HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Adopt-A-Park Program CITY OF ROSEdtOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIbIl2�RY FOR ACTION CITY GOUN�IL MEETING DATE: MARCH 1 b, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: ADOPT - A PARK PROGRAM NEW BUSI E S PREPAR,ED SY: AGENDA��A ,/�, � � DAVID J . BECHTO�D / DIR . P & R IV� 'y'1' ATTAC�TTS: �P Y: DRAFT QF PRQGRAM OUTLINE., ETC . �/�� 4acelle Cordes and I wi11 be present at the Cou�mc�o Yo�t Thisfisaone of 16 , 1993 to present the Adopt - A - Park Pro9 the projects that she worked on while serving an internship with our Department last fall . 7his program was presented to the Parks & Recre��eo� aPPmova�e aWetM�e� February 22 , 1993 regular meeting and received feel that we are ready to proceed with it . The City Attorney has given us his legal opinion that the document is written in a sound manner . He has also stated that the registrat�o�nffMinnesotaesUfor�mfas well as participants is in line with the Stat other citys ° forms that he used for reference in the reviewing of Qur : dacuments . Citizens of Rosemount take a great deal °ivereachloftourrresidentsyan This program has the potential to trulY 9 opportunity to take a hands on approach to aur parks system . As we stated in a memo to the Lions Club some tims ago , " this program offers the ability to get involved with manual labor as well as in_ a monetary fashion . " The labor could naQ e of�the1ba11nfieldsEo� helping planter down town to picking rock i ta paint a park building . Monetary donatiot�s could rang� from a few dollars to that of sponsoring a park shelter , purchasing a vehicle , or a park bench . Please review t,he documents and information included with this agenda item . Your inPut and supPort is valuable to the program . NOTE= The Parks Programmer Position is a critofalustice�tobitnwithouttQ conduct tMiS program . We cannot due any sart J that additional. part time staff Person . _ RECOblMENDED ACTION: Support the Adopt -A- Park proposal apdn�o�the�Parksaoperations� Da.rector move forward to implement it i COUNCIL ACTION: ■ --- - - - _ __ _ __ _ __ " � � � i WHY: To further develop avenues for citizen involvement in their park system. To generate safe and functional facilities and programs with the use of that citizen input. To serve as a means of giving recognition to those who join together in the Adopt -A= Park concept. i�mp�lementation of the Adopt -A- Park program will begin in early April . Continuation of the program will be throughout the year � with regular evaluations conducted on a quarterly basis in March, June, September , and December . C�zen involvement will be identified through monetary as well as inkind contributions . Manetary cor��ributions wilT be received for E specific intent and auditing will assure that the intent is followed. lnkind services dealing with painting play equipment , picking trash from park , roadways, etc. will be recorded and ; evaluated. j b-�W' " arks Proarammer" will The Director of Parks & Recreation and the .p promote the Adopt -A- Park program through personal cantact with _ citizens , organizations, etc. , Promotion wi11 also be through printed medta and cable. Participants wi11 be registered at the Parks & Recreation offices . Specific guidelines, policies , and procedures will be explained. Projects will be completed with a --- coordination of time, materials, volunteers and City staff . WH : q Adopt -A- Pa�k programs conducted through the Rosemount Parks Department will be within the City of Rosemount boarder . Within � that area projects can be worked on within parks and non-park open space, city roads and- right off ways, etc . . There will be a � formal coordination of projects between var�ous departments if projects are conducted in areas other that park facilities . WHO: The Director of Parks & Recreation wiTl be assisted by the " ProaraRxner" as the main city staff inembers involved in tMe I x directing this program. Other Parks & Recreation staff will be r caTled on to assist . Cathy and Mike Busho have offered to serve as honorary citizen directors of, the program. Others will include the many volunteers who have already rnade contact to become involved when the program starts . Of a major importance is the "neighbor" living next to the park. �� A PERS4NAL G4AL OF CATHY SUSHO IS TO SUPPLY A WATER FOUNTAIN j FOR EACH OF OUR PARKS. OTHERS IN OUR CtJMMUNITY HAVE THESE SAME TYPE OF STRONG COMMITTMENTS AS ONE MEANSAOD SUPPORTKFOR THEM TOQPT -A- PARK PROGRAM W1LL SERVE ACCOMPLISH THEIR GOALS. ,� , CiTY OF Rt3SEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT : ADOPT - A - PARK PROGRAM PRC?6RAM PHILOSOPHY• 7o serve as a catafyst in providing an avenue for citizen invoivement that will generate cflmmunity pride through personal awa�eness and involvement. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: The objective of this program is to organize a community effort to clean up, beautify and develop pride in the parks and open spaces of our community. This program will generate a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for individuals and organizations who participate in assisting with`required maintenance and up grades of city parks, wildlife areas, tr�ils, road entrances and school properties. Participants in the Adopt - A - Park program wilt greatly improve the appearance ofi our community, thereby #ostering pride in our hames and family 1ife, ADAPGUID 1 1 CITY O� ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATIGIN ADOPT - A - PARK PRtJGRAM I. Pragram Structure A. Appropriate Tasks 1 . Litter Pickup 2. Raking 3. Sweeping 4, Weeding 5. Hand Trimming and Edging 6. Planting Flowers and Trees 7. Painting $. Watering Tree B. Equipment Needed 1 . Trash bags 2. Brooms 3. Rakes 4. Rags 5. Other Garden Tools 6. Paint/Paint Brushes C. The Park and Recreation Department wi11 provide trash bags, safety training materials, temporary road signs, and any other materials or supplies determined necessary by the department. D. Borrowed or unused supplies shall be returned to the Parks and Recreation Department within one week. ADAPGUI0.1 2 u. safety A. Safety training materiais should be dev�eloped to inc{ucie "safety tips" to be read each time before the volunteers go out into the parks B. Equipment for the scope of our program, gloves may be the oniy it�m needed. first Aid Kit shouid be available/supplied. C. Adequate supervision of participants 18 years of age or younger ADAPGUID.1 3 ill. Staff Responsibifity A. Inspection of parks before and after volunteer work is done wiil be completed B. Volunteer Sign Up Sheet 1. Agreement 2. Waiver Form C. Park Department wili contact group for specific jobs as they ccame up to see if group is interested, for example painting of a sheiter or planting trees that have been donated. D, Promation 1. �rochure 2. Contact list (Civic groups ect.) 3, Newspapers E. Identify Project/Proposals 1. Areas to be adopted I -site maps of each park, detailed list of aN maintenance activities to be done at each park. 2. "Ass6gn" (allocate) parks and/or projects a) assist group supervisors in making participation in the Adopt - A - Park program fun and enjoyable b) Identify the job assignments best suited for volunteers and avoid high risk assignments. ADAPGUID.1 4 F. Recagnition - recognition sign, ptaque, thank you cards, awards 1 . Coordinate publicity with the group to solicit focal media coverage. 2. Erect a sign, or otherwise recognize the groups clean up effort. The Parks and Reerea#ion Department reserves the right to� approve andlor edit names or acronyms. G. Removal of Debris 1 . Arrange to r+�move filled trash bags from the adopted park ar adopted area. 2. Arrange to remove any large, heavy or hazardous materiai #rom the adopted area. ADAPGUID.1 5 IV. Donations and Cash Cantributions A. Donate a ane time cash contribution for the purchase of flowers, a tree, shrubs or turf grass far a designated location within a park. B. Donate an annuai #ee for the maintenance and care of flower beds, planter boxes,tree(s),shrubs,turf grass,equipment, materiais and labor. C. Donate money, equipment, materials or labor to make improvements in a park or plat, or to add a new facitity such as a playground, picnic table or park bench. Elect to maintain the facility or equipment themselves, or pay an annuai fee for Parks and Recreation personnel to maintain those items as an atlded part of this process, D. Process cash donations through the Finance Department ie: Tax donations receipt inote, for per�onal tax deductions) ADAPGUID.t 6 j _ ----- V. Volunteer Group responsibilities A. The group shaN repart any vandalism and potentiai safety hazards to the Park and Recreation Department. B. Groups must furnish aN transportation for workers C. Group� shall place filled trash bags at agreed upon site ADAPGUID.1 7 Vi. Frequency ofi Program A. A commitment of one year is desired, with a twa (2} to th�ee (3) year commitment preferred. B. Litter pick up and maintenance outings should be scheduled once a month, April through October, more if desired C. Outings are recomrnended for Mondays foliowing busy weekends or days directly following holidays. D. The groups shall arrange pick up date(s) in advanced with the Parks and Recreation Department. E. Outings should take place only during daylight hours ADAPGUID.1 8 ADOPT - A - PARK SAFETY TIPS 1 . Plan Ahead 2. Review safety precautions and take them seriously. 3. Assign work teams and leaders before you begin work, and agree on a meeting place when your done. 4. Bring atong an adequate First Aid Kit. ldentify the nearest haspital and how ta get there in an eme�gency. 5. Don't over exert yourself. Bring along a supply of drinking water and take breaks. 6. Work only during daylight hours during good weather. 7. Do not crush collected trash to make more room in a bagc broken or jagged objects could cause accidental injuries. Do not put syringes or hypodermic needles in the trash bag, as they can easiiy puncture the bag and cause serious injury. Take care to dispose o# them property. ADAPGUID.1 9 �.'