HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal, Lance Johnson Sand and Gravel Mine � � } F� i�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-t45th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCIlMEMBERS Sheila Klasse� James(Redj Staats Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice "a`ry'""'�X ,, Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR LANCE JOHNSON/FRIEDGES, INC. Stephan Jilk MINEERAL EXTRACTION PERNIIT RENEWAL - 1993 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) . COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly swom, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualif'ied Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On May 21, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota., a copy of the atta.ched notice of a Public I3earing for considera.tion of a Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for mineral extraction activities to continue to occur on the Lance 7ohnson property, east of Rich Valley Boulevard and north of a 125th Street East alignrnent, with the pit operator named as Friedges, Inc.j, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Sus M. Wa1sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this da.y of , 199,�. Notary Public (�ver���ings �oming �Ut,�i �osemoun��� � �s����,��,�� i�� o osemouvi� . PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,flosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James(Red)Staats Public Notice Ha,ry W����oX Dennis Wippermann LANCE JOHNSON � �OPERTY OWNER AOMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk M�x�, ExrRncTTorr PEx�T RErrEw.�, - 1993 Friedges, Inc. - Pit Operator . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public Hearing listed below pertains to property located at approximately 12487 Rich Valley Boulevard and legally describetl as follows: Section 14, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota herein described as follows: Part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S'h of NE'/) lying west of RR except commencing at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (S W lfa of NE i/) west 172.74 feet to beginning; thence south 08D 36M 36S west 388.63 feet north 89D 47M 20S west 933.14 feet north 89D 57M 20S west 933.14 feet north OD 16M SOS east 451.40 feet to north line east 1080 feet to beginning; EXCEPT commencing at intersection of south line and west of right-of-way of RR north 08D 36M 36S east on right-of-way 670 feet west parallel south line 707 feet south to south line east to beginning. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Lance Johnson for renewal of a Mineral Extraction Permit for I993 as required in Section 3.2 (DEF'INITIONS) of Ordinance B-20 Atv Oltn�t�►�vcE A1v�rmnvG ORDINANCE B - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. Persons wishing to speak on this Mineral F�ctract Fermit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesdav. Tune 1. 1:993 at 8:40 p.m, Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Plea.se forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 18th day of May, 1993. / , , Su an M. W , City Clerk � City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota �ver�lhing s �omtveg �UC� �osemount�� � �� � AfFIQAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE O F M1 N N ESOTA � SS County of Dakoto ) PUBLIC=�IOTICE �..� : uHa�a+Nson:�rr owNn r�w+Ew►�ExTx�►cnoN�ew�rr rt�NEwu. � �: �� ���tt..sa,�.19l3 _ �J. „ . �IM.�e.-'�IlF Op«sror . � � To w�wM R�►Y Co�t�RN' NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn,o0 ooth suys ihat she is an Quthorized agent and No'ncE a ME�nr 6nd�,tLe City Councu �the City of Raeemount wIII hola a public bearinB qn 1ti�esdag,Jnne t;1993 ia the Cum- �P�oyee of fhe publisher of the newspaper known as Dakoto Coumy Tribune,ond has full knowledge Cil C6Hmbeis d the CStp FIa11.2875 i�SFhStreet N'est, be8inning at s:0o p.m. or as so� of the tacts which are stated below: ther�fter as possibie.1'he Public Hearing listed belowPertains toptropertylocatedat ap Prmtimately i2987 Rich Valley Boulevard and tegaliy described as foltows: _- - (A)The newspape►has complied with all of the requiremeMs constituHeg quolification as a legol Section 14;Township I15,Range 19,Dakota �01°� M'""���� d�� � newspaper,as provided by Minnesofa Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other cpplicoble(ows,as amended. 'follows. . , ,. .���.