HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Receive Feasibility Report / Set Public Hearing - Shannon Pond 3rd Addition, Project #248 and West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #242 • . �s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT w EXECUTtVE SUMMARY FflR ACTION . CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE; February 15� 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Reports/Set Public AGENDA SECTtON: Hearings - Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Old Business lmprovements, City Project #248 and West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #24-2 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. Gity Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Reports, Resolutions APP E . � At the December 7, 1993 City Councif ineeting, the City received a petition and ordered a feasibility report for the two referenced additions which for logistical reasons will be completed under one public improvement project so that the cost can be assessed to the appropriate private parties. This project includes the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, streets and sidewalks. The majority of the funding for the project will be from assessments to the two developers, Rosemount Development Company and Hampton Development Company. Dave Simons, P.E. of SEH Engineering will provide an overview of the project. Dave and Staff will then be available to answer any questions you rnay have. Staff recommends that the City Council receive the feasibility report and set the pubtic hearing for March 15, 1994. RECOMMENDED ACTION; MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT/SET PUBLIC HEARlNG SHANNON POND 3RD A�DITtON STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #248 AND WEST RIDGE 5TH ADDITION STREET AND UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #242. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 � � , CfTY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA CQUNTY, MINNESOTA . RES�LUTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION RECEtVING 7HE FfASIB1LITY REPORTfSET PUBLIC HEARtNG SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET & UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #248 AND WEST RlDGE 5TH ADDtTtON STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CiTY PROJECT #242 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wit: Gity Project #248, Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements and City Project #242, West Ridge 5th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Shorfi, Elliott, Hendrickson, Inc., Consulting Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Councif has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said utility and street improvernents, City Projeet #248 and #242 are feasible and should be compieted under one contract, should best be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on February 15, 1994; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shatl be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #242 & #248 and places it on file. NOW THEREFORE SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduied to consider City Project #248 & #242, Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements and West Ridge 5th Addition Street and Utility fmprovements respectivefy, to be held on Tuesday, March 15, 1994 at B:OO o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City HaIL ADOPTED this 15th day of February, 1994. E B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. UValsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: i�� o asevvcouv�� PHONE (612)423�4414 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesofa MAYOR FltX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Etlward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-�510 COUNCI�MEMBERS � . � . � Joan Anderson .� Cathy Busho James(Red)Staats CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Dennis Wippermann DAKOTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA INTERIMCITYADMINISTRATOR Ronaid E.Wasmund PUBL{C NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBIiC HEARfNG ON IMPROVEMENTS SHANNON POND 3RD ADDJTION STREET & UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #248 AND WEST RIDGE 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILtTY IMPROVEMENTS CtTY PROJECT #242 TO WHOM IT MAY GONCERN: NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota wiU meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, March 15, 1994 in the Couneil Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider rthe following improvements: Project.#248 - Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements and Pro�ect #242 - West Ridge 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the construction of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewalfc, street lights and restoration. The total estimated cost of said improvements is 5568,000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements will generally be: ' • Shannon Pond Outlot C and D; to be platted as Shannon Pond 3rd Addition • West Ridge Third Addition, Outtot A and that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31 , Township 115, Range 19, {ying north of the plat of WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, east of the plat of WEST RIDGE FOURTH ADDITION, and west, northwesterly, and north of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter distant 1629.26 feet east of the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter, the north Iine of the Southwest Quarter has an assumed bearing of South 89 de rees 48 minutes 49 seconds East; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 11 seconds West�69.75 feet; thenGe southwesterly alon�g a tangential curve which is eoncawe to the west, central angle of 22 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds, radius of 308.81 feet, a distance of 123.96 feet; thence 5outh 69 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds West, not tangent to last described curve, 1 '12.64 feet; thence North 89 de rees 48 minutes 49 seconds West 119.90 feet; thence on a bearing of South 119.90 �eet to the northeast corner of said WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION and said tine there terminating to be platted as WEST RIDGE FIFTH ADDITION. Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be fieard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion will be considered. Dated this 15th day of February, 1994. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. usan a s City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota �ver�t�ings �omtng �C/L� �JLosemount�� .. �.,,e_��„��a�. � �� __ _ _ __ _. __ _ __ _ . _- d � �-� _ y - � `3535 VADNAlS CENTER DRIVE.200 SEN CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55710 612 490.Zpf}p gpp 325-2055 ARCNlTECTURE • EMGINEERlNG • ENVtRONMENTAt • TRANSPORTATlON February 15, 1994 RE: Rosernount, Minnesota West Ridge 5th Addition Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Utilities and Streets City Project Nos. 242 and 248 SEH No. A-ROSEM9403,00 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West - Rosemount, MN 55068 Attention: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Gentlemen: _ In accordance with your authorization, we have prepared the attached preliminary repart for utility and street construction in West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This report discusses sanitary sewer, water main, drainage and street improvements, and provides cost estimates for each. We find this improvement to be feasible and recornmend that it be constructed in general compliance with the provisions of this report. We would be pleased to review tlus report with you in detaiL Sincerely, , . . David F. Simons, P.E. tlo Attachment � SNORT E(.LIOT7' HENDRlCKSON INC. MlNNEAPOUS,MN ST.CLOUD,MN CNlPPEWA FALLS, Wt MADlSON,Wl .