<- ADOPT - A - PARK (Check One) Adopt-A-Park The group agrees to assist in park improvement project for a minimum of one year. Pick-A-Park The group agrees to assist in a park improvement project for one time only. We request permissian to assist in park improvement prajects at: The City of Rosemount, Parks and Recreation�epartment reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or revise this agreement if in its sole judgement the nature of the group or its sign is political, controversial, or in questionable taste, or if the group is not meeting the terms and conditions of this agreement. By signing this agreement, the group acknowledges the hazardous nature of the work and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions herewith to the satisfaction of the City of Rosemount, Parks and Recreation Department. Except #or the negligent acts of the City of Rosemount, its agents, and employees, the volunteers or their agents shall assume �N liability for, and save the Gity of Rosemaunt, its agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims for damages, actions, or causes of action arising out of work to be done herein. Any and all volunteers of the group, or other persons while engages in the performance if any work or service perfarmed under this agreement, shalf not be considered employees of the City of Rosemount, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Gompensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party of the group's volunteers or other persons while so engaged on any af the work or services to be rendered, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City of Rosemount. Name of Group : NameofGroupRepresentative Signature Phone Address City State Zip ADAPGUID.1 10 ADOPT -A- PARK DONATION RECEZPT FORM SPON50RING GOVERNMENTAL UN,�T= TAX EXEMPT NUMBER= DEPAR�'MENT: TYPE OF OONATION: (CASM - ) fEOUIPMENT - ) DETAIL OF TYPE OF DONATION . INCLUDE PURPOSE , INTENT OF USE, AREA THE DOLLARS OR EDUIPMENT ARE TO BE DESIGNATED- NAME OF CONTRTBUTING PERSON ANq/OR QRGANIZATION:_ NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ADDRESS: ' �OVERNMENTAL OFFICIAL RECEIVING CONTRIBUTION: DEPARTMENT HEA�: -- SIGNATURE & TIT�.E FINANCE OFFICER: SIGNATURE & TITLE ADOPT - A - PARK * Donations of specific items and/or cash WHY $E INVOLVED � to be used in conjunction with City PItOGRAM DESCRIPTIUN funding to further enhance the City * Park up k�p is very expensive: Your facilities and amenities. help will save tax dollars and allow Chis programs intent is to organize a maintenance,crews to devate time and �ommunity effort to clean ug, beautify and effort to other important projects. (evelop pride in the parks and open space of �ur community. This program will-generate a * Vot�nteer efforts help make afe and enjoyable atmosphere for individuals R,ECREATION IS TI� improvements which otherwise may not �nd organizations who partieipate in assisting NAME OF �'HE be possible. vith required maintenance and up grades of ��� ity parks, wildlife areas, trails, road entrances * Taking ownership in a city park or nd sch�l properties. Participants in the open area gives everyone a sense of \dopt-A-Park program will greatly improve pride in their pazk or community. he appearance of our community, thereby o�tering pride in our homes and family life. � . PROGRAM OBJECTIVE � * Adopt-A-Park is open to community groups, civic arganizations, churches, CITY OF RQSEMOUNT families and individual citizens for a minimurn period of one (1) year. w�L PROVIDE; Commitrnents may be for a longer * Trash bags, safety training materials, term, preferably two to three years. temporary road signs and any other •• * Park sites are chosen on a first come ' materials or supplies deemed necessary. first serve basis , * Arrangements to remove filled trash * Suggested task include litter pickup, bags, and any large, hea.vy or raking, planting flowers and trees, haza�-dous material from the adopted painting hackey rinks a.nd picnic tables, ' area:. watering trees, etc. H4W DO WE GET INVOLVED? * Recognition of the groups efforts. * Park Improvement outings should be Contact the Rosemount Pazks and Recreation scheduled once a month, April through * Coverage of the groups efforts in the Depa.rtment at 423-4415 and tell them you are Qctober, more if desired. locai newspaper. interested in the Adopt - A - Park program. ADDITIONAL Ili'�TTFORMATIUN * An agreement will be signed by the �rouP supervisor, on behalf af the ADOPT - A - PARI�. �rou�. PRO GRAM * The group sha11 arrange Park ' Improvement project dates with the Pazks and Recreation Department in ; advance. * The Parks and Recreation Departrnent will notify groups of any spacial � projects which. may be of interest to ` : them. � '� � , ,, * All Participants under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult. . * Plan the day's events giving the group plenty of time to work, talcing breaks ' and not over-exerting the participants. � r � s t . WELCOME TO „�ccm i�u ROSEMDUNT°s PARxs ROSEMUUNT ` PARKS AND RECREATION � m TREE CITY USA