HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. S.O.A.R. Dual Track Airport Planning Update � ': �' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SLxMMAR'Y FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE l, 1993 AGENDA SECTTON: AGENDA ITEM: S .O.A.R. / DUAL TRACK AIRPORT DEP�,,�N,I, HEADS REPORT pI.,ANNING UPDATE PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEND���n � � � IYi APP VE BY' ATTACI�IEN'rS: TECHNICAL COMM. INFO. , SITE _ SELECTION CRITERIA, SITE SELECTION BOOKLET his will be the monthly report from S.O.A.R. rspresentatives and city T Proces staff on the Airport Dual Track Planning chnicai Committee is now in the process of applying the selected site The Te ick one final site. selection criteria to the three remaining sites to p' RECOIyII�iENI7ED ACTION: None. COUNCIL ACTION: , , , i� o osevnoun� � MAYOR PHONE (612)423-4477 2875•145th Street West,Rosemou�t.Minnesota Edward B.McMenomy FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: COUNCIIMEMBERS P.O.Box 510.Rosemount.Minnesota 5506&0510 Sheila Klassen TO: M3y0Y' E.B. MCM2IlOIIly James{Red)Staats G'].�]r L'O'll.I1C11. Members Rlassen, Staats, wI.�.1.007C� and De nasWp'permann w 1pP e I II13IIA ADMINISTRATOR FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning ���,`"�r."�G� StePhanJilk DATE: May 27, 1993 SIIBJ: Summary of Recent Airport Meetings As part of the City' s ongoing efforts to monitor airport related activities, I have attended two meetings during the week of May 24, 1993 . The foilowing is a summary of the highlights of those meetings . MAC Technical Advisory Committee Tuesday, May 25 The committee accepted the site selection criteria and began the preliminary analysis of the criteria with regard to the three candidate sites in Dakota County. A key question that has been discussed by this committee is what effect does the presence of Koch Refinery have on the proposed ai.rport site, especially candidate site 6 (north of the Vermillion River) , HNTB has been monitoring Koch Refinery with a camera placed southeast of the refinery on the Rich Valley Golf Course. A video of the past three months of data was shown to the committee and it was the consultants opinion that the atmospheric conditions caused by the processing equipment at the refinery would has a substantial impact on the main departure runway. HNTB provided an overview of the airspace study that they have conducted. This data appears to realistically narrow down the choice to the two site east of the Vermillion River closer to Hastings . Candidate site 6 encroaches into airspace for powntown Saint Paul and Air Lake airports . It would also require that the South Saint Paul Airport be closed. Governors Task Force Dua1 Track Air�port Planninq Process Wednesday, May 26 A task force has been established by the Gavernor to examine the dual track process and present a preliminary assessment by July 1. to the Governor. The meeting was the first meeting of this task force. Their charge is threefold: 1) to examine aviation forecasts in light of industry changes and deterrnine whether or not they continue to be appropriate; 2} to examine whether or not the dual track process can be shorted; and 3) if shortened, whether ar not a technically sound report can be completed. At their next meeting they will be looking at the forecast assumptions and examining what can be done legally to shorten the environmental review process. �ver���ings �oming �Ul.