HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Airport Planning Process Legislation to Stop Process � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXFCIITIVE S'L]NIlKARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS AGENDA SECTIONs LEGISLATIVE TO STOP PROCESS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGENDA ��� � � CITY ADMINISTRATOR � � ATTACHMENTS: PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND AP OV�D B� RESOLUTION "�-- � � �� f / In recognition of the State Auditor� s report on the Dual Track Airport Planning Process and the introduction of legislation to repeal the Dual Track Legislation now in place. I would recommend the adaption of the attached resolution. This resolution recognizes the problems noted in the Auditor� s report and the Dual Track Process. It also calls for the support of HF 479 and SF 472, which have been introduced and would repeal the legislation authorizing the Dual Track Process. RECOb�iENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1993 - . A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE REPEAL OF LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING THE DUAL TRACK PLANNING PROCESS COUNCIL ACTION: � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993- A RESOLUTION SIIPPORTING TIiE REPEAL OF LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING THP DIIAL TRACR PLANNING PROCESS wI3EREAS, the Office of the Legislative Auditor' s Report on Airport Planning determined that the Metropolitan Council is responsible for generating seriously flawed data and analyses in its 1988 Adequacy Study conducted by the Metropolitan Council; and WHEREAS, The 1989 Legislature passed the Dual Track Legislation based upon the Metropolitan Council ' s significant over estimation of current and future airport delays, substantially over estimated benefits of capacity enhancement at either MSP or a new airport, use of inappropriate methods for determining airport adequacy, flawed analysis of future noise problems around MSP, and erroneous analysis of trends in hubbing activity; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Auditors and the Metropolitan Airports Commission concur that the need for more runway capacity appears to be farther off in the future than originally forecast; and WHEREAS, the fundamental problems associated with the Metropolitan Council ' s role in the Dual Track Process continue currently with a lack of accountability to ,any governing body, failure to respond thoroughly and publicly to recommendations by- the Legislative Auditor, and persistent use of erroneaus data following release of the Report on Airport Planning; and WHEREAS, the airline industry is concerned that continued collection of fees and taxes for long-term airport improvement projects is financially destroying airlines in the near term; and WHEREAS, the crucial issue of economic feasibility is currently under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Council and remains as the major project of the Dual Track Planning Process as mandated by the 1989 Legislation; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has lost confidence in the Metropolitan Council, its appointed leadership and staff for the aforestated reasons in regards to this process and believe that the public wi11 discredit any major airport conclusions based upon past or future studies conducted by the agency; . � Resolution 1993 - Page 2 NOW, TEiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount request that the 1993 Legislature repeal the Dual Track Planning Process by passing H.F. 479 and S.F. 472, authorizing the Metropolitan Airports Commission to assume sole agency governance over the master plan process determining the future of MSP by eliminating any governance over MSP operational issues by the Metropolitan Council, and reassure citizens that continuance of this unjustified search for a new major airport site will be replaced with a process to establish a comprehensive, statewide transportation plan that benefits all Minnesotans. ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 1993 . Ma or E. S. McMenomy, y ATTEST: � Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: . i • . . . . . . . � . . � � . . I 02/18/93 [REVISOR J HMW/MP 93-184$ ,, Senators Pariseau, Knutson and Benson, D. D. introduced"-- S, F�, T,c, a72 Referre� to the C�JP.'tIi?i tte� pn ivlAtrppn1 itan and Local Government 1 A bill for an act 2 relating to metropolitan government; repealing the 3 authority for dual track airport development planning; 4 repealing Minnesota Statutes 1992, sections 473.155, 5 subdivisions 3 and 4, 473.616; 473 .618; and 473.619 . 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 7 Section 1. [REPEALER. ] 8 Minnesota Statutes 1992, sections 473.155, subdivisions 3 9 and 4; 473 616; 473.618; and 473.619, are repealed. 10 Sec. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION. ) . 11 This act takes effect the day after final enactment and 12 applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver , Dakota, Hennepin, 13 RamseY, Scott, and Washington. ' -- [gEVIS RO l HMW/NiP 93-1848 , 02�18/93 i I � and Osthoff H.F. No._ 479 Introduced by Monison, Ozment,Tompkins,Pubh Companion S.F. No._, February 22, 1993 . Referted to the Committee on LoCp,t.Gov�txtv�TT'�N�M�o�L�TAx A�'�s. l A bill for an act 2 relating to metropolitan governmede�el pment�planning; 3 authority for dual track airpo 4 repealing Minnesota Stat3t61619473.618tland 473.619. 5 subdivisions 3 and 4; 47 6 BE IT ENACTED HY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: � Section I. [�PEALER. � g Minnesota Statutes 1992, sections 473.155, subdivisions 3 9 and 4, 473.616; 473.518; and 473.619, are repealed. lp Bec. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICATION. ] 11 This act takes effect the da after final enactment and 12 a lies in the counties of Anoka, Carver. Dakota, Hennepin, 13 Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. . � � � � 473.1SS AYtATION PLANNING. . .-; Subdivisioa 1.Artadon pL�ain�sssessmen� By February l S of each ycar,tbe y council sball preparc a long-range�sessmcnt of air transportation tnnda aad factas •�t that may affect major airport dev�lopment in the metropotitan area for s ptospective .' 30-year period. 'fhe oouncii shall involve the airports oommission in preparinf,t�e " assessment and shaU take into consideration the airport developmtnt and operat�ns plans and activitics of the oommission. � Subd. 2.Av[sNon ptan.By F�bruary 1, t990,the council shalt amend the aviation .�? chapt�r of the metropolitan dcvelopment auide to incorporate policies and strateg�a :, that will ensure a comprehensive,000rdinated,coatinuiag.thoroo8h+and timely inva- '� $ tigation and evaluadon of alteraadves for ma�ior airport devetopment in the metroPoii- tan ar�a for a prospective 34year period.Tho alurnat�ves to be eacamined must inetude " both the airport irnprov�ments and enhancxmenta of capacity that`may be n�h.- at tbe existing airpoet and the location and development of a aew air�ort. �•.- Subd. 3.Search Arw.BY JanuazY 1,1992,the council,in consultation with th�su�- ports commission,shall designate a search area for a m�jor aew airpori. • Subd. 4.Legislati�e reports.(a)Until tht activities required by sections 473.616� ; subdivision 3,and 473.618 are compl�ted,the council shall report to the tegisiatun M' ' February 1 S of each year on tha results of the aviation planniug activities of the coun�� under this s�ction•The r+ePort must include a summary of expenditures and souras d; funding for tho activities. . (b) By Febniary 1, 1990,the oouncil shall repoct to the Icgislatun racommendit�'� methods and legislativaactioas that would be necessary 10 Protect a new airport sca�+- area fmm conflicting development,ta protcct and control development on land at a�d: around a site for a major new airport,and 1e inhibit land speculation and redua ina�',� tives for land speculation in the airport and alt surrounding araas. �• • (c) By March 1, 1990�after consulting with the airports oommission,the f� aviation administration,industry npresentatives.ai►d other persons.the cound�" report to the legislatnn on assumptions and methods that will be used by d►c°°��� to forecast demand related to the need for m�jor airport facilitics in the metroPa!!