HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Community Center Project - Move Up Schedule ; r . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUN�SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEdl: COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT AGENDA SLCTION: MOVE UP SCHEDULE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGENDA � CITY ADMINISTRATOR ��� � � � ATTACI�IENTS: MEMO RO BY , ��f �� In the past several weeks the contractor on the Armory/Community Center project has been working with the City' s architect and I to develop a final price for completing the City' s arena at an earlier date than the rest of the project. The City had requested and received a quotation from the contractor for their cost to complete the arena by December 15, 1993 , rather than February 6, 1994 . This cost estimate was $51, 297. 00 . The City then had a private cost analyst review contract documents and constructive schedules and he provided a cost estimate of $10, 000 .00 max. The contractor and the cost analyst took two different approaches to estimating the work and costs associated with this earlier completion and thus, two widely spread cost estimates. In the ensuing weeks we have asked the contractor to review his costs, work with his subcontractors and come back with a better price. We conducted an analysis of what our cash flow would be in the operation of the arena, using the preliminary budget put together back in October for the arena. Based on that budget we expected to lose some $28, 000-$30, 000 net income by not having the arena available on December 15th rather than February 6th. On Wednesday, March lOth, the contractor returned his final cost proposal to complete the early construction and that estimate is $28, 587.00 . This proposal requires the City to do a couple of additional items, i.e. snow removal from the site after December 15th and heating the entire building after December 15th. Based on this cost proposal and our own cost analysis I would recommend your approval of this change order for early completion. RECObmIENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER REQU�ST #2C.13 IN AMOUNT OF $28, 587. 00 FOR WORK TO BE COMPLETED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARMORY AND COMMLTNITY CENTER TO ALLOW THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ARENA BY DECEMBER 15, 1993 COUNCIL ACTION: , � To:Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers:Klassen,�Staats, Willcox and Wippermann - � -�ti, From: Stephan Jilk �r ����� �. '� RE:Communit Cente� C� le ion Y P Arena Completion Moveup and Cost Implications When the Armory and Community Center project was bid in Septemeber of 1992 the low bidder, PCL Construction Services, indicated that they could complete the construction of the community center and the multi-purpose arena by December 1, 1993 . This was acceptable to the city of Rosemount. There was no written agreement to this affect as the contract, under the guidlines of the State of Minnesota, did not allow for specific dates for completion other than a final completion time of 450 days from the date that the contractor was given the "order to proceed" . Because of an appeal from another bidder on the project as to the decision to award the contract to PCL the order to proceed was delayed for about a month. Because of this delay the contractor could no longer commit to the completion of the arena by December 15th and, in fact because of the time of the year, an even later date was envisioned which would simply coincide with the final, overall completion date of the project being February 5, 1994 . In the f inancial proj ections for the revenue portion of the proj ect we projected that there would be some income in 1993 , with, of course, offsetting expenses . The projections indicated a net income of somewhere between $28, 000 and $30, 000 . for 1993 from the operation of the arena. In discussing the possibility of completing the arena portion of the project earlier than February 5th, 1993 , with the contractor, the State and the architect it was suggested that the contractor could not provide an earlier date with cost to the contractor and the owner (city) . The contractor was asked to provide a proposal for this early completion. That proposal was provided on January 28th. The costs associated with that proposal were $51, 297. The major portion of those costs were in the area of winter conditions,` subcontractors labar costs and extended warranty costs . The City council then authorized the hiring of a cost analyst to review potential costs and what app�oach