the Economic Deveiopment Authority should examine the feasibility of assisting Mr. McKinley through Tax ` Increment Financing. If` feasible, the City Council thaught that this assistance may provide an ineentive for him to construct an addition to his existing building rather than build a separate building. Mr. McKinley as you will recall had decided ta build a second building in order to avoid the fire supgression requirements on both the new and existing building and to limit MASTER TRANSMTSSION PAGE 3 the building materi.als requirement to only the new structure. Mr. McKinley has indicated that he does not want ta explore the possibility of EDA assistance at this time. �ity staff inet with Mr. McKinley on January 6, 1992 to discuss his eurrent constructions plans. At that meeting it was detez-mined that if the total square footage of the existing building and the additian were under 5,004 square feet, the fire supgression system would not be required under city fire code. This classification rating assumes that no welding or torches will be used in the structure. Mr. McKinley indicated that he would probably be able to keep the floor area under 5,fl40 square feet, Mr, McKinley would be required to bring the entire building (existing portion and new addition) ug to the building materials requirements in the current zoning ordinance. In cammercial zoning districts, commercial buildings that have exterior finish or curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum or fiberglass are required to be faced with brick decorativ� block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in glace or precast concrete panels on 100 percent of the wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way or residential uses. Therefore, Mr. Mc�inley would need to meet this requirement on the entire buiiding. In the C-4 district, Mr. McKinley wauld also need to obtain a variance from the Planning Commission far the rear yard setback for this addition. A 30 � minimum setback is required when abutting a residential zoning district. If the rezoning _is approued, the Planning Cammission would also need to approve a site plan prior to the issuance of a building permit by the City. As discussed in previous reviews, a Planned Unit Development (PUD) _would be required only if Mr. McKiniey pursues the construction of a separate building rather than .an addition to the existing building. . DISCIISSION• . , The proposed zor�ing district C-4 is consistent with the existing use on this property and the surrounding commercial uses. It is in that area of transition between the downtown and the general commercial area. Historically, the policy direction has been to maintain this area as part of the downtown. Recent studies, however, indicate that this historical policy direction is - shifting and that this area is more suited for General Commerc�.al uses. While it would provide a greater level of comfort to the Planning Commission and City Council to have a completed downtown MASTER TRANSMZSSION PAGE 4 plan supporting this rezoning, it seems likely that the downtown plan will confirm that this area is outside the central business district area and that general commercial uses are appropriate at this location. Therefore, Planning Staff recommends appraval of the rezoning of this property from C-2 to C-4 because: 1) it is consistent with the existing uses; 2) it provides more opportunities for reuse than the C-3 zoning district; 3} it serves as a logical transition area between the Community Commercial District and the General Commercia2 district in the Comprehensive Plan; and 4) it is consistent with the function plan in the McComb Cammercial Study completed in 1990. i ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ! REGULAR MEETING � DECEMBER 3, 1991 �a-ey Per}�et, for USPCI, reiterated Mr. Jackson' s request to continue the public hearing �dvising the company needs to further review permitting requirements by Dakota County, Minnesota . Pollution Con�rol Agency and the City. MOTION to recess �he public hearing to January 7 , 1992. SECOND by .; Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann Na �� ;� Nays: 0 . . pper, Oxborough. , :.. ' '=' MQTZON b Na *- L �:-� Y PPe- �o postpone action until comple�ion of the pu�alic - �: he�ring. SECOND by py,borough, Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, " Napper, Or.borough, Klassen, Nays; p, � Mzyor Na er o