HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant Positions , f . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIl►�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: POLICE SERGEANT AND POLICE AGENDA SECTIDN: LIEUTENANT POSITIONS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: LYLE KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE AGENDA ����y � � � ivr ATTAC�lENTS: MEMO, JOB DESCRIPTIONS, SALARY APP VE BY: RANGE �,� �- It has been apparent for some time that the responsibilities and position of "Team Sergeant" need to be modified. Additional responsibilities and duties being assigned to our patrol sergeants will also have an adverse affect on them remaining in the same bargaining unit of the police offiers. I am recommending that the responsibilities of the patrol sergeant be redefined and present for your approval a new job description for the position of Sergeant. This position absorbs all of the responsibilities of a patrol sergeant as well as assuming greater supervisory responsibilities. As outlined in the memo, it is my recommendation that the sergeant position would receive the status of an exempt, supervisory employee in order to effectively carry out their assigned duties. In conjunction with establishing a new salary range for the sergeant position, it is necessary to fairly justify raising the Lieutenant base salary. Currently, the lieutenant salary is only $300 a year higher than the patrol sergeant. My recommendation is to move the lieutenant position to 96 points which would increase his salary from $42, $56 to $45, 000. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. RECON�lENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ABOLISH THE PATROL SERGEANT POSITION AND REPLACING WITH THE POSITION OF SERGEANT, APPROVING THE SERGEANT JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY R11NGE OF 94 POINTS AND TO APPROVE THE LIEUTENANT JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY RANGE OF 96 POINTS. COUNCIL ACTION: M E M -0 TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Lyle Knutsen, Chief of Police DATE: March 12 , 1993 SUBJ: Sergeant and Lieutenant Positions This is a request for Council to consider abolishing the title of "Patrol Sergeant° and approving the jab description and salary range for the position of ��Sergeant" . The purpose for redefining their responsibilities and modifying� the job description is to give this position supervisory authority and responsibilities . Over the past several months it has become very apparent that the current two patrol sergeants have been exercising supervisory responsibilities in their decision-ma.king and duties. In the near future, these patrol sergeants will be conducting employee evaluations which will be an additional supervisory role assigned to them. In conducting such evaluations, it is very important that the supervisors are not part of the same bargaining unit of the employees being evaluated. This also holds true with the responsibilities outlined in the Sergeant job description which give this position the ability to discipline, suspend, or reward subordinates. AttaChed is a copy of the new Sergeant job description. It is my recommendation that the Sergeant position be assigned 94 points and the related salary range. Upon Council approval of the job description and salary range and points, I want to offer the Sergeant position to the current patrol sergeants. I would like Council to consider a salary of $43, 500 which is slightly above the mid-point of the "B° range. It is necessary to offer this amount based upon their respective salaries they are paid according to the terms and conditions of the police union contract. This will cost a total of approximately $800 for both patrol sergeants to receive a base salary of $43 , 500 and longevity benefits as a nonunion, exempt employee. I would also like Council to consider moving Lieutenant Dwayne Kuhns to the salary range of 96 points from the 94 point range. Since Lieutenant Kuhns was promoted to the lieutenant position from patrol sergeant, he has consistently made only about $300 more a year than the patrol sergeants. His responsibilities and duties as my assistant and as the sergeants' supervisor warrants for him to receive a higher salary. I, therefore, recommend that Lieutenant Kuhns receive a pay increase from a base of ! $42 , 856 to $45, 000 which is the middle of the "B" range of '96 points. Attached is a 1992 salary range scheduled for your review. Attached for your review and approval is a revised job description for the Lieutenant position. I felt this was an appropriate time to revise and update the Lieutenant job description. If Council approves the Sergeant job description and points and salary range as proposed, the next step will be to offer this position to the current patrol sergeants . If you have any questions, regarding this proposal, please feel free to contact me. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP DATE: March, 1993 POSITION TITLE: Police Sergeant DEPARTMEI�T: Police Department ACCOUNTABLE TO: Lieutenant SUPM4ARY OF POS ITION The Police Sergeant performs a variety of routine and complex public safety work in the performance and administration of police patrol, investigation, traffic regulation and related law enforcement activities. Other duties include, but are not limited to: supervising police officers and other assigned staff, scheduling and coordinating shifts, and conducting performance evaluations . ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. ;Supervises police officers and other assigned staff in their duties. 2 . Supervises the scheduling and coordinating of shift changes. 3 , Reviews a variety of police related reports prepared by subordinate officers or others. 4 . Evaluates officers ' arrests based on circumstances and evidence to determine whether subject will be detained or placed in jail . 5 . Makes day-to-day police assignments as required by the needs of the service. 6 . Makes pla�s about individual tactical matters such as equipment to be used for particular operations or the detailed plans needed for an investigation. Develops new approaches to investigate problems . 7. Advises supervisors on deployment of personnel during emergency responses . 8 . Maintains contact with all police personnel to coordinate investigation activities, provide mutual assistance during emergency situations and provide information about department activities. 9 . Maintains contact with general public, court officials ' and other city officials in the performance of police activities, as assigned. 10 . Conducts periodic performance evaluation "and planning sessions for assigned personnel. Counsels assigned personnel on job performance and disciplinary matters. 11. Personally participates in investigating criminal law violations occurring within the city limits, obtaining evidences and compiling information regarding these crimes, preparing cases for filing of charges, testifying in court, and related activities. 12 . Works a uniformed shift in the performance of security patrols, traffic control, investigation, motor vehicle accidents, investigation and arrest of persons involved in crimes or misconduct. 13 . Maintains normal availability by radio or telephone for consultation on major emergencies or precedent. 14 . Carries out duties in conformance with Federal, State, County and City laws and ordinances. 15 . Patrols city streets, parks, commercial and residential areas to . preserve the peace and enforce the law, control vehicular traffic, prevent or detect and investigate misconduet involving misdemeanors, felonies and other law violations. 16 . Responds to emergency radio calls and investigates accidents, robberies, civil disturbances, domestic disputes, fights, drunkenness, missing children, prowlers, abuse of drugs . Takes appropriate law enforcement action. 17 . Interrogates suspects, witnesses and drivers; preserves evidence; arrests violators; investigates and renders assistance at scene � of vehicular accidents; summons ambulances and other law enforcement vehicles; takes measurements and draws diagrams of scene; conducts follow-up investigations of crimes committed during assigned shift; seeks out and questions victim, witnesses and suspects; develops leads and tips; searches scene of crimes for clues; ana�yzes and evaluates evidence and arrests offenders; prepares cases for giving testimony and testifies in court proceedings. 18 . Prepares a variety of reports and records including officer' s daily log, reports of investigation, field interrogation report, alcohol reports, influence reports, breathalyzer check list, bad check form, vehicle impoundment form, traffic hazard report, etc. 19 . Assists citizens with such matters as locked or stall,ed vehicles, crime prevention, drug resistance, traffic safety, etc. 20 . Coordinates and supervises the training, assignment, development of subordinate police officers. 2 21. Coordinates activities with supervisors or other city departments, exchanges ' information with officers in other law enforcement agencies, and obtains advise from the city attorney, county attorney, and attorney general ' s office regarding cases. 22 . Analyzes and recommends improvements to equipment and facilities, as needed. 23 . Reviews, evaluates and develops programs, policies and procedures for various departmental operations. 24 . Assists in the preparation and administration of the department budget. 25 . Schedules and conducts meetings. 26 . Maintains departmental equipment, supplies and facilities. 27. Maintains liaison with community groups . 28 . Performs other duties as required and directed. AUTHORITY OF JOB Persons in this job classification have the auChority to assign work to subordinates, direct the work of subordinates, discipline subordinates for just cause, suspend subordinates for just cause, reward subordinates, transfer subordinates, adjust grievances of subordinates, undertake the discharge of subordinates and undertake the promotion of subordinates . Persons in this job classification are expected to exercise the authority of the job using independent judgment. They may choose ta confer with other city management employees with regard to the use of their authority. DESIRED MINIM[JM OUALIFICATIONS 1. Minimum of five years work experience as a full time licensed police officer. 2 . Considerable knowledge of modern law enforcement principles, procedures, techniques and equipment; considerable knowledge of applicable laws, ordinances and department rules and regulations; extensive knowledge of city' s geography. 3 . Skill in the operation of police car, police radio, radar gun, handgun and other weapons as required, sidehandle baton, handcuffs, breathalyzer, pager, first aid equipment. 4 . Ability to train and supervise subordinate personnel. 3 � 5 . Ability to perform work requiring good physical condition. 6 . Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. 7. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates, peers, supervisors and the general public. 8 . Ability to exercise sound judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions. 9 . Ability to follow and give verbal and written instructions. 10 . Valid state drivers license. STATUS • Exempt Full Time Reviewed by: Approved by Administrative Assistant Date City Administrator Date 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP DATE; March, 1993 POSITION TITLE: Lieutenant DEPARTMENT: Police Department ACCOUNTABLE T0: Chief of Police SUNIl�lARY OF POSITION The Lieutenant performs a variety of routine and complex public safety work in the administration of the police department. The Lieutenant is responsible for supervising, assigning and evaluating the police sergeants and exercises general supervision over subordinate officers and support staff. Responsible for investigating all child abuse and child neglect cases. Performs specialized duties and projects as assigned by the Chief of Police and represents the Chief of Police in his/her absence. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Supervises police sergeant, police officers and support staff in their assigned duties. 2 . Oversees and may personally participate in investiga�ing criminal law violations occurring within the jurisdiction of the department, obtaining evidences and compiling information regarding these crimes, preparing cases for filing of charges, testifying in court, and related activities. 3 . Supervises the scheduling and coordination of shift changes. 4 . Reviews a variety of police related reports prepared by subordinate officers or others. 5 . Evaluates officers ' arrests based on circumstances and evidence to determine whether subject will be detained or placed in jail. 6 . Makes day-to-day police assignments as required by the needs of the service. 7. Makes plans about individual tactical matters such as equipment to be used for particular operations or the detailed plans needed for an investigation. Develops new approaches to investigate problems. 8 . Determines how to deploy personnel during emergency responses. 9 . Ma.intains contact with police supervisory personnel to coordinate investigation activities, provide mutual assistance during emergency situations and provide general information about department activities. 10 . Maintains contact with general public, court officials, and other City officials in the performance of police activities. 11. Conducts periodic performance evaluations and planning sessions for assigned personnel . Counsels assigned personnel on job performance and disciplinary matters. 12 . Maintains normal availability by radio or telephone for consultation on major emergencies or precedent. 13 . Carries out duties in conformance with Federal, State, County, and City laws and ordinances . 14 . Oversees and assists, as needed, in the patrol of City streets, parks, commercial and residential areas to preserve the peace and enforce the law, control vehicular traffic, prevent or detect and investigate misconduct involving misdemeanors, felonies and other law violations . 15 . Oversees and assists, as needed in the response to emergency radio ealls and investigates accidents, robberies, civil disturbances, domestic disputes, fights, drunkenness, missing children, prowlers, abuse of drugs, etc. Takes appropriate law enforcement action. 16 . Prepares a variety of reports and records. 17. Reviews, evaluates and develops programs, policies and procedures for various departmental operations. 18 . Assists in the preparation and administration of the department budget. 19 . Interrogates suspects, witnesses and drivers, preserves evidence; arrests violators; investigates and renders assistance at the scene of vehicular accidents; summons ambulances and other law enforcement vehicles; takes measurements and draws diagrams of scene; conducts follow-up investigations of crimes committed during assigned shift; seeks out and questions victim, witnesses and suspects; develops leads and tips; searches scene of crimes for clues; analyzes and evaluates evidence and arrests offenders; prepares cases for giving testimony and testifies in court proceedings. 20 . Coordinates and supervises the training, assignment, and development of subordinate police officers. Coordinates activities with supervisors of other City departments, exchanges information with officers in other law enforcement agencies, and obtains advice from the City Attorney, Coun.ty Attorney, and Attorney General ' s office. 2 21. Decides case priorities and determines when to take over an investigation. _ 22 . Analyzes and recommends improvements to equipment and facilities, as needed. 23 . Assists citizens with such matters as locked or stalled vehicles, crime prevention, drug resistance, traffic safety, etc. 24 . Monitors and observes patrol or investigative activities to ensure that conduct and performance conforms to department standards. 25 . Schedules and conducts meetings. 26 . Maintains departmental equipment, supplies and facilities. 27. Maintains liaison with community groups. 28 . Performs other duties as required and directed. 29 . Recomrnends purchasing and updating of all equipment for the department. 30 . Investigates or oversees the investigation of child abuse and child neglect cases. AUTHORITY OF JOB Persons in this job classification have the authority to assign work to subordinates, direct the work of subordinates, discipline subordinates for just cause, suspend subordinates for just cause, . reward subordinates, transfer subordinates, adjust grievances of subordinates, undertake the discharge of subordinates and undertake the promotion of subordinates. Persons in this job classification are expected to exercise the authority of the job using independent judgment. They may choose to confer with other city management employees with regard to the use of their authority. DESIRED MINIMUM OUALIFICATIONS 1. Minimum of seven years work experience as a full-time licensed police officer, three of which shall have been in a supervisory position. 2 . Thorough knowledge of modern law enforcement principles, procedures, techniques, and equipment. 3 . Considerable knowledge of applicable laws, ordinanees, and department rules and regulations. 3 4 . Extensive knowledge of City' s geography. 5. Skill in the ogeration of police car, police radio, radar gun, handgun and other weapons as required, sidehandle baton, handcuffs, breathalyzer, pager, first aid equipment. 6 . Ability to train and supervise subordinate personnel . 7. Ability to perform work requiring good physical condition. 8 . Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. 9 . Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates, peers and supervisors: 10 . Ability to exercise sound judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions. 11 . Ability to follow and give verbal and written instructions. STATUS: Exempt Full Time Reviewed by: Approved by: Administrative Assistant Date City Administrator Date 4 C�TY OF ROSETIOUNT - . 1992 SALARY RAN��S 1992 MIDPT. ANNUAL A Range Q Range C range JOB TITLE PTS RATE ' --------------------^------------------------------------------c---------------- CITY ADHINISTRATOR �118 59,5�0.70 �9,580 JO 51,002.10 53,770.6? SG.6JO.b1 SG,GOt.b� 59,580.70 62,559.74 62,560.14 65,6d8.77 68,973.21 PUBU C WORKS DIRECTOR �102 : 49,8�7.29 49,087.29 42,771.21 45,0??.33 n7„•i1.�33 47,39?.93 49,087.29 57,381.65 52,382.65 55,001 J9 57,751.88 POLICE CHIEF �101 � 49,792.80 49,J92.80 42,34).25 Ad,576.05 46,'+Z_'.16 d6,92J.16 49,392.80 51,962.44 51,863.44 54,456.61 51,179.44 f1NANCE DIRECTOR :100 � 48,898.12 48,898.12 41,923.12 44,129.60 4o,45Z.2! A6.453.21 46,898.12 51,343.03 51,344.03 53,911.23 56,606.79 DIRECTOR Of PARKS 6 RECREATION � 99 � 48,344.40 48,344.48 41,440.A5 a:+,629.94 -05,9�(i.�6 45,YZ7.26 48,344.4� 50,16T JO 50,162.T0 53,300.84 55,9b5.88 O1RECi0R OF PLANNING � 99 � 48,344.48 4U,344.48 41,448.45 4:1,62y.44 �15,926.26 45,927.:6 40,744.48 50,761 JO 50,762 JO 53,300.84 55,965.88 CIIY ENGINEER/ASSISTANT P.W. DIRECTOR � 96 � 45,OU0.�0 45,000.90 30,5�1.66 40,b12.21 •12,IA9 J6 42,750.10 45,000.80 47,250.84 47,251.84 49,614.43 52,0s5.15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR � 96 � 45,OOO.QO 45,000.00 38,581.66 40,6t2.27 42,749.16 ' 42,750.16 45,000.80 /),250.84 47,251.84 49,614.43 52,095.15 ADHINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � 94 � 92,155.46 42,255.96 3G,229.30 30,135.05 �O,lA2.ib 40,IaJ.t6 42,255.% 44,368.76 44,369.16 46,588.25 -08,917.66 BUILDING OffICIAL � 94 : 42,255.96 42,255.96 36,228.30 38,135.05 40,142.16 40,143.16 4:,255.95 4A,368.76 44,359.76 46,588.25 48,917.66 PARK E REC SUPERVISOR � 94 � 42,255.96 42,255.96 36,228.30 30,135.05 40,I42.IG 40,143 J 6 42,255.96 A4,368.76 44,369.76 46,588.25 4�,917.66 POU CE UEUTENANT � 94 : 42,255.% 42,255.9b 36,2?8.30 38,135.05 40,14:.1b 40,1-0J.16 42,255.96 44,369.16 44,369.76 46,588.25 48,917.66 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR � 94 � 42,255.96 42,255.96 36,220.30 38,135.05 a0,142.1t 40,143.16 42,255.96 44,368.76 44,369.76 46,588.25 48,917.65 ASSISTANT FtNANCE DIREfTOR � 80 � 37,955.13 91,955.13 32,540.88 J4,:53.55 ]6,056.37 30,051.J7 37,955.13 39,852.84 39,853.89 41,846.58 43,93fl.41 PLANNER : OS � 36,615.94 �6,615.94 31,39..69 33,044.94 3A.794.14 ?4,iH5.1-0 36,615.44 3d,446.74 3�,447.74 40,370.12 42,308.63 ASSISTANT PARK 3 REC DIRECiOR � 80 ; 34,236.65 34,236.65 29,352.75 30,891.G3 32,523.02 32,5?4,8? 34,23G.65 35,948.48 J5,949.48 31,746.96 39,634.3J FTRE MARSHaL � 19 � 32,970.53 32,970.53 20,267.:1 29,754.95 31,321.00 1t,3::.00 32,970.53 14,619.06 34,620.06 36,351.06 38,168.61 ASSISTANT PLANNfR � 75 � �2,064 J 2 72,064.12 27,490.59 28,971:46 3U,4�0.48 :{0,461.48 32,064 J2 33,661.% 33,b68.96 35,352.40 3I,120.02 BUIl01NG INSPECTOR � 15 � 92,064.72 37,064 J2 27,490.59 ).N,937 Ab 30,4b0.4G 30,4t1.4� �2,064.J2 39,6b1.% 33,668.96 35,352.40 3),120.02 ECUIVONIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST � 75 � 32,064.)2 32,Q64.72 27,490.59 213,93).46 30,4G0.4b 30,4b1.4ft 32,064.72 33,667.96 33,66H.96 35,352.40 37,110.02 ENC,INEERING TECHNICIAN � 65 � 29,529.09 29,5?9.09' 25,316.h0 2b,649.05 28,05►,b4 2N,052.b4 29,529.09 31,005.54 31,006.54 32,556.81 34,184.72 ACCOUNTANT � 60 � 27,166.81 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.10 25,007,A7 ?5,008.47 2),166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.46 31,450.08 ADHINISTRATION DEPARTHENT SECRETARY � 60 : 27,166.81 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.IQ 25,d07.a7 25,808.47 27,166.81 20,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.46 31,450.06 BUIlD1N6 INSPECTIONS SECRETARY � 60 s 27,166.U1 21,166.81 23,291.24 24,511.10 ?5,d01.47 25,800.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 29,526.15 29,952.46 31,450.08 ECONOMIC DEVEIOPMENTlPERSONNEL SECRETARY � 60 � 27,166.01 27,1L6.81 23,291.24 24,517.10 ?5,80T.47 ?5,608.47 27,16G.81 28,5?5.15 28,526.15 29,952.A6 31,450.08 PLAMNING DEPARTMENT SECRETARY � 60 : 27,166.81 27,166.81 23,291.24 ?4,517.10 ?5,DO1.d1 25,80t3.47 27,166.01 29,525.15 28,526.t5 29,952.46 31,450.08 POLICE DEPARTtiFNT SECRETARY � 60 � 2�,166.81 27,1G6.81 23,291.24 24,5t7.10 �5,P07.47 �5,900.47 27,166.81 20,525.15 28,526.15 29,9S2.46� 31,450.0� FUULIC WORKS SECR[TARY � 60 : 27,166.0t 27,16L.81 23,291.24 2A,517.10 25,E�07.47 25,�08.4� 27,166.81 28;525.15 28,526.15 29,952.46 71,450.08 UEPUTY REGISTRAF � 53 = 23,3:5.97 23,325.97 19,99�.20 21.050.74 .22,1`�d.67 22.159.F7 23,325.97 24,492.27 2A,493.27 25,717.93 27,003.03 PROGRAM D[RECTOR � 53 � 23,325.91 23,325.97 19,998.?0 ?1,050.14 ?2,158.67 22,159.67 23,325.97 24,492.27 2A,493.27 25,711.93 27,003.03 RECEPTIONIST : 46 : 21,040.74 21,040.74 10,038.90 18,9d6.32 l9.`��1.10 1').`�t18.70 21,040.)4 22,092.78 22,093.7U 23,198.47 24.358.39 ASSISTANT FROfiRAM DIRECTOR � 44 � 19,i97.29 19,791.29 16,97?.EtO 11,N6G.10 18,006.43 Id,80).43 19,797.29 20,1�).15 20,788.15 21,827.56 22,918.94 SECRETARY AIOE � 44 � 19,791.29 19,797.29 16,�72.80 1),dGb.lU 1d,tf06.43 16,007.43 19,797.29 20,)d7.d5 20,788.15 21,827.56 22,91Q.94