HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Approve Project / Order Plans & Spec's, 145th Street Reconstruction Project #235 `` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT • EXECIITIVE S'tT�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Project/Order Plans & AGENDA SECTION: Spec' s, 145th Street Reconstruction, Prj #235 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N�^�'�� � � ,�� City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � i � ATTACHMENTS: Two (2) Resolutions, Appraisals AP VED Ys 'G'�8 � � Council received the Feasibility Report for this project on J uary 19 , 1993 . The Public Hearing was held on February 16, 1993, and a second informational meeting was held on March 3, 1993 . The Public Hearing was closed with no action being taken on the 16th. However Council did inform residents that a decision would be made on March 16, 1993 . At the March 3rd Special Meeting, the following was determined: 1. Elimination of any utility line burial. 2 . Elimination of any consideration of decorative lighting. 3 . Keep Dodd Boulevard as a connecting street with Chippendale. Discussion was held regarding funding, specifically assessments and appraised values of benefits. The first set of appraisals are attached. A second "Review° appraisal will be completed and given to you by the 16th at which time we can discuss it in more detail. If Council chooses to lower an assessment for water, sewer and street to the lowest appraised benefit of $4, 300, Staff recommends that a proportion of $4, 300/$6, 192 or 69% of the calculated assessments be used for individual utility assessments where applicable. For example, a property on Chili which would have had a calcula�ed assessment of $3 ,228, which is only a residential street assessment, u�ing the "appraised° method of assessments, the assessment would be cal;culated as 69% x $3 , 228 which is equal to $2 , 227. The same method would ��be used if a property only has a water or sewer assessment. '' At its regularly scheduled meeting on Ma�rch S, 1993, the Utility Commission passed a motion reaffirming their positi�on that the 12° watermain is necessary for the entire City system and that the City should maintain its existing assessment policy of Core fund� paying only the oversizing costs of the 12" watermain. I It is Staff' s recommendation to approve '�,the project and order the plans and specifications. Brian Bourassa, P.E. f�om OSM and Staff will be available for questions. '�i RECOb�lENDED �CTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A �IRESOLUTION APPROVING 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNONIPARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS, CITY PROJECT #235 . MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ORDERINGIPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM $HANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NOR'�'H TERMINUS, CITY PROJECT #235 . COUNCIL ACTION: I 1 r I . �.. � . . I� . . � . , � . .. . � . CITY OF ROSE OUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION �993 - A RESOWTION FOR �PPROVAL OF 145TH STREET & UTILITY I PROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE, AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS CITY PROJEC #235 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Ro emount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibiJity report for 145th Street and Utility Improvemants from Shannon'Parkway to Cameo Avenue, and Chili Avenue from 145 h Street to north terminus, City Project #235; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received nd accepted the feasibility report on January 19, 1993 on City Project #235; an WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing on February 16, 1993 to receive input on the project. , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that thell City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of 145th Street & Utility lmprovements from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue, and Cf�ili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus, City Project #235. ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Cferk Motion by: Sec nded by: Voted in favor: I Votedagainst: p . I � . . . .. . . . . .. CITY OF ROS MOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MIN'NESOTA RESOWTION I1993 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS� AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AV NUE, AND CH(LI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO N RTH TERMtNUS CITY PROJE T #235 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of R semount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 145th Street & Utility mprovements, City Project #235; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received an accepted the feasibility report on City Project#235; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that th City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the i provements of the 145th Street and Utility Improvements from Shannon Parkwa to Cameo Avenue, and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus, City Pr ject #235. ADOPTED this 16th day of March , 1993. � � E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Sec nded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: , ; 03i16�93 17:48 a 612 437 061� RGCINE RPPRpISAL P.02 L�SLIE J. (LEE) RACEN�, JR., 8�tQ . . :• .. , `�.