HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Fire Station Referendum � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUt�II+iARY F�R ACTI4N GITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE STATION REFERENDUM AGFsNDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA��� � � � ATTACffi�iENTS p MEMO, RESOLUTION APP -. ' !i- �//...t.../ Z%t_---� c On May 4th, 1993� the City will hold a special election for the purpos'e of considering the issuance of debt for the construction of a new fire station and the purchase of a new aerial fire truck unit. The May 4th date has already been established by the Council. The citizens committee, along with the Fire Department personnel that are working on the project and the team from the architectural firm of Boarman, Kroos, Pfister and Associates has completed major tasks in tYiis planning and approval process. They have completed a preliminary design concept for the building, specifications for the new fire �ruck, cost estimates for these items and a process to deliver the information of the' p�oposed project to the community. That work has brought forth a recommendation on the cost of the project and the way the ballot question should be put to the voters. Their recommendation is to provide one question to the public on May 4th to approve or not approve the borrowing of funds for both the construction o� the station and the purchasing of the fire truck. A resolution, setting out the potential costs and the form of the ballot is attached for your consideration. Adoption of this resolu�ion will allow for the use of one question including hoth items and set the cost of the entire project at $3 ,400, 000 . Additionally, the committee is recommending that the public education part of this process begin with use of brochures, informational meetings and finally a public meeting to be held by the city council on Apri1 26, 1993 . Additional information is provided in the attached memo on the specific cost breakdown and information to be provided to the community. RECOI�NIENDED ACTION: Motion #1 Motion to adopt Resolution 1993- , a Resolution calling for a special election to consider the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the Construction of Municipal Buildin�s and The acquisition of a new aerial platform truck. Motion #2 Motion to call for a special council meeting for 4-26-93 . COUNCIL ACTION: . March 16, �993 . � C'rtyyr of Rbsemour�t � ... 2$75145th Street V'Vest � RQsemount, MN 55068 R�: Fir� Station Referendum � � � aecommendatlans of the G�tlzens Advisary Comm�ttee � DEAR MAYQR AND CITY CaUNCIL, � . t�n beha�f of Baarman Kroas Pfistar&Assaciatss, l would like to express our appreciation to the Citizens Advisory Gommittee and the ���' rStaff tar thsir e�#orts ar�d cvntribution to the �ire Stat�on Ref�ar�ndum process. The+r in�ut and dedicatlon tv this project serves yaur community well. . �ACKGRO� The Gity af Rosemount� in !ts endeauor to address the demands for Improv�d fire � and rescue s�rvlce i�th$community, conducted a'F'ire S#�ation Lncation Study ln, . 1988 to raview the adsquacy of#he Gityr's fire protection servlc�s. The study, camp{eted by an independent consuRarrt, �onciuded that Rosemo�nt's current and future flre pratection needs could best be served by a new centrai ststion —_�____ � located in the western urbanized area o#the City. This certtralized 4oca�on �liaws fr��ighters to arrive at the�tation faster and considerably incrsases respanse tlme to any area of ttre Grt' y !t aiso significanily imprc►ves flre caverags in the most urban western portions ai�the Ctty. ln 1990, a Citizens Advisory Committee wa�formetl to assist the G'[ty In a comprehensive evaluet�on of shart and lang term $pacs naeds far a]i City . faciiitles. lt was th� cansensu� and recommendation by the Cftixens Comm�te� . that the City's Fire Staa�ion ne�ds to be giv�n fir.