� �osemount�� MAY-28-1993 02�06 FROM METRO AIRPORTS COMM TO 94235203 P.02 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNLNG�'ROCESS SITE SELECTION STLJDY T`ECHI�TICAL ADVI50RY COMMQTTEE � Tuesday, April 13, 1993, 1:30 p.m. MAC Genera3t OfTices ME�'1.'ritiiG SUMMARY L. Jam�,c Formnan, Director of Airport Derrel�pment, called the me.eting to arder at 1:30 p.m. `Ihe following were in attendance: 3.Tocha,D�lceta County; G. Orcutt,F.Bcnson,B, I3ubcr, FAA-AT30; R. Theisen, M. Louis, MnDot; 7, C.c�nnell, �mpire Township; G. Dowuing, EQB; T7. Osberg, City of Hastings; L. Freese, City of m RQsemount; D. Wels�h, City af Appie Valley; C. Galler, Ciry of �armington; H. Tresset, Ravenna Tc�w�ship; J. Huber, FAA-ZMP ARTCG; L. IviCC�be, Mesaba; 7. Fitzpatricl:, Marshan"1'ownship; C. H�witt, University of Mirusesota; L. Burda, Minn. Air National Guard; T. Peterson, FAA-ATCT; �. Marnin, Ciry of Eagan; K. Kramer, MPCA, E. Macbeth, Minn.-1Visc. Boundary Area Carnmission; C. Case, A. �iurlburt,B. Se.nness, M. Filipi,B. Ohm, Met Council; l�i. Anderson, City'of Minnea�olis; P. Gaodwin,.Goodwin Communications; L.Dallam,J. Naverette,R. Madgwick,E. Futterman, HNTB; M, Ryan, L. 7. Fartman, 7. Unn�h, Iv1AC I,arry Da�lam, �INTB, provided the Comrniitee with an overview �f comments received regardi�i„ the St�ping ]aacumeat/Draft Scoping Decision Document and th.e public meeting hald in Rosemourit on Iviarch 18. Apprvximately 154 peaple attendeti t�e public meeting with the m�arity of comments focussiug on opposition to the Dual Track Process and how to stop it. Written comments were received from the U.S.I�ept.of the Interior,Pcdcra2 Emergency Maiiagem�r►c AgGuc;y, DNR, PCA, MnD�t, State Histvrical Preservation Offics, Iviinn, D�pt. oP Agriculture, Met Council, Dakota Caunty, and the cities of Hastu�gs and Inver Grove Heights. These comments reiated to 1) infrastructure improvements and impacu thereof; 2) induced developm�nt and associated impacts; 3) iznpacts on Hastiags including lost develapment opportunities; 4) impacts on eagles,wiidlife,recrearional lands, etc.; S)bird strike haaards; 6) description of how community, regional and economic impacts will be included in the pracess; 7) effects of Koch Refinery on operat�ng efficiency, and 8) expanding farmland analysis. The Scaping Decision I3ocument has heen modified ia aceordance with comments received and all cflmments have been � reSpOtxied to in the revised document. EQA comme.nts will be it�cluded prior to final actiqn 4n the Scoping Decision Docun�ern. Srian Oh�n, Metropolitan Couneil, prv�ided.the Committee with a haxtdout sun�.mariz.ittg II�G�ruvisiuzt� of the i�irport Development Act(ADA}. The ADA requires tha Councit to adopt criteria and guidelines for the regui�ti.on of use and development of the "airport development azea" v�+ithin 120 days aftar a new in�jur airpurt site selected by MAC is approved. Mr. Tocho questioned ii'the ADA would apply to MSP ar would n6w legislation be requiretl; Mr. C�hm indicated that the ADA does not apply ta MSP and that the Cauneil will be laoking at airport protection measures for applicatfon around MSP. The Cauncil is ci,tnentl� working with MAC and Blc}vmington� ensure the protection of the Nortb-Sauth Runway if a decision is made to expand IviSP. Mr. Tacho asked for clarxfication regarding the noi�e policy cantQurs ext�nding beyond the c�evelopment area: Mr. Ohm indicated that the ADA de�neci rhe "airporc developmern �rea" as aiI or a portion of the property exteuding out three to five miles from the proposed baun�iaries of the site and requires that the Council develop aircraft noise �ones which could extend heycmd the airport development area. Mr. Tocha asked whst enforcement mechanisms would be used MAY-28-1993 08�07 FROM METRO AIRPORTS COMM TO 94235203 P.