HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.g. Authorize Hiring of Barr Engineering for USPCI Coal Ash Request . , City of Rosemount � Executive Summary for Action City Couneil Meeting Date: March 16, 1993 Agenda Item: Authorization to hire Baxr Ageada Sectioa: Engineering for USPCI Coal NEW BUSINESS Ash Request Prepared By; Lisa Freese, Agend Director of Planning ��� � � � Attacha►ents: Barr Engineering Proposal; Appr ed y- Rezoning Petition. �i�- USPCI has submitted a petition to revise the Zoning Ordinance in order to allow the disposal of coal ash from power glant facilities. The evaluation af this requ�st by the City Council and Planning Commission involves the review of technical information pertaining to coal ash. Staff is recommending that Barr Engineering be hired to provide technical assistance in the review of this request. Barr Engineering has proposed a scope of services and cost estimate for this assistance. Mr. Tom Radne, PE, an engin�er with extensive experience in ash disposal would provide this assistance. The estimated cost of services is $1, 830 . Staff is also recommending that USPCI be required to reimburse the City' s costs for these services. This request is essen�ially a change in the Interim Use Permit (TUP) and is ove� and above normal monitoring and administrative costs of the City. Recommended Action: A MOTION to authorize Barr Engineering to provide technical services as outlined in the March 12, �993 letter from Barr Engineering and to request that USPCI reimburse the City for said expenses. City Council Action: 03/16193.003 t � � . . � � . : � �. arr Engineenng Company 8300 Nprman Center Drive Minneapolis,MN 55437-f026 Phone: (612)832-2600 Fax: (612)835-Oi86 March 12, 1993 Ms. Lisa Freese Planning Director City of Rosemount P.O. Box 514 2875 145th StrQet west Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Re: USPCZ Request to Accept Coal Ash Dear Ms. Freese: As a follow-up to your phone conversation with Gordy Meyer on March 11, 1943, Barr Engineering has prepared a cost estimate for assisting the City with ' review of €he USPCI request for C'ity approval to accept coal ash at the Minnesota Industrial Waste Containment Facility. The fol.lowing list provides a summary of the work tasks anticipated, the esti.mated number of hours xequired for each work task, and the associated cos�. TASK HOURS COST Review USPCI Application, "White 6.0 $480 Paper" and Waste Acceptance Plan . Discussions with USPGI 2.0 $16Q Prepare Summary Report of Review 4.0 $320 Findings, Issues and Recommendations Attend Meeting with �ity Staff on 3.0 $240 _ Summar Re ort Attend Plannin Commission Meeting 3.0�1� $240 Attend City Council Meeting 3.0�1j $240 Materials and Expenses $150 TOTAL COST $1,830 �1�Includes 2.4-hour meeting time plus 1.0 hour travel time. The nurnber of hours and associated costs indieatefl above are based on the following understanding of project requirements 'and work. ! T Ms. Lisa Freese March 12, 1993 Page 2 ' Barr will review the USPCI Applieatian, "White Paper, " and Waste Acceptance Plan to be provided to Barr by the City. Barr will also review the current Waste Acceptance Flan. Provisions have been included to allow limited discussions with USPCI to clarify preliminary questions/issues. Barr will prepare a brief report to the City summarizing review findings, potential issues that may be of concern to the City, and recommendations for City consideration. Barr will meet with City staff to discuss the report, and will attend one City Planning Commission meeting and 4ne City Council meeting to provide input as requested to assist the City in its deliberation. Barr proposes that Tom Radue complete the work. His current billing rate is $80 per hour. A recent resuine summarizing the qualifications and experience for Tam is attached for your reference. The Gity will be billed for the actual number of hours used, not to exceed the number of hours proposed without prior authorization from the City. If the City requests additional work, that assistance can be provided according to Barr's fee schedule, a copy of which is enelosed. The costs of the additional assistance will depend upon the nature � and scope of the request. We understand that one coal ash stream being considered by USPCI is from the 3M Chemolite facility. We want to make you aware that Barr has in the past provided technical review to 3M with regard to an on-site ash disposal facility � at the Chemolite facility. However, the project was not pursued by 3M and we are not currently assisting 3M with management of that ash. We have discussed this with 3M and they see no problems with Barr providing the identified services to the City. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please feel free to contact Tom Radue at 832-2871 or Gordy Meyer at 832-2726. Sincerely, �G/2�''z``E'J - tC�c�~���,,,(�------- Thomas J. � adue, P.E. ��- �--�u��.