HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Bituminous Roadways/Otto Ped Mining Permit � � � City of Rosemount Q� Executive Summary for Action. City Council Meetiag Date: March 16. Z993 Agenda Itemz Mineral Extraction Permit Agenda Section: Renewal PUBLIC HEARING , (4992 I45th Street East) Prepared By: RicMard Pearson ,�`_ �� Agead _ • Assistant Planner lJ'�"� , ���� � � � ' Attachments: Permit Applieation; Appr ed By: Conditions; Correspondence; P.C. Reviews; Phasing Plan; Pub. Hrg. Not. & Mlg List. � .>' Mr. Palmer� Peterson. and Mr. Chad Nelson, of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. , are requesting approval of a Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal originally granted in 199Z for Mr. Otto,, Ped's property located at 4992 145th Street East. ' ' Bituminous Roadways, the operator of the minera�. extraction process, is requesting .that annual �Qs� canstruction: season restoration should no longer be required and that excavated material should be stockpiied continuously throughout the year. ' Planning staff considered the request to be an intensification of mining activity that would be inconsistenG with the �aurpase and intent cf the Agriculture Dis�rict. Mineral extraction has been pe�n�tted �.n limited portions of the Ag�i�ulture District with restoration of the site required to occur at t�e end of each one-year phase. Please refer to the Planning Commission Reviews (2/9/92) for more information. The Planning Commission reviewed the permit renewa�-request at their Ma.rch 9, 1993 Regular Me�ting. After some discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the renewal 'of the Mineral Ex�raction Permit with n4 changes to the 1992 conditions . As a result, the Planning Commission did not recommend approual of the continuaus stockpiling, nor the relaxat,ion of annual restoration policies in the Agriculture District. ' Recommended Actioa: A MOTION to approve the renewal of the Mineral Extraction Permit for Bituminaus Roadways, Inc. to operate on the Otto Ped praperty locat,ed at 4992 145th Street East under the same conditions as approved in 1992 . City Council Action: , 03/16/93.001 • , , Permit #• Date of issue- Expiration Date: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Minerai Extraction Permit Application Applicant: Bit min u R dw s Inc. Address. 2825 Cedar Ave. So. Mpls MN 55407 721-2451 ee um er . ty e p ae none� Propertv Owner Person/Cors�oration Conductina Extraction Name: Otto Ped Name: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Address: 4994 145th Street East Address: 2825 Cedar Ave. So. ueet ueet Rosemount MPd 55468 Minneapolis ' MN 55407 �y e P tate p Phone Number. 437-4645 Phone Number: 721-2451 _ .x****;�,�*,��******************************«************************:***************************************�*:�*** Purpose of Excavation/Extraction: (Describe in Detail) Materi al s bei nq extraCted wi 11 be hauled to Bituminous Roadways gravel pi� in Inver Grove Heights and incorporated i nto exi sti n�operati ons Thi s consi sts of prpcessi ng and sal es, and uti 1 i zi ng � ri 1 'n h 1 r duction. - „x*x****,�***************************************************«************«***�*****************x****x**�:*;�X�**� ---- Property infarmation / Excavation Site Lega1 Description: W 87 1/2 acres of SE 1/4 & E 75 acres of SW 1/4 sub ject �o �,��i�ae P.i.�.�� hi hwa easement over North 50' �/34-02900-010-50 TOTAL ACREAGE: 39 acres ' Type of Materiai to be Extracted: Gravel and aranul ar f i 11 Total Gubic Yards to be Extracted: 100 000 Estimated Number of Years of pperation: 3 vears Estimated Date for Compleiion of Site Rehabilitation: ' ,�ccess/TransportRoutes: CountY Road 42 east to Highway 55p north on Highway 55 to 117th Street, west on 117th Street to Rich Valley Blvd. (Names oi highways,streets or other public roadways within the Gty upon which the material will be transpoRed) 7his pemiit, upon authorizaria: by City Council, is valid from January 1 tlirough Deceriiber 31 of tlie year of issi�a�rce. 77�e proposed r�7f�ieral extractiou will be reviewed accordi�ig to su6n:ined plans mid descripriol: of tl:e proposed aperatior: as required tt�tder proti�isio�is detailed in City of Rosen:ount Zorti�tg Ordi�:ance, Section 14.8 MIIVERAL�sXT'RACTTON. bi submirti�tg titis applicatio�i tlie appiica�:t recognizes tlie requireme�its set fonh in tlie Ciry of Roser�iount Zorii�ig Ordiriancc for the regulation of mi�ti�:g and pgrees to meet tliose conditions prior to requestirrg appro��a f this pennit. /�-/r�.- �z-- :'��,�,.� oqc%9 S ..�1c . Date SigrraCure of pli (�VER � ��� eona�t�o�� of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. MINF�RAL EXTRACTI4N I'�R1VIIT R]CNEWALi P�B[ASE I - 1993 (4992 145th Street East - Otto Ped Pr�operty) l. That Bituminous Roadways, Inc. (hereinafter °thE OPERAT(3R") sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of the said permit. 2. That this permit is granted for the area designated as Phases'1, 2, and 3 on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the exhibits dat�d December 19, 1989. 3. The term of the permit shall extend from January 31, 1993 until December 31, 1993 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. Thereafter, any applica.tion for renewal of the permit shall be made at Ieast sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. A mineral extraction pemut fee of$250 shall be paid to the Crrx of Rosemount. ' 4. That all required permits from the Staxe of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "the Crr�") or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the CrrY prior ta the issuance of the permit. That failure'by the OPEx�'rox to comply with the terms and eonditions of any of the permits required under tlus paragraph shall be grounds for the CrtY to terminate said mining permit. 5. That the fmal grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordance with Exhibit A and the support materials s�i�mitted with the perrnit application uutiaily issued on July 2, 1991. 6. All gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mining area from Caunty State Aid Highway 42 (CSAFi 42) from the location shown on Exhibit A and the designated truck route to (and from) the site shall be CSAH 42 east of Highway SS, north on Highway 55 to the CrrY boundary. It shall be the OPERATOR's responsibiliry to obtain any easements fflr ingress and egress. A plan for dust control shall be submitted and apprvved by the CrrY. ' 7. That the suarface water drainage of the mining area shall not be altered so as ta interfere or affect the natural drainage of the adjacent property. 8. No topsoil shall be removed from the site and th� Op�RA'roR shall take necessary measures to prevent erosian of the stockpiled tapsoil. 9. That all costs of processing the permit, ineluding but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees, and legal fees, shall be paid by the OP��Tox prior to the issuance of the permit. That the OPE�'roR reimburse the CrrY for the cost of periodic inspections 1 Biruminous RoadwayslOtto Ped/03.11.93 � , � . ' EXHIBIT A � . . ; . . , ; ; ; . .� . , . . . . . . � ; • � � , � ' �'���� `•C/fEC fIW11l[LOC�iIOY .. �. . . : . . .� • � - . . . . . .. 145 TN ST E. �.S.Q.}-� . 4'2 ` �: , . _ �� ��.n1�`O""'w�M .�_ - � . . .� . . � . �. " � , � , . . �" !�r��� Q � � � �� � • � y� �I�N �„ � �w" R' � ' � #" . �. � � � � _ Q� � ' _ , � � . . . . _ . �1. . . . � . � � � . . �t� . . . i P . . � 30 . . QOV � . � � . � . -� . . . . . . . . . . . ..._._.. tp: . � . . . ?6 _ . . . . 4� . . . � . . . . . . . � `S . ,��� . . � . . . � � ��} . . . - . � � � . x -a ---'�_ e o r , �'^ a � o � �: o � HASE � PH �� ee�90 �m� __ � / , : __ 1 ; . ����,,���,..� I , '` , '�$. 1;,�„/s I ; �• � -�' � � � �. �i ,00�'' � PHASE ¢T°'� � � �,o � . . � � . ng � . . . _'1' ! .--� � f i yoo _- � 670 � 680. ,�- 1 _ 890 --- - — — — .� T , r—�i,t� P1Hyc �`'s..�F- tl.rv'�3—� GRADING PLAN . . SCu t:l�....._ � � � . � �oo . . � � . PROPOSD STOCKP{LE LOCATION 6 aeMq ccrtiry t6.t �e�s��r.«�.� .�..�� , ,W►TE_ REVI510N - . . ws.Mepa�ra I�r.r or�w.ue� .y ni�..�.i� . . � . . . . GRADING PENMIT QRAWIkGS . su�rvislon�nd tA�t Y a.a Au{y L•ev- ' OTTOPEO PROPERTY � � � �. istereJ Pro�rssiawi twqinee�•u�wrr Ur � "' -''- -" """ � ROSEMOUNT,MN. � � . . . . laws ol thc�Sute u1 nim�rs��t•. . . . . _ .._ . . m� � . _ _ � 2D� Ot� Y�D 3 .Zoo�X 3�� N�a+� �ouat�� �-tGY o�"i�iDLr� ''. :1-`� -- :.,�,�:� � , E e , ,, r�G—��—�� ;�UE ;�: 10 B I T RDi�Y� FAY, N0, 6127216875 P. G 1 � � ' ' , a� ' s�,���_.�, i , �., j�],�• ��A �'✓r . �'�s ��Mw "�'M;,+�' �r ;< .:��:i:. BtTUMtNOUS R�A�3IEVAYS, iNC. 2$25 CEUAR ,4VEh�UE SOU1'H � UIINNEAPOLIS,;MINNESOTA.5540� /' PHON� (612� 721-2a51 _ February 23, 1993 ' Mr: Richard pearson ' Assis�ant Plannc�r ' , �i ty cf Rosemount ' P.O. Eox 5?u , : Rc���moUnt, httd 55068-J51 � ' RE: Bituminous Ro�dways, Inc.-N�neral �xt�-ac�ion Permit Request for 49Q� 145th Str��et E, 4tto Ped Property Dz�r Mr. PEarson, Gct�tER,aL C�U�STI4NS: , WHERE N1ILL THE STOCKPZLES SW LflCF�T�C'? Under Phase �1 : Mater��l wili he ta�c�n �ram th� west one ;thir� �f �he proposed rnining area. 7he arEa is a��roximately 5�0 *eet by 300 fae�, with 4ne closest �c��ivi�y rt.o 1�5�n Stree'� ocCt�rrirtg 1 , 780 feet away. Us z r7g thes� rst�•��l��rs , �t�z stackp j 1 es �ri 1 1 be aRprox i mat�1 y 2 , �0 �eet 5out.h of 145th Strs�t, 290 �eet ea�t of the west property 1 ine and �a50 feet north of t1�e �outh prop�rty 1 �ne. V,!HA i liS_LL RE�TtiE�SI ZE�CJF THE S i GCKPII.:ES? The i n��nti on �s Lo T�ir,�p ??�, �OC cui�ic ;ard� to �ompl�Le Pt;��A #i in app;^oxim�tely thre� years . Th2 actual amount pEr year is difficu7� to campi7� as i� w� 11 �e d�term;ned by thz ava: ? able work. For exarnpl�; i � t,he "�urning plant" proposEd fo�^ th� Rc�emount area w� ll tak� place, ?� would create a market ,for .60 ,000 cu�ic y�r�'s of mat�r;a? . The reserve stackpiles could ' b� about 2�,O�i^ c�bic> � yards at any time. 4dith this qudntity rhere wouiu b2 a stackpilE approximately 20Cf feet in lengtM and 38 ' feet in height. S�e '�he diagram below. � 2.�0 / �_� •�!----- _--�-,--�-�-----�, .,......_.._.._. � C f �... � �s �-`'.� � --�-----�— � ��--�"` This �� reat � n h2ight is minimal as i* i� � , 230 fEet frcm vi�wing fro�n 145th Str�.c;t. ' ' i , � i ' •- j i I BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. 2825 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH � MINNEAPOLIS,MI'NNESOTA 55407 � PHONE (612) 721-2451 � January 22, 1993 Mr. Rick L'earson City of Rosemount P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Rick: s As we discussed last week, we have some reservations on our ability to continue with our operations at Otto Ped' s Farm unless the permit can be amended. i l. The phasing time is going to take much longer then originally proposed as �there has not '3�een - a current market for the gravel and the prospects far using �khe quantity_ proposed will take more time. Up to ten years, 2. Not allowing us to inventory processed material from one calender ye�r to the next makes it impossible to market the material for the major part of the construction year. We did not risk praducing a stockpile of saleable material � because the permit says a1Z stockpiles sha11 be gone at the end of the construction season. We need to be allowed to inventary processed material from one season to the next. 3. Erosion is managed by placing the overburden in windrows on the downhill slope of a11 operations �nd stockpiles. Dust control' is accomplished by adding water to our conveyors, if material is too dry. � . � � � . . . . . y Mr. Rick Pearson Page 2 January 22, 1993 4. 1992 was our first year of operatian and we did less then 2000 Ton of finished product in the form of screened rock. We laok forward to discussing these points with you and to continue with the gravel operation. Sincerely yours, BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS� INC. �� \ �� ,� � f � .Ct- J�z.�j i -_.-✓'. ��,�-��7'�� Pa lmer G. Peterson ���' .- , President � ,:� PGP/df _ , C. C. Chad Nelson _ Otto Ped i�� o osev►�oun� ! � PHONE (6?2)423�441t 2675-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McAAenomy P.O.Box 570,RosemouM,Minnesota 55068�0510 COUNCtlMEM9ERS � Sheila Klassen i `r0: PLANNING CONIlVIISSION �ames(Reeq Stasts Harry Wiilcox Dennis Wippertnsnn FROM: RICHARD PEARSON, ASSISTAIr"T PLANhTER AOM�r+is�wToa Stsphan Jilk DA�: FEBRUARY 19,1993 Si.1BJ: FEBRUARY 23, 1993 REGtri.�t Pr.at��v�'G COA��SSiON IVIEETA'G a AGErma I�tvt 6 ATTACHh�NTS: Permit Application, 1992 Conditions of Mineral Extraction Permit, Hearing Notice, Mailing List, I.ocation Map BITUI4�OUS ROADWAYS, IIVC. - MIlti'ERAL EX'TRACTION PER1��T REQUEST 4992 1452Bt S�ET EAST - dTT0 PED PROPERTY NATURE OF REQUEST Mr. Palmer Peterson, President for Bituminous Roadways, Inc., has applied for renewal of the � Mineral Extractian Permit for a mining operation on the Otto Ped property at 4992 145th Street "—` East. The property is zoned Agricultural (AG):. Bituminous Roadways-vriginally applied for the permit in 1990, but only built an access road. In I992, Bituminous was granted a renewal of the Mineral Extra.ction Permit in July, for a first phase that was intended to he completed with the expiration of the permit at the end of the year. 'I'he remaining phases were intended to require one year each, with the operation being completed in three years. Mr. Peterson has requested that the phasing of the operation be greatly extended with the project lasting as much as ten years. The first phase involving approxirnately 370,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel to be removed would take about three years. Tn 1992, approximately 2000 tons of material (screened rock) was removed which amounts to about three tenths of one percent. The applicant cited that the reasan for such a limited amount of material mined in 1992 is a city policy prohibiting the stock-piling of excavated material from one year to the next. As a result, the operator had to have the material either pre-sold, or immediately hauled to another site outside of Rosemount. Mr, Peterson is now requesting that Bituminous Roadways, Inc. be allowed to maintain stockpiles of excavated material on the site during the entire life span of the operation of the mineral extraction process. � ! � � , F���// �vers�i�ings �omxng `U�� C�ose3nount�� � c..__._ .:� ; Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews February 23, 1993 Agenda Item 6. Page Two BACKGROUND Prior to February, 1991, mineral extraction was allowed in the General Industrial District only. Grading permits were granted for property in the Agriculturai district only c�n a single year operation basis that required restoration before the end of the year. This process enabled farmers to reshape land to increase tillable acreage. In 1988, the Pine Bend Development Company applied for a grading permit between Co. Rd. 38, Emery Ave. and C.S.A.H. 42 for aggregate material to be used in the C.S.A.H. 42 construction project. The operator, Richard Schuh, was to have cornpleted the project and restored the site within one construction season. The highway construction project was completed without utilizing material that remained stockpiled on-site in 1989. In an effort to avoid litigation, a Settlement Agreement was reached in October, 1989, that enabled the removal and/or respreading of the stockpile. Mr. Otto Ped then requested a grading permit ostensibly to remove a ridge along the southern portion of his property in the Agricultural Preserve District to increase his tillable land and set up an irrigation system. Much discussion ensued when the proposed operation became an apparent commercial mineral extraction process as opposed to a one-year grading permit. As a result of Council direction, an Ordinance Amendment was adopted in February of 1991 • which made mineral extraction in limited Agricultural districts a permitted use with a permit procedure consistent with Mineral Extraction Permits in the General Industrial Districts. Mr. Ped had his praperty rezoned from Agricultural Preserve to Agricultural. It was considered inappropriate for him to rezone to General Industrial because such a rezoning would be a "spot zoning" inconsistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The land use desi�nation in the 1980 Comprehensive Guide Plan was Agricultural and remains as such in the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2000. DiscUssiorr The Miner�� Extraction Permit previously granted to Bituminous Roadways, Inc., permitted a mining operation with restoration occurring at the end of each season, given that each proposed phase of operation would take only one year. As a result, no stockpiling v��ould be allowed on a year to year basis although the issue of stackpiling was not specifical.ly addressed. The concern of Staff is that continuous stockpiling in the Agricultural District (permitted only one half mile north or south of C.S.A.H. 42 east of S.T.H. 52) is still a General Industrial type of land use that is inappropriate in the Agricultural District, inconsistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and should not be permitted because the result would be similar to the previously discussed "spot zoning". Furthermare, a precedent would be created that could result in the same use occumng elsewhere along C.S.A.H. 42 east of S.T.H. 52. � ` � � Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews February 23, 1993 Agenda Item 6. Page Three The mechanism of the Mineral Extraction Permit would have solved the Pine Bend De�Jeloprnent Company stockpile issue in 198$ in a manner favorable to the City, with sufficient securities available to abate the stockpile. The City would have also been less uulnerable to the threat of'litigation that occurred at the time. CONCLUSION The Purpose and Intent af the Agricultural District states that the "district is primarily established to encourage the iong term continuation of agricultural and related uses in the City in areas which are both suitable for agriculture and are not planned for urban development until after the turn of the century." - The current application involves quantities simalar to the referrenced highway praject. Planning Staff is requesting policy direction regarding the acceptability of long-term 'stockpiling. Three options are presented to the Planning Commission relative to the level of intensity that is appropriate for the pennitting of this mineral extractipn operation. RECOMI��NDED MOTTQN: Two motions are needed - one for the recommendation on the proposal and another to - __. recommend the setting of a public hearing. --- FLRST 1VIOTION• Option 1 MOTION to recommend denial of the request for the Mineral Extraction Permit to the City Council that will extend the phasing of operations resultin; in stc�ckpiling of material thus creating a use incansistent with the Purpose and Intent of the Agricultural District and which is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Option 2 Motion to recommend approval of the renewal of the Mineral Extraction Permit to the City Council under the terms of the Conditions of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal, Phase 1 - 1992 Option 3 {To be considered if long-ten�i mineral extraction with continuous stc�ckpiling of material is an acceptable use in the Agriculture district within 1/2 of a mile on either side of C.S.A.H. 42 east of S.T.H. 52) lYIOTION to table action on the request for the Mineral Extraction Permit so that P�ituminous Roadways Zne. can provide additional information as required in section 14.8 (C) of the Zoning Ordinance. SECOND MOTION: MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a date for a public hearing on lvYarch 16, 1993 at 8:00 PM or soon thereafter to hear testimony regarding the application for the Mineral Extraction Permit. ' . i . i`_ ' ' . . ` . �✓� `� . . . . /"'' -�- ,,� F t��\ ' � ) Rs �- � � ��� � v - . . ,�j'---�.� � . p�T� , M.G. AS�L�FORO • 8qQ" .. .. . . � j � . � �M.G. ASTIEFORD ! I 6 _ -^� � � � �R CH BUEGER . v 1 � w `�.r...� ,f �r'-�- -�....,., _ 1�5 TH ST. � �� " [I t� W \ � �� RICHARD z il a � `1 o �) RAMONA ADOLF 9 OTTO PED �"� COROES � �� �� � ��I y � M.G. ASTIEFORQ �� (T� � \ ���� � sso ^ f ..���\ W G/'�/ �� -�`��..,ti.....�1✓ �`f-�1.\ � �-'� .,�--.�--���.�!�.,�\ -\�C�- ��� _ (�C� ���`�-�/- �, � � � � _ \ � � � � - � `� \ � � �\ Pii(W()SEO S�i E � \ � / `� i�EHRY 9 CATHERiNE fOX. � � ��1 1 � � �� �\ � -� 0 � � f � �/' 90O '� . .-�',,-------�'a `--� �--� �",-�-�� ` �� � i3 HANS � / n � ABRAHAMSEN �"�� �j�jJ �' � EXISTtNG CONDITI�NS � . � � SCAIE:i� '�pC:, (I�CO�� . � � � . . � . .. . . . � . � . � . . � . � . . . � � . . . � i I � . ` , z�� o osemoun� PHONE {672)4234411 2875-145th Street West.Fosemount,Minnesota MAYOR fqX (612}4235203 Mailinp Addreas: EcWratd 8.McMe�omy P.O.Box StO.Hoaemount.Minneaota 55068�OS10 COUNCILMEMBEH8 ' Shsila Klasaan Public Notice Ja M��� Dannfs Wippertnano $ITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. A��,���� l�✓IINERAL EXTRACTION �'ERNIIT RENEWAL Otto Ped P'roperty - 4992 145th Street East TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a � public hearing on Tuesday, March 16, 1993 in the Council Chainbers of the Ciry Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Bituminous Roadways, Inc. for renewal of a Mineral Extraction Permit. Initially, the Mineral Extra.ction Permit was to have lasted three (3) years, 'Phe petitioner is now requesting ten (10) years for the oper�tion of the Mi.neral Extraction Pemut. Approximately 2,000 tons of material were extracted in 1992. As set forth in the conditions of the permit, mineral extraction activity is limited to a site not to exceed 39 acres of the entire property. The subject property is owned by Otto Ped and is generally described as the west 871l� acres of the Southeast quarter and the ' east 75 acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Townslup 115, Range i$; subject to highway easement over the north 50 feet (P.I.D. 34-0290Q-010-50) and addressed as 4992 145th Street Fast. , Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this City Council Meeting on Tuesdav, March 16. 1993 at $:00 p.mt \ Dated this 2n�i day of March, 1993. . /L�(.. �; Susan M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota C'�ver�t�ivcgs �omi�.g �U��i �J�osemount�� � .. . t=tKVG�ltl Wno � . . . Bituminous Roadwavs, Inc. - Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal (1993) MaiXing List i 1. Melvin G. Astleford 34-02100-011-5� � 1200 �iighway 13 West 34-02100-010-b5 Bumsville, MN 55337 34-02100-011-90 34-02800-010-OS i 34Q2800-010-14 34-02800-010-15 34-02800-011-25 34-Q2800-011-30 34-02800-011-36 ; 34-02800-010-50 34-02800-010-75 ` 34-02800-010-Q1 34-02000-010-82 34-02Q00-010-92 34-02000-014-36 � 2. David A. & Nancy V. Phillips 34-02800-012-30 3583 142nd Street East -- - Rosemount, Mn 55Q68 � . _ . .-- ---. --.. . _ .._ � ' 3. Rieh T. Burger 3�-02900-010-10 _ 1200 Highway 13 West . - - _- -- =_- — -- Burnsville, MN 55337 - .� 4. Dale B. & Betty L. Agre 34-02900-010-15 14175 Eilers Path Rosemount, MN 55068 5. Pine Bend Development Ca. 34-02900-010-20 1200 Fiiway 13 West 3�-02900-010-25 Burnsville, MN 55337 34-02900-010-35 34-02900-010-75 34-02900-010-01 34-02900-010-19 6. Richard C. & Ramona A. Cordes 34-02900-010-60 4594 145th Street East Rosemount, MN SSp68 7. Adolph & Otto Ped 34-02900-010-50 4992 145th Street East (Site) Rosemount, MI�T 55068 8. 7ohn Reese 34-02900-010-69 4230 145th Street East Rosemaunt, MN 55068 � r " 9. Raymond A. & Rosella Rahn 34-030�-010-09 3855 145th Street East 34-03000-01Q 25 Rosemount, MN 5506$ 34-03000-010-30 10. Frank A. Jr. & Betty J. Knoll 34-03000-012-75 4322 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 5506$ 11. Jvhn A. Reese 34-03000-fl13-75 7436 Chagarral Road East Unit #112B Scottsdale, AZ 85253 12. John J. Ostertag 34-03000-014-75 4230 145th Street East Rosernount, MN 5506$ 13. Marlin W. & Joann Rechtzigel 34-43000-011-35 354Q 140th Street Fast 34-03Q00-OI2-35 Rosemount, MN 55068 14. Hans J. Abrahaznsen 34-03000-010-50 1700 Bellows 34-03100-Oi0-01 West St. Paul, MN 55 i 18 34-03100-010-11 _ - __T. 34-03100-0�f?-�9 --- - --_ --` - - 34-0320Q-010-35 -----_.�._..__ : - _ _. 34-03200-01Q-60 .- . __ _ _ __ I5. Ken & Linda Schindeldecker 34-03100-010 2i _ _ 4485 1bOth Street East _ Rosemount, MN 5506$ 16. Henry J. & Catherine Fox 34-032Q0-010-01 15391 Emery Avenue 34-032QQ-010-25 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-03300-010-12 34-0330Q=011-62 34-03300-010-62 17. Henry & Harriet Sahli 34=03300-41Q-35 15172 Emery Avenue Rosernount, NiN 55068 18. Harvey & Bernice Swoboda 34-03300-011-40 15400 Emergy Avenue 34-Q3300-014-40 Rosemount, MN 5506$ 19. Chad W. Nelson, Project Manager APPLICAN'T Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 2825 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407 _�� i-- . u � — r _ , , ; , � O N/ ' Vr C 1� I ��i.) ~ � � C t r t � ��s �� . � „ `; `n ; :'� ' � . ��1 ! �� �.� � �. ( � �� � . ..... � :�•, � '• , + ' . ;. � ,_� � - l�� � -� . �, . ,� _... ,. � ;�...� � �.��.s:i, .; � _�'��� t • � �,,,,��.... �, �� • ..S!.4 i` ;S� ��'��' , � . r . ' ,� � ' nq '"' 1 . .. o ' 4 M • ��� i : i., . al�,, � � . �� � ��= j� �. _�,..F�� �i+ � `\ _�'��►=�`- . 1 � . l � �•J' � �^��l- ' �� a•s i�' � 1• i. '�• •j. •� '�- , . t . . � . .'..�;{ :� •i ' . � t .i 1� .�ie � (. 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