�3 if the noise wnes go beyond the Al�A. Mr. ohm stated the Council will work wiih the comrnunities, II'; the county, and MAC to estabiish the criteria and guidelines for various land use and 4evelopment cUncr�l measures. Further discussion of the ADA related to reimbursement of damagcs to property own�rs ��If � m .res in fm the a l' II g pp icat�on a£the development control measures. Barb Seamess, Metropalitan Couucil, reviewed the Metropolitan I3evelapment Investment Framework I (MDIF} � it r�et�tas to airport deveIopment options. The C�uncil has been using gopularion and employment fore�asts to determine what direction future development of the region should take. Ms. Sennes reviewesi tt�e two opti�ns that are currently being considered. These are Option 1: Responding tfl�rk,et uends (Couacil wvuld luok at influencing trends with ineentives) and Option 2: Shaping af the region(rather than incentives there would be more government intervention). Under Option 1,the airport is i�iiially SP.en as an i5land with development not immediately occurring. Spin-off development would oeeur in one or two nodes atong transportation eorridors that connec.�t l�ia airpurt to tha developed part vf th�tegion, dptian 2 considers the airport as an island with development occurring only in urbanized az'eas. The Councit will be asking for formal cornments from the public regarding the MDIF. Mr. Tressel asked how it was determined that the airport w�uld be an island. Ms. Sennes indicated that duriug the process of revising the MI7IF, the Councii held discussions with different gr4ups ta get their apinians abaur issues facing tba region. It was determined that it would he importani to focus developrrtent associated with an aispoft back toward the center of the regian rather than allowin� more urha�sgrawI. Mark�iI'ipi, Me�ropolitan Council, and Larry Dallam, HNTB, reviewed the work program far ground trans ortation i p mgacts for the a3ternarive sites. Activity forecasts will be used to determine capacity i'�.StTaints for peak h0urs 2:r�d daily trips anti wili also be com arcd with che no build o tion. Diff e ' �'� p p ar ntial impacts of addition,al capaeity needed for the alternative sitas will be considered in the sita selection phase. Impacts wi11 be addressed for each site and include impacts on historiG structures, addi�ional twise caused by traffc, and resideuces and bus�nesses that require relocation, ' The next agenda item focttssed on the regionaIicommunity impacts tv be considered in the site selection phase. Mr.Tocho ezpressed his cancerns regarding the regionat/community impacts work program. Roy ' Madgwick, HNTB, asked the Cammit[ea to focus on the criteria to determine wh�re there are signifiCant ' differences between tha sites, and that the level of detail of analy�i� he consistent with avlilable data, Mr. Futterman reviewed the communitylsocial impacts criteria tharhave been proposed thus far and ask�d for Cammittee input to determine which impacts need to be considered in selecting a site. Mr, Tacho ' suggestect ihat tttG Cuituuill�t��pravidcd with information rcgarding whcre the 3-S miie AIaA boundary would be, what tha sigruficant natural resources af the