HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Additions or Corrections . , i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk T0: Mayor McMenomy Council Members: Klassen, Staats, Willcox, .Wippermann � � � , �� FROM: Susan Walsh, Assistant Administrator � � �� �'-� � DATE: July 20, 1993 RE: Agenda Changes for July 20, 1993 Please note the following changes: 1. Sheila Klassen has subm�.��.ed: �ome suggested revisions to the Council Minutes ' of July 6, 1993 . These �hanges will be incorporated into the fina.l appra�ved minutes unless otherwise stated. 2 . Consent Agenda - �1dd On.' E�genditure Approval From the Donation Account f�r I��pr�chaun I�ays '�ctivities. 3 . Public Hearing - Zcrning Text'. Am�n.dment Ordinance No. B'-30 h�.s one cl.arification change on page 3 , footnote no. 8 was added i� �ection 4 . 4 . Susan Walsh requests a second closed 'session to discuss the condemnation settlement 'for Rosemout�.t Woods. See Ron Wasmund' s attached memc�.' Please find attached also your more recent mail . lj �veri��hings �aming `(JL�i �osemoun��� .. . . . . . . A• � . . . . . . � . . . � . � . i�`�2cY��etl O�pe� .. � . . . � . � . . . July 20, 1993 To: Sue Walsh, Administrative Assistant From: Sheila Klassen, Counciimember � Re: Suggested Rev�sion of Couneil Minutes dated July 6, 1993 Sue, these suggestions to revise the minutes do not in any case delete or change any other information or sentences. If you have any questions, please cail me at 423- 4391. Insert on page 2 following "Questions.._.Council." Cook was aware of past problems with after-hour activities and serving of liquor where� license did not allow. She said she would see that those offenses would not oecur. lnsert on page 3 follc�wing ".......utility billing." Replace period with colon (billing:} 1. Property ownership is being determined in court, 2. Julie Reis does not live at property in question. She is currently living out-of- state, 3. Julie Reis has a new last name, 4. Althaugh homestead creclit applieation comes in the name of Timothy and/or Ju1ie Reis, Timothy Reis files a "special form" with the county to indicate only he is entit[ed to the homestead credit. Council fett this gives an adequate paper trail to proper ownership and that the city is covered since Timothy Reis' is an owner of the property and his name appears an the water bill. Insert on page 4 before motion on Western Rosemount Transportation Study. Klassen voiced eoncern that while this report at this point in time seems feasible #hat it in no way is to be considered unchangeable and that public hearings are st�ll to be held when implementation is considered. Bud t�smundson stated that was the ease. Insert on page 5 following "......appropriately." Members of Gouncil felt that setting up such a cammittee may remove Council too far from its fiscal responsibility. Klassen added that through ad hoc citizen comrnittees such as the Park Master Plan Committee and through citizen participation at budget meetings Council can learn of the communities priorities.