HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Armory / Community Center Pay Request #3 - PCL � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE StTN�lARY FOR ACTION � CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: , PAY REQUEST #3 CONSENT ', PREPARED BY: STEPFiAN JILK AGENDA as " CITY ADMINISTRATOR ��� � � : s ATTACI�iENTS: PAY REQUEST APP VE : BY� ) �' �/,< � '- �'CL,��(_, ( �C-. . ,; This is a request for approval for payment request #3 to PCL Construction, for the City' s share only of the Armory/Community Center project. Based on the architect ' s review and the State of Minnesota' s approval, the City' s share of this payment is $85, 327. 64, with a total payment of $282, 694 . 58 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #3 T0 PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $85, 327. 64 OUT OF ACCOUNTS (424-48000-01-52-$36, 367. 83) , (426-48000-01-52-$48, 549 .10) AND (427-4$000-01-52-$410 . 71) COUNCIL ACTION: , PURCHASE ORDER P�� #210 41 Minn.Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 ^ Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�2� o��osemounl VendOC ID: 2875 145th Street West • PO Box 510 Phone (612) 423-4411 invoice #: Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: � � Acct. #: I i�'C.L C�c:-�s����--,�c:.,s �cn_.:��z�s :��; � i Amou nt $ Ci�3.5.: :�RS-r�� ,� �i.1�r.tti 'r -`�.��'�-G i To � Acct#: ��:�vw�n►� �r.: � � a►r` , J � �--`4-� � • Amount $ '� � F/C: DATE DATc REQUIREC TERM� SHIP VIA F.O.B nE�UI5ITIC"J NO ' QU.4"7TITY =SCn.? J S?OCK�d'Jh4EE� � � - . . _ . . — r � �� —_ .�- Ct.:.e.� l:'�L {� i r�:;: , �'�j 'h''�-:`� r.�..�':i � i �, �� ,, f C rwr� ..w = �-� '�S" ���r'__ r� -�w�' � �Z.�-1 — Li��C-:�..',,J • -G i - C-y' � �SrJ 3(c-i. S � y Z� _ y �-�,�C► ._ � , -- 5�:: y S' S 4�i • 1 C? � �Z"7 - �l �s'�;c�c� ..�` t •- s Z: y � c . �i� f `�G'�k�- �`j' �� j s �,z� � � P � � i . . � �', ..4 ( � White: Vendcr Copy � Yellow:Accounting � Pink: File � Gold�DepaRmen� � A►Pf'LI+CAT�{Jf�t �C�JD CE�T�FtCATE F�� P�'��E�T A!A l7�CL1Mfhl7 �7(}2 tinstructions on reverse side5 ��c�,E�NfaF ��:�s �a tav+rr����: state o� t+17r3rt250�d PfiC.�IEC�: I�d.t1U1�81 �Uard Arm�ry/ +4PPCi�ATiOh� NO: C)+stril�utior� lo: P.4. Box 348, Camp R�pley Communit �ent�r� C1c�wr�ER 3 ' �.ittle Fa�ls, Mi� 55345 Rosemattn�, MN i'ERtOC)T{?: I�IA�tCi-�ITECT � C.