-, , _ Part of t6e'Soutlt Half�the'Northeast Quarter(3'h of NE'/e)lyu�g wesE of RR qc- � _ � 'cept rnmmencing a[me northeast coraer of B The � fbe Southwest Quartec of the Northeast � ) W°� Quartet(SW'/a�1VE�/a)west 172.74 feet to beginning;tdenee sout6 OBD 36M 36S west 388.63 feet n�th 89D 47M 20S west 963.14 feet north 89D 57M 20S west 933.14 feet nort6 OD 16M 50S east 451.40 feet to aorth Iine east 1U80 feet to beginning�ERCEPT rnmm�a ing at intetsection�south line sad west oE rigM-af-way of AR north 08D 36M 36S east �rigttt-d-way 670 feet west paraliel south i��07 feet sou�►to south line east to which is attached was eut from the columns of soid newspaper,and was p►iM�ed and published once �8• _ The purpose of t6is hearing is to receive public comment on the application received fran f.ance Johnson fa�renewai of a Minera! g�s:it was Extraction Permit fa�199Ci as required ia S.a Naw 3.2(DEFINR1pM5)of O�dina�ee 6.20 AN OR- OMiANCE AMENDIN6 ORDINANCE B-pTYOF �� /� ROSEMOI/NT ZOI�pN(;ORp/MAPlCL ' first ublished on thursda the�7"�� of Persons wistyng to speak a�this Mineral V Y. Y , Extract Permit lteqewal are imited to attend fbe mceting m Tw�doy.AMr T.1993 at&OO p.m, Writt�comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date.Please forward all com- 19 �� , ond was thereaker pri�ed and published on every Tl�ursday to ond i�cluding ments and inquiries to t6e C'ityof Rosemount PlanninB Department. : t Deted this i�h day�May;19�i. . Susan M.walah,City Glerk - Thursday,fihe day of ,19 Gity�Roeemaunt :�_.. • ��g���`'�"D�O� , and prie�ted below ir o copy of the lower ease alphabet from A to Z,both inciusive,which is hereby atknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the canposifiion ond publication of the notice: .i br�left;l i i.lk lnt nnpqi�vt u�'�ax cz BY: TITLE:Secret�y to �she� Subseribed and sworn to before me o this��day of ,19�-� Notary Pubtic � �..,� CAHOL J.�vEauwo t10RARY PUBUC•�SGTA t DAKOTA CQUN't'Y tut�conmd�on E�o�3.ti�5 , , City of Rosernount Executive Summary for Action City Cauncil Meeting Date: June 1. 1993 Agenda Item: Mineral Extraction Permit Agenda Section: Renewal: Lan�e Johnson Sand PUBLTC HEARING � Gravel Mine Prepared By: Rick Pearson Ageada No: Assistant Planner��x.rt.,�,..r2.. � 1 �tV1 # '��' Attachments: Resoluta.on; Gonditions of APPr ed Y' Mining Fermit; P.C, Reviews; Application; Location Map. Mr. Lance Jahnson and Jt�hn Friedges, owner and operator respectively of a mining operation west of County Road 71 and ane mi2e north of County Road 38, are requesting ren.ewal of the Mineral Extraction Perrnit for 1993 . The Planning Commission reviewed the renewal request on May 11, 1993 and passed a motion recommending approval subject to the conditions included in the 1993 Cc�nr3itions ot the Lanee J, Johnson Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal . The largest issue has been the transition of operators and restoration af previously mined phases by the former aperator, Bi�uminous roadways, Inc. Bituminous Rgadways has regraded its operation a�eas in the first and second phases of the mine to the specifications of the Ca,ty Engineer. Friedges Landscaping, as the current operator, is mining sand aut of the third phase and will uTtimately re-open Phase 2 when Phase 3 is completed and restored. The permit conditians are substantially similar to that of previQus years . The follc�wing conditions must be rnet through resolution in order to secure the transition of min.ing operators for �he Lance J. Johnson mining si.te; 1) execution by both ovmer and operatc�r of the am�naea cona�.t�o�s of Lanee J. Johnsc�n Mineral Extractian Permit €or 1993; and 2) posting of a security i.n the amount of $25, 004 by both the property owner and the git aperator; and 3) posting of a seeurity b� Bituminflus roadways in the amount of $12, 000 to guarantee the reseeding o� the resto�ed phases_ Reco�eaded Aetion: A MOTI4N ta adopt A �tESOLIITION APPROVTNG THE 19 9 3 MINERAL EXTRACTI4N PERMTT RENE1'nTAL FQR THE LANCE JOHt+TSt)N PROPERTY and to authorize exeCutiQn of the 1993 Miaeral Extraction �ermit. City Council Actioa: 06/01f93.803 . CITY OF R4SEMOUNT DAK4TA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESt3LIITION 1993- A RESOLUTION APPROVING T$E 1993 MINERAL EXTRACTION PERMST R:ENEWAL FOR THE LANCE JOHNSON PROPERTY WHEREAS, Mr. Lanee J. Jahnson and John Friedges, owner and operatar of the mining operation located