HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda � �S'�` � �< �' �`�" �3�, � � 1����-:-r e� _��`v ,�.� _ tt a� ry.� . . 3���.��" �,r � � � � . . . . . �I.1 S �.�1'� ��a7.�n.i�VVir1 . � .. . �'e-SO�S A G E AT D A .�-- REGULAR COTJNCIL MEETING / Q�� _a� ��3" JLTLY 20, 1993 C C 7;30 P.M. 1. Cal1 to Order�Pler�ge of Allegiance 2 . Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Cauncil, Staff, Audience 3 . DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Introduction of Nancy Vandergon, Deputy Registrar C1erk b. Chamber of Cammerce Update c. Eastern Rosemount Water and Sewer Report d. Grant Application - Parks & Recreation Department e• �2R cTv r2 P!�LL� kla sser-� 4 . CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of July 6, 1993 Regular Me�ting b. Approval of Bills Listing c. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits d, Purchase of Schedule Software for Community Center e. Armory/Community Center Architectural Fees Pay Request f . Payment #7, Armory/Community Center Project g. Payment #6, Shannon Hills 3rd Addition, Project 225 h. Payment #3 , Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer, Project 233 i. Payment #6, West Ridge 4th Addition, Project 223 j . Payment #4, 0'Leary�s Hills 5th Addition, Praject 232 k. Change Order #3, Shannon Hills 3rd Addition, Project 225 1. 7��,�or Ex pend��ur� -Facz i-e�rt�c�n a��.r-, �� h^� Bar� �A�LES � (oc.,d.,e.,-�.� 8 :00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARII�TGS ' S . PUBLIC HEARIiVG - ZONING/SUBDIUISION TEXT AMENDMENTS a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 6 . OLD BUSINESS a. Schourliaris Utility Billing Appeal b. Employee Compensation System mev,ed .�.v --��- c. Accept Bids/Award Sale G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 19`93A ��..`. — �S d. Accept Bids/Award Sale G.O. Improvement Refunding Bonds, 1993� —7�, e. Accept Bids/Award Sale G.O. Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1993C . �� f. Accept Bids/Award Sale G.O. Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, 19`93D J- 7 . NEW BUSINESS a. Stormwater Fee Complaint b. Contracts for Ice Time - Community Center - c. Banquet Fees and Fee Policy - Community Cen�er d. Poiice Office Recruitment e. Fixed Asset Proposal f . Authorize Posting & Advertising - Maintenance II Position g. Authorize Posting & Advertising - Maintenance I Position h. Empire Township Camp Pian i. Danal & Mary Carrol.l Assessmen� Appeal Cmov� "� 3C.� ��0� �S�on � - 8 . MAYOR' S REPORT 9 . ADMINISTRATOR' S REPQRT 10 . ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. CLOSED SESSION a�McDonough/Sunrise Builders Litigation 12 . ADJQURNMENT b) fZ.�S�rr��vun�' U�bo�S�lVl�D PRo�eI�7Cv5