�CC}NTRACTflR m tROM tCG�NTP O 1lIA {ARCHETEC7}: ARGHI�f€CT'S CJ '���. �onstruction Services, Ine. �trthur �ickey ltrch9tects> I�c. ��o��� �p: g909 C�k ° 933(7 James Avenue Sauth �934 Frar��ce Avenue South 81 oomi r�gtfln, h{N 5543I M�n�eapol�s, f�iN 55414 � C�Nil�ACT FOR� CfJMTRACT DATE: 7�1��92 ..,� 14p�Eita�ian is made far Payment, as shown be[Qw,in cvnneclion with Ihe Cvntrace. N C�l''�IT�tA�CTa�'S APPLtCAT��N FQR �'AY1VfENT co�����a��on s�,�et,AIA €tocument G7�3, is alla�hed. � CHA�JGE ClRC}ER SUt�iMARY 1. ORIGIE�AL COt�tTRkCT SU�4t ....................... $ _o ;; 2. h�lef change hy Change Urders .................... . $ `� ' Cha�ige Orders a�+�iaved in ADDI�I�htS DEbUC�iONS , --� c� r' pre�icrus rnati ths tyy C}tivnf�r 3. COE+i�RA�T S�UM TO €lATE {Line l-�2).. .......... . . '� _... f ,. -'��'r�,�:G�� TUTftL 4.TOT.�L COMQ�ETEI� & STO�R£D 70 L3ATE............ �T��-�1�-, �33• 3t� z Approved ihis Monlfi {CUlumn G ort G703? � � Number Dale Ap�rovec! 5. RETAIfiIAGE: � C a. .____",4. �f Cample�et! Work S —ni (Colurnn D�E on G?03} p b. '._'% of Stareti hialerial $ z {Calumn F on GTU3l Total Reiainage ilir,e 5a-�- 5b ar T07AL5 fiota� in Colurnn I o#G7U3} ............... ., .... $ Ne! clian�e b �hange Orders � 6. TOTAI EAf{�1EQ LESS RETAl�3AGE ..............•••• , � The undersigr�ed Cor�l�attor certi(ics t�at �o lhe best of ihe Contfactor's knowledge, {Line 4 less Line 5 TotalJ infoFinaiio�ti antl belief the�'4+cfrk eavered by this Application for F"ayment has been 7. lf55 PRE1'1flUS CERTIFICI4TES �C1R complctecl in zccordance w�ih the Contract Documents,t�iat alE amounts har+c been 1'AYhiEN��Line 5 irc�rn prior Certiticate}......... � � J�aid by the Cont�aetor far Work (or.vh�ch previous CertiFicates tor Aaymer�� were 8. Cl�'RRfNT PAYMENT DUE ............... ..... ...... $ a�a- ��'�'.;—�� � isst�ed anci �aymenis received frorati il�e C}wner, and Ehat currenE payrnent shawn 9, 6ALA�ICE TO f1NI5H, PLUS RETAIhlAGE.. ..... ...... � - :� lierein is now dtie. {Lin� 3 less Cine 51 Ci7Nf�ACTC3R: Slale oEc County of: 5ubscribed anri sworn lo before me SC�is c�ay of ,19 �lotary Pu�Eit: 13y; Dale, My Corr�mission expires: ARCHIT�CT�S �ERT�F�C�T� ��R PAY�E�T ArwtOt3N7 CfRTtFEEO..... . .......................... . � {�tlaci� explanation if amount tertified dillers tram tf�e arnoun! applied Ior.l ln accor�a�yce tiviih the ConlracE Qt�cumenls,based on an-siEe observatioris and the ItRCF11TEC1': �at,cvmprisin�;�he abo+ve appiication,the ArcE�itect cerlifies�a theC}Kmerthat ta tlie bcst r�f theArci�ilect's kna��vlec��e,informatian and k�eiie# the Work has�ra�ressed as aY: Da�e; � inclicaied,Efte���alitys�EtheW��rkisinacrordancewitfi�theCvnlractDocumenls,and This Cerlificate is not negotiab�e. The AMC}t3N7 CERTiFtED is payable only lo the N Ihe €:ontractcir is enliiled ta payment of ihe ItiMOUNT CERT1�IEl}. Contractor named herein. Issuance,payment a�d acce�n�ante of paymenl a►e�vitt�ouE � �reFudice �o any righls of tlie t�wner ar Cantractor u�der IMis Cantracl. hiA 11FtEtIM[h1T{:T02•hFy'L�C.tTlt)h!A'r'D CER11Ff�AlE Fili{['r\�'i�iESJT•t�ihY 198!3E7171pN•�ih••r:1`J83 ��02�j9$3 Tllt AA1iktGN INSI1lUiE i)F hkCt�k(fCTS. 1735 Nt'A'YURK AVfNtJE, N:W.,VYASIIINGTON, 1}.C. ?IS�06 • � MIAAMING:UnCicense�!pholocopyMg ylolales if.S_topyrlghllxws and ie su6�ea1 tutegal proseeutloq, Jlia DQc+,�,ent G702 Appt�cation Mo. � P�ge 1 ot 4 �r. Date 212&,143 �c� cows�Rucno� s�RVEc�s, ir�c Rt)SEMOUNT NATIOt��tL Gt,IARtJ Period F�o� 2/1t9f3 TRA1N1�+tG & CQt�diMt!lVITY C�IVTER �criod To �fz8,14'3 �+t � Jlrchitect� Project iio. I, R B C p � � � H [ ! :[I 1,�o�k Leted �atat �p[ete 8alance m Item Sc�eduted Pr�vious ihi& lscation acd stored Ta P�tsi�ge v Wo. Descripticn ef Llar�c Wa�ue �sfi�at�oris 51ork ln PLact Stured Katerial Yo 4ate x Finish �p` {�ot in 0 or E} iD�►E+F) tL-G) � � � 6tiv #1 CENRAL REQUIREMENTS " G 1D00 Site Stafi x�x��'�'�zs'x: Sup'terdentlForeman/E�qr 1S6,OOQ.00 24,904.a0 18,260.Q0 4.04 43,1d0.00 26% i22,8�40.t3Q 0.00 3 , � n 11C0 Consteuction Equipoent �`�,�x�'�a»° ForktiftiMoisting 8�BUO.QO 2N..Of3 2,�24.4� 0.04 2,288.UQ 2dX b,5i2.4� fl.QO . r- .� x„� .�� � ,�Y.�- .x: x"�-=�=wx- Consumeble�fExpendebles '�3�T56.00 �,QL3.40 ],S'E3.tb 0.00 �,576.5�5 2b?C 10,179.�'.4, • x�K � ti. :f�x4�`�`X«: Nisc Ec�ip/SmelE fcwis �7,561.pd 4,137.15 3,�33.95 0.0� ?,171.0l5 t6X 2�t4Q4.9fi �.00 z tri -� 1300 Pro,�ect Overhead C `��`-x�a�� 1Nobi lixeJSetup 5,50�.Da 5,5�DD.OEi 4.9ff d.00 5,594.60 10d% D.UO D.QO "a�'+x���>x ��,���,���>:•- Demabi t i ze?have-aut SOO.pa o.00 o.00 o.00 o.00 �as soo.oa� o-oo H '�.x���...�m• Ciose-outJFinal Rec�'ramts 600.ov o.ao o.00 o.oa o.aa ax aov.aa o.00 z :;,tgx.,s.�.. 1350 Site �ond9t�ons �x�-'°;��;��� �ield Of�icef?emp Sld9s ?,450.OQ 1,192.50 874.5� 0.0� 2,067.D0 2df� 5,863.04 Q.�O "� �� '�>` Fietd Of:ite-Furnish8Eq�i 2,4Ai3.00 36+Q,Oi3 264.40 0.00 824.40 26k 1�7T6.Da 0,00 �r��--> x�`xy: >= x��-'M Tertp Utilit9es • instell 3,700.04 3,70D.00 0.00 �,�U� 3,700.OE1 10Q7G O.OQ 0.� y�xr � �-�`°���`,x'�: 92 558.00 13,$65.2�f 40,182.45 D.00 24,�d7.68 26% 6S,SOil.32 O.DO �x;.,� Site Services ttetephone, , housekeeping, teucking, tecrQ aef heatletc�:/Yater, messenger, ect.? « � :.