� arta for a prospective 30-year Feriod. and m�' (d) By March 1�1990,the couna'1 shall report to the legislature analyzu►8, �� ing recommendations on long-range aviation goals for the m�jor sirport facilrt�► metropolitan area for a prospxtive 30-ytar period.Thz report must address B� snfety,environmental impact,and servia,ineluding ground acass and serh°� � to othcr atates and oountries and to nonmoiropotitan areas of the state.In p the report,the council ahall consider regiunal growth patterns,economic devel „ cconomic impact,re$ional and atatewide investment,and ground transpe�n°°`' (ej gy December 1, 1490,the oouncil shall rep°rt to the legisiaturoon the availability of suitable land for a new airport in and in the area surroundin8 t1►e politan area. liaes fd (� gy January 1,1993,the oouacil shatl repoct to the legislature on po reuse of the existing m�jor airport site s6ould a new major airport be d����Op°a'� History: 1989 c 279 s 1 t � • I/� .. . . . - � . . � � . .. I � . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4�3.616 COMPREHENSIVE AIRPORT PLANMNG. Subdivisioa 1.Woid-Chwberiain plan.(a)By January 1,1992.the oommissioo :haU adopt a long ttrm comprehensive pian for the inumational airport at its existint location.The plam m�st describ� (i)avistion d�maad and air transponation needs; (2)airport capacity limiu and potential; (3)[acilitia requirementa; (4)s plan for physical development,includiag Saancisi estima►a and a tenutive dcvelopmcet sc6edule; . .. (S)airport operational characteristia; (6)compatibility wit6 metropolitan and locai physica!tac�ity=yatemr, (�environmental e6ecta; • (8) safety;and , (9)t6e effect on the neighboring communities. ;=� T6e plan must satisfy the sir transportation needs for a prospective 20�year period.��} �— 173� M677tOPOLiTAN COVERNMFM Q7 iK the same time,the commission shal!adopt a cancept plan for the sirport,indudiot,an estimate of facilities requircmcnts,to satisfy the sir transportation nads for an addi- tional ten-year period.The pians must be oonsistent with the developmen►auide of the oouncil. The plans must be updated at least every 6ve yeart. The plans muri be a�nended as necessary a nflect changa in tr�ends and oonditiona,facilitia�eqwno- rpeats,and development plans and schaluks.The plans sn subject to axtions 473.163 and 473.611. (b) Unti1 January t, 1996,or until the�mmisaion 6as oompleted t6e actirities roquired by subdivision 3 and sectioa 473.618,w6ichever occurs 6rst,the aommission may construct a new runway or a new,substantially expanded,ot relocatcd terminal facility if the oommission determines that conswctioa of Wt nwway or facility is n4o- " assary and prudent,considering the economic, financisl,environmenW,and ot6er oosts and bene6u of the aew runway or facility,the current and long-term tut�ue need for major sirport facilities,capacity constrainu,and the time required W coesuud ait� port faciliUes.The commiuion shall make its determination by resolution,containinE 6ndings otfact and conclusions.Beforc making its determination.t6e oommission shall hoid a public Learing on the questioa The hearing may be hdd separately or in oon- jnndion wiW any other 6earing tequired on the pmja�t,as the commission dams appropriate.The cammissioa may plan,prepate designs and speci6cations,and oon- duct an eavironmental rcview of a facility beforc the public hearinb Subd. 2.New airpor�conaptual design study u►d plan.By Marc61,1990,the oom- miuion,in consultation with the oouncil,shall compiete a study of facilitia requin+ ments,sirport functioaing,and wnceplual design far a major new airpoA.By lanwry 1.1991,the cammission shall oomplete a ooncxptual design plan for a major nea iir- ' poA.The conceptual design study and plan must dacdb�and satisfy air transportation needs for a prospective 30-year period and be consistent with the developmeat 6uide of ihe oouncil.The oonaptuai daign plan must include an analysis of estimated oosts, potential financiag methods and souras of public and priwate fuading,and cost alioa- tion issues and optioos.The council shail use th�design atudy and plan in evaluatin= areas for locating a new airpoA under section 473.1 S5,subdivisioa 3. Subd. 3.New airpor�stte selecdon;oomprchensive plan.Within four years foUmw ing We council's daignation of a search area under sectioa 473.1 SS,the oommission shalls(1)select a site for a major new airpoR in the search area daignated by the ooun- ci1;(2)prepare a compre6ensive pian and achedule,induding 5naacial plans,for the development of a major airport at tLat site fora prospxtive 20-year period foUowinj a decision to develop a new sirport;(3)prepare an atimau of facilitia requirements and a ooncept plan for development of t6e airport for an additional ten yarx and(4) prepare and submit for administrative review the envimnmental documeots t6at an required ior siio s�t{vi�itioa. Subd. 4.Legisladve nports.