HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Payment #7, Armory / Community Center Project i 1 CITY OF ROSEMOtTNT EXECIITIVE SIINIlKARY FOR ACTI4N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT: AGENDA SECTION: CONSTRUCTION PAY REQUEST NO. 7 CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA��f{��/� ./,� /, � � �_�v� tr�• `�•� ATTACHMENTS: PAY REQUEST AP VED . This is a recommendation to approve Pay Reguest No. 7, City Share Only, for the construction of the Armory and Community Center. This request has been reviewed by the Architect, the State of Minnesota, and city staff and found to be in order. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve payment Co PCL Construction Services Inc. in the amount of $54, 096 .85 to be paid out of accounts 424-481000-01-501 ($22, 524 , 86) , 426-48000-01-521 ($31, 307.15) and �427-48000-01-521 �$264 . 84) . COtTNCIL ACTION: APPLJCATlON ANU C�R'i'IfiICATE FOR f'AYMENT At�J►DocumerrtG7o2 PAGEt oF PI4GEs I Distnbuted to: TO((�WNF�'t}: Slatc af AAinnesota PFtOJE�T: Na6onat Guard Armory APPLIGA'C30N Nb: T 3'.O.8ox 348,Camp Ripley a,nd Camrnun3ly Center �X OWt�i iittie Falls,hiW. 56345 Rosemour►t,MN. PQ�lQD TO: 6/3U/93 . ❑X ARCNITECT FROt�t(GONTRA,CT01�: AR�CHIT�GTS PCt Go�struation Se[vicea,inc. VL0. PROJECt NU 89D9 �G4NTRAGTOR g330 James Ave.S. ,4f�CHITECT: Arlhur Dickey Architecls,Inc. 8ioomington,MN. 55�31 a430 Frarice Avo.S. Ct�t�fTRACT DAtE: 7 f 16/92 Edina,MN_ 55410 �ON7RAGT FOR: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMEIVT App6cation es madQ tor Payment,as shown below,in connection witl�the Conuact Contract Continuation Sheot,attached, qiANGE�ROER SUM�UTARY Cnange Chducs Appraued in ADOII'IONS OEDUG710NS 1 ORIGIMAt.CANiRACT SUM $ 10,389.4U0.00 previous months by Or++ner 2 Nei changes by Gharx,ya Orck�rs a� TOTAL } 3 OOPITRACT StHN TO DATE�Une 1+,:Z} $ 10,388,400.00 >.>nd?h�..��SZ'`.$'.r'�jxii Y���•t'�a.�i'�..23'+r..�r .Y�+3�?Fras`�,X,rY;?3�.�,-„�,.�;,�'..�_��•rA:'H-E�-�c�?�.�h:�5;.f"v^ti��S�S��:i�'t`3�� � . . : .. . � . . � . APPR01tED THIS GIOKTti: 4 'TO�TAI t70AAPLETEQ&STY3RED TO DATE $ 4.�5T9.89 Ttumber Q�te APProved 5 RET'AINAGE: a Q%of Compleled Work 0 b. D%of Fees � Totai Retainage TOTAL ¢.Sne 5a+5b or tota!M Column l of G7U3} � Q00 Het Chan 6 Chancje Or�lers 6 Tatnl Eamcd Less Retal�ac�e E a,8�3.57�.89 . {line 4 less Llne 5 Totai} The undersigned Corrtracior Cer�fles that�the best of the Carriracior's 7 Less Prevtous Certfllcstes for Paymerrt knowlesiga,inturmad'ean and befef ihe Wark cavered by thia aPPficaflon tat {Une 6 frorn prioc Ceeificatej �,Q86,872.74 Paymerrt has been oornpdefied in a000rdmoe wiih iha Conaact Qocurnenis,tl�at 8 GtlfifiEH't'PAYMENf OUE S t,2�}B.Ta7.15 atl amouMs have been paid by tlie+Cantra.clnr far Work ftx which pre+rious 9 �tI.AA�CE 7'O FINISH,PLt1S RETAINAGE Cetpi'x;ates for payrr►ent were issued and payments raoeived irom the Owner, �Lina 31ess I.Sns 6) $ 5,845,,82'0.11 anc!thad axrent paymertt siiown�herein is now due. -- Staae ot: Coumy of: COt+(TFtAC'TORs PCX.Canshructloa Serv6�es,lnc. S1��b�cribed and 9worn to betore rne this dayoi: .'f9 Notary Puf�Ac� l,ily Gbmmission expres• -- sy: ' o�: 'j '� Q� AOdOUNT CER7iF1EQ �tRCHCTEGi'S CER'C�FICATE FDfi PAYt�IENT {�12tach explanafion'rf amount ceRified di8ers irom the amouMapplied tor.} tn axordance with the Gurtt�raci Doaurnonts.based upon on�ite obmervations AFiC�-�TEGT: sttid tfte data oamptising tfie at�we applicatian.Ute Mctrite�ct certif3es M fhe dn+rfer thaE 10 the best of the Are�itect^a knaw{edQe,ir�formalian ar�d �}r Dale: 4elief the work as proge�ssud es indicated,the quantity oi th.Work is in Thts(�rtificate is rwt negotiable. The AAIOt1FV"1'CERTtfiED is payab6e nny to ihe ac�Manca wittt the Gorthract Oocumer►!�.and ihe Gbnteachx fe eM3tled ta Conkac9or named tretein. IsSuance,paymar►t and the at�ceptancs at paymerrl ate � PaYme�n oi tha Atu10l.lNT CERT1FtED. wiihout prejudice to arry rights of the Ownet oc C•ontractor undet ttps Corttract • J4IA Daounent 67Q2 Application tlo. 7 pc�.coNs-rRuc�tc�s�ne�s, cNc o� , �{ � „�. o�xE ar�or� RQSEMflUP1T NATIQNAL GUAND Pcriad Fra� 611/�3 TRAfNfNG &Ct)MMUNtTY CEt�ETER Period To 6,I3ot9'3 Arcfiitects Projcct No 8 9a9.00 A g C D � F 6 N � J Uork G tete� Totat Can�plete Bat�nce Item 5chcciulyd Prcvi�us This ApQlication and Stored To Retainagc No_ �escrintion af uork Value llpplicatlaxs �lork r SToped I4aCerial To Date � Finish In Ptacc fnot in 0 or E) (O+E+F) tC-�) Div �i GENERALREQUIREtitEMS 1D00 Site Sta#f ` ��,m'���^y: Sup'tendent/Foremm�/�ngr 1bb,000.Op 76,OZ0.0(1 13,28Q_00 0.00 91,300,U0 55X T/.,7UO.fl(} 0.00 i100 Construction E�+ipr�ent :,;��,,� *�"�j Forklift/Noist"rng 8,II00.00 4�136.00 1,584.Q0 O.OD 5,720.00 65X 3,OBO.OQ 0.00 '�.��s���;,;: Cons�anabtes/Expends�bles 13,75b.U0 b,4b5_32 1,1OD.46 O,UO 7,565.80 SSx 6,�90.Z0 0.06 ��w�'*'i��> Ftisc Equip/Sratt TooEs 27�5l31.Oa 12,9G3.07 2,206.48 0.00 15,169.55 55X 12,411.45 0.00 � . a.,{�..A l6. � . . 13DQ Project Overhead "�' �;��`•� Kobiti=e/Sct 5,500.00 5,50Q.00 0.00 0.00 S,SOO.U� 100� 0.00 �.00 .cs'�,:��:'F�„' � �,�.�,�k3 � < Demobi li2clMoYe-art II00.00 O.DO 0.00 O.UO 0.00 9GG 804.00 0.00 ���:���4' Ciose-aut/Finat Req'mnts 600.00 0.00 O.UO 0.00 O.RD 0� GOO.DO 0.00 1350 Siie Conditions '���'" , . 7: fictd OfficclTemp etdgs 7,950.00 3,738.5d 636.Q0 0.00 4,372.50 55 3,5TT.50 4.00 ��.��,r Eietd UfficrFurnish&6qui 2,4DO.OQ 1,1Z8.00 192.00 D.00 1,3�.�0 55 1,O�SQ.00 0_00 �f : . Tesp Utiijties - Ir►stelt 3,?00.00 3,T00.0� 0_00 0.00 3,700.00 't0 O.QO D.00 �t..�. ••.'.�' Site Services (telephane, 92,568.00 43,505.4G T.b45.46 O.Oq 50,912.�0 5 41,655.6D 0.00 hausekeeping. truckirlg, tenp ac! heattelecJ�rater, �essenger, ect.> ����'�� 5urveying 5,G25.00 4,781.25 5fa2.50 0.00 5,363_T5 ?.81.25 O.W 1400 eonds/Per�itslln�rgnoe ;;��. :: Pe�rtoits 288,575.00 288,575.00 �_00 0.00 28$,575.00 100 0.00 0.00 �t. . : s Perforwartce Band-PC� 186�898.D0 186,Sq8,00 0.0o a.00 18b,85�6.00 1 D.OQ 0.46 •-;r:�•• Perfor�rance Bcnd-Suhs 76,115.OU 70,T86.95 4,S6G.90 O.QO 75,353.85 761_15 6.00 . sc,e; �� lr�surar�ee - PLJPD t24,b73.U0 124,b73.00 0.00 0.00 124,d73.00 1QOX 0.00 0.00 '' '�:�:: .: •` Insurance - euiEders Risk 9 350.00 4 350.00 4.00 O.UO 9 350.00 100X 0.00 0.00 >�i: r�: �:x . , . 180Q Yeather Expense ��,� .. Srtt�w Renovat 8,2D0.00 T�380,Q0 D.00 0.00 7,380.Oa 9tl�f 820.00 0.00 �� � � Prrsst Protection G,8Q4.04 b,'f20.a0 0.00 O.OQ b,l20.00 90� 6L0.00 0.00 :�''�?�x �. Reuave Frozen Gramd(Prea) 7,504.OU b,750.00 0.00 0.00 6��50.40 4D� 750.a{l 0.00 <�a . . �x, ..r€. ,� Te� Htg/AC - Btdg 26,500,.00 0.00 0,00 U.00 0.00 Q� Zb�50U.00 0.�0 Qir�12 SITE{�OItK/UElSOEIT[ON . . :4,K+�'•., . . . .�:��:. A�npnatt vaNi� tz3,00a.00 o.ao o.00 a.oa o,00 oa �z3,oaa.00 o.00 Cu-b g 6utter �7,S1d.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 a.00 OX 3T,316.00 0.00 �'''�': • Site Conc-41a[ksJPadsfSt�uct 24 762.00 O.Od 4.04 O.qO 0.00 29 1GZ.�0 0_00 ' •.. .. , , - Site Penting �►�OOO.OD U.dO 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,6U0.00 0.00 :;;��'E[.t�^ � 1 nigation Systeu 19,040.00 0.04 4.D0 0.00 0_00 19,QOO.QO O.QU . . ..� �`�``�'wrbF�.� � � . . � � � � . . ,,.k .r ,:,:�. tandscapiny 6d,004.00 0.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 6b.000.OQ 0.00 1t1A Dawrent C702 Applicatim No. 7 P��.C(.��$�TRI���P��'aE����$,(NC Pa9e 2 af 4 AEp. Oate �UI`�3 ROS�MOUP1T�lATIONALGUARD Period Fran 6J1/93 TRAIA[[NG&C4MMUNITY CENTER Pe�'�«i To bl3fl�� Architects Project Nu 8,909.Q0 A B C U E F G H [ � lhxk Crn letecl Total Corplete Batance item Schecluled Previous Tttis Ap liwtion and Storeci To Retainage �Iar pescription of Uork ifatue hpptications !!ua'k Stot�ed Naterial io.Date � Finish In Plxe (not in d or E) i�+E�F) (C-G) Retainirg uall 3tS,244.00 0.00 O.OQ U.DU 0_00 Dx 75,244_OD O.QO rM'2<;�'�'�'•���'� Earthaork/GlearinqlFnd Drain 272,�•68.00 224,579.37. 33,b30.D0 O.OU 258,209.32 95% 14,25fl.68 0_00 M:��€v.�Et�'::�:.�:{�. Div �3 CONCRfTE Concrete - Btdg 3t14,018.00 2'l1,209.90 88,324.7� O.UO 29?,534.04 78� 84,483.46 O.OQ Rebar - Supply 38,OOO.UO 37,6�0.00 Q.DO 0.00 37,620.00 49l6 380.00 O.OD Reb�c - Place N/ Melal Pt xe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 }OOX D.00 0.00 Precast Concretc 110,980.60 II9,477.00 21,5U3.D0 0.00 i10,980.U0 100X 0.00 U.OQ D i v i74 t�t11S061RY Masanry 2,OSS,195_00 857,647.00 300,000_00 0,00 1.757,641.00 56X 927,55b.Q0 fl.00 D1v �5 t7ETAL5 Metats - fabric�te 3T7,d67.00 247,962.00 105,325.00 0.00 353,267.00 94X Z4,40U.00 0.00 Metats - Ptsce 122.98+6.00 91,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 9d,004.00 T8X 26,9�0.00 O.OU OtV il6 CARPRITR� Rowgih Enrpentry 86,400.00 15,G42.OU 24,332.dD 0.00 39,4T4.Q0 46X 46,926.00 Q.OQ Finsh Carpentry-Nillukjtkl 7r 91�200.00 O.OQ 0.00 U.00 a.00 OCC 97,200.00 O.QO D 1 v#7 T�RNAL $ M03 STLIRE Da�proofireg - Foundation 14,910.00 7,736.5Q 7.1f,4.00 0.00 1b,900.50 i0 4.50 a.00 Roofing/Flashir�glsheet MetaE �U6,000.00 47,000.00 0.0(I 0.00 4T,q00_00 1 358,000.00 U.00 Slcytights - Frawed 3t3,000.00 0.�0 O.UO 0.00 0_W 38,000.00 D.UQ CaulkirplJoint SealartYs 3'4,000.00 0,00 4.00 0.00 0.00 07G 39,000.00 0.00 D i v �8 DOOaiS g Y101D0415 fQl OoorsJFra�e/fi�ish Nrdwre �19,335_00 25,Q6U.3S 0.00 O,UO 25,0�6035 2tiX S*4,274.b5 0.00 6lass)6tazin�lAlw Entrances i2,004.00 O.D� 0.04 0.00 A.00 O�t 12,000.00 O.i10 itood doors 17,UOD.04 0.�0 0.06 0.00 0.00 OOG i7,000.00 0.00 averhearJ Doors-Sectianal 11,405.W �.DO O.tq 0.00 a.00 UC� 11,4Q5.00 0.00 Coilirg D�oorS-O.hea�Counter 18,b88.00 Q.QO 0.00 O.UO 0.00 'f8,d66.0U 0.00 Ltaod Clad kindous 58,930_00 D.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5�.lr30.�0 O.OD Trans �taltlskytight system d6�000_00 U.00 0.00 0_fl0 0.00 4b,000.Q0 fl_00 Div �'4 F[i�ISNEs ary�t� »�,zoa.00 o.00 a.00 o.00 o.00 u ���,mn.00 o.00 J�coustic Ceilings 85,OOQ.OQ O.QO 0.00 0.00 O.OQ -0X eS,000.OQ O.Of1 /�coustic 4eciclPe�els 31,362.QU 0.00 27,SOd.00 1,540.OU 24,000.00 92X 2r342.t10 0.00 Cera�ic/Por�eLain Tite d$,Q00.00 O.Qd 0.00 0.00 0.00 QX 6B,i10(Y.flO 0.04 11ood/Athtetic flooring 10�,690.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0� t08,b40.00 1}•00 Carpe#JResiltertt,/Skate Tile 546,310.U6 a.00 O.UO O.OQ 8.00 9G� 14G,310.U0 0.00 .: PaintinglDecoroting 1i9,806.Q6 2,�46.12 0.00 0.00 2,396.12 2X 117,409.9B O.DO p�v �'10 SPECIALTIES �IA Docur�t L'7bZ J�ppticatian No. 7 �e�.caNs�ucnata s�Rvic�s, ��cc PA� 3 of 4 App. Date 613dI'� ROSEA�(}UN7 NATlC}NAL GUARO period Fr«r 6l7IS'3 TRAINING & C�MAAUNI7Y CENTER Pcriod To bl3o/93 A�cfiitscts Project No 8 904.00 A B � p � � G N I J Na•k 4cted Totat Coieplete Batance � ltem Sdicduted Previous this A tication and Stored Tn Retain�ge No. - Descri}�tian ot 11o�k Yelue !►pptications Work Stored P4aterial To DaYc X finish t� Ptacc (rwt in D or E3 C�+E�F) (GE) Chalk R Tack Boards 2,841.06 0.00 0.f?0 0.00 U.00 OX 2,$91.00 O.UO Toilet Partitions 16,142.00 0_06 0.00 0.00 0.00 CJX 1d,142.OD O.W Flag Po�es 10,022.00 0.00 0.00 O.W 0.00 0% 10�022.00 O.QO 5ignage & Gra�F�ics 8,451.Q0 0.00 0.00 U.OQ 0.00 OX. 8,451.00 U.00 Mesh Partitions 8,�G3.�U 6.00 0.00 0.00 O.OD 0%� 6�163.00 0.00 Foldir� Partitians. 15,500.00 D.00 O.W 0.00' 4.00 0'x 75.500.00 O.OQ Storage Shetving - Siect 26,904.00 0.00 0.00 0.�0 O.tlO OX 24,960.OD O.U9 loilet Jlccessories 74�G48.00 �_00 6.00 0.94 Q.90 OX 14,648.00 0.00 Fire Extinguishers/Cabinets 1,319.00 675.00 D.00 O.W 675,Q0 5dx b�4.Q0 a.aQ Expansion 3oint Covers 5,242.00 D.00 0.40 0_00 O.OE► dZ 5.242.00 0_00 Div #ll Et3tI1PNENT Vault DoorsfPra�es 12,581.00 0_DO 4.00 0.00 0.00 12,581.Oti 0.00 safe 4,509.00 0_00 0.00 b.00 O.UO OX 4,544.00 0.00 Pood Service Eqaipnent t12,00D.00 0.00 0.00 O.OD 0.00 OL 112,ODO.OD 0.00 llthtetic Equipcent 27,700.00 0.00 U.00 O.QO 6.00 0� 2T,?OO.UU D.OQ Mdio Yisuat Equipment 19,239.00 0.00 �.DO 0.00 0.00 OX 19,ZS4.Od 0.00 Rifte RarL9� E�W�P�t 29,SOU.00 O.UO 0.00 O.W II.00 OX 24,800.00 0.00 Div �Bi2 fl�FtMi5BI01GS Curtai� - SYage 3,d00.06 O.OQ 0.00 U.00 O.OD 4x 3,G110.00 0.00 Arer►a SeaYirg-Benclres 1,8UO.Q0 0.00 Q.UO 0.00 0.00 006 1,�OO.OQ 0.�0 Auditor7� 5eatirffi-Upotsterd 43,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.0� 0.00 43,70Q_D0 0.00 Di� �C13 S�ECfAI CO615TRUCY[qJ Ice Rirrlc 303.UOO.OD 24,2Q4.00 6.00 D.00 29�2D9.00 14% 273,741.00' O.OQ aiv #14 COMVET1Ms SYSTFJ+� E(evators 53,097.00 6,37'�.00 30,368.00 0.00 36,739.OQ 64'X i6,358.00 0.04 Div �k15 MECNANtGC HVACJIbGlPli�b - McchatliCal 1�$24.077.U0 358�500.00 326�350.00 O.QO 6E4�850.00 1�i39r227.W 0.110 Fire Psotectian - Sprinkters 114,000.0� 5T�94Q.00 54,685.Q0 O.UQ 68,625.Q0 5 5Q.375-00 �'� ,��n��k�;;�`it� UYilities - fluiside 142,500.00 92.250.00 0.00 0.00 92,25�.00 '90 10,250.00 0,00 Oiv �16 ELEGTRICJtI Electricei 461,632.00 183,G67.�0 105,7i3.00 0.00 289,410.00 3flx 67Z,22'2.04 0-Oa Uiv�S9 CtW1GE URDERS c_ o. �� a.ao ' o.00 a.00 o.on a.00 ax o.uo a.00 C. 0_ �2 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 O.QO O.OD UBr 0.00 0.00 C. 0. �f3 O.OU 0.00 0.00 U.04 0.�0 0.00 0.00 Div �!0 fEE � ` "`'��'"''` Dist. Office dv�erhead & Fee 275,Oi10.Oq 3b,486_50 87,749_2'i O.OQ 124,235.7i 45X 150,764. 0.00 <.. .,.�:�.n ATA Doct�nent fi702 Apptic�ation lla. 7 P�.�0�$�RUCTTDA�$ER���$,�N� Page 4 of 4 App. Date 6130193 ROSEMfJIJNT PIATIONA�GUAR[} gcri ai Fr«a• 6/t/Sy3 T�1�tt�+iiNG&CQMAdUt�11tTY CENTER Peri«i ro f+/3D/93 Arcfiitects Pro�ect N�o 8,9Q4.00 A g � p � f G H I j Llork Gqi� leted iotat Gmnpiete BaEatxe Tt� Schccf��led Previcyus ihis h lication and Slored To Rehainage ao- : Oescriptian of tJork Vatue AE�tications � 1lork Siored 6tateriat To DaCe X finish !n Place (not in D or E) (D+E*Fl fC-G) , ,..•-:•,....., v.,:• :.. �y ,r ,v•...,._•.•.:�x:-a> ;,:.,a .......,... 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