HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Armory / Community Center Project Change Orders � . � CITY OF ROSTIEbIOUNT \ TXECIITIVE SZJb�tARY'',' FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:March 16, 1993 �I' AGENDA ITEM: Armory / Community Center ', AGENDA SECTION: Project Change Orders Consent PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGENDA �Q��� ;� � � �� ATTACHI�lENTS: Change order information �', AP OVED_ BY: There are several pending change orders t!nat I would request your appoval for on this project. Most of these chang�e orders are minor in scope and allow for credits to our contract. Othe�',s do require additional expenditures. One I wi11 not be recomm�'mding approval for. There are also several change orders that' have been initiated but we don� t have final costs for from the contractor '�,�lor there are disputes over them between the owners and the contractors. Change order Description City Cost Number RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRX#4 Change the specified Manufacturer of the skylights in the lobby areas with units meeting specifications (1555 .31) CRX#57 Damp proofing in an area of lower level wall to substitute cheaper material which meets specs. (237.59? CRX#15 Substitute 8x16" brick for 8x8" brick with center score allowing for same appearance but with material and labor saving. (3978 . 16) CRX#9 Elevator handrail and door change Flat handrail and door finish (219 .38) CRX#2 Provide standpipes and sprinkler system changes per requirements in fire code. 4290 . 00 I AM NOT RECOMMENDING YOUR APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING CHANGE ORDER CRX#26 Adds back in glazed block in the National Guard side of the main lobby. Based on discussions I have had with the the State this should be their cost. 4181.25 Net cost for items recommended (1700 .44) Net with CRX#26 2480 . 81 RECOb�lENDED ACTION:Motioa to approve change orders CRX#4, CRX#57, CRX#15, CRX#9 And CRX#2 with total city cost of (1700.44) COUNCIL ACTION: '��� c«w�a,s��.�aoe February 15, 1992 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 Re: Rosemount National Guard Training ' and Community Center - C.O.R. 2C.4 Alternate Skylight Manufacturer Dear Mr. Belmont: We have received and reviewed Arthur Dickey Architects,Inc. conespondence dated November 30, 1992 accepting Skylights Manufacturing, Inc. (SM� as an approved manufacturer for specification section 07850 - structural framed skylights for the above referenced praject. The approval was subject ta meeting rivo conditions. PCL can meet both conditions; 1) SMI will meet or exceed specifications in every respect; 2) We identify cost associated with this approval to be a credit of ($2,765.00) to the Own�r. Our contract requires that no work is to proceed on any changes until written authorizatian to proceed is received. Based on ADA November 30, 1992 correspondence, PCL is proceeding with this work. Please notify this office in writing immediateiy should you wish to redirect PCL in this regazd. By copy of this correspondence we notify the State of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount of the same. If for any reason you require additional information or have any questions regarding the aforementioned, please contact the undersigne�. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. /���J° � .�� David P. Bye Project Manager DPB/jaz xc: Steve Jilk- Ciry of Rosemount, Craig Weber - State of Minnesota, File: 5130428 - 2C.4 YCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,INC. 9330 James Ave�une SouW,Bloomington,NGnn�ota 55431-2381 Tdeghone: (612)888-9200 • Fau:(612)888-1733 ;..;: � con.nuetl«�su,c�i eoe March 8, 1993 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 Re: Rosemount National Guard Training and Community Center - C.O.R. 2C.57 Alternate Damp Proofing Material Dear Mr. Belmont: We propose a credit of$500.00 on the above referenced project to substitute Karnak 86 damp proofing material for the products specified in Section 07150 in the specifications. By copy of this correspondence we notify the State of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount ofthe same. If for any reason you require additional information or have any questions regarding the aforementioned, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. ` r� = G � David P. Bye Project Manager � SS/jaz xc: Steve Jilk : Craig Weber File: 5130428 - 2C.57 - WPFile: SSL0308.001 , PCL CONSfRUCTiON SERVIGES,INC. 9330 James A�mue SouW,Bloomington,M'imcwta 55431-2381 Teiephoue: (6121888-9200 • Faxe(612)88$-1733 -----� . • �„ �, ;�1 �/ c«,n,ueo«,sine.�9oe December 29, 1992 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects 4930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 Re: Rosemount National Guard Training and Community Center Deaz Mr. Belmont: � We would like to propose a brick value engineering change on the above referenced project. This value engineering change has been initiated by our masonry subconuactor Steenberg-Watrud Construction,Inc. They have suggeste� substituting brick types C & D clay masonry units per section 04200 paragraph 2.2.B face brick group rype 3 as follows: Group 3 Brick rype A - OCHS (as specified) Brick type B - Interstate (as specified) Brick type C - Interstate change from 8" x 8" to 8" x 16" with center score concave Brick type D - Interstate change from 8" x 8" to 8" x 16° with center score concave All brick colors and textures would be per specification. This change in brick type would also provide improved qualiry by providing a bonded wall joint type construction in lieu of the stacked unbonded, The 3/8" center score would be mortar filled and raked to match the design appearance requirement. For your review we enclose correspondence by OCHS Brick&Tile Co. This correspondence provides information and data on the proposed product substitute and a letter of compliance stating all project specification requirements are met. A limited list of completed projects using mortar filled raked center scored joints with at least two (2) freeze/thaw cycles is also provided. PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,INC. 9330 James Asenue Soath,Bloomiogton.NGnnesota,SS�31-33�1 Teleph�e: (61Z)888-9Z00 • Fax:(612)888-1733 \ � . � . .. . . . � � . � � J•,« .. ,I� . . . . . . . . . . . �.. � Rosemount National Guard December 29, i992 Page 2 This face brick value engineering change will provide a labor savings. If accepted, PCL will offer a credit in the amount of eight thousand three hundred seventy two dollars($8,372.00). If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. ., �` ,� � � ,�z�_ ,i , :..