HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.e. Approve Job Description & Authorize Hiring Process for Parks Programmer i ` . CITY OF &OSE'D�OIINT . ' EXECIITIVE StJ�2ARY FOR ACTION CITY ClJUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGFNDA ITEM: APPROVE JOB QESCRIPTION & HIRING AGEI3DA SECTION: PROCESS FOR PART TTME PARKS PROGRAMMER NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY z AGENDA N I f E I Y 1 � .� � DAVID J . BECHTO'LD / DIR . P & R ATTAC�TTS• APP BY. JOB DESCRIPTION AND POSITION SUMMARY ..Gf�-' �� The Parks & Recreation Staff take a great ea pri e n t eir wor . The result is an over all park system and a variety of programming that everyone car� be proud of . But , the staff alone do not make for a productive department. It is the cooperative role that the Council and the eommunity also play in the parks & reereational process . I am now asking for your support and approval of a part time Parks Programmer position . This person is critical to the eonducting of the Adopt -A- Park program and the updating and writing of tree ordinances and policies required through the 7ree City USA certification . although the original request had been for a fiull time position that was decreased to a part time position during the budget procesS . The � Parks Programmer position was identified to start on January 1 , 1993 . Due to discussions relating to Armory staffing this request of the Council to authorize the hiring process was delayed untii we had further infarmation as to how it and the Armory staffing could be coordinated . Now that the deeision has been made to have the departments of tha Community Center and Parks & Recreation separate it is appropriate to proceed with this Parks & Recreation staffing request . Identified on the attached page is more information relating to this request . In short summary it should be noted that the major areas that the Parks Pro�rammer will be assisting in are Adopt -A- Park , ADA and Safety for parks , playgrounds , and programming , Earth Day , Arbor Day, Park Improvement Day , Ordinances dealing with Parks and Trees , and grant research and application . The starting salary wQuld be � 9 .61 per hour with a movement 'to � 11 .21 after eighteen months . This would be for a position of permanent part time of 30 hours per week . This has been approved in the this osition. RECOb�DED ACTION: Motion to approve the job description for the position of Parks Programmer and authorize the hiring process . COUNCIL ACTZON: ti . T0: Mayor / City Council Steve Ji1k - City Administ tor FROM: David J . Bechtold�� DATE: March 10 , 1993 The Parks Programmer is scheduled to be a 3/4 time permanent part time employee . This staff inember will work with the Director of Parks & Recreat�:on on park projects and programs . 7he programmers of the Parks & Reereation Department do function under the direction of the Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation, Lisa 7ost . 8ecause of the combinations of present staff and their normal work loads and assignments this will not be the case with the Parks Programmer . That programmer will work directly for and with the Director of Parks & Recreation . With the growth of the City and the changes in numbers of staff this programmer position will also be put under the Assistant Director 's supervision . A change in the Park Programmer job description would take place to accommodate that change at a later date . Major areas considered for the Parks Programmer 'to assist the Directar of Parks & Recreation include= Adopt -A- Park , ADA and safety standards and implementation , ordinances pertainir�g to parks and general city forestry , grant research and application , Arbor Day , Earth Day , Park Improvement Day , Carrolls Woods , Erickson Community Square , and Tree City USA programs . A general estimated break down of tha 30 hours par week that the Parks Programmer would work is: Adopt -A- Park 8 hours ADA and Safety Standards 4 hours OYdinanc� updates ( parks & forestry areas ) 4 hoUrs Grant r�sea.rch & application 4 hours Carrolls Woods / Erickson Communzty Square 4 hours Earth Day , Arbor Day . Improvement Day , etc . 4 hours GENERA� MISC . 2 Hours This position was listed in t1�e original budget proposal for a status of full time . Oue to budget adjustments funding was decreased to allow for oniy a permanent part time staff inember . The salary for this employee is requested to be � 9 .61 per hour . The Parks Programmer will be a great asset in the formulation of projects and proposals that are outlined in the Parks Master Plan as well as the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square p�aps . Your support for this much needed assistance is greatly appreciated by the Parks & Recreation 5tdff and the Parks & Recreation Committee� C1TY OF ROS�MOUNT 1992 SALARY RANuE5 , 1991 C range MtDPT. A Ran9z 0 Ran9e ANNUAI ' J08 TITLE PTS RAtE 6�8,77 68,913.21 �����J�,�������������� S ------------- ---------------- SG G00.67 56.G01.67 59,580.70 62,559.71 62.560.T1 b5, --------"------------- 580.70 51,002.10 3,710 63 118 s 59,5Q0.10 q�,77t.2t 45,0" 3i 4T 3�i1.'31 4�,�42.93 A9,087.29 52.381.65 52,382.65 55.001.79 57,751.8 C[TY AOMINISTRATOR �102 ; ,9,807.29 49,A87.14 �„ d6,9?).16 �19,�92.80 5t,962.4/ 51,8b3.44 Sa,�56.61 57,179.4/ pUBLit 410RK5 DIRECTOR :10t : 19,342.80 49,392.80 41,347.25 �4,516.05 aG,�_...Ib 51,344.03 5�.911.2� 56,606.79 POl10E CNIEF 48,898.12 41,423.12 A4.I:9.60 Ao,4�2.21 4b.453.21 +8,898.12 S1,3/�.03 :100 � 48,898.11 45,4T7.2e 48,�4�.40 50,761.70 50,762.70 53,30Q.94 55,4b5.88 FtNANCE OIR£CTOR . 99 : ����,t.48 qg,34A.48 41,4d0.A5 d3,6.9.9A d5,92�i.26 Sp�7{,2,70 53,300.84 55,9b5.88 DIRECTOR OF PARKS 6 RECREATION q8,344.48 41,448.45 4J,b29.94 d'.�,926.26 45,927•.G 40,344.40 50,761.10 OIRECTOR Of PLANNING : 99 � 48,3/C.4fl 61�.43 52,Q`�5.15 40 6 1 2.2 7 42,149.76 42.150.7b 45,000.80, 47.250.8� 47,251.84 �9,6 I/.43 52.09S.t5 30,501.66 . , 254.84 47,25 . 0 80 0 17 CIiY f�tt'itNEER/ASSISTANT P.U. OIRECTOR : 9b . 45, 000.00 45,00 . , '+ 749.76 42.750.76 45,Od0.8 � ECONOMIt DEVELOPt�NT CQE�tD1NATOR : 96 : 45,Q00.80 45,000.80 38,581.66 40,61�.21 4., iRATtVE ASSISTANT � 94 � �2,255.96 42,255.% �6�228.�0 38,t35.05 40 142.16 A0,143.16 42,255.96 1A,368.�6 44,369.76 46,588.2` 48,9f7.66 A�NlN15 : 9A � /2,255.96 �2,255.96 BUII�ING OFFICIAL 917.66 REC SUPERV[SOR � 94 � 42,255.9b 42,255.% 3b,2?8.30 18,135.05 40,1A'.lb 40,1/�.16 A2,255.96 44,�68.76 A4,369.76 46,588.25 48 9i�. PARK S : 94 : 12,:55.96 42,255.46 40,14�.16 42,255.96 44.�69.76 �/,369.76 46,588.25 49,4f7.6h POLItE llEUTENANT : y� ; �y,255.9b 12,255.96 �6,22�.30 38,135.05 a0,142.tb PU8l1C WORKS SUPERVIS�t i� J4 i85.14 Jb,6t5.9/ 31T,416.74 38,417.14 40,37Q.12 42.388.63 p5515TANT fINANCE DIREC ' 80 ' ��' 955.13 �7,955.13 �2,540.88 34,259.55 J6,056.37 �0 057.�1 J7.955.13 99,852.89 39,853.89 �1,846.58 43,9�Q.91 PLANNER : OS : �b,615,9/ 3b.615.94 31,342.69 ]3,044.94 ��i,]84.14 7d6.96 34,6�{..f ASSISTANi PARK 6 REC DiRECTOR � 80 � 34,23b.65 J�,236.b5 29,352,I5 30,847.f,3 J',5.3.02 3.,5?1,82 9/,136.6� 95,948.48 35,949.48 37, 3'T.00 J2,970.53 »,619.46 �1,620.06 36,351.06 38,IE8.61 FIRE NARStiI�L 30.461.48 32,061.72 33,667.46 13,b68.96 35,352.40 3T.120.02 : 79 : 32,970.53 a2,970.53 20,26).21 29,15A.95 J►.