he would take in completing the arena earlier. His cost estimate was $7000 . to $10000 . A different approach was taken by the two. One looked at commencing the work on the arena earlier and revising the entire schedule, the other looked at simply overlapping certain tasks later in the project completion timeline. At this point the contractor, subcontractors, architect and owners met to discuss the ability to reduce the $51,297. On March 1Oth the contractor provided a final estimate whieh reflects those diseussions and efforts. The final estimate is now reduced to $28, 587. . This would be actual, out of pocket expense for the city to complete the arena by the December 15, 1993 date. In addition to the $28, 587. the City would also be responsible for heating the building from December 15th on and for snow removal from that date on. These would be additional costs to the city but most of that cost would not be above ordinary costs associated with the operation of the facility. Some of it would be since the City would not ordinarily be paying the cost of all the heat in the building or totally responsible for snow removal on the entire site. For this 6-7 week period the contractor would normally be responsible for these items until the project is totally accepted. The contractor has given the city credit for the dollar amount he had included in his costs for those items. This is reflected in his proposal . I would estima.te that the real, additional costs, associated with the heat and snow removal would be about $4000 . above our ordinary costs. The total estimated costs then for the early completion of the arena, including the contractors change order, will be $32, 000 . . This is higher than the expected net revenue that we are projecting for the time period that we are recouping for use. If we could guarantee that the only ice revenue we would lose by not opening on December 15th would be those 6-7 weeks I may suggest not moving ahead with this change. But, as mentioned before I believe we may lose additional revenue later in the 93-94 season because of this delay in ability to book ice time. With that in mind I would recommend that the Council approve change order #2C. 13 in the amount of $28, 587. for the early completion of the arena portion of the center project. These funds would come from the arena construction fund. I would also recommend that the operating revenue from the arena be reviewed at the end of 1993 and if sufficient funds are available to reimburse the construction account then those funds should be transferred from the operating account to the construction account. � . _. _.- - - -- -- �- �� -- � --� ' � r. �,� ._� Poat-IY"brand fax transmittal memo 76Tf �of Peye9 . To rom �'"�. tY�� 14 �i .,��Gr /J'✓ � 0. , CO. �� � . ��Gwr. � �J4��V�1��r 1T� r �� . ' Dept. one N y � � l�l''� r�~ ~ V . Fax# Fax M L � � . � � � . . . "._'s:5 4 �/ ��'"�.h, Coneeruet�en S�ne�1908 "� 'viarch l�, 1993 I�ir. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects �930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 5�4I0 Re: Rosemouat Nattonal Guard Training end Community Center C.O.R. 2C.1� (Revised} Dear. Mr. Belmont: V�'e are in receipt af your correspondence dated O1/QS/93 and Qllabl93 rzquesting pr�cing for an accelzrated 9ce arena substantial compl�tion date from 0?/OS/94 to lz/1S193 oa the above referanced. After review of the proposed changa and fiarther discussions we have a cost impact of $28,587 for C.O.R, 2C.13 (revised). Enclosed for your review p}ease find detail supportin;this cast impaet. ' General PCL pollcy requires that no work is to proceed on any chang� untii wtittzn authorization to proc�i is r�ceived. If you would like PCL to proceed with this work, ptease notify rhis office in writing. By capy of this correspondence we noti"ry the State of Minnzsota and the City of Rosemount of th� same. This quotation is sub}ect to revisi�n unle;s accepted u�ithin 7 days from the date of t,'�is quotation an�the attached clarifications. If for znJ rezson you reqair� addi:ior.al ir.formation or have any questions regarding the aforementionec�, please con,act the ur�dersigned, Yours truly, PCL Construction Ser�•ices, Inc. ,� r • �� �G� r.� ...t'.,...,�.c..,/ 1 . /� ' —^' � David P. Bye Project Manager Attachment xc: Steve JiIk, Crai� �Vebar, File: 51304?8 - 2C.13 (re��ised} WPFil2: DPBL2C.:3 {revised3 FCL CONSTRi;CTIO\`SER�7CES, I:�E. 93301emes Avenue South, Bioami�ton,A�ancuoca 55a31-Z3$1 Teiepttone: (6121888A20Q � Faxi(6121 8R8-1733 . - - — -- - -- -- r.c � CLARIF�CATIONS C.O.R. 