HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda �., s , � .�,``�t �a� � ' � � � °:�` � ;� i�F F�C�� �:�T` �� { .T � � , ,, x , � ; � . _ AG � NI3A �.�� �' `� ` REGULAR CdtINCIL MEETiNG Q R,eso.'s Jt�rr� 1, i��.� ►�� � - � 7;30 P.M. �°lq3- 1. Call to OrderjPledge of Allegiance . ` 2 . Additions or Carrections to Agenda - Council, Staf�, Audier�ce 3. :�EPARTMENT HEAI7S REPORT a. S.O.A.R. Dual Track Airport Planning Upda�e b. Police Officer Recagnition: c, Lighting Survey d• $1a�nd i r� �e�'rea.�C' 4 . CUNSEI�TT AGENDA a. Minu�.es a� May 18; 1993 Regular Meeting b. Approval of Bills Listing c. Approval �f Licenses and/or Permits -5� d. Procedures Relating to Compliance with Reimbursement Band R�gula�ians e. Fund Transfers -51 f. Naming of an Additianal �epositoryjFinanca.al Instztution g. ArmoryJCpmmunity Center PCL Constructian Paymen�. #5 h. Az:mory/Cornrnunity Center Eng�,neering Testing Pay Request #6 i. Expend.iture APProval From Danation Account - D.A.R�E. Pragram j . Police Union Contract for 1993 - 1994 k. Firegighter Resignation 1 . Block Party Request m. Extension of Adventure �one & Splatball Permits n. Temporary Beer Licenses _ Softball Tournaments a. 8:40 P,M, - PUBLSC HEAI2INGS 5 . PUBL�C HEARING - Mineral Extx��.ction Permi� Renewal, Lance Joh�san -� �f Sand and Gravel Mine a. Open c. Clr�se b. Conduct d`. Action 6. PUBLTG HEARING - Shannan Hills 5th Addit�ion Street & Utility Tmpresvernents �. a- Open F c. C�.ose �,, � c�' b. Conduct d. Action 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Text Amendment Coal Ash Disposal in NonHazardous Tndustrial Waste Cantainment Facilities a, Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action $, QLD BUSINESS a. U.S.P.C.I, ��n�erim Use Permit Amendment - Set Public Hearing b. R�commendat�.on for Hiring of Deputy Registrar Clerk - 5a c. Accept Pians & Spec' sjAuthor�,ze Ad fQr Bid White Lake Acres, Proj . 241 -,5 d. Condemnatinn Proceedings for 145�h Street Projec�. e: ransportataon Study f. Cit� Code of Ethics ,- $� . Right-0f-Way Vacation - Methodist ChurcT� g �_—�Comprehensive Guide Plan Process i. Port Authority By-Laws j . Accept ,7ayeee Park Trrigation Quotes and Award Cont,ract k. Accept Jaycee Park Trail Construction Quotes an.d Award Con�rac�. l . �.r�s�r*�ov�r��' Plaz.o. Cc�hc�►bt^nir.►u.vY� 9 . N�W Bt�S INES S _� a..Peddlers; Solicitors; Transien� Merchants �rdinance ,_�__ �i Prapc�sal for AdditianaZ Q�fice Equipment�Furniture for Finance Dept. c, PC and Printer Purchases d. Pro�asal for Maa.ntenance Work �o �ersc�nal Computer Network Sy�tem e. Fuel Tank 'Repla.c�ment f, Dakota County C,I.P. g. Change 4rder Shannon Hills 3rd Addi�ion Sidewalks "�5 h. Shannon Pand Phase I Final Plat --�� i. Shannon Hills 5th Addi�ion Final P1at 7 i4 . MAYaR�S REPORT - Nati�nal �'1ag Day � Mayoral Proclamation 11. ADMINISTRAT�R' S REp�RT a. 1994 Bud�et Apgraval Fro�ess b, Cammunit� Center Update c. Star City Recertification � 12 . CLOSED SESSIDN - �Tnion Cantract Negotiations �Ca.�nc�e.�,e,c�� 13 . ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.4. ADJ�URNMENT