region are, and where the noise contaurs may extend beyond the deveiapment area to help d�termine what shoutd be included in the analysis. Mr. Toclto reiterated his concern that regional significant natural resources uevd t�be icleneit'ie�i as tliey reIate to ttze 3-� avle ADA boundary and the public's perceptivn of this issue. ivir.Futkerman reviewed an updated handout on the site seiection criteria that will be discussed at the next C4inmittee meeting, as well as graphics of the three candidate sites. The graphics indicate shit�.s in �I' runwxy orientation to mitigate im�actc. Mr. �utterman noted that due to these shifts, runways no longer cross the VermiI}ion River. The meeting adjaurncd �t 3:15 p.m. , Tn-rqt_ P.r�� , � GOVERNORS TASK FORCE * DUAL TRACK AI�.ZPORT'PL�'�]yNII�tG PRO�ESS Meeting #1 � 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 26, 1993 Room 10 � State Office Buiiding l. Call to Order ' �;� � 2. Organizational Mat�ers a} Introduction/Background of Members b} Governor's Charge to Task Force c) Preliminary Discussion of Public Input Process 3. Overview of Fxisting Legislation 4. Hi.story of Major Airport Planning in Twin Cities Area i 5. C�urrent Schedule for Completion of Dual Track Planning Process 6. Discussion of July 1 Preliminary Assessment 7: Re-visit Proposed Public Input Process 8. Future Meetings a) D ate b) Time c) Location . . � � METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport �. s��S 44y�n . 6040 - 28th Avenue South • Minneapolis,MN 55450-2799 �t Phone (612) 726-8100 • Fax(612) 726-5296 gg''+;,A,To•.s°°� . � . . . DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLA.NNING� PROCESS SITE SELECTION STUD Technical Advisory Committee Meeting � Tuesday, May 25, 1993, 1s30 p.m. North/South Viking Room MAC General Offices 6040 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Nigel Finney, Chair AGENDA . 1, SITE SELECTION CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS The Meuopolitan Airports Commission is an affirmative action employer. Reliever Airports: AIRLAKE• AN�KA COUNTY/BLAINE• CRYSTAL• FLYING CLOUD• LAKE ELMO• SAINT Pt1UL DOWNTOWN METROP4LITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION ,�.,�„N, Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport f�' *'. 6040 - 28th Avenue South • Minneapolis,MN 55450-2799 -*�? Phone (612) 726-8100 • Fax (612) 726-5296 �'��„;�«.s��' TO: MAC Commisioners Site Selection Study Technical Advisory Committee Site Selection Study Task Force State Advisory Council on Metropolitan Airport Planning FROM: Nigel D. Firney, Deputy Executive Director - Pianning and Environment RE: DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS - FORECAST UPDATE DATE: May 17, 1993 In 1989, at the direction of the Minnesota Legislature, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Council began a planning process designed to determine whether Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport should be expanded to meet future demand, or whether a new replacement airport should be developed. As part of the initial work in this study, a forecast of aviation demand for a prospective 30-yeaz period (to the year 2020) was prepared in 1989. Due to significant changes in the aviation industry since that time, an update of the forecast is currently being prepared. In order to complete this update, a series of expert panels have been held to discuss forecasting methodologies, aviation related inputs and assumptions, and socio-economic inputs and assumptions. As part of this work it became obvious that an approach ro forecasting that focusses on scenarios would be the most appropriate procetlure to follow. A series of scenarios have been developed to use as the basis for the forecasting effort. An expert panel has been formed to review and discuss these proposed scenarios. 