�t priority. Th� Cfty then anafyzed a number of poterrtial s�te options within the strate�lc res onse area for a n�rnr�tat6on based on lacativn, land use, site sizs, access to ma,�or arterials, sita develapment costs, and availabit'rry. lt was detQrmined that - � . the �est option rroaffi s slte location of 145th Street, an open !ot between Shannon Parkway�and Chippendale Avenue. fn 1992, the present Citizen�Advisory Gamm�tes was formed tv work on th� implementation of a new certtral fire st�#lan consis#eni with th� piannir:g s recammendativn� cf the community's previaus work efforts. T� date,�the Citizens ,4dv�sory Committee fias revi�red srte design opiions, floar pian option�, pt�tent�at cost impacts end neighborh�od con�ms. � BOARMAN I�. RQOS PFISTER & ASSC) �CtATE5 A K G H 1 T E C 7 U R E I N T E R I O R D E 5 I G N E IV G ! � E E R i N G 222 North 5econd Stroet• Mtnneapolls Minnesata 5Sa0! • fax 339•62tZ Ph�ne 6I2-334-3752 EVv��QPPononlry Cmpiorer � . ';� � _ G.^ � 7 Fi T r1 I'� G: C 1� w.�V T�t Y Y�w O �'"" ' -- - r-• . � .--. _ • .- r r� .-.. I Recommend�tions af the Citizens Advssory Comm�ttee March 16, 1993 Page � of3 �tTIZENS ADVISQRx ,�',rOMMITT'EE RECQM ENQATit'�NS The effarts af the Committee aver the past months have focused on the current and future fire prc�tectian needs of ihe community at large; the adequacy of the prdpas�d new flre station fiacil'�ty; and, the benefits and costs to taxpaysrs. They have reach�d a cancensus rsgarding the s�pe and cost of the praJect and make ihe foElo�ing recornmendations to the City Gouncil in preparatiQn of a May 4, 1993 Bond Referendum: 1. Construct a nsw Main Fire Station of 23�200 s.f.to be loeated vn 145th Stree# between Sh�nnon Parkway and Chippendals Avenue. �, Provide a rrew Aerial Fla#vrrn TruCk to replac�the current 20 year old Aerial Truck that is bath o�solste and costly to repair. 3. Include both the New Fire Stat�on and the Aeri�l Platfarm Trcick as a sin le referendum question to the votsrs in an amount not to exceed $3,4flD,�. The referendum questian woa�id read similar to: "Shall the Crty of Rosemaunt issue and s�ll its general obligaticn band� in an amaunt not ta �xcesd $3,�,�00 for the purpose of acquirin� land and constructton thereon � New Maln �re Station and providing a new Aeria! Platform truck?° _ 4. rhe Committee further recommencis thai ths City obtain an option ta pur�hase the requirsd 5 acres af land cantingerrt an th� passing of the Fir� Station Refer�ndum. 5. The e�lsting Fire Station will rovide a cvst eff8c�'.ivg means to r$li�ve the ssrious space deflclencies o�the Publ�c Works �epartment. The cost, however, of�ny minor modifications to the exlsting Fire Stati�n ar Public Works facility, is ndt recommended as part af this pro�ect On May 4, 1993 the Citizens of possrnaunt will be asked ta vote on a�3.4 milii�n rsferendum for the construction of a New Main Ffre Station and a New Asrial f�latform Truck. Suppc�rt of this issue m�ans: i lmproved flre protection service 24 hours a day • Malntenancs of�tre insurance ratings at the c�rrent leve! • Suppart of ths volur�ta�r Fr� Qepartment, v�hich provldQs trem�r;dous t�c sav�ngs ta Rr�perty owners � C(oser pro�imity pf firs flghters to th� 4tation tv provide better�over�ge and response ln smergency situations cornmuntry wide , ,� _ . � � .. �. �. ._. ._ ... . ._. .._. _ _ -. : _ .: _ .