HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Bills and Invoices � CITY OF ROS�NSOIINT BXECIITIVE SUb�SARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: AUGUST 2, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: BILLS AND INVOICES AGENDA STsCTION: CONSENT AGENDA PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 3 . A. ATTAC�2ENTS: BILLS AND INVOICES APPROVSD BY: The following bills and invoices have been received by the port authority: 1. Fluegel Moynihan and Miles (legal services through 6-30-94) $1,220 .25 2 . Dakota County Economic Development Partnership (1994-95 membership dues) $1, 975 . 00 3 . Dakota County (property taxes, Abbott property) $2, 015 . 09 Attached to the Economic Development Partnership notice of dues is a brief explanation of the 1993-94 activities. In addition Mr. Wasmund and I believe we will be able to get some GIS (Geographic Information System) assistance from this group. RECObIl�NDED ACTION: Motion to approve bills and invoices as submitted. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: , Attorneys At Law 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone 612-438-9777 FLUEGE L NtOYN I H AN & MI LE S, P.A. Fax 612-438-9775 Donald J. Fluegel Shawn M. Moynihan J. Michael Miles Joan M. Fluegel ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 July 22, 1994 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH JUNE 30, 1994: RE: WALTER-HANSEN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT R06800-0091 06/14/94 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MILLER R�GARDING WALTER-HANSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT 06/23/94 PREPARE FIRST DRAFT OF WALTER-HANSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT: (2.08); TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DR. WALTER-HANSEN: (.33) 06/24/94 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MILLER REGARDING TERMS OF WALTER-HANSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT: (.25); PREPARATION OF WALTER-HANSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT REVISED VERSION AND DISCUSSION: (3.17) TOTAL LEGAL FEES: $750.00 EXPENSES: $0.00 -------------- TOTAL BILL AMOUNT $750.00 BALANCE FORWARD $0.00 AVAILABLE CREDIT $0.00 - - TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $750.00 THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! � � • � COUNTY Economic Development Partnership July 12, 1994 RECEIVED Stephan Jilk c�ty af xosemount ��� 141994 2875 145th Street West P.o. BoX sio ,.T,r �, ;,�,,���n��NT Rosemount, MN 55068 C Dear Stephan: Enclosed is an invoice for your organization's 1994-1995 Dakota County Economic Development membership dues. In the past year, the Partnership took major strides towards achieving its potential to keep and create new jobs in Dakota County. Here are some of the landmarks we reached in 1993-1994. * Developed a strategic action plan * Established an organizational structure * Adopted By-laws * Applied for 501 (c)(6) organizational status * Hired Executive Director A working draft of a Partnership action plan for the next three to five years is enclosed for your review and comment. R/e are now organizing Partnership teams to advance four major initiatives in the coming year. * A business retention and attraction group will market Dakota County as a single economic entity, work with existing employers to keep jobs in Dakota County, and cooperate in the use of Geographic Information System technologies. * A Dakota County based revolving loan fund boazd will help capitalize expansion and new business development activities in Dakota County. * A Microenterprise Assistance Program will support local entrepreneurs trying to start small businesses. * A local technology transfer capacity will identify and commercialize underutilized new technologies for e�usting and new Dakota County based businesses. This action plan cannot be advanced without your support. I thank you for your investment in these job creation programs and continued personal support of the work of the Dakota Counry Economic Development Partnership. Sincerely, ��� �_ �/.,�� Scott Beckman Director enc. P.S. The Partnersiup's Quarterly Membership meeting on the Spirit of St. Croix cruise boat, departing from Afton marina at 5:00 p.m. sharp on Thursday,July 28th. Please call the office if you need additional registration forms. Achieving Community Potential Through Cooperative Action Scott Beckman Director Dakota County Economic Development Partnership 1300145`�Street Rosemount,MN 55068 (612)423-8291 FAX(612)423-9706 , r DAKOTA COZ�TTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPIVI�NT PART�TERSHIP PROGRAIti�1 O�' WORK This is a draft document subject to the review and approval oF the DCEDP Board of Directors. � Niission Statement To promote, preserve, and actively assist with expandina and diversifying the economy and high qualiry employment base of Dakota Counry. Administrative Program Goal • To provide the administrative, financial, human, physical and tec�nical resources required for the Dakota County Economic Development Partnership to ac�ieve its mission. Obiective • Establish the Dakota County Economic Development Partnership as a viable and credible provider of economic development services. Strategies • Conduct memhership survey and interest interviews. • Apply for and receive Intemal Revenue Service designation as a 501 (c) (6) or�anization. • Equip ofFce space to provide e�cient, but comprehensive economic development services to i1�lembers and Clients. • Develop and adopt an annual budget. • Review and revise or�anizational fee structure as neederl. - Execute a contract for services with Dakota County Tecimical College for program administrative support. • Develop and adopt or�anizational by-laws. • Administer Board of Director nomination and selection proc�dures consistent with by- laws adopted. • Develop and adopt program of work. , ` Sti'8t@yleS • Contract with the University of 1�1i.nnesota.Business Retention and Expansion program to conduct a program evaluation of the BR & E program in all member communities. Results to be shared privately with individual community program participants. • Convene a Business Retendon and E.