1fie panel is scheduled to meet on May 27, 1993, at 10:00 a.m. in R�um 303, Terminal Building, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Lunch will be served at nuun, and the session is scheduled to end at approximately 3:00 p.m. If you are interested in observing this session, pleasz �unta�t Jenn Unruh at 726-8189 by May 21. The Metropolitan Airports Gommission is an affirmative action employer. Reliever Airports: AIRLAKE• ANOKA COUNTY/BLAINE•CRYSTAL• FLYING CLOUD• LAKE ELMO• SAINT PAUL DOWNTOWN Page 1 Revised: 07—May-93 DUALTRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ..{;.�,.�,:�:.:::�:>��•>•. SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS �����.l��'�::;,:� ** Significant Chan e F A C T O R S /G R i'T E R !A CHANGES IN CRITEHIA AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY * Main runways usage with max.allowable crosswind of 13 knots °�): o;r;•: f xN.:a•toxs+•.x. .�.•..,x.,.••....�•,;.,. �.•,�.v. y,,... +,�,,n. .,r.,�y;•,.x•,�;;,h . ::.*.:.::::>:�i�=.�'��t'i... , ��:�":������srs��;�'":';� c�:z�: �I#�::•+�tiY�1��ii?;.{���:4 No si nificant difference among sites. ��:3�,.�:,�'...,,:,..:.:.,,....>....,,..w...:.::...,:..�....�,�#�,::...:.'�,:.... .,..,.:,�.,...,...<,,.r:�„ 9 � *���Annuat taxiing cosi: � * Annuai airs`pace travel cost: , :s..:�1; ;,;tt:,f::..�>;o:«•r•r,..;:;,+.:,:�•':5'r:'•S:%5}:y:y,.:,+.�.z'.'`h;. ..r.�Y� '�r .:k{:.�::%.<`;>.r.:�.v...�:;�N<:Y:�:<::�.h,•,;.:,..x..�.::�>��s>�:?� On summa wiii be shown. :`:;�:;{q�«�;::, ..::.����:;�"':.; .:::f2�'`��.r .•3:� •::.^..�:f.:.«:..::.. ..<,::y;.5.',..c�...:�.. 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No sign cant g , :......::::..:.. ...... .,..... ...... . *� Assessment of potential visibiliry impact from Pine Bend Refinery which may negatively affect airport operations. AIRSPACE INTERACTION * Assessment of airspace interaction (including other airports and enroute structure : SITE EXPANDABILITY * Runway expandability potential (additional runways and additional length): * Terminal area expandability potential: * Cargo&other facility expandability potential• -ae>...::oc.•r?..;qy,y,v�:�:•..•>+xa,x.., .,.::.�:,r'<�.•�:•xv.;-:.o..,.,>:Gxo.�;`�#•{,r•, ��+t•''�'+.6'� �:v:•:'.::�::q,9;:;::;.<,•rdj•xj�? :�:::; �ct� a� ��tt.t y��::�'�..:r:�?�,s4:�>.:�•�.�..•.�,.�.�.;x<.:.>.:r:N:•�.�•^�v�:��.�::w Moved to'Land Use Plans' and modified. :,.v:::�t:......�:,...,. ,i :o:r�:�f:++�,4,�„F,XY53::�... �yNi!�is�t�t�..:..� .;f�r�t•r::r...fi:`�...s.�kriv,'..•k�..t:vr::.:',<:i:'a:`•.<•:Cx<3:•,::k..S . . SITE ACCESSIBILITY * Differential travel time to airport from -- Minneapoi►s City Ha{L• Saint Paul City HaIL Anoka: Chaska: Hastings: Shakopee: Stiiiwater: * Differential travel time to airport(in minutes)from major activiry centers in region(weighted average): * Differential increase in intra—county travel times(for non—airport users): * Differential increase in inter—couniy travel times(for non—airport users): * Total lane—miles nf roads requiring relocatior�,by type: * Total lane—miles of roads requiring improvement, by type: * Residential population, businesses, and other facilities displaced due to off— site impacts, airport aceess road&differentiai roadway irnprovements: COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS �'����'��� ':.