�� David P. Bye Project Manager DPB/jaz Enclosure xc: Craig Weber Steve Jilk File: 513042$ - 2A.212C.8 WPFile: DPBL1229.001 • �`� �����' �. �- - �.�: .��� ���� __� SHIELY MASONRY PRODUCTS �'� '�-�' `'�" 6705 WEDGWOOD COURT•SUITE 110•MAPLE GROVE,MN 55369•(612)420-7100-FAX(612)420-9556 ��e,���.����' w � ; � s �'iu.,�"� � e ;: .�- . � �� n���ti, �'�+ :�" ' �sA t',w .. ..� Z$ y: �..• - . . . . � .���ri s � � . . . . . . �. � . . NOTICE OF CERTIFICATION Project: Rosemount National Guard Arnyory St�te Aighway 3 & Dodd Road, Rosemaunt Architect: Arthur Dickey �'�r�.ti., In:.. General Contraetor. p�, ��truction Reference: P1ain Block Ground Face Block I�tasonry Contractor: Steenberg-Watrud Gentlemen: We certify that all concrete masonry units supplied for use on the referenced project are autoclave cured and meet the requirements of the following specificalion: Hollow I.oad-Bearing Concrete Masonry Units ASTM C90-90 Type I - Moisture Controlled Grade N Solid Load-Bearing Concrete Nlasonry Units ASTM C 1�5-$5 Type I - ti�foisture Controlled Grade N All standard weight aggregate used conforms to the requirements of ASTM C-33. All lightweight aggregate used conforms to`xhe requirements of ASTM C-331. Further, we certify that lineal shrinkage as tested by the Modified Bricish Method (ASTM C42G-70), shali not exceed 0.039�for sand.and gravel units or lightweight units. rtinimum face shell thickness for hollow load-bearing units �vill be in accordance with Table 2, ASTM C90-90. SHIEL.Y MASONRY PRODUCTS r t� Kurt Trum Sales and Marketing hianager . F, om . r102 �OC�HS BRICt� :-�N � T1L1E COMt�ANY �� TW1N C!'CY SALES OfFlCES �tNCE 7891 1b300 STATE HVYY. 6 2225 McKNlGHT ROAb NORTH EDEN PRA{FitE, MN 663d4-2086 NORTH ST.PAUL, MN�5108-2829 TE4EPHONE (61�) 937-9430 TELEPNONE (812177C-2780 PAX i6tZ}83?-038a FAX 1813f 770-0684 D808II1b6r 2$� 19 9� flENENAt OFFiC�ti PU4NT-6PRINGFIELO.INN 6t087�0106 P.O.Boti 10B � Pbon�160�1728-i221 • fAX l60]f�Z3-4223 . Mr. John Ylinen 8teeaberq-�atrud Constructioa, Saa. 10255 Zav�r Grove Trail . inver arov+s Hsights, 131�t sso76 , Denr Kr. Yli,nen: Th� addreases for job$ th�t have gona thraugh taa tr�Q�e ayalas ara as lo17.oWs: _ _ 1) Bchumann Slomonta=y itay 1990 . .. 685 Old Crystal aay Xtd. bi. -. . _ : . orono z� ec�nmunity eAntar Bept�mber sss� 41st Se Douqlas Dr. - CrYstel M_�-:�,.�..�_,�.� :��:, . :..p� � � . �June 1989 �������- ��:�:+fa:,�._.�:.., � 3) Lake Harioa�Elementary�� � �� � Coraar, Dodd B lvd. � �Iwy. �a Lakeville 4� Laa Qui �arle Juna 1989 tntersection of �Iwq�s 119 A 40 �tesr Milan, MN we yrill be pleasee to luraiah �urther inlormation or answar aay othmr que$tioaa. 8ina�raly, _ OCH� HR�GR TZLE COKPANY .. . ,�� : � �. . " :� . � : ... . ...- ••ri . . - : - . . . ... _ •.. . . .. _. . ..� . . � _. . _� . � � . . . .. ... , .. ._�.....�_ . . . .._ . ._. _ �. .._ , _.. . . Jo paul Ba es R4presentative . Jp:j� . . � �,.. �-� �-_.. ::- � � . ...�..r.,::._=�� ��,�r... _ . . .::y:.;.�.:v.,:.��. .e� .�.�»i �. ..