HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Zoning/ Subdivision Ordinances Text Amendments I • U . 2�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Streei West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Aosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNGIIMEMBERS Shaila Klassen James(Red)SFaats Af�davit of Posted Hearing Notice oe�g`w;",,'��a�� ADMINISTRATOR Z'EXT E�.1VIENDMENTS TO CITY OF scepna����k ROSEMOUNP ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES STA'I E OF MINNESOTA ) COIJNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNr ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States eitizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City bf Rosemount, Minnesota. On July 7, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Stre�t West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a capy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of text arnendments to Ordinance B - City af Rosemount Zoning Ordinance and City af Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance regarding specific requirements as outlined in said notice. � Sus M. Walsh City Clerk City af Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me tlus ��' day of �, 1993. . ■ , _ CtNDY DDRNIOEN '" NOTARI'PUBl1C--MlPBdESOTA QJ�•^--� DAKOTA COUNTY - " My Comm.E�kss Aug.25.1�0 T� P11b11C � s Vver���ivigs �omting �tJL,¢ �llosemoun��� � c...P����.�,�,�.. _ a ti Y L� ✓ � . . � . . . . . . 2�Z� O C7�eYYtOZ�t1�L� PMOiVE (6/2)42344ti 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYt�R FNC (612)423-5203 Maiiing Address: Edward B.McMenortry P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068�0510 60UNCIlMEM8ER5 Sheila Klsssen A'j� • . James(flecn Stasts 1 l�L�J��� ���iCe Harry WUicox Dennis Wippertnan� 11'.XT �NDMENTS TO ADMINISTRATOR Stephen JAk CITY OF R(3SEMOUNT ZONTNG E1ND SUBDIVISION ORDIlYANCES TO WIiOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the Gity of Rosemount will hold a public h�aring to consider the items listed below on Tuesday, July 20, 1993 in the Council Ghambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider Text Amendments to the City af Rasemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances that will result in: 1) increased setbacks in residential districts to major and minor thoroughfares and railroads; 2) creating building setbacks for natura:l gas and petroleum transmission pipelines; 3) clarifying landscape standards in the General Industrial District and defining Flanting Strips 1 Bufferyards; 4) lowering the maximum density allowed in multi family residential district {R-3) to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre fram 18 dwelling units per acre (but ailnwing density bonuses); and Sj establishing a ma�cunum density of 2.5 units per acre in the R-1 Single Family District. Copies of the proposed amendments are availabie for review and comment at City Hall located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours af 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday . through Friday. Persons wishing to speak on these proposeti amendments are invited to attend this public - hearing on Tuesday, ,Tulv 20. 1993 at 8:OO�.m. Dated this 7th day of July, 1993. r S an ivt. Wa , City Clerk City of Rosemount DakQta County, Minnesota ' p , ) � �verr�things �oming �CJt,,�i �osemount�� � , . i" ' �� � � � � . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE UF MINNESOTA ) �S County of f3akota ) ���.p NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON,being duty awom,an oath says tfiat ahe is on uuthorized ageat cad �,.u ��:���C`N��E'��` employee of tt�e publisherof the newspoper known os DakoM County Tribune,aod bos full knowledge "�,� Cfi1fOFR06ELIQt1�,tT �''���^:;�`: r ����� ,TmA..■d.:.urs`��� of the#ccts which we stoted below: _ _`'CJIq af Rowwowit .,��t „��i Ze�i�y e�3�LivLiew OrdMa�s �:1'bWHOM1TMAYCONCEItN;: �� 1QOTICE'LS"HEREBY GIVEN the`Qty (A)The newspuper hos complied with al{of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal �.Caimeif�the C[ty at Rasemount will bold a he'r'°g�°c�'d�'the'te°'S t�sted newspope�,as provided by Minnesota Stotute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond otheropplicoble laws,os ameeded. ' ���Tuesday,JnIY 2D.199�,!n the Coun- dl•f�amb�'S of tlle GSty Hall,-2875':1�StL Strcet'West;�beginning at 8:Oo,�.m�oc.as': � � soautber�ffzras .��,��"�u: pr�,n � � : �_11�e purpo`s,e af tbis Learm,g is to coos�ac � (B)Tl+e prinred _ _ ",�, 'Text Ammdmee�to t6e(�ty af Raeemo�mt M � Zo�aod Sltbd'ivlsiat�►oanas tHat wID rmultm:.�°' ; ; x �3t � �t�Y�4,e: -_ ;,>1) inccwsed.,setbacks.�n�.�reaideatial � � �s',�sh3c�tstionis�ora�mioorthotoughtares � �:�wdrailroads. �ae��:ti��.;.�*::,�,��.'rt=,` � ���t�,crs�tiPB�B:�baC1�s far>�dsal Has and Peh'oieian�P3Peline`s: =�s)clarify la�ici�e"standatds in the�� _ '��I���M��. which is attaehed wos cut from the columns of seid newspaper,ond wcs pri�+ted and published ance Pfan�gS�ps/Bt#�.�:.. ' !>loare�ii6g fLe ma�dmum dmstfy allowed.. �3o m}i1H-family,nsidmtisl dishict tR3)to ' tvvelv�e(1YJ dweving uoits pec sere E'om:1E �� .�;��ks;it was j ,.�d�"�imiEs per acre ibut sitowmg den-: < .5)�fabllahiag a ma=imum deo�t,y oE E.S � �its per acxe m t6e li I�ingle Faoaily � ::���,°# * first publisfied on Thursdoy,the doy of _�_, t�oplea�`the p+opoeed amendmmtd aro' availabk fa review and c�mmt at Qtq � Ha111oCated at te731l5tb Sh'eet WEEt,bEt 'weenthehoursof7:�Daan to4:0op.m;,Maa�",' 19 3 , ond wns thereafter printed and pubfished on every Thursday to ond including daYthro�u�FYidaY.;"`s ,�_<t.�s�,;...�:�.. Peraoffi wish�og to sp�t on these ptopa�-. ed amendmeots an invtted to'attmd yris P����B�1�mdaq,July 20 199a at` Thursday,the day of ,19 _ 8:OOp.m. , . �. . � ; ,�����y°�'�1���� `"�;�: and priMed below is u copy of the lower case olphabet fsom A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby ~. SnsauM.Wals6,(�qrGle�it_�� . � � � ��z°� , acknowled ed as bei tfie size and kind of pos p p�� " -� * � g ng type used in the com itio�ood ublication of the notice:_ S!7 �M� '+` �e..,, � _ _a ,... . . y*�}.«;rs 5._.,r �;,;,t . ah�vli•f}:hijklnlnu�NprtUe�ex�'z . . .. . � . . � .. � . /`��� � � � . � .. . . .� . BY: "'',"r,-�- TITLE:Secretary to Pu isher i ^�j � Subscribed and sworn to before this__�day of � ,19__C�. . �_-`..-- Notary PuWic ., �-�, CAROLJ HAVERLAND ;�.��' rooT,wv PUBIIC-MIWNESO'rA ; .,. DAKOTA COUNTY u�Y G�sion Exp�es nec.s,t9s., �;":..SA�O�A�iO'�'�'aS':S�`f 3 ` ' City of Rosemount F.�cecutive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: .Tulv 20, 1993 Agenda Item: Zoning/Subdivision Ordinances Text Agenda Section: Amendments PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda��M � � Director of Planning �. Attachments: Proposed Ordinances (2), Illustrations, PC Approved By: Review, Public Notice, Mail�ing List . In an effort to begin implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission has begun work un a series of amendments to the zoning and subdivision ordinances. The first set of amendments was finalized at a Commission workshop held on July 12 and the recommended language is included on the attached proposed Ordinance. This ordinance consists of the following changes: 1) reducing the maximum density permitted in the R-1 and R-3 districts to conform with the 2.5 unit/acre and 12 unit/acre policy in the Cornprehensive Plan; 2) establishing a 30 foot setback for principle structures adjacent to pipeline easements; 3} setting standards for the size and type of pianning strips and buffer yards along railroads and major or minor thoraughfare right-of- ways; and 4) clarif'ication of landscape standards in the General Industrial District. These pending changes are discussed in a Planning Review prepared by Mr: Pearson of my st�ff and is included with this packet. Zllustrations of these changes are also in�cluded. An amendment ta the zoning and subdivision ordinances requires a public hearing prior to adoption. Recommended Action: A Motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO. B-30, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZQNING ORDINANCE. A Motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVII.103, AN ORDINANCE �ING ORDINANCE XVII.4, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISIDN ORDINANCE City Council Action: 0?/2 l93. 1 �, � � , � � � � � � � Crrjr o� RosEMourrr ORDINANCE N4. B-30 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANGE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE 5ection 1. Section 7.2 C Su�PL�lv'r�tY YAxn RF;Gu1.,�TTo1vs of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to include: 5. Where a lot or a parcel of land abuts or is traversed by an easement intended for or containing a pipeline conveying natural gas or getroleum, principal structures shall be setback a minunum of thirty (30) feet from the pipeline ea.sement boundary. 6. Where a yard has been increased in size to include a planting strip or buffer yard, principal and accessory building setbacks will he increased accordingly to protect the buffer yard from building encroachment. ADTACENT USE BUII,DING SETBACK- Railroad right-af-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 feet Principal Arterial row (Major Thoraughfare) . . . . . . . SO feet Minor Arterial row (Minor Thoroughfare) . . . . . . . . . 30 feet Collector streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 feet Section 2. Section 6.7 R-3 MuL�� FAtva�,Y RESIDErtcE Dis'c'�uc'r, Subsection B.2. Uses Permitted Bv Right of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to rea.d as follows: 2. Multiple Family Dwellings A�artments and accessory uses at densities no greater than twelve (12) dwelling units per gross acre. Density bonuses af up to eighteen (18) dwelling units per gross acre are available per Planning Cammission recommendation and at the diseretion of the City Council if the proposal includes amenities in additian to minunum ordinance requirements. Such amenities may include but are not limited to, intensive landscaping, outdoor group open space, indoar and outdoor recreational amenities, high quality design standards, energy conservation, provides for mass transit needs, or a proposal that satisfies unique and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. Ord.#B-30 Page l of 4 Section 3. Section 7.1 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS of Ordinanee B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: Minimum Lot Size (ft) Minimum Yards (ftl Other Standards �� �siag � cuos� Uistricta Zonet Widt6(8) Area Depth Fmnt Sidel� Rear = Ht(R) Lot9 Unit(s� Den�tY Cover AG N/A 300 2.5 AC 50 30 30 1l10 AC 50 N/A N/A AG-P N/A 300 40 AC 50 30 3� ll40 AC 50 N/A N/A RR N/A 2004 2.5 AC'� 40 30 30 1/5 AC 35 N/A N/A RL N/A 110 20,000 180 30 15 30 N/A 35 30% NtA R-t N/A 80 10,000�� 125 305 10 30 2.5/AC 35 30% N!A R-tA N!A 80 i0,000�� 125 305 512 25 NiA 35 30R, N/A R-2(S� N/A 100 12,000 120 305 10 30 6lAC 35 30%, N/A (3+Fj N/A 120 18,000 150 305 30 30 6/AC 35 75% N/A R-3 N/A 150 22,500 I50 30S 30 30 12/AC 35 7i% 500 R-4 N/A 150 22,500 130 305 30 30 40/AC 35 7596 500 G1 1 AC3 150 15,000 125 305 106 106 N/A 35 7596 N/A C-2(CBD) N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 N/A N/A C-3 .S AC 120 0.5 AC 34S 106 106 N/A 35 75'% N!A C-4 1 AC 120 20,000 305 106 106 N!A 35 7596 N/A IP 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 30 30� 30� N!A 40 75%' N/A WM 10 AG N/A 5.0 AC 75 S0� S0� N/A 75 50;6 N!A IG t0 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50� 50� N/A 75 50% NIA P NJA N/A N/A 30 307 307 N!A 40 TS% N!A FP N!A N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A � For udditioual requirements refer W Section 7.2,Supplementary Reguluvons;Section 8,Off-street Parking;nnd Section 9.Speciu!Overlay Regulatioos. 2 Unless rnntiguous to�n existing such district. 3 Three(3)acrea maximwn zone size. °300 feet width and 5-ncre lot size minimum when tand is not plaued. 5 Refer to Section 7:L C.4.u.for establis6ed front ysinds. 6 30-Eoot minimwn side or ressr yurd ahere abutting an'R'DistriM. 7 Refer to Section 7.2 C.2.c.for buiWings exceeding 35 feet in height. 8 UnitslGrosa Acre. 9 Includes strucwrea,paved parF;ing arw,aud other impervious surfaces. to See Section 7.2 G.2.n.nnd 7.2 C.2.b. �� Comer I.ots in R-1 s6a1!have a minimum of 12,000 square feet ia nrea. 12 5 feet For single�tory residenees;10 feet for two-story residences. Ord.1fB-30 Page 2 of 4 Seetion 4. Section 8.3.B. A✓]:INIIVIUM NUMBER OF PLANTINGS of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: �:`�=�T�N�:<:;>::»;':«��:<::;:>:::>:::<:;::»':�;::«:`:::::::`::::>::::>>:::::;:::;::::;;:<::::€::::?::::::::::::::;::>`:`:`:::«<::<>;�:`:<:::>:<:>::::::::':::>:<;:::::<`:::;<:>;:�:;::::<::;;:.. .......:��,�'�':��<';: � � �'��>�'7�a%3'.R'�.TuiT:�:>::>:::::»>;::::>:::;::�>`r;::::::::`:::«::<;`>:<`�'��>'`..>z.:>�::»>::«>i»::>«�:::}k;.:`>r<�::::i�::<::<�<rc-::<:::::<``:><>;>::::>:;::<z:::z::::::;::;`•.::>::;;::':>:::��.�..t:`:=::�>;,;:::>�?.::>;:��::{;�:::'(:>�;>�«+�;<:<' . � . . ::::::::����L'�3G�C��y.:..:':.:�::::..�. �Ltl�a't4T�7'� :. AG None Nane ..................................................................................................................................................................................... AG-P None None ............................................................................... ............................,. ........................................ RR 2 trees/unit/frontagei............................... Nane ............................................................................. ............. ...................................................................:.. RL 1 tree/unit/frontagei.................... None ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R-1 1 treelunit/frontage� None ............ .............................................................. ............................................................................... R 2 1 tree/unit/frontage� � � None ............ ........................................................................................... ........ .. ........ R-3 1 tree/open space unit exposure� � � �(foornote) ............................................................................................................ ......................................... R-4 8 trees minimum plus 1 tree/unit� d(footnoteJ � .................................................................................................................... R-4 $ trees minimum plus 1 tree/2 units� � + • � ��(foomote) ................................. ......................... ......................... ......... ,_................................... All Cs 8 trees or 113,000 sq. ft. land area'�............................. ................................. ..............' .... .... .... ,.. IP 8 trees or 1/3 000 sq ft land area� �'(foomote) ................................. ......................... ...... ........ ........ ..:. . ... .. ..... .............W � IG Per Recommendation of Planning Commission `�(footrtote) p ................................................................. ....,,,..,....,....,............ :..�`" >.>:;:»<::»:::.>:::::;:.�:>:::>::>:::<::::.::;:>::;::::; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:::,.:;::::.:.::: .:=:::<:>::>;>::>::>::>::>:: .:;: . .., ...,.... ......... ......... ...........: 1 'Frees shall be deciduous,planted at the boulevard of each tree exposure 2 Two Family Dwellings: Trees shall be deciduous,planted at the boulevard of each street exposure. 3 Other Attached Dwellings: Trees shall be deciduous;spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervals. 4 One foundation planting per five{5) linear feet of building perimeter(prineipal or accessory)and/or an equivalent value in overstory trees, or combination thereof. 5 One to Three Story Building: Spacing must include krees at the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervals. 6 Over Three Story Building: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifiy (50) foot intervals. � Whichever is greater: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50) foot intervals. S�tion 5. Section 8.3.C. 1Vb[rnns[mz P�.Atv'rTIVG S'r��zns of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zvning Ordinance is amended by adding the following: 11. Planting strips or bufferyards intended to screen residential uses from adjacent commercial, industrial or public/institutional uses, railroad right- of-way, major and minor arterial and collector streets must be a minunum of fifty (50) percent o�aque ta a height of eight feet at the time of installation if vegetative materials are used, and/or seventy five (75) percent opaque to a height of eight feet if inechanical screening is used. Ord.#B-30 Page 3 of 4 Section 6. This ordinanee shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED this ZOth day of July, 1993. CITY OF`ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy,.Mayor A�'rEST: Susan M. Walsh, Ciry Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. Ord.�IB-30 Page 4 of 4 ; CITX OF ROSEMUUNT ORnIlVA1vCE No. XVII.103 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.4 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE � THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOW S: SECTION I. SECTION 5.8 P�[.�`r1vG STRrns of Ordinance XVI7.4, City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, adopted October 19, 1972 is amended to rea.d as follows: a. Planting strips shall be placed along highways and railroad lines to screen the view and to reduce noise levels in residential areas. Where a residential 1ot abuts a major thoroughfare or principal arterial right-of-way, the lot shall have an additional fifty (50) feet of width and/or depth added to the lot's side adjacent to and abutting said right-of-way that is in additian to the minunum required standard for the purpose of establishing planting strips. Where a residential lot abuts a railroad or minor arterial (or thoroughfare) right-of-way, the lot's side shall be increased by thirty (30) feet in width or depth adjacent to said right-of-way. Where a residentia.l lot abuts a collector street right-of-way, the lot's side adjacent to and abutting said right-of-way shall be increased in width or depth by twenty (20) feet. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective unmediately upon its passage and publication according to law. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor A�ST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. . _ _ PtPEI.t N t� . _ _ ' ,_ � _ . _ ._ __ , ,_ _. . . _ E�S�.f-�Eht�' P Pi PE�L..i htE , PIF�Ll�i� .SET� E.c��t14t,5 _�Pt t,�4�.. _ _ . . _ _. _ . _ _ . _ . _.. _ ._.. _ _. _ _ . _ _ _ _.__ 2�n- Y�2D . __- �T�e�-_ . _ _ _ _ _ __ . PCZoPo�� _ PI PEL(r.CE. 'F....��E,M E.1�"T '�"��TC%��_. oF �� FEE-T_ . _ . I . . � __ _ __ _ . _ _ .. . 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Last October and November, Planning Staff suggested that the Planning Commission discuss several changes to the Zoning Ordinance that will be the fust of a series of text amendments intended to bring the ordinance into conformance with policies in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Additionally, the amendments are intended to provide clarification and substanc� to existing ordinances that are perceived to be vague. Arnendments included with this proposal include: lj increased setbacks to major and minor thoroughfares, and railroads; 2) creating setbacks for pipelines; . 3) enhancing landscape standards; and 4) lowering the maximum densiry allowed in multi-family residential districts to i2 dwelling units per acre from 18 du/acre (but allowing density honuses). Other amendments such as the tree preservation ordinance amendment will not be included at this time as additional time is needed for a recommendation. 1) SETBACK INCREASES The Zoning Ordinances of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville and Woodbury have been compared for examples of increased setbacks to busy streets and railroads. With the exception of Ialceville, all cities had expanded setbacks for residential and commercial buildings to collector and arterial streets. The following setbacks are for principal buildings to right-of-way and typically replace a thirty foot standard. CITi' CULLECTpR STREET ARTERIAL STREET Apple Valley 30 to 40 feet 4Q to 50 feet (minor), 50 feet (principal) Burnsville 45 ft. (incl. minor art.) 50 ft. (princigal) 50 ft. {high density� 80 ft. (high density principal) Eagan 40 ft. 50 ft. Inver Grove Heights 30 ft. 50 ft. 40 ft. (high density) Woodbury 50 ft. 80 ft. �ver���tngs �oming �(/C�i Cl�osemounl// � . ... ... ,_.. � • June 22, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews , Z.O. Text Amendment Proposals Page Two The average increased setback to coflector streets is 1� ft. in addition to the standard requirement. The average increa.se for arterials is 20 ft. for the Dakota County Cities examined. The resulting screeni.ng opportunities in ten feet would be vegeta.tive (probably a large hedge), or fencing. A 20 foot wide buffer could accommodate a three foot high berm with vegetation (evergreen trees or a combination of plantings), or fencing. The ahility to use berms diminishes with uneven topography. A three foot Iugh berm centered in twenry feet does not seem like much but that is the maximum slope that allows for practical mowing. A thirty foot wide screening yard would allow for a beim almost five feet high and still be mowable. Planning Staff recommends that setbacks adjacent to collector and arterial streets be increased by a minimum of ten feet {collector) and twenty feet (arterial) by ordinance prirnarily for residential uses. Some of the ordinances indica.ted that the setbacks were for all pri.neipal sfructures. Cansideration for platting exceptions to standards, or density bonuses may be given if larger setbacks are offered with appropriate landscaping. An additional distinction should be given to principal arterials for a thirty foot increase in setback. Ra.ilroads received very little attention in the various ordinances. Planning Staff would'suggest that railroads he treated suni.iar to principal arterials, 2) SETBACKS FOR PIPELIl�IES Very few cities have setbacks for pipelines established by ordinance. The Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety was charged with the task of writing a model ordinance for cities in the wake of the Mounds View tragedy. It took over a year for a recommendation that specified pipeiine ea.sement boundaries should define a setback for any building. Most ordinances have been written consistent with the model ordinance. Pipeline easements normally have extensive restrictions on the use of land within the easement. A homeowner might not be able to plant trees or construct a fence in their back yard if such an easement were in place. Other improvements such as paving and accessory buildings would not be allowed. Planning Staff recommends that an easernent for a pipeline (petroieum or natural gas) be treated J the same as a public right-of-way and that the setback for. any building to a pipeline easement be a minimum of thirty feet. The typical front and rear yard setback for urban residential uses is thirty feet and most neighborhoods have pipelines adjacent to rear yards. 3) Err�vcE LAxnsCarE S�arma�ns Generally, Section 8.3 Landscaping Requirements is effective for establishing minimum standards for landscaping. However, some flexibility would be gained in the General Industrial district by substituting the foundation planting minunum of one planting per ten feet of building perimeter far "Per Recommendation of Planning Commission". T'his substitution would be appropriate given the typical Generai Industrial building that has a significant amount of paving around at least one half the perimeter. � ' June 22, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews � Z.O. TQx� A.mendment Propasals Page Three The Subdivision Ordinance requires "Planting Strips" to be placed along highways and railroad lines to screen the view and reduce noise levels in residential areas. Planning Staff recommends that performance sta.ndards should be applied to the planting strips so that minimum expectations are set in-place, and enhanced performance can qualify for density bonuses or platting variances, A planting strip should have a minunum of a hedge ar a combination of understory and overstory plantings. Experience has shown that shrubs are often neglected, and mortality or overgrowth (or theft) result. Overstory trees (boulevard trees) are capable of vertical screening, but without additional shrub plantings, �aps limit opacity. Large evergreens aften provide the best screening if enough space is providetl, but like a boulevard tree, it takes many years to reach maturity. Local conditions may favor one variety of planting over another so that mandating an average of opacity in a �lanting strip may be a valid approach to the perfonnance standard. Staff review praviding direction to a developer to increase piantings or make substitutions would probably be the most effective way to achieve a standard of opacity in any given situation, Planning Staff recommends that the reference to planting strips in the subdivision ordinance be expanded to require that planting strips rnust be fifty percent opaque to a height af six feet at the time of installatian. 4) R.EDUCE 1VIAXIIVIUM DENSITY ALLOVVANCE FOR SINGLE AND MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL D�sZ'tt�[Cz's The maximum density proposed for R-1 Single Family in the housing element of the Comprehensive �uide Plan - Update 2400, is 2,5 dwelling units per acre. The past policy has allowed 3 dwelling units per acre, as the midpoint for Medium Density Residential (Urban Residential including Single Family and Attached Housing). The maximum density proposed for R-3 multi-family residential districts in the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan - Update 2000, is 12 dwelling units per acre. Allowance for up to 18 dwelling units per acre as a density bonus is possible if above standard amenities are provided. Those amenities could include but are not limited to: intensive landscaping, outdoor group open space, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, high quality design standards, energy conservation or a proposal that satisfies unique and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. The current ordinance allows for up to six dwelling units per acre in the R-2 Single Family Attached Residence District, and there is no reference to density limitations in the R-3 and R-4 Multiple Family Residential Districts. RECOMIVIENDED ACTION - No action is requested at this time. Planning Staff is assembling additional text amendment proposals that include refinements to design standards in the Subdivision Ordinance and a Storm Water Management oardinance. June 22, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews • ' Z.O. Text Amendment Proposals , Page Four Planning Staff requests that the Planning Commission discuss the proposed text amendments and provide Planning Staff with direction as needed for revisions. The following draft text amendments have been prepared for discussion purposes. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Ordinance No. XVII.4 Adopted October 19, 1972. MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance amending SUBD 5.8 PLANTING STRIPS to include: Where a residential lot abuts a railroad or major thoroughfare right-of-way, the lot shall have twenty (20) feet of width and/or depth added to the lot's side adjacent to and abutting the right-of-way that is in addition to the minimum standard required by ordinance for the es�ahlishment of planting strips. Where a residential 1ot abuts a minor thoroughfare right-of-way, a buffer strip of at least ten (10) feet in width shall be added to the lot's side adjacent to and abutting said right-of-way. Plantang strips must be a mini.mum of fifty (50) percent opaque for a mir�;.mum of six (6) feet of height as measured-frorn--�he adjacent - elevation of the residential yard. ORDINANCE B - ZONiNG ORDINANCE MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance amending Section 7.2 C. Supplementary Yard Re�ulations to include: 6. VJhere a lot or a parcel of land abuts or is traversed by an ea.sement intended for or containing a pipeline conveying natural gas or petroleum, no principal structure shall be setback less than thirty (30) feet from the pipeline easement boundary. MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance amending Section 6.7 R-3 Multiple-Family Residence District changing B. 2 to read: 2: Multiple Family Dwe_llings, Apartments and accessory uses at densities no greater than twelve (12) dwelli:ng units per gross acre. Density bonuses of up to eighteen (1$) dwelling units per gross acre are available per Planning Commission recommendation and at the discretian of the City Council if the proposal includes amenities not required by ordinance standards. Such amenities may include but are not limited to: intensive Iandscaping, outdaor group open space, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, high quality design standards, energy conservation or a praposal that satisfies unique and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance amending Section 7.1 Dimensional Standards to include the changes in maximum density in R-1 from N/A to 2.5/AC, and R-3 from i 8/AC ta 12/AC. MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance amending Section 7.2C Supplementary Yard Regulations to include: �. Where a lot has been increased in size to include a planting strip or buffer yard, principal and accessory building setbacks will be inereased aceordingly to protect the buffer yard fmm building encroachment. MOTION to recommend to the City Council to set a date for a public hearing for 8 pm. on Tuesday, July 6, 1993 to hear testimony regarding the proposed zoning and subdivision text amendments. i�� o osemouvt� PHONE (fi12)423-4+114 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOF FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.MeMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rasemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCtlMEMBERS . Sheiia Klassen James(Rs�StasEs Af�davit of Posted Hearing Natice oe nes W ppertnxa�� ADMINISTHA70R TEXT AMENDMENTS TO CITY OF scevn�,��t� ROSEMOUNT ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUN'I'Y OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City vf Rosemount, IvIinnesota. On 7uly 7, 1993, acting on behalf af the said Ciry, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 1'45th - Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota., a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of text amendments ta Qrdinance B - Ciry of Rosemount Zoning _ Ordinance and Ciry of Rosernount Subdivision Ordinance regarding specific requirements as outlined in said notice: , ; Sus M. Walsh City Clerk City of Rosemount _ Dakota County, Minnesota . Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� day of ,�, 1993. , ■ , - CtNDY DORNIDEN -' � rtora�r Pueuc-�rn+�� ---� DAKOTA COUNTI( -' My co�►,.�s,wa 2s.��o Public Y • �verc�lhtrcgs �omtrcg �(JI.,� �JLosemouvitll � , . z�� o osemouvc� PHONE j6t2)4234411 2875-145th Street West,flosemount,Minnesota MAYQR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.MCMenomy P.O.Box 510,RosemouM,Minnesnta 55068-0510 COUNCIlMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen � h . • James(Re�Staats u�l�lC NQt1L'e Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippertnann 1�.� ��ME�S TO ADMINiSTRATOfl Stephan J+lk CITY OF R4SEMOUNI' ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDTNANCES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN� the City Council of the City of Rasemount will hold a public hearing to consider the items listed below on Tuesday, July 20, 1993 in the Council Charnbers of the City Hal1, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider Text Amendments to the City of Rosemount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances that will result in: 1) increased setbaeks in residential districts to major and minor thoroughfares and railroads; 2) creating building setbacks for natural gas and petroleum transmission pipelines; 3) clarifying landscape standards in the General Industrial District and defining Planting Strips / Bufferyards; 4) lowering the maximum density allowed in multi-family residential district (R-3) to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre from 18 dwelling units per acre {but allowing density bonuses); and 5) establishing a maximum density of 2.5 units per acre in the R-] Single Family District. Copies of the proposed amendments are avaiiable for review and comment at City Hall locatetl at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday . through Friday. - Persons wishing to speal: on these proposed amendments are invited to attend this public hea.ring on Tuesdav, Tulv 20. 1993 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 7th day of July, 1993. ; � S an M. W , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota �vet���ings �oming �UL�i �JLosemounrf�� � 1 ' + M�►ILING LtST Lee Johnson U.S. Home Corporation 8421 Wayazata Baulevard, Suite 300 Golden Valley, MN 55426 . Thomas O'Leary � Roseznount Properties of Minneapolis 2415 A.nnapalis Lane, Suite 109 Plymouth, MN 55441 Tirnothy Broback Rosemount Development Company 3480 Upper 149th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Steven Fiterman Ground Development Corp 1550 Utica Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55416 James Allen Hampton Development Corporation 12433 Princeton Avenue Savage, MN 55378 Herb Wensmann Wensmann Realty 3312 151st Street West Rosemount, MN 5506$ Wayne Delfmo CMC Heartland Partners 547 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 606Q6 Tunothy Dwyer Kelley Trust Hamm Building Suite 425 408 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN SS1Q2-1187