on the west side of County Raad 71, one mile north County Road 38, is request�.ng renewal of �he Mineral Extraction Permit for this operation; and WHEREAS, the owner a.nd operator have met the requirements established in the 1992 Mineral Extraction P�rmit for renewa]. regarding reclamation and revision to the mining plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissian reviewed the renewal request on Ma�r ll, 1993 and recommended approval of the mining permi� subjeet to canditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount held a public - hearing on June 1, 1993 and considered public testimony as required by Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T RESOLVED, the City Couneil of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 19g3 Mineral Extraction Perrnit subject to the eonditions listed nn E�ibit A entitled Minera.l Extraetion Permit, 1993 Gonditions for the Lanee J. Sohnson Mineral Extraction Fermi t Rez�ewal. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council of the �ity of Rosemount requires that the oumer and ap�rator execute the permit prior to commencing aperations. ADOPTED tk11.S 1St day of June, 1993 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M, Walsh, City Clerk Motian bY� Seeonded by: : Voted in favor• Voted against: z.��•os� June 1, 1943 05127193 Minerai Extraetion Permit 1993 Conditions for Lance J. Johnson Mineral Extraction Fermit Renewal A. 'That Iance J. Zohnson (hereinafter "the Property Owner") and 7ohn Frieciges (hereinafter "the Qper�tor") sign a written eonsent to these conditions binding itself and its successvrs or assigns tv the conditions of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the are,� designated as Phase 3 on Exhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the e�chibits dated May ?, 1993. C. That the term of the permit shall extend from January l, 1993 until December 31, 1993 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. Thereafter, any application for renewal af the permit shall be made at least sixty (6Q) days prior to the expiration date. A mining perrnit fee of$250.�0 shall be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. That all required permits from the State of Nlinnesota, County of Dakota and Gity of Rosemount (hereinafter "City") ar any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the gemut. That fa.ilure by the Qperatar to comply with the' terms and conditions af any of the permits required under this paragr�,ph shall be grounds for the City ta terminate said mining permit. E. That the final grading for the permit area shall be completed in accardanee with the attached grading plan labelled Exhibit B, or as approved by the City Engineer, and any other conditions as may be imposed by the City from time to time. F. Ali gravel trucks shall enter and exit the min�ing area from County State Aide Highway No. 71, It shall be the Qperator's responsibility t� obtaul any easements necessary for ingress and egress. The location of the easements for ingress and egress shall be subject to approval by the City, as well as the County Highway Department if any changes 4ccur relative to the mining operation access, and a plan for dust cantrol shall be submitted to and subject to approvai by the City. G. T'hat the surface water drainage of the tnining area shall not be altered sa as to interfere Qr affect the naturai drdinage of adjacent praperty. H. Any costs incunred now or in the future in changing the location di the Williams Bros. . Pipeiine located withi.n the permit area shall be the sole obligatian and expen�se of the C}perator. I. That all costs of pracessing the permit, including but nat limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legai fees, shall be gaid by the Operator priar to the issuance of the permit. That the C?peritoX reimburse the City for the cast of periodic inspections by the C�ty �'ublic Works Director or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conctitians of the p�rmit are ilcing satisfi�d. T'hat the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a resutt of the granting or enforcing of the permit. r.rt�suvxr.