�� { ����'��:���'�x',, � ` ` Im acts that would be addressed under A�A �.•.:`:� �.'�I�';.;'� ����� �.+�..� " ' p ? ° '"'�:':''`'•...;;.�..', ."`' ``"`�. „�{� ., � '+�±'����%; � are already described and measured under *'+ � ��)i~ �h • �1� l7n'k{y � S �'S r��.w •,ee��{y+��,�:�a•>•�3,.k,'�"u,.•:� :�c•:.::��•��•�,�o. %�'h�'°'.a,>,,n�;'J�i,''..,�..{.'.....�>�`,,,�'.`'!�"i'.��:�f.� other criteria. . � � ��;,•':w, ..�f;ky���.x.�'�a:y�;..;.j.:r�:•xrt•'�r+;.��e������•.,s�"..,',,.,•.%•„r',•}2.ti.'t;:}� '„}.•••:t�:••;:•.?F••'•"• ��.:?<.r. . . , ,y S'��� • ` �;.,'. { ,;,p. . . • ��:`.' �.:• �l. F�l f V . . . ♦� ti ii��. � ��n . M . ..".+�,�:• �Nr•' a.S h }.�' �,•`i.,�x'+ G9'fRt�.:��i;+,� �'`' 'k':F��,;�;;,'r�v, ,�'f,�•. ��, �.•,;.'r . ti.. . •••�'�':�'i�;'.:�a���'�k�,� dx�".�:r.;�i,i:r' .• .+y. ' a#".+.��'{.5:'�i��E%.��'i? . . � . Source: HNTB/Study Team Analysis Metropolitan Airports Commission age 2 Revised: 07-Ma,y-�3 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY I�� .. .,:.,::..:-•�:.:�:;:::::: SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS �?��1�t3l�?';;:,':,: ** Significant Chan e FACTORS/CRITERIA CHANGES`IN CRITEAIA DISPLACED COMM UNITIES/PEOPLE * Existing municipalities displaced due to airport development: * No.of people within site boundary relocated dus to airport development(Year 2000 popuiation):. *�>:>�i�:''�"�:�`�li�°�'`�"K�:1t��':}�.fi. .,.,�.�.. �,. n,. .,..,�.:...,...:. ,.r;,.:., .. ..1'►?.:::..f::............:..,.,.,:::..::::.,,.::::.::,:.:::.:....:..::.:::���..�r��.:.��:;i�."t�:>....�.�,��......�..��.�'"'."#�A�::,:..: Counting hausehoids duplicates counting *���No.of people displaced due to roads and utility construction/relocation{Year peapie eriterion. ..200o population: ,�y ..,.,:.:,. »,...,......., , *'::::�ii�i���.��`�.:;.::,..,..��.,[:��` 5�{ <�.�``;��'�n,::,.�Y.:j.',z.,.,:.:�..,..< .,..�:M:.:�y�..:: ...................::::•.;`.�F.�.:�,,.,.,�,..,..,'�,.`,•...�,.'..,.r::.•:.v.-;-r:����:n!�:C7.'3v,.,.�,'""„�,.1,�•,,.�,.,i•.,.,.,��,,,.,v':��>:������,..,.�..........1,;T.,?,:• . . . LAND USE PLANS * Acres of current residential&commercial/industrial development in site boundary(from local comprehensive plans): * Acres of planned residential land within Ldn 60 and Zones A&B (from local comprehensive pians): **Distance from site boundary to major industrial facilities Identffies-possible cor�flicts with Pine Bend **Height and other development contstraints at industrial sites due to Refinery and other industriai uses. airport: c nnM O UN ITY SERVICES/INFRASTRUCTURE I I�'' ?k:.:>��,t ��:�:yrr .;;o»xvrl;x;l:;w.�.::�r.ti;'v^,.;:"+M't,,w.'."..'�'..�r• :�kr�••:c;<+`:"£"v' ;h� . I�.',, k :�f y ,,e�i�:i. .:r:,.;i;•3.,;..;..;9 c.:x.•:<:':"::t;....r,:;r+.y,`,�,4+;:%:<v'; i'.�<r�.�„�,,,ti::`�+:::t:f4A�.. '44Y��;,.•�.���:o.:..•,;'...� ..{...!,/.,.S,S..,,..,::::+:a.:.:.,.v.�:...,r;..,.,;. ;.;.�'..t��:;•'� 8 :�. ....r.. .�...%� ...... ��exar�t...<•.xss:h�.•ff.cata*.a�„✓,r...•x.r.ac�.�sfn.�r,ri.o-r.•.}:� Ther are no hospitals in the search area. �I * Number of schools within site boundary: . * Number of places of worship within site boundary: * Number of cemeteries within site boundary: II; * Percentage of 1990 assessed school district tax base eliminated (by district): * Percentage of 1990 assessed township tax base eliminated (by jurisdiction): NOIS E IMPACTS �.�,.