+;c,��- Surveying 5,b25.�0 3,dU{1.00 O.vO O.OU 3,b00.06 b4X 2,025.06 0.00 z, 7_x� 74�0 Bonds/Pe�nitsllnsurance ,'x;-x�x�� Permits 28$,575.04 Z88.575.00 D.00 0.00 288,575.OU 10�1i 9.OQ 0.00 x <->x> ..x���,�:-*�� Perfararar+�e Bond•PC� 1$5�898.OD �86,848.00 O.DQ Q.00 '18b,848.4D 1QOk O.DU 0,04 � 'F'�- `'rsK:�t'r�:z. � xo siy'c '�-r. . � ,���..R�.�xx ,. Perf orr�,nce Ba�d-Subs Tb,i 15.�0 4$,7i3.64 7,611.50 0.0� Sb,325.10 74x 14,789.90 0.� ""�`'`x�"` xx' ]ns�trance - PL/PD 126 �73.00 124�b73.i10 0.00 D.00 124�673.00 tOtfX 0.00 U.00 '�'.�`-�y,-,�,�a.x.t x � roy �°'��r�`x>- insurance - euilders Risk 9,350.fl0 4,35�.�0 0.49 0.00 9,350.DU 100X D.00 0.0 ;x�x:v-..,,,-�� 1860 Neether Expense ��-=x��";a:'�">' S�►oW Removal 8,2t�D.00 Z�$70.00 Z,�60.00 0.00 5,330.00 65X 2,870.00 0.00 ��x�x��� ���;��-�,� f�ast P�a#ec#ion Q,800.00 2,380.i10 2,044.09 0.00 4,62�.00 d5% 2,380.U0 O.QO ��x��'�.-� Rernave Froxen Grotir�dtpr�l T.500.UQ 2,625.00 2,259.0o a,00 4,675.00 dSX 2,bZ5.40 O.00F _xr�'a:... x�.. . . . � � .:SG:ICYL.:�'>:.:iH.s . :->._fx Temp Htgf1►� - Bldg ?.�s+500.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 D.00 0% 26,500.00 . «zx:�.�"x:s Dtiv #2 S1TEUi4RK{�EMOIitlON � �x�"-i>+s.,n x>� itshphait Pavir� 12.3�00�.4� 0.0� O.U6 6.04 O.QO OS 1�3�0OO.Ofl 0.00 -�-x--�. x . ������'� Curb � Gutter 3F,516.00 Q.04 O.Db 4.OU 0.0� DS 37�51S.U0 �•� � "'�"`^* x ' '. Site Cor�c-Wefks/PadslSirtict 24 16Z.00 O.U4 0.0� 0.00 0.00 OX 24,��.00 0.00 �.'����x: • 0.00 OX G {I�0.00 U.�O Site Fencing �,006.OQ G.DO 0.00 O.Op + '�s��'�� '"��:' Irrigat#on Syscem 19,9tf0.40 �.�0 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 19,0OO.OU O.Oa r«_.._�_x_.�srx. �tix Daun�nt GTU2 Page 2 of 4 �Plscation lla. 3 PGL CONSTRf1CTl�h! SERVICES, Et+iG hpp. oate 2128ls� R�3SE�IOUNT [+lATfQMAL GUARD Peeia! �rca 2.!'1143 �RAINING & CS}MMUNITY CE[�TER �rs«i 3�0 2�28� � kr�itects Pro'ect Na. � �4 B C R E � � H r � � 1�ork C leted 7�tal Complete Balance m It�ro S�edule� Previous 7his X ticatian anc! Stored To R�tairsege pu. Description of {�ark Vatue Applicat�ais Work In Place Stared i4aterieE 'io Gate � F€nish � trat in D ar Ea (D+ErF) {C-6) "`'��'��7�.'���� LandsCepitrg b6,00Q.00 U.00 �.OU 0.00 U.00 OX 6li3000.U0 0.0� � ��cv:�`:.".,xwdi'n � . � Retain'sflg WaIE 1$,2ri4.00 0.00 Q.�O 0.4� 0.00 0� 18,2�i4.00 �.0� '� y�����""x'�x= Ee�thxork/ClegringfFrr.� Drain 272 4G8.�0 �28 054.46 5 444.3G 0.00 933 5f14.32 49% 138 958.b8 �.DO � �x:_ ,:�,.:�-:x,x_ , . . . � D Div ti3 C�NCRfTE 3 Goncrete - Btdg 36k,0i8.flQ 14,204.90 28,8A1.35 0.