� Page I uf 3 J. That the daily hours of operation for the mining area shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. K. That the Operator and the Owner depasit with the Planning Department a surety bc�nd or cash escrow in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand and no1100 ($25,000.00) Iaollars in favor of the City. In addition, the previaus operator shall deposit �ith the Planning Department a surety band or cash escrow in the amount of Twelve Thousand and nof1�0 {$12,00(?.00) I}ollars for the purpose of guaranteeing re-establishment of turf in all restored are�as. The required surety bonds must be: (I) With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesata with the right of the surety company to cancei the saine upon thirty (30) days written notice to the permit holder and ihe City. (2) Satisfactory ta the City Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfu�ly eomply vvith all the terms, ct�nditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonabie requirements c�f the Public Works Director or other City officials. (4) Conditioned that the Operator will secure and hald the Ciry and its officers hannless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any Ciry officer may . be made liable by reason af any accident or injury to persans or pz�operty through the _ fault of the Uperatar. , (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from January i, 199� until July 30, 1994. Upon thirty (30) days natice to the �ermit holder and the surety company, the City may reduce or inerease the amount of the bond c�r cash escrow during the term of this perrnit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. I,. That the Operator furnishes a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Ivlinnesota in an amaunt c�f at least Five Hundred Thousand and noilOQ ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death af any vne person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liability in an amount af at least One Million and no/1fl0 ($1,OOO,QOO.00j Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two �Iundred Fifty Thousand and no/1 Q0 ($250,Q04.04) Dollars arising out of any ane occurrence. The � palicy of insurance �hall name the City �s as an additional insured and shall remain in effect frorn Mazch 2�, 1993 until March 24, 1994: ' M. That no processing or mixing of materials shail. occur an the site and construction r�f any ponding areas or wash plants shall require additional City Cauncil apprc�val and notif'icatian of adjacent property c�wners, except as approved by the Dakota County Environmental Health Department as incidental te► a sand and graveT mining operation: - N. 1'hat the 4perator and th� ��n�r ��:� ,��d :��e �;�y ��iii�iess irnm all claims o�causes vz action that may result from the granting of the permit. That the Operator and the Owner shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attamey's fees which the City rnay pay or incur in consequence af such claims. I.JMINXt,93 Pags 2 af 3 4. That the Operator camply with such other requixements of the City Couneil as it shall fram tune to time deern proper and necessary for the pratectian af the citizens and general welfare vf the community. P. Complete reseeding is required for reclaimed phases 1 and 2 while phase 3 is being mined. Phase 3 must be substantially reciaimed and rese.ecied prior to re-activatio� c�f phase 2 and re-aetiva#ion of phase 2 will require a revised plan at the time of annual permit review. Modif'ications or expansion of the tnining areas must be approved in writing to �he City. Q. At the time of the 1994 mining permit, the Operator must subznit an up-to-+date plan which includes the locatioans of all eurrent and anticipated topsoil} sand, and gravel stcjekpiles. Furtherfriore, the Operatar shall in�orporate best rnanagement practices far controlling erosion and starmwater runoff as specified by the Minnes�ta Follution CQ�trpi Ageney and the United States Environmental Protection Ageney. R. The Operator must confarm to standards far operatian and reclarnation of the D�kota County Soil and Wat�r Conservation District. S. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re=establish vegetative cover far permanent slope stabiXization and erasion cantrol, provided also that the minimum depth af topsoii shali not be less than two inches after reclarnation. That Lance J. 7ohnson, a Minnesota resident, the property owner, hereby �onsents and agrees to the foregaing conditions of said minu�g permit. By: La,nce J. Johnson That John Friedges, a Minnesota resident, the pit aperatar, hereby consents ar�d agrees ta the foregoing cvnditions of said mining pezmit. By. Jahn Friedges _' Daied this day af 1993, � DRAI�TED BYt City of Rosemount 28?S 145th Street West ` Rasemounz, MN 35068 (612) �23-441 X LIMINXT.43 Page 3 af 3 i�� o os�mouvc� PHONE (612)423,a471 2875•#45th Street Weat.FioSempunt.Minneaata �Aypq FAX (fit2j 423�5203 Msili�g Address: Edwara B.MeMenomy P.O.Box 510.Roaemount.biinnesota g5E169�OS10 GQtlNGIL.MEA+IBERS Sheila K3aasen TO: Planiung Com�mission .