HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Armory / Community Center Engineer Testing Services Payment #3 :� > , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXFCIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ENGINEERING TESTING SERVICES AGPNDA SECTION: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGSNDA''l�CC� � `�� " CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR 1 C � ATTACI�iENTS: BILL AP 'OVE B : � ,�%�= J�`%� This item is a recommendation for payment of request #3 for engineering testing services on the Armory/Community project. This bill reflects the services provided under contract with Construction Engineering Laboratory Inc. RECOb�IENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT TO CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1, 144 . 81 TO BE PAID OUT OF ACCOLTNTS (424-48000-01-303-$652 .54) , (426-48000-D1-303-$320 .55) AND (427-48000-01-303-$171. 72) COUNCIL ACTION: STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AfFAIRS ��F�EST?T�, MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD I � G,r FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFfICE :• '�;""'�'.� P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley MS.Swoboda cilYlS : L�ttle Falls,Minnesota 56345-0348 � � �� �!�)'' ;;? (612)632-7303 �tt � a yff`�*is58-*``�� March 4, 1993 SUBJECT: Observation and Testing Services for the National Guard Armory and Community Center, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 8909) Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Subject Payment Certification No. 3 (PARTIAL) is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the progress of the work. Request payment, in the amount of $1,144.81, be made to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. , 5661 International Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55428. Zn accordance with State eontracting procedures, payment must be received by the vendo.r NLT 1 Apri2 1993. Copy of Payment Certification Nos. 3 (PARTIAL) ($528.96 MSABC Share of Payment, and $1,586.88 Federal Share of Payment) , are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. Zf you have any questions please contact Mrs, Carol Engelhardt of this office (612) 632-7303. Sin erely, � Way A. John Lieu enant Colonel, IN MN ARNG Enclosures Facilities Management fficer 1. M-Contract 2. MN Statute 16A.124 3. Local Pymt Cert 4. MSABC Pymt Cert 5. Fed Pymt Cert Copy Furnished: ' MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8909 159 PN=�UA�OPPGR?UNI?Y EMPIOYER STA7E OF MtNNESOU DEPAR7MENT OF MIIiTARY APFAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RtPLEY P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FAILS, MiNNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJfCT: CONTRACT PAYMEN7 CERTIPICATION N0. 3 (PARTIAL) LOGALLY BONDED SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJEC7 N0: 8909 PROJECT TtTLE: Observation and Testing Services for the National Guard Armory and CONTRACT N0: NG821-92-C-0051 / M-5365 Cortm�.,uiity Center, Rosemount, Minnesota COl1TRACT AMOUNT: 517,555.00 CON7RACTING OfFICER: MG Eugene Mdreotti CONSULTANT: The Adjutant Generat, State of Mi mesota Construction Engineering laboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkway PATMENT PERIOD ENDING: 31 Jarwary 1993 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 DATE THIS CERTIFICATIOH: 2 March 1993 --=-=- e �/ , Fc8 1 8. 93 � _ .� ,� : . _ ;�� CONSTRUCTI�N ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.�' � `� �' T E S T I NG FOR 6ZUALIIY AND STRENGTH i INVOICE Billing Period: Jan 93 Date:2/17//93 Billing To: Facility Management Office P.O.Box 348 Camp Ripley Little Falls, NIlJ 56345-0348 Project: Army National Guard Armory Rosemont, MN Invoi�e�:92155.3 Attention: Cra?g •�.:��a��r Billing services from 12/26/92 to 1/25/93 Concrete field test,slump, temperatur,e,casting sample collection and reports Principal Engineer: 1 Hrs @ $ 85. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 85.00 Engineer R.S.Pandian• 1/21/93 , 1/22/93 4 .50 Hrs @ $ 6�.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 292 .50 Technician Jeffrey Dessmeyer� � � 1/6/93, 1/7/93 , 1/8/93, 1/15/93 10 hrs @ $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 450.00 Soil verification at footing elevation, for frost and conducting penetrometer tests Engineer:l/14/93, 1/22/93 5 hrs @ $ 65. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 325.00 Technician:Jeffrey Dessmeyer: l/5/93, 1/15/93. • . • 4 hrs @ $ 45. 00. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 180.00 . . . i:a�;,r:j ris�u te�t on :ac�r:.ar grou�, sample collection, lab testing, monitoring prism making Engineer: l/20/93,1/22/93 4 hrs @ $ 65. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 260.00 Technician:Jeffrey Dissmeyer:l/18/93, 1/25/93 5 hrs @ $ 45. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 225.00 Prism test: - Technician:Gary Peterson: 8"- 2, 8" glazed block - 2, 16" prism - 2 Total 6 test x $ 75.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 450.0 Cylinder Broken:Concrete: � � Set � 3 to 14 = 12 x 3 x $ 10.25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 369. 00 Mortar:Set � 1 to 3 = 3 x 3 x $ I0.25. . . . . . . . . . .$ , 92 .25 Grout: Set # 1 to 2= 2 x 3 x $ 10.25. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 61.50 5661 fntemQtional Parkway• Mirneac�olis, Minnesota 55428 • fb121 533-95,34 • FAX t6121 533-95� Extra eopies of the report sentt - i6 reports sent from 1/15/93 to 2/1/93 17 sheets x 4 x $ .50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 34 .00 Secretarial Time: 4 hrs @ $ 35. 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 140. 00 Mi?�a,e 13 trips @ 76 miles @ $ .30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 296.40 TOTALOF THIS INVOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3260. 65 STA7E OF MINNESOU TL 93•533 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFfAIRS FACI U TIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RIPLEY P.O. BOX 348, U TTIE fALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYMEMT CERTIfICATION N0. 3 (PARTIAL) FEDERAL SHARE OF PATMEN7 PROJECT N0: 8904 PROJECT TITLE: Observation and Testing Services for the Nationat Guard Arnary and CONTRACT MOe NG621-92-C-0051 / M-5365 CormRniiy Center, Rosertaunt, Mi mesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: 224,333.75 CONTRACTING OFfICER: MG Euger�e Andreotti CONSUITANT: The Adjutant Generol, State of Mimesota Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkuay PAYMENT PERIOD ENOING: 31 January 1993 Minneapolis, Mi mesota 55428 DATE TNIS CERTIfI GTION: 2 March 1993 fEDERAI TAX ID N0: 41-1616221 =�==__='-__=__=='--==-=--=--==---==--=-----===-------==-=-====-====--=-==----=-----===-=-=--==—='== PATMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT: federal Share (FC 01) 524,333.75 OriginaC Contract Amount 524,333.75 MSABC Bonded Share (fC t4) 58,111.25 Lxally Bonded Share (fC 16) S17,555.00 Net Changes By Modification(s) 50.00 S50,000.00 Contract Price To Daie i24,333.75 Totat Payabte To Date S6,415.38 PERCENTAGE OF tiORK COMPLETE Less OX Retainage T0.00 AS OF THIS PAYMEN7: 26.36X Amount Payable Less Retainage 56,415.38 Less Previousty Approved Payrt�ents S4,8Z8.50 Net Artaunt Due This Certification St,586.88 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Amount �• 17 Oec 92 52,060.83 APPROVED FOR PA1fMENT - PACI U TIES MANAGEMENT OfFICE: Z• 21 Jan 93 S2,T67.67 �. �� 54,828.50 J v�i�r:.'� uAYNE A. JOHNSON, LTC, Infantry, MMARNG fatilities Managertient Officer REMARKS: ==_=____=�------------------------- ------- - . . __-___- ---_»�-�---------=---------=-==s=a__:n_====__=___=o_.anc_=_o==-===�r-=_===a� 1. This payment witl be made by the USPFO-Minnesota. Check will be issued fram Fort McCoy, Wiscansi�. 2. Copy Furnished: Construction Engineering laboratory, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects MSABC City of Rosemount 8909FCEL r STA7E OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS PACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RIPIET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FAILS, NINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRAGT PATMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 3 (PARTIAL) MSABC BONDED SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Observation and Testing Services for the Nationat Guard Arnary ar+d CONTRACT N0: NG821-92-C-0051 / M-5365 Comnunity Center, Rosemount, Mi mesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: 58,111.25 CONTRACTING OFfICER: MG Eugerx Mdreotti COMSUITANT: The Adjutant General, State of Mimesota Construction Engineering Labo�atory, Inc. 5661 internationat Parkway PAYMENT PERI00 ENDING: 31 January 1993 Mi meapolis, Mi mesota 55428 DATE THIS CERTIfICATtON: 2 March 1993 ==-=—=--=--==--==--====--===-=- , � PURCHASE ORDER P�' # 210 3 5 Minn.Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�t� O��osemoun� VendOr ��: 2875 145th Street West • PO Box 510 Phone (612) 423-4411 Invoice #: Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: � Acct. �: � ' �C�., �.;�,` �.�.�Cw �k�:�� +���.��N � �i�;;�r��cr� 1�r � Amount $ ��- i�� i 1����-,���Y���.:s�+� �� � � -r(��:.i.:.-r�t � TO l�l ��'s�.�c>��� � N'�.�v -�, Acct#: � I i � �4�:� � Amount $ � �i F/C: DATE DATE REQUIREG ?ERt."S � SHIP VIA � F.O.E. � REGUISITION NO. QUAPITITY "'. �' DESGAlP710N STOCK NUMBER -:-. PRICE. AMOUNT t�1 IJ'�l,�' 1 hl; �•::( 1�l-C i �:f � �'r`.'\'i����� V t�C�,t�-j �:: • �- `�1�, �-P� � � � �, �.}Z�.� _ y����c; _ � , ��'� ���. S^� � `F�4. -` �f-�'C�:� ��, 4.� �� � 3:.s�,". �;S �r�.'7 - ���`����-- e ( -•'��'-� i �7/, 7 � � I 7"���� ���/y �/ , � � i ' E y �� ; � Whrte:Vendor Copy � Yeilow:Accounting � Fir.K: Fiie � Gold:Departmem �