(a)Until the activitics required by wbdivision 3 and . axtion 473.61 S are oompleted,tde commission shall report to the legislatun by Febnr ary 1 S of each year on the results of the airport planning aaivities of Wa commissioa under Wis sxtion.The report must include a summary of dcpenditures and sourea of funding for t6e activitia. (b) By March 1, 1990, aitu caasulting with the councii, the federa!aviatiou admiaisuation, industry repraentativa, and other persons, We commission s6ai1 repoct to thelegislature ou t6e asrumptions and meWoda that the commissioa w�i use in preparing foraasts for aiiport development and opentions purposes and for deter- mimng capacity and facility needs. (c) By March 1,1990,We commiuion ahall report to the fegiaiature on the in(egra- tion of major aicport facilitia in the metropolitan uea wit6 state,national,and iatana- donat air transportatioa systems and on We oommiasion'a pkaning assumptiom aed parameten related w suc}►sirport development issua as capacity,aafety,environmeo- fal impact,and air servioe. (d) By March 1,1990,the oommiuion shall repon to We legislature oa Uu conap tual daign study for a m�jor aew sirport,prepared undersubdivision 2.By Jwuuy . � � � �� '� . � �71.i1�MEfROPOIITAN COVFJtNMENT 173� t, 1991,the oommission shall report to the kgisiature on the oonceptust design pian prepared uader subdivision 2. History:1489 c 279 s 3;1991 c 21 s! 473.618 AIRPORT PLANtViNG AND DEVEWPMEIV'f REPORT. Within 180 daya after the oompletion of the actions required by section 473.616, � subdivision 3.the metropolitan�uncil and the sirports oommiuion ahaU report to the legislatuce on the long-nnge planning and development of major airpoR facilitia in the meuopolitan arca.The report must include the�eoommendationa of the agencia on major airport devtiopment in the metropolitan area fot a prospective 30-year period and on acquiring a site for a major eew airyort.T6e repoA must include an analysis of the eflbct of a new airpoR on prosent and pro{�osed facilities at the existing ai�porl . and on the locai,rcgional,and state xonomiea.The repoA must contaio the recommen- dations of the agencia on financial planning aad financing for a m�jor aew sirport, including:cost;oost allocation;amortization of major improvemenu at the existing air- port befon a transfer of operations;finaaciag rtethods and soum,es of pubiic and pri- vate funds; lease agrremenu and user charga at a aew airport; and a method of capturing for public uses a portion of t6e nvenue from development arouad a new air- Po� History:1989 c?79 s I 473.619 PLANN[NG ADI�IINIS'i'RAT[ON. Subdivision L Intengency agreemeat The metropolitan couacil and the airporta commission ahall enter into an intergovemmeatal agreement by July t. 1989.The agreement must atablis6 a proass and ageacy raponsibilities for comprehensive and 000rdinatcd planaing for major sirport development,oonsisteat wit6 ihe requirements of this section and sections 473.f 55,473.616,and 473.628.The agreement must estab- lisb a joint cammitta composed of board members of tht two agencia to oversee impiementation of the agnemenk Snbd. 2.Scope ot work rcporG By September l,1989,t6e metropolitan oouncii and the sirports commission ahall prepare a soops of work repoA ihat describes the generai scopc and schedule of vrork and the topics to be addressed in t6e planning and study tasks required of the agencia under sectioas 473.ISS,473.616,and 473.618. � Subd. 3.Fedenl puHcipatioa The metropolitan council and the sirporta commis- sion shall make use of available federal funding for their activides under sectioaa 473.155,473.6t6,and 473.618. Subd. 4. Coasnitatlon.The metropolitan