•( ,�, � �� � February 15, 1994 1 I ; � i � PreliminarY Report for � West Ridge 5th Addition and � Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Rosemount, Minnesota � � Executive Summary �� City Project Numbers 242 and 248 provide for the construction sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and street facilities in � West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This combined development consists of 63 single-family residentia�lots, ± 45 of which are located in West Ridge 5th Addition, and 2$ of which are located in the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. ' This improvement is located in the southwest quarter of Section 31 near the following developments: West Ridge 3rd Addition,West Ridge 4th Addition, Wensmann 3rd Addition and Sha�on Pond � lst Addition. ! �� The project includes approximately 2,40Q feet of sanitary sewer; 2,300 feet of water main; 1,300 feet of storm drain and 3,400 f � street ronstruction, eet of All project costs will be recovered through assessments to the : benefitting lots.The total estimated project cost is�5(g,ppp. pf�s ; total, $355,000 is attributable to West Ridge Sth Addition and $213,000 is assessable to Shannon pand 3rd Addition. � Project construction th�.ough substantial com letio ' ; j for the 1994 construction season. Final com letion ls scheduled j wear course) is scheduled for the spring of 2995. roi���� ; A-ROSEM9403.00 � Page 1 � ;`� West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition t Preliminary Report s City of Rosemount • Minnesota � City Project Nos. 242 and 248 SEH No. A-ROSEM9403.00 February 15, 1994 e � � SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. � - =SEN M ULiIDISCIPLINED. SINGLE SOURCE. � � i Preliminary Report For Utility and Street Construction in � West Ridge 5th Addition and , Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Rosemount Minnesota +� City Project Nos.`242 and 248 SEH No. A-ROSEM9403.00 �: February 15, 1994 3 ! �� I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under by direct supervisi and that I am a d Registered Engineer under the laws of t ate of esota. . . . � . f � � . ' . . .. � . � .. . � � Date: February 15, 1994 Reg. No. 19699 . Reviewed by: • Februa 15 1994 Date � � � - - - 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55110 612 490-2000 800 325-2055 .� ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL . TRANSPORTATION � February 15, 1994 RE: Rosemaunt, Minnesota West Ridge 5th Addition Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Utilities and Streets � City Project Nos. 242 and 248 SEH No. A-ROSEM9403.00 � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Attention: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director i Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization, we have prepared the attached preliminary report for utility and street construction in West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This report discusses sanitary sewer, water main, drainage and street improvements, and provides cost estimates for each. � We find this improvement to be feasible and recommend that it be constructed in eneral compliance with the provisions of this report. g We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. `f Sincerely, . , . � David F. Simons, P.E. tlo Attachment �J SHORT ELLIOTT � HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOUS,MN ST.CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI MADISON,Wl � Table of Contents '� Certification Page Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents Page � Executive Summary 1 1 A lntroduction 2 1.1 Authorization 2 1.2 Scope 2 � 1.3 Data Available • 2 2.0 General Background 3 21 Location 3 2.2 Project Area 3 � 2.3 Site Conditions 3 3A Proposed improvements 3 3.1 Sanitary Sewer 3 3.2 Water Main 3 3.3 Drainage 4 �- 3.4 Street Construction 4 3.5 Street Lighting 5 3.6 Easements 5 4A Financing 5 * 4.1 Cost Estimates 5 4.2 Assessment Area 6 4.3 Cost Recovery 6 5A Project Schedule 6 � Appendix Detailed Cost Estimates and Drawings I� � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403,00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page i � � February 15, 1994 � Preliminary Report for • West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Rosemount, Minneso#a i Executive Summary � City'Project Numbers 242 and 248 provide for the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and street faciiities in West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This' combined development consists of 63 single-family residential lots, 45 of which are located in West Ridge 5th Addition, and 18 of which are located in the Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. � - This improvement is located in the southwest quarter of Section 31 _ near the following developments: West Ridge 3rd Addition,West Ridge 4th Addition, Wensmann 3rd Addition and Shanzlon Pond lst Addition. � The project includes approximately 2,400 feet of sanitary sewer;` ' 2,300 feet of water main; 1,300 feet of storm drain and 3,400 feet of street construction. All project costs will be recovered through assessmen#s to the �i benefitting lots.The total estimated project cost'is$568,000. Of this total, $355,000 is attributable to West Ridge 5th Addition and $213,000 is assessable to Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. Project construction through substantial completion is scheduled , for the 1994 construction season. Final completion (bituminous wear course) is scheduled for the spring of 1995. i A-ROSEM9403.00 Page 1 � � 1.0 I lltt'OCIUCt1011 1.1 Authorization On December 7, 1993, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, :� upon petition by the respective developers, authorized the preparation of a preliminary report for construction of utilities and streets in West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. This improvement has been designated as City Project Numbers 242 and 248. � 1.2 Scope The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this project based upon a review of the data available, and to make recommendations and to provide cost estimates far f the construction of sanitary sewer, water main, storm-sewer, and street facilities in`West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. � 1.3 Data Available Informafion and materials used in the preparation of this report include: 1. Preliminary Plat of West Ridge 5th Addition � 2. Grading and Drainage Plan for West Ridge 5th Addition (December 1993) 3. Construction plans for Shannon Pond PUD Quly 1993) � 4. Comprehensive Sewer Plan Update (June 1991) 5. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings 6. City of Rosemount Drainage Plan far the West Drainage � Area (May 1989) 7. City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan (October 1988) 8. City of Rosemount Assessment/Improvement Policy i (March 1992) � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 2 i � 2A General Background 2.1 Location The project location is shown on Drawing No. 1. The project area i► is located in the southwest quarter of Section 31, and lies east of West Ridge 3rd and 4th Additions, west of Shannon Pond 1st , Addition and south of Wensmann 3rd Addition. � 2.2 Project Area West Ridge 5th Addition consists of 45 single-family residential lots and rights-of-way for segments of 156th Street, Darling Path, Danbury Avenue and Danville Avenue. Shannon Pond 3rd Addition consists of 18 single-family residential lots and rights-of- � way for segments of 156th Street, Danbury Avenue, Danville Avenue and Crystal Path. : 2.3 Site Conditions � The project area has been used for agricultural purposes in the past. In accordance with City requirements, all street and' site grading wilY be completed by the respective developers in accordance with the Grading and Drainage Plans submitted with the Preliminary Plats. The required street grading includes core excavation of all plastic(nonsuitable)materials within#he roadway � area, and replacement with granular (suitable) materials. 3A Proposed Improvements 3.1 Sanitary Sewer � Proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. These facilities include the northerly extension of an 8-inch sewer along Danville Avenue from Crystal Path to 156th Street; the northerly extension of an 8-inch sewer along Danbury Avenue from an existing stub at 156th Street to the nartherly boundary of � the project; the construction of an $-inch sewer along 156th Street from the westerly boundary of_the project to Danbury Avenue;and the easterly extension of an 8-inch sewer along Darling Path from an existing stub at the western boundary of the project to Danbury Avenue. � The proposed facilities also include the extension of 4-inch services 15 feet into each lot:from the sewer mains. Service risers will be installed on any extra depth mains. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 3 � � 3.2 Water Main Proposed water main facilities are shown on Drawing No. 3. These facilities include the easterly extension of a 6-inch main � along Darling Path from an in-place stub east of Darjeeling Path to Danbury Avenue;the southerly extension of an 8-inch main along Danbury Avenue from the northerly baundary to 156th Street; an easterly extension of an 8-inch main along 156th Street from an in- place stub at the west project boundary to the existing 12-inch ' main at Danville Avenue; a 6-inch connection from Dapple Circle : to 156th Street between Lots 3 and 4`of Block 3;and the westerly : extension of a 6-inch main along Crystal Path from Cumberland Avenue to Danville Avenue. The proposed facilities also include hydrants for fire protection and • the extension of 1-inch services 15 feet into each lot from the mains. There is an existing 12-inch trunk main in Danville Avenue and � 156th Street which was installed as a part of West Ridge 1st * Addition. This main will be used to provide water service and fire protection to the lots along Danville Avenue and 156th Street. 3.3 Storm Drainage � Proposed drainage facilities are shown on Drawing No. 4. These � facilities include a 15-inch storm drain extending north on Dan�ille< Avenue from Upper 156th Street to Crystal Path; a 24-inch and 15- inch storm drain extending west along 156th Street from Danbury ' Avenue to Danville Avenue; and a 15-inch storm drain extending north on Danbury Avenue from 156th Street to Darling Path. ! Catch basins will be installed to collect storm runoff from the streets. Catch basins will generally be installed at intersections and in other locations where there is a need to collect the runoff. # 3.4 Street Construction The construction of standard City streets is proposed as shown on Drawing No. 5. The proposed streets are 32 feet wide between curb faces and are located within 60-foot rights-of-way. The � proposed street section consists of a 1 1/2-inch bituminous wearing course, a 1 1/2-inch bituminous base course, a 6-inch aggregate base course`and a design S518 (surmountable) concrete curb and gutter. This pavement section utilizes a granular subgrade which is to be rough graded by the developers. Fine * grading of the street subgrade will be included in the City's contract. Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 4 i � Rough grading of the boulevards, topsoiling and seeding will also' be included in the City's contract. However, the developers will be responsible for final restoration of'the boulevard areas as part of the final lot development. � The street facilities will also include the construction of a 6-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the south side of Darling Path, the east side of Danbury Avenue, the south side of 156th Street, the east and west sides of Danville Avenue and the south side of Crystal Path. The proposed sidewalks will link existing � walks in adjacent developments to provide a continuous sidewalk network. 3.5 Street Lighting � All street lighting facilities will be constructed, owned and maintained by Dakota Electric Association(DEA). The street lights will be provided as a part of the extension of service to the project area. Therefore,construction of street lighting facilities will not be ' included in the City's construction contract. � Provisions for electric service and associated restoration will be paid for and coordinated by the developers. Installation of the lighting system should not occur until the street construction is completed. � 3.6 Easements A 10-foot wide drainage and utility easement will be required along both sides of the common lot line between Lots 3 and 4 of � Block 3 for installation of a water main. This easement will facilitate the connection of a water main between Dapple Circle and 156th Street for looping purposes. All other proposed improvements will be installed in future street � rights-of-way which will be dedicated to the City as stipulated in the Development Agreements with the Ciry. ` 4A financing � 4.1 Cost Estimates Detailed cost estimates for all proposed improvements are included in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on anticipated 1994 tznit costs, and include allowances for contingencies (10 percent) and anticipated overhead costs (30 � percent). These estimates do not include any costs for street or site Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.00 : _�' Rosemount, Minnesota Page 5 ' � rough grading, or for easements which will be required of the developers as part of the Development Agreements. A summary of these costs is as follows: ! Sanitary Sewer $122,000 Water Main 116,000 Storrn Drainage 78,000 Street Construction 252,000 '� Total Estimated Cost $568,000 A breakdown of the costs attributable to each development is given below: � West Ridge 5th Addition Sanitary Sewer $87,000 Water Main 78,000 Storm Drainage 38,000 Street Construction 152,000 � Total West Ridge 5th Addition $355,000 Shannon Pond 3rd Addition i Sanitary Sewer $35,000 ` Water Main 38,000 Storm Drainage 40,000 Street Construction 100 000 Total Shannon Pond 3rd Addition $213,000 i The cost breakdown between develapments is primarily based on the locatian of the plat boundaries. All costs for 156th Street located west of Danville A�enue and all costs for Darling Path will be assessed to West Ridge 5th Addition. All costs for Crystal Path _ will be assessed to Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. Costs for Danville � Avenue, 156th Street located east of Danville Avenue, and Danbury Avenue will be assessed 50 percent to each development. Restoration costs at the intersection of Upper 156th Street and Danville Avenue will be assessed to Shannon Pond 3rd Addition. Sanitary sewer construction was recently done at that location as � a part of Shannon Pond 1st