HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Tree City USA c=� oF Ros�soorr�r EXECIITIV� SIID�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: 7REE CITY USA DEPARTMEN7 HEAD REPORT PREPARED BY: AGENDA I���;�i j� � � a � vo DAVID J . BECHTOLD / DIR . P & R ATTACBMENTS: AP O BY• • 0 DAY FOUNDATION '�- � Protectins our natural resources is of great importance tc� each of us . Tree Gity USA certification is awarded to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the Pro�.ection of our natural habitat and of our trees . _ Lacelle Cardes and Mark Joosten of the Parks & Recreation Department assisted on the application requirements and procadures that the City of Rosemount needed to complete to qualify for this award . Their efforts were suPPorted by other members of our DePartment on this project � 7his past month we were contacted with a notification that we have been given this Tree City USA Certification . 7he staff inembers of the Parks & Recreation Department had worked hard to complete the application and now share with the Council an�! the citizens their -sense of accamplishment on the project . With that sense of accamplishmen�t we do acknowledge that we cannot sit ' back on our laurels and let things slide . We were accepted for the award- because of already meeting the pr-oject criteria . Now the wark continuest There are polices relating to trees that various city departments are involved in . Work needs to be completed on a tree rapla�ement policy , care and management of boulevard trees , mana�ement of park trees , programs to manage and care for trees in holding pond areas , etc . . At the present time staff from various city dePartments are working on � tree preservation policy . It is our intent to join together with committees and commissions to further enhance our policies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest our city. This type of effort will help keep us qualifiecf for the Tree City U5A ears . RECO�DED ACTION: Accept the Tree City USR certification and extend a thank you to the Parks & Recreation staff for their efforts in accomplishing this goal . COIINCIL ACTION: __ , . . � � 7�ie National TM Arbor Day Ft�unc�.ation 211 No. 72th St.-Lincoln,NE 68508 fd02F��»-���� February 2 2, I9 9 3 The Hon�rable E. B. yScMenomy HONORARY 7RUSTEES Ma or of the Cit Of ROSeIilOt111't s-ewAaT ucAu y y ����� 2875 145th Street W. =o-me�seuean oi xneno� L F.GALE RJBERTSON � ROSCSCIOU.Tlt�� � I°IN� S 5�V 8 � � . � � . ?escurce Cna�m+an 1:50A Foreat Serwce GnK! EC��E AL6ER7 Dear N!ayox MC�lEI1�IT1�: i �c•tetta,nBr. � . . � � . . YJ_L!,4M H..e.�:.NZN:.F . . c>ec.vve v.�e p•es�eem �=-eV otx^e��a��Q•es;g�s Congratulations to Rosemouzt on being 'named as a �`-:"'g`�`� 1992 Tree City USA! . .. c�fLu:rve GreC:3� � . � . � . ':Sh0�2�l@dOW Of GL@S � � . � � � � vJ��iis�5 C��aC�! �� � � . �s �°^�.es$Ra^ � F,. eommunity' s tree-planting program is a living :�ca a C:.aas s�ec.a���..e5x���� memorial 'tQ the ci�l2eriS � cer.cern �Or the quality Of �=BC T\'Kews � . . ,��;,t��-- life. ?'he trees k�e plant and care for t€�day �:ill cool . c-:e^.amer � OLlr eities�, f�c?ht pollutian,. conserve e*�ergy, and give � '-� AS G��anhrv =.K,�e�.K:�� wildlife a home �or years to come. . � .5. e ence or r.!avors . � � � � . . � � � '=5.EUGE":E A QAVIpSCN , ��ea;-c�a-�oa�cr.:e�ot r+ T'�j� �ward 1P_G�icates L�ln� you take _ �:=•,.�o�����- The l ree Ci�y .;., =�`a`stx°,� your mun:cipal tree-care respon�ibilities seriously. ':S.Sznaa� L:.DY 21FD JOHNSCN � . � . � � . ' S�newan.Te■as =�_�K;,���_N�Ea An ef'fective community forestr�� program is an e.ecuwe o�,e::o+ �,�. �:e�,a«�.�r�.E ongaing process of growth and renewa?--a pro5zar.t of -:;�,�e'�e_:,, plar,ting and care that continues through the vears . As :aa% a:°^�=ay� a Tree City L'SA, you have z solid four.d�tion for �h�t : r.�!�NaR r:ccLesKEv --8��a� process of improvement. s.z„a c�.o r:.nxiNE�u�rs F�a^.�nr:0anf50N `��'°'�°`"d"'"a` Tree Cit�: USA is sponsored in cooper�tion with the wa.s CereTan,ea :_sc u�sc�+ Natior.al association of State Foresters. Sta4� � _.S;ermc tdor.on � =-���� foresters are responsible for the presenta�tion oz the � +.Eil 5:.:+Pc_C,y . . . . ^=.e.uu�e v�ce=•esaer.: Tree C1�y� LZ�p. f�iag � and O��"�er materials.. � � tae Wll.l � _�n•.c;��r-s�rv 4ssoc:auor. . . •.�� �__� iorwara your awaz�s to �onathan E. Stiectler in your ''`" 2 `z""5°e": state fcresWer' s office. They wiil be ccordinating the t A �. �:.SEr.oB�cr G�.s[r.::5 . � . . 2; 8T �" � presentation with you. It would be espeeialiy :��e O..d..�d5.••y$ys:ec+ a��ropriate �c r:ake the Tree City T�SA �ward a part of :.AUFchCe.� 7:ISEIAAN �` _ � .. . . =•zs.ae�, your Arbor Day ceremcr.y. �'^.encan Forei!CO�.:r.c�� . . � . . . . BOARD OF TRUSTEES � �,���e�sc�tN Aaain, congratulztiens on receiving this naticnal ��esroenr - �.�RS.IEE 0.�Garo.yn�CFAYTON 1q. r�COC�IZ�.tion �or yo�tr tree-care program. � 7�ce P,esoent.Presroen7-e�ec� � � . . . . . . . Da G?FV FFAGENAAD'eR . � . . � � B�.. .�'► C��..rd�/. .. � � � . � � Sade!an. . . . . . . �;.�E EaE� i /' � lreasurer � . • � � . �EIcN BOOSFLIS . . . �. . � ; / ����`, _/'�'"' . � �:+ARL°S CMACE . . i � / / . // . : �R RQbERT L!ViNGSTpN � . � � � ✓ . � � � DR.JAAIES O'FiANLON J�hTl ROSeAOW SUSAN SEACR_ST � .� � � �. �xecu��ive. Direct�e�r EXECUTIVE DiRECTOR �.CnN RCSENOLY t�R�IT�V � � � . . � ccc �onathan E. Stiegler Mark Joos��r: America�s dedic�ted to tree pianting and environmental stewardshio.