�pansion Conference around any evaluation results which sugoest the need for coordinated counrywide action, i.e. standardized information collection procedures. • If none, convene a Business Retention and Expansion Conference to discuss the educational needs of local businesses. Topics suggested for consideration by joint sponsorship include on�oing T�tal Quality Management or Continuous Improvement seminars or programs on the impact of the following on business: NAFT?,/GATT; health care refonn proposals; Worker's Compensation/Unemployment Insurance; and the information super-hishway. Participants • Local BR & E staff coordinators. • Economic Development Commissicn members. • BR & E Task Force leaders and participants. • Representatives from small and lar�e Dakota Counry employers. • i�iinnesota Extension Service. - lYletro East Development Partnership. • Dakota Counry. • Private Industry Council (PIC). Evaluation • Number of new BR & E progxams established in Dakota Counry. • Number of quality visits by BR & E program participants. • Number of businesses assisterl by local BR & E pro�ra.ms which lead directly to the retention or expansion of local fums. • Educational pro�rams will be evaluated by participants for usefulness and topics selected for future programs based on input from participants. • Development disincentives modified or removed. 3 � Evaluation . • Number of new businesses and jobs resulting directly or indirectly from DCEDP Business Attraction Progra.m. � Business Development Program Goal • To develop small, start-up companies that create new employment opportunities in Dakota. County. Objectives • Inventory existing entrepreneursiup support resources available to Dakota County residents. • Identify �aps in entrepreneurship support resources and p1u� those �aps with cost- effective services for the emeraing Dakota County businessperson. Strate;ies to be Investiiated • Entrepreneurship Re�ources Directory. • Research and Technology Commercialization. • Nlentoring Program. • Facilitation lriethod of Business Development. • Small Business Incubators. - Entrepreneurship E�ucation. - Defense Conversion. • Home-based Enterprises. • 11�tarket Research. Partici�ants • Small Business Development Center staff. • Metro Fast Development Partnership staff. • Small Business Administration representative. • Educators from Technical and Community Colleges. • Venture capitalists. • Business consultants. • Businesspeople. • Bankers. • Research and development professionals. 5 � • Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry staff. • Private sector leaders. • Successful entrepreneurs. Evaluation • Funds raised. • Funds distributed. • Jobs created through fmancing program activity. Infrastructure Research and Pianning Program Goal • Ensure that the ghysical neetis of e:cistin� and future Dakota Counry residents are met in a systematic, timely, and cost-effective manner consistent with a mutually aQreeable counrywide quality of life standard. Obje�tives • Compile and disseminate demo�raphic, economic, social and other data needed to determine the future ne�ds and carrying capacities of the land. • Produce research-baseri repons wiuch objectively evaluate the economic and social impact of major development and/or legislative projects proposed for Dakota County. Strate;ies to be Investi�ated • Metropolitan Council Regional P.an. • New International Airport. • Bridge Traffic and Congestion. • Landfills and Waste Disposal Practices. • O�eld Legislation. • Infrastructure Neeris Related to the Information Superiughway. • Exploration of the Potential for Shared Govemment Services. • Counrywide Greenspace and Recreational Values and Planning. Participants • Housing and Redevelopment Authority. • County Government agency representatives. • Utility company officials. • �INDOT. 7 � • Monitor available information to assess labor force trends. • Conduct labor force surveys as needed. • Create a directory of eriucational and training resources and programs available to Dakota Counry businesses. • Determine Countywide interests in and develop countywide policy strategies on jobs and training legislation . • Conduct research periodically to assess the labor force training ne�ds of business. Partici,pants • Union leaders. - Minnesota Jobs and Training and/or Job Service staff. • Private Industry Council representatives. • Employment and Trainin; C�nter staff. • l�iajor employer human resources mana;e:s. • High school counselors. • Parents. • Schooi board members. Evaluation • Education and Training Resources Directory. • Training programs developed. • Dakota County residents placed in Dakota County based jobs through new DCEDP labor forces initiatives. Education and Communications Program � Goai • Enhance �iember capacities to create new jobs by providing state-of-the art information on economic development tools, techniques, and resources. 9 NOTICE OF DAKOTA COUNTY UNPAID 1994 PROPERTY TAXES NON-HOMESTEAD PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM THOMAS V. NOVAK 1ST HALF 2ND HALF OR PAYMENT S7UB DAKOTA COUNTY TREASURER lIAKE PAYMENT T0: GOVERI�MENT CENTER BEGINN�NG OF �us77.Nss, l�MI 55033 YEAR AX 2,015.09 2,015.09 07/22/94 � TAX PAST DUE 166.39 0.00 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION 9 X PENALTY 14.97 0 X PENALTY 0.00 34 > 0321U OI0 Ol _ _..____ _. ._ ___.. ._ __ _. ._ ._ _... _ _ ___ ..___ __. _ . .. _ . _ __. _ ____.._ __ ._ ...._ _ ._ _ __ _ _. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . ... _ __ _ _ _ __ .. _ __ _ ___ _ _. ._ . _ . __ _ _ _ . _ ___ _ _ _ _ __._ . .__ __ ___ _ . . _ ROSEMOUNT' FORT`AUTHORIT�€ :' TOTAL TAX AND > PENALTY PAST DUE 2$?� 145TA ST W ' ' ; _' = ' _ ..' PAY THIS AMOUNT BY ROSEMOtINT MN 5�SQ68 JULY 31 181 .36 IF QUESTIONS CALL - 438-4360 OR 438-4576