� .... �..n:�.....r:w}�:...;� F . . �� . ... , �{ .. .;( ... :.+• • � �Y�7��i7T•. •:n �y.v;...T �::............. � "'"'r t�"�E't`.�$��1 �::::�;'::::::i::;?<:�:`�::::;`: No need to use 1990 ulation--double I, :<: 1��.......,...........„�.:::::::•;....:::.:::�.r»::.;�r::.>,;���:<<:.:�•:,::.:::•::<:':.'•::::;.�:..::,.: PoP ...:..... .::..::. .:::.:::.:::,:..;�.�..... �.;.::�.:.: �::;:.:.: . . ..t.::::::.: :. ::•.:., . .. ....; ;z,:�::<:: � .�;;:{:,:,: countin � 2000 ulation better reflscts ;:::1:...�::}�?Pi��.�;::r..�:�€�#::.:;�ri�:�i::��;.�..�'`..►.'..:��� ''r;��>:.� , ::.. :::. ,.......� .:n.:. � �� 9 PoP :;:.:...;..;...:;.;.;..;,... ....�......:....,v hF.. �,+:�':�r;:t;4>.w);.;;;;•,. � �:.,;. �.,,.i.,;Y .s:+.•:::<:5;.••:•;•?�:i:;::k�::;;:: '��`:::1���,��.1.a�'���'��'1;�;�„�I�,��„$�:;�;;<:;:,,,,k, ;. impacts on decision day. * Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 Ldn 65 in Search Area: * Year 2004 population residing within Year 2020 l.dn 65 outside Search Area: �Ii * Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 Ldn 60 (excluding Ldn 65}: * Year 2000 population within Year 2020 L10 contours for all runway ends * Number of noise—sensitive land uses within Ldn 65 by rype: * Number af noise—sensitive land uses within Ldn 60{excl. Ldn 65) by type: * Average daily number of arrival and departure overtiights on principal fiightracks below 5,000 feet(departures);below 2,000 feet(arrivals): STATE SAFETY ZONES A&B * Year 2Q00 residentiai population within state safety Zones A&B in Search Area: * Yr.2000 residential population within state safety zones A&B outside Search Area w;.,,,.::.. „T.,,,..,.,>..:, .,>:i... �:. , �, ,»,�..:..:.�...: .,.. �.,.,.„ .�,.... �,.�.. ' '"�:'::�ti�����f��R{K�{�!.� " �`�• •'����� •'�"•"•�'<:��;''¢:'�:���^��'�. Countin households du licates countin .�. ,.,��;�����'�• '�'���'� .��� � 9 P 9 � •f�:�•::::•.�:• :<:.>.,..::,.. <:•.g�..::;:;:;.: �.•,:?cu•;:•..••.;....;. � tr ::.:.;:��t�t'� :�i���.� �:�:: �� >. '>�...`��.>�''�,���.:�.: people criterion. '� �::�`:: ��+.:...�..:.:..,:.:��„ ..��..��:�..�.�N�����,;,; *��Year 2a00 employment within state safety zones A&B in Search Area: , * Ysar 2000 empioyment withi�state safety zones.A&B�outside Search Area:. {m '��>�`.�s.��'.�..�`!?�;�`������� l� `�.l.�` �;` Number of em lo ees is referred criterion; .:::.:..... ..:....::...�.:.......:.,.....:..........,�.,....::,:.,::�.,..::�,.;;�������>:::::��.���. P Y p :,: .•:.::..:::......,... ..: . <.,.;f..;. . .zw...,.. ';�::'���f.:t���! ���tt���.�:ti�t��:�f�� �;�lt#�;��;��� number of businesses wiil be reparted in AED. .... a...,»,�..�::::..�.M....:...:...,..,.,:.:.,. .�.:..s..�.•...�..,.�, .�� x 'I' 3 ourc • e. HNTB/Study Team Analysis Metro litan Air rts Commissi n P� Po �I Page 3 Revised: 07—May-93 i � DUAL TRACK AIRPO�tT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AtRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY �.::..,:,,.::,.:::,,,>::::.:»:• SITE S�LECTION ANALYSIS ��:'. }�•�:><:>: :�::��til�Qi`�:'....:;�:y,: :?