�+�+�i�s�� Harry wiikbx FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Plauner o•������R AOMINtSTRATOR StsGnan Jilk �ATE: May ?, 1993 ��,T: May 11, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 7 ATTACHI�CF,I�TT'S: APPlication; Froposed Conditions; Phasing Plan. 7. L,A.ivc� Joa�rsorr & F�a��s La�vz�scArnv�: MMnv� E�c•r�to�v PE�rr R:�wa�, West of Rich Valley Boulevard and North of I25th Street East PR i'OSA,I,• Mr. Lance Johnsfln and Mr. 7ohn Friedges are requesting the renewal of a minerai extraction permit for a sand and gravel min�ing operation located on Mr, JohnsQn's property that has been in operation for many years; Planning and Public Works Staff have been working with the eurrent and former operata�rs in an attempt to restQre previously mined phases. DISCIISSIUN. In 1992, Friedges Landscaping became the operator of the mine replacing Bituminous Roadways Tnc. Apparently, the quality of the aggregate resources diminished c�ver time and Bituminous �oadways decided to phase their operations out c�f the Johnson site. Fnedges I.a.ndscaging is interested in the sand that is still avaulable in large quantities, primarily for fill puiposes. The pmgression af the operations has resulted in Friedges working in ghase three, the western-most portion of the �ite. Bituminous Rc�adways has regraded azeas :in phases ane and tu'o to the specifications of the City Engineer. The resuiting elevations are not as 1Qw as the originat restoration plan, because Bituminous Roadways exhausted onty the desirable gravel agbregate, and it is anticipated that Friedges will open up portions of ghase two upon completion and restoration of phase three. The restoration regrading that was the responsibility of Bituminous Rc�adways is complete and all that remains is to reseed the area to establish vegetative cover far erosion cantrol. The aperation that Friedges ariticigates will be limited in scope, but ongoing far many mare years because of the remaining resources af sand that is avail�:ble. Similar to reeent discussions regarding ath�r mineral extraction ogerations, the eonditions of th� mining permit will be �xpanded to include �anguage requiring best management practices {BMFs) for er�sian control and stc�rmw�.ter management. The �c�cations of Iong-term stoekpiles {year t4 year) will also be ind�cated on the plan. �vert���:r1gs �omtng �UG� �J1,c�spmourel�l May 11, 1993, Regular Meeting Reviews Page 2 RECOMM�NDATION Two motions are required. A Motion to recommend approual of the renewal of the rnineral extraction permit for the L�nce Johnson site with Friedges Landscaping as the operatar subject to: 1} execution by both owner and operator of the ammended Cpnditions of Lance 7. 7ohnson Minerat Extraction Permit for 1993; 2) posting of a security in the amount c�f $25,Od0 cosigned by the property awner and the pit operator; and, 3) posting a security by Bituminus Roadways, Inc, in the arnount of $12,44Q casigned by the�property owner to guarantee the reseeding of the restored phases. A Motian to recommend'that the City Gauncil schedule a public hearing for 7une l, 19�3 at 8:Q0 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to hear testimc�ny regazding a renevrai o€ the Latice J. 3ohnson Mineral Extr�ctic�n Permit for 1993. . , � Permit #• Date af Issue� �acpiratian Date• CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT Mineral Extraction Permit Applicafron Api�licant. � � V w �0 � � �« Addres,s; �o�.�" . ' � s"�• ,r lV ,5—.� p �`' b.�,�.. eet umoer _, . e p e nona� Praqerty Qwner PersonjwCorqoration �cnducting Extr�ction � Name: 'C � Name• '!� � Address: Address:_�.�� � �D�.�/ ��. �. ee �e . � �Q e P tY � � te' � p Phone Number: Phone Number. � �J`oj�n �r,���es ,***************************,�*****�*******************�*******�******�**�,�****.k******�,r*****�,****#***�*,.******* Purpose of Excavatton/E�racfion: (Descr�be in Det ') . =x****x�,�*****�***«************#*******�***�******************,t*************#****************************�**#�:* Property lnformation f Excavation Site ' Legai Description: (Include P.I.Q.