HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Legal Fees - McDonough Litigation, Lindquist & Vennum . + . .4 . . . . . . . . � . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUb�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:March 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEMs Legal Fees - McDonaugh Legal AGENDA SECTION: Action Payable to Lindquist and Vennum Consent PREPARED BY: Staphan Jilk AGENDA ��� � ,. .� � y;=� ATTACFIl�TTS: Billing APPROVED BY: This item is placed on the agenda for consideration and approval . The item was on the March 2, 1993 meeting for approval but lacked completeness because the entire detail of the bill was not attached for Council considertion. The Council has been provided with that billing and it is also provided herein. RECOb�IENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the payment of bills for legal services to the law firm of Lindquist and Vennum in the amount of $16, 052 .43 . COUNCIL ACTION: . i�� o osemoun� PHONE (672)42344t 1 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOFi FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward`8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry WiIICox Den�is Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Steph8n'Jiik TO'• Mayor McMenomy Council Membersc Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann . . . . � R .. � . � . FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator DATE: March 5, 1993 RE: Legal Fees - McDonough Case , Lindquist & Vennum Atttached find the complete set of documents relating' to the bill received from Lindquist and Vennum in regards to the work they have done on the McDonough Case since November of 1992 . I received these from Mayor McMenomy on March lst and should have provided them to you prior to Tuesday's meeting for your ` consideration. I will plan on putting the bill back on the March 16, 1993 agenda for your approval . lj �vert���ings �oming �/Cp �J�,osemount�� � , �... .. ..,a�. , ��' • �^ PURCHASE ORDER P.O. # 2 O��� . � �Ainn.Tax Exempt S�atus No.9757275 Fed.Tax No.4i-6005�01 �t�t� O���Osc�iz2Uusz� \/gnC{OC ��` ' 2875 145th Street VJesf • PO Box 510 � Phone (612} 423-4411 (nvoice �: . .,_ Rosemount; (JiN 55068-4997 Date: �`-a�-�i 3 --- • � Acct. n: i o/-Y/3'ilI �i ' LIND ��s,- � VeN ,� v � , t-}Z00� iL5 C�� -E� . " AmountS ��GS Z. `f TO �1111N 'C.' (�(JO L) S � M � a r.� Acct �: ; ' �S 40Z � Amount $ � � F/C: � _...-_ :, .-_=ec,,,=._� -_-,.� s-- . _ ___ __., ..�:-... —QU4hTiTY � C�ESCR�?TI�J STA.K NiiM�cR .•e :.MO; i— , ��Ft.. r�GS �eR �e �re'S���;�crJ o-"r � 3 . � ��c N�-,-,-� o rv }�'1��J o N A-v� h , � � S � Nr��S � �� �� nE � c� sE �� � SZ, `!� ( `:;�r ����Y.� � _Z�`� _o�� ; . � ,'�,_---= // -{��,E .:.. � t-: ,�' , ,, � � , _ .�y'�"" _ �� I C �S 1 �����:4 f �.t1=��:Y r� .^� R'"' E �—��.s� ��..