� . 2D4 Sibley Str�et,Su'rte�C1� P RAIBALS & A630C. H�stinps'Minno�ots 55d33 Ii,� C�mmerolal•f�sid�il.icd.trr.�xne [G��.]437-GDUO ��� FAX(612j 437-601G , Mar�ch lb, 1993 City �t Ro�emount A�tin: Hud Osraundson, P.E. 2B75 �45th Strest W�st P.O. Box 5�0 Ros��clpUrit, MN 55068-0510 RE: 145th ��rest West Street ReconstruGtion Dear Mr. oamundson: I have revl.ewed the appraisal r�ports furnished in zegards ta the prop4sed stree� reconstruction for the portion of 145th Street Waet. Ttems� of conc�rn that 2 riated, was the suppart�.rig c��'ta l.�cking in order far a reader to determ�ne and understand the benefi� �onolusfon. The �ppraisal r�port states a value for the bendfit, however th� process within the r�part does not clearly leAd tha reader to this canclusfan. The report within �he before and nft�r senarias uses the same three ].and sales and c�nly ad�usts the dollar amounta within �ha Uti�.�ties and Street Improvement aec�ion for each sale. No �xplana�ion ox supporting docum�ntation is shawn within the report by tbe appraiser. This inPormation may be available withir� the apprais�r notes, but was not ShdWh within the report. An optional method far �etermining "benefi�s�� woUld be to use sets vf le►nd gales (three sAl�ss in e�tch set} , one set of sales having erigfn�l st�eets 2►�d ut3lities (k�efpre) and comparing to �ales o� l.ots with new upgr�ded strea�s and impr�vements (after) . Another pracess is by "Market Abstract�.ori'�, this is the process af lacating similar :tmproved {homes plus land) pxopertfea salling, subtrac�ing tha imp�Qvements (Home construct�.an new -- minus depreciation f�r age and condition) with the result being a current land vaXue. In laaating sales in a dc�v�lopmen�k with or�g�nal s�ree�s and upgraded streets, the site val�e derived will ind�cate the amount af "benefits" receiv�d between the o�d r�nd new. A �'�.ni.e►1 Ahalysis, wh3ch �.s Consid�rad to show the most substantiating cluta would be the usa .of "paired" s�les. Th�s process �.nvalves using �► sampXe property and camparing that praperty to simi�ax prap$rties s�lling on origina�. (old�r) stre+ats anc� then camparing the same property �o similar ham�s v�emu���at: 11PPR/�ISAL INSTITUI E(�ee (�ecine) • MinneBOLe GovHrnmHnt{�I A(1pr8ise� . Minneepolis Board ot FlCALTURS bakot�,Counl,v E3o�irci pt R�A!?'OHS "I1UD" CnrLltiod Appi�t�lac�r . . � 03i16i93 17:49 $ 611 437 ee16 RACINE HPPRRISRL P.�3 r se�.iing, having u�graded stre�ts. The difference determine�, ia the �mount of "benefit" receiv�d through stxeet reconstruct�.pn. An exampie wouXd be the ��Rahn I24ad" pxo�ect flound i.n the City of EAgtt2'l. (5ur firm has bean rec�ntly hir�d by the City Attprneys Office for Eaqan ton det�rmine benefits for similar projects. The finai pra�ec� compXeted consist� of several additions in the Cedar Grove t�rea, and the final three projects whioh we ax�e completitlg at this �ime are withi.n smaller pocket developments. cedaX Grova consisted of t�pp�aximately 100d p�rc�la whfle the other three pro3eatg t�re ttpproxfmately 500. The C�dar Grave proposed pro�ect conaisted af street reoonstructian with rep�acement o� �he surfac+a, as we�.l as removal Q� �he older bituminaus curbing with replr�cement being ooncrete. M�.r►imal lateral�ewer extens ST��`:� were comple�ed w�.thin this phase. The fea�ibil�ty s .udy show�d the fmpravements to be within tihe rarige of $2200 to $3900 �nd our appraisAl$ �a�l within this r�nge. At this tim� I can not divukge �he actual dallar amaunts, but � can Btate that the apprnisttl �ails within the above mentioned range. The dollar amount sshowing fdr the 145th Stre�t West propertias, without Purther documentation, appear �o be on the h�gh side. Only after further review af adc�itional supp��rtfng infarmatf.on wou�d I be bble to determine �ny flurther �usstific�tion within the bene�it ranqe. If you have t�ny further quastions, plea�e feel free to contact our o��ice. . Sincerely, RACINE APPRAISALS ....r?.J- .�c�.. , /�'��,�.�,4, C y�,��� v"'" � Le�lie J. R�cine, J . , SRA L,7R:�ah , " _ ' . ' � �'-� � � � 1" - 100' ; , W U `� i . {�' W � � � � .. � . . . .. 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CAMEO AVENUE AND CHILE AVENUE 6 En�inrers • Architects • Planaers . su�o�,o,� RECQNSTRUCTION STREET, SIDEWALK/TRAILS AND 300 Park Plece Ceater� 57�5 Tayuta �u��.ard S T R E E T �I G H T i N G � Yinneepolis.YN 55418-1228• 812-S9S-577S ' ' � ' ' .. . 1" - 100' ' ' OUTLOT A . w . . _ . . . . . . . J Z�M P JI� ' ti � w • W _ _ z � '�,v � � W --� r anoT � -' = c�aa�rar �woirioN v�� � g � � N ' ,�° _ = cn 1 0,o-m , i : _ U W �` ,a �s Zo 2� � �o� w�r�E g ~ 5 N QN �s ^ 1G �� S�.r p .. tlf , � . /y�''� � P AR ROIt _. —. . '� � . � .. . . . y00D5 � 7ELE RISER ao HDUSE X % p57 SIGN .. �'BgU51 ,,. — -- SIGN �4AIL BOX � N�' . � ... � TELESRISE. � � �__� SIGN�_-- 81T. CURB_ f{__��GN -8----j+rt3—'pP�T u <2 « « . . � �____ ----- 1 t � i� �s�. ' PR . 1 ., S. � ————a— _��'.. •s ae +T •-- ��a�u+�r�a� � � / ------- --- — ---eo-------m„ rr -- —+-- — _ � � i — d< " ^— ------ � — — —�-----�� . ' . . �. N � . ... ——_———— � i � ——� _ i___.�— � $7�—u.-.r: � . 21 e0' wtP�Es� . . . �p_ � �cIGN _ _ —.� . . . . . 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