- - - Recomme�dations o#the �iiizens Advisory Carnmitt�e March 16, 1993 Page 3 of� s 1mplementation of the City's iong•range flre protect�on plan that w11i meet the present and future needs af the camrnunity � Upon the City Council's revlew and appraval, the Citizens Advisory Committee wilt corrtinue and cvmpl�te th�ir wark lead�ng to a May 4, '1993 Bond Referendum. Sincer , � vi R. Kr s I a d a Executive Vic� Presiderrt �3oarman Kroos Pfl�ter&ksaociates, Inc. oK�j�b a:drvld . . _.., � . . �; f� ?. �� � T.7i T '� f'f C C 4I �^-? N M TwJ�N M t7�C �.i. T..T s � r; • 7. •-+ c'- �c . ? '�' .r-,� MEMBERS CITlZENS ADYISQRY COIIVIMITT�E Mr. Scott Nelson Ms. Judy Lindsay M�. Monica Tousignant Mr. Roger Tay for Mr. asvid Sauter Ms. Klm Cardelli Mr. John Hawkins Mr. Wesley Hasbrouck Mr. Jahn �xbQrough _ [�ls. Mary Beth Vennewitz Ms. Kay oehienschieger -- gllr: bave Qar7fie(d Mr.Tom Barton G. Tnk�r Hostutler Ms. Linda Reed IUIr. Mika Mofenda Dr. Kurt Waltsr-Hanson Mr. Ceraid Ander$on Mr, Wiiliam broste . NEWSLETTER QUESTION� &ANSWERS t�: Why doea#he exlsttn�#ice statton locati4n not aerve the needa of the community? A: The City currentiy has a c;entral fire station located on Brazil Avenue in th� northeast quadra�t of downtown Rosemvunt, just north Qf City Hail. The present fire station locat{on does not have a sufFc�entty sized responsa area ta cover the most rapidiy urbanl�ing western portions of the C�ty. in effect, the City�ghts very few fires and rssponds to very few medicat emergencies �n th� �entral and eastern ends c�f Ros�maunt. 8y far, the largest number of incider�ts of both fire and res�ue are generat�d by the existIng development wlthln and to the we�t of the old village. Dus ta th� � availabilrty af City c�tllit�es, future deve{opmer�t af�osemaunt will �Isc be - concentrated in the w�st end af the ciiy which wiil further aompromise adequate flre cvvsra�e to this area. 0: Mow can the Ctty most effectiveiy improve its flre pra#ectlon service? A: The consultants report frvm 1988 inc(uded the fallowing recammendatlons and conclusi�ns as the most cost effective means of improving fre servi�e ta the community: a. Rossmour�t's�urrent and future�ire pratection needs can best be servsd by a new cerrtral station relocated to the west and cerrtered in a residential area which has the pertentiat to yiefid a larger number of volunteers who live within a two minut�tucn out time from ths statlon. b. Th� new central statian shouid bs Eocated on 145th S#re�t betwe�n Shannon Parkway and Chlppendale Avenue. This w'r!i malntain exceilent short term cov�rage to the,urb�n residantlal areas of Rosemount while keeping future �ptrorts open for a safsfl�e stati�n ta satistp new growth tc#he sast. c. The exlstin�fiire st8iion Iocation does not arxi wtll not flt into the preser�t antf future growth trer�ds of ths Ctt�t. O �. 1 2. � � 1 1 : 4 �AM � 8 O A R M A N � A S S O C I A T E S P ❑ 5 i I I �, I NE1NS4�TTER pUESTi�NS &ANSW�RS (cont'd� C�: Why 1�ros�sans�ttm�►ta�iiro tr�cki�nt so c�ttlaal7 A: F(re ptr�tectlo�for Ras�mou�resldetns is pravided by a 3b mernber voiuriteer Flre �ep2trtmerrt. Tha d�p�ttme�respond�to more than 300 calis each yeac. The nt�jor f�Ctar lrtvolved in the flte flghters eifectively ca�troilirrg loss ni iffe�nd Ilmlting property damage In�r�emergencles ls quick responss#ime: a. A stn,�t:tural flre doubies its orm size evary minute. b. Flashover(occurs when a s�udure Is totaify engulfed in flre)occurs in 7-9 minutss. c. Fire consumes all the oxygen from witFdn a struCiure. Vlctims caught inslde rrf�y be bumed or sustaln bralr�damage or death ff they are wtthout oxygen fot a p�rtod of 4 minutes. t�: What�r�the defictencios In the extstitt�fire si�tton? A: t. Povr foca�on sign�icar�y efFects response tlme bot?t to west�nd �8st. 2. Poor vehicle acxesslbiliry due to th�overcrowding of equtpmer�t In the apparatus : �ys. 3. Lack of adaquate trafnfng and mairrtenance areas. 