-,..e., _ Da1e L. ,Wikre vice President TJR/DLW/tmk Enclosure 00\03\OQ3\LF.LTR � Barrr �� �993 Fee Schedule Principal Engineer/Scientist' $90-140 Senior Engineer/Scientistl $65-95 Engineer JScientistl $45-60 Technical Writer ' $40-55 Technician2 $25-65 � Librarian/InformationSpecialist $25-60 Support Servi�e' $20-55: Any amount not paid within 60 days of the date of the invoice shall beaz interest from the date 10 days after the date of the invoice at a rate equal to the Iesser of 18 percent per annum or#he highest rate allowed by applicable law. A five percent(5%),mark-up will be added to subcontracts for professipnal and construction serviees (such as technical consuItants,well driller,soil exploration firms,and testing laboratories)to cover overhead expenses. ' ' Includes biologists,chemists,hydrogeotogists,geotogist;,industrial hygienists,soil scientists, meteorologists,artd other environmental scientists. , = Includes sarveyors,draftess,CADD operators,watex quality sampters,computer spexialists, safety technicians,interns,and data mana�ement techniCia:u. 1 Includes word processing,report produttion,and other'tlerital. c n ' I TxO�s j. x1wvE � Professianal Engineer E�eriencec Mr. Radue joined Barr with five years of experienoe at other consulting firms. His background emphasizes environmental, geotechnical, and structural engineering, especially as they relate to IandfilLs,#oundations, retaining structures, and subsurface explorations. Samples of his work at Bazr follow: • Project manager for the expansion design and permitting of Northern States Power Company's Unit No. 3 ash landfill at their Sherco plant in Becker, Minnesota. • Participated in a project for Minnkota Power in North Dakota involving an existing ash disposal area. The project team reviewed the exrsting facility design, recommended modifications, and designed intermediate drainage layers to collect leachate, and an evaporation pond to dispose of leachate. ALso prepared conceptual designs and a preliminary permit application for a future ash disposat site. p • Provided extensive services for the Burnsville Sanitary Landfill, Minnesota, to help the owner obtain an updated permit. Specific accomplishments: - Prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet for a horizontal landfill expansion. - Prepared plans and specifications for a composite liner consisting of a high-density polyethylene membrane aver c1ay, a leachate collection system, and double-containment piping. - Developed an operations manual that optimizes the life of the land�ll, and developed closure and post-closure care plans to minimize future environmental impacts. Also developed final cover plans for the landfill. - Prepared a contingency action plan outlining specific procedures to follow in an emergency at the tandfill, such as fire, explosions, severe erosion, and #ailure of the leachate collection system. • Design engineer for awazd-winning development at the Winana Sanitary Landfill {199Q}. The project involved the state's very first double compasite liner system, required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agen�cy for an existing land�xll in karst terrain. The design has two composite clayiflexible membrane liners and two leachate eollection systems. • Managed preparation of construction plans and specifications and a construction documentation report#or a composite lined refuse derived fuel ash iandfill in Becker, Minnesota, Barr Engineering Company• 83t10 Norn�an Center Driae • Minntapolis,MN 55437• 61'2/832:2b1)0 Thomas j. Radue (cont.) Prior to joining Barr, Mr. Radue worked for over three years as a project engineer with a consulting firm in Wiscansin. While pursuing his education, he gained two years of experience as a geotechrucal engineer, s�hucrural inspector, and laboratory technician with a third consulting firm. Highlights of this experience follow: • Prepared plans and specifications for several industrial solid waste landfills in Wiscansin and Michigan. Waste types included paper sludge and ash. This experience included clay ar►d synthetic landfirl liners, leachate collection systems, groundwater gradient contral systems, and final cover systems. Work included compliance with Wisconsin and Michigan Solid Waste Rules and negotiations with state r�gulatory agencies. • Evaluated leakage characteristic$ of a papermilt sludge landfill in Michigan using collection lysimeters and flow meters to determine leakage rates; and conductivity probes, suction lysimeters and discrete samplers to determine time and depth dependent chemical characteristics of the leachate. • Developed site exploration plans and supervised subsurface explorations and field and laboratory soil testing. Experience includes preparation vf soil boring logs, classificatian of soil samples, assignment of laboratory tests, evaluadon of soil test data, and preparation of foundation design reports. � Designed foundations, sheetpile and rigid retaining structures, and geotextile reinforced dikes for various commercial buildings and industria3 projects. ', � Executed all phases of reinfarced and precast co�crete construction inspection at the HI3H Metrodome in Minneapolis. Also coordinated on- site soil density testing. ' .__ � � ring, University of Wisconsin, 1985 � B.S., Civi1 Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 1982 Regi�tration: Civil Engineer: MN, WI Membershins: American Society of Civil Engineers, Barr Enginetring Campany• 8300 Norman Center Drir�e • Minneapolis, MN 55437• 613/832 260� U I � A S�u���'�of ,, Union Pa Corporation March 5, 1993 Mr. Stephan Jilk Ciry of Rosemount ' 28"T5 - 145th Street West P.O. Box 5 i0 Rosemaunt, Mn 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: USPCI, Inc. is requesting an amendment ta the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance text to allow the acceptance of coal ash at the Mannesota Industrial;Containment Facility (MICF�. LTSPCI is making this request because it believes that caal ash is a non-hazardous industriail waste of the type that MICF was designed to ef€ectively contain with no harmful effects to the environment. As you recall, the pertinent portions of the zoning ordinance were written while there was debate