�j ` TOTAL ACREAGE: Type of Materiai to be F�ctracted: Total Gubic Yards to be Exiracted: Estimated Number of Years of Operatlan: Estimated Qate far Compfetion of Site ReMabilifaiion: Access/Transport Routes: (Name&of highways,streets o�other pubtic roadways wi#hin U�e Gry upon which the materiai wiil be transportedj ?7�is,penni� upon authorizat��» by City Council, u vatid from�anuary 1 through December 31 c�f the year of usuance. TI�e proposed muzeral extraction will be reviewed uccording to submined plans and descnptiori of the prapased operattori as required underprovisioiss detnil�d in Ciry of Rosemaunt Zorzing Ordir:tcric� Sec[ion 14.8 1KIIVERAL�X"I�ZAC770N. Ix: subn:ittirtg tlzis applicatip�t tlte applicant recogni.�.es tlie requirements set fortlt in the City of R4serrtou�tt 2orting Ordir:ar�Ce for tl:e regulatio�i of mining and agrees to meet iFiose conditions p ' r ta requesting approval of tl:' ern:it. ��-��2 Date �ign�tture of Appli t � . (C1VER) . . . � 2�2� O OSe1NL01�t7�� PFiONE (612)423-A411 2875-745th Street West,fl�emount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (812)4235203 Mailing Address: Edwerd B.MtMenomy P.O.Box 510,Aosemount,MinnesMa 55t368<0510 GQUF►CIlMEMBERS Sheila Klassen . . James(Red)Staats Public Notice ��.ry,�s���x Rennis wippermann LANCE .TOHNSON - PROPERTY QWNER noM�Nis�v+raR Stephan Jitk M�r�., E�c�oN P�r R�w�, - 1993 Friedges, Inc. - Pit Ogeratar TO Wi30M IT MAY CONGERN: NOZ'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Ciry Council of the City of R�sernount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June I, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:Q0 p.m. or as soan thereafter as possible, The Public Hearing listed below pertaz�s to pmperty lc3cated at appmximately 12487 Rich Valley Boulevard and legally described as follows: Section 14, Tvwnship 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota herein described as follows: Part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Slh of NE'�) lying west of RR except commencing at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1! of NE'/) west 172.74 feet to beginning; thence south 08D 36M 36S west 388.63 feet north 89D 47M 24S west 933.14 feet north 89D 57M 20S west 933.14 feet narth QD 16M SOS east 451,40 feet to north line east 1080 feet to beginning; EXCEPT cc�mmencing at intersection of south line and west of right-of-way of RR nc�rth 08D 36M 36S east on right-of:way b70 feet west parallel south line 707 feet south to sauth line east to beginning. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received frvm Lance Johnson for renewal of a Mineral Extraction Pemut for 1993 as requiured in � Section 3.2 (DEFIlVITiON'S) of Ordinance B-20 A�v O�EtnIIv�rtCE AMENVING ORDINAIVCE B - CITY QF R4SEMOUNT Z�N�NG ORDINANCE. Persons wishing to speak on tlus Mineral Extract Per�mit Renewal are invited to attend the meeting an Tuesday, Tune 1. �.993 at 8.00 p.m. Written camments will also be accepted prior to the meeting dat�. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 18th day of May, 1993. Susan M. Walsh, Gity Clerk City of Rosemount Dakata �ounty, Iviinnesota ,�„7v�t�i�.gs �oming �UCp �osemount�� ., . _ . .,__,_.. . , � Lance TohnsoanlFrx��inc Minerai E�ttraction Permit Renewal,�l 933 Ma�iling LL�isst 1. Koch Refining Co. 34-0140�-014-01 P O Box 2256 34-01440-014-01 Wichita, KS 672�1 34-01400-015-0I 34-Qi44Q-417-01 34-01400-018-OI . 34-01400-010-OS 34-0140Q-010-07 34-014t?0-014-09 ' 34-01400-010-25 34-01400-01d-31 34-01400-OIQ-33 34-01400-010-50 34-Q1400-012-85 34-01400-413-85 34-014O0-OI4-85 34-415(�Q-010-01 2. Char2es Kc�ehnen - 34-01400-012-09 12255 Rich Valley Boulevard Rosemount, MN 5506$ 3. Larice J. Johnsan 34-01400-410-3'7 17698 Icon Trail - PETI'ZTONER - Lakeville, MN 55044 4. Friedges, �nc. - PETZTIONER - 93$0 West 202nd Street Lakeville, MN 55044 , . . • � 12U TH STREET EAST 9� _ � - • - _ � s . . KOCH � ' EFINtNG 0 � �"� OMPANY 0 � � . , ,. 4 � . .W � � � � .. . . . . . � . . � 2 W < . 0 . . ... � � � � . . . � Y t � .. . . . . � . . . r ! . . � � � . � � � � � � . � � . . � �� . � .. .. . . . ��.�� . . . . . . . � . . . . o.Ra. ss 135 TH S REET EAST _ ....._�. c J � . � � � � .� �. � . Y�. � . W . .. � . � . .. . . . . . J� . . . . . J . . . . .� .. �. ..� � � . S U MtNERAL EXTRACTION PERMiT RENEWAL L.00ATipM MAP