�%/—� ' �`�� , �' — -- -- ': i�_ y , t VJhi;e:Ven�or Gopy :�� Yellow:Accat:ntino �:� ?.ni:r�'e '"� Go:c:Dep2^�re:^! --- "-� ,r/ J . . �� , In Account With LINDQUIST fr VENNUM � . � � � . � 4200 IDS CENTER � � � � � � . � .. � . � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 5540�2 � � � � � � �. .� . � � � � � 612•371•3271 . �. � . � � AMOUNT ENCLOSEO S E.B. MCMENOMY, 3R . MCMFNOMY ASSOCIATES, INC . ^c810 145TH STFtE�T WE�1' [�Al'E f�'EkRtlAkY 19, t`79_ ROSEMOUNi', MNt SSOfiB `rIl_E NQ . 4:it31$, QD01 I I+tVOI Cf: Na. 9 0�9� f f � � MI CtiAEI_ MCDONOUGH V. CL I ENT �31/1f /93 A V VIKSNiNS Reviewed transcri{�t of �ummary judqmes�t hearing in cor�n��tior� witi� filin�� 3�Spellate brief . 4t�l2/93 A V ViKSNINS Revised a�pellat� brief; created 3pEs�ndix . 41l33/43 R T OSTLt1ND 'fElephone conference with Fd r�g3r<iin� �ouncil meeting recuit� ano opiiont . G1114/93 A V VIKSNINS Revis�e� app�llate� br•ief a,i�i <:all�ct�<) m�2Frials for appendix . Oil35�93 A V VIKStJIt3S Revised a�pellate brief . Oi /18/93 A V VIKSNINS Revised af�pellate brief; draft�d letter to � . M�:Menomy _ Ot /^c8/93 R i� OS'!'I.UNU Aggregate of time in k•rief ��repar�tion, confer�nces with �:orr��ponde�z�:e r�ga�,<3ing I11�EQIi1itY 15�U�`5 . 4fl�9/93 R V VIKStJINS 7elEphon� conferen<;� with Mary }tantor: 3t F�edrilcson � Byran r�egarding aE�pallaie bri�f. FE�S FdR S�FVlCES RENO�R}�0 � t , �4r,5� .�ATE RISSURSEME"N1 S Photocopy Charges 2�1 . 30 ?U'TAL DIS�SUhS�MEH'fS � e'1. 3U �TOTAL CUR�tENT F�•:E� At�tt 1�ISBURSE�1Ei�1'� � 1 , S6R . 80 AMOt1NT UNPAID Fs:OM t'RtOh ';'tA"�EME;VTfi � �3 'S, 'i8?. 63 F�ES F4R SCRVICF t ,'_+4r�..�G O I SE�URSEM�ld'fS e�t . 30 TOTAL TH I� STF�T�:M�:t�1' � 1 5, +�=,2.4=i t��vDQUi5T5VErvtu;n�:S�t� LiNDQUtST b VENNUM . 4zoo ws c�►ngn a,no+�r�a eo so�m+Ea�m srn� lwocusr.ve.,w a Q,asrv+so, tiirwE�Pat.tA Mea+EBofA 55402'22D5 8001Trn STreEt.SurtE 2125 LINDQUIST &VENNUM T�812�"�" °�`°°`�°°°°�.�°' Fiuc 812.371320T Tagv►+owe 3aib73.590p HlCfiAFiO T.OS7LUN0 ArroFwErs Ar Lnw 612�'713256 January 25, 1993 Mr. E. B. McMenomy, Jr. McMenomy Associates, Inc. 2810 - 145th Street West Rosemount, I�i 55068 Dear Ed: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly yours, NDQUIST '. NNUM � Ri ard T. Ostlund RTO/mjw Enclosure In Account With L1NDQUIST £r VENNUM 4200IDS CENTER � . � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � . � � � . 672•371•3211 � . . � . � AMOUNT ENCIOSED S � E.B. MCMENOMY, JR . MCMENOMY ASSOCIATES, INC . 2810 145TH STREET WEST OAT� JANUAFY ?_0 , f9 RGSEMOUNT, MN 55068 FILF'_ NQ . �3t318 . 000f INVOICE N0. 3974�3 � � M I CHAEL hICDONOUGH V. CL I F:N1' 10/0219� A V VIKS1JFt1S DraFted motion p3uer5 in �u�port of �amc�ary judgment, 10/06/9� A V UIKSNINS Revised motion pa�Ers in su�pc,rt af sumrr�ary Judgment . t0/0G/9� R T OSTLt1ND Te�epf�one conference with �d; aapear at City Council meeting regarding indemnity issues . 