ene P P P d t h e p u b l i c h e a r i n g t o consi der a recrues� to . rezone property loczted at 14805 South r�obert Trai1 from C-2 Community Cammercial to C-3 Highway Service Cammercial. Directar of Planning Lisa Freese advised petitioner Dave McKinley, owner of Aiaster Transmission, requested a rezo:�ing to allow him to expand his auto service related business by zdding a two bay service area in a se��rate bui�.ding on the site. Director Freese : reported on the Planning Commission unanimously recommending the petition for C-3 zoning be denied. The Planning commission further recommended that the City Council not consider anv rezonings in this �rea until after �he down�o-„m development pl�n is conplete; howev�=, i= a aecision to rezone is made by the C;.�y Council, �hat C-� G�neral Commercizl be cansidered zs a more ap�ropriate zor.ing nis�ric�.. See Cleric' s =ile 1 99 i -�0, Dave McKi�?ey st��ed he has been trving to reach an �greemen� wit:n the �ity on nis er,�znsion project �or ap�roximately two yea.�s, and tnat he should have been a3vised when the new Zoning Ordinance wzs ado�ted in 1989 . MOTIOh by .r�a�ae� �o close �he public hearing. SEGOND b�� �ti'illcox. -Ayes: ttiippermann, 2�appe�, pYborough, I;lassen, Oxbarough. Nays: 0. Counc:l w�s of the consensus tnat C-� zoning would be the appropri�te zor.ing for the ?:aster Transmission pxp ert �he Economic D�veloz�ment Authority shauld exam theP�easibility�of assisting Mr. McKin2ey with public impravements required to meet �he building and zaning code requirements for his proposal. ' Mr. McKinley advised he would be willing to meet with ci�y staff. MOTION by Klassen� to postpane action on C-3 rezoning petition and to initiate a zoning change to C-4 by the Planni.ng Com�nission. Wi�ND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen� Willcox, ppermann. Nays: 0 . MOTION by Napper to re�uest the Economie Development Authority to work with Mr. Mckinley with regards to possible economic developmen� assistance. SECOND by Oxborough. �yes: ��:borough, Kl�ssen, Willcox, �ti'ipAerma*�n, NaPPa'-'- Na s- 0. � y . � I � 3 , , - Z�� O OS�YYG4uYl� PHONE (6T2)423.at71 �75-145th Street Weat.Rossmount.Minneaota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailinfl Address: Edward 8.MCMenwny P.O.8ox StO,Rosempunt,Minnesota 5506B.OStO COUNCiLMEMBERS Joan Antlerson T Cathy Busho i ��i�� 1\Q llC V Jam�s(Red)Staata Dennis Wippermatm INTERIM GIT'Y ADMINFS?RATOR Rezoning Petition R°�'°E.""°�"w'° Dave Lawson, Property Owner - 14785 South Robert Trail Businesses include Dave's Auto Body, Auto Brokers, and Pro-Tune TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREgY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt will hald a public hearing on Tuesday, February 15, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at $:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. _ The putpose of this hearing is to consider a request to rezone property located at 14'785 South Robert Trail and legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Evenson First Addition, from C-2 (Community Commercial) to C-4 (General C+�mmerciai), to permit construction/remodeling af the current stzucture that would expand a current Iega1 non-conforming property use. A rezoning fmm C-2 to C-4 would cause the three current auto service related uses of the property ta be in conformance with the ordinance and an expansion af those businesses could be permitted, if other requirements af the City Ordinance can be met. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesdav, � Februarv 15 1994 at $�00 p m Dated this 1 st day of February, 1994. . .G�eGd.� 4i�Q� Su M. W , City Clerk City of Rose ount Dakota Counry, Minnesota �ver�l�iregs �oming `[11,�i Cli.asemount�� � � . . � � � . .