HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Extension of Adventure Zone & Splatball Permits , CITY OF RQSSMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION , CTTY COUNCIL ME�'�'ING DATE: JUNE l, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: EXTENSTC)N OF PERMITS FOR AGENDA SECTIC)N: CONSENT ADVENTURE Z4NE & SPLATBALL PREPARED BY; SUSAN WALSH AGFsN73A��C��/� � �. � ADM�NISTRATTVE ASSZSTANT 4rr� ATTACHMEN''FS: MARCH 16, 1993 EXECUTIVE ST:FMMARY, VED BY; �� MAP, PERMITS f��� This is a request far Council to consider extending the permit time far the operation of A�iventure Zone and Splatball, Inc, to October 1, :1993 . A�tached is an Executive Summary I furnished to Council at the March 16, 1993 mee�.ing wher� it was my recommendation to issue a temporary permi.t tca both comganies until June 30, 1993 . The June 30 deadline was recommended since planning staff and myself felt this would be adequate �ime to take whatever action is necessary to amend the Zoning Qrdinance �a ci�� caae. The planning depa�tment received the zaning text arnendment application frarn Adventure Zone and Splatball on May 14, 1.993 . Although �.hey were slow in submitting their application, I do feel they have been progressing at an adequate pace. They have had approxiamtely two meetings with planning staff on this assue, and I have had several �elephane ce�nver�atians with both owners. It simply took them some time to deaide and understand the issues and process invoTved }aefore the� could commit ta go forward with spending maney for text amendments, publie hearing eosts, et�. Addit�.anally, the property owner j�st this week returned from California; and they must meet with him ta discuss p4ssible ramifications a more stringent pracess may have an him as the property awn�r. Based upan discussions between the planning staff and myselt, we feel Oetobex� 1 is an appropriate date to which to extend the timer period of the permits. RECOMMENZ7ED ACTION: MQTIDN T0 EXTEND THE TIME PERIUD �F THE PERMIT ISSUED T0 ADVENTURE ZONE AND SPLATBALL, INC. TO OCTOBER Z, 3993. COIINCIL AGTIOI�T; � CITY OF RUSEMQIIZ3T BXECUTIVE SUI�ARY FOR ACTION CITY CC7UNCII, MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, 1993 AGENDA TTEM: ADVENTURE ZflNE AND SPLATBALL, AGENDA SLCTI�NsCONSENT ING. PERMITS PREPARED BY; SUSAN WALSH AGSNDA N���� � � �� AUMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � ATTAC��E:N'TS z PER:N�ITS, MAP APP VED Y: � Owners of the Adventure �ane and Splatball, Inc. 'have again quested to operate their businesses in �.osemount. Attached is a map identifying the le�cations of the businesses . Adventure Zrane has ret�uested to operate on a �rear around basis. Currently Chere are no provisions in the zoning ordinance permit�ing this use. Because the use is intensifying, Director of Planning Lisa Freese has indicated the zoning issue must be resolved. In order to do this, the Zt�ning Qrdinance rnust be amended to permit such facilities. The Adventure Zone owner, Mr. Harvey, has indicated his intentions to apply for a text amendment. In car�3er to allow Adventure Zone to operate until this zaning issue is resolved, it is my recammendation ta issue a temporary permit until June 30, 1993 . This should allow time far the application to be rnade and the process completed. The owners of Splatball, 3ne. have also indicated their desire to operate on a year round basis and therefore I am recommendir�g �he permit be handled in the same manner as the Adven�ure Zone. The tem�qrary perrnit conditions are the same conditions imposed by the City in previous years, At this �ime I have not received the reguired certificates af insurance or $5� fee from either business and issuance of the permits will be contingent upan receipt of these items. �tEC4MMENDED ACTIQN; MOTIQN TO APPROVE ISSUANCE OF A FERMZT T0 ADVENTURE Z�NE AND T(? SPLATBALL, TN�. SUBJECT T'0 RECEIPT OF FEES AND CERTIFICATES OF INSTJRANCE COIINCIL ACTZ4N: �ppt�'c'cl�..t> _ J