4. Insufflcl+srn�dminlstratWa storage s�race. 6. Lack bf actsquata parkin$#ar maetln�s�nd tralning s�esfons. Q: Naw ti+vll!the existln�flr�atation bs utiiized? A: The exlsting ffre st�tion wfl)proulde a cost e1��ctive means to reti�va the sertous sp�ce dsflclenc(es pf fhe�ub11c INark pepartment. The Pubiic Works Depa�tment ts�xpe�iencing a severe lack of vehicle stptage and adminisEtative space. Its ed)acency to#hs e�dstinD flre station provldes a mueh naedad and corivenlerit means to complement the Public We�rks faCiltty. C� 3. 12. � :a 1 1 : g '7AT.,S � 80ARMAN � ASSOCIAT � � POB REVISED BU�?CET M.rch i2t 1�i13 City of Fiosamouint Proposati New�tr�Stat(on Raiarendum Butt9et Date: fp•: a:davfd A. MAtN F1RE STATit,��l FA►CMLtTY � 1. Butiding Canstruction 23,280 s.f.Ga�S79 psr a.f. $1,850,00� 2. Stte Deve(apmerrt 250,000 3. F[tmishings and Equipmerrt 100,000 4. Corrting�rrcy _ 180,OOQ 5. Rrafessicnal Fees 154,pp0 __ &. Land Costs{5 acres @$25,000%cre) 125,000 7. Fir�ncittg/Legai Cnsts gb�ppp 8. Miscellanectus(salis sestin�, g,ppp survsy.elect�on cost�j Subtat�! �3,Tlt0,008 B. FiRE APF�Ai�ATUS 1. Aer�i Platform Tnzck � g��� 3ubtata! $ gbp,t�pQ TOTAL �¢3,Atl0�000 O �. 1 �. 93 1 1 : 4 ?AZdI � SOARMAN � ASSOCIATES yCi '7 ' ' :� � . I f � CIT`Y �l� Rt'��Ei1��UN1' �7RE �T�7iC�N REF�F_t�1DUM TA�C IMP��TS . �P�.i�+�7I�k�M��� �r�� i?'��ti.1 ����a �o ��ar `��rm �stf�tt�tt�d C��II�� M�r�k�� T�aX ��t� �f T�x � ���ue �4 ller� * lrrcr��s� --- �7�,�Cit�__ a.0��°r� �5� _ ���JVV4) V:���lb ��� ��U f S1Q� �.U7�7e ���� . �5t�,�C�� t�,Cl7��rb $1�� �i�111V�JLI {./t�l��/a �r,7�y� � , 0 ��. 1 2., � .� 1 1 : 4 '7AT�T �kSOARMRN � A� SdC � AT � S PQo.. , '_ ` ' --.,.� 1e4111' 1 �ppr ' �u�+. `"� ( / � . . � � � � . ( . . � Q' . .. . . � � . � . � � , . i : .�� Q . � � . I�IE � � � � . �ivrw.r.. �� � � � . �. . ' � � � . � � . . . . � � . � ..� . . . . � . .. . '� . . . .. .. . � i� . . . . � . . . . - . . . . � . . . . . . �����.M.M�M.�r . . � : .� ... � � � .. : . � . ... . . +�—�w+��rr��: � . .. . . _. _ .....................................i....,................................. f . . . !YR � �. _ . � � � . . � � � � � � � . � . . . � . � � .�...�����r.w��«amr��r������«�.�.`......... .u��r • ������������. � . . . . � � . . � � . �� . . . . . . . . . . � �1 � � o ,.�. ; ��. ................ . .. ............#............ ..... ........... � : �� �............................... .;�_.............. ,............... . .�... � ---��-�'-� C� � , � . i . . . � . � � .. � . � S�HEMA'TI� P LAN � � _ , • FIR�T' �'l�QOR 23�2QQ s.F. ; . ; - � � __.._. _. _ ._.._ , ..._..._ _._. � t� .�. 12. `� 3 1 1 : 4 '7AI.JI � SOARMAN 8. ASSOCIATES POg � � ,� � i ' � I i ----�-•----- -----�------- -�----�-----�--------«---,�....--�.,--- `--- � ....._._,...__�.------_.--_i45T,,,�i STR,,,,,� "r_�v�_ ��w����w.r����.��+.r.� � 1 . . � ���� . . � � � . . � 1� . . . . . _ . . _ i� . 1 f r-- —•— ( ; r i ti I � � �� ���� � I ' � v � � ,P 7 � �' � � �r � f�y��,,� � . 1 .. � �\j'7/1{�,) � � � �� � �.:0 l . . . i Q. . . . I O � ���� � . � � ( � � � � . i . .� .. � � $ 8 � � � � � � � � ; � + i j ! " ' , � � 1 � , , + � a� run�� "srAu��rucara r►,�u.s� , � j j � � � 1 � d : . 1 � i � l=� �` ° ; j ' J _i . j _ . , � ___ ; ' _ � �,�t � 1 C� — I � � � , i � i ' � I � i � + ` � r j t t � � ; � j 1 � l ; � , !1 1 ; � ' � � � r ri ,1 � ; i TM�+c x� i � � � � ' ,�� /f i� r � , �f�-----..-'�,....- _.......---�-•-- ) j � ; . � ' -. --- .�--�..-...___.�.._ __,_.__.��,,,__�_.,�,.