over the permitting of the Dakota County Resource'Recovery facility. There was concern that a State-of-the-Art Iand Disposal facility such as,the MICF might be used for municipal in�inerator ash disposal if the incinerator was eonstructed. The City taok steps to alleviate this public concern, with the support of USPCI, by excluding ash from municipal waste incineration or resource recovery from being accepted at non-hazaxdous industrial waste facilities in Rosemount. -- USPCI understands the intent of the ordinance to prevent ash from municipal waste combustion, generated at incineratars and same power plants such as NSP's Red Wing facility, from beirtg sent to the MICF. Ash from coal-burning power plants, however, has beneficial properties that are desirable in the chemistry of containment cells. In many areas, coal ash is used as a salidification agent to bind liquid waste prior taw dispasal. Coa1 ash is currently being disposed of at other facilities in Dakota County. Und�r NIICF's Waste Acceptance Pian, any coal ash that is accepted at the facility must undergo the same rigarous sampling and testing procedures that any other waste must undergo prior to acceptance. USPCI feels that this is a waste stream that may be l�eneficially re-used at the facility as a cover material inside the cell, with appropriate approvals from the MPCA and Dakota County. M'rnnesota Industrial Containment Facility 13425 Caurthouse Boulevard • Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 • 612I438-1500 • Fax 612/438-i 549 Amendment Request i page two USPCI requests that the definition vf non-hazardous industrial waste in the Rvsemount Zoning Ordinance be amended as follows: Delete: Non-hazardous waste shall not inciude: incinerator, resource recovery or power plant ash, or by-product from the pracessing or recycling of such ash;.,. Insert: Non-hazardous waste shall not include: ash generated by waste incinerators or waste resource recovery facilities that burn municipal solid waste, or by-product from the pracessing or recyciing of such ash;. . . We have enclosed a completed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Petition with the required � fee. We will be contaeting you to determine what else needs to be completed in order to expedite this amendment. Please call if you have any questions regarding this request or if you � have suggestions on how to proceed. Sincerely, Rex Kraft Facility Manager RK/dd enclosures: Zoning Ordinance Test Amendment Petition and Application Fee cc: Bill Shea Ken Jackson Don Chapdelaine Liane Hetherington-Ward Jim Gaughan Barry Schade Mike Mites Lisa Freese r . - - . } No: �Date: City of Rosemount ZON/NG ORD/NANCE TIXT AMENDMEM PETITIOIY APplicant: USPCI, Inc. Phone: 438-1500 Adtiress• 13425 Courthouse Bivd. � STATUS OF APPUCANT: X Uwner Buyer Lessee OTHER: L�CATION: �ot Block . Addition Street Address: 13425 Courthouse Blvd. Metes & Bounds Descriptlon Attached: Yes Survey or Piot Plan Attached: Affected Section(s): �l REASON FOR REQUEST: �. USFCI wauld �ike to accept non-hazardous ash fran the combustion of c;oa1, while keeping in place the prohibition', agai.nst municipal solid waste incinerator ash. 2. 3. Signature of AppiicanL• FO OFFICE USE ONLY ApPlication received by: ` Date: 4�(..�s�----���„�,�� o�o Fee: $ .3C`� __ How Paid: �- #� � Date: � Planning Commission Action: Dare: e . .. . � USPCI MICF Site Legal Description A tract of land lying in Sections 19, 20 and 29, Township 115N, Range 18W, all in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, commencing at the SW corner af the East 1/2 of the 5outheast 1!4 of said Section 19; thence East and Southeasterly along the centerYine of County Road 38 to its intersection with the North and South quarter sectian line of Section 29; thence North along said North and South � quarter section line of Section 29 and the North and South quarter ' section line of Section 20 to the southwesterty right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway 55; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly right-of-way line of said Hiqhway 55 to its intersection with the centerline of the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company right-of-way; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said right-of-way to its intersection with the West line af the East 1!2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 19; thence South along said West line to the point �f comme�cement. ''�� MEETING SCHEDULE MARCH - - �APRIL, 1993 Monday, March 15 7:30 pm Parks & Recreatior,. Committee Tuesday, March 16 5 :30 pm Port Authority Work Session 7:30 pm Regular City Couneil Meeting Wednesday, March 17 7:00 pm Downtown Scoping Committee Thursday, Ma.rch 18 6 :30 pm Council/Department Head Meeting Monday, March 22 6 :30 pm LMC/Commissions Workshop Tuesday, March 23 5 :00 pm Planning Commission Wednesday, March 24 7:00 pm MVTA - Burnsville Tue�sday, April 6 5:30 pm Port Authority Meeting � 7:30 pm Regular City Council Meeting ,Wec�esday, April 7 7:00 pm Downtown Scoping Committee �-._ Monday, April 12 6:30 pm Utilities Commission ' Tuesday, April 13 5 :00 pm Planning Commission City Council Meetings ist & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. . Fort Authority ist & 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. MVTA 4th Wednesday, Burnsville, 7 pm Parks & Recreation Comm. 3rd Monday, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission 2nd & 4th Tuesday, at 5:00 p.m. Utilities Commission ist Monday after lst Tues. , 6:30 p.m. USPCI Trust Fund 2nd Thursday, 4: 00 p.m.