10/07%92 A V VIKSNIT�S Draftfd memorandum in support of summary judgm�nt m�tion . . t U/d8/9� A V 11IKSNINS Revised memorandum in s��p�ort of summary judc�rnent mot ion. 10/09/9� A V VIKSNINS Revised memorandum in s+�py�or•t c+f :umEr��ry judg�nent . 10/10/92 A V VIKSNINS Revised motion ��apars in �u���art ��f summary judgm�nt motion . 10/t ?/9c A V VIKSNINS Revised motian ��a��ers in �u��port of ��mmary j udgraent . 1 ali :il92 A V VIKSNINS Revised motion �>a�>�rs in �uG>port of summary judgment . 10/13/9^c Ft l� OS1LtJNU Edit t�rief; telept�one canferen�e with Ed regarding indemnity . i0/f �i/9c A V VIK.�SNIf�IS Collected matcriai� rcr � . 1 . O�rlun� �ffi�avit , reviewed draft of mo? ion p�pers �o be �ut�mitted �'�y Fr�ari kson � f�yron . 10/1 ?/92 `.T SAEFOL(�, Jk . Reviewed i"acts �11d 25Sur_. L� be re�earched witt� A . Viksnins . i0114/y,� R T GSTLUNO 'felrp►�ar�e t_�nFerc�r,�:e with Kent t�3rbi5<�� re�3.�rdin�� mot io���; e�ii t�rief ing; revicw City `�. 1>riefinq. t0/ 15/9;� A V UIK�tdItJ. Revisf�J motion pa;�ers in sut�part r,f =��mmary judgment . � i0/ 15/92 J SHFFG�L , J�' . ReSeat•ched case law r.:��ardin�� imrn�lnity far government officials . + OJiG/'3� A V VIKSNIt�S Revis�d motian ,��;�ers r��;�rdi�;�� s�am�n,�r•,y j�.►tlgmrr�t . t0/i9i9'� A V VIKSNINS Drafted and revised �epositian no�iic� . tOf�'�/9? A V VIKSNIt•!� Reviewed .�riditioral =1:7�.»mpncs from Mich•3aI Mile�a ' oftice . _'��Cu5T6vEnnurr!SaN LINOQUIST 8 VENNUM In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM a200 IDS CENTER � . � � MINNEAPOGS, M�NNESOTA 55402 � � . . � � . � � . . 612-371-3217 � � � . � � AMOUNT ENCIOSED S E.B. HCMENOMY, JR . MC�fEN4MY ASSOCIATES, 1NC . �81 0 f �{5TN STkFET WEST OAT� JANtJAhY ?.0 , 1 9 R4SEMflUNT, Mh! 5�068 �IL� N0 . �31318 . 004t i NVO I CE td0. �597�#8 � J MI C1iA£L MCDONQUGH V. CL.IF.t�I` i0/�1 /9� A V VIKSWINS Conference with R . T . 4st3und re�:srdin�} additic+��31 discovery to be servcd . 1 0/�2/92 A V VIKSNINS Drafted notice of banY, deposi t ion an�i �ior.��ment requests and interr�gatories ta {�laintiff. 1 0/22/9� R T OSTLUNO Telept�one confer•enr_e wi th �t ient reg3r<ting Status, de�o�i� ion and indemniiy resalutian; telepE��ne confereiic� witi� Kent Harbison regarc�ing , res+�lution and depasitionldiseavery �jl�n:- . ? 0/26/9� A V VIKStJIt3S Revised written discc,very rec�+�ests ta ptaintiff and F� irst Statc �ank cf �to�e�naunt . � t012G/92 M S F{A�GENS Esates star�p dac�lments �+roduced �y p33intiff� . 10/3�/92 A V VIKSNINS Telephone' ccnf'�renc� uith offi�er at `r'irst �tnte flsnk oF Rosemount reg3rding camp3ian�e witli �uE,paena . 11/02/42 A V VIKSNINS 'felephone �,onfcr�n�:es �iti� �osernot�nt E3s3k E>resideni and f�aegr� � 6en��n attaryticy r�garding doeument production ; pre;�ar.d materia2� Por McDonougt� depo�ition . t t /G3/y� � V VIKSNINS Fre,�ared autline for M<.t�onot.