HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Accept Bids / Award Sale G.O. Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, 1993D 1 t . � i � � � � � � � � � �. � � � � CITY OF R4SEMOUN'T EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Bids and Award Sale-G.O. AGENDA SECTION: Municipal Bldg Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D Old Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA� #��/� ,/,� Jeff May, Fiirlance Directox� lit� Tj� �� ATTACI�+iENTS: ' Draft Resolution and APP VED Y• Official Statement (See Agenda Item #�) At ].0 :30 A.M. , Tuesday, July 20, 1993, sealed bids for G.O. Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D, will be opened and the results tabulated at the offices of Springsted Inc. Dan O'Neill, from Springsted, will be present at the July 20th City Council meeting to give Springsted' s recommez�dation for the issuance of these bonds and to answer any questa�ans that you may have. Because the bid opening is not until Tuesday morning, you wil3 receive information re+�arding the bids at the meeting that evening. RECONII�lENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTTON ACCEPTING OFFER ON THE SALE OF $845, Q00 GENERAL OBLIGATION MUNICIPAL BLTILDING REFi7NDING BONDS, SERIES 1993I�, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE A1�D LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. COUNCIL ACTIONs � . * CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1993 - RESOLIITION ACCEPTING OFFER ON 8AL8 OF $84y,000 GENERAL O$LIGATION �IINICIPAL BIIILDING REFIINDING BONDB, 8ERI88 1993D FROVIDING FOR THEIR I88IIANCS AI+TD LEVYING A TAB FOR THS PAYMENT THEREOF WHEREAS, the City Council of the City af Rosemount, Minnesota (the "City") has heretofore determined and deelared that it is necessary and expedient to provide moneys for a crossover refunding of the City's General Obligation Municipal Building Bonds, Series 1986, dated April 1, 1986 (the "Prior Bonds") which mature in 1996, and thereafter; and WHEREAS, `$810,000 of the principal amount of the Prior Bonds which mature on or after February 1, 1996, are caliable on February 1, 1995, at a price of par plus accrued interest as provided in the resalution of the City Council, adopted on March 4, 1986, authorizing the issuance of the Prior Bonds {the "Prior R�solution") ; and - WSEREAS, the refunding of the ca11ab1e Prior Bonds, is consistent with cavenants made with the holders thereof, and is necessary and desirable for the reduction of debt service cost to the City; and NHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore determined and declared that it is necessary and expedient to issue $845,Q00 Generai Obligation Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D of the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, to provide moneys fcar a crossover refunding of the callable Prior Bonds; and WHEREAS, the following affers were received, opened and recorded at the aifices of Springsted Incorporated at 10:30 a.m. this same day• . Bid Interest Rate Net Inte�est Cost � , � •� NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemaunt, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Acce,�tance of Offer. The offer of (the "Furchaser") , to purchase $845,000 General Obligation Municipal Building ', Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D of the City (the "Bonds" or the �`Refunding Bonds", or individually a "Bond") , at the rat�� of interest hereinafter set farth, ar►d to pay therefor the �um of $ , plus interest accrued to sett3ement, is h+ereby found, determined and declared to be the most fava�able o€fer reeeived and is hereby accepted, and the Bond� are hereby awarded to the Purchaser. The Administrator is directed to retain the deposit of the Purc�aser and to forthwith =eturn to the others makir�g offers their good faith deposits. 2. Tit�.,g: Oriqinal Issue Date: enominations; Maturities. The Bonds shall be titled "General Obligation Municipal Buildinq Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D", shall be dated August 1, 1993, as the date of original issue and shall be issued. fort�hwith on or after such date as fu11y registered bonds. The Bonds shal2 be numbered from R-i upward in the denomin- ation of $5, 000 each or in any integral multiple thereaf af a single maturity. The Bonds shall mature an February l in the years and amounts as follows; ea au t . ear $�un _t 194� ------- --- $1I0,040 _ 2Q00 , . �125;OOQ 1997 $110, 000 2001 130,OOQ 199$ 115,000 2002 135,-000 1999 120,000 3 . Pur ose: Refunding Findings. The Bonds shall provide funds for a crossover refunding of the City's caliabl� Prior Bonds (the� "Refunded Bonds") (the "Refunding") . It is hereby found, determined and declared that the Refundinq is pursuant ta Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67� 1I1d shall result in a reduction of debt servicQ cost to the City. The pre�ent value of the dollar amount af the debt service on the Bonds is � lower than the present value of the debt service on the Refunded Bonds, computed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Secti.on 476. 67, subdivisions 12 and 13. 4. Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest payable semi- annually on February 1 and August l of each year {each, an "Interest Payment Date") , commencing August 1, 1994, 241978 2 � ', __- , . � �, calcul.ated on the basis of a 360-day year o� twelve 30-day months, at the respective rates per annum set forth opposite the maturity years as follows: Maturity Interest Maturity Interest Ye�r Rate Year Rate 1996 $ 2000 $ 1997 2001 1998 20fl2 1999 5. No R�demption. The Bor�ds shall not be subject to redemption and grepayment prior to their maturity. 6. �ond Registrar. , in , Minnesota, is appointed to act as bond regi�strar and transfer agent with respect to the Bonds (the "Bond Registrar") , and shall do so unless and until a succ+essor Bond Registrar is duly appointed, all pursuant to any �ontract the City and Bond Registrar sha11 execute which is c�nsistent herewith. The Bond Registrar shall also serve as paying agent unless and until a successor paying aqent is duly appointed. Principal and interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the registered holders (or record holders� of the Bond�c in the manner set forth in the form of Bond and paragraph 12 of this resolution. _ _- 7 . Form` �f Bond. The_ Bonds, tage_ther=-vr�tir--t�e Bond Registrar'_s__ - . -- Certificat�--�f Authenticatian, the form of-Ass.ignment and the registration information thereon, shall be in substantially the following form: 241975 3 , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY CITY OF ROSEMOUNT R- � $ GENER.AL OBLIGATION MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BOND, SERIES 1993D INTEREST MATURITY DATE OF RATE DATE ORIGINAL ISSUE CUSIP August 1, 1993 REGISTERED OWNER: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: DOLLARS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that the Gity of Rosemount, Dakota Caunty, Minnesota (the "Issuer") , certifies that it is indebted and for value received promises to pay to the registered owner specified above, or registered assigns, without option of prepayment in the manner hereinafter set forth, the principal amount specified above, on the maturity date specified above, and to pay interest thereon semiannually on February l and August 1 _ , of each year (each, an "Interest Payment Date") , commencing _ - - August 3.�---�-994, at the rat� per annu�t specified -above (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) until the principal sum is paid or has been provided for. This Bond will bear int�rest from the most recent Znterest Payrnent Date to which interest has been paid or, if no interest has been paid, from the date of original issue hereaf. The principal of and premium, if any, on this Bond are payable upon presentation and surrender hereof at the principal office of , in , Minnesota (the "Bond Registrar") , acting as paying agent, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the Issuer. Interest on this Bond will be paid on e:ach Interest Payment Date by check or draft rnailed to the person in whose name this Bond is registered (the "Holder" Qr "Bondholder") on the registration books of the Issuer maintained by the Bond Registrar and at the address appearing thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the calendar month next preceding such Interest 'Payment Date (the "Regular Record Date") . Any interest not so timely paid shall cease to be i�ayabie to the person who is the Holder hereof as of the Regular Record Date, and shall be payable t4 the person who is the Holder hereof at the close of 241978 4 business on a date (the "Special Record Date") fixed by the Bond Registrar �henever money becomes available for payment of the defaulted interest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall be given to B�ndholders not less than ten days priar to the Special Record Dat�. The principal of and premium, if any, and interest on this Bo�d are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. REFERENCE �S HEREBY MADE TO THE FURTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS BOND SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE HEREOF, WHICH PROVISIONS SHALL FOR ALL PURPOSES H�VE THE SAME EFFECT AS IF S�T FORTH HERE. IT ZS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed, prec�dent to and in the issuance of this Bond, have been done, have happened and have been performed, in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law, and that this Bond, together with all other debts of the Issuer outstanding on t2�e date of original issue hereof and' the date of its issuance and delivery to the original purchaser, does not exceed any can�titutional or statutory . limitation of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota,' by its City Council has caused this Bond to be executed an its behalf by the facsimile signatures of its Mayor - and its Administrator. � 241978 5 i , � Date • e b . of ' on• bl R ` istrati Re istra �I�J g Y' Payable at: BOND REGI�'�I'RAR' S CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CERTIFICA'I��E OF • DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AUTHENTI C��T'I C1N This Bond '';is one of the Bonds desc� ibed in the Resolutior��mentioned 1s/ Facsimile within. Mayor s acsimile ,/ / F Administrator Bond Regi ' rar B . Y Authoriled Signature ' , � , __- - _ i 247978 6 ON REVERSE OF BOND �to Redempi��ion. The Bonds of this issue (the "Bonds") are not subject t� redemption and prepayment prior to their maturity. Issuance•IIPur ose• General Ob i ation. This Bond is one of an issue in ', he total principal amount of $845,000, a11 of like date of origin�l issue and tenor, except as to number, maturity, interest �ate and denomination, which Bond has been is�ued pursuant !�o and in full confarmity with the Constitution and laws of the Sti�te of Minnesota and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City i�ounci2 of the Issuer on 3uly 20, 1993 (the "Resoluti�n") , for the purpose of providing funds sufficient for a crossovl�r refunding of the Issuer's General Obligation Municipai' Building Bonds, Series 1986, dated April l, 1986, which mature on February 1, 1996, and thereafter. This Bond is payable out of th� Escrow Account and the Debt Service Account of the Issuer's �General Obliqation Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series 19�93D Fund. This Bond constitutes a general obligation of the Issue�, and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of its pr�#incipal, premium, if any, and interest when the same become du�,�, the fuil faith and credit and taxing powers of the Issuer ha�ve been and are hereby irrevocably pledg+ed. Denomina ''ons; Exchange; Resoiution. The Bonds are issuable solely as fully registered bonds in the denominations of $5,000 � and integ�ral multiples thereof of a single maturity and- are- - exchangea,ble for ,fully registered Bonds_ of other authorized - denominat,ions in equal aggregate principal _amounts at the principal� office of the Bond Registrar, but only in the manner and subj��ct to the limitations provided in the Resolution. . Referenceq is hereby made to the Resolution for a description of the right4s and duties of the Bond Registrar. Copies of the Resolutialn are on file in the principal affice of the Band Registrar'. Transfer. This Bond is transferable by the Holder in person or by his, hlier or its attorney duly authorized in writing at the principal' office of the Bond Registrar upon presentation and surrender' hereof to the Bond Registrar, all subject to the terms and condi'tions provided in the Resolution and to reasonable regulatit�ins of the Issuer contained in any agreement with the Bond Rega�strar, Thereupon the Issuer sha.11 execute and the Bond Registra�"�, shall authenticate and deliver, in exchange for this Band, one�� ar more new fully registered Bonds in the name of the transferekle (but not registered in blank or to "bearer" or similar designati;lon) , of an authorized denomination or denominations, in 2419T8 ? aggregate princ',ipal amount equal to the principai amount of this Bond, of the same maturity and bearing interest at the same rate. Fees upon ��ransfer or Loss. The Bond Registrar may require � payment o�' a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmen�2�1 charge payable in connection with the' transfer or exchange af thi,s Bond and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and lost Bonds. Treatment�pf Reqistered Owners. The Issuer and Band Registrar may treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the owner her�of for the purpose of receiving payment as herein provided �'except as otherwise provided on the reverse side hereof with resp�ct to the Record Date} and for all other purposes, whether o� not this Bond shall be overdue, and neither the Issuer nor the Ba►nd Registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. Authentic�tion. This Bond shall not be valid or become obligatar�; for any purpose or be entitled to any security unless the Certi�'icate of Authentication hereon shall have been executed by the Bortd Registrar. 4ualified„wTax-Exempt Obliqation. This Bond has been designated by the Is��aer as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" for purposes of Sectio�t 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. . _ ABBREVIATIONS . _ : The follo�t'ing abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of t2�is Bond, shall be construed as though they were written out in full according to �pplicable laws or regulations: TEN COM - as tenants in common TEN ENT - 'as tenants by the entireties JT TEN - �s joint tenants with right of survivorship �nd not as tenants in common UTMA - as custodian for �Cust) (Minor) under the Uniform jState) Tr�nsfers to Minors Act Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list. 241978 8 ASSIGNMENT For value recei'ved, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the within Bond and does hereby ir�'�vocably constitute and appoint attorney �.o transfer the Bond on the books kept for the registration thereof, with full power of substituti�n in the premises. Dated: Notiee: The assignor's signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration ar any change whatever. Signature Guaranteed: Signature�s) must be guaranteed by a natianal bank or trust company or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of the major stock exchanges. The Bond 1�egistrar will not effect transfer of this Bond unless _ _ the information concerning the transferee requested below is provided. , Name and Address: {Include information for all joint awners if the Bond is held by joint aecount. ) 241978 9 8. Execution; Temporary Bonds. The Bonds shall be executed on beha�.'f of ' the City by the signatures of its MayQr and Administrator and the seal of the City, if a�y, shall be omitted; provided that both of such signatures may be printed facsimiles. In the event of disability or resignation or other absence of either such officer, the Bond� may be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of that officer who may act on behalf of such absent or ' disabled afficer. Sn case either such officer whose signature ar facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the Bo�nds ' sha11 cease to be sueh officer before the delivery of tl�e Bonds, such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if he or she had remained in office until delivery. The City may elect to deliver, in lieu of printed definitive bonds, one or more typewritten temporary bonds in substantially the form set forth above, with such changes as may be necessary to reflect more than one maturity in a single temporary bond. Such temporary bonds may be executed with photocopied facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Administratar. Such - temporary bonds sha11, upon the printing of the definitive bonds and the execution thereof, be exchanged therefor and cancelled. 9. Authentication. No Bond shall be valid or abiigatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit under this 'resolution unless a Certificate of Authentication on - such `Band, substantially in the form hereinabove set forth, shall have been duly ex�cuted by an autharized _ - : _ rep�ssentative of the Bond Registrar. Certificates of Authentication on different Bonds need not be signed by the same 'person. The Bond Registrar shall authenticate the signatures of officers of the City on each Bond by execution of t�ie Certifieate of Authentication on the Bond and by inserting as the date of registration in the space provided the date on whzch the Bond is authenticated, except that for purp�oses of delivering the original Bonds to the Purchaser, the Bond Registrar shall insert as a date of registration the date of original issue, which date is August l, 1993 . The Certificate of Authentieation so executed on each Bond shail be conclusive evidence that it has been authenticated and �ielivered under this resolution. 10. Registration; Transfer; Exchange. The City will cause to be kept at the principal office of the Bond Registrar a bond regi�ter in which, subject to such reasonable regulations as the Bond Registrar may prescribe, the Bond Registrar shall provide for the registration of Bonds and the registration 241478 10 of trannsfers of Bonds entitled to be registered or transferred as herein provided. Upon surrender for transfer of any Bond at the principal offiCe of the Bond Registrar, the City shali execute (if nec��sary) , and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, ins�rt the date of registration (as provided in paragraph 9) of, and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or� more new Bonds of any authorized denomination or denominations of a like aggregate principal amount, having the same stated maturity and interest rate, as requested by the transferor; provided, however, that no Bond may be registered in blank or in the name of "bearer" or similar designation. At the option of the Holder, Bonds may be exchanged for Bonc�s of any authorized denomination or denominations of a like aggregate principal amount and stated maturity, upon surrender of the Bonds to be exchanged at the principal offi�e of the Bond Registrar. Whenever any Bonds are so surrendered for exchange, the City shall execute (if _ necessary) , and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, insert the date of registration of, and deliver the Bonds which the Holder making the exchange is entitled to receive. All Bonds surrendered upon any exchange or transfer provided for in this resolution shall be promptly cancelled by the Bond Registrar and thereafter disposed of as direeted by the _ C_ity, ,.�__ _ __ - : a: All �onds delivered in exchange for or upon transfer of Bonds sha11 be valid general obligations of the City evidencing the same debt, and entitled to the same benefits under this resolution, as the Bonds surrendered for such exchange or transfer. Every Bond presented or surrendered for transfer or exchange sha].l be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the Holder thereof or his, her or i;ts attorney duly authorized in writing. - The Bond Registrar may require payment of a sum sufficient to cpver any tax or other governmental charge payable in connection with the transfer or exchange of any 8dnd and any legal or unusual costs regarding transfers and lost Bonds. Transfers shali also be subject to reasonable regulations of the City contained in any agreement with the Bond Registrar, 241978 11 including regulatians which permit the Bond Registrar to close its transfer boaks between record dates and payment dates. The Administrator is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute the terms of said agreement. 11. Righ�s Upon Transfer or Exchanqe. Each Bond delivered upon tran�fer of or in exchange for or in lieu of any other Bond shall carry all the rights to interest accrued and unpaid, and to accrue, which were carried by such other Bond. 12. Interest Payment; Record Date. Interest on any Bond shall be paid on each Interest Payment Date by check vr draft mail�d to the person in whase name the Bond is registered (the "Holder") on the registration books of the City maintained by the Bor�d Registrar and at the` addr�:ss appearing thereon at the close of business on the fifteenth (i5t�) day of the calendar month next preceding such Interest Payment Date (the "Regular Record Date") , Any such interest not so timely paid shall cease to be payable to the persi�n who is the Holder thereof as of the Regular Reeord Date, and shall be payable to the person who is the Holcier thereof at the close of business on a date (the "Special Record Date") fixed by the Bond Registrar whenever money becomes available for payment of the defaulted interest. Notice of the Special Record Date shall be given by the �ond Registrar to the Holders not less than ten (10) days prior to the Special Record Date. _ 13 , Treatment of Registered Owner-.,. The City and Bo�d Re�ist�ar _ _; - may treat the person in whose name any Bond is registered as the owner of such Bond for the purpose of receiving payment of principal of and premium, if any, and interest (subject to the payment provisions in paragraph 12 above) on, such Bond', and for all other purposes whatsoever whether or not such' Bond shall be overdue, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by notice ta the eontrary. 14. Delivery; Applicatian of Proceeds. The Bonds when so prepared and executed shall be delivered by the Administrator to the Purchaser upon receipt of the purchase pric�, arid the Purchaser shall not be nbliged to see to the proper application thereof. - 15. Fund and Accounts. For the convenience and proper administration af the moneys to be borrowed and repaid on the Bonds and the Refunded Bonds, and to make adequate and specific security to the Purchaser and holders from time to time of the Bonds and Refunded Bonds, there is hereby created a special fund to be designated the "General 241978 12 Obligation Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D Fund" (the "Fund") to be administered and maintained by the Finance Director as a k�ookkeeping account separate and apart from ail other funds maintained in the official financial � records of the City. The Fund shall be maintained in the . manner herein specified until all of the Refunded Bonds and the Bands herein authorized and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid. There shall bs maintained in the Fund two separate accounts, to be designated the "Escrow Account" and "Debt Service Account" , respectively. (i) Escrow Account. The Escrow Aceount shall be maintained as an escrow account with (the "Escrow Agent") in , Minnesota, which is a suitable financial institution within the State whose deposits are insured by the Fed.eral Deposit Insurance Corporation and whose combined capital and surplus is not less than $500, 000. All proceeds of the sale of the Bonds shall be received by the Escrow . Agent and applied to fund the Escraw Account or to pay costs of issuing the Bonds. Proceeds of the Bonds not used to pay casts of issuance are hereby irrevocable pledged and appropriated to the Escrow Account, together with all investment earnings thereon. The Escrow Account shall be invested in securities maturing or callable at the option of :the ho3der on ,such dates -and bearing interesf at _ _ T _ __ _ _ _ ___ . _ _ such rates as shall be rsqu�r_ed ta provide sufficient funds, together with any cash or other funds retained in the Escrow Account, (i) to pay when due the interest to accrue on the Refunding Bonds to and including February 1, 1995; and (ii) to pay when called for redemption on February 1, 1995, the principal amount of the Refunded Bonds. From the Escrow Account there sha].1 be paid {1) all interest on the Refunding Bonds herein authorized to and including February 1, 1995, and (2) the principal of the Refunded Bonds due by reason of their call for redemption on February 1, 1995. The Escrow Account shall be irrevocable appropriated to the payment of the interest on the Crossover Refunding Bonds herein authorized until the proceeds of the Bonds are applied to payment of the Refunded Bonds. The moneys in the Eserow Account shall be used solely for the purposes herein set forth and for no other purp�tse, except that any surplus in the Escrow Account may be z����s 13 remitted to the City, all in aceordance with an agreement (the "Escrow Agreement") by and between the City and Escrow Agent, a form af which agreement is on file in the office of the Administrator. Any moneys remitted to the City upon termination of the Escrow Agreement shall be deposited in the Debt Service Account. (ii) Debt Se�rvice Account. To the Debt Service Account there is hereby pledged and irrevocable appropriated and there shall be credited: (1) any - balance remitted to the City upon the termination of the Escr�w Agreement; (2) any balance remaining an February 2, 1995, in the Debt Service Account of the General tlbligation Municipal Building Bonds, Series 1986 Fund created by the resolution adopted by the City on March 4, 1986, which resolution authorized the issuance of the Prior Bonds; (3) all investment earnings on funds in the 13ebt Service Account; (4) the taxes herein levied for the payment of the Bonds; (5) any and all - other moneys which are properly available and are appropriated by the governing body of the City to �he Debt Service Account, The amount of any surplus remaining in the Debt Service Account when the Bonds and interest thereon are paid sha11 be used consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, Subdivision 4. The moneys in the Debt Service Account shall be used soiely to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds or any other bonds hereafter issued and made payabl.e from the Fund. No portion of the proceeds of the Bonds shall be used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments or to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments, except (1) for a reasonable temporary period until such proceeds are needed for the purpose for which the Bonds were issued, and (2j in addition to the above, in an amaunt not greater than the lesser of five percent (5�) of the proceeds of the Bonds or $100,000. To this effect, any proceeds of the Bonds and any sums from time to time held in the Fund {or any other City account which will be used to pay principal and interest to become due on the Bonds) in excess of amounts which under the applicable federal arbitrage reguiations may be invested without regard as to yield shall not be invested in excess of the applicable yield 241978 14 restrictions imposed by the arbitrage regulations on such investments after taking into account any applicable "temporary periods" or "minor portian" made availabie under the federal arbitrage regulations. In addition, the proceeds af the Bonds and money in the Fund shali not be invested in obligatians or deposits issued by, guaranteed by or insured by the United States or any aqency or instrumentality thereof if and ta the extent that such investment would cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed" within the meaning cf Seotion 149(b) of the Internal Revenue Code af 1986, as amended �the "Code") . T6. Prior Bonds; Security, Until retirement of the Prior Bonds, all provisions theretofore made for the security thereof shall be observed by the City and all of its officers and agents.' 17. Tax Levys Cancellation of Certain Levies Relating to the Refunded Bonds: Coveraqe Test. To pravide monies for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds th�re is hereby levied upan all of the taxable praperty in the City a direct annual ad valorem tax which shall. be spread upon the tax rvlls and collected with and as part of, other general property taxes in said City far the years and in the amounts as follows: Year of Tax Year of Tax � Levy Coliection o nt 1994 1995 $ 1995 1996 1996 : 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 200Q 2-000 2001 Said tax levies are such that if collected in fuli they, together with estimated collections of investment earnings and other revenues herein pledged for the payment of the Bonds will, if collected w�en due, produce at -least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Bonds. The tax levies shall be irrepealable so lang as any of said Refunding Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 4'75.61(3) . 241978 15 Upon payment of the Refunded 'Bonds the taxes levied in paragraph 16 of the March 4, 1986, resolutian authorizing the issuanee of the Prior Bonds for the years 1994 through 2000 far collection in 1995 through 2001 shall be canceled. 18. General Obligation Pledqe. For the prompt and full ,payment of the principal of and interest an the Bonds as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevacably pledged. If the balance in the Escrow Account or Debt Service Account is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the Bonds and any othe= bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency shall be promptly paid out of any other funds of the City which are available for such purpose, and such ather funds may be reimbursed with or without interest from the Escrow Account or Debt Service Account when a sufficient balance is available therein. 19. Securities, Escrow A,gent. Securities purchased from moneys in the Escrow Account shall be limited to securities set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.67, Subdivision 8, and an� amendments or supplements thereto. Secu�ities purchased from the Escrow Account shall be purchased simultaneously with the de2ivery of the Bonds. The City Council has investigated the facts and hereby finds and determines that the Escrow Agent is a suitable financial institution to act as escrow agent. 20. Redemption of Prior Bonds. The Prior Bonds which mature in 1996 and thereafter shall be redeemed and prepaid on February 1, 1995, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice of Cail for Redemption attached hereto as Exhibit A, which terms a:nd conditions are hereby approved and incorporated herein by reference. 21. Escrow Agreement. On or prior to the delivery of the Bonds the Mayor and Clerk shall, and are hereby authorized and directed to, execute on behalf of the City the Escrow Agreement. The Escrow Agreement is hereby approved and adopted and made a part of this resolution, and the City covenants that it will promptly enfarce all provisions thereof in the event of default thereunder `by the Escrow Agent. 22. Purchase of SLGS. Springsted Incorporated; as agent for the City, is hereby authorized and directed to purchase the appropriate United States Treasury Securities, State and Local Government Series, from the praceeds of the Bonds in accordance with the provisians of this resolution and to 241978 16 execute all such documents (including the appropriate subscription form) required to effect such purchase in accordance with the U.S. Treasury Regulations (31 CRF Part 344) . 23. Certificate of Recristration. The Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor ,of Dakota County, Minnesota, together with �uch other informatian as he or she shall require, and to obtain the County Auditor's Certificate that the Bonds have been entered in the County Auditor's Bond Register that the tax ievies for the Prior Bonds have been cancelled to the extent provided in this Resolution and that the tax levies required by law for the Refunding Bonds have been made. 24. Record� and Certificates. The officers af the City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Purchaser, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance af the Bonds, certified copies of all procsedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, . and such other affidavits, certificates and information a►s are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as the same appear from the baoks and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. 25. �tecrative Covenant as to, Use of Pracepds an Froject. The City hereby covenants not to use the proceeds of the Bonds or to use the Project, or to cause or permit them to be used, or to enter into any deferred payment arrangements €or the cost of the Project, in such a manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code. 26. Tax-Exempt Status of the Bonds� Rebate. The City shall compiy with requirements necessary under the Code to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income under Section 103 of the Code of the interest on the Bonds, including without limitatic�n (1) requirements relating to temporary periods for investments, (2} limitations on amounts invested at a yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and (3) the rebate af excess investmer►t earnings to the United States if the Bonds (together with other obligations reasonably expected to be issued and outstanding 241978 17 at one ti�e in this caiendar year) exceed the small-issuer exception amount of $5,000, 000. For purposes of qualifying for the exception to the federal ' arbitrage rebate requirements for governmental `units issuing $5,000,000 or less of bonds, the City hereby finds, determines and declares that (1) the aggregate face amount of the Bonds does not exceed $5, 000,000, {2) the Refun�ed Bonds were exempt from rebate, (3) the averag� maturity date of the Bonds is not later than the average maturity date of the Refunded Bands, and (4) none of the Bonds mature more than 30 years after the date of issuance of the Refunded Bonds. 27. Defeasance. When all Bonds have been discharged as' provided in this paragraph, all pledges, cavenants and other rights granted by this resolutzon to the registered holders of the Bonds shall, to the extent permitted by 1aw, cease. The City may discharge its obligations with respect to any Bonds which are due on any date by irrevocably depositing with the Bond Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full; or if any Bond should not be paid when due, it may nevertheless be discharged by depositing with the Bond Registrar a sum sufficient for the payment thereot in full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. The City may also discharge its obligations with respeet to any prepayable Bonds called for redemption on any date when they are prepayable according to their _ , terms, by depositing with the _Bond Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full, provided that notice of redemption thereof has been duly given. The City may also at any time discharge its obligations with respect ta any Bonds, subject fio the provisions of law now or hereafter authorizing and regulating such actian, by depositing irrevocably in escrow, with a suitable banking institution qualified by law as an escrow agent for this purpose, cash or securities described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 67, Subdivision 8, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rates and maturing on such dates as shall be required, subject to sale and/or reinvestment, to pay all amounts to become due thereon to maturity or, if notic� of redemption as herein required has been duly provided for, ta such earlier redemption date. 28. Designation of Oualified Tax-Exempt Obligations; Issuan�e Limit. In order to qualify the Bands as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 241978 18 265(b) (3) of the Code, the City hereby makes the following factual statements and representations: (a) the Bonds are issued after August 7, 1986; (b) the Bonds are not "private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 of the Code; (c) the City hereby designates the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265 (b) (3) of the Code; (d} the reasonably anticipated amount of 'tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds, treating qualified 501(c) (3) bonds as not being private activity bonds) which will be issued by the City (and all entities treated as one issuer with the City, and all subordinate entities whose obligations are treated as issued by the Cityj during this calendar year i993 will not exceed $10,000,000; (e) not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the City during this calendar year 1993 have been designated for purposes of Sectian 265{b) (3) of the Code; and (f) the aggregate face amount of the Bonds does not exceed $10, 000, 000. _.. _ �.___._ _._ The City shal u�e its best effortsLLto compl� iaith any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designation made by this paragraph. 29. Supplemental Resolution. The March 4, 1986 resolution authorizing the issuance of the Prior Bonds and the is hereby supplemented to the extent necessary ta give effect to the provisions of this resolution. 30. Severabilitv. If any section, paragraph or provision of this resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of sueh section,` paragraph or pro�ision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resz�iution. 31. Headincts. Headings in this resolutian are' included for convenience of reference only and are not a part hereof, and shali not limit or define the meaning of any provision hereof. 241978 19 The mo�ian for the adoptio� af �he �oregaing resolution �as duly seconded b� membe� �hd, �ft�r a full discussion �hereof and upon a vate ng taken 'therevn, the f allc�w�.ng voted in f ava= ther�aaf: and the foll4wing vvted against the same; �opted this 20th d�y of �7'Ltlyr �.993. E, B. McMenamy, Ma�c�r ATTEST: susan M. Walsh, ��ty Clerk AZati�rn by: seconded by: Vated in favor: uot�ed aqainst: 2419T8 2Q �' 1 I��,(}�'Qfl��'C"nnT/(}}�'�f 'TC±/IL'�1 !'F �1 '1 (1 (r�rJ4 ('�i(}�_C77_7i� RnV7 'iQ niVn�tnl!�r '� nnnTVQ t�t?1UJ STATE OF MINNESCITA COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Rosemount, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes witla the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true - and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City, duly called and held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to considering offers for, and awarding the sale of, $845,Ofl0 General Obligation - Municipal Building Refunding Bonds, Series 1993D of said City. WITNESS my hand this day af , 1993. Clerk 241978 22 . � , � _ .� . �. EXHIBIT A NOTICE �F CALL FOR REDEMPTI4N GENERAL OBLIGATION MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES 1986 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, M3NNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by order of the City CounciT of the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, there have been called for redemption and prepa�ment on February 1, 1995 those outstanding bonds of the fiity designated as General Obiigation Municipal Building Bonds, Series 1986, dated April l, 1986, having stated maturity dates in the years 1996 thraugh 2002 , and totaliing $810, 000 in principal amount. The bonds are being called at a price of par plus accrued interest ta . February 1, 1995, on which date all interest on said bonds will cease ta accrue. Holders of the bonds hereby called for redemptian are requested to present their bonds for payment at American National Bank and Trust Company, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on or before February 1, 1995. Dated: July 20, 1993 . _ __—_ �.� -- .—.�__. __ _ � -- _ - _ _-BY QRDER OF THE C.1TY ---- _ COUNCIL /sl Susan Walsh Clerk Important Notice: Under the Interest and Dividend Compliance Act of 1983, 31� will be withheld if tax identification is not properly certified. Additional information may be obtained from: Springsted Incorporated 85 East Seventh Place Suite 1fJ0 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone• (612) 223-3000 241978