HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Downtown Scoping Comittee - Bernie McGarrigler CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FbR ACTION ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH lb, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: UPDATE 4N DOWNTOWN SCOPING AGTNDA SECTION: COMMITTEE ACTIUITIES DEPARTMENT HEAD REP�RTS PREPAR�D BY: JOHN MILT�ER, AGENDA ���� � � � ECONQMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINAT�R ATTACffi�lENTS: NONE AP Y: Bernie McGarrigle, chairpexson of the Dawntown Scoping Committee, will be present to give the councilmembers a verbal update on the members' activities. RECOi�iENDED ACTION: None required. Informational only. CdUNCIL ACTIQN: wntown Scvping Commitfee Rosemount Do Council Update City 1993 March 16, Submitted, �Garrigle Bernard M. M , -_ ► Rosemount Downtown Scoping Comrnittee City Counci! Update . March 16, 1993 :::: ;:.::.: > ;::.; ..:: :.:::.>:::::::.:::> :. : � ::;;:::::;.: . :.; ;.: . : ; .:. P�eliminary�ecomm.endat�ans 1. Establish boundaries for a Downtown Area as fol%ws: North boundary begins at the intersection of Connemara Trail and Rt.3, goes one block West of Rt. 3, then South to the intersection of 144tf� Street and Cameo, then South to 147th, tfien East to Cambrian, then South on Cambrian to include the Gavin property, then East on C.R. 42 to the railroad, i�hen North to Connemara Trail. 2. Establish boundaries for a Contiguous Associated Commercial Area to provide a site for business opportunities that are beneficial to the City, but are inappropriate for location in the Downtown Area. The boundaries wou/d be as fol%ws: The West boundary beginning at the intersection of C.R. 42 and Shannon Parkway, then South to 151 st Street, extended then East to coincide with the East boundary of the CMC Heartland commercial area, then North to inc/ude the CMC Heartland commercial area, then West on C.R. 42 to Shannon Parkway. 3. Future r�tail deve%pment in Rosemount shall only be allowed in the Downtown and in the Contiguous Associated Commercial Areas. The only exception would be to allow fuel station/convenience stores no c%ser to than two miles from the intersection of 145th Street and Rt. 3, and thereafter; these fuel%onvenience stores shall be located at no /ess than two mile intervals. 4. Access to Qowntown: provide at least one pedestrian Rail crossing ta future residential areas East of the Downtown. 4 i' _ _ P�e/irrr�na RecomrraendatiQns ;Con:tinued , ,::;, ;,; :;.; : : .......:.: .... . _. . rY:: ... ,_ . ,. ... ... ; ;:. ... 5. Road /mprovements: - Continue Connemara through to Rt.3 - Wrden and improve 145th Street East of Rt. 3 to C.R. 42 - lmprove turn patterns at 145th Street and Rt. 3 - Eliminate parking on Rt.3 6. No further rezoning of G-2 to C-3 shall be permitted in the Downtown Area. 7. Decorative /ighting to be insta/led a/ong Rt. 3 from the North to South Downtown Area borders, and along 145th Street from the rail road track to Cameo. (The Downtown Scoping Committee is not opposed to extending this lighting further West to Chippendale). 8. A siQnature co%r scheme for the City will be defined, and no conflicting building or signage co%rs will be allowed. 5