���ii de;�usi : i :�n.; communicated witt� F irst �tate t�ar►k r��arding sub��er,a •rd doc�.��r�ents; t.•Ie,�h�n� conf�r�nce wizn Ke�t Nart�isan regarding ��laintirl' `� �F��tion f4r Urat�ctive orcier; reviewrd �jv�:t,ments 5up�;li�d hy t,an k . 11103/9� R T G�TLUt�fJ Pr.y�are f�r McDonough �irp��itio�i . 11 /Q4/92 M S HAkGEi�S Batcs stamp documents produced E�y third �ar� y First State £:ar�k of hosesnoe�nt . 11 /05/9^c A V VIKSNINS Draft:ea and revised meina�randusn in o��p�sition to' prate�tive ar<jer moti�,� . { t /07/9� A V VIKSNINS Revised memor�and�m regar�ina ��rotcctiva ar��r . t t /09/9� A V 11IKSrdINti Revised memorandum replyiny to summary jud��nesit molion . 11 / 1 �i/9� A V VIK�:NINS Telepi�one conferenr_e ��ith Dakota Co�3nty Admini�trator `� officz rc�arding ju+��� �.-signR�cnt and motic,n hearing , LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM . Uk�QU15T 6 VEN�UM IS:.N � � . . . . . � � . � . In Account With LINDQU1ST & VENNUM a200 IDS CENTER � � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � . � � � . � 612•391•3211 � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S E. B. MCMENOMY, JR . MCMENOMY ASSQCIATES, INC . C810 145TH STfiEET 4lEST aAT� ,IANUAFY ?4 , 19 ROSEMOUtVT, MN 55d68 : �IL� NQ . 43t818. 4001 INVOICE ND. 397�8 � J MiCHAEL MCDONOUG}i V. CL.I�N1' i t /i it9� A V VIKSNINS Telephone �.flnferen�_e wi th Kent Ilarbison re��ardins� summary judgment motion . 11 /13/92 A V VIKSNINS Attended suarmary jud4mcnt motion s`►2aring . 11 /1 �/92 ft T OSTLUhtD Prepare for and argue 5ummary j�cfgment motion in Hastings. i1l3Q/92 R T O�T�JNU Telephone conference with Kent Harbison; review dacuments; telep;ione conf�rence uith Court . . f2/0�/�� A V VIKSt�INS Drafted tVotiee of AE,peal ; reviewec! �orres�>ondenc� frorn Kent �iarbison 1 �lQ:�i�2 k T OSILUNLI Analysis of trial issue� . i�/09/9� A V VIKShfINS Revised Statement of the Case for Court of Appeal�, telephone conferen"ces witt� �4ent tiarhison and Mary }ianton at Fredriksan d �yron regsrE�i»g • �trategy t �/O�lt2 A V VIKSNihfS R�vised documents nec�ssary to perfecr ap�eai ; tele�.hone conference with M . lianton at Fredrik�o� firm regar�inS3 timing �f appe3l 1 �l11 /92 �l 1 4S1LUt�t� 4lork �sn a��pellate i�$jlzs ; conferenc� witt► Ed Mr_Menorrry , Ansis Vik5nin5 an�j Kent i�3t•b 'sson. ic/1 �i9� A V VIKSNIN� Telept�one conferzncc uith l:ent �{arbi5on rr_garding �,erf�c:t in�� appEa i . 12/ctf`9c A V VIKSNINS Reviewed fil3intiff ` - s�.�F�pics�ent�l �i��o�zry � respan�es ; rtelrphone �.:onferer,cr wirt-� C�u►-•t of Appeals regardi»g t>riefin� . 1.�/;�1 /92 R T GSTLUND Te 1 ept��one r_onf eren�_� w i t h F d Mc_Mer�omy , aggr�gat � or all Decemt�er time regarding analysi� of J�sr�ge Metz�n' s Grder; confcr�rrces reg3r-�iir,g •�p;:,e.sl opi io�� and in:��3cment3t ion of ap��eal ; i�it iai t ri a l prep3rat i o:� . 1 �/�3l9c A V VIKSNINS Drafted appelloiz brief . 1 �/�3/4� A V VIiCSNINS RevisEd appellate t�rief . fc/3i /92 A V VIf;�NIN-S Revis�d a��pe2late brief . #=EF_a FJR SFhVICtS RENOEt:FfJ � �. G�1 . , ' _":.^.OU:S'6Vcr:KUh:�S:.N LINDQUIST £r VENNUM In Account With LINDQUIST fr VENNUM � � � . � � . 4200 IOS CENTER � � . � � � . � � � . MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � � � � 612-371-3211 � .. . � � . � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S : E.B. MCMENOMY, JR . MCMENOMY ASSOCIATES, INC . �81G 1 �STH STREET WEST GA3E JANUA�Y �4 , 19 R�iSEM4UNT, MN 55068 FILF N0 . �31818 . U002 INVOZCE NQ. 897�8 � _ ,J MI CfiAEL MCDONOUGN V . Ct.I£I�1" DATE DISBURSEMENTS 11 /11 /92 Indexes per AVV i7 . 1 ] /1 t /92 lJi tness Fee � phot acopY cost per AV'J �74 . i1 /25/9� Subpoena per AVV 3, - 12/15/9� Fili�g FeQs p�r AVV s�4Q . i211 $/9c 7ranscripts oi Proceedings �er AVV 52. Delivery Charges T77 . Compuierized Legal kesearch �!$ . Photocopy Charges 145. Messenger Deiivery Charges 92. Facsimile Gharges tp . TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS � t , 0�9 . TQTAL CURRENT fErS ANO DIS�tJRStMt�N'fS � i 0, 6�1 . AMOUMT UIVPAiII FkQNf �'RFOtt STAT�'ht�_N1'S � 3, $:;i . FE�'� FGR SFRVICE 9, G�'f . hI�BURQEMENT� t , 0'9 . TOTAL TN IS STAT�h1E�i�t1� � 1 �i, �°^c . LINDQUIST b VENNUM � � L'\�CU!5T E'J"ck'\Utd IS 41 � � .. . . . . . . . ,� _K � � � � � . . � � � `''...0 .,• � � . . .. In Account With LINDO,UIST £r VENNUM a200ID5 CENTER � � MINNEAPOL15.MINNESOTA 554-02 � . - � � � � � 612•371.321�1 � � � � �� � � - . .. .. � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S t. P. MCM�NOMY, JR . MCMENGMY gSS+JCIA7ES. ItJC . ���f �i l �STi� STrE£T WE��T tiATf; SAhiURt;Y �-:U , 14 �GS�Mt�Ut�iT, MhI 5506�s FI?f� N�l . �i31�+1,�t . UO{}i 1NVL�IC:E NG. �g7��s � J . � . - .' , . �. , -- �i1C�iAE.L #�;Cf30N0Uvii �/ . Ct��2f�:i�l ' - .. � " - . DA3E iii 4�UFSEPSLtdT:; 11 !it /9c Inr��x�s �er AV�� ?9 . t i l l i t�� 4Ji tr�ess FF� U �t�ot acopv rc�st �er ;;'.��' =��G . � 1 /c�/9� Su.�.poPna €��r AVV 3 . 32/ } �/9� i=ilin5 F��=_ GFr kVi�; : ?{�0 . 12J1p/�� Tr�.nsei�.Y, s ai �roceeding� ��zr AVV '_-.c. ?�elavery Ct-��r�es ^ i �7 . �om�,utrri ��d i �gal keGearch � �;�, Fr,�taco�y Ct;.srges '✓ 14�. hSes=rnger U� i iv�ry C�arge� � � 9c . ��c�im: ?._ �n�r es � \`,��� �^) � Q \ �/ __. -----t 0 . /� 5 TUTAl. UI�.:�",.;�EME �1� � ! , p=g �� 70TA� Ct.t�;�Y'f� r`EF..�t:i} U;:�i�Ut�.S4�h?r►v f� S. t 0 , �,"l . �� � ,,,���� �,• ; ` `�1\�\ � � � �rG'tf'�J `''�J�:�'P,iD �`?G?'° �1IC3.L :7hT'cP1�:-"Pt? � � 3, �'f1 . ..\✓ � ��j: , � t.:.,s«,.._c... • ' /��:<_/ ��i � : � ��ft ��,rtV ?',:� �' . t�i . ,j ;i ♦ rr.,". .tr:CP: : `_ f �i� , T4TAL ifiiS SiAT�'M��:l � i4' , 4:�c: , LINDQUIST £t VENNUM � _ ,__J'S'b\'E�.NUr✓,��4�;� � � � . . � . � 1200105 QEMv1 IN DF�yot eo sami EKwn+s�r �woousr,voa+ur.a aiwsrtxse� Ma+r�vous.M�w+esoi�55402-2�5 60017ni SrnEEr.Stxre 2/25 LINDQUIST &VENNUM T°�8,2�,�„ °��`°N^°°�.�'°, F�x:6123713207 T��p�;3036735g0p ArroANer3 AT t�►w 612-3713?5G October 19, 1992 E. B. McMenomy, Jr. McMenomy Associates, Inc. 2810 Z45th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ed: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly yours, LINDQUIS.T & NNUM �- r � Richard T. Ostlund RTO/mjw Enclosure • In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM . . � 4200 IDS CENTER � � � � . . � � MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 � � ,. . � � 612•371•3211 � � � �. � . . /� � AMOUNT ENClOSEO S � F_. B. MCM:�NOMY . ?R . MCMtN�iMY AS`"sGGIr;'t'��, ItrC . �81 U 1 �{�TF1 ���r;cC'f UEST ��i�I� OCTr��rR i �, t un� ROSF=M4Uht7, Nf`t S�Of,4 ►I�� NQ . �31E18 . Uv"4+ li�vOlfiE ��0. �G���i i i� � � t",I CHr1�:! !1���t�r�Gfi 'J , Ct.I�•NT 09/08/9;'_ F: f �Sft_trt-d[l ^�v�ldvCi ���;�fcrer�r_N ui r:� �_1 ienc ;e�3rc�in� � i i 2�3L iGl .=vUz� ; �i t�"}+�r'E iivtiC!= O` jUt7S: Itut :Gf� �n� ci3irn 3�a;nst � i [y Hlturr+Ay �)9/09192 A 'J v;k.:,r:IiY� Cti���r�,;ce u:tn Ri _�:ar�c� T . ttst lu;:� . revi ��+�� ` i ir i �'t conn�cti4n u:th L�V ' s �u�,: itutici� a� c�un�el ; tL; epr,one co�fer��;cs wi�r� U:�trict Co�..�:t ,�:�A:l�:ls7raror i"+2��T�iiT��� iTl�� CO�ii t ��tlnTS�'r . �9/t0/92 A t� V•IKSflIf;�� a.� �����ona ccnferen,� uit�� 3�►�c�e r;e����n ' � cha:r,rrr= • e�y3'f•dltl� fiOL l�ift TT`di?SC�'I�C � . 'f? ��+��l�Y��? ri,71f?"?rt�: � wz.;� David RIb;ighi ' j off:c= reg;�r�: inr CGf�21i1U3i1C? <�T tf•1oi ��•i2►? . 49/11 /92 � V 'r1�,�*:;;.5 :�evi _caed fi1�; t �ie;�honE conTere:�c:e �; tt� ;�lairitit'f ` � ccur•_e't ; draftrci motior� ;�auers r•eGardi na ��or�t i �fu3nr_-e• . !)9l� 4!92 N t! L�Il�:�:P�l�t•,� rYvis�;3 ��3tl �J:�: !J3;,_� s r��_)sr�i�s�.3 _+:f�:: 5ri�1�^c��; i'e�VlE�.i£� r! i�i.itE':a .!i � 11 Y �C%�.iS'�C1 � SL@r=i 2:eG� . ;:91i �#/9? ti' T �3StI..t��.:U F.u�'; �� E�� r-�},:�'d �a•< 1ini;�= _ a�:��1 ��<� :'�: C ; v�'i r:y.• z >:� .:.r:= ic„+ •>>�� :•trater.y ��e•�:sr�in:3 :�.=•r�: � cl ;i��� . -�.:r•�: zi _ . .. . �9/1 :�l�1� A i! 'J, w.��;ili3� .. . • . �.�c � � .�.�_ iL . :�' T : orSC �: :> :;;t -.j�-�:� �': � , , �. �u;)�il �.j �,1} .? i2 -,r : i"f ' , �:"1,,'';?; �.'•9l1 :�%'�I� F{ T 0�'• �l.�hi} 4�� v : s: �;tc' -.;�F ^c,•.�� .,:;:,: i:�;� .�.�r . . ;:;:w . ��911 7!y?_ n �1 V IY..`ati?}+�� i.. . ��� i i''�:��3' .:i. P�^yai ij t il.y M..rt:�r:v^:�/ ` ... . . •If�Sii:,?T . ::� T : w`i� � a5 Ri::l' Zf�:u::;i ITl '��E��al`.:I. lut1 f��i is�.:T` 1�•a vT� C.O T1 t 1 T1 l!o i5 c:d . ���� i:��i'C i'! � :)�� :.�J�a�! .t-`.i,ivl :,f• r � i{`J�t i�2�;�;J :f?�£'iT�ii? i i�3� lf,i� 3:._as.i2� . ���rl �r7� i� f t?tiji_�ii`�13 "'i•£;:��T'� 'i�J�'• �i3+� �: •_iCtC� ot :'tC•i�' l��.f itt Fi_.•c;Clfl��5 :i+i 6'�2«iSlJT'i 7:Oi2C�ti; � Or��E�i�:":Cc� Wi:�: }�1alt�i3 �* + � cou��� ; , - ;nf:�; :r�::� uifih '1ik. _ "fit= _ ���arj: <<•; 4i i�-,:I�a�l� . _ =nF4 r�:-�cr �ai -s, .�� T:•a4:.,.;i�•3 ��s^•_ : � . � � � . _ � . 1!1�� i='� a f" +7` �t�i:.i .a i � r_ f';�� R..�r±Y 't i�i��.� �e:�'' .. � : i�:. . . t ._ . . . . � � . .. . . . � . . . . � � � � o�:���iii}f i y 1 :i�t_;J�• . . . � . �9i-�i�2 �: r c�� r� ��r�:. . � —�„��,_ � � _,..,_�. . . :. � ;;. . .. 3 �._ :.; � �;,: -._ _... . . - t '_�..c,c'L �.�•i+�' '•'�1 i . .. s�� 1�:�1y � . iii�1'L ?i:cr. :1 - ? �.. _ .��U,ST6vcnnuM!San LINDQUIST fr VENNUM ' In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM a200 tOS CENTER � � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 . � � � � � � � � � �� 612•371•3277 � . � � - � � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S E. B. MCMEI�OnY. JR . MCMENOMY ASSOCIATES, INC . 281 0 1�#1TF� �7R�ET :.;E�7 AATF OCTUBE�i l S, 1 99'c ROSFMl7UN'1', �t� S�.,OS8 FILF tJO . �31 �218 . 0441 FNVOICE t10 . �?62.''_i 1G � � M1CHA�L MCDC1i�4l1Gi� �/ . CLIENT �GT'itei"ei'iC@ Nitii An�i� Vi 'v.sni:-,s zo ce�r�inat� F�c�arat�ion of �isr�issol rc•searc!-� a�d moticr•s . �9i��#/,?_ A J VIKy►�II�: R�viewed ;e;�osiLi,�r, tran=cripts ir� ;;;�parat �or� fcr dra it i n� =ummary j�.�dc►mE nt m�t i�;� . �9/?S/92 �=. V VI4�:StiIk�S LYrj.�l res�ar��._�� reg�rding Z�IRlL�T{ItV jrt ;srepardti�r� f�r brir.ging summary judgnent n:�t iai� . il�!/r�/9� t; t OSiI_t:tVi) ►�?vie,s Cour•t isr�er ; conf�rnn-? witt-� Hr��is Vik�ni:-�� Y"�tG�ai^�lTl9 R�Or :4Clai trl £'�i10('iF: :�'.1"!�:•i'''>f�;=;: L!2C~ +_1 l Et'1t rf�arc+ll'�� �dfitE• . U9/2��19r A V t1IK5tdItd= i_����1 rrsearc.i�: regarciing ,��ler^rt�c��t3 _ ar�<j �`r : =:t �i ac: c�rs r�ri�i } aUQ ir, preparati �n TGi' bi'in�ina s��::�msry j u�gme�,t �rot i an . U9/c^9/9� ,S V VFKSPtZT+� L.ega ! rF=€��r�tt F�rG_r�ing d�€._r��t� tc ':�;: : t:,�� ir�xerfrra�c� wit�� �ontraet ctaim� . "v9/23/92 �t 1 05T!J��tU T£IfQrl�ft_ CvilFafei�_� 411t�'S Ec3 re;ar�i�i� City rOUt"�C11 .j�tl<3�� Oii :nderr�nity and �r _��%s)Il��' L:SUf?= , =^•!O? 10i:5 *�.� �I =ltl15= . 'J9/3t�/�: A V vl�;�ht1't�� :_-��a; r.-atarr-iti i =g�.r�7iny :nt :� f»r•�s-��e 4sit �•, �or:ti��c�*, �� aiTs rL�� ��y 5F�'t� : �.�� i1L�<<:E:�:!�o � . 6�:' _ . ;iAl E DI SF�U;�S�:t��:tt'i � 09/16i9� }�ilin�� �r•�� ��^ ;vt! 317 , �f.� Mes�.er:gE�� L�s : iv�:r•, =�na��•��_ _}; . G�1 �ac��imil�� C:i,:��+== � . ?t� ;t�T4t_ s"', i�ftt:t:.�E:`;i":r'? � + -: �:r,; LINDQUIST fr VENNUM . �� L� U!ST 6 k'E!�NU4^15:,N � . . . . . . . . � . --' In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER � � � � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � � � � � � � � � � 612•371-3211 � � � . . . . � � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S E. B . MCMENOPtY, 3R . MC'MCNU'riY A54OC;AT�'S, ihlC . �81 0 1 �57�i Sl itE�T �1�ST 6�ATE �CT�b�R t �i � '�.'