--_._ ! ' r ' ; �� � ; ; ; iir � � �� �� i � � � � � •• i � � � I � � � � � � � , j�i � � �/ / �, i , � 1 % � �j� ' + i � / � i f ' �' % ` ' i ! f� � r'� ! � � � � r ' f , ' ' i � � �� � � ' ! , I �/ i � i , �� - � S�HEMATI� SIT�' �LAN _ � ; . . � � . � �- CITY 4F RQSB�tOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MII�INF:SOTA RESOLIITION 1993- A RESOLU'TION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL: ELECTTON TO CONSIDER THE ISSIIANC33 OF GBNERAL �BLIGATION BONDS FOR THE CONSTRIICTTON OF MUNZCIPAL BIIILDINGS, TSE REMODFLING OF EXISTING BIIILDTNGS, �iN'D ACQIIiSITIpN OF A NEW AERIAL PLATF4RbI TRIICR WHER,EAS, the City Council_ s�f_ the_ Ci�y of Rosemount has de�ermined the need to construct a ne�_fire stat�on and purchase of a new fire aerial truck; and _ TnTHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, has determined that it is in the best int'erest of the residents of the City of Rosemount to consider the construction of this facility and the acquisition of the fire equipment. NOi+v, THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby ordain and direct as foliows: 1. The proposition of authorizing the issuanee of General Obligation Bonds for the purpose of constructing a municipal building and acquisition of a fire truck for purposes' and amounts as follows: --- - - A. Site acquisition, development and construction of a new fire station -at a cost of $2, 750, 000 . B. Purchase of a new aerial fire truck at- a cost af ' $650, OOO; arid _ ;__ be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Rosemount at the election to be held on Tuesday, Ma.y 4, 1993 . Said election shall be held between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. The polling places for this election shall be as follows: Precinct I will be at Shannon Park Elementary School, 13501 Shannon Parkway; and Precinct II will be at St. John's Lutheran Church, 3285 Z44th Street West; and � Precinct III will be at United Methodist Church, 34770 Canada Avenue; and Precinct IV will be at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 14980 Diamand Path West; and Preeinct V will be the meeting xooms of the Rosemount Senior Citizen' s Center, 2900 145th Street West; and j � 2 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to post and � publish according to law a "Notice of Election" , and to prepare ballots for use at said election, which notice and , ballot shall be in substantially the following form: � SPECIAL ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT MAY 4, 1993 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT : DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: If you wish to vate in favor of the following proposition ma.rk an "X° in the square next to the word "YES"� . If you wish �o vote against the propasition mark an "X° next to the work "NO" . YES � Sl�all the City of Rosemount be authorized to issue its General Obligation Bonds in the principal amount not to NO r—; exceed $3 , 400, 000 to provide for the canstruction of a �j new Fire Station and the purchase of a new aerial platform truck? 3 . The Election Judges for this Special election shall be appointed and assigned as follows: Precinct I Precinct II Joan Hawkins, Captain Elizabeth A. McDonough, Capt. Sharon_Johnson, Co-Captain Phyllis Curry, Co-Captain Elizabeth Knutson Theresa Erickson Irene Linkert Barbara Wolf Mabel Meyer Muriel Barnes Jane Wippermann Betty Ann Schneider Gordon Docken Joyce Eschenbacher Rosemary Mullikin Precinct III Precinct IV Marcia Roush, Captain Carol Wachter, Captain Margaret Boehlke, Co-Captain Janet Feldsien, Co-Captain Ellen McMenomy Phyllis Larson Mary Finnegan Catherine Fox Arleen Romo Darlene Keller Katherine Baumgartner Phyllis Bohnert Dorothy Stauffer Helen Josephson Precinct V Elizabeth Zanmiller, Captain Dixie C1iff, Co-Captain Elou.ise Lucking Bernice Wenzel William Jorde Myrna Sens 2 4. Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the statutes of the State of Minnesota applicable and the - City Council shall meet as required by law fc�r the purpos� o�' canvasing said election and decl.aring the results thereof. ADOPTED this 16th day: of Ma.reh, 1993 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayo� � ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor� Voted against. 3