�� 48,002.25 13X 33�,Q15.75 �.0� � F2eber - Supply 38,O�D.OU 14,060.40 2,284.U4 0.0� 1b,3�40.00 43% 21,6d0.Dt3 �.Od n Reber - glace �1/ Fietal Place 0.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.�0 tF.i� 0% 0.�0 0.00 r Precast Caicrete i1�,48tI.00 0.00 3,�44.38 0.00 3,ri44.38 3X 107,534,b2 0.0� n O Div #4 FdkSOH�iT � lMasor�ry 2,085,145.00 83�407.80 67,97T.3b 0.00 157,385.1d 7'� 1,9331894.84 O.dO C t� Div #5 �iEATALS H Metsls • Fabricate 37T,667.OD 2.530.37 �,91T.69 0.0a d3,448.Od 17% 3i4,zt8.44 0.40 Z Metals - Ptace 122,980.�0 8,055.14 4,857.71 0.00 12,41Z.90 11X 116,OG7.10 0.00 Div if�6 CARRENTRY Raugh Csrpentry 8b,90�.00 0.� 2,b47.00 4,00 2,d(37.00 3� 84,25t3.00 0.40 Fir+sh Cerpentry-�4i1lwkl17d Tr 91,2�d.00 0.d0 O.D6 �.00 O.OD 0� 44,2�.00 0.00 Div #7 THER1i0.L & Mt}ISTURE Ds�rocf9ng - faridation 14,410.00 O.DO 2,23b.5d 0.00 2,23b.54 tSX 52,673.54 U.00 Roofinglflashing/Sheet t�etat 405,Op0.00 O.UU G.DD �.00 0.04 a% b65,0�0.U0 U.Oa Sky{ights - �reined 38,OOQ.QO O.fll} O.UD �.00 0.00 OX 36,�Q.00 0.0� Caulk�ngl�o�nt Seatants 39�4fl�.Od 0.0� D.00 D.f10 O.OQ 49c 34,OOU.40 0.04 Di+� *S �OC�2S � WlN00NS HFI Caorc/Frame/Finish tlrc#srre t14,335.40 2,386.7� t,193.35 0.�0 3,580.05 3X 115,754.45 4.U0 GEassfG[azing/Atun Enterarrce 12,00�.00 O.OD O.QO O.DU 0.00 OX 12,000.00 0.00 Ltood daors tT,000.OD 0.00 0.00 O.Da 0.00 OX 17,OOD.OQ O.OD Werhesd Doors-Sectionel 11,405.00 d.00 a.�0 O.DQ 0.00 D7G 11,605.00 D.00 Coitir�g Daars-O.heecfBCo�nter 18,68$.QO D.OQ 0.00 D.DO 0.00 OX 18�666.06 D.DD ilood Ctad Windows 58,43�.00 0.00 0.00 0.0� Q.00 Ox 58�930.U0 D,pO Trarts N'atlfSky[lght Systetq �6bi000.00 Q.Oa 0,00 O,QO 0.00 0% 46r004.Q4 0.00 Uiv #4 FfNtSHfS Dryusil iS3,2fl0.U0 0.00 0,00 �.�Q 4.00 Ok 7�3,200.00 0.40 Acotasiic £eiiirigs 85,OQp.00 0.04 0.0� 0.60 0.00 OX 85�OOd.pO �.00 � Acousiic Deck Par�et� 3t,362,00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 fl.0� O7G 3�,3d2f.00 �.�0 � Ge�amitlPorealain Tile b6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 8.Ot1 Ox 68,OOO.UO �:�0 � Woodl�tthtetic Floorir�g tfl�,b9p.Q0 O.Off 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 148,�90.00 0.00 CarpetlResiiiecstfSkete lit� i�".6,310,00 0,9� 0,00 0.00 0.00 OiG 44d,310.O11 0.40 Painting/Decorattng 119�846.00 2�39y6.i2 �.0� O.Od 2,34'G.12 2X 117,4Q9.8lS 0.00 JIS11 Doctn�t G702 Pagt 3 of 4 �Plicaiion No. 3 PCL CQMS'�RL1CT1{)I� SEFiVICES, INC app: t�ate 2t28143 ROSEi4t�'QUfi�i3 NAT10NAl. CaUA�iO Feriod Fron Z11/93 TfiJ41NING & C{3MM�NITY �Et11TER Periad To 2/28IS�3 � Arch'stects Pro'ect 410. � A B C D E F G N 1 J m itork � leted Totat Gar�lete Bet�ce N ltera Scheduied PreYious 7his A licatioo ard Storeti To �e�airtigge ito. Rescripticx` of siork Yatue �atieatio�s kark ]n PLsce Stored Fletarial To Date X FinisE� W (rsot in D or E) CO+E+f) (C-G) m -� Div �10 SPECIAl.TiES .. Chatk & Teck Boards Z,841.00 O.aO O.OQ 0.00 Q.UO OX 2,891.043 0.00 � Toitet partitions 16,162.00 �.00t 0.00 0.00 O.QU QX 16,t42.d10 0.00 3 Flag Paies 10,�c2.OQ O.Q6 �.00 0.00 a.00 OX 10,�22.Ot3 0.00 -p Signage& Graphics 8;451.OU O.DQ 0.00 0.4U O.dO dX 6,45l.O(3 0.0� � Mesh �artitiar�s 8,1G3.00 �.OQ 0.00 O.O�t� U.UO 4% 8,163.00 0.00 r FaidS�g Par#iticns a5,50+D.ElO O.6D 0.00 U.00 0.40 0"C 15,500.0� 0.00 Store9� Sheluing - Steel 24,900.00 0.[�0 0.00 Q.QO O.QO UX 24,FD0.00 0.0� p Tai[ei Accessories i4,648.00 Q.O� U.00 a.00 �.aU t)7L i4,b48.00 0.0� z -�-i Fire Excirguis�erslCab9r►ets 1,349.00 0.0� 0.00 a.00 tF.O� OX 1,344.00 0.0� � Expar►sion Joi�t Cavers 5,2k2.00 O.UO O.DO 0.00 �.00 D% 5,2G2.OQ 0.�� n --I D i v #11 EOU I PkEttT '-' O Vault Doors,�Fremes 12,5&1.00 O.U4 0.�0 0.00 0.00 6X 12,581.f3Q 0.00 z Sa1e t►,509.OQ O.QO O.U� 0.00 O.Oa D�G 4,509.4Q O.dO Food Service Eq�ipment 112,DOU.00 6.04 U.�4 0.00 0.0� 0� S12,OOQ.QO �.06 Athletie Equ9pment 2?,TOQ.bO O.Ot3 U.4II 0.00 0.00 4'k 27,7f3Q�Q0 0.00 liudio Yisual Ec�fpment l9,234.00 �.0� U.Q� fl.00 O.Oa � 14,239.D0 t3.00 Ritle Re�e Equipment 2F,800.Di� a.00 0.8a 0.00 0.00 OC6 29,80p.6p �:DO Djv #12 FURi�lSNfNGS Curtain - Stege 3,600.9� �.0� �.00 4.00 0.00 DX 3,600.00 0.00 Arer�a 5eatirFg-Be�^iches 1,800.�0 �,00 0.04 0.0� O.OU f1X 1,80D.00 0.�0 Ruditoriun Seaiing-Upolste 43,?'00.0� #.UO 0.44 Q.40 0.00 OX 43,7D0.00 Q.00 Div �13 SPECEAL CONSTRUCTiOk 1ce Rink 3Q3,OOQ.00 6.00 0.4U d.00 0.�0 4% 303,000.00 0.00 0.0� Div #14 CONYfTiNG 5r5TEMS Elevators 53,047.00 g.bU O.QD Et.00 0.00 Q% 53�I747.OQ 0.00 Div �f5 �tEC�1�IMiGtL HYAC{iBC/Fturb - Meofianiesl 'f.$24,Q77.OQ 25,OIaB.10 tf,473.44 Q.00 3d,d8l.54 2X 1,787,545.46 O.DO Five Pvateciior� • 5prinklers 1"lq,000.UQ Q.UO 0.04� 0.0� 0.00 4x 419,pQ0.00 4.00 :°�"`.•�-:�"x>' Utilities - Outssde t�Z 500.OU 42 ;�;:�f,,�:;;:�x;,�. , ,25�.00 8.0{t a.00 42,250.Od 94x 7fl,250.40 0.00 Div �tb ELECSR[CAl Electrical 9b9,b32.00 0.00 33,651.'l2 0.0� 33,b37.12 4X 427�97�i.68 0.00 � tn ♦ �iV �14 CNANGE ORDERS �' C. 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