�21.00 1� - : �5 : �2,06/.72 32,064.72 1),490.54 't0.4�1.46 �U,4b0.48 ASSISiANi PIANNER 32�pbq,7y 27,490.59 ).N.937.4t 10,460.40 JO,ALt.�O 3.,064.?2 33,667.9b ��,668.96 35,�52.40 37,120.02 UU1LOlNG iNSRfCTOR � 15 � 92,Ob/.71 , DEVEtOPMENT SPECIALIST : I5 : �2,464 J2 71,064.72 27.490.59 2U,977.4b 30,s60.4U 30,4et.4U �?,Ob/.72. 33,�5 5, 31,006.54 32 556.87 34,I84.72 ECUNtNi1C • , :p.052.b4 29,529.09 31, ENfINEERING TECIINICtAN : 65 � 29,529.09 29,529 A9 25,316.60 :6.6A9.U5 :8.051.b4 � � '8 525.15 28,526.15 29.952.96 31,454.08 A(;COUNTANT : 60 : 2J,1b6.81 27,166.@1 23,291,24 21.51�.10 25 OOJ.AI 5 008.47 ),166.81 � � 20,526.15 29,951.46 31,45d.08 : 60 : 27,166.6t 21,16b.81 23.291.24 24,51),IQ 25,007.47 ,5 889.47 27,166.81 2�,525.1 28,526.15 34,952.46 31.450.08 ADNINISiRATION DEPARTMENi SECREif�RY ; 64 � 27,166.01 17,166.81 23,291.24 21.511.14 25,407.A7 25,e0U.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 �8,52b.15 29,952.46 31,450.08 BUILOIH6 INSPECTIONS SECRETARY Z3,zg�,Zq ,4,St7.10 ?5,807.A7 25,608.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 28�526.15 24,952.46 31,450.48 fCONOHiC OEVEIOPNENilPERSONt�I. SECRETARY � 60 � 27,166.01 27,166.81 2��291 24 24�5�7.10 :5,00).47 ?5,8b8•41 21�166•01 28�525.15 ;B�SZb.15 29,452.46� 31,45fl.0f3 : 60 : 27.166.81 2),166.81 ., _!,,800.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 PLANN[NG OEPARTHENt SEGRETARY ; 60 � 27,16b.81 27,1L6.�1 2�,291.24 24,517.10 .S,t�O7.A7 28,52b.t5 29,952.4b �1,45d.08 POLiGE DEFARTtif.NT SECRETARY 27��6G.01 23,291..'4 2A,517.10 15,001.47 25,OOt�.47 27,166.01 28,525.15 FUULiC WORKS SECRETARY : 60 : 27,166.O1 . 14 998.20 ?1.050.74 ?�.159.67 2? 159 7 9 2/ 492.27 24 d93.2) 25.117.93 21,063.8� , �, 2? 15�.6T 2�,�25.47 2�,142.27 24,193.27 25.711.43 27,003.9 2 1 8.67 : 53 : 23,�25.97 23,325.97 19,990.20 2t.050.74 . , . 1� : 53 : 23,325.47 2�,325.�J � 148.47 24 358.39 � � 092.18 22,093.78 23, . : 46 � 21,040 J4 21,040.74 10,030.90 18,988.�2 l9 )n7.70 1��.n�8.70 1,040.74 22, fiECEP(IOtJIST : 44 : 19,797.29 19,747.29 16,97?.00 1/.BGG.It1 tQ U06.43 ifl,807.4J 19,797.29 20,?87.15 20.788.15 21,82).56 22.4t8.9/ ASSISTANT QFOGRAM OIRECTOR : 4� : 19,747.29 19,)97.19 16,472.d0 1),i166.1U 10,UOb.A3 ld,OU),IJ 14,%97.29 20.I87.f5 20.788.15 21,821.56 22.918.44 SECREiAftY AlOE , PAR.KS FROGRAMMER CITY -0F ROSEMOUNT The City of Rosemount is accepting applications for a Farks Programmer who will be responsible for assisting the Parks & Recreation Director in the coordination of city park programs. Duties include planning and organizing park programs, working with volunteers and Civic groups, research and grants work. Minimum requirements include bachelors degree in recreation or closely related field; one year experienee in parks or leisure programming. 30 hours a week. Starting salary is $9 . 61.jhour. Completed applications must be received by Apri1 5, 1993. Application forms available at Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, NIl�T 55068 . Call (612? 423-4411. Hearing Impaired TDD (612) 423-6219 . Equal Oppor�.unity/Affirmative Action Employer. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WR.ITE-UP Date: March, 1993 POSITION: Parks Programmer DEPARTMEN'T: Parks & Recreation Department ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Parks & RecreaCion SUNIl�iARY OF POSITION Parks Programmer provides assistance to the Director of Parks & Recreation with the coordination of parks programs such as Adopt-A- Park, Arbor Day, Earth Day, Park Improvement Day, Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square. The Parks Programmer is also responsible for providing assistance in the implementation af the American Disabilities Act requirements and the writing af grants. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. ' Assists the Director of Parks & Recreation with the planning, conducting, community coordination and evaluatian of sp�cial parks programming such as Earth Day, Arbor Day and Park Improvemen� Day. 2. Assists in assignments of volunteers and staff to obtain timely and effici�nt completion of tasks. 3 . Assists with the implementatian of the Adopt-A-Park Program; meets with community groups, develops projects and sets project goals; coordinates materials and equipment required for the projects, eoordinates volunteers and staff required and coordinates finances related to the projects. 4 . Promotes interest and provides information regarding parks programs to community service groups, other city departments and the general public. � 5 . Responds to rautine citizen complaints and concerns regarding parks programming, 6 . Keeps the Director of Parks & Recreation informed and �p to date on the various parks programs. 7. Makes recommendations for new parks programs and alterations to existing programs. S. Assists with updating and amend�ing city park ordinax�ces; works with other departments on Tree City USA items such as boulevard tree ordinances, tree replacemalnt polieies, ponding, etc. � 9 . Assists, as directed, in other areas of the department such as � the American Disabilities Act requirements, grant research and � writing, amendments to tree ordinances, Tree Trust requests and ' proposals; coordinates projeets with other departments. � 10. Conducts periodic evaluations in written form on programs dealing with parks, special events and general facility management. il. Maintains related records and statistics for programs; docurnents work eompleted reiating to type, facility used, number of staff used and time required to carry out programming. 12 . Works with other department staff as required in the areas of athletics and leisure. � i 13 . Assists in formulating goals and o�jectives for the departments. 14. Makes recommendations for purchases of parks supplies and equipment. 15. Maintains accurate inventories of supplies and equipment. l6 . Trains and instructs emgloyees and volunteers in the safe use o€ equipment. QUALTFICATIONS l• Bachelors degree from an accredited college in parks management or a closely related field is desirable. 2 • Two years experience in leadership role in parks programming is desireable. 3 • Bachelors degree in recreation or cSosely related field. 4 . One year experience in parks programming or leisure services. 5. Completion of internship in recreation, leisure services, parks programming or closely related field. 6• Ability to estabZish and maintain posit�ve and effective relationships with employees, civic arganizations and the general public. 7• Ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing. 8 . Ability to give and follow instructions, verbally and in writing. 9 • Passess leadership skills. 10. Working knowledge of modern office practices; working knowledge of personal computer operations and word pro:cessing skills. � � s • 11. Valid state drivers licens�. I�I STATiJS: Non-exem t P 30 Hours a Week I' roved b , Reviewed by: � App y- Administrative Assistant Date '� City Administrator Date Date A roved b Cit Council: I' PA Y Y �� 3