�. ,����,-�-+ ;r,+r �-"* ;+' �*�1laAI'��if''+�:='��`-'ia�i'xr�S:.:.ii' r"`� ....._..�..�.,,...:+�r.=ses� �•��. - . - .. : �f'ST!".!^�+�"'S 2 .� -... . - .. . � ,'!'KSCi���_.a�".'t�r'!'47t^iS... _'. . .� - - - � � . . . :. '� . . .... . ......r�lCr-'�.'�:2•.t..i. ...... .. . ...._ . _ . . . '� ca,.wcsia,Sine.19oe February 25, 1993 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 Re: Rosemount National Guard Training and Community Center - C.O.R. 2C.9 Dear Mr. Belmont: We have received and reviewed Lagerquist Corporation's shop drawings reviewed by Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. on O1/08/93 regarding: 1) change of the elevator handrails from 2" round to l/4" x 2" flat bar($40.00)and 2)change the hoistway doors from plastic laminate to baked enamel paint($350.00) for the above referenced project. At this time, we identify deductive costs in the amount of $390.40 associated with this work. Attached please find supporting cost detaiL Our contract requires that no work is to proceed on any changes until written authorization to proceed is received. Should you want PCL to proceed with this work, please notify this o�ce in writing immediately so material purchases, subcontractors and our work can eommence. IfPCL does notreceive a written notice to proceed with this contract change request within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of this quotation, we will consider this offer void and proceed with work per the contract documents. Assuming receipt of written notice to proceed within stated acceptance time, we find the construction schedule is not effected by the work associaterl with this quotation. By copy of this correspondence we notify the State of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount af the same. If for any reason you require additional information or have any questions regarding the aforementionerl, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. i�.J � ',�/.� � David P. Bye Project Manager Enclosure xc: Steve Ji1k, Crai� Weber, File: 5130428 - 2C.9 WPFile: DPL0225.001 PCL CONSTRUCTLON SERVICES,ING 9330 Jamra A�cane South,Bioomiagton,NI'mo�ota 55431-2381 Telepboae: (6121888-9200 • Fax:(61Z)888-1733 02/25/93 PRICING DETAIL Rosemount National Gnard Armory Training and Community Center 51304Z8- C.O.R. - 2C. 9 Reference: E1 evator Cab Modi fi cati ons PCL Direct Work: $ Subtotal (PCL direct work) $ 0.00 Subcontracted Work: Lagerquist Corporation ( $ 390.00) Subtotal (subcontracted work) ( $ 390.00) Subcontractor Bonding $ 0.00 Subtotal (all work) ( $ 390.00) PCL Distritt office overhead and fee (10%) $ 0.00 , Total ( $ 390.00) PCL Bonding $ 0.00 Total cost this C.O.R. ($390.00) GEfi U1ST CC�RPORA�'i0N LA Q LAGER�UIST sERv�N�:MiNNESOTA•NORTH OAKOTA•SOUTH DAKOTA• MONTANA E�Ev.a'raFtS WESTERN WISCDNSIN•NORTHERN WYOMING S1NCE 1882 1801 WEST R1VEr'i RaAO NaRTN•P.O.BOX 582239•MINNEAPOLIS,MN 5b458 Es'rAausHEo iaa2 PHONE(612)588-7844• FAX:(612)�88-8?21 FiNISH SCHEDULE • oaTE: nFr. 2 � 1qq� T�: P.C.L. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JOB: # 91327 - 0073 9330 — James Ave So. RQSEMOUNT ARM�RY/ARENA B�oomington, i�1 55431 13885 —South Robert Trail AT'ITT: MR. STCT WOODWORTH Rosemount, P�1 55068 " ���� Ptease suppiy the color seiection requested below and return tfiis form with aoproved selections to LAGEAQUIST CORP. at the above address.Piease select caiors from the enciosed facsimiies and color chips,if other coiors or finishes are required, piease consuit this oifice. I. ELEVATOR CAB: WRITE SE3.ECT10NS HEAE: A interior Walis ST�rittt.�.tS S4'£�L� �4- �atSi� 1. Front - a �• � —� , �,,� P��- �, ;; �,�! �:_,�si�,;� ,� 2. Rear ' u � ,..-� 4 :r•,� : �)r'r'� tt 3. Sidewalls �M• �►S�nC �� — ,^� - �� � . � P�,� ,�..:�_ _„ ��,.�, ;>>;�.,;� s� B. Cab Door Panels — <v �t" �^ � ' C. Entrance Columns �'�►�K�� ���- '*''�' Flwi1 J�i# D. Fioor Covering CA iZ4�T �� � r;.i , �i ��. �...�� Verify thicicness and weight, if not carpeL E Handraii(s� �� - '�L• — ��N�a�S - -�IDES S'7'a.ia1L�SS 'S7"�iL,'�`�-�iN1 SH F. Reveals (DAP Cab Oniy) ��'��- ���«"'�� ��``�,� G. Ceiiing Frame (Biacfc F-i 12 Std.) �M£�- �'�•(IZ—��L�'�CK ry H. Ceiling Panels S�.�t�G e�� n ���i� " .�� �----� I. Other il. ELEVATOR ENTRANC�S: R � • 1- � n �,�'.!•(b.nr��ei. 'k'f"'/'��'Z .. j� J/'i/�v ���` A Frames n �, , 7�1� N B. Door Paneis �. l��'•..� — '�idv//�` �.,� - ..�—� •--- C. Transoms - � REMARKS: LAGEAQUIST CORPORATiON APPROVED BY: ���j� ���)j�� COMPANY: BY: E3VGiNEFAING DEPARTMENT DATE: LAG�RQUIS � CORP�RA�'ION I,A.G�ROUIST s�v�N�:MINNE50TA•NORTH DAKOTA•SOUTH DAKOTA•MONTANA ELEVATUFiS WESTERN WiSCONSiN•NORTHERN WYOMiNG SiNCE 1882 1801 WEST RIVER ROA�NaRTH•f'•a•BOX 582239•MINNEAPOUS.MN 55458 ESTABLlSHEa 1882 PHONE(G1Z)$�-i�• FAX:j612)588-8221 F�NiSH SCHE�ULE . . � � oa-rE: �E� 2 219,92 TO: P.C.L. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JOB: A 91327 - 0073 933o - James Ave So. ROSF.MOUNT ARMORY/ARENA Bloomington, MN 55431 13885 -South Robert Trai1. ATTN: MR. STU �r�00DWORTH Rosemount, N�i 55068 �,��v� Z� Piease suppiy the color setection requested below and retum this form with approved selections to LAGEAQUIST CORP. at the above address.Please select caiors from the enctosed facsimiies and coior cfiips,If othercolors or frnishes are required, ptease consuit this office. �"��J�^/ S;G��tr���— ��n�'l%S Grrs��T a rnvuv►/ � � ' I.� ELEIJATOR CA8• �.�-� ��''��'%� �� U%� ir�7 °�R I T E S E L E C T t O N S H E A E: ' / / • , i �+ A Interior Walls % y? o� "• `"��'f��d's � � `� St�w�.f S � �`-4- �ai Sw 1. Front � �1 ��� '_ � _�, ���5� `=--Si.�il�, tr Z. Rear ' t.�•1�1 . �wrJTl L- � a _ � n �J._ � _��;,.,� u 3. Sidewalis � �•�•M. PLAS't^�G — —'� . �� Door Partels ���,�s� �1��• l�A►�"�� �� 'f�--" .' —« �" c.;,' �� ;. B. Cab .5�� '�'-w �.at 1�4 ; S�'�.�K�SS C. Entrance Calumns � � �� ��rh�' U D. Fioor Covering ���? � - Veri'ry thic�a,ess_and wei\9ht. if not carpeL E Handraii(s) t�'� X Z-a 6�iL- �.a�'tNirauS - 3� S1)E.S S'Tl�.l►lL�SS S7^�i�L �-�N1SH � � �Er36�EL� '�' ""{lL- i�$�Ltr F. Reveals (DAP Oniy) ��w„�_n g�K h G. Ceiiing Frame (Blacic F-i 12 Std.) E3�iJf.M£L H. Ce9iing Panels STD.���fiG C.'n.�+t� " �1�•�u1?'E �� �..�. �---� I. Other U. E1.EVATOR ENTRANC�S: ��.. I pz R�bv��L ���� n A. Frames �.J�il�MiE�..- � , N ��ua.�tG i ���v�-- _" l���v��� �'`�' B. Door Panels ..+�-. '�'�� C. Tiansoms LAGERQUIST CORPORATION REMARKS: APPROVED BY: : '�""'SZ.�Lt� U��K•�"U1J�! COMPANY: BY: ENGItvEE�r�aG oEPARTMEi`�T DATE: - .