council and the sirports oommission shall prcpare the pians and reports under sections 473.155,473.616,and 473.61$,ia consultatioa with eac6 other,the commissioner of transportation,t6e federal avistion � administration,industry repraentatives,and other interested persons. . � � Subd. 5.Commencemen�In order to meet t6e ptanning deadlina pracriikd�p ' stctions 473.155,473.616,and 473.618,the agencies may begin preparing pians and studies immediately,withont waiting for the comptetion of t6e interagency agreeu►eat or the oompletion and nview of the scope of work report. Htatory:1989 c 2�9 s S 473.621 POWERS OF GORPORAI'ION. Subdivision 1.[Repealcd, 197�c 417 s 14j - Subd. f a.Relatiooship M legislature.The commiasion shall be held aceountsblt to-the±egislature in its activitits„nlans�policies.and pragams.�.shal!report each ses- : sion to appropriau oommiltea of the legislatun as to its ac•ivitirs,plans,poGcia��°d ' Programs and shall mate other reporta and ra:ommendauoas which the lepslatan�-` iu oommittea dam aPW'vW9ata " Subd. 2.Control otdtp airporta.The corporation ahap have the use,mansBem��' « � I�� , � � � i' � •.� � -� Metropolitan Airports Commission �,.�, � � � � '__.'_., — __ March 1993 Number 5 MAC IDEHTIFIES THREE POTENTIAL HEW AIRPORT SITES site Selection Scoping Document IN DAKOTA SEARCH AREA FOR PUBLIC REVIEW oraft site se�ectio�scoping The Mecropolitan Airpons comment. The sites chat are finally DBCISIOD DOCUllleilt Commission(MAC)has selected three selected will be further analyzed during Parblic Hearing potential new airport sites in the Dakota the site selection phase. Thursdav,March 18,7 p.m. Search Area for public review and In 1992,seven potencial sites were Rosemounc High School Srudenc Cencer identified through MAC's site 3335 142nd Street Wes� $�TE 2 identificacion phase. Three of the Rosernoun� . i._A4; . "___ m rw . ; = _,' • �•-; � sices were locaced east of the The"Scoping Documenr �� j10lEMOUNt � ��:en.••�• ` . r , . - � - �, __� �' Vermillion River in�he eastern oudines the si�e selection decision- ~ ^� ' � ^�^�•�•� � "r" Y A portion of the Dakota Search Area, making process for the new airport � � � CO�iES . ..ASTIN69 . . - -�- „� �;,;,-.'-- wich the remaining four sites alterna�ive in the Dakoca Search �� �� J y7�. �" Iocated wesC of che Vermillion Area. The`Drafc Scoping Decision �:; . `` . 1 : \V�rm�ll�o.../ � \�� A . . . . . . �: E�o, . � t Document" is a drafc version af the �,, __ \ � � River in the cen[ral portion of the Scopin�Decision Document chat is � � "�"°'� �' ' Search Area. �� ; ', -_�---= =S "°� expecced to be submi�ted to che �' l ,�� � � ��� The sites were analyzed using Me�ropolican Airports Commission ,-, 1= • . . . ,,�Z ---'7� a series of site screening criteria for adopcion ac a meecing�his spring. - _ - �-�'�'"`F°""E'" M1$01 developed with guidance from che Ic will serve as an oucline for SITE 3 Site Selection Technical Advisory preparation of the Alterna�ive - �`-'� '---- � : � e._ �m•-� Committee and the Site Selection Envrronmental Document. ,� __ � � Responses co commencs �=M� ' Task Force. �,; �a�Mo��. _ � ,� � received during the First Phase _ - -_-�_ � ^,^�. -? ,c,��,� As a result of the screening Scoping Report are available from � _'�=�•*Es �^,�l9iwG9 process, cwo eastern sites(Sites 2 the MAC by calling Jenn Unruh at �-:- . ---_- �----- -'-��;�"�--- � 7 . � � . � . -- and �)and one western site(Sice 6) , 6-818) This Scoping process �..' '� ."" '° �`'."�:^ `�� R were selected for public review and dealc wi�h che overall environmencai 7. . Emo��• ' �, -j " . o • , � process necessary t�meec Federal and , � -- comment. ' --�--� 1ER°R" - "'� ' Scate re uiremencs. ' ��: �'�, .._ \.'� According to Nigel Finney> 9 � 1- .;,,�'� MAC Deputy Executive DireCtor, r/'`� �� /�J` ' Planning and Environment,Sites 2 people in terms of noise,and has the . '?; \�^' -���WTON NEW � � M�E�'X.�E . � .. and 3 were recommended for lowest ground access time,"said,Finney. SITE 6 fuccher study because chey do not Also,Site 6 was the best among the four �� �------ - � '� : require displacement of either western sites in most screening criteria. � � �. � -- �. � t �'°'�"'°°" � 'A�m� ` ' Coaces or Vermillion,they have "The study groups felt it was , �_;,.. . -� > -- + �����o.. ,� ,�tNQi; relatively low noise impaas,good important to carry forward sites from �� s ' .:�..--= ,� , �.{�----- operational and expandabiliry bo�h the eascern and western clusCers so �T� -="' ,:� ; � � ; �i,;' features,few condicions conducive that the environmencal factors can be E�^P�•.� ` ' p to bird strikes,and less than five properly documented," Finney �.; ' � ... �:�,; _: , � • t�-` � ��2i� acres of wetlands contained within explained. ���` their site boundaries. Identification of a preferred site for `'/ "Site 6 is recommended a potential new airpon is slated for early �,. , ':-��--='`J y<�'""°'°"�EE M�E� because ir impacts che fewesc 1994. 9 J . . � . . . . � . � . ..� . . � . . SUMMARY OF SITE SCREENIHG AHALYSIS aiRPORT ACTiuiTY Site 1 • Displaces Coates and likely Vermillion �ORECASTS TO BE UPDATED •Good si�e expandabiliry •Significant potencial off—site noise impacc : The airport activiry forecasts • Few businesses relocated •Constrained by Pine Bend Refinery and : developed in 1989 for use in che MSP • Virtually no wedand impac�s Vermillion River : Long Term Comprehensive Plan(LTCP) • Relatively low sice preparacion costs • HighesC population in State Safery Zones : and for the NewAirport Site Selection •Gre�a�est potential impact on Has�ings • High pocencial bird strike hazard : Study will be updated this spting. • Likely displacement of Vermillion Site 6 The original Eorecasts were •Less than opCimal runway orientation � : developed with 1988 data. The Dual Lowest travel time from me�ro area • Worst floodwa im aas : Track Airport Planning Process requires Y p •Fewest off—site noise impacts Site 2 • Lowest populaCion in State Safecy Zones � an update of these forecasts for use in the •Goal operational charac�eristics • Displaces Coates � LTCP update and in the development of • Does no�displace Vermillion or Coates • Higher wetland impacts than eascern ' a comprehensive plan for a potential • Minimal natural environmental impaccs sites ' replacement airpon. • Few siCing cons�raincs •Two landfills and three con�aminated The update process began in • Longer access cime than for wes�ern sices waste sites within sice boundary � October 1992 with a public scoping • Site constrained by Pine Bend Refiner�• ' session to discuss forecast Site 3 : methodologies. In November,a series of •Good operational charactecis�ics Site 7 : expert panel sessions were conducted co • Dces no�displace Vermillion or Coates • Lower travel time from me�ro area�han : review forecasc methodologies and •Minimal natural environmencal impaccs eastecn si�es : approaches,as well as aviation and socio- • Longer access time than for wescern sites • No impacc on'bery highly sensicive" ; economic informa�ion and assumptions. • Potential impacrs on Hastings Aquifer areas Input from the public and expen Site 4 • Displaces Coates and likely Vermillion : panels will be used to develop the • Greares�po�ential off—site noise impaccs � revised forecas�s,scheduled for • Displaces Vermillion and Coates • Highesr si�e preparation costs •Second highest populacion in Stace Safe�v : completion during the spring. Zones � • Proximity co encroaching urban : • Mos�significant noise impacts on public : ..................................................................................... development • Fair runway ex andability parks F Draul Track Update is published by the • Hi hest tential bird strike hazard • High poCential bird strike hazard � � •Highest wetland impacts Metropolitan Airports Commission in an Site 5 • Site expandability complicated by effort to provide znformation on the Dua1 • Shorter access cime chan for eascern sices Vermillion River tloodwav Track Airport Planning Process. • No impact on"very highly sensitive�� Please foru�ard any guestions or comments Aquifer aceas to,Jenn Unruh at 726-8189. ` , Metropolitan Airpores Commission - - ` 6040 28th Avenue South � Minneapolis,Minnesota 55450 9a �' _ � $ Mr. Utephan Jilk City Administratcr CITY UF kOSEMOUNT P.�. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 - _ ; : � : 3� ,� � ; ;_ . . _, � _ _�_ � -° -::�s�sais.=1#a3.sF#:�i��#i��t�tl:tas�{�.l���r1i!<t� w , , ..--: ,..�_