`�r«vc�eowoe+ � .. . � . . .. . . . �. , DAVE LAWSON (DAVE'S AUTO BODYI - REZONENG PETITION MIAIIING LIST EVENSON FIRST ADDITION 1. John F. & Margie M. Ryan 34-24850-010-D1 3465 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068•4090 2. David Lawson 34-24850-020-01 14785 South Robert Trail Rosemount, Mn 55068-3127 3. David McKinley 34-24850-030•01 i4805 South Robert Traii Rosemount, Mn 55068-3108 MARIAN TERRACE REPLAT 4. Wayne H. & Helen Lucking 34•47400-050-00 14755 Cambrian Avenue Rosemaunt, Mn 55068•4429 5. Francis J. & Madonna Goggin 34-47400-060-00 14765 Cambri�n Avenue P.O. Box 243 Rosemount, Nln 55068-0243 6. Ervia & Donna Hanks 34-47400-070-00 14775 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068-4429 7. Thomas & Maralyn Buckley 34-47400-080-00 : 14785 Cambrian Avenus Rosemount, Mn 55068-4429 8. Wayne H. & Bernice E. Claussen 34-47400-080-00 14795 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068-4429 • 9. Danald & Doreen Th�lt 34•47400-100•00 14805 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068•4445 10. Jofin & Lorraine Degiovanni 34-474Q0-110-00 14815 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4445 11. Le�oy & Ruby Getting 34•4740U•T20-00 �4825 Cambtian Avenue Rasemonnt, MN 55068-4445 � 12. Joseph J. & Dorothy A. Akin 34•47400-130-00 14835 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068•4445 13. Jerome Fluegel 34-47400-140-00 14830 Cambrian Avenue 34-4740Q-150-00 Rosemount, MN 55068•4446 14. Virgil D. & Gladys Hestness 34-47400-t60-00 1482D Cam6rian Aaenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4446 15. Ronatd J, & Margery Pankratz 3447400•1J0•00 14810 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068•4446 16. Ronald J. & De6orah A. RusseN 34•47400-180•00 14800 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068•4446 17. Bernard F. & AGce C. Murphy ' 34-47400•19Q-00 14790 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 18. Mary A. Fleming 34-474D0•200-00 14780 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068•4404 19. Richard W. & Anna T. Klatt 34-47400•210•00 14770 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 20. Kevin 1. & Julie A. Kuznia 34-47400•220•00 14760 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-44d4 21. Wilfiam M. Matuska 34•47400-230-00 14750 Cambrian Avenue Rosemoutrt, MN 55D68-4�04 22. Helen C. Strese . 34-47400-240-00 Rose M Ervasti 14740 Cambrian Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 MARIAN TERRACE REPLAT 2ND QDDITION 23. Thomas J. & Mary Gavin 34-47401•01fl-OZ 1205 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 24. Charles f. & Pe99Y Lane 3447401•020-02 14760 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068 25. Donald L. & Josephine Lewis 34-47401-030-02 ' 14770 Camero Lane Rnsemount, MN 55068-4406 26. Wayne E. & Raxanne Swanson 34-47401-040-02 14780 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-44Q6 27. Da�na D. Smith 34-47401-050-02 14790 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55Q68-4406 28. Julia M. KeNy 34-47401-060-02 14800 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4440 29. Quincy D. & Sarah M. Moore 34-41401-070-02 14810 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4440 30. James M. & Quanah Bonrud 34-47401•080-02 14820 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068•4440 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 1 31. Charles Novak Architect 34-03700-Q10-62 14750 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 32. Marquette Nationai Ba�k 34-03700-D20-62 Box 520 D Nelson Minneapolis, MN 55480 33. Oiga A. Strese 34•03700•030-62 14810 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55Q68-3109 34. Milwaukee Land Co. 34-03700-010•65 547 Jackson Blvd W - Suite 1510 - c�o CMC Real Est Corp. • Box 6205 Chicago, IL 60680-fi205 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 27 35. Chicago Rock Island & Pacific RR 34-03800-010•15 74520 La Salle Station Chicago, ILL 60606 '�'{��1-�1.K:--.�_ /=�� i ---\-- _��[� +--�--��'f l / 1z i I � 3 ( f .IJ-� iJ ,�; o�-.��..� � �i r 4J r i � .e-,�-;-� � - + � � ;%/_ �, �-, ---�-- - r,�{ ,�;��� � ', � 1;5 ' �'I �;-,_., � ;J �, z ' '�'1 � i - - -`..' � '� _ .�•.- �,� ����a�!�E,..��� � ,tr j � n./r�' f '` _ �i ' �/1 r � ,r \ \` � { / f � � � I J�, j.��i ( '` � µ�1,II �. ) � �� ( �! 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Ordinance No. B, adopted Septernber 19, 19$9, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from C-2 Community Comrnercial to C-4 General Commercial the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to-wit: LOT 2, BLOCK 1, EVENSON FIItST ADDTTION SECTION 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately'mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notatian references and other information shown thereon are hereby incarporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be ef€ective irnrnediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this lSth day of February, 1994. CITY OF ROSEMDUNT E:B. McMenomy, Mayor A�ST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1994.