HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Stormwater Fee Complaint �, � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUN�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:July 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Stormwater Fee Complaint AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGENDA��t�N/f � � . ;.iv � ATTACffi�2ENTS:Letter of complaint AP VED. Y Staff Memo This is a discussion item on the request received frorn Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lockler, of 2187 128th street regarding a high water problem at theri residence. The Locklers are indicating their position on the high water level, its effects on their property and what the Citys ' responsibility is in this matter. _ , Mr. Ron wasrnund, our Public Works Director and Bud Osmundson, our City Engineer, have been invalved in this matter for sometime. Information that they are able to provide in working with the DNR and our own building department, is contrary to what the -Locklers are suggesting. Mr. Wasmund and Mr. Osmundson will be prepared to discuss this with you. RECONa+SENDED ACTION: None COIINCIL ACTION: � � r Sunday , July llth , 1993 Mayor F. B. McMenomy ; Enclosed , please find our current invoice for City of Rose- �, mounti "Storm Water Fee" . We have been paying for this service for a year , and feel that it is time to receive something in return for our money . Five pears ago , after obtaining permits and permission from the City of Rosemount and the DNR, we raised the level of our prop- erty . We were assured by�_the DYtR and the excavator that the water on White Lake was at it ' s highest level then . The water which was approaimatelq 18" lower than the present level, was allowed to flow through a series of ponds and culverts , bp opening the blocked culvert under Mr . Richard Erdrich � s drive— way , which was near the end of this particular drainage system. After Mr . Erdrich was forced to open his culvert , the water on White Lake receded to the normal level . Over the past several years, the Erdrich ' s have again been depositing debris and fill in the ditch along Bicardi Avenue. This has been witnessed by a City of Rosemount`•:Maintenance Offictal and Mr . Earl Marotzke , whose land is also being flooded by this . The efficiency of the culvert has been re- duced to a trickle , backing the water up onto our yard , kil- ling trees and shrubs , and threatening our well . At the time that I purchased my property on White Lake , 17 years ago , the City of Rosemount approved the elevation to be suitable for building . Since that time , I have spent over �20 ,000 .00 to increase the elevation of my property next to the lake , and to install approved erosion material to protect this investment . Over the past two years , we have requested assistance from the City of Rosemount . The City Engineer and Mr . Wasmund have been out several times , and nothing has been done . We feel that paying a storm water fee , when we in tact are the neighborhood storm water reservoir, is rather` counter-productive . We solicit your assistance in immediate attention to our water prob�effi:�. Our past attempts have been ignored - as our future storm water service bills will be . -----� ..,` , Sincer�ly� � `�� �-��'����� Dan � Barb Lockler Residenc'e � 423-3053 2187 128th Street West Business # 550-0555 (Barb) Rosemount , MN 55068 ��. ��L���j ��.�1'�� ���,(.� v i . . . . . �. � . . . . . .. � � READfNGS USAGE AMOUNT - PREVIOUS CURRENT PaEsoareo • CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT Fiasrcv,ssMni� � PUBUC UTILITIES DEPT. u5 aoSinGE va�D • _ . ' 2875 t451h ST W.•PO BOX 570 ROSEMOUNT,MN 0 R M W A T ER F E E 5.1 S ROSEMOUNT.MN 550fi8•4997 �p er Rou e (612)423-4411 P�eso" OLE DATE AMOUNT DUE 07-20-93 5:15 ... ACCOUNT NO. �" b00618.00 �5.67 81LliNG OATE SERVICE'FYPE - . 07-01-93 SU . FROM(SEHVICE)TO 03-16 06-16 . . . �� � AODRESS �1 J�7 12 8 T�H S T W . .. � � . � � � . RETURN BOTfOM PORTICN WITH PAYMENT DUE DATE �- - - - - -•�-----.___ ..__._--------- - - --- — • ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT DUE >7-20-93 . 600618. 00 � 5.15 `• - . WATER SEWER � ' " suacr+ARce T DANIEL J JR LOCKLER " 2187 128TH ST W . � ROSEMOUNT. MN SSOb8 5.15 �—b8300-010-02 . �-:,.��_�:�:=..a.;.:. -.:...... ., ....._._.._.._,. _...��—:...�,�. _ ..___._.�_._.._. �.__. _. __ _ ._._ __ . __ . . .,�. : � I � � i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen ' James(Red)Staats Harry Wiflcox MEM�RAN�UM oennis wippertnann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Steve Jilk, City Administrator stepna����k Ron Wasmund, Director of Public Works/Building Officia( ' FROM: Bud Osmundson, Assist Director of Public Works DATE: Juty 16, 1993 RE: White Lake Water Elevation Attachments: 1 . 1984 Council Meeting Minutes for Aug 21 , Sept 4, Sept 17 2. Letter to and from DNR requesting survey & result of survey 3. Three DNR letters to Locker (2), Erdrich Introduction The Public Works Department has had numerous calls regarding the water elevation of White Lake for the past year. Specifically, Mr. Dan Locker, 2187 128th Street West, has been concerned about the water level of White Lake and its affect on his home and welL Background Information The White Lake water elevation (or Bacardi area pond as it is referred to in past council minutes) has been an item of discussion at teast since 1984. The attached council meeting minutes document that it was discussed at three council meetings, and action was recommended to be taken, but due to funding considerations nothing was done. White Lake is a Department of Natural Resources protected water body with a DNR number of 19-8. Because it is a DNR protected water body, the City cannot work or excavate lower than the ordinary high water level (OHWL) which is set by the bNR. Prior to May of this year, the ordinary high water was assumed to be at particular elevations by visual observation. In May of this year we requested that the DNR survey and complete a study which would determine that OHWL. The attached DNR hydrographic survey reports that ihe OHWL is 966.9. Further information which we have in house includes the November 1974 Aerial Photography which has the water elevation to be 964.5. The 1991 aerial photograph shows the exact same elevation. As part of the DNR survey, the water elevation on June 28, 1993 was 967.4 or approximately 6 inches higher than the ordinary high water elevation. �vert�l�ings �omiv�g �(Jl,� �JLosemoun}ll � ' e , Recommended Corrective Action ; We are investigating the same corrective action which was discussed in the 1984 council minutes, which is to excavate a ditch on the west side of Bacardi Avenue north of White Lake. The excavation cannot not be lower than the OHWL of 966.9. Ramifications of the proposed work, are that the water will drain to the north, then cross Bacardi Avenue easterly through an existing culvert, and then easterly across Mr. Richard Manseau's property across a natural drainage way, to an end point at a pond further east in Section 16. At this time, we do not have easements for White Lake on the Locker property, or across the natural drainage way, or final destination pond in Section 16'. JR METRO REGION 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Jul 12 93 17 : 15 No .029 P .b1 � NA-02630-02 Rev.3/42 INNESOTA Hydr�gr�phic Survey Department of -r-r Naturat Resources ��p�� Division af �aters ProJect LakB NO, White t,ake 19-8 ��1Y County Req. No. Nr. Rasemount Dakata 93-1fl9 5ec. f6 Twp. 115 ���� 1� ��Metropo]f tan SURVEY DAT�: 6/28/93 SUc2vEY CR�w: scherek, Mol i , Woodrich -.-, �,cE s�zE g�����2 r3�Q��,f� Mepndered Area Acres �] Non-meandered �� � �' l�lanlmet$red Areca 11 Acres ❑Unknown w JUL 199•'� ' � DATUM ADJUSTMENT �a Rti�Ei���} . � ❑Assumed d 1912 �]1929 �1988 Sc>urce: Dakota Caunt "' REG�'�� ��, Y c� � $ CONTRC7L BENCHMARK r WA��� l: - E evdt on: 979N43SW, Sec. 16-125-19 F��6���Z�yL z� J Descriptlon: Pk naii in top of westerly woaden guardrail post on south side of 126th Street which biseGts the lake SURVEY W4t�K COMPL.�TED � I&v�ls D toPoGiraphY ❑cross sec�tior�s (� proflfes �pHW ❑ estabifsh benchmarlcs �outlet elavdtic�ns [�other. WATER LEV�I.S Highest ReCarded: rSurfaCa;_ � 6/28/93 Lowest Recorded; OHt1V Elev: 966.9 � Range: bUltF7' GeneralDescrlptipn: at NW corner of the small pbrtion of the bas-in which is located east of Baeardi Avenue {ME�NE-SW, Sec. 16) , north appraximately 46d' via the road ditch, thence NE via a ditch ' i�unout �ievation&pescript�pn; g66.9, on a sand buY 1 dup 5' upstre�m of cul v�rt thr�ugh driveway east to address #12420 �acardi Aver�ue BENCHMARKS SET . Locdtion: N/A Elevoflan; desCriptlon: � � LoCGtlan: �IevC�tian: ' Descriptlon. Prepared 6y � T'rtle Dc1t� John M. Scherek -��r t Survey Crew Supervisor 7/9/g3 , DNR �ETRO REGION 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Jul 12 93 17 � 15 No .029 P .02 The O.H.W, le�vet is based on the average reduccd �fcvatian ofthe 14 b�st trees of the.2p�,�ch were dacumented (aalc, elm, cottonwoad �nd ash). We also reeorded �washiine/toe in the iake�t 966.8. A serni-tiistinct stainiine an 2n ash tree was recorded at 958,4, but it wes nat visible on numerous dther�mall trees in water at this tirne. Same sapling cottonwaad and willows were recorded in Z.8'of water indicating a tower stage of water levels. White Lake is pres�ntly separated into three pt�rtions (all of wluch ar�at the same leveI) by x26th Street which runs'�-'W and Bacardi Avenue which runs N-S. The con;nectittg culvert thraugh 126th Street is a�4" C.M.P. and the connecting elevatian is 963.54 (a.t the end of ihe�outh apron). The connectin�cutvert through Bacardi Av+eriuc is a 3fl" C.M.P. It�ca,ted 285'north of ' X2th Stz�eet ar�,d the connecting elevation is 964.03 (at the end of the east apron). , Follawing�rE the pertinent elevations wc found at the outlet: - W�ter level, White Lake _ � : 967.36 , 0-ti00 CenterIine at E�eginz�ing of ditch ` 966.4 0+45 Centerline of ditch y6�.� 0+66 CenterIine of ditch at sand buildup {present runout) 966.9 0+71 Upstream flowline of driver�vay culvert (18" C.M.P.) 966.8 �I�adwater'$t driveway 967.11 O+S2 Centerline af driveway g�,g.4 0+92 North invert of cufvert 9G6.47 Taiiwater at drivcway 967.11 (naticeable flow thraugh catvert) I+17 CenterIine of ditch g6� �, l+d'1 Centerline of ditch g�� � 2+17 Centerline of ditch g�� 1 - 'Water levet at same locatian 966.52 3+17 Centerline of ditch 965.2 4+�2 Genterline of ditch at bend to I� 964.5 Water level at same location 966.22 Post-!t'�brand fax iransmitt�l memo 7671 x or Pegee r To From � . � 5a 1r ,,�t ea co. .�..��,..._� �..� • , DOpt. . , Phona�Y '�-�--' ��.�a.A,�t� -��- �, Fax# �d� Faz� --.--__. 1 - ' '.�'�� - _" _� _� � . �� '.��� " ' f �� NA-02684-03 i Re".�o REQUtSITtON FOR � � irvrvEsoTa SURFACE WATER/HYDROGRAPHIC Department of Natural Resources Division of �°aters SERVICES f , Project Unnamed (White Lake) OHW survey - Lake No. 19�-8W Cit q. y Rosemount County Dakota Re No. Sec. 16 Twp. 115tv Rn�` 19w Quad No. S17d Inver Grove Hei h s Statement of ProblemlSituation (Provide detailed information) Wetland #19-8 (White La�ce) is regulated under the Shoreland Zoning program. High water co�rplaints have been received by the City of Rosemount, Area Hydrologist has recently inspected. One house has its wellhead nearly inundated with water. City is interested in doing outlet work along Bacardi Avenue on the east end of the wetland. OHW needed to determine appr�priate outlet elevation and building setbacks. Services Requested fAttach map as necessary) � Ordinary high water (OHW) determination and current runout elevation at northeast end of wetland under Bacardi Avenue. Note: Bacardi Avenue has been changed to Bald �Eagle Avenue effective May ll , 1993 . New street signs may or may not be up. Area Hydrologist available to assist . Landowner(s}: unknown Permission obtained for access: O Yes C� No (approximately 7 - 10 homeowners ) Requested By ` Date Pa t Lyn ch �'�`����-�c/� 5/12/9 3 Phone No. 7 7 2-7 910 �prov d by(Regional or Unit Supervisort Date '� Llo d Knudson 5 12 93 Approved � � Date Y Y z�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)4234411 ' 2875•145th Street West.Fiosemount,Minnesma MAYOR FAX (612)42352Q3 ' Mailing Address: � Edward 8.McMenomy ' ' P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCII:MEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Retl}Staats May 11, 1993 Ha�ry wua�X Dennis Wippermann AOMINtSTRATOA ' , Stephan Jitk Mr. Pat Lynch, Regional Hydrologist DNR Division of Waters � 1200 Warner Road . St. Paul, MN 5510fi Re: Water Evaluation ' DNR Pond No. 19-8P White Lake . Dear Mr. Lynch: Thank you for meeting with Rich Lannquist and myself on Friday, May 7, 1993, and investigating 'the water Ievel in White Lake. The City respectfully requests that the Department of Natural Resourees perform a survey and establish the ordinary high water elevation for this kake. As we have discussed, we have had numerous problems with residents in the area and prior to the City taking any action the ordinary high water level should be estabtished. Thank you for your coope�ation on these matters. Please cali me at 322-2025 ii you have any que,stions. Sincerely, ' � ) , �� . ,�t������-�-_.--� �� Bud Osmundson,' P.E. ' City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director cc: Steve Jilk, City Administrator Ron W!asmund, Public Works Director Dan Lockler, 2187 128th Street West Rich Lpnnquist, Engineering Technician Mike Widstrom, Public Works Supervisor � �veruthinos �amisla `Cll,�i C�osPmoun��� l 1 ���r � STATE OF � U V U`J����L.=,� ' DEPARTMENT QF NATURAL RESOURCES� PHONEN�i96-7523 METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN 55106 Fi�ENo. December 16, 1988 Mr. Dan Lockler 2IS7 128th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: WHITE LAI:E, 19-8P Dear Mr. Lockler: This letter will summarize my observations of your filling ' activities as noted on December 14, 1988. You have increased the '11 and ri ra . t of house b the placement of fi P P side yard area (wes ) Y That activity was pretty mucYi in accordance with my July 22, 1986 letter, -although the encraachment was slightly . in ekcess of the 20-feet indicated in the letter. More importantly, there has been fill placed waterward of the edge of the lake in the rear yard (north of house) , Clearly, this is not something discussed or agreed to in 1986. There is a very abrupt edge at the NE corner where the f i11 extends into the lakebed. Therefore, I must request that yau remove this fill fran along the north side. I indicated the area on a sketch le�t with Mrs. Lockler. There rsay need to be as muclr as 15-feet of .-".i�l re�oved, _ in order to provide �or a continuous ec�ge along the shoreline of the -- lake. In addition, the material you remove should be taken somewhere off-site, as there is no room on the side yard to continue iilling outward; you're already at the edge o€ the lake. I don't have a concern witn tne placement of this material on top flf the previously placed fill, however, I caution pau to stay away from , your well and/or septic system. In fact, the placement of fill has already covered your well head, which is in violation of the well code. - A contact person from t�ie County Iie�lth Department was identified for your wife by City Inspector Ron k'asmund. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me. I understand that you may wish to wait until next spring to begin this work, however, I'd apprecia�e it if you would f inish by July l, 19$9. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Sincerely, � � . � � , �Q � �,,� Mike Mueller Area Hydrologist . cc: Ron k'as�und, City of Rosemount 4.Tkiite Lake (19-8) file I'L*SJ7:k2p C,N E(:11,=�L O�?GRTU�:iTY =?�,r? IOYcR � , - i-i(,� - / �� � , . . . -. . � . - .. _ - . . � 612/296-7523 ' 12Q0 Warner Rd., St. Paul, 2�1. 55106 Jul 22 L986 I y . Mr. Dan Lockler 2187 - 128th Street West - . - ' P.osemount, Ztinnesotu 55068 ' RE: 19-8P - W�IITE LAI:E ' Dear 2`.r. Lock7.er: . Since our, meeting of June 24, 1986, I have had discussians with City �: . staff regarding the water level situatior. on F?hite Lake� #�I9-8. In . . . order to avo�d any £uture aisunderstandings about the nature of your filling� �ctivities, we decided to k-rite you this letter for the ' record. ` . . Our meeting revealed that the leve2 of k'hite Lake is sufficie^tIy high �. - so that we were unable to determine the outlet eleration at Bacardi _ . Avenue. However, it is reasonable to assutae the level is at least two . to �hree ,feet higher than the outlet. Zn addition, you have proposed � . pi�+ciag �i12 r:�teriais a� tae side oL ;,�c•sr :�oL�:z tc ,�,ake � Jar� area. The fill will encroach into the waters of ti`hite Lake for a dist4nce of ap�roximately 20 -£eet to a degth of two €eet at szost. Normally� your proposed filling would require z DNR permit. Hpcsever, because the ! Ievel of the lake is above the ordinary high water, technically your f ill isn't in the la�e. Therefore, no DivR pereiit is re u red ' althou h ade uate erosioa controls must be maincained duzing . . � req i � � Q the actual glacement of fill. I had earlier sent you some naterials on the installation of a silt fer.ce. � : If you h�ve any questions please feel free to czll me. Sincerely, � . ' . . � . _ . . � �� . . ... �'- . . 3r�i.ke Mue�ler ._ . . - � . . . Azea Apdroiogist ' � - � . METRO REGIOIQ AIVISION OF WATERS cc: Rori Wasnund, Fiuilding Inspector =- City of 8oseiaount /lkr , ' . MN�21 _ . �. STATE OF [��C��Oo �G=.� DEPARTMENT OF �1ATURAL RESOURCES 612/296-7523 1200 Warner Rd. , St. Paul, MN. 55106 PHONE NO. FILE NO. August 13, 1986 Mr. Richard Erdrich 21420 Bacardi Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: LONG LAKE (a.k.a. WHITE LAKE) �19-8 - _ Dear Mr. Erdrich: I have examined our maps and ghotos of the Long Lake area and believe ' that it has most likely been traditionally a "landlocked" basin. As is true with all landlocked areas, if the water got high enough, it would eventually flow out. However, according to the revised 1966 topographic map, the water would have surpassed the 970 contour before outletting to the Northeast. In addition, it appears the lake periodically receives water from a small isolated wetland to the northwest. While we may never know where the lake outletted historically, we do know that the currsnt outlet is aiongside the road ditch by Baeardi. You have indicated a need to route outflow throug#- your property and under a neighbor's driveway. As long as the outflow is continued, there appears to be a stability to the situation. The Department would be quite concerned in the event that the outflow is obstructed, as this would affect the lake's suriace elevation. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss this with you on July 30th. The work you proposed in routing the lake's outflow should not affect �ake leve�s, therefore the Department will not require a nermit for �!, your work. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, n,i'c�^�:�, � ,� //�, �6�c, � I��<:�. � Mike Mueller Area Hydrologist Metro Region Division of Waters enclosures cc: Don Brown, Rosemount Lake file 19-8 MM31 P.N EG�UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYEr� ay60 _�_ _� s ::�Vr ': � -- c--. •. • . .r�� �. r".(� _�"� � ..--_ - I �'J,,. . `. 4 J '..,z.. �3'a �, � - �.�-�„��,,�� , � -^:�-- \ �' -- .,� � %^� , ^ Q ( � .� -� _ -� - J -� _.� .,`�, � a• � ' 3`� : . - , .� ^�,��, 47'30" ..� "�o, .�:% .'J� .t� i'i _ ,� ��''�)y ��_~�; .�� �'... .. �a''\�"�'�'�,., r^t� �°"'�^t,,,.`--".i�.'� ��--� :,,..-~r•�..• - ' `�, . ,l~ � • '�• ; . 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( ; 44°45' i �1 _�- - _ ' 93�0�'3�„a• ;�:�c�,v- :a c+� 12 230000 FEET 93 a�s•w�.y,i_^•� 3 wi �2 � 5 hoo� � Mapped, edited, and pubiished bythe Geological Survey `:6� Controlby USGS, USC&GS,and USCE ,t GSO��� Topography by photogrammetric methods`rom aeriai photographs ,N iN ��� �3 taken 1947. Field checked 1952. Ravised from aerial fPR photographs taken 1960. Field checked 1967 � Hydrography compiled from information furnlshed by ��D3�. �a9 M��S t M�� Minnesota Department of Conservation Palyconic pro�ectlon. 1927 North American datum ' 10.000-foot grid based on Minnesota coorainate system,south zone � 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator nd[icks, �iM ca�o+No :9�z w�GNETIC NORTM � � . . � g � . . DECUNATION ar^E�iE��OF SHEET . zone 15,shown in blue � Red tint inCicates areas�n which only landmark builGings are shown FOR . ROSEMOEINT CITY PROCEEDINGS ��7 , � � RE6ULAR MEETING . . SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 Mayor Knutson advised the Council that he is in receipt of a letter #rom Orrin Thompson Homes Updating him on the �rogress being made in correcting the site problems created in the aborted attempt to develope the i r property at th i s t i me. Ne noted that he has schedu l ed a meet i ng with the neighbors of this development to update them See Clerk's �ile 1984-21. Steve Campbell presented drawings indicating his ��roposed corrections ` to the storm water problems .at 147th St. and Chippendale in the Broback � 3.Oth Addition. In discussion with �the �ouncil and the affected property owner it was determined that the first carrection Lo be attempted would be a dry �ell strategically placed to accept some of this run off and reshaping of the ditch to direct water to an area to e deve7oped to �hald some of this w ater in an attempt to keep the w ater evel below a level that �hreatens the home fln this lot. #fOTIOM by Knutson to authorize the fngineer and �an 8rown to proceed with clearirg a channel and installation of a dry well as discussed with regard to storm water pn �Lot ?, �Block 3, Broback lOth Addition. �econd by Willard. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker. N ays: ' Steve Campbeli presented drawings and information on his proposai to carrect the storm water problems on Bacardi Avenue north of 130th Street. Qiscussion followed with the Council and affected property ` owners in the area. The estimate p-�_ •-;�ed for the propased corrections was $20,000.00. #�o immediate Cauncil action could be taken due funding consideration. Imm ediate action to be taken wilt be provided by property owners who will attempt to provide added storage space for water and some run off:areas. This wi11 be studied further after the property own�rs fi ave m ade their correctians and report back to the Council at the second Regular Council Meeting in October. Fire Chief Gist presented a request to proceed with specification preparation for the Fire Department Pumper that is in the 1986 Capital Improvement Program budget. See Clerk's file 1984-21. M OTIQN by Knutson to authorize the fire Department Committee to proceed with preparatian of specifications for the Fire Deaartment Pumper as requested. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Wa1sh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Wi l 1 ard. �lays: 0. Don Brown presented a draft Resolution outlining proposed stap sign locations in newly developed areas. Gouncil proposed an additional ' sign at the McDonalds/Piz2a Hut private entry as it approaches Canada Ave. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Reso7ution 1984-37 A RESOLUTIOM CAUSING PLACEFlENT OF 3'RAFFIC CpKTROL SIGHS A7 CERTAIN LOCATIOtiS �IITNIN TFIE CITIt OF RQSEMOUNT. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. - � t3on 8rown requested the Counc i 1 approve a 'traff i c study far the 145tfi t Street, Ch i ppenda l e and Ch i 1 i Avenue i ntersecti on. #ie noted that h i s l request is more specifically a request to use the Traffic Engineer in reviewing the cross walk m arker locations and traffic flow stripping configuration. See Clerk's File 1984-21. , , ' ROSEMOt{NT CITY PROCEEDINGS RE6ULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 The agenda was amended to include: Item 3b, Introduction of the Rosemount Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Item 5g, was deleted,: Item 5h, Postal Curbside Delivery Service Discussion: Item 6f, Temporary Maintenance Positi�n: Item 6g, South ,Rose Park Replat Simple Lot Division. MOTION by 'walsh to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: W a1sh, Stauff er, Knutson,Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. See Clerrk's Fi le 1984-20. Steve Campbell, City Engineer presented bid information on the Schwarz Park Trail indicating that anly one bid was received. The bidder on this project has been a contractor on other SEH projects and the � Engin,eer recommends that the b_id be awarded to tfie si�ngle bidder nating that it is a good bid as indicated by its being considerably lower that the estimates. M OTIDN by Knutson to accept and award the Schwarz Park Trai1 Improv�ment bid to Barber Construction Company of Hopkins in the amount of $29,079.20. Second by Willard. Ayes: Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1984-20. .,�. �.,,�.�.�,. ..�. ' ,. .<«..,e, Discussion was held on the Bacartli�='Yl4venue�drainage-wproblem:'" The City Engine�r reviewed that area topo m aps with the Council indicating how 4he:would propose to correct the problem that exists in the area. Mr. ;Erdrich,-�Mr:��Marotzke and Mr. Manseau were in attendance to discuss ��y`this mutual==problem�with the Council: ` Discussion of this item was interrupted at 8:40 p.m., to allow the Council to conduct a public hearing scheduled far this time. . Mayor Knutson opened the public hearing on the proposed vacation of easements along the common Tot line between Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Broback 2nd Additian. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Published Notice and the Affidavit of Mailed Hearing Notice. See Clerk's Fi-1e 1984-20. Mayor Knu'tson explained the purpose of this public hearing is to consider vacation of easements that were recorded as part of a plat and have since had garages constructed on portions of the easements. The Clerk explained that these easements have been reviewed and inspec�ted 'by City Staff who are recommending that the entire easement be vac'ated as no future need for these easements can be justified at this time.; Mr. Harry Jackson infarmed the Council that he was owner of one of the lots affected and he would concur with Staff recommendation that these easements wi11 never by required. \ The Clerk further explained that during Staff review it was revealed � that some years back eff orts were expended to vacate several easemehts �in the Broback Additions but had nat been completed. Time permitfing Staff could resume this research and complete the vacation of all the unnecessary easements in tfi at area. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 2984 Members of the Council indicated that they had reviewed the easem ents in question and would agree that complete vacation would be in order. , There were no others in attendance wishing to comment on this issue. MOTION by Walsh to close the public hearing. Second by Tucker. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTIOM by Tucker to adopt Resolution 2984-34 A RESOLUTION CAUSING EASEMENT YACATIpN. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays: 0. � - �-��.� � � �.....> "'° �, . �--�.�� .�.� _, �,�-. , Discussion was resumed on the B�acard�,��tor����.�.�roblem��- Steve Campbell, City Engineer, informed the Council that an extensive survey of the area wi 11 be requi red to determi ne the best methad of correcting the problems in the area. Area residents questioned whether this problem could be compounded in the near future should the City Council approve the proposed plat to be known as White Lake Acres as that area contributes to the problem being discussed. MOTION by�Knutson �to•�-;authorize-the r G. t�j�.�Engine ��to mpe��form t�em: necessary .survey �of the:Bacard' Ave.-�area'�to�proir.ide cost�estimates�and� £ +� � - �rw.#�'s `�:... ��. i plansa�far`�'the .correction af the- ponding' problems.�- Second�by"Stauffer. � Ayes ,�,�,:_Tucker;- Willard, ' Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson:`� Hays: - "Q. - ` ' Discussion was field regarding the status of the On-Sale Liquor establishment. Frank Goggin presented inform ation on insurance for the establishment. It was questioned as to why the insurance providers have not offerred more concrete quotes on the coverage as requested. It was explained that they do not wish to go through the work of preparing a formal quote until such time as the City Council indicates their desire to reopen the On-Sale. Discussion was held on the possibility of a closed session to allow meaningful discussion of this issue with the insurance agent and Staff. MOTION by Knutson to set an fxecutive Session of the City Council at 7;00 p.m., Tuesday, September 18, 1984 for the purpose af discussing the insurance problems at the �iquor Store. Second by Stauffer, Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. Dean Johnson advised the Council that the Metropolitan Cauncil estimates of population for the City of Rosemount have been amended to reflect what the City has deemed correct population estimates for 1984. Dave Bechtold, Park & Rec Director presented pentil quotes for the I laying of the blacktop on the Chippendale Trail Project. He presented f our pencil quotes ranging f rom a low af $3,406.00 to a high of �7,530.00, recommending award to the lower bidder. See Cierk's File 1984-20. ; M OTIQN by Stauffer to accept the quotes and award the Chippendale Trail Blacktop Project to the low bidder J & W Asphalt Construction Co, in the amount of 53,406.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Stauff er, Kn��tcnn. T!!r"�'e� I,I; 11 a,.a ♦r_ _ . '' ROSEMOl1NT CITY PROCEEDIN6S , , RE6UUtR MEETING ` I ' AU6UST 21, 1984 Mr. Nervig spokesperson for U.S. Homes, explained a clean-up plan which will be done immediately for the Highpointe Addition, where earth moving has been done. Basically, but not entirely, this clean up will � cover that area'', north of the Connemara Trail proposed street, and will involve grading, 1'aying of straw, grass seed, filling of the pond behind the Flikeids property & grading and building of a biem to present further ,run off or erosion onto adjacent properties. MOTIOti by KnutSon that at this time the Council has agreed to the clean-up as outlined by the U.S. Nornes, namely, Jime Nervig and that they will proceed expeditious to carry it out, with the understanding that this is not to be considered the solution to�the problem that we have discussed with residents of LeForet tonight, and that those problems will hopefully be discussed further and resolved to _some kind - of mutual satisfaction. Second by Stauff er. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, lsh, Stauffer,; Knutson. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1984-18. Dave Bechtold pr,esented information on the requested purchases for the park maintenance', of a fork lift and trimmer. M OTION by W� 1l,ard to authorize the Park & Recreation Qirector to purchase a fork lift' for the Ford Tractor Loader at a cost of S 595.00. and al so a tr 9rnmer for � 368.00 to repl ace the u sed one present ly i n bad condition. ', Second by Walsh. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, _Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker. , Nays: 0. Dick Erdrich, Dan Lockler & Earl Marotzke, residents on Bacardi Avenue were present re'questing the Council to correct the surface water problem affecting their properties._ _ M OTION by Knutson to authorize the Engineer to investigate the surface water problem on, Bacardi Avenue and report back to the Council with his recom mendations. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. ' Nays: 0. Gene Stiles, resident of 147th Street & Chippendale was present to request Council to assist in correcting surface water problem on his 1ot. , MOTION by "Knutson td authorize the Engineer to check the surface water problem on 147th'', & Chippendale and come back to the Council with his recom mendations. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Stauff er, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. 'Nays: 0. The Fire Department request for louver drapes for the Fire Hall windows was returned for further information & additional quotes for the entire . Fire Hall as needed. Mayor Knutson reported on a meeting with Liz Fedourik, Clerk Darling and himself on locations of a possible future County Library' in the Rosemount/Apple ,Valley area. The County proposes in the long range planning to construct a 20,000 sq. ft bu9lding on a 5 acre plat � somewhere in this' area. � ` �- p � /i�o � � 'i � �' � � _ =- s�-• • � �` • � �o � ' -,• ,_' ' r ' .�� � \ a / � �( � ��� 1/ ,� � �� `_D32 5.1 ��! { 1 G s s �����T' ) / 'r� � � ... --CEi Y y � � ( � �/ ' i �'i � / � i ��• ii � 1 �� `�� � _ _� _ I � � � f (� � `'�/ ;' � ���� % � J J � I � ;/ ����_'�-=_"_='s.-i�/'�"� ' ., � � �� � � . i �� � 1 / � ���i ��.� `�-�._ ,� _ _�, � �\ � �k��/ y � T X,�i / / � JC/C�r l ( �X � �._. � � - - _ -� �r ,� -� ��� \ . , - `(� L�,,-�� � r':f / � � 1 6 r 1 � � { ��`••�- - -- � � %r-\e� `,. 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Contrary to what Mr. Lockler may feel regarding his treatment or lack thereof, I think that the attached material demonstrates that a fair amount of hand holding and conferencing has taken place over the years that Mr. Lockler has been altering his shore front and lawn. Bud Osmundson has also provided you a memo regarding the more recent discussions that have taken place. In that memo he alsa provided you the ordinary high water level as es�a6lfshed by the DNR.: This a natural water body that has no outlet, nor does it have any storm water piped to it. The drainage that is contributed to White Lake is influenced only by the development of houses such as Mr. Locklers, which have been built around it. With the help of the DNR, which controls this water as a protected water body, we are looking at possible ways to control the level of this lake. We have reviewed the drainage pattern through the Erdrich property and found no obstructions. In fact, there is reason to believe that this is not the way White Lake ever maintained a constant level. The culvert under Bacardi has been cleaned by us, and the culvert under Erdrich's driveway has been cleaned by us. The only way to get more water to flow through them is to adjust their elevation. Since this is a DNR controlled water, we have no jurisdiction to adjust the elevation without their input. We have sought this solution by having the DNR estabfish the Ordinary High Water LeveL It is our position that the unusually heavy rains are contributing to the problems that Mr. Lockler is experiencing. We have not ignored his requests for action at any time. Though the answers we've provided to date are not what he wanted to hear, 1 think that Mr. Lockler is very much responsibie for his storm water fee. � , i J � ���' �U�LDlNG PERMIT � � � � N° . 1138 ' City of Rosemount � � ...�t Rosemount, 1Ninnesoto, _-+1�'"�� 3 197� � � . � _ . Permit is ronted to—��� �BG K t�1� ' ' � -l� 1 � I to uild a i G� j�.� 1 �i7�`%� I.ter � � C� f'!?!l� , � �ion . � , Ar: ..'' -- /,2-�' � _sT-- is upon the property described as Lot f ^ �• Block � �� �%h'j O� / .'-'' . � Addition Work to be done in conto with the Ordinances Qnd Cit�r Charter of ihe City of Rosemount ond the Laws of the State of Minnesota pertaining thereto. ' Fees Paid$ � JrO�_ 3 �S,D d , � Surcharge$ 1J`�`�.�'OQ .. �,I . .. , ..�.�ua.x�M..�t,w, � � . ----- . .-��.-.�_._-,,, . - .�. .�_.----------'-- -r------ -----•---- - -_ .,. � .._-- -. . ~� . In addition, size of original atrueture Number of stories � (With - Without Basement) - � � � ~ � Occupaney Classification �..- -- / _ . Type of Construetion: W p p� _ ' (fr , masonry steel, etc.) Esterior sur�ace �.CC.. '�f , (Siding, brick, sheet metal, �etc. Type of roof ',_ L`��.� Ty�e ma.terial h�'S .�LT- Estimated cost of pro j ect � �.�`j, (f'�-�) Off-Street P�,rl�.ng w:ill be flirnished for a.11 occupants of the building covered .by this application. ----- --- --- -- - -- - - - --------__----- -------------------- ._-- - -- - -_. . . . . ---_._ __. .�.___.... In considera�ion', for the pezmit issued on approval of this application, �►ere �I or we) bY aSreei,that the work to be perfor.ned shall be in accordanee with the above statements arid a� requi.red by law. Gonstruction l be starte wi�hin 9p days from date of 'this pezmit. The work sha11 be sub'e t to insp �c the Bui.Id- � �S �,�pector. � r Date �, � �', ' Signed . 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' ..' r 4 � _ . . . ` . . - . � �.�,� i��./N�i/7i-+*-✓ . � . . rr'A P '� rL I C A T I 0 N F 0 R B U I L D I N G P E R M �I T ', ' CITY OF ROSFMOUNT, N�NNESOTA . BUILDING INSPDCTOR � . ' City of 'Rosemount, Minnesota _ .----_�_ ___.. ._. .-.-- --__----- _ _ • � the undersigned hereby make application to erect, move, alter (I yr We) _ . or repair structure (s) on Lots � , B1.ock No. � addition : � Street address � --- '2. � �•�-T-i . The Structure is� to be used as a ' � . � (Res. , Office, Store, Warehouse, e'tc. • PERZ'INF�Tr INF'ORMATION . Work to be perfo=med: �0 t�',r�,,.d,(-� i� � ' (Erection, alteration, moving, repairing, etc. �� /''' Size of structur� or ad 'tion: �.5� .� In addition size of originA� structure ' Number of stories " ( (With - Withou�- Basement) . _ P Y �--� � _� I ssification ' �-- Occu anc Cl�. _ . _ Type of Construction: �O O ' (fr , masonry steel, etc.) bcterior surf ac e �.C<., 'ol�' , Siding, brick, aheet metal, Etc. Type of roof ��-�--/` Ty�e material � �Y�T- • Esti.mated co�t of project _ �.�j�� Off-Street Par�..ng will be fLunished for all oecupants oP the building covered by this applzcation: : ---- ------- --- - ----_—-----�-------.. __.._ _-------------------- - ----- - - ------ -- ----_.._. _ In considera�ion for the pen.nit iesued on approval of this application, , , (I orwej 3�er�by agreeithat the work to be perfor•ned shall be in aecordanee with the above statements aud ag required by law. Construction be starte wi#.hi.n 90 days - from date of this pezmit. The work shall be sub e t to insp c the Build-- � i.ng In,�,gecto�. � � Date �� ' Signed � - Pezmit No. ' Prope er - Contractor Fee l f�r SQ — `—' �s.�,'QO .. . Plan Check F�e Surchar8e �5,�b " ' Total 5�Q • O� Minutes of Planning Commission , Meetinn - Janua rv 27, 197? . - - 4 .� ' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Public Hearing of the Rosemount City Plannin� Cornmission requested by Daniel J. Lockler was called to. order at 7:45 Pv1. Hearing was for the purpose of :requesting a variance . for on-site sepLic systerr. and drainfield on less. than require� 2-1/2 acres. .. After hearing his request and there being no further discussion, Chairman Corrigan declared the hearing closed. . Chairman Don Corrigan then called the regular meeting of the Rosemourit Planning Co*�::^.ission to order at 8:00 PM. Members. _present were .Mrs. � Alice Anderso.^.. \fessrs. C.� Cunningham, �R. Barton, D. Corriga,n •.and.. . . _ C. �Tovak, �� •.; ril as Planner John Sanger:' > . `:_ . Motion by Eartoz second by Novak to appr-ove�-the :minute�s of the last :regular y meeeing on Deczmber 16, 1976 as corrected. Chairman �Corrigan rioted�that Mr. Ozment made a motion regarding approval of Rosemount Do��ge site 71an. , as presented and requested that his name be shown as having made the ' motion iri the minutes. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried, Planning Cornmission unanimously agreed to add to the agenda under� New � Business, the rra tter of interior construction at Brockway Glass Co. and a request by David Z�achter for hearin; to locate a mobile home in tYie � 'City of Rosemount. ` _ Commission then discussed with M�'. Waehter, his request for a hea�ing . and he was inforrned that a mobile home cannot be located on the farm of Donald VtiTachter. David Wachter withdrew his request :or hearing. : Building Inspector has reported that' a sign has been erected by Saint Paui - Ammonia Product�, Inc. and the sign:is approximately 12�'0 over the size � permitted. ' . _. . � MOTION by Barton to set a variance hearino for February 24t. 1977. at ?:45 PM_ to hear the xequest for variance for size�-�f sibn located 'at �St ' � paul Ammonia Products, Ir.c, ' Second _by:�tovak._,�-Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion c�rried. � . � � Commission discussed with $art Dunn and Del.Schwanz a plat as presented � - for Ro�emount Hills First Additiori.-� . . � . iV10TION by Barton to set a variance hearing on Fe bruary 24, ..14,7.7, ;at. : 7:40 PM, to request �� variance for cul-de-sac length for the pxop.osed ..: :, : �osemount Hills First Addition. Second by Cunningham,� Ayes 4.Nays �0 . . Motion carried. � � Commission discussed the variance hearing held earlier at the. request. pf� Daniel Lockler. Planner John Sanoer said he had resea�ched .the prqperty . abstracts as presented by Mr. Lockler and had determir_ed that the total property involved did conta-in a fractian more� than the required 2-�/2 Minutes o� ', Planning Commission Meeting - January 27, 1977 �� Page Two , MOTION by Cunningham to approve the request of Brockway Glass Co. for building permit for internal building revisions, and recommend ' same be issued. Plans shall be turned over to the btnlding inspector for follow-µp, noting that at least one rest room did not have the required sxall ,for handicapped individuals. Inspector to be made aware of this fact. Second by Novak. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION bS \oc•a�: to table the variance request of Rosemount Dodge for sign permit u�t:l the February 24th meeting in order to further review the matter.; �eco_^_�- bv Barton. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTIO� by Barton to approve the December invozce of Brauer and Associates ',as 'presented. Second by Anderson. Ayes 4 iVays 0. Motzon carried. ' , There beinQ no further business to come before this Commission at this time and upon I�;.OTIOtiT by Novak second by Barton, it was unanimously agree� to adjourn this meeting. .� , , ', Respectfully submitted Margaret Alsip , Recording Secretary ,F ,., , . . . . . � � . . . f �,',.. , . . �. � . . . Y � Cl/��` �� -. . ... ' . .. _.._ . . _ . _ . t � � � . �] � �� ` � � � . . .i. .... _... .. _.._._.. . . i j.�/�� ,��j/� � _ _._..L._-._. .___ / __ .� , - . �x�� S � ��a'ft� _ � � ._ _ __ . _ _ . . _ }.. . _ . . :. " --� Cr_ �— b��- n � ' . .�/-�'�--�" � . . . �-�ESN v.�. � . � •• � . . . .Cr��C� r - . -�-fY��- �i�'•�C�"�' ��'�� �1�i'� ._._.___ '...... � . ___ � ...,�y..�r.•v��- . _ _ _ _- - _ .._ _ .. ._ . - --.. -- ., v. ...----- ------- /���-tt.n., (_�aE%o-�i�,� �-'''"�'�-� --- V (�..�---- ,�. _,�-a� ������ .�� /�r �� � ��0� ` .���`' vuJ-R/�� "� '�-�.�. :�(�.`�`� 1 �--� " _ _ ._ .._, _ _ _ _ ._. _ _ ,� C.�1� O , - s�. E �SQ��y� 1� . . 5506E G//L�V[�•� � _ _ , 3-44t1 i � � 5-7 � z4� June 6, ' 1986 i ' � �(`��� Dan ''Lockl er ►'"" � 2187 128th Street West �' �Q (�:+� Ros�mount, MN 5506$ � �ro� Dear; Mr. Lockler: I � �y� I _ __--�( letter is to inform you that the City of Rosemount will not �ssue a permit or allow any fill to be placed in your yard until ` such t�me as the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been contacted and had opportunity to stake the ordinary high water ' level mark along White Lake. The DNR will stake the ordinary high water level , establishing the limits of the fill that you ' can ',place on your property adjacent to this registered water �' body. 7hey will provide this service at no cost to you. After this water level has been identified by the DNR and you hav� submitted a general plan to the City of Rosemount Building Dep�rtment, a permit will then be issued and you may proceed with ' tfi e f i 11 . ' Any �and 'all fill activity which has taken place up to this point mus�C cease and no further filling be done until such time as the permit is issued. Furthermore, all junk and debris that has been pla�ed along the water line on the south property line mu�t be removed 'back to the point that was identified to you during our meeting on June 5, 1986, between yourself, Barb McCarthy and I. A]1 debris must be removed by no later than 4;OQ p.m. , Monday, Jun� 9, 1986. ! If you will contact me at 423-4411, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. , I wiil provide you with the names and telephone numbers of contact people at the Department of Natural Resources, for 'your convenience. . ' Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I Sincerely, , Ron ,,Wasmund . , Buil'ding Official RW:dq ' ' . .',-.s^KK u'vs,�` � . • . ' ' x,��� ' . .. _ . �4 }i r`? - . . .- �" � ` �' FIGURE 1. [Not to Scale] ' . - :;�t . _ .<-"�-'�#<y- �x:.u.t�� . i. -.�-� _ . , . , � �OMW(Ordinary High Water Mark) - � State Jurisdiction e:tends Walerward ol OHW Range o(Water level Fluctuation \ —-- —————Yarie=(r=m Lak=to Lake 1�• Ordinary High Water Level \ �� Record High Water leveP Average Water Leve� /ti.1.�./� `�:rM - J. • J_� Record Low . Cattaii,Buirush.Sedges'� JI, j� and other Aqua�ic Vegetation /Water LevN - ` ` `-'Oj��i���Al 1�1�S • Fisheries o�ce to determine ii the proposed loCation is a posted ; „�The rtpadan'owner should first consider tf a beach sand blanket fish spawning area.The sand blanket shail not be located where.if ;�;.�':.: Js needed. Perhaps the removal�of vegetation and debris would � �"'��d destroy significant fish or wiidiife habitat,wiid rice,and other. '�-= rotected v etation.Sand blankets are not ermEtted for the '�'f�'`.� provide'an adequate beach. If the existing shoretine does not p � P pur-' � �provide an adequate beach,a treach sand blanket may be instalied Pose of controlling aquatic vegetation or tor shoreline protection ,,,,�:: ` 'tf an�attempt_to fAstati a"beach sand blanket is unsuccessful �nce there are much better methods and altevnatives:availabfe'; ?�-F-�%" 4because�of�unstable site_Condidons,_the proJect should be aban- �nditions at some sites are obviously not.sWted.for a beach sand�� w-�-r�.-� � �+^- �-� �-y-- bianket (steep slo &,o.,more tnches'of muc �.b � `�"" .Rsta�ll�sand�would be fuUle�and� - -�.ry=�s;��..�--+.�:�,.,�-� � �.,„--����, `�g.�: m t :- � "�`.-.._t "�''` _ �.� _,� water sp�ings, and/or•sutistantlal.wave action Ideai � � .P __ � . �- ; _^, , _ ) . �y�_a�,9o�od• --��' ' s ,.: � beach slte shou{d have a ge e sb�e with minimal wave ctio an`d� -+.c-�.;��.e�,su ea�+�n. .c�r._. .-„�:'�D�ff.���r � � � •� �IO _ y� -located in"an�area:vv'F�ere o�aches havebeen successfu�i� . u . , .a . �.� • +�iL�1''^�JEIAfIi'a.RR"2.w�.JY� �. � � /�'7�1titYc,y:Xi _ : ,..,�`:'*�-,..,'�`.:' �.�Sand blsnkets sheti not tie installed w�iere ttie�sbpe-s , • ariari ovmer needs and`desires a beaahsanii blanket,hs "'::greatefthart�Q�`�(10 feet hortzontal d�stance p�e �_`r ae�ch f��aot of:ve , tacf e�eglonal DNR.office e map) or ttie tocal erea `Ucal drop):-,�T;tO"�'.� ' • '� �.,,� � : ��Top View��� FIGURE 2 [Not to Scale) • Sid�e View - � �<'��- "Y.�-: Y�'�,�,�� _. �. •: �� , s � . . ., . ,fiY � _x. � t y.. �. ..... '�����'�'s'���,e,.�'�sa{,..„ {� '�" rs#; � �z:.� .,.�. :. ' r " � s s • ;�..g«°��.�� ` �;�. ::s .: �, � � r , . � � , ^-�`_`.' ���[I�4� ',.s.. s: `�"r��li'{ : • .. i z� _�_�,y�mir. .�: �fi�x. � �x•��' - . ,j��:. i�: ,.; .�.'k -• •• t = yy: , . �; ":� � X,��r � � ' � »� ��y� z�,� °'��"9.�' -i:�,�.�,�`�"�s :�.�` .. _ . . �u�t'��"i,,�. �� : _" • r . �,:��c+ . ,a�i a,�,� � ,: � . s�z� ' { T"'�.tK�j�s � � ,;'. c � �� . � - � j"�` y�,,y : . . ��h , � � : aTi�!€l8i�f�tQ�# �".i ` . , ����.� ,�� v "�".e�r � y fy . . � ,��,, ���., �rater mark �y �=�%� �; � s"W l` i'�h` ns"�° ;,»��s"'j° / � ,�• .yy�'�-�ii/�,.�s r �� �r0� � � : . . �� ��s.'-_ ��.�Y'""��^.�.�:��{.�lr`�s'�`Y.�lin�h �x �_� ,�.� �-: �� �--: . •. . �2�¢ . -�•rf�". �''������►�M:�W�R�~��1��!l���� .a Y :-.<arcfiiiar�9� ��'�� s•�� � . • . � .. Y���c; ,,.• '+'Y yd�j�A, '! �r`�'� � sa,oa/ � ��i.r.�•i�".v'/�i i� ���-... �' �- �'x'� . . .�. . ..7�� . ., �� ... �i � ` .��� � �,,��;a` •�l�!�i�:,r.-ti.»��:.'•:� `y' i a.����� y�y//� .,/,i `Ta' �.+r �-: - :+C � %'5.�'�s.y ' •j'� �: �. •� .t!'r c �, -. i �. / s ; � r r,;r, . r �� /' y�'�y / -�+c !�f^ ' _ ��� . ' ' �s�`L•w�� rv:.:Fx t�. �/ � / ''� '.tiS.�rr .a�#+„p�� i� ' , �� �r / /���r.� 1.,• � t• ��..� . .0 .�`�'!Fi.=<6i' a'����7i�-'��/�i'�'s; �. 5� . . ' .. . �.:�.., .... ........:...:... _.. . ... . . . .: ".-- � .� . ... . :, . .... .�^�n.�...$3i: :. .,.. ....�...::... .f�.��.�'�.;�ss�3..<''�'` .. ...... .:;> Hr'c�'?s�x��'F��'�i���"� .. . i. .- �.. �ti . _ _.,:. . .,..: ... .. .., .: .. ...... ... ... ... . ...< � ...... .. . .N '��: ' 2 , ,....:.. :�...:..w. . .:.> .. �� . � �•...H. ....: .... ... ' .. .�... . � 3::..v:n 4 ' . . f. . . . . . ,wo:�, � . . . . ��, . . . . � ,., � . . � .: �. . . . BEACH � : �: x ' aa _ , � �. � � ���b \N R�.6'�YikCS.h . . , SAN D � � � � � t �� i. £fi f Y ? ��S'°zc. �'FJP k. .�k�7. , �. � �E��� � .�� '�,� �. BLANK�TS _ - �:�_ �:= � :s::. �• ::� �{ .:-: ., .� .�: :;: -:;::. _ - . _ ,.. . . . . . •�i �• • ,'�.'� . ,,, .. . . . • . . . . . •��� :�. . . ..��i� .�. . . . ��.��., �,�,.. .$n � '�.. . . , �,, �. � . ..:...... ..........:�. .... .. ........ .. . � � . . . . � . ��. , '.. . � ` •..:.:... . ..n.K . .. . .. ::..e .: ...:.. ..' i. PERMIT REQtTIREMENTS and CONSTR'UCTION GUIDELINES Under Minnesata Statutes, Cfiapter 105, public waters are any A Deparfinent of Natural Resources permit is rtot required if a: -- �waters o( the 5tate which serve one or mwe material beneficial beach sand blanket is instalied within ail of the restrictions listed public purposes including navigatfon, recreation,fish and wildlife : below: habitat, nutrient and sediment entrapment, water supply, ground . ' � •. water recharge, floodwater retention, and scientFfic and natural �• The blanket shall consist of only clean, inorganic sand areas.� - , and/or gravel free of poliutants and nutrients. . . •r;.: - ' � 2. The bla�ket shall not exceed the following dimensians:' � '. Any project constructed�below the ordinary high water mark " a. No more than 50 feet along the shore. � (OHW)which alters the course,current,or cross.section of public b. No more than 10'feet waterward ot the OHW. waters is subject to the regalatory,jurisdiction of the Department of c. No more than 6 inches thick. ' Natural Resources. For lak',es, the OHW is tfie highest elevation 3. The site shall not be a posted fish spawning area. which the lake has maintained to leave evidence upon the ' landscape.For watercourses,the OHW is the elevation of the top of 'This is equivalent to 9.3 cubic yards or approximately 1 truck the bank of the channel. For reservoirs and flowages,the OHW is - �oad (tandem dump truckt of sand and/or graveL � the operating elevation of the normai summer pool. A permit is not required from the Department of Naturai �f ihe proposed sand bianket cannot meet ali of the preceding Resources tor a beach sanii blanket installed within the following - restricfions,a permit from the Department of Natu�al Resources is restrictions.Locai units of govemment and other agencies may stiil required.Contact the appropriate regional office or the Division of require a permit for this projecL Your locai watershed district and Waters in SL Paut for the necessary application forms.Ail beach county zoning officiais requi're 7 days notice priar to the instaliation sand blankets shaU be installed according to the foilowing of the beach. The U.S. Army Corps ot Engineers has regulatory 9uidelines. authoriry over the placemen't of any fiU into pubtic waters inciuding � wetiands.The Corps shouid'be coniacted to determine if a permit is required from that agency. BEFORE INITIATING ANY PROJECT, , contact your local Conservation O#ficer or the Regionai Hydrologist (see map). I - . -::-;-.., �f � � f Speed Letter� � � � /i'l/ -� �///�ll/'C/ From !'1'J� � .�f�L«'� � . . .f�GL/���4 �- -�rG''/C��� . . � s . _ , . . � . . . �ject '` .�/l�yG C.Or���,/" . . . , �t�LFOID'; ' . . - . . � � . • � . � . Essa�E : - . � _ . - . � . _ _ - ._ _ -,!� �t.c!�� ' r �t l�..: +' �a. ( i / , � .�� � /��C / " i . _ • -7�Z�u 't� ��/'ik r - . ; � r�e .� ' 7� K� �i ' iidvii `l�4.�ii�?� ,/ ,wl- -sS�b�c�i.to TKt. ��i7""s ���� ��r %�.E�/,os- �S GfG'u���-��1 �KG �/�� Date� p � '.Signed �/� s� =PIY . - . � �FOiD� . . .. � .. . . +J�OLD . � � . . -. . � - .�` . . . �.... .� .._ . � . � . .' ' ."_ Date Signed ilsonJones . -YUNE FORM�f-802 3PMRT � . � � � � :3•PR�NTEDINU.SA. . � ' � . � . SENDER—DETACH AND RETAIN YfLLOW COPY.SEND WHITE AND PINK GOPIES WITH GARBON INTAGT. : ' DAK�J1'A COUNTY SOIL AND WATER ' ' CONSERVATION DISTRICT ' II Formington Professionol Buildi�g , �' 821 Third Street � formington,MN 55021 � I I Pho�e:(612)163-862b ' MINNESOTA � '' SOIL Awo WA;TER CONSERVATION DtSTRICTS � '� June 12 , 1�'986, , � T0: Ron W,asmund . � ' City '',of Rosemount ' FR�M: Bar�bara McCarthy ��, � I Dak',,ota, County SWCD � �����,� 0 RE: Recommendations regarding placement of fill. on , Dan L''ockler property. This lette��r is to follow-up our visit to the Dan' Lockler � property o,n June 5, 1986. Mr . Lockler proposes to place fill on hi'is property due to wet conditions and to place riprap alo',ng White Lake. ' : = i T We recommend that the DNR be contacted since they have ', regulatory', ju,risdiction over White Lake, a "Protected Water° of the Sta''te . According to Kent Lokkesmoe , hydrologist with the DNR, no fill can be placed below the elevation of the Ordinary H',igh, Water Mark of "Protected Waters" for the � purpose of' creating upland (drier) areas. The exact , elevation �,of the Ordinary High Water Mark has not been , determined', at this time for White Lake . But to expedite the ', proposed p,roject, the DNR can inspect the Lockler property , and actual',ly place stakes along the property to identify the Ordina!�ry High Water Mark of White Lake (where fill can . ' and cannot be placed by Mr . Lockler) . , ' As far as �erosion and sediment control is concerned, we ', recommend '�tha'tt a silt fence be instailed along th� edge of ', the Lockle,r property to prevent sedimgnt from moving into White Lake . The silt fence must be properly installed (see ' Attachment',) before any fill is placed. The siltt fence ', should be '�,taken down after the property is adequately , stabilized wi,th a grass cover . �, Also enclo',sed is information from the DNR regarding Permit ', requiremerr',ts ,for riprap shore protection. ', I will ehe�ck with local distributors to compile source and , cost infor',mation for purchasing small quantities of silt fence . ', ', ! AN EQUAL OPPORTUNtTY EMPLOYER , . .�;.:..:.::., .. ��.� .�,��... . . .,.:.. � ..::. °:; .:` ,��.� �..;. . �� :;; �.�'�: :. .. �: � , <�< � �.�,�- t.1► �, '� � t�. RIPRAP .. � � � ��7� SHORE R r�� PROT�CTION a ,� � �� �� . �: . � �. : ..� ' . �. .J .:,� � . , . . _ . '� +'� %J ..1ra..'�.. .. � ^� ...A��ap �'t�'s �zz.'�r_�'` �''�^�^�` . � � �a' ��03:��'�'�"�'�y� � �� �' � . . . x e�x,� - $ L` � . . . � d1:���£xb��a�`�^y:'�ti'+ 'fa.,x - �.'��"�� . . . ��� �`:� y��z.����$-..��... . .. � � � � . � . . ���',^x'�`5�.'�'� g^y`�'`��'3+'`'�`"��` :�:`_ PERMIT REQUIREIVIENTS and ��.� `.�� �� �: :�� � � � CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES ������������� � �: .��:��.0 �� Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 105, public waters are any A Department ot Natura!Resources permit is not required it the waters of the state which serve one or more mate�ial beneficiai riprap shore protection is instailed within allof the restrictions listed public purposes including navigation,recreation,fish and wiidUfe betow: habitat, nutrient and sediment entrapment, water supply, ground water recharee, fioodwater retention, and scientific and naturai 1• The riprap shore protection shali consist of natural rock areas. . only. . 2. The riprap shore protection shait conform to the naturai Any project constructed below the oMinary htgh water mark alignment of the shore. (OH1An which alters the course,current,or cross-saction o(pubiic 3. The minimum finishedslope shall be no steeperthan 3 feet waters is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction ot the Department oi horizontal to 1 foot verticat(3:1). Natural Resources. For Iakes, the OHW ls the highest elevatfon 4. No materials shall be ptaced more than 5 teet waterward of which• the Iake has maintained to leave evidence upon the the OHW, landscspe,for watercourses,the OHW is the elevaUon of the top of 5. A permit shalt be required tor the piacement-of riprap the bank of the channel. For reservofrs and fiowages,the OHW is shore protection along Lake Superior and any ofiiciaily the operatlnp elevaUon of the norma!summer pool, designated trouY stream. A permit is not requiret! from the Department of Naturs{ If the proposed riprap shore protection cannot meet all of the Resources tor riprap shore protection installed within the tolbwing preceding restrictions, a permit from the Department of Natural restriCfione. Lxai units o( government and other sgencies, Resources is required. Contact the appropriate regional office or however, may stiil require a permft for this project. BEFORE !N- the Division of Waters in St Paul for the necessary application ITIATING ANY PROJECT, contact your locai conservation o�cer torms. or tfie Regionai Hydrologist(see map). ' . Riprap shore protection not requiring DNR permits shail be placed according to the foliowirig guideti�es. . � . FIGURE 1. [Not to Scale) r OHW(Ord'rnary Nigh Water Mark) State Jurisdiction e:tends Waterward of OHW Range of Waier Level Fluctuatioe � —_—_--_--Varie�fro_m Lak-fo lak= Ordinary High Water Level Record High Water Level � , Average Water Levei ' ---� r Cattail.Bulrush.Sedges lf Record low � and ather Aquatic Vegetation �Water Levei _` t • , _ � � : � . . . � � � � . � � . . . 2 - � ._ .. . 1 � . . . . DEFINITION PLACEMENT Riprap shore protection is defined as coarse stones, bouiders, Of the three types of ripr�p piacement-hand-ptaced,dumped, cobbles, or artificlai broken rock fragments or concrete brick and gabions - dumped stone is prefeared. Dumped stone is the ' materiais,loosety Isid against an existing bank of a public water for most fiexible and wtli adjust itseif to uneven hank settfemenLDump- ' the purpose of preventing or co�uolling erosion.Only naturai rock ed riprap is usually applied from trucks and spread by a buUdozer ' riprap shore protection may be instailed without a permlt.Riprap or crane. In most cases,dumped stane is also the least costly. ' shore protection is generaily placed to prevent erosion by wave ac- tiort and currents.It is also useful'in preventing burrowing animals Hand-placed riprap should be roughiy square or rertangular to I (muskrat, beaver, etc.j from undermining bank stability, facilitate placement by hand or derrick. Hand-piaced riprap is '' easily disrupted by minor settling. ' L�CATI�N Gabions (wire-enciosed riprap) consist of stone placed in wire ' baskets or wire-cove�ed mats.Gatrions are usua�ly utilized when The placement of riprap should be limited to the area subject to fOCk of suitabie si�e is not availabie.There are two disadvantages in ', erosion, This informatio� pampMiet outtines guidelines for the using gabions-their unnatural appearanceand the potentiai failure � placement of naturai rock riprap without a permit which includes of the wire enGosure.The use of gabions is discouraged because ot hand-piaced riprap, dumped riprap, and gabions (wire=enclosed maintenance problems. When they are-necessary, however, ga- riprap).The installation of other types of riprap wili require a permit. bions should be confined primarily to stream banks. ' Riprap shore protection shati beattempted only where site soils ' are capable oi supporting riprap,,Such soits may inciude various combinations of sand,sift, and clay.Soils such as peat and muck ' are not capable of supporting riprap. ', CONSTRUCTION , Riprap shore protection shali be instailed with a minimum A transitional layer of gravel, small stone, or fabric shall be tinished slope of 3:1. No riprap or filter materials shaii be placed placed between the fin�materiafof an embankment and the riprap , more than 5 teet waterward of the,OHW(see Figu�e 2).A severeiy shore protection materials.The purposes of ihs filter are to(1)pre- eroding bank may require titiing in wiih a greater depth ot naturai venf fine embankment mat�riai from being pulled through the rock before a stable sloae may be achieved.Gently sloping banks riprap materials,(2j distribute the weight of the overlying riprap to are more stabie for riprap and resutt in fewer failures.The extent of prevent setUement, and (3) to provide r�lief to hydrostatic riprap into the water shouid be minimized since flow and wave ac- pressures inside the embankment: tion can cause stability problems.', ' �,�.existing slope FiGURE 2. tNot tosca�e) .: o TYPICAL RIPRAP DIMENSiONS . '-��� a°o � � OHW � . � � � . .. . . � .. . � . '.,.. � : o° . � � � . � . .. . � . ,.� . :_: g � ordinary high water level ;:.: oo ---� .�.....--.� �.�..�.—��.....�� �-' ;;. a og, average water levei ' �* -� ���08� . � � 08:�0 0 °e eOe° riprap materiat � �� ••ee � � e°a o e g va,� " e o0o e e voo � ` �����f .s °O 000°o�vo�°0p o o�a a . � ������ -���" ' � ° °��� iake or stream bed � , �:: ::;.;.. ooa,.�o 000'o�� f 9 � . . '���f+,"�n` '�7'�-'G� �' �� � r �:�s�,Ji'.,�.�y'' � ._ .. � /f I� �3''/?' /�'C '` /y''� i"� `� � � � ,q' "` � �:°� n':�.'.-' ^��? "� �s-//f.:-��!/�"s%.--�:-'.,::> I -' .... , 2 I Well-graded gravel, crusheC stone, and filte� cloth should be Rock sizes should be well-mixed.Approximately one-hali ot the used as tilter materiais. The sizes o(the fiiter materials must be rock should be 12 inches in diameter. The remainder should be larger than the originai bank materials and smatier than the r(prap. used to fill in the spaces between the previously piaced rock and If well-graded gravel exists naturaliy,no fiMer blanket is needed. if shouid consist of both large and smali rocks.The minimurn recom- not, a 6"tiiter blanket is recommended. mended thickness of riprap is approximately 12 fnches. Where gravel or crushed stone is unavallable or excessivefy Riprap placement may inGude toe and end protection, par- costly, fitter cioth is an aiternative. Fiker c{oth, an artificiai tabric ticulariy in controUing stream bank erosion.Toe and end protection which aHows water to pass through whtle retaini�g the bank is accomplished by placing the targest rocks and the thickest por- materiafs, has been used successfuliy with riprap. Brands• used tion of the riprap in position as shown in Figures 3 and 4.In some in- successfuily inciude:Bidim-G22(Monsanto);Typar 3401(DuPont); stances,excavation may be required to provide sutticient depth of Pol�lter-X(Carthage Mills); and Mirafi 140(Celanese). toe and end protection. If inechanized excavation is necessary,a (•THlS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENT Of THESE permit is required. BRANDS) . :,.:.�,.... .: .. .w: : :,.:. ...:.. :.: .. ,.,a:.,.. . . �.�::v. -�.ts��:� ... . , . ` ... :. .,�. yy , ,. � .'. . _ . � . ,,... � '.':,F.... .ai>k�y � . . .� . �. . . '., :. . :�s. . _ FIGURE 3. (Not tosca�e) � FlGURE 4. �ND_ � average water levei (Not to Scale) � o average TO� e;°, water level e oo�e e �°°°� , a . o a ,,o e,o ee o o �,, o, , e, , o a,a .. e o o e �, o,o �, o,e o�,,a, ,,o,��-,°�,� oe,�, , ,ao,o e�,�o, o�.,o �e ,e;�� ;f iitsr o ,oo�oo e•'° �;o�g�°°° pOOpO .�/FRn�t •. ����60� � . p O O pp dO� Y.�' 000 0QO � � . oeo �ps � . . . . � �� O�p� � below:�owar itmtt ct + ' � tliter blanket � .< - `scour y � : . , . : ���� _ �����3�C�����" ..�� '`�..'{.�'<�';� _ _ _ . . .. . .�... .� . . , , ..: . ,.. ,>,. �� MAINTENANCE � REQUIREMENTS - All riprap shore protection requires maintenance. Proper filter REMINDER: Any riprap shore protection proJect which does blanket thickness,rock size,placement,and slope will prevent fre- not conform to the aforementioned c�iteria must be suthorized quent maintenance.All riprap,however,will experience some dis- prior to installat{on by a pe�mk from the Department ot Naturat placemen�.The desired slope,thickness,and the fiiling ot hotes in Resouroes pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 105.42 and the rock surface shouid be restored when needed. 6 MCAR�1.5021 C. The installation of rfprap shore protection not meet(ng theae ADDITIONAL INFORMATION �►�te��e W�tho�t e P�e��o�s�Y obte��ed oNR pe�m�t�$�ons�de�ed a violatian of taw and is subject to criminal prosecudon (S500 if you desire additional information on shore protection, a and/or 90 days in jaii}and restoration as deemed appropr(ate by pamphiet, "HELP YOURSELF', is available trom the U.S. Army �e Commissionet o( Natural Resources. Contact your DNR Corps oE Engineers. The pamphlet discusses criticai erosion �egionai offfce or the Dlvlsion ot Waters in St. Paul for permit problems on the Great Lakes and cites additional methods of shore appiications. protection.Address your request ta U.S.Army Corps of Engineers 1210 U.S. Post OfEice and Custom House St. Paui, Minnesota 55101 1-6i2-725-7506 a�ay e�dels � , - d W bf1S. . Horz�rxo3Ni xot,r�aio�a �oxs av�azx � �J . — — — —a�ay BuoiQ PIo1--— — I . DEAARTMENT OF NATURAI RESOURCES � REGIONAL �FFtCES � �-� ' f rJ REGION 1 "...�----T--� I � Rural Aoute 5 ' � !_,_ � 8emidji, MN 56601 ' --�-----r , � (218)755-3955 ' �---�,..��; _ I j � AEG10N 2 --�----+ -- i � , � I East Higtiway 2, Box 388 _ � y � � � � Grand Rapids, MN 55744 --�--� ` i ( (218)326-0311 1 + � ---,-�_1..±._� � I REGION 3 y � � I 303 Charles Street I _ i f ---i Brainerd, MN 56401 L---- �--- i----� (218)828-2613 "� � � ti Department of Naturat Resour��ioN 4 � i _sT_� ' Division o� V�'�ters, 3rd FlooC soX�ss, H�9nway �s s. �._ , `__� 444 Lafa�F.ttc Rcad tso��ssa-2�as _� �--- � , � � , �� r � .S� Paul, MN 55101 �ecioN s j-T-- --�''��-� r_t 2300 Siiver Greek Aoad N.E y �_l.� � Rxhester, MN 55901 , -%�`_� . (507)285-�430 •`l-` __� ' � ' j � �y� �� REG10N 6 � � t C. (r tU�- �'.k" 1200 Warner Road --��� 1 _L r' � "_� -, � eQtortb.� ��r��oqtsf c pau�, NtH ss�os -T--r;., ;�� � "' Zg(, -- ?Sz 3`' st2�2ss-�s23 i ,�. �,--"-� � r CENTRAIOFFICE � , -1--i-r--sJ � � � �+ Space Ge�ter Building �� r1 i � �'�'--� " ! T -j 444 18f8yette Road -�---+-=--i--i_._1 _ �� _� _ St.Paui,MN 55101 � � � , 1 _(' 'T' '''_ � (61�296-4800 " . i � , � � � � . ,. 1980 1.06 . STD 8� SPEC 1.06 SiLT FENCE x x x—�c S F � Definition A temporary sediment barrier consisting of a filter fabric stretched across and attached to su�porting posts and entrenched. There are two types. The Silt Fence is a temporary linear filter barrier constructed of synthetic filter fabric, posts, and, depending upon the strength of the fabric used, wire fence for support. The Filter Barrier is construc- _ ted of stakes and burlap or synthetic filter fabric. _ - Purpases l. To intercept and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas during construction operations in order to prevent sediment � from leaving the site. 2. To decrease the velocity of sheet flows and low-to-moderate level channel flows. _ Conditions Where Practice Applies - 1. Below disturbed areas where erosion would occur in the form of sheet . - and rill erosion. � '.""'y .�4"��t..ry„�`w..:�.�. -� +L�i„ T1n(`s;o"�r'i f� �.t�r.:.' �r�..�. ._ ' y,4.r'.�'.LL:. ^s . . ,�l+f!�"�`' , 5-,.r "'Ks ..,:, ����....rt,�.,,t.�',.r.a�,�,„�.�,.+��1 ,,f y;.'�.L,���� 1�, ,�.•.�; . . . �s s i �������H -�te'4,,11 '�" �, �+..w+.t _}_;J,i�' .i„� . . �.Y�'�.Y�•„��^�v-.•.�9r �i �. �J't(atiR,�..�'�.T 't+.. C 't''~" �,� R .� . r �r ,y�S....r �„ �c �j' �+���' �„ *� � c•7.s� � �� �. �."L:'T'�.y_,.;,,.����� ��.^�",y. � . .,< � ' . � �.�..i� {� � .. � . 1 ,w. /•'� �t '�' .is�j`�✓s':� ♦- - 'y� r ^ `2' - %�-• s��:�^�`, •i : �.,, � r'dr I�>7' ,U,�.,3r' ''� �,,,�;;;,, ` �, r '� ¢ r f � �r�' x �I �.� '� � . � . .. � ���,,;�,�.y�•.� ,I ,f.��`r+'�:>�:��•.y�:�a +-:�r„�+y�T r_ ' � . . .. . �� f"`�f .. .�.� '��"t'"ri..�.�-.i . �,7`���` .c�ir� � . � . _ �..:Y ��.._ . . Y 4 ..a..-p�rr%y'� . �. �..�_'`"� . III-17 1980 - t ', � ' 1.06 , 2. Where the size of the drainage area is no more than l/4 acre per ' 100 feet of silt fence length; the maximum s�ope length behind the ' barrier is l00 feet; and the r�aximum gradient behind the barrier is 50 percent (2:1). ', 3. In minor swales or ditch lines where the maximum contributing drain- age area 'is no greater than 2 acres. ' 4. Under no circumstances should silt fences be constructed in live I streams or in swales or ditch lines where flows are likely to exceed � 1 cubic foot per second (cfs). See Design Criteria for further clari- ' fication. Plann%:z� :onsiderations ' Laboratory work at the Virginia 8iqhway an3 Transportation Research GounciZ � (vH&TRC) has shown that silt fences can trap a much higher percentage of suspended sediments than can straw bales. . .Si1t fences may be prefer- able to straw barriers in many cases. whi.Ze the failure rate of siZt fences is Zower than that of straw barriers, there have been instances in which silt :fences were improperZy installed. The instalZation methods ou�lined here ;can improve performance. I Filter barriers are inexpensive structures composed of burlap or standard weiqht synthetic fi3ter fabric stapled to wooden stakes. FIa,� rates '' throi�gh burlap filter barriers are sZiqhtly slower and fi�tering effici- ency is significantly higher than for straw baZe barriers (see �'able 1.�6a). . � Tab1e 1.06a _ , ' FZUW RA7'BS AND FILTSRING EFFICIENCIES OF ' ', VARIOfTS SEDIMENT FILTER MATERIALS ' , Material Flow Rate (qa1./sq.ft./min.) FiZter Efficiency (�) , � Straw 5.6 67 Burlap (10 oz. fabric) 2.4 84 ' Synthetic Pabric 0.3 (Avg.) 97 lAvq.J I • Sources Va. Highway and Transportation Research Council SiZt fences campose3 of a wire support fence and an attached synthetic � filter fabric s10-�v the flow rate significantZy b�rt have a higher filter- ' ing efficiency than burlap. Both woven an3 non-woven synthetic fabrics ar� comrnerr1a12y available. The woven fabrics generallz� displag higher strength than the non-waven fabrics. When tested under acid end alkaline ' water conditions, raost of the woven fabrics increase in strength. There ' is a variety of reactions among the non-warren fabrics. The same is true of tes�ing under extensive uZtraviolet radiation. Perraeabilitg rates ' vary reqardZes� of fabric type, Whi1e aZ1 of the fabrics demonstrate ' , . ;� ___.' ' III-I8 • 'v , , �� I ' ' ,%_ . f . ':�Q��n;;. ;�'i�" jC.+:�. - �i'r.j.;�'1 �:n.:� � Y���CIO�C�iM✓v:�` :i";.'(' i :�► • 1980 � 1.06 very high fiZtering efficiencies for sandy sediments, there is considerable variation among both woven and norrwoven fabrics when FiZtering the finer silt and clay particZes. D2s i�:� t.ri teri a l. No formal design is required. � � . 2. Filter barriers shall have an expected usable life af 3 months. They are applicable in ditch� lines, around drop inlets, and at tempo- rary locations where continuous construction changes the earth con- tour and runoff characteristics and where low or moderate flows (not exceeding 1 cfs) are expected. 3. Silt fencPs, because they have a much lower permeability than burlap filter barriers, hav2 their applicability limited to situations in whicn only sheet or over7and flows are expected. They norma1ly can- not filter the volumes of water generated by channel flows, and many of the fabrics do not have sufficient structural strength to support the weight of water ponded behind the fence line. Their expected usable life is 5 months. ' Construct�ion Specifications _ Materials 1. Synthetic fi �ter fabric shall be a pervious sheet of propylene, nylon, - polyestzr or ethylene yarn and �hall be certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the fiollowing requir2ments:: PHYSICAL PROPERTY TEST REQUIREMENTS „ . Filtering Efficiency VTM-� 7�a min. + ��� Tensile Strength at VTM-52 Extra Strength- 20� (max. ) Elongation* 50 lbs./lin. in. (min.) Standard Strength- ' � 30 lbs./lin. in. (min.) � � � Flow Rate VTM-51 0.3 gal./sq.ft./min. (min.) * Requir gnents reduced by 50 percent after 6 months of installation. Synthetic fiiter fabric shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0� F to 120° F. 2. 6urlap shall be 1Q ounce per square yard fabric. � : 3. Posts for Silt Fences shall be either 4-inch diameter wood or 1.33 pounds per linear foot steel with a minimum Iength of 5 feet. Steel �osts shall have projections for fastening wire to them. III-19 . 1980 . '. 1 .06 I, 1. Set the stakes . � 2. Excavate a 4"x4" trench ' upslope aiong the line of _ , stakes . ' �., � . / � �_-�!�%:�` . ��' i�- ,� / -�. �� •�,' ,/,�� ' = �'���'i � ��' f'',• �"��." �j �'- �:��`'-'�_' �'��""�.Q_ ��i �� � ' ,% . �� i . '%�= -/ /.��i:y%,.�A:�j� � ,s`�� /_--'�--, - ,_ " / / "�� / �� y�� %"� F1 o�V ///�� yi��G . -----'''',..%% ��i . � il i ,II 1 r,�::��11! 4�� , 3. Staple filter material to 4. Backfill and compact the stakes and extend it into excavated soi1 . ' the trench. � , � ', .:, . � f � • +� ,�: : �� � �. ' } �� j � ,� .....� � �- 4�i��r � �i r� , , -'�� �f ' . I �'' � ' -. ., � i �"'_ � ��/�r� �' � r �- � ► ��µ� � ' ' ��,- � � ��''� ��� �i -��/� ��� --�/"� �-���� �� � �i - ,� �� I�I. i,; 1 i . CONSTRUCTiON OF A FILTER BARRIER � Source: Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter Barriers Plate 1.J6a ' for Sediment Cantrol , Sherwood and Wyant � t � � Fl ow � Plan � � � _ I I -�A � B A , � --^ �� f •� �'i �1;+ ,. / ---- � E1 evati on �/�/�-_ � . �y�'�ly - I,� l(�11�� , Poi nts A shoui d be hi gher than poi nt' � I FROFfR FLACE;lL:aT OF A FILTER BARRIER IN A DRAINAGE WAY ! Source: Adapted from Installation of Straw and Fabric P1ate 1.Q6b , - Filter Barriers for Sediment Control , Sherwood and Wyant III-21 ', 1980 . 1.06 ' ' 2. _ The filter fabric sha11 be purchased in a continuous roll cut to ' � the length of the barrier to avoid the use of joints. When joints � ' are necessary, filter cloth shall be spliced together only at a sup- ' port post, with a minimum 6-inch overlap, and securely sealed. ', 3. Posts shall be spaced a maximum of 10 feet apart at` the barrier loca- ' ' tion and driven securely into:the ground (minimum of 12 inches). When extra strength fabric is'used without the wire support fence, . post spacing shall not exceed 6 feet. ' � 4. A trench shall be excavated approximately 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep alang the line of posts and upslope from the barrier. 5. Wfi en standard strength filter fabric is used, a wire mesh support fence sha11 be fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts using heavy duty wire� staples at least l inch long, tie wires or � hog rings. The wire shall eactend into the trench a minimum of 2 inches and shall not extend more than 36 inches above the original ground surface. 6. The Standard Strength filter fabric shall be stapled or wired to II the fence, and 8 inches of the fabric shall be extended into the ' trench. The fabric shall not extend more than 36 inches above the original ground surface. Filter fabric shall not be stapled to exist- � ing trees. ' 7. When ext,a strength filter fabric and closer post spacing are used, , the wire mesh support fence may be eliminated. Tn such a case, the filter fabric is stapled or wired directly to the posts witfi all other provisions of item No.6 applying. ', 8. The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric. ' ', _ 9. Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful pur- pose, but ,not before the upslope area has been permanently stabilized. , Maintenance . � 1. Silt fences and filter barriers shall be inspeeted immediately after eacn rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs shall be made immediate]y. 2. Should the fabric on a silt fence or filter barrier decompose or becane ineffective prior to the end of the expected usable life and the barrier still be necessary, the fabric shall be replaced promptly. , 3. Sediment d'eposits should be removed after each storm event. They , must 5e removed when deposits reach approximately one-half the height of the barri er. ' 4. Any spdiment deposits remaining in place after the silt fence or I filter barrier is no longer required shall be dressed to 'conform with the existing grade, prepared and seeded. . III-22 � 1980 , . 1.06 '� 1. Set posts and excavate a 4"x4° 2. Staple wire fencing to ' �re��ch upslope along ti�e line the posts. ' of posts. . � � � �.. .•i .� . � Y � . �',, . . . .�� -' •+ •�' l� — . � ..�` , .. . '��, � � �./' ~`���Y •r _. .�;� � '���.�'S'�� . ,I�. . '�r�i_-.1._.�` ' �� .����,..,�-_ � � ,. i-- i� _--�'" � � �%� 'a�� .' �'� � ,I _�.-/�� // I� ��•�_��....��' " % .i�� � j�% �r�� � ! � I ' � , , 4° ' 3. �tttacn the filter fabric to 4. Backfill and com act the I p the wire fence and extend it excavated soi1 . ' into the trench. ::�::'' :��:'•:��:::�..:-,.. .�-� :.::.-�-�--. ' ::. � � �`��;:`:::>::'::��:>::;:�:?:: ��#:;;:::::::::::.:•:::::- :•t:`: � ::=� �: :.:�:. ':�€" ti::: .�:: .:.;�:. �=;::::s;�>::::r�:::::�� ::� ::�� ���:`�>::�:::>?':::::�:��'��:"".:.::'" � . •>�`����� ��'' 'r�:i' :�•: ��: L�:�..� ' >��:���::;:�,:;.;�•:::::;: .��:: :::�: t ::E� ::��� �. �`� . �:�� �• :<�•_:;',.::;.'{>.;�:`��::•. � �..�' :•�.:'��::::::;�:�:.:,-:::#:�::= • } c�.. •.� ��.::.:............... �• :•#: t.. ;��.::�ss:::.�::;i.. a f .::��:: :=�::: .x. 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R�semount GI�A.DING Buil 'm�ancl In�{�ectiorus Division ��� � Z875 145'1'N Street West � �to��mount, r��irv $$as8 A,ppLICATION FOR PERMIT (61Z)423-4411 Site Aciclrese ,-� ) g r�_ /��_�i�L --.- - -.�.i--SuitelUnit No.^`_ .� Appticant (circle one only) ORmer Contractor Arctiitect%E:nRineer � , Name `ct�' ���� t�) , �,�.��.��..�__-_ — C�1�vner,�Duycr hddress c� 'g�- �n��1-'�-I�. 1, � InioRaation -�-4` - --- ---..- �'�' �.D�,M�� States._��� Z�'_����. Phone � o�� '' 30�� N ame �-j-�bi�l � X GJ� 1/t4�N.�_ ----- Cont�acu�r Address Iriformatian --- ---�-- - - ---_- - Cit3' State Zi�, Phone iVame ILrctlitcck�Engnleer Address lnfocmation --- ---------- - Cit3' �:tate Zi�� Phone C;LASS 4F �VOKK (circle one onty) Sl Ne�v (� Atteratiotv'fternodel � Additiott Q Mainfenance/RepaiclReplace TYPE QF STRUCTURE' (circle one only) �1 ingle Famity Det�ched 45 Recreational,rS,musement 02 Single FamityAttached •}6 Other Non-Houakeeping Sheher Q3 Residential GaraRc 63 Indu.s#.rial duilaiag 30 Txro FamilyReFndet�tiai 70 Public Workn and UtilitieR F3uiidinRs 31 T�ree-Four Famity R.esidential 80 Pub[ic�choots 32 Muitirle Family Reside�rttial 81 Private Sch�ol�s 40 Clfiices, Bariks, Professinnai � 85 ChurcheR and Reiigirn�a 8nildiri�s 4I, titore�, Reataucatit, Warehouee 88 Hos{ritat�and It�stitutional �#2 Hotels, Motels 93 Ctther Noti-[tesidenfial Bt:�ild'ni�s 43 F�rking Gara.ge 93 Fences, Si,f;nfi. Antennaa �4 Sc�vice Stations and Repai�Garagea 9G Other Non-Buildin Ghtictures ��- (F'leaee cocrrPtete ofher�ide)' Er>tfmat.ed Completion Date: _ N�V�M� T-� $ Number of c,ubic Yarci� . -�--1-�.=�- 8 ��C.,---.���Y...�s, Dcscriptiurtult-VorklubcDonc���� L��F � nF�ANt�_..�.��„o�.���jJ��_��Q�-�I � : �'D r,v�r���.�'���2�.�x1��11�1.�.�►��1111( I hearby apply for a Gracling Permit and I acknowled,ge ti�at the information above i+s cnmplete and�cinate; that ' the�vork�ill be in conformance with the orciinances and codes of the City of Ro�tnoimt and with the h'Iinnesota ' �3uitdinR C�de�; fhat I underetand that tfiis is not a permit but only an applicaiina for a pennit and ccror�k i+�not to ' start cc�ithout a permit;�tfiat the work�zll be in accorclance with tl�e approved�lan in ti�e case of all wo�i�tvhich ' requn•es reviea►and approval of plans. ' ---._.� -G�-a-�_ . .��-- ----�__.��_._L��(�_O_..__. 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SPction .l�-T11S�-R1�T 1�ir�.�norLh of� thP :iR� o` �AP c7't�:v'`-� x'?F�T f;;':::?'7:i�.�,", . as �on fi2e and oP�Tecord.�. ._. . � .' . . , � • ' Contrsinin� 1:1•�.�aci��., •'' '. �. . 11-`3-?1 ,�' � � ' . � � � � � : Fil(�r��pro�xi ►-�;�'a�el� �t�D YD�.)Uv7' ao rE-�7 F�oM EX1s:� 1�UG �OD, I-tt2��h �-(r�Q"T 1 roDT ��,DP� "To �t7. G� C7F LtJ�1T�� V � . . . . :•1 � . ' . . .. . . ',. .. + . . • • •_. •- •� . •� . . � � , ,��, . • . M1�:".ESC•Ta. REGtSTR6,T�ON NO 8625 57A7E OF ' � U�J U�J� ���U=.� , ' DErAiZTMENT OF NATURAL RESQURCES� �96-7523 METRO REGION DIVISZON OF WATERS PHONE Nb. i 2OO �dARNER ROAD� ST. PAUL, MN SS LO6 FILE NO. ', December 16, 1988 ' � � Mr. Dan Lockler ��` ' 2187 128th St. �t. • Z � I Rosemount, MN S'�068 ' � , RE: WHiTE LAKE, 19-8P Dear Mr. Lockier: ', Tnis let�er will summarize my observations of your filling activities as noted on December 14, 1988• You have increased tne , side yard area (west of house) by the placement of fill and riprap. � I That activity was pretty much in accordance with my July 22, 1986 , letter, although the encroachment was slightly . in excess of the 20-feet indicated in the letter. More i.mportantly, there has been fill placed waterward of the edge of the lake in the rear yard (north of house) . Clearly, this is not somet�ing �iscussed or agreed to in 1986. There is a very abrupt edge at the I�E corner where the f ill extends into tne lakebed. Therefore, Z must reouest that you remove this fill fron along the north side. I indicated the area on a sketch iert with �`irs. , Locicler. There may need to be zs nuch as 15-feet of �ill removed, in order to provide for a con�inuous edge along the shoreline of the lake. In addition, the material you remove should be taken somewhere off-site, as there is no room on the side yard to continue £illing outward; you're already at the edge of the lake. I don't have a concern with the placement of this material on top af the previously placed iill, however, I caution you to stay away from ' vour G*ell and/or septic system. In fact, the placement of fill , has already covered your well head, which is in vio].ation of the well code. ? contact persan frora the County Aealth Departnent was identizied for your �,=�f'e by Gity Inspector Ron Wasmund. If you have� any questions regarding this matter, please call me. I understand that you may wish 'to wait until next spring to hegin this work, however, I'd appreciate it ir you would finish by July 1, 1989. Please let ne know if this is acceptable. , Sincerely, � � �" '� . (� ��i f 1,,� � � �' ' � Mike M ell�er �rea Hydrologist , cc: Ron kasmund, C�ty of Rosenount ti'hi�e Lake (19-8) file ?�'i7%:'ccap AN EQUAL OPPC�R?U�:1TY EMPLOY�R - • c�t,l,�- �,.}�-� � . c'�n�r se _ ��7�s d� �m��c� �tcz�s,z��. 1� �s ; � ' � .. - ` U . ', . .,.. . � . � � e �� a , 1�'`� � ��`l�'� ' , �� - : , � �c�n �,o ek:�.�e� , � �� ����' �a�-� s� � � s� � �fa.�- �os� ! , � � .�: tv �-� . , j�J�- ; �1 � p `� � , � , , ��` � � � _ �� , �.r`' �� b�. � �� w�''` . s ,s. �an r � - . � � ao �,�,,,� . Marcli 22 , 1989 ' City of Rosemount I P.O. Box S10 Rosemount , MPd 55068 Attn: Mr . Ron Wasmund , Building Official ', Dear Mr . Wasmund; , We have received the letter dated December 16 , 19$$ , from Mr. Ptike Mueller , Area Hydrologist of Minnesota Department of Natural Re- � sources . We would like to proceed with this project , so �re can be finished ', with it before the requested date of July lst , 1989 . We have the �, sketch which Mike Mueller drew , and will comply �aith his instruc- , tions . We have also spoken with Mr . Ron Spong of the Dakota County Depart- , ment of Environmental Health regarding the well code, and are in compliance . Please proceed with our permit application which is on file , and advise as soon as possible . ', Thank you for your assistance . ', Sin rely , t I . / , �--�G�'-�� �' i Barbar� an Lockler ' 2187 128th Street tJ. Rosemount , MN S'S068 ' � � STATE Of . ����o��a � : � DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES � PHONENO. C12129E_�523 1200 Warner Rd., St. Paul, MN. 55106 I FILE NO. Juiy z2, i9s� Mr. Dan Lockler I - 2187 - 128th Street West ' Rosemount, Minnesota 550b8 � RE: 19-8P - WHITE LAKE '' Dear Mr. Lockler: ' Since our meeting of June 24, 1986, I have had discussions with City ' staff regarding the water level situation on White Lake, ,�19-8. In � ' order to avoid any future misunderstandings about the nature of your filling activities, we decided to write you this letter for the ' record. ' Our meeting revealed that the level of White Lake is sufficiently high so that we were unable to determine the outlet elevation at Bacardi Avenue. However, it is reasonable to assume the le�el is at least two ' to three feet higher than the outlet. In addition, you have proposed ' placing fill materials at the side of your house to make a yard area. . '' Th� fiZl will encroach into the waters of White Lake for a distance of approximately 20 feet to a depth of two feet at most. I Normally, your proposed filling would require a DNR permit. However, I because the level of the lake is above the ordinary high water, technically your fill isn't in the lake. Therefore, no DNR permit is ' required, although adequate erosion controls must be maintained during ' the actual placement of fill. I had earlier sent you some materiaZs ' on the installation of a silt fence. ' If you have any questions please feel free ta call me. Sincere:ly," � , .� -�. . ���.� 2,:�.��,�.�., � , Mike Mueller ', Area Hydrolog�.st ' METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS ' cc: Ron Wasmund, Building Znspector - City of Rosemount /lkr - MM21 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .�:���s y � . � � . ..'.. �ITY OF ROSEMOUNT �uilding and inspections Division GRADII�G PER1fI? ! 875 145th Street West � ' ;osemount, Minnesota 55068 PERIfIT IiO. 3996 -GRU 312) 423-4411 DATfi ISSUfiDt 03lZ3l8� ', � SITE ADDRESS: 02187 128TH ST N SUITE N0. PID: 34-68300-010-02 CLASS OF KORK: Alt�ration/Rewodel TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Single E'aa�ily Detached ', DESCRIPTION OF MORK: FILL APPROX.20FT. Il{TO MHITE ' LAKE ' ESTIISATED COKPLETION DATE: 06/Ol/89 H0. OF ClJBIC YARDS: 6U0 '', A perfor�ance bond or other surety ras issued for 3 0.01. ' � COHDI7IONS OF ISSllANCE: ' � BARBARA J. KA[.DAHL COtiPLIAHCE M/DKR E2[1LIKG AND CITY ' N 02187 128TH ST. if. AGREEKENT E ROSEltOIINT !iN 55068 ' R 423-3053 ' C � JOHNSOH EXCAYATING N RICH VALLEY I T I.G.H. !tN SSQ75 FEES ' PER2SIT FEE ?5,0� S?ATE SURCHARGE :�' PLAti CH£CK FEE -- 22:5! T TA F , O L EE S98'.0 APPROVED BY: RO�MASKIlE[D � / I at . � ��.�,. Pl�rch 22 , 1989 '' City of Rosemount ' P .O. T3ox S10 Rosemount , P1t� 55068 ' Attn : Mr . Ron Wasmund , l3uilding Official ', Dear Mr . Wasmund ; �; tJe have received the letter dated Decemher 16 , l9£�f3 , fr�m A3r . Atike ' Atueller , Area Iiydrologist oF Minnesota Uepartment ;of Na�ural Re- ' sources . ' We would like to proceed with this project , so i�e can he finished ' �rith it before the requested date of July lst , 1989. We have the ' sketcli �J�11C�1 Mike Mueller drew , and will comply witlt liis instruc- ti�n� . ' [de have also spoken with rlr . Ron Spong of the llakota Co�inty Depart- ' ment of lnvironmental Health regarciing the well code, anci are in ', compliance . ' Please proceed with our permit application which is on file , and � advise as soon as possible . ' Thank you for your assistance . r- Sincerely , ` ..���c� � - ��:�����_� �� �� �� Rarbara & an Lockler 2187 128th Street W. Rosemount , T1N 55068 '� ��p L✓-�x�c-- a-- K�t�-�.L%rr-ti-C,._ '��, � - ( � o�- .3 Zy��'�, � . � � �� �� ��:�:.e� . _ -"�' h.�� za`�`.' , �,��.c�C��,��C�.. o�. .3�r/ lo s,,��- �. - �;� � ���� "�''° .� �� --�:c��P� , r 1����. 3/Z.q lg