HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.g. Legal Fees . �' � CITY OF ROSII�lOUNT EXECtTTIVE SUNIl�SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCTL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEMz LEGAL FEES AGENDA SECTI4N: QLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH AGENDA ���� � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ATTACAMENTS: LETTER, BILLS, MINUTES AP R BY. � j Attached is a letter received from Attorney Mike Miles who is requesting the City Council to consider payment of his law firm' s bill regarding his xepresentation for the City on the McDonough litigation. Attached is a copy of the minutes of November 24, 1992 special council meeting when council made a motion to reconsider payment of this bill until settlement of the law suit. Since this matter is being placed on the agenda at Mr. Miles ' recruest, I have no recommendation to present to Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: , ." ._-- ROSEMOIINT C�TY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING � OVEDSBER 24, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting f the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly hel.d on Tuesday, November 24, 1992, at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Cit�r Hall, Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Willcox, K assen, Staats and Wippermann present. City Attorney Miles was absent. Staff present were Jilk, Walsh, Wasmund, Freese, Knutsen, May, Bechtold, and Aker. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the 1993 Operating Budget with Council input and public input. The agenda also incl ded the Dakota Coun�y Incinerator Review Process and a review of some leg 1 services. City A3ministrator Jilk introduced the Dakota County Incin rator Review Process which would require a consultant firm to proceed w th the local pe�itting. Jilk presented a letter from Jeff Corszell of esourcQ Strategies Corporation showing its qualifications in waste mG.nac�ement ar,d its fami��arity with the Dakota County project. City sta f along with �akoLa County staff would recommend the use of Resource St ategies Corporation. _ N:avor McMenomy and Ct�uncilmember Willcox exnress�d hesitat ons with t��s �zrm. Councilmember Staats noted that Dakota County is p� in5 �o� the�e consultan� fees a�d also paying for the City of Rosemount' s�af� time involved with the incinerator project. MOTION by Wippermann to authorizo City staff to proceed wi h the pracess to continue review c� the Dakota County Resource Recovery pra ect and the necessary consulting and staffing arrangements as outlined in the staff m�mo from P1Gnning Director Freese and Public Works Direct r wasM�wr,d dated Iv�vember 3, �.992 . Second b� Staats. Ayes: Wipperma�n, taats, K�assen. �"ays : Mc enomy, Willcox. Motion carried. �� Mayor McM nomy e:cpressed concerns over the quality of servi ces of �he legai firm F1ue ei, Ncyr_ihan and Miles regarding the McDonough/S nrise litigatio . _ MOTION by McMenomy to reconsider payment for legai' service rendered from Fluegel, oynihan and Miles, P.A. until settlement of the cDonough/Sunrise litigatio . Second by Willcox. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, illcox. Nays: Klassen. Wippermann voted present. Motion carried. The Hampt n-Broback condemnation issue was tabled until le al advise can be obtained. Administr tor �ilk reviewed the budget process to this tim . The Prelimina Budget was set September 9 , 1992 . Changes are being � 1 I ' ' Attorney At Law ' 1303 South Frontege Road Hastings, MN 55033 , Telephone 612-438-9777 ` FLUEGE MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. FaX61z.438-9"S Donald J. Fluegel Shawn M. Moyni an ', J.Michael Miles )oan M. Fluegei , March 8, 1993 Mr. S eve Jilk ' City dministrator City f Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosem unt, MN 55068 e: McDonough v. Gity of Rosemount ' Dear teve: y recollection is that several months ago the Ros mount Gity Counc 1 decided to not pay any bills regarding the above referenced lawsu t until the McDonouQh suit was settled. Howev r, I noted that t the City Council meeting of March 2, 1993, se e�cal other legal bills regarding the suit were considered. ince it now appears that the council is willing o consider payin bills regarding this suit prior to its settlement, would you pleas place the enclosed bill for our firm's servi es on the agend for the next council meeting. hank you for your consideration. ' Sincerely, FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES P.A. �''r��G--= � J. Michael Miles'' JMM: o ... - � � , Nertoga Fiuegel Sieben Polk F�R YOUR I FORMATION Janes � LaYerdiere PNOFE5S10N�1 ASEOCIAf10N 999 Westview Drive ' Hastfngs, MN 55033-2495 (6�2) a3�-3tas �OSEMOUNT, CITY OF F1►x (6�2) as7-2�2 2875 145TH STREET WEST ,Samuet H. Hertogs ROSEMOUNT, MN 550b8 Ju 1 y 0, 1992 .Donald J. Fluegel �•-Michael R. Sieben *_Michael S. Polk � ' .Harvey N. Jones ._A�cMard A. �.averdiera FQR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED TNROUGN JUNE 30, 1992: Steven D. Hawn Thomas R. Lnngfe!!ow RO�HOO-Q�30 Bernie M. Dusich RE: MIKE MCDON{)UGH ..J. Michaei Miles '$UNRISE BUILDERS PROPERTY' lEo F. SChumacher ', Shawn M. Moynihan tv�ark,1. Fe��man 02/12/92 ANALYZE MCDONOUGH/DOCUMENTS , M�chael R. Strom John P Sieben 02�18�42 RESEARCH/FILE ANSWER 70 MCDONOUGH. CLAIM Scott J. Hertogs Eric A. Short Craig M. Roen 02�21192 LE�AL RESEARCH; REVIEW DOCUMENT PRODUCTION RE UEST Sara M. Hulse 02/26/92 REVIEW FILE; CALL T0 RICK PEARSON, CONFERENCE WITH Of Counse�: �j$A FREESE-PLANNING; SENT FAX TO DONNA QUINT S James M. Goetteman :pl5oadmittedinWisconsm 03/02/g2 CALL TO OONNA QUINTU$ REGARDING PQD� MCDONOUGH .:Alsoadmrttedinlara MATTER AND REVIEW FILE _•Certrt:ed 35 civil trial soecal�sts by the Nat�onal �d�T�'a���� 03/Q4/92 TRAVEL AND PICK UP DOCUMENT$ FOR PRODUCTiON T ana me M�nnesoca sca�e ROSEMOUNT C I TY HALL Bar Assoc�anon st PAu�oFFicE: a3/05/92 REVIEW POD ITEMS FROM S. JiLK Galtier Plaza Su�te 550. Box a5 03/06/92 REVIEW DOCUMENTS FOR PRODUCTIQN , i75 Fifth Street East 5t. Paut. MN 55101•2901 �s�2� 222-a�as 03/09/92 REVIEW DOCUMENTS FOR PRODUC7ION; CALL TO CIT HALL F,ax �si2>223•s2�s REGARDING #2 OF DOCUMENT REQUEST 03/13/92 REVIEW DOCUMENT PRODtlCT10N; MEETING WITN MAR INELLI 03/16/92 PREPARE RESPONSE PLEADING FOR DOCUMENT PRODU TION; PREPARE DOCUMENTS FOR COPYING; OR6ANIZE EXHI ITS (2 SE?S) AND ROUGH DRAFT FOR MIKE MILES TO REVI W 03/17/92 PICK UP COPY OF ORQIPERCM.FMILEOCUMENT PROQU TION; MAKE CHANGES IN PKG 03/18/92 MEETING WITH JILK REGAROING MCDONOUGH DEPOSI ION; MEETING WITH SHORT ', , , , , � � � Nertogs �luegel Sieben Polk Jones & LaYerdiere � PilOfE4510NAL ASSOCIATqN � � . � ��. �� . 999 Westview Orive Hastings, MN 55033•2495 ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF ' (612)437-3tas �u 1 y 10, 1992 FAX(612) 437•2732 .Samuel N. Hertogs .Donald J. Fluegei 03/31/92 REVIEW OOCUMENTS PRODUCED .••Michael R. Sieben ,_-Michael S. Poik � .HarveyN. Jones 04/O1/92 COMPLETE REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS PRODUCED { .92) ; .,>Rrchard A. �averd�era PREPARE DEPOSITION STRATEGY (1.25) Steven 0. Hawn Thomas R. Longte�low pEpQS IT I ON (1.17) Berrne M. Dus�ch 04/02/92 MEETING WITH JILK (1.0) ; ..J. Michael Miles �.eo F, schumacher p4/02/92 MEE7ING WITH MIKE MIIES AND STEVE JILK ( .75) ; Shawn M. Moynihan ' REV I EW F I LE .50) Mark�. Fe��man DEPOSITION OF STEVE JILK (1.25) , Michael R. Strom John P. S�eben p4/Q6/92 REVIEW DOCUMENTS FOR MISSIN6 LETTER RfGARDING �Enc A snort DECEMBER 23, 1991 AS PER JILK'$ DEPDSITION { . 4} Craig M. Rcen SaraM. Hu�se p4/08/92 REVIEW PRODUC7ION DUP�ICATIONS FOR DECEMBER 23, 1991 LETTER ( .25) ; PICK UP TAPE �ROM ROSEMOUN , Ot Counse�: TRAVEL (l.00) ; LETTER TO ALBRIGHT AND MAIL T PE James M. Gcetteman � .25� ' rAlso admrtted in W�sConsin •,rAlso admrtted���oWa Qq����42 PREPARE FOR SHORT DEPOSITION ( .92) �, STRATEGY FOR rCErtit�Qd 35 Ctvd tttdl . � spec�ai�scs t>v tne Nano�ai SUMMARY JUDGMEN7 MOTION (1.00) Boaro ot 7r�a�/+dwca�' 2 5 • P R P AR E and the�i��nesota State a5/19/92 TELEPNONE CONFERENCE WITH ALBRICHT (. ) , gyr Assx�at�on UPDATE FOR CITY COUNCIL (.5D) S7: PAUL OFFICE: Ga�c�erP►aza 05/21/92 REVIEW/REVISE CASE STRATEGY ( .75) ; TfLEPHONE s�ee 550. Box a5 CONFERENCE WITN ALBRIGHT REGARDING DEPOSITI4 S t75 Fitth Street East ( ,25) � PR�pARE SUMMARY JUDGMENT STRATEGY ( .5 ) St. Pau1. MN 55101-2501 (612)222-4146 FAX(612)223•8279 p��29�92 ORGANIZE AND UPDATE FILE ( .50) 05/29/92 UPOATE FILE AND ORGANIZE ( .50} 06IO2/92 LETTER TO ALBRIGHT (.25); LETTERS TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ( .08) 06/04/92 PREPARE FOR DEPOSITIONS (3.17); DISCOVER STR TEGY (1.67) 06/09/92 REVIEW FILE FOR INFORMATION STATEMENT AND LETTER; MAIL RECORDS ' � d . ' � � . .. . . . . 1 Nertogs F�uegel Sieben Polk Jones & LaYerdtere . � . �O�ESS���ASSOCIATION � . � . . . . 999 Wesriiew Drive Hastings, MN 55033-2a9 ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF ' (s�2) a3T-314 �u 1 y 10, 1992 FAX (612) 43T-273 , ,Samuel H. Hertog ,ponald J. Fiuege 06/19/92 SCHEDULE DEPOSITIONS FOR TUESDAY .t-Michaei R. Siebe . ,--Michael S: Poi .HarveyN. Jone O6/ZZI92 PREPARE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR QEPOSITI N .