�::'::;•:::.:.. ** Significant Chan e FACTORS/CRITERIA� GHANGES IN GRITERIA TOTAL POPUI.ATION IMPACTS SUMMARY * Total on—airport population within site boundary: * Totai off—airport populatian within state safety zones A&B and Ldn 60 in S.Area: * Total off—airport population within state safety zones A&B and Ldn 60 outside Search Area: HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES **No. of potential NRHP archaeological sites likely to be affected by airpo Native American and 19th century Euro—Am. facilities criteria combined. **Number of potential NRHP individuai standing structures/districts and Standing structures,standing structure districts, rural historic landscapes likely to be affected by airport facilities and rural historic landscapes combined. * No.of NRHP standing structures differentialiy impacted by off—airport roadway Year 2020 traffic and highway improvements: FAfiM AND NON—FARM BUSINESSES * Number of 1990 non—farm employees within site boundary relocated due to Number of employees is preferred criterion; air��/v�rt develoPment: number of businesses will be reported in AED. {.i;.�,v,:•.x ;{.::M:..w.. ..;{,M:HF.�:{x.. ;;;G:;{�;•..r{.,, r .v,•::FINvr.r.:.y{rrr;;.,v,�•;�i.vq;,m,xe„�.vy�r, �ii.n'F.'v. .. . . . � �� h % r.;:n�•: �<;:'.�i�rt�:��::�;�c��:�a�i'•���#�::�:::t�.G�:�� •:`:�:s��:.��`•�`•3•:�:.•.>.�•`�A:�,;:;;:;.:z,; ';�ii,:::fit.;•.xo>x.:>:::+:.•:.::.�:.;x.;;:o::::,>::::.y;:,.;.+.,::•.>•<•>:t;,.;>;;:�.;::.>;:a:;..;;•.•,• ..:•�.;rTa•:•::n:i::::•>:,:.::•:.•:::��..::y..,.:•C;.,w,�/�.,:.::t+.;,. . a �:t��+.•y,.•,•:,,.•,•:!¢;•,.; 4.•:;'::.8•..a•,:4r�r,•. ;:•,:!., ts♦ �� ?•'':�:•,'•.`:::'.�:•�.. • �.�s�^. ;' '`:f:��:'•:•`:2;;`,•:;{:•`::,;::%�":•`:•�'r.t. :..,�.;" ;.;w..,.` . . ..3x ' ;.;�.. . i.t.ki;:;�:a;+<:;?i;+'.':�»... .:,;•. .:':,4}'••'i;}:.�;;i:�:`:�;•:v`:•.. 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Other�mpacts wiN be .;>t€�..>:.::<.;.:.;:::.::_:<.::::.:::...,:.�.>:<:.,. .::.�,: :.:::��;�::��.. ;.:.t:•::,:�.::::.�:.::-::.:.:.�:. p ....:..... ,:,:...::.. ..,.:.:�::.... . . :.... �:>:>: � : .. ��;�.�.>:.:�.. .:....: ......�.:;�~~ :<;;<:�:::::::�Y>:;r>��n:,;�:::<�:�:.:.::<:r.:::::;::��: �y� :.:>.;��ti'��t`. .;� :.��:��::�<�:�;i.���� .'.�::::••>4:.:•:>•:F•:•>�••:w.,:.:..::s.�:.>:., ;.:«:•,::�::�; re rted in AED. ::n.:•:•::{:•r::vl::.�.:::.��..ri:::..;.;.yh..Lw:::ii:i:i::::.'.v�::vw::�,rr.n:•:r:':�v�:+.v:r:y}��.�•..•:::i�'�.�•;:v;�•:,;,r F'.' ..:.. .......; •...�::::•:::.::.::.•::.......{:.:;:.; . ...:..;..,y,'x..:y.},,{,;,, ,: 3 t . *,:.:... , . . . . . ,; h f'. .,n.,,:' :i{yY'; jn ���,( s� :�;;:•'; � ...Y:�.n•.... . . .���v��i'!!n+.^.. . �� ..�.�.4{y��✓��4{�F+�}niC�..4k�.+I��hl.{. . .,-:::... r ........ . .•:4:< PUBUC PARKS/RECREATION LAND :•.:::�:.:r�.>:••.•:,••,•,;••::�;r;.:::��•:••:<m+:•»:•;•>:.<,,....;.:.,•.�;.:..,a, ••,.:y,Y<n;;:,,•.,;y;.x:;r.,7r. f. .•v,>»,.�yo:.,.,:..;� t'I t '"::;�yi:�'(�:•�.<• .��::•�I�::. �;;�. �:;:��:a+�3�:"'� �:�{.>::�::�:>"�.�'r�'�'�`•':�•�� Numberofparks'maybemisieading; be er o ::>.::... �� �! � � �::����+..::,;,�r.`..•.,{�,:.:��.:•... ...,............... :.......... .......... ........,.,........,.,.................:• : . :.....••,�,�,�.r:;�;.,�:....;•,.:•..:.:. **Number of acres of park/recreation land within site boundary: count acres. �,,„..:..,•�..:....•..;N..; f�. :::..�::....:. , :..�.w #�y .,•.��;.,;fi<..,.,..,...;;.;�;;y;� :„;:�'!�f�1;C;1�E`•. ��+; ' ,t �: «>',y�,.�;�.,.��y.,+.}�.,••::�.:s:;�•... :��� ������..:��i�S��C�'.w���u.CK\S.T'Tu'F.��Y�.Y•'�w'�6CGT6F£S�yw.L � **Number of acres of park/recreation land outside of the site boundary and within the Year 2020 Ldn 65 noise contours: Source: HNTB/Study Team Anaysis Metropolitan Airports Commissior: _J_ . flcvtJc.�. v1—rviqy—,7„) � • DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS I NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ' : ... ..: ,.;.,,,;:�+ SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS ��' ������r� r:::. � ** Signficant Chan e � F A C T O R S/G'R 1 T E.R I A CHANGