HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Grant Application - Parks & Recreation Department CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMA7�tY FOR ACTION CTTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Ju i y 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: �RAN7 PROPOSAL / PARKS DEPT . AGENDA SECTION: DEPT . HD . REPORI' PREFARED BY: DAUID J . BECHTOLD / DIRECTOR OF AGENDA ��� .� PARKS AN� RECREATION � ATTACHMENTS: NONE AP RO , BY• Some time ago a proposal was submitted for funding assistance through an ISTEA program . Council mernber Klassen , 8ud Osmundson, and I subrnitted tfiat funding request for projects dealing with the Erickson Community Square area . That proposal was submitted and subsequently not approved for the IS7EA funding . ?he doilar amount of the projects included in this package was � 461 ,�00 with � 92 ,200 to come from city matching funds . Lacelle Cordes has assisted me with a grant proposal for this same project area thraugh a Federal STP Funding programing . The dollar amount of this proposal is � 401 ,000 with a city matching amount of � 81 ,500 . That proposal was submitted an July 9th . The proposal includes the park shelter next to city hall , a trail from the shelter to State Highway # 3 , and an off road trail and trail lighting along State Nighway # 3 that extends from the park and ride area to the community center . A change in the request for this project from the ISTEA proposal is that the trees, shrubs , signs , benches, etc . were listed as supportive projects to be completed by the city rather than an actual part of the grant proposal . I�acelle and I received a.nput firom Deb Marthaler , Rick Pearson , Bud Osmundson , and other staff inembers in the completion of this grant proposal . RECOMMENDED ACTION: � NONE COUNCIL ACTION: -