•:Richard A. l.aVerdier Steven 0. Haw Thomas R. Longfell 06/23/92 FINAL PREPARA7ION FOR DEPOSITIONS (1.17) ; C TY Bernie tv�. Dusic COUNCIL DEPOSITIONS (3•75) ' ..J. Michaei Mile Lep F. SChumach � 06/25/92 PREPARE TRIAL STRATEGY Shawn M. Moyniha nrtar��. Fe��ma RESEARCW REGARDIN Michae� R. 5tro 06/26/92 MEET WITN MCMENOMY (.75) ; Jonn P s�ebe REPRESENTATION OF JILK (1.11) Scott J. Hert s Eric A. Sh Craig M. R � 06J30/92 BEGAN RESEARCH FOR MEMO ON COUNCIL MEMBERS UTIES Sara M. Hui e AND POWER$ Ot Couns �: 06/30/92 DROP OFF DOCUMENTS ( .50) ,lames M. Goettem n • $5,4 7$.15 *Also adm�tted m Wiscon �n .�Aiso adm�tted�n t EXPENSES: 87.70 ::Certit:ed as c�vi�t iat spec�alists by the Nati al COPY COSTS FOR THE WEEK OF 03/16/92 Board of Triai Ad �Y 3.5� andtheMinnesot3S te REIMB JUDY MARTINELLI FOR MIIEAGE Bar Associatl n TO ROSEMOUNT ON 03/17 ' SL PAUL OFFI E Gaitier PI PAID VERBATIM COURT RPTG FOR COPY 94.20 Suite 550. Box a5 OF STEPNAN JILK , t75 Fifth Street E st St. Paul. MN 55101•2 Ot Y.5� �s�2>222.a as COPY COSTS FOR THE WEEK OF 05125/92 FAX(612) 223-8 79 2+o0 COPY COSTS FOR THE WEEK OF 06/08/92 COPY COSTS FOR THE WEEK OF 06/22/92 5•75 $i94.65 ---$5,673.40 TOTAL BILL AMOUNT $0.00 BALANCE FORWARD $0.00 AVAILABLE CREDIT ___,________ $5,673.40 TOTAL AMOUNT DllE 1 II I t � Nertog Fiuegel Sieben Polk Jones LBYerdiere FaR YC}U� �NF RMATIC�N �OFESS�ON�►i� tATiON 999 Wesriiew Drive Hsstings, MN 55033-2495 ROSEMOUNT, CITY OF � � ' (st2) a37-stas 875 145TH STREET EST FAX (612) 437•2732 A u g u s t 11 , 199� OSEMOUNT, MN 550fi , .SBmuel H. HertOgs .Oonald J. Ftuegel .� M�chaei Fi. Sieben .� M�chael S. Polk .HarveyN. .Jones OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH JULY 31 , 1992: .•�Richard A. LaVerd�era ' Ste�en D. Nawn R06800-0030 Thomas R. Lo�gfeilow E: MIKE MCDQNOUGH I Bemie M. Dus�ch 'SUNRISE BUILO RS PROPERTY' , ..J. Michael Mdes �eoF SChumacher 4�ROTE EGAL LIABILITY MEMO (5.0) Shawn M. Moyn�han ���6✓92 Mark J. Fellman Michael R. Strom 1 Jd��92 PREPAR' TION OF PRESENTATION TO COUNCI� ( •07); ,John P S�eben pRESEN�(ATION T0 COUNCIL ( .33) Scott J. Hertogs I Eric A. Short Cra�g M. Roen �����92 RESEARICHED, WROTE MEMO ON ABUSE QF PROCESS (4• } Sara M. Hulse 07/17/92 REVIEWI DEP05ITIONS OF COUNGIL MEMBERS (.67) Of Counse�� � ,lames M. Goeneman 07�21�g2 pREPA IE FOR ORAL AR6UMENT ON AMENDED COMPLAINT *AISo atlmittetl�n W�SCOns�n �Z.1�� ' *„Also atlm�ttetl�n iowa ��Certrt;ed as c�v�i tnal spec;ai�scsoymeNac�o�ai 07/22/92 FINAL PREPARATION F4R ORAL ARGUMENT (1 .01 ; HEA ING Boa�d o�T��ai Aovocacv ON AM NDED COMPLA I NT ( .67) and the M�nnesota State ea�Fassoc�at�on 51 ,0 6�.6� $T. PAUL OFFICE: EXPENSES: GaiUer Plaza PAID VERBATIM COURT RPTG FOR COPY 166.80 Su�te 550. BoX as pF DEPOS. TAK N ON 06/23 ' t75 F�ftn Street East St. Paui. MN 55�0�-290� S I 06•SG (6t2) 222-4146 ' ------------ FAX (612) 223•8279 �1 ?�Q,:�;; TOTAL BILL AMOUNT , S5,F73.��? BALANCE FORWARD , ' S{).QC� AVAiLABLE CREDITI ___________- 56,902.��5 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE . f �. 'I � � . � . � "� FLUEGE� MOYNIHAN 8L MILES, P.A • ', ATiORNEYS AT IJ�W ' Donaid J. Fluegel II � 1303 So th Frontage Road Shawn M. Moynihan H stings, MN 55033 J. Micha i Miies Telephone: (612)43&9777 � Fax: (612) 438-9775 FO��R YOU� � fNFORMATION TY F� ROSEMOUNT, CI Q 2875 145TH STREET �IWEST ROSEMOUNT� MN 55��8 , November 3, 1992 FOR PROFESSIONAL ERVICES RENDERED THROUGH SEPTEMBfR 30� 1992: RE: MIKE MCDONOUG R06800-0030 'SUNRISE BUTL ERS PROPfRTY' 08/03/92 REVIE AMENDED SUMMONS, AMENDEO NOTICE OF M�TION AND M TION TO AMEND COMPLAINT TO ALLEGE PUNITIVE DAMGE , AMENDED ORDER 08/03/92 REVIE�I PUNITIVE DAMAGES MOTION (.50); PREPARf STRAT�GY fOR MOT�ON ARGUMENT (1: $3) 08/04/92 REVIE�i OEPOSITIONS (1.92); PREPARE STRATfGY FOR PUNIT VE OAMAGES MOTION {2.11) 08/05/92 MEETI G WITM SHORT REGARDING FAGTS (.54); LEGAI RESEA,CN REGARDING SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT (.83); LEGAL RESEA CN RE6AROING INDEMNIFICATION ('1.33); MEETING WITH ITIGATIQN REVIEW C(N�ih1ITTEE (.67); MEETING WITH ILK (.42); START PREPARATION QF AFFIDAYITS (2.17 08/05/92 INITI 1 RESEARCN ON MUNICIPAL DUTIES ' 08/05/92 DRAFT DEPQSITI4N NOTICE; ORAFT PRODUCTION OF DOCUM�N7 REQUEST _ 08/06/92 RESEA�CN BACKGROUND MEMO ON MCDONOUGH CASE 08/06/92 SERVE DOCUMENTS T4 WIPPERMAN AT WORK; DRAFT DEPOS TION N07ICE FOR MCDONOUGN AND REQUEST FOR� PRODU�TION ' 08/06192 LEGAL RESEARCH REGARDING PUNITIVE DAMAGES (3.25); PREPA ATION OF JILK� WIPPERMANN, KLASSEN, SHORT AFFID VITS (2.33); MEETING WITN MCMENOMY (.50) p$JQ7/92 PREPA E MCMENOMY AFFIDAVIT (.42); LEGAI RESEARCH REGAR ING TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE (2.58); START MEMQ � 'I , � FLUEGE MOYNIHAN t� MILES, P.A. . � I ATTORNEYS AT LAW Donatd J Fiuegel �i 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Shawn M. Mo nihan ', y Telephone: (61� 438-9777 J. Micha I Miles �,I Fax: (612)438-9775 ROSEMOUNT� CITY 0 F' November 3, 1992 IN OP OSITION TO PllNITIVE DAMAGES MOTION (4.17) pg/07/92 FINISW SNORT MEM4 ON TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE Q$/p7j92 FINIS�i MCDONOUGH MEMO ON STATUTORY O�LIGATIONS OF MllNIC �PALITY; BEGIN MEMO TO RESEARCH TORTIOUS INTEF RfNCE 08/07/92 GIVE FFIDAVITS TO JILK� KLASSEN� MCMENOMY AND PICK UP DEROSITION TRANSCRIP7S . 08/08/92 PREPA�tATION QF MOTION BRIEF 08/10/92 �LEGALIRESEARCNJPRFPARATION 4F BRIEF 08/11/92 FINIS�i BRIEF 08/11/92 CQPY �IIRIG CASE; LOOK FOR CASES THAT CAUSE A CONTR�ACT TQ FALL FOR INDEFINITENESS 0$/12/92 SERVE AFfIOAVITS T0 MCMENOMY FOR SICNATURE (1.0) 08/13/92 PREPARE FOR MCDONOUGN DEPOSITION OS/14/92 FINAI PREPARATION FOR MCDONOUGH DEPOSITION (1.25}; MCDOt�OUGH OEPOSITION{1.00); MEETING WIHT MCMENOMY/JILK(.50) 08/18/92 PREPI�RATION OF OOCUMENT PRGDUCTION RfQUEST (..'S}; PREPARATION OF ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT (1.25); - - PREP/�RATION FOR ORAL ARGUMEN7 93.67�; PREPARATION �F A FIDAVIT FQR ORAL ARGUMENT (1.Qp) 0$/19/92 FINA ARGUMENT PREPARATION (1.00); ORAI ARGUMENT (1.2 ) 09/15/92 RESE RCH REGARDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT/CONTINUANCE 09/17/92 MOTI N AND TRIAL PREPARATION 09/21i92 ATTE D MOTION FOR CENWI7NAJILKH(AR25)►�MEETING WITH TELE�WONE CQNFERENC , , ' AN �L MILES, P.A. . FLUEGEI� MOYNIH ATTORNEYS AT LAW i . Flue el I 1303 South Frontage F�oad Dona d J g I Hastings. MN 55033 Shawn M. Moynihan II Telephone: (612) 438-9777 J. Michael Miles �I Fax: (6t2)438-9775 ROSEMOUN7, CITY OFI November 3, 1992 I CITY C� UNCIL {1.00); ORGANIZE AND PREPARE FOR TRANSF R OF LITIGATION FILE (1.42) TOTAL LEGAI FEES: �9,127.50 EXPENSES: 111.00 PAID DAKOTA CO NTY CQURT ADMINISTRATOR OR FILING FEE , PAID SCNULTZ & S�RENSON FOR 152•79 DEPOSITION OF ICHAEL MC DONOUGH TAKEN 8/14/92 ' ' PAID ON TIME D'ELIVERY FOR DELIVERY 30.5Q ON 9-23-92 �, �300.29 TOTAL BILL AMOUNTI� � �9,427.79 BALANCE FORWARD �6,902.85 AVAILABLE CREDI7 I� , --+----��.�0 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE I �16,330.64 THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESSI ROShfi'iOUNT CIZ`Y PROCEEDZNGS SPFGIAL MEETTNG � NOVII�+iBTR 24, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Ci.ty Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesda}�, NovembAr 24, 1992, at 8:00 p.m, in the Council Chamber at City Hall. 2+�ayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Willcox, Klassen, Staats and Wippermann present. City Attorney Miles was absent. Staff present were Jilk, Walsh, Wasmund, Freese, Knutsen, May, Bechtold, and Aker. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of P1legiance. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the I993 Operating Budget with Council input and public input. The agenda also included the Dakota County Incinerator Review Process and a review of some legal sezvices. City Administrator Jilk introduced the Dakota County Incinerator Review Process which would require a consultant firm to proceed with the local permitting. Jilk presented a letter from Jeff Connell of Resource Strategies Corporation showing its qualifications in waste management and its familiarity with the Dakota Countiy project. City staff along with Dakota County staff would recommend the use of Resource Strategies Corporation. Ma.yor McMenomy and Councilmember Willcox expressed hes�tations with this firm. Councilmember Staats noted that Dakota County is paying for these consultant fees and also paying for the City of Rosemount' s staff time involved with the incinerator project. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize City staff to proceed with the process to continue review of the Dakota County Resource Recavery project and the necessary consulting and staffing arrangements as outlined in the staff memo from Planning Director Freese and Public Works Director Wasmund dated . November 13, 1992 . Second by Staats. Ayes: Wipperm�nn, Staats, Klassen. � Nays: McMenomy, Willcox. Motion carried'. �� Mayor McMenomy expressed ccncerns over the cruality of seYvices of the legal firm Fluegel, Moynihan and Miles regarding �he McDonough/Sunrise litigation. MOTION by McMenomy to reconsider payment for legal services rendered from Fluegel, Moynihan and Miles, �.A. until settlement of the McDonough/Sunrise litigation. Second by Willcox. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: Klassen. Wippermann voted present. Motion carried. The Hampton-Broback condemnation issue was tabled until legal advise can be obtained. Administrator Jilk reviewed the budget process to ' this time. The Preliminary Budget was set September 9 , 1992 . Ch�.nges are being i ' s i • Farmington Independent rt c,�ofR��unt LL I ` � Poblk Notice. ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Bie���x�,a,�,�,r�.� �-, 1Vtjneral Extra�ion Permlt Re�ew�d Diane Berge,being duly swom, on oath says that she is an authorized �P`dp`O�"� ,. �.4992145t1iSJreetEart `F agent and ernployee of the publisher of tbe netivspa�er, kno�vn as The ' TO WHOM IT MAY C013CERN. � , Fnrmingto,i I,idepe,tde�it , u�d l�as full�owlcd��C of Lhe fZC[S ��'hiClt u'e NOTICE IS HERBBY GIVEN,che City Sl1[ed bC10�V: Cou�7 of the City af Rosemount w�716o1d ' a public hearing on Tuesday,March 16, (A)The ne�vspaper l�as couiplied ��:ith all of the requiren�ents constitutin�� ; 1993 in the Council C�ambers of the .�aty qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided b�� �iinnesota S�atucs � Halt,287s 145th Screet wes�,beginning as 331AA2,331A.07 and other apglicable laws,2S 3Il1Bndzd. . 8:00 p.m.�as sooa tttueafta as passibla;.- The purpase of this hearing is to raceive (B)The priIItP.CI'T�}-�7�+�p public coau�nt on the application raxived . ' : &om Bituminous Roadway,Inc.f�renewal of a Minaai Extractioa Permit Iaitially,the ' Mineral Eztraction Permit was to have which is attached, was cut from tl�e columns of said ews a er, and was ��""��y`�'�e pctitioner is now P P requestiag t�(10)years for the operation af printCll and PlltlliShCd OI1Ce C2Ch WCCk fOr�r�u.,� the Miaeral Extractioa Pecmit. successive weeks;it was fust published on Thursday,the �1'� �'O7C1��1r 2.���s af�w�r;al were da of �.GL"1 19 9 3 and was thereafter printed and exsr�ed'°1�92. ' Y � �• As set forth in the conditions of the pubiisI�ed on every Thursda}�, tc> and includin2 Thursda��, thc p��,�neralexuactionaciivityitlimited ----"— d a}� of __ . 19—; an d pr i n t:;d to a si�e aoc w exceed 39 acres of ctu ensue i��low is a copy o� the lo�;�er cas� rlpi�abet ;ro�. .=� �c Z, botl� inclu�i,c> P1OPem'•Tke subjeet propetty is ownrd by �;�l�icf� is l,�:cl�y ac��owled�cd as b�in� the size a�i j 'i_�d cf l � �, usc� �n Oao Ped and is geaerariy described as�he yP� west 87 lIl acres of the Southeast quartec th;can;pOSlli0I1 �lli(I PUU�IC1UOIi Of[I]�I?C)iIC�: and the east 75 actes of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29,Towns6ip 115,Range 18;subject to Y►ighway easement over the ,` t s ;•� '",;-, aorth 50 feet(P.I.DJ3402904�010-50)and � • addressed as 4992�45rh Street Fast. $}':—�1 � � . Persons wishing to speak on this issue are Tiile:Administrator for th Publisher inviced co attena ch;s Cicy Councii Mating oII 1"i'.,...esdaY•M�rch 16.1993 at 8:Q0 oLttt� Subscribed and sworn[o before me on this "�t�� day of��_, Dated this 2ad day of March,1993. 1�G� �� _' � sy i�r s��Ht,w�gn . � .� Susan M.Walsh,City Glerk City of Rosemaunt Not�iry Public Dakota County,Ivtinnesota . 3/4 :�F�FID.�V I"I' �ti f�,;..� CONNIE E FIFAREK - ,�5�� NOtOry PubiiC-��nnesOta i DakOfa Cvunty �E1.... Mv Comm EXo 5-t 5•96