�..._._. FEB-09-'93"TUE 09:23 I D:�RGERQU I ST ELEV.-�---�•NO.:612.222 434,�� ,- #t847 P01 , . y�r .' ' -'�., .• :� ' . . . . . . •�„� �SAE..`�i:;.s • {-�'� . • ; • .�. '%!' . //�/y •; �.'�;•• , . • J . ,� � ✓/ , I .1 y�i`• � .. ' . . . ... , .. � ,.y' . � • . . . . . . . . ��O BMOREVIEIN PARK A�AD� 9T. PAUL. MN 5512�7048 /PHONE(G12�484�O:��B. fAX�812j 484fi8S5 - , .. . � .. _ ' LAOEltQUIBT �1U[ DItJDsBL�R (6ls) 4$4-0855 - . , , . � ; . : �LECO,�OVER LETTER , , I r i . � _ D��: , • . G� � To:� f � t , _ . . g ` _ •' RC�d � PAG�S IRCLUDII'�G THIS BHEET's ��t. . • � �r ,. REs • r , r ` • n — r�a�G+�..�� �`cx � . . _.._. �_��„ �_ ' . j . � � � , _ - ., , *� ��r�""r" �ji"'�/ _ �� ��� �::rG�t f � ".��- . - - � � ���� �5''0 '�- � _. .. . � � _ � i . . . � ;, � � �� ��� � .��' � . „ _ �; : � � � � � . - ,��_..�.. �� a� ; . , _ , :.. �,����� _ _ _ �Q+vMu� �sor�• rvoA�oaxor�►• sour�t otw. �nrr ��'� - ..� - ' ♦ : ,� wESTEAN WISCON8tN• NORTMEAN WYWruNQ ��'1l i'� \ �f co�+wueaa,s�,�. �eae November i l, 1992 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dick�y Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue S�uth Fdina. Minnesnta 55410 Re: Rosemount Yational Gusird Training and Cominunity Center Dear Mr. Beimont: Enciose�i please f:nd a capy of Desi� Plus Fire Procecrion Inc., le�tec quote date� Nuvember F 1, i992 ' for iten�7,� and 7B of your c�ariizcations/revisions corr�spnndencs daczd November 3, 1992 on the 3bove ref�xenceci. Addiaon�I cost ior this work as described is as iatIaws: 7A Division I - General r�quirements �z47,flp Fire protection 3.a94.00 Subtotal 3,241.40 PCL overhead and Fee as 596 162•00 Total $3,443.OQ ?B Division r - Ganeral requirements $203.OQ Fire protectioa 4.258.00 Subtota� 4,461.00 PCL overhead and fee at 5� ��; Tacal 4,0 '�'otal itern 7A an� 7B $8,087.00 If for any reason you require additional informarian or have any questions, please contact the undersigned- Yours truly, PCL Constructior� Servic�, Inc. ��r�/�� � ' �'�'" David P. Bye Project :1�lanager xc: Craig Weber File: 513n428-4-i5-41-00& 2C.21VYPFile: DPBLIl11.Q01 YCL COtiS'TRL'C1'f0Y SERVICES,L'�'C. �33�}.Jwmes Acen»�$outh.Bk�a�riagton.:Nieoe�wta 35�t31-23R1 T�':t+��G (biZ�88&9200 • Faxs(61Z}ggg..1733 � f•��V 11 "?c �5�41PP'I P C L i;GNSTRUCTI�:�N P.�%4 --; �'�- C�ESiGN �'l.tlS . , ., ., w��r�� ,`,,�,w �'p � �1 R� P RCy7�ECT���J, t,�c. 294 CE�ester Stt+e�t t61 x}'�9�-9622 SL Pavl,Minnesata S5?07 Pax t6123 292'►9685 FAX NOMSER: 622-292-96$5 ��x �s�sxssiax tt-+�_� a� � na�•—.�v ew�tne.r C�1 �.�.���:�, To• M,r-. `D a�.►-� Q,� �, ' r COMPAHY N1�tS: ��.L .�.�D�3�r�4'f�� . .. ,... :�. . �oM: _�a�f�0 N�E:sArl FQMBER OF PAGES {rne2udinq this paqE) s ��.. �'3� 'l3Q8 JECT: �OS P,r.a.�..� Arr�c,��,,� 1dESSAOE: Original to �allosa bp tn�il : ves � nrs �F �ASE �ALL 292�9622 IF YOtS DTD NOT RECE�VE ALL PAt3�S 4R �F FhGES ARE NO�`__L EC IB�F„�} . �` ��Ic?tr 11 '9c �5��1Pt� P,G L �vi:�PISTRU�TIt�N `�G�,e F.3'4� � L. � � � � �� r. 1 1 V�t �y �'� ��G . "� c� . A�ol.d S-}�,„,,(fl� "i'� roc�,h F— i 2?,� ,; � �'i O C �-� ef �" S'e H t t� -' � �t3 G7� e:. �v1t 9�� 4�+� �.,ls � SS " � � �!esv� caur}t.�,i ... 1 0.`} :� �{ ' V�C. �J�k•+!�4 ,,. �r.