'ZC.I3 - ACCELE�tAT'�b ICE RINK SCHEDULE i. The Ciry of Rosemount shalt be responsible for heating and electrical consumption costs eff�ctive December 15, 1�93 for ttte entire faciliry -Rosemount National Guard Training and Cornmunity Center. PCL credit has been included within pricing. 2. PCL will provide an extended warranty on mechanical (boiler and air handling equipment). Associated costs have bzen 9ncluded within pricing. 3. We�ther related expens�s are considered tump sum. 4. The City of Rosemount w91}be responsible for snow removal effective Deeember 15, 1993. PCL shall remove snow as required for parking and access prior to Dzcember 15, 1993. 5. We clarify that future changes in scope and cantra�t may impact the December I5, 1993 substantial comptetion date made part of this C.O.R. - 2C.13 quotation. 6• The City of Rosemount shali be responsible for operatin$ and main�ainin� mechanical and electrical systems. Specificaify included herein is the boiler system. 7. pCL will be responsibt� far fiiter maintenance and changes for the air handling system when contansinated by consuuction related activities. PCL CQP�tSTRUCTIOI'd SERVICES, INC. disb•ict Ofiicu Project: Natior►at Guard Armary F3loomin�tfln, ►�Ain�sota pid Date : �/i�7j33 Location: Ro�erroaunt, Minnesota CStiiilate Time: Estimate#: 513Q42a 2C.13 {Revised) �,��.: d.P_g� Date: 3/10J83 � Cast Lab�r Manhours t�abor Cast Mater3ai Cost Subtrar.ie Coxt Total Cocle Descri�tion Quarrtlty O Prod Totat Ralte Totaf Unit Totai Unit Tatal Direct Cost � � GEN. EXPEI�SE SITE E}Cf�ENSE � SURVEIflNG OfS 1 LS O.QttO 4 O.UO 0 300.p0 30� fl.00 0 300 ; 7EMP HOARDIFtG 450 S� 0.0[f0 O 0.00 0 425 t913 O.QO a 9913 TEMP ELEC 2 MO OAC�O O 0.00 0 $5.00 rt70 a 170 � FflRKLIFT 2 MU O.adO 0 O.QO 0 530.00 1060 0 1460 ' M1SC EQUIP REl�lTAL 2 MO O.a00 0 0.00 0 300.fl0 600 13 60p DRAF7ING i2 MH 1.080 12 42.00 504 0.00 0 p 54.4 FUREMAN 3 MO 70.U{FO 210 34.65 7277 0.40 0 a 727� CASUAL O.T. 1300 MH 0.Q40 52 15.60 811 O.t10 0 0 811 CLOSE-CTUT 10 MN 1.004 i0 35.00 354 0.00 q 0 3,5p BONDSIPEAh11lTS BUNDS-PCL 2800d $M U.O�f}{) 0 0.0�0 U O.00Z 56 0 56 BUNDS-SUBC 28000 SM U.OUO 0 U.QD 0 0.002 56 0 56 BLDR RiSK INSURE 28000 ;AA O.00tI 0 0.00 0 0.001 28 0 28 PL1PD INSURE 28000 sM O.00O 0 0.U0 0 4Al2 336 0 33G � �M 4.00Q 0 0.00 0 O.IXIO 0 0 p . . .. :: . . �.>«'$�»:<;,;.�..�`.:,;,�:.�:` LS 2&4 8942 A519 0 13451 1�4fEATHER EXPENSE � � st�ow AEMovar� � t.,s o.000 o a.00 o z000.00 zoao o.00 0 2Qoa RIP FR�ZEN GROUND 1 LS 0.040 0 0.00 0 18d0.00 1800 Q.00 0 1800 . HEAT/PRCI7'-Fi�G 1 ES �O.OQO 50 32.15 1648 1400.d0 1400 0 3008 `' � Page 1 � RCL C�P�STt�UCTION SEHVICES, 1(VG. uistrict Clffico Project: Natiorra�l Guard Armory E3loomington. lNinnesata 8Id Da�o : 3/10/3S Locaiion: Rasomount, Ntinnesota Estimate Tirno: Estirnaie�: 51304Z8 ?.C.13 {Revised� Est�rnator. D.P.E3y+� Oate: 3It OJ�►3 Cost t�bar �1lanhours Labor Cosf Materia! Cost Subtracio Ca�t Tota! Caie Qe�.,criptiat� Quantity Q Prod Total l�at� Total Unit Totat Unit Totr�t Qirect Cost a LS O.U�(h0 0 Q.QO 0 0.00 � 0 O . > , � .; �s 5a �sos �zoa o saoa cawcflErE W�NTER HEAT CONC 150 CY 0.004 0 0.00 0 3.50 525 4 525 PIIMPtNG i50 CY 0.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 625 938 938 A�MIXTURES i 50 CY 0.000 0 0.04 � 1.75 2&3 U 263 $ ::x�' �,;t,r �..S 0 0 T68 J38 172G MISC LAYQUT t lS ti0.00Q t0 33.a0 330 50.00 50 d.0a 0 380 POSTAGE 1 LS Q.OUO 0 O.Op U 25.00 23 a.25 0 25 CflURIEfl SERV 3 l4M0 0.000 U 0.00 0 25.00 75 0.00 �0 75 o �s o 0 0 o.a, o 0 > , %;�'�.,}�;r�s< � �s io sso �so o aao . ° � ' ". 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SUBCflNTRACTS ea�n-twofltc � ts o.00a a o a a.00 0 0 anasoNaY � �s o.00� o 0 0 � ��sa.o� 2aso 2zso . ICE RINK 1 LS 4.004 0 q 0 0.00 0 0 Page 2 , F'GL CC�NSTRUCTIaN SERViCES, tNC. �istrict Ofiics Project: National Guard Armay D1�rno�ningtnn, Mennosota Sid Da#e : 3;1 AJ93 Locatlon: Rosemount, Mi�nesota EStit�7at� Time: Estimate#: 513f3428 2C.13 (Revived} Estima#or. D.P.Bye Date: 3j10l33 C� L.aboir Manhours L.a6or Cacst Materia! Cost Subtrade Cos# Tota! Cocie Qescriplian Ctuantity O Prod Tatal �iate To#al Unit Tofia! Unit ' Total Qirect Cost � p p 0 2260 2.260 M ECHANiCAL ��� P�on�cT � �s a o o u.00 o a f-iYAC/PLUMB/TEMP 1 LS 0 0 0 7161.00 71fi1 7167 WlNT£R HEAT-COFtSUME � LS 0 0 -3625.00 -3625 Q.OQ 0 -3fi25 � 0 `�> L5 O 0 -3625 7161 3536 :t. ELECTRICAL Etectricai SubcoMractor 1 l.S 0 0 0 485U.OQ 465Q 4850 EteCtricai - +Co�nsumption 1 LS O U -325.00 -325 Q.O� 0 -325 �<, LS O 0 -325 4850 4525 ;�,•,. >.<-, .>::.<_ > .. .��:;: LS 0 0 -3950 14271 1032i 1032.1 11353.1 n s2 ��,,> 28587 . . - rw:3::1. � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � . . . � .. . . . � . . I Page 3