�:�C ROSEMOUttIT� Mhl 5506$ i= IL� N0 . �4'j1 �.°,1 � . 00CL i n�Vfl I C� Ntl . Q GL��1 1 E � � � l i I CEfAEL MCDt�!V�JGH V . Cl IEt�7 'FA'fA!_ CUftRFN7 FEES ANC1 UISBUQS�"1L(�TJ Y �J �31 - =•C A'lGUNT Ut+�nAID FitQti 4RFOq STAT�MEhl1S 3 O . OG FEcS FOR �EfZVIC� �, b57 . 50 OI4F�URS�MFN7S 174 . �0 T�TAL THIS :�TATc:tls:f;7 � 3,f331 . 54 LINDQUIST & VENNUM ��\_CU�ST 6 V'cKNU'�l IS AN.� �� . . . . . . . e • ' ' " "�`� In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER �� � � � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 . : � �� � � � � � � . 612•377�-3211 � � � � - �� � � AMOUNT ENCLOSEO S _ E.H. HCMEivOMY, JR . MChfENOMY ASSOCIATES, I�tC . � 2810 145Ti� ST;tE�T 4l�:S1' L�ATE OCTOEscR 15, 199c ROS�:MOUNT, MN 55068 FILE N0 . 431L�13 . 0001 INVO'I�c N0. 8G221 16 � J M I CI-IF�EL MCD�NflU6H V . CL IENT �i � • , ' • • ' . :, ' . . . ; ' ' _ 'CQ'CRI_ CURRFNT FEES AN0 OISBURS�M�NTS � 3, 331 .5Q AMOUNT Ut+ipAID F�OM PRIO;t 3TA'T�M�NT� � 4 . �C FEES FOR SERVICE 3,b57. 50 OISBUR��MENTS 374 . DG 7G'TAL THIS gTAT�MFNT /'�� � � 3,$31 .50 I ( — � ✓ � \\� � � �, �\ �v ,,� , , � ' \\\��,,'�� ✓ � ' , ✓ _ ' ..a' :�U•;�c„ti LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM � ~ In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM 4Z00 IDS CENTER � : . � MINN£APOUS, M�NNESOTA 5540T � � � . . . � . � � ��612-371•3211 � � � .. . � - � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S E.H. MCMENOl1Y, JR . MCMENOMY ASSOCIATES, INC . 2810 145TH STkEET WEST 4ATE NOVEMBER 2I , 199R ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 FILE N0. 431818. 0001 � 168 RTO � MICNAEL MCDONOUGH V. CLIENT QATE INVOICF AMOUNT PAYMENTS 10/13/92 8622f 3, 831 .SO O . OA , TOTAL DUE t 3,6�1 .SO _�__� -__,--_ ��__u'STSvennunr�Sc�N LINDQUIST & VENNUM . . ,.. . •�.•�o...,s' •.� ' In Account With LINDQUIST tt VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER � _ MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA.550�02 � �� � �. � � � 612-371•3211 . � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S E.B. MCMENOMY, JR . MCM['haC�MY AS.�OCIAT.�S, It�IC . . ��1 Q 14�iT�� ::T�tCi:T 4•1�.S7 .. UA1'E NOVEMBcR c1 � 1 99� RUSr.MOUNT , f'iN 5;06$ rII.E htG . 4�1313 . QQ01 15S �iTQ � J -�--- . _. _:_.._._..__ fiS GCI�IA�I:•-MG�1�Ns�U6i�-u--GL I EN.�._. __ ..._.. .. _. ._ __. DA'ft itJVO F C}: At'i�U!`a'( t'AYI"�N C� t 0/13/9�' �b�.'S _� �z� f.,� 0 . GQ , ti•..r , TOTAL DU� b i, °31 .;0 - �=-�_ _-•_=�_- — ^ � �� . n.�1,�'��\�J ` � , \ � �,�� _� \ �`� �\ �` � � ; � �,�\�\, ��, �. � t. � ; ,� !��, , ���� � .\ � ��'�.'� � �' y � ' � � , �,i �\ j �� `,� 'G `� V - _ _ � ,,, / � LINDQUIST & VENNUM :!K�QU!ST B I-KKUA'IS Ak . � � � � . . . . .