� p� Y (�� 2�'' F�ve l.loiC Va -- �j „t �1) �+`rt 1�oe e tac.l� Co•�,�Me�p W/ I�" �ost v j �� � rack "�rf'r , s�,•�; a,�fo•.,.�fi•�, ha�z ra�.l� � r�..l 1ex♦.» f.a noZ�ie � coifo.. 1�►....t .vW�.v C�1Yt �+osC. �t� �rr h a te � hQ�t v� , c�i� - `�C �= ,_ _....r._,=.,,,,, ��`�a Z�� ,���', ) iZi��,—' 4�.�� -�p°_.' ���;�h ��81 Z �` ��� z,.� �I�� to�e � 3093 � � �aOV 11 "?c �75�a2PM P C L LC�aSTRUCTIu�� P.�•'� �� � 2 u�� �1 b . Ad� s+�..�t ; � � �-�,�, _ , e r .`:� �o I , + S�c� F�� � � y• ��� �a .. � p s_ i � v �a E( �roe,rt ��i C,,,,�,; .,, ".�� `�l.� �� �rflave,� cp,�,l.v� � � � '�. � y ' j�,,� ��, f � �� qa '�' ��'� 'i � ��r� �.s� vz _ �� � �z� �bsc ra c�.S .. 3 32 n'- � �a� ;.� 7 a.`� tZ� �a����.}-� ,�. IgS'�' �Z.t`�$�`° Ma►ir�+�� 1 �`�'2�� La6Qr - - 9��— �s��� ��g7 � p`� � �3Q 7!� (���i !�� ������ �� ���a � n r �� �,� � � b -..� �; -�}-�� l .�.. , O�,�E�9� STATE Of MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS �, �, ,,�., �, MINNESOTA ARM1f NATIONAL GUARD Q'�.R k O FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE ��.:,.�" �� P.O.Box 3d8,Camp Ripley F• �-u:.�...�; Mr. Weber/cjw/ d � Little Falls,Minnesota 56345-0348 � � (612) 632-7571 �.�I�O� � � � . . .. . . . � . w�'�L+185gx`�y ; March 5, 1993 SUBJECT: Supplement for Construction of a National Guard Armory Facility, Rosemount, Minneaota (Project No. 8909) Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Enclose please find a copy of the contractor's proposed cost to change the finish of Corridors E201, E205, E227, and G225 from painted concrete block to Glazed Concrete Block as requested in Proposal Request #11. The city's share of this cost is $4,18T.25. The federal government and MSABC would pay for the reminder of this change. If you have any questions on the above, please contact Craig Weber at the above telephone number. S'ncerel , ne A. n Lieut nan Coldnel, IN, MN ARNG Facilitie Management Officer Enclosure Copy Furnished: MSABC - Terry Palmer 8909_l87 AN E�UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' �,�E�q. STATE Of MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MIUTARY APfAIRS �.�t��itn���1�. • MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GYARD � w G' O,�- FACIl1T1E5 MANAGEMENT OFFICE F;=w�.3_ P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley Mr. WP.��r�IIICT'3� �" .�� Z_ linle Falls,Minnesota 563d5-0348 �: (612) 632-7571 ������� �'��+iasax`�y ' March 5, 1993 SUBJECT: Authorization to Proceed, Rosemount Training and Community Genter, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 8909) Mr. Steve Belmont Ar�hur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55410-1794 Dear Mr. Belmont• Please inatruct the contractor to proceed with the following change. a. Accept substitution of Glazed Concrete Block for the specified for an add of $33,450.00 to the Owner as quoted in contractor's letter' dated March 5, 1992 (Reference P.R. #11 and CRX 26) . Zf you have any questions on the above, please contact Craig Weber at the above telephone number. � 'ncerely n A. ohnson Lieut na Colonel, Infantry, MN ARNG Faciliti s Management Officer Copy rurnished: LTC Cieslak PCL - David Bye . MSABC - Terry Palmer City of Rosemount - Steve Jilk 8909_l86 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNiTY EMPLOYER .