Addition. � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403:00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 6 i � 4.2 Assessment Area ; The following parcels of land are located within the project area � and are subject to assessments to recover the project costs. West Ridge 5th Addition Number of Lots Block 1, Lots 1 through 11 11 lots Block 2, Lots 1 through 20 : 20 lots � Block 3, Lots 1 through 14 14 lots Subtotal, West Ridge 5th Addition 45 lots Shannon Pond 3rd Addition S Block 1, Lots 1 through 18 18 lots Bubtotal, Shannon Fond 3rd Addition 18 lots Total 63 lots � 4.3 Cost Recovery The total assessable amount is $568,000. Of this amount, $355,000 will be assessed to the 45 lots in West Ridge 5th Addition and $213,000 will be assessed to the 18 lots in Shannon Pond 3rd � Addition. Spreading these amounts over the number of lots indicated above yields the following approximate assessment rates: • Assessment Area Assessment Rate West Ridge 5th Addition 45 lots Q$7,889/lot Shannon Pond 3rd Addition 18 lots Ea3 $11,833/lot � � � , i ` Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.00 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 7 � w 5.0 Project Schedule The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. This ! schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. The schedule assumes that all elements of the improvement, including developer obligations and easement acquisition are completed in a timely manner. I Receive Report, Set Public Hearing February 15, 1994 • Hold Public Hearing, Order Plans and Specifications March 2, 1994 Approve Plans and Specifications April 5, 1994 i Open Bids May 6, 1994 Receive Bids/Award Contract May 17, 19�4 Begin Construction June 1, 1994 A Substantial Completion August, 1994 Wear Course and Final Completion Spring, 1995 � Hold Assessrnent Hearing Fall, 1995 First Payment Due with Taxes May, 1996 r � • � Preliminary Report A-ROSEM9403.Q0 Rosemount, Minnesota Page 8 ♦ i ! � Appendix Detailed Cost Estimates and Drawings • s i , � � • � � • Estimate of Total Project Cost Sanitary Sewer • City Project Nos. 242 and 248 Est. Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount ! 8" PVC, 10'-15' Deep L.F. 2,300 ` 20.00 46,000 8"PVC, 15'-20' Deep L.F. 160 22.00 3,520 Standard Manhole, 10' Deep Each 11 1,200.00 13,200 Excess Depth, Standard Manhole L.F. 50 80.00 4,000 � 8" x 4" PVC Wye Each 52 40.00 2,08Q 4" PVC Service L.F. 2,400 6.00 14,400 4" PVC Riser L.F. 20 8.00 160 Connect to Existing Sewer Each 2 500.00 1,OQ0 ! Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 50 8.00 400 ' Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 50 5.00 250 Replacement Backfill Ton 100 5.00 500 � Subtotal Sanitary Sewer $85,510 Plus 10% Contingencies 8,490 Estimated Construction Cost 94,000 Plus 30% Overhead and'Engineering 28,000 TotaF Estimated Cost $122,000 • # • • � Estimate of Total Project Cost Water Main • City Project Nos. 242 and 248 unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount ♦, - 6" DIP Water Main, CL. 52 L.F. 1,400 14.00 19,600 8" DIP Water Main, CL. 52 L.F. 1,000 16.00 16,000 6" R.S. Gate Valve and Box Each 9 350.00 3,150 � 8" R.S. Gate Valve and Box Each 1 500.00 500 Fittings Lb. 600 2.00 1,200 Fire Hydrant , Each 4 1,200.00 4,800 Salvage and Install Fire Hydrant Each 1 700.00 700 Salvage Fire Hydrant Each 1 500.00 500 i 1" Copper Service L.F. 2,620 7.50 19,650 1" Corporation Each 58 35.00 2,030 1" Curb Stop Each 58 80.00 4,640 Insulation Bd. Ft. 100 2.00 200 � 12" x 8" Pressure Tap w/8" Gate Valve and Box Each 1 1,700.00 1,700 Connect to Existing Water Main Each 6 300 1,800 12" x 6" Pressure Tap w/6" Gate Valve and Box Each 2 1,500.00 3,000 Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton 50 8.00 400 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 50 5.00 250 � Replacement Backfill Ton 100 ' 5.00 �00 Subtotal Water Main $80,620 Pius 10% Contingencies 8,380 e Estimated Construction Cost 89,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 27,000 Total Estimated Gost $116,000 � ! • I . . . . . . � � . � . � . � � � � . �I Estimate of Total Project Cost Storm Sewer • City Project Nos. 242 and 248 Est. _Unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount # 12" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 250 20.00 5,000 15" RCP, (0'-10') L.F. 1,OOQ 22.00 22,OQ0 24" RCP, (10'-20') L.F. 50 28.00 1,400 Manhole, Type B L.F. 42 150.00 6,300 � Manhale, Type C L.F. 28 200.00 5,600 Catch Basin, Type X L.F. 36 140:00 5,040 Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 12 150.00 1,800 R-1733 Manhole Casting Each 6 200.00 1,200 � R-3067V Catch Basin Casting Each 11 250.00 2,750 Connect to Existing Sewer Each 3 400.00 1,200 Straw Bales Each 50 6.00 300 Silt Fence L.F. 300 3.00 900 i Crushed Rock Pipe Foundation Ton` 50 8.00 400 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 50 ' 5.00 250 Replacement Backfill Ton 100 5.00 500 , Subtotal Storm Sewer $54,640 � Plus 10% Contingencies 5,360 Estimated Construction Cost 60,000 Ptus 30% Overhead and Engineering 18,Q00 Total Estimated Cost $78,000 • • I� � � Estimate of Total Project Cost Street Construction � City Project Nos. 242 and 248 unit Description Unit Qty. Price Amount • Common Excavation C.Y. 1,000 2.00 2,000 Granular Borrower (LV) C.Y. 1,000 4.00 4,000 Subgrade Preparation R.S. 35 100.00 3,500 . ` Test Rolling R.S. 35 20.00 700 Agg. Base Placed, CL. 5 C.Y. 2,230 12:50 27,875 Binder Course Mixture, Type 31 Ton 1,021 20.00 2Q,420 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 620 1.00 620 `Wearing Course Mixture, Type 41 Ton 1,021 22.00 22,4b2 • Adjust Gate Valve Box Eac� 13 120.00 1,560 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting Each 23 150.00 3,450 4" Concrete Walk S.F. 24,600 1.60 39,360 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Modified L.F. 6,360 5.00 31,800 � Salvaged Perrnanent Barricades L.F. 120 6.00 720 Salvaged Topsoil C.Y.. 450 6.00 2,700 Topsoil Borrow C.Y. 450 $.00 3,600 Seeding Acre 0.7 300.00 210 Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre 0.7 200.00 140 ` � Sodding S.Y. 5,000 2.00 10,000 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 2Q 3.00 60.00 Street Name Sign Each 4 230 920.00 � Subtotai Street Construction $176,097 Plus 10% Contingencies 17,903 Estimated Construction Cost 194,000 Plus 30% Overh�ad and Engineering 58,000 Total Estimated Cost $252,000 � • � � �:s�� s� ■• � � � • � � . . 4 _ � ` . i. . � a � . � � . . � . � .'��s . . . . . . . . t . w . � � . • , . •- . � � . . . . . . . . . ti7�hCt `� ' � . � ' 1 � �� � . � � � . . . . . . � � � < � ; � � . o � • . � � � . � � F .1 � �?� . . . . � .. . p.nba.y ��� . r .. �_.12len � �S� e � . .. � . 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CR1'fST�� , ;i;:. : f... .... _.._. �`�PRQPOSED STREET PAVMIG ,•.,;�� RAT/� "`'' ,..: ` ........ ..�.f � � � � �F!}� . � . . . �� . � . .. ��••••••••• PROPOSED 6' SIDEWALK ;` ..` � PROPOSED STREET LI(3HT �1/ � �j' : � DAKOTA ELECTRIC ' '~��:'`( � TYPE 'A" MID SI.00K ,� TYPE "B" INTER3ECTIONS " r � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA f��� N" - WEST RIDGE 5TH � SHANNON P�OND 3RD ADDS. 9403 - DRG N0 , ,� E,�►�,NEERS I ARCMITECTS.P�ANNERS PROPOSED STREETS 5 i��� � � . � . . � . . � . . � i�' . . � � . . . . . . 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L��a Gs' p�o�prC�Lvi+.fi t��G� �it pc� � �jAv� iv�'N �Yl� ��" /v.s�' � � �-,S�iZS' /�Nc-� ,��2 9 _ � � . . ,;� ��_ ��c s�� .r �i�ovc�' srl���' �:i � _ �,� _ ��� � � � � � ,,; _ __ ;h� _ _ . _ ._ i;j ;,, �: ," _ ���� � ��; �� � i�t.�s f�L������ � , , ; z o�� � � � � � . . �yj . . � . .._. ... . .. ..... ..._... _._ ... . .. . . . _. .. ���� �'� � . . .� . � I fl .___ _.. . _.._ �(`t� __.... ..... _.. . .. _, . ......... . ... . ..... ...._....,._. . ._._. . ..__ . . .... . .... . . . . . . ._ . . .... ... .._ I�� 1 ��1. f�, i, � __ __ _ �� . _ �(' __ ��; s:: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RE3PONSIBILITY WRITE-UP BIIILDING INSPECTOR FEBROARY 15, 199� POSITION TITLE: Building Inspector DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department ACCOUNTABLE TO: Public Works Director/Building Official SUMMARY OF POSITION: Performs a variety of routine and complex technical work which includes plumbing, HVAC, structural, life safety and health inspections in residential, commercial, industrial and institutional construction. This is a visible position within the Public Works Department and the community. The Building Inspector works under the supervision of the Building Official but must be capable to work independently with minimal supervision. _ ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Performs all on-site inspections assigned by the Building Official which include but are not limited to inspections of footings, foundations, framing, plumbing, and mechanical systems. 2. Maintains records of building and inspection a�tivity. Prepares permits, handouts, forms and all other paperwork required. 3. Performs plan reviews as direeted by the Building Official. 4. Schedules daily activities of position's functions. 5. Prepares written summaries of inspections. 6. Assists in the enforcement of zoning and subdivision ordinances and building related codes. 7. Assists in researching problems and complaints regarding commercial and residential buildings, building construction and code compliance. Responds to complex and sensitive building issues. 8. Assists in resolving complex and sensitive customer service issues, either personally, by telephone or in writing. Maintains records and dacuments of customer service issues and resolutions. \� � � PERIPHERAL DUTIES: 1. Assists in administering the permitting function, including application processing, fee assessment and collection, and permit issuance. 2. Explains, interprets and provides guidance regarding all applicable codes within area of responsibility to architects, engineers, contractors, developers and other interested parties. 3. Performs the duties of a plans examiner, or mechanical or plumbing inspector as needed. 4. Performs such other duties as are consistent with the tasks o€ the position and as may be assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Education and Experience; 1. High school degree or GED equivalent. 2. One year experience in municipal building inspections. Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: 1. Thorough knowledge of Unifor�m Building and general construction codes, and a thorough knowledge of carpentry; 2. Considerable knowledge in carpentry work, cement work and skill in applying knowledge of uniform building codes, zoning and land use applications. 3. Skill in the operation of the listed equipment. 4. Ability to work well with the public and with local contractors. 5. Ability to read and understand complicated plans and blueprints. 6. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. 7. Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. SPECIAL RE UIREMENTS. 1. A valid state driver's license. 2. C1ass I Building Inspector Certification, State of Minnesota. 2 � 3. Sewer Treatment Certificate for septic system inspections or ability to obtain one within one year of start of employment. TOOLS AND E4UIPMENT USED: Personal computer, including word processing and permitting software; motor vehicle; calculator; portable radio; phone; -ladder or scaffolding; tape measure. PHYSICAL DEMANDS• The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Work is performed in office settings and autdoors. Outdoor work is required in the inspection of variaus land use developments and construction sites. Iiand-eye eoordination is necessary ta operate computers and various pieces of office equipment. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or cantrols; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; talk or hear. The employee must oecasionally lift and/or move up to 10 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIRONMENT• The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The employee occasionally works near moving mechanical parts and in high, precarious places and is occasionally e�rposed to wet and/or humid conditions, or airborne particles. The noise level in the work environment is usually quiet in the office, and moderate to loud in the field. 4 SELECTION GUIDELINES: Formal application, rating of education and experience; oral interview and reference check; job related tests may be required. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them fram the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and employee and is subject to change by the employer as the needs af the employer and requirements of the j ob change. STATUS: Non-exempt Reviewed by: Approved by: � Sus n M. Wa sh Ronald Wasmund Administr ive Assistant Interim City Admihistrator 5 , '� �L���„Q��Q.�iG2�K��� �'� . __ � � � Tnu Jan 13, 1994 2:03 pc City of Ruse�ount PAGE t 1 .� lSonthly Yaluatioa Report FOR ?HE ltOKTH OF DECE!(BER , 1493 sis►�ist►� PERKI'[$ s►�tt�i;s: tttrt►*�sf��t�*s*ss►��f�+ia YALUATION t��t:+s►t*+ssts�+►:s►s*►s� tHIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEAR LAST YEAB CLASSIFICA'tION !(OKTN YTD �ONTN YTD MOKTit YTD ltOR'fH YTD Sing le f a�ily 29 196 i l 234 S2,373,326.� 520,716,580.00 51,110,Z(�.00 523,04b,276.98 Additions/Alterations 4 216 5 183 94,62fi.00 5320,415.71 969,000.0� 5572,758.4t} Tro Faeily Q 0 0 0 S.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 AdditioaslAlteratioas 0 0 0 0 S.� 5.00 5.00 5.00 3-4 Fadly 0 0 0 0 5.00 S.00 S.QO 5.00 Additians/Aiterations 0 1 0 0 8.00 S700.� 5.00 5.00 �ultiple Faailp 0 0 0 i 5.00 S.� 5.00 51,212,0t�.0t1 Additfoas/Alterations 0 0 0 1 5.00 5.00 5.00 5138,000.00 Resideatial Garaqes 0 8 1 12 S.� 582,292.00 916,�i9.60 9113,664.50 AdditioasiAlteratioas 0 1 L 4 . 5.00 S1,700.00 S2,500.00 520,432.O�J Industrial 0 �-�"�� 0 4 S.00 SSfiQ,424.00 5.00 5435,000.40 AdditioaslAlterations 0 ��-"� 3 8 S.DO Sf20,OOQ.00 58�,000.� S95o,950.00 Of f ices, Banks, etc. 0 7 0 3 S.40 S i l,280,0�0.04 S.L�J 52�027,OQ6.� '�Additions/Alterations 0 3 0 5 S.QO 5185,500.00 S.00 5427,Q�.dO Stores, 8estaurants, etc. 0 0 0 0 S.� 5.0� S.00 :.00 Additions/Alterations 0 3 0 6 S.0'J 52l,ODO.00 S.QO S5l3,4�.00 kotels, aotels � 0 0 0 0 9.00 S.00 5.00 9.Q0 AQditions/Alterations 0 0 0 0 5.00 S.Oi1 S.OQ 9.t�JJ Boardiag/Booaiaq Housea 0 0 0 1 9.00 S.O(3 4.00 5127,750.OQ Additioas/AlEerations 0 0 � 0 5.00 9.00 9.00 S.4t1 Parkic� Garages J 0 0 0 S.00 9.� 9.QO 9.Ott Additions/Alteratians 0 0 0 0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Service/Repair Ga:ages . p p p 0 5.00 9.00 -_ 5.00 �.00 Additions/Alterations 0 1 0 0 S.00 S?50.00 5.04 5.00 Recreational/A�use�eat 0 0 1 i S.00 S.OQ 510,0�,000.OD 310,000,�0.� Additions/Alterattoas 0 1 0 0 S.� 5139,000.00 S.00 5.00 Public Yorks � Utilities 1 1 0 0 5189,000.00 5189,OQ0,00 5.00 S.OQ Additions/Alteratioas 0 0 Q 0 S.00 � 5.00 5.00 8.� Putlic Schools 0 0 0 0 s.QO 9.00 9.00 9.QD AdditionslAlterations 0 4 0 5 S.00 S414,793.00 5.00 52,491,7�J.� �ate Schools 0 0 0 � 5.� S.�J �.0� S,OD 1 Additioas/Alterations 0 0 0 0 5.80 5.00 S.QO S.� C6urches � Religious 0 0 0 0 . S.00 5.00 5.00 9.00 AdditionslAlterations 0 0 "' 0 0 5.tNJ S.O�J S.� S.OQ 1 1 Thu Jan 13, 1994 2:03 pe City of Rose�uunt PAGc � 2 Kor.thly Valuation Report � FOR 1kE ltONTH OF DECE�BE& , 1993 ►stss►isas PERMITS *t+��*�r:i *+�►+**tsr►�'***t't�►:�s�r: YAI.UATIOlI +tf+s+►srtsttt+tst�ttt*►Fs THIS YEAR LAST YEAR THIS YEA& LAST YEAR CLASSIFICATIOR MOHTH YTD KONTH YTD KONTN YTD X��TK �T� Additioas/Alterations 0 0 0 0 S•� �•� S'� y'� Storage Sheds, etc. 0 5 1 15 5.00 S14,1OQ.00 522,000.0� S44T,185.00 Additions/Alteratioas 0 i 0 0 5.00 51,6�.00 S•� $•� Fences, Signs, Antenaas 0 64 0 66 S.O�J S85,SQ�J.00 S.Ofl 579,557.� Additions/Alterations 0 1 0 4 S•� $1��•� S'� �'�1'� Pocls, Park Structares 0 6 0 10 5.00 54,016�550.00 5,00 5144,283.4D Additioas/Alterations 0 2 0 1 5.00 53►6�.00 5.00 S30fl.00 ��alitioas - Besideatial 1 4 0 5 5.� 5.00 S.W S.00 De�olitioas - Qthers 1 6 0 6 $•� S•� s'� S'� Gradiaq 0 9 0 13 S.00 5.00 S.00 8.00` Koving 0 3 0 3 5.00 S.� 5.00 9.00 All ltaiatenaace Peraits 1 44 2 42 52,000.00 5219,973.00 913,200.00 5544,026.D0 �:,� 21 248 23 314 559,030.00 51,13D,268.Q0 569,59�.00 53,017�5&2.Q0 P lwb ing 20 223 72 290 565,223.0� 5719,728.00 S43b,358.IXi S2,079,41b.U�J Serer - Municipal il 201 12 249 S5,6QO.Q0 597,550.00 9108,100.00 981?,928.� Sever - Pr ivate 4 29 1 17 S.� S.� $.� S.� tOTALS =====-= =====-= -====== ======= ============== ============= -========_== -==== ====== 83 1�293 83 1,503 S2,718,805.00 S41i 102�019.71 Sll�927�323.6t1 949�2fi7�149.58 �� , , Wed Jan 5. 1994 1:39 pm City of Rosemount PAGE # 1 ; Inepection Summary 12l01/93 TO 12/31/93 Inspection Type Description Kumber --------------- ----------- ------ O1 BUILDIHG FOOTING 13 02 FOUNDATIOK 8 03 FOUHDATIOH W/ilOOD BSKT � 04 FRAKE - 2� O5 IHSULATIOK & VAPOR BAR. �� 06 SEIEETROCK Za 07 SIDING � 08 ROOFIHG STARTER � 09 ROOFIHG FIttAL 0 10 BUIGDIHG FINAL 25 il BUILDIKG OCCUPAHCY � 12 FIRE SUPPRESSION � 13 BIJILQIHG SOILS EXAli. 0 14 OTHER - IiISC 1 20 DEltOLZTION PROGRESS 1 23 FIREPGACE FOOTIKG � 24 THROATS & CLEARAHCES 6 25 CKIKNEY COHST & CLEARANCE 0 .� 26 w00D STOVE INSTALLATION � 27 FIREPLACE �'INAL � 30 GRADING ROUGH-IH � 31 GRADIHG FINAL � 35 HVAC ROUGH-IN 16 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 1� 37 HVAC FINAL 20, 40 OFF-SITE COlIPLIAHCE � 41 KOYING OCCUPANCY � 45 PLUIiBING ROUGH-iN �2 46 AIR PRESSURE TEST 0 47 PLUMBING FINAL 19 50 PDOL FOOTING � 51 PODL FORMS 0 52 POOL PRESSURE TEST � 53 POOL FIHAG 0 60 KUHICIPAL CONKECTION S 61 SEwER SOIL EXAIi � 62 SEPTIC TAHK 0 63 DRAINFIELD � 64 TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTE![ 1 65 INVESTIGATIOH � 70 SIGN FIHAL 0 71 SIGN INSTALLATION 0 90 DAY CARE FIRE CODE '� � � �/ 7 t � Wed Dec 1, 1993 11:05 am City of Rosemount PAGE # 1 ) Inspection Summary 1�:/O1/93 TO 11l30/93 Inepection Type Description ' Number --------------- ----------- 01 BUILDING FOOTING 23 p2 FOUHDATIOH 1B 03 FOUNDATION W1/WOOD BSMT 0 04 FRAME 36 OS INSULATIDN & VAPOR BAR. ' 21 06 SHEETROCK 2� 07 SIDING � 08 ROOFIhIG STARTER � � 09 ROOFING FI�L � 10 BUIL.DING F AL. ` 34 11 BUILDING OCCUPANCY 0 12 F'IRE SUPPRESSION � 13 BUILDING SOILS EXAM. 0 14 DTHER - MISC 1 20 DEMOLITION PROGRESS - � 23 FIREPGACE FOOTING � 24 THROATS 8� CLEARANC£S 13 25 CHIKNEY CONST 8� CLEARAHCE 0 26 WOOD STOVE IAISTALLATION 0 '-� 27 FIREPLACE FINAL O 30 GRADIHG ROUGH-IN 0 31 GRADING F'INAL � 35 HVAC ROUGH-IN 1� 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 2O 37 HVAC FINAL 18 40 OFF-SITE COMPLIANCE � 4i MOVING OCCUPANCY � � � 45 PLUMBING ROUGH-IN 21 46 AIR PRESSURE TEST � 47 PLUMBI1dG FIKAL 15 50 POOL F'OOTiHG � 51 PO�L FORMS � 52 POOL PRESSURB TEST � 53 POOL F'INAL � � 60 MUNICIPAL CONNECTION 14 61 SEWER SOIL EXAIt , � 62 SEPTIC TANK � 63 DRAIHF'IELD � 64 TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTEM 4 65 INVESTIGATION � 70 SIGN FINAL � 71 SIGN INSTALLATION � 90 DAY CARE FIRE CODE �j" /� � a�'� � ., '���:.:,- r�.r.: �.; t ,...._...�r:�_-•�'t'. T�r�t�:E:. #� . .. .., .�... i i +y�t:i�;• .i . _.`y':j.:i _ , .1.'i"t='t::+l^.:''l' :L(:ii'1 �il�.ti7f:ict'f';' y .1.'.)/'.).�.�f':1�..'.; �1 l) 1 V!.:,1/r..�..'S / I'��l.l t'�i�S f-_''R . • • _ _ . .._ 1J k=::i:: f'':1.{��"�:L C�'i't _._..�._..__. .0�-�<:;��r c 1.x c��r•� � v i�c'_ :::i� r5� Li U:.L�]T I��i� f=i��C�T I I�d G �,� ��}� E::C)IJ P�1 v i=�`f 7:U td � 4?3 ��GL�N�;h�i'1'IC1f�1 L�i'WUUU �i��`1'r G� r�.� C iti A 1*l� 21 �� zr�����a�r:�a�� � v�i-�u�, rira�:. i� ,�(� �i1-IEETRC�CK, p ��� s��z���� o ,jp h4�OFThiC; ST.�I"�:'i"F� p Q�� 1tiGUFiI'tiG FTt�I�1L ,`.i2 �p L-�lllLIi:LhiU F7:hIHL q �,� L�U:t1...u:Cl�•1t� UL'CUi'F3NCY u 1e'. F If:E: ::il.li'F'fi�SSIUt�I � �� LiUIL�i:CttiG SU:tL� LkAI*I. 1 14 CITHER — t*iISC . p 2O LElhq!_T1IGhl F'iwOGi;ES� U �;3 f�7 F:F_F'I_�CE. r CitlT�I��lG �1 `,t} � �'HhU�'r� � Ci._E��!".�;hICC.� �j 25 C:HII�IhI4:.Y GClt�i�"f £� CLEG1F�:flt•10E:: � n�6 WUOA S fOU� ItdST'�LLr�TIt.1N a 27 F TREF'L..fIC.E FI't�IAL � ,,� 3� GF:f��iIi�aG hOUf��I�{—IN p 31 GF��UII�IG i=ihlfiL ��y 3`.i ��tJr`�C (�;UUG1-i—I1�1 1� 3�, t':�i(�5 i'f:�.:s�l.��:� `i'E::�l' .-rc� .s7 i�'�JftC 3'�Il�iraL p �ip t7F's=—SlZ'1� C:(:�t�if'�'L'1�11�{GC v y1 inC�tJII-�IG OGCIJI�'F�la(:Y 14 �� r�i�ur�«z�ara �r�uGi�►-x�a � ,4G,, ��T1=: N'I�L'-:a:�iJf�iC= T�aT lE1 ,�7 F'LUl�IE�ING �Ii�t�1L q �p I"'UUL f=AO'TIMG Q �;�, f'�Cl Cl L 1=Cl F:h1 S p ;:,� {='U(71_ F��i�E"5�U1�:C� �F�`�7 ��. �y3 I��C�C7L ��'TI�tAL �;� �,,p htlft37C'1'i"-'i�L. t':Ol•,1i�tEC i IiJhl � �,1 aCW�:f; SC1IL �X�1M q < �,� aLN''TII. 1"At4!!�. p r,3 DfiAllaF IE:I�D ,3 �,4 7(]�'fll_ :a�F��'IG aY81 Et'1 4 �,� :[hIUE,�'.aTICyATIi]Id p . �0 aTGhl !�TNiaL. p ��, ::�z�r� ��a:�z�a�.�..a�rxa�► � `�0 UiaY Cf�{:F_ FTF.L Ci]DE �,...�---� aq� .� - �, ��AGE ## 1 F'ri Oct 1! 1933 `?:15 an�� �ity rf Rosemu�uit InspEctian 5«mn7a'ry ) 0'3/dl/93 TO 09/30/�3 Mumber Inspection Type Description _----- 35 01 KUILDIt�IG FaOTIMG 20 02 FOUNDATION 0 03 FOUNUATION W/WUOD E�SMT 31 a4 FkAME 22 p� IhlSULATION & VAF'OF� E�AF. 24 p�, SHEETROCK q 07 SIDING 0 08 ROOFING STARTEk p pg k00FIMG FINAL �6 lp EcUILDING FINAL p li RUILDING GCCUF'ANCY � i2 FIFE SUF'F'F:ESSION p 13 RUILDING SOILS EXAM. 2 14 DTHEF: - MISC � Q 20 DEMOLITIQhI RkOGRESS p 23 FIkE��LAGE FOOTING �, 2y TN�OATS i� CLEAfiAMCES p 25 CHIMNEY COhIST 8� CLEAi�AMCE � 26 ' WOOD STOVE INSTALLATION � -'� 27 FIkERLACE FINAL p 30 GkADIMG f:OUGH-Ita p 31 G�.ADING FINAL �� 3g HVAC F:OUGH-IN ig 36 GAS F'RESSU�:E TEST �y 37 HVAC FINAL a qp OFF-SITE COMF'LIANCE p yi MOVING OCCUPANCY 12 4� pLUMPIMG ROUGH-IN � � p 4b AIk F'RESSURE TEST 1� 47 F'LUh1E+ING FINAL p gp F'GOL FOOTIMG p �1 F'OOL FORMS 0 �� F'OQL F�FESSIIRE TEST � � �3 F�OOL FINAL 13 60 MUNICIF�AL CONNECTIQM � �1 SEWER SOIL EXAM p �2 SEPTIC TpNY. p �,3 DkAINFIELD 2 b� TOTAI 5EF�TIC SYSTEM p g� INVESTIGATION p �p SIGN FIMAL 4 � 71 SIGN INSTALLATION p 30 DAY CAkE FIkE CODE �_. �� :-� 1 u e.� (��.�ix ;3�.y i':j`:�:.�i `:3::�i i} <:i m (::a.•i:y u�r i;c�<s�a n�a�►7-��� F�i�t:;L� 4� s. T r��<_s�:�c c��i:i c�r� ��u m m<<•r y � . 4t]/Q1/')3 TO Of�131l��; Inap�.sc•tion Typ�:� De.��c�ri�atic,n t•Iurs�krE•r 01 L-�iJILI'JIhiG FGG"t'1'l��lG �4 02 f-�UhlDfal"TOhf �� 03 FtIUNIi�f TOta W/WOOU E��Sf°IT Q 04 1=1iA1�1� �7 0� Ih4SUL�tTIGta � UAF�OF. ��R. 21 GG �N�ET'1;OC1�. 1'� A`l STDIt�lG 0 Ot3 I:OOFTNG STA�iTCi� � 09 f�00FItdG FIN�1L d 10 IiUTL�31haG f-INAL �t+ 11 fiUILI�ItdG OGGUF'AMCY 0 1� �II�E SUF'�'ItiESSION � 13 E{UTLDThlG aOTLS EXAM. 0 14 f]THC1: — MI�C 1 _ I c�.0 DEhIOLITIOtd F'ROGfiESS � 2:3 f�II;CN�LACC F"007TNG � 24 TFIRG►�7S R CLEAFiANGEa �'� 2� CNIhiNEY CON�T R CLCf�f;flNCE 0 26 WOOD S70VE ]:MSTRLLA7IOM 4 =�`-� 27 FIItiC��LACE 1=ThIAL 0 r.��� 30 Gf,�1DIFdG hOUGH—Ttd 0 31 Gf.F1DIhIG f=INAL � 35 HVAC f;t►UGf-{-1'td 2� 3G GA� F'f�iC�:�UI"iE TL,�aT 17 37 HVflC FIh1AL 'L'4 40 � Of-f'—aITE COh1l��LTANCL a 41 MOVIhtG OCCUF'f�MCY 0 �+:; F�LUMIjTh1G {"�i(]UGH—Ihi 18 �� RIh F��,ESSUF.E TEST . d �+7 F'LU�iBTI�G f-IhIAL �� �4 F'OQL FdOTIhIC 0 51 H'Ut]L 1=Olil'15 4 ' S� F�OQL F�F�ESSUF:E TESI' � a � �3 ��t3(]L f=IhIAI. � 4 �0 MUMICIF�f�L COMNEC7IOhi ci G1 SEW[:R SQIL CXf�hi 4 C�2 SEF�7IC TANI'. 0 G3 Dt'.�INFIELD 1 �4 TOTAL 5EF�7IC SY5TEM �+ G.�, Tt�IVC57IGATTqhi 4 70 SIGt�! FINflL 4 71 aIGN Th151"faLt_f3TI0N 4 `�0 D�Y CAf,E FIRE CODE 0 �� 3 ��' Ihc»� f�ui3 ?, 1�93 lO:GG �-�m �.i�:y U�F {;Usc�n�oun�: F'f�G�. # 1 ]:r�<.:s�rE�c•ti.ran 5umm<<•ry � 07/01/'3;3 T'tl 07/31/�3 Jn�pectio�i Typ� nEsc•ri p�i.an Numbe•r 01 BUILUING FOOTTMG 17 02 1=OUhIDA7I0N � 03 FOUMDf�TIOM W/WOGD E�:iMT 0 04 Ff;AME 39 05 INSULATION R VAF'OFi E�AR. �`� OE SHCET{;OCi�. �7 07 SIDING � 0$ h00FING STARTEFi � 0� F:OOFZNG FINAL 1 10 I;UILATNG FIHAL 30 11 EcUILDIhIG OCCUF'AMCY � 12 FII'tE SU�'F'RCSSIOM a 13 I�UILDIMG SOILS EXAM. 0 - 14 OTHCR — h1ISC 1 20 DE!'IOLITION F�F:OGFiES5 � 23 FTI'tiEF'LACE FOOTIMG d 24 Ti-tROATS L� CLEAfiANCE� � 25 CHIMNEY CON5T � CLEARANCE 0 26 WO011 S70VE IMSTALLATIOM 0 .:� 27 FTf.EF�LACE FINAL � 30 GF.ADIMG F�OUGH—IM 0 31 G�:ADThIG FINAL � 3� HVAC �OUGH—IN � 3E GAS �'FESSURE TE57 10 3? HVAG FINAL �E 40 OF1=—SITE GOM��LIANGE d . 41 MOVIhiG pCCUF'AMCY � 45 F'LUMI�ING �iOUGH—IN �� 46 AIF. ��RESSUFiE TEST 4 47 �'LUMHING FINAL 17 50 F�OOL FOOTIMG 0 51 F�OOL F01"�MS � �2 F'OOL F'RESSURE TES7 � �3 �'OOL FINAL • � 60 MUNIGIF�AL CONNECTIQhI � 61 SEWEf; SOIL EXAM 0 62 SEF�TIC TANl�. Q �3 DF�AINFTELA 0 64 TOTAL SEF�TIC SYSTEM 4 E5 ThIVCSTIGflTION � 70 SIGN FINAL , 0 71 SIGN IMSTAL.LATTqhI � � �0 AAY -GAf;E F I F�E CODE � � l 2. � Thu Jul 1, i993 10:46 am City of Rosemount PAGE � 1 � � iInspection Summary � � 06/01/93 TO 06/30/93 Inspection Type Description Humber O1 BUILDING FOOTING 56 02 FOUNDATiON 17 O3 FOUNDATION W/WOOD BSliT O 04 FRAME 3B OS INSULATION 8� VAPOR BAR. 34 06 SHEETROCK 35 �7 SIDING 0 08 ROOFING STARTER O 09 ROOFING FINAL O 10 BUIL.DING FIHAL 55 11 BUILDING OCCUPANCY 4 12 FIRE SUPPRESSION 0 13 BUILDING SOILS EXAli. 0 14 OTHER - MISC 2 20 DEMOLITION PROGRBSS O 23 FIREPLACE FOOTING O 24 THROATS 8� CLEARANCES 8 25 CHIltNEY CONST & CLEARANCE � O 26 WOOD STOVE INSTAGLATION 0 27 FIREPLACE FINAL 0 ��� 30 GRADING ROUGH-IN � 31 GRADING FIHAL 0 35 HVAC ROUGH-IN 25 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 23 37 HVAC FINAL 38 40 OFF-SITE COMPLIANCE O 41 liOVING OCCUPANCY a 45 PLl1MBING ROUGH-IH 22 46 AIR FRESSURE TEST 0 47 PLUMBING FIHAL 2� 50 POOL FOOTING O . 51 POOL FORMS O 52 POOL P'RESSURE TEST O 53 POOL FINAi. O 60 nUNICIPAG CONNECTION� 15 61 SEWER SOIL EXAK O 62 SEPTIC TANK O 63 DRAINE'IELD O 64 TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTEtt 4 65 INVESTIGATION O 70 SIGN FINAL O 71 SIGN INSTAI.LATION O 90 DAY CARE FIRE CODE O ��� .� Tue Jun 1, 1993 12: 17 pm City of Rosemount PAGE # 1 � Inepection Summary 05/01/�33 TO OS/31l93 � Inspection Type Description Humber Ol BUILDING FOOTING 45 02 FOUNDATION 13 03 FOUHDATIOK W/WOOD BSMT 0 04 FRAME 44 OS INSULATION & VAPOR BAR. 25 06 SHEETROCK 22 07 SIDING � O 08 ROOFING STARTER 0 09 ROOFING FIKAL O 10 BUILDING FINAL 31 11 BUIL.DIHG OCCUPANCY O 12 FIRE SUPPRESSION O 13 BUILDING SOILS EXAM. O 14 OTHER - KISC � 2 20 DEMOLITION PROGRESS O 23 FIREPLACE FOOTING O 24 THROATS & CLEAF2ANCES 10 2S CHIMNEY COHST & CLEARAHCE O � 26 WOOD STOVE INSTALLATION O 27 F'IREPLACE FINAL O 30 GRADING ROUGH-IN O 31 GRADING FINAL O 35 HVAC ROUGH-IH 28 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 8 37 HVAC FINAL. 1? 40 OF'F-SITE COMPLIANCE O 41 MOVING OCCUPANCY O 45 PL.UMBING BOUGH-IN 29 46 - AIR PRESSURE TEST O 47 PLUMBING F'INAL 1? 50 POOL. FOOTING 0 51 POOL F'ORI4S O 52 POOL PRESSURE TEST � O 53 POOL FINAL O 60 ttUNICIPAL CONNECTION 17 61 SEWER SOIL. EXAM O 62 SEPTIC TANK O 63 DRAINFIELD O 64 TOTAL S£PTIC SYSTEtt 2 65 INVESTIGATION � O 70 SIGN FINAL O 71 SIGN INSTAL.LATION . O 90 '" DAY CARE FIRE CODB `O f � 31� . .._ . . ._. . .. .. ._ c" : 1 h�l!�'f' .��'J, .L`5�::':� .�..� :i:_' % ict 1'ii �:i.'�:;'Y' Ci�' 1'ti l:1�:4?!ti(:i t.�'i'�'�; �—'h�lt��::. �a .�. 3:�i��L>riG`C't:L Ci7"� ciur�in���ry U�/{)].J`33 '1 i� �J�4/::�:>/`•):ti '� ._i�sp�etior� T'Y�,� U�a�•r:i.�t:ic:rn Mumta�•r 01 �U:�L_UThiG i='(:lUl'1I�lC, ��� �J2 1=nu��illr�rx0►�; :s4 03 F'UUI�lUrl�':CClt�l W/WptJD E�SI�IT 4 04 Ff;Ah1'L-" 22 �J,r,r lh(:3UL1TTClhI F� VAr'GF E�AFi. �d' 06 SH�ET1:(7Ct'. 14 07 SI.DIhiG � 0£� {:00l=IhIG 57�{ti7Cl; � 07 �i00F1hiG FIhIAL � 10 E�UIL�TMG FIt�IAL �+'� 11 I�UILDING 0(:C:UF�At�ICY � 12 1=IF:E �U�'��itit�SSION 4 13 RUILDIhtG SOILS EXAM. C� 14 0�"FiE� — M:[SC k �4 DEMOLTTIUht 1='t'iOG�i�.SS �" 0 23 FIF:E��LACE FqOTIhIG 0 c'.�t THf;0AT5 £� CLEARANCES � 2� � CNI1'1hl�Y CONST R CL�AFiANCE a c6 WOqD STGVk IMSI'ALLAT'ION d 27 FI�:kF�LACE FINAL p 30 GRRDThIG �iCIUGH—:[ht � � 31 G�:ADIhIG FINAL '� 3� 1-1Vf�C RGUGH—II�t 17 3G GAS �'�ESSURC TEST � 37 1-IVAC FIh1�3L 1'� 44 OF�—SI7E Cqh11='LIANCE 0 41 h1UU I IdG QC:C:UF'1hlCY 4 45 ��LUM�ING f,OUGH—IN �� 46 A1�i �'�iESSUF:E Tk�tiT � 47 F'LUME�ING FINAL 1E ;0 F'OOL FOUT�I�IG 4 �1 N�OOL FOf;MS 4 �;2 F�UqL �'f;ESSUfiE T�ST 0 �3 RUOL FIN�L 4 GO h1UhlTCT1=�A1_ CC)NN�.CTIqM 33 G1 SEW��. SOIL LXAM 0 �2 5�4�'TIC TAMK 0 G3 AF:A I NF IELA 4 64 TOTAL 5�.�'TI(:: SYSTEM i 65 IMVESTTGATTON n 70 SSGht F'INAL 4 71 SIGM INS7ALLA7ION 4 �0 DAY CAf;F FIF:E CC1DE a 3t�� � Wed Mar 31, 1993 8:55 am City of Rosemount PAGE # 1 Inspection Summary 1 03/01l93 TO 03/31/93 Inspection Type Description Number O1 BUILDIHG FOOTIHG 13 02 FOUHDATIOH 8 03 FOUHDATIOK W/WOOD BSMT O 04 FRAME 25 OS INSULATION & VAPOR BAR. 15 06 SHEETROCK 22 07 SIDING 0 08 ROOFING STARTER O 09 ROOFIHG FINAL O 10 BUILDIHG FIKAL 92 11 BUILDIHG OCCUPAHCY � 12 FIRE SUPPRESSIOH � 0 13 BUILDI�IG SOILS EKAM. � 14 OTNER - tfISC 1 20 DEMOLITION PROGRESS 0 23 FIREPLACE FOOTING 0 24 THROATS 8� CLEARAHCES 3 25 CHIMNEY CONST & CLEARAHCE 0 26 WOOD STOVE INSTALLATIOH 0 � 27 FIREPLACE FINAL 0 30 GRADIHG ROUGH-IN 0 31 GRADIRG FIHAL 0 35 HYAC ROUGH-IN 13 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 4 37 HVAC FINAL 2� 40 OFF-SITE COMPLIAHCE O 41 MOVING OCCUPANCY 0 45 PLUMBING ROUGH-IN 19 46 AIR PRESSURE TEST O 47 PLUMSING FIHAL 23 50 POOL F'OOTING O 51 POOL FORMS O � 52 POOL PRESSURE TEST O � 53 POOL FINAL O 60 MUNICIPAL CONNECTION 7 61 SEWER SOIL. EXAM O 62 SEPTIC TANK O 63 DRAINFIELD O 64 TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTEM O 65 IHVESTIGATION O 70 SIGH FIHAL 1 71 SIGN IHSTALLATIOH O 90 DAY CARE FIRE CODE O � � a�� Mon Mar 1, is93 12:25 pm City of Rosemount PAGE # l Inspection Summary � 02/O1/�3 TO 02/28/93 Inspection Type Description Number O1 BUILDING FQOTING $ 02 FOUNDATION 5 03 FOUNDATION W/WOOQ BSMT 0 04 PRAME 17 OS IKSULATION & VAPOR BAR. 15 06 SHEETROCK 23 07 SIDING � 08 ROOF'ING STARTER 1 09 ROOFZNG FIHAL � 10 BUILDING FINAL 3g 11 BUIL.DING OCCUPANCY 0 12 FIRE SUPPRESSION a 13 BUILDING SOILS EXAK. 0 14 _ OTHER - ltISC 2 20 dEMOLITION PROGRESS 0 23 FIREPLACE F'OOTIHG 0 24 THROATS 8� CLEARANCES ld 25 CHIMNEY CONST & CLEARANCE � 26 WOOD STOVE INSTALLATION 0 2'7 PIREPL.ACE FINAL. � �� 30 GRADING ROUGH-IN d 31 GRADING FINAL 0 35 . HVAC ROUGH-IN 1� 36 GAS PRESSURE TEST 17 37 HVAC FINAL 32 40 OFF-SITE COC[PLIANCE � 41 MOVING OCCUPANCY 0 45 PLUMBIAG ROUGH-IN 32 46 AIR PRESSURE TEST 0 47 PLUMBING F'INAL. 2� � 50 POOL FOOTING � 51 POOi. FORKS � 52 POOL PRESSURE TEST 0 53 POOL FINAL 0 60 MUNICIPAI. CONNECTION � 61 SEWER SOI[. EXAM 0 62 SEPTIC TANK 0 � 63 DEtAINFIELD 0 64 TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTEIt 0 65 INVESTIGATION � 70 SIGN FINAI. O 71 SIGN INSTALLATION � 90 DAY CARE FIRE CODE � ! �� a�� Mon I-eb 1, 1'3`�3 1:�8 pm l:lty of hos�ma��nt �'N�iE # 1 ' ln5pectioi� SummarY � U1/V1/`�3 10 �i/:s0/�3 Inspection Type Desc�iption Mumber 41 RUTLll1MG F'UUT'1NG 11 02 FUUNllA'I�IUM 8 03 FUUNDp'f1UN W/Wt10D KSM7 0 04 FRAME 27 OS INSULATYQM i� V�1F�Ok't BAk. 23 06 SH�ETRUCK 14 07 STDIMG 0 48 KUOFING S1'Akl'Ek 1 09 ROUFIh1G FTMAL 4 10 BU:[LDIhIG FIMAL ZO I1 E�UILDTMG OCCUF��INCY 0 12 FIRE SUF'F'kE5SI0H 0 � 13 i�UILDIhlG SUILS EXAM. 0 14 OTHER - MISC 4 �'fl DEMOLI7IUN RkOGkESS 4 23 FIkE��LACE F't107It�G 0 24 THROH7S £C CLEAFtAMCEB 8 E5 CHIt7NEY COh15T � CLEA�AhlCE 0 26 WOOD S70VE INS'fHLLA7I0N 0 -�^-� 27 F I REFLACE F I NRL 0 " �,� 30 GFtAllING kilUGH-IN 0 31 .. GkADING FINAL 4 3� HVAC kUUGH-YN 13 36 GAS E'RE55UkE 7E5T � 37 HVHC FIhtAL 23 40 OFF-SITE COMPLIAMCE 0 41 hlOVINt's OCCLIF�ANCY 0 45 �'LUMRING kOUGH-IN 22 46 AIR F�RE55UKE TEST 0 47 GLUM7�ING FTNAL 16 50 F�OOL F00'tING 0 J1 ��aOL FQftt7S 0 �2 ROOL F�F2ESSUFiE TEST 0 53 . F'OCIL FTNAL 0 6fl MUMICTF'AL COMNECTION 3 61 SEWER SOIL EXAM 0 62 SEF�TIC TANK 0 63 DkAINFIELD 0 64 T07AL SEPTYC SYBTEM 1 6� IMVESTTGATiON 4 70 SIGN FINAL U 71 SItiN IhtSTALLflTit3N 0 '34 DHY Cf�kE FIR� CODE 0',� / :� 1 � q COMPARISON TABLE • NUMBER OF INSPECTORS CITY NUMBER OF HOUSING UNITS IN 1993 TOTAL VALUATION IN 1993 INCLUDING BUILDING - OFFICIAL Apple Valley 198 Single Family 24,853,000 Single Family 1 Building Official-Insp if 258 Town Houses 18,419,000 Town Houses necessary 8 Commercial 5,455,000 Commercial 3 Full-Time Inspectors 1 Part-Time, Peak Periods Eagan 583 Single Family 82,321,000 Single Family 1 Building Official 434 Town Houses 21,583,872 Town Houses 2 Plumbing Inspectors � 15 Commercial 9,318,000 New Construction 2 Building Inspectors 107 Remodels 4,371,700 Remodels 1 Temporary Inspector 9 Public Facilities 1,355,000 Additions 1 Contract Electrical 14 Duplexes (52,814,000) 14,366,000 Public 1 Motel (S1,$00,000) Lakeville 642 Single Family 72,928,207 Single Family 1 Building Official 57 Town Houses 6,846,848 Town Houses 1 Plumbing/Mechanical 44 Commercial 2,656,000 New Construction 4 Building Inspeetors 2,016 Total Building Permits (6) 34,500,000 New Industrial 6,582,000 Public Hastings 38 Single Family (60-75 normal) 22,012,000 Residential 1 Building Official 27 Town Houses 1,434,000 Non-Residential 1 Inspector 8 Quad 6,409,000 Non-Residential 20 Commercial & Industrial Rosemount /�J6 � � � ?Aj 7ll0� ''� �,.'^�t�t�e- � ����j.�G�,�,:,,,.� � ����4-��R-( �,��s��. , (� t4�.t���f�.�-s�rwe.�ure.� �¢, ot l�,s'so �wGk"�Y�` Z � �URVEY[3E.�,TLTS �, ,�. ,�_, BrooWvn Psflc Burnsvllle �on RaPi�d F.�, ya+ �„iapl�Grove imfet n P,�i� Wood6urv �,; � �, PQ�utat�son 59,400 52,733 57,000 �3y500 43,61? A8,UD0 SS�000 27,OOD .`_=- �. �, ._...._.._... _ _....__.�_._.....,._...._........................... �_, _»...__----------- �, .-r, s Valuatioa g�� as,ms,� .z, �1�q3 68�13g,710 58,289,91$ 13�465,722 70,522,314 21,UD(J�U00 95,3?8,618 336,848,507 � 19StZ 4f,712,849 ?9,81.2�610 83,571.,fiU� 14?,314,4SU 76y499�95 82,U00�000 135,979,562 I2?,571,fA5 �1 H -------..-----_-..-___..___...__..._._� _.__.__._._._.._____........._..W _._ ,� �, � r=� rmit $rookiyn Park Snrruvllk Ceon Rapids �agan Mapie Grm�e Mi�aretooks Plymo�t6 Wiodbnry �; y= � �F� 9 js� � ii/g3 zn m s�.3 ss� si sos �s i�a 2�o zrs s� �a3 �s 4s s� �ss � �. �r-= �U�-�'SDI��,��D��3 r�, c.. [�S� �... '�� 31 �' i1Jg3 157 420 422 75 41 V 16,1 �J 1q92 3t1 ?b2 34'7 �66 64 7fi 0 2t�� m l�d �/43 4 1'1J9'3 174 76 120 82 191 1T3 • IggZ 6 227 73 121 71 3?b ?SO ' o . . . � � � . � . � R� . . . . . .. . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . � � � � Ci � c' � 9/43 � i1J43 0 0 9 S 0 3 0 14qL 4 Q it 10 13 5 7 1 hote: ' Woodburp combines SF and Coamercial peraniEs under SF � Brooklyn �ark Burnsville Coan Rapids Eagan Mapk G� N�metonlu P1ra�utU Wuodbury �_, �.:. �� Bldg,OfficiaE � 1 ' 1 L 1 1 1 �s-, �, Asst. Blc�g. t}tY: x' Q Q 1 0 1 t 1 � �. ��, Supv af Iasp. ' 0 " 0 4 4 Q a �.". �, �i.l r.�a i��� a � a o � fl a o o �-_ ,. �., G, Plan Revicv►er • s * 1 yS 1 1 • �' � Cv�st,lnsp. U 2'' 1 1 0 2 � 4' �� Mech. insp. Q 1� 1 4 U 1 Q f �, �- :�_ � P�b$, Insp. � 1' 0 2 a � i Z Com�tnsp� ' 3 « i �� � � � p Elutric insp. 0 P-T 0 Cootrart 4 2 d Caatrad � • � Nousing Iasp. 2 0 0 4 0 0 � 1 � �a r`� �:� * [nsp�ect�ors periorm s�ral dil�crtnt q�pe�a[lospections,as�eedad �T' �,_. �. �, Housing Interrt 1 0 a 0 fl 0 U a Temparary U 0 2 0� 4 U 0 � Seaso�al a ti fl ' Q Q � 'S -c . �, � Seaeiary 1 4 1 l f} 1 1 2 �' �, . �. �crical 3 tl 0 2 2.5 2 S 0 ��' Fise Maxsha( 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 0 1 Dcpu(y�re Marsl�a! 1 Firc f nsp. 2S 2 3 1 1 1 Z U �, �._, •, CT1 INFORMATIONAL IYEII+IS �, �_� Rroot,lyn Pk: 1 serretary�d 1 derical provide suppo� [or Bui[ding lnspecticx�anly; 1 additional clerical providcs support fvr housing inspectiahs and one additionat c[esica! �; . pr�ovides suppart f�r the Fire Departmtnt. �:, Chief Buildiag ffEtipal fcels t6ey are Ewrdcrlioe at the present tuae witl�regacds to adoquate sta[�'uig. �� Burnsville: 3 secretaries prauic�c 6upport far BuiEding Inspcctinas on[}r,one prrnndes suppo�t for zoniag aad signage. ,_, Ccrostructioq piurnbing&mec�eanieal inspoqors do oombination inspociions,as w�ell as plan review, y-' �, Chic[Build'ug Ut�iaat feefs present sta�f6qg needs are adequatc. � �, �poo Rapids: 1 seaetary p�avides suppott frn Beitdi�g Inspectians oa1K :� Chie�Buitding Q[licial is a(so Plan Rt,wievMer and Su�ervisor of IuspectQrs. �� M�echanica�t f Plumbing Inspector ad as Assistant Buitding Official alsa Ky Ctuef Building O�"iaal[eels preseot siaff needs are aot adequatc;desinea hvusiog inspertors, y�--, �- Ea�an: 1 secretary&2 cterica�staff pfovide st�pport for Gtmrnetnity Dev�lapment,Plaaning&Buildiag[ospcctions. � Chief Suild'uig O[fiaa)tioes eat feef{►�r���tai6ng ret��uremonts a� adeqast� Mapk Crav�e: 2.5 cicr�al support persvnncl for Beutding inspecteQns only. Chie[Buildin,g Ot�"iaal da�es not fr�el pceseot staf�ag requirernents ace adequate; desires oac inspes�ttoa�and additional c�cric�l . , 3 O Minn�nka� 1 seaetary fo�Cummunity Dev�lvpment/Buitd'ing Iospcxiioas;2 clerical for Ssu'[ding Taspections oaly, �� C�ie[Bu':lding Of�cial does not Eecl psesent staffs�g requiremenls are aQequatr desires�sart-tirae cler�eal and part-time inspector. � �._. �,� r�, Pfy�nouth: 1 sa�tareal supenyso�r & 2S c[erical for BuildiQg In.sp�ctions on1y, IJ2 tima ctcricaE far fire/6ous�ng iaspections a»d 2 clerical for PlaaningfCrnnmunity G Devclop�meat. � , C�ief Buifd�ng OEGaaI fezls pr�sent ataffi�g neods are adequatc. Woodburv: 2 sccct,tarics amd oaa 20-6our week seasanal for Bui[deng iospectians on1y. Constructioo tospeatars also review plans. . . C6ief Building OE'licial fecls pr�esent staffing requucmenta are adequatt. � �, �, .Fy � �� � �n Broo�clyn Fark Suresvilto Coon Rapids Eag,aa Maple Gravc �4+1[unelonka Pl�touth Woodbury F--, �.-:, �� Main�erianoe of Finance Aclmin. ' Pub.Wks. tildg. lnsp. Finanae �ub.Wks, �inance Pub.Wks, `�� Go�� BEdg�. ' " ' �-. . � ��� Fire Marsbal/ Fire Uept. Fire Dept. F'ire Dept. Bldg. [nsp. F'ere/B1d� F`�r�Dcpt. B[dg,insp. Fire Dc�#. ;.,-, jnspectors Serviccs �; {; Bldg.Insp. Comca.Dev. Polioe�r�e Comm.Dev: Comm.Dev. F'�re C�ief Comm. Dev, Comm. Den. Comm.Dev. n� ;�� 0 �, �� �, "rl �I . � � � � . . . �. � . . � . � � C.�.� y= � .� �-, �, �,. �,, <<, . . . . . . . . . . . (_Tl � � � . . .. rti' . . . . � � . . �� . . . . . . L�..� . . . . . . . � I � �� � Cl . C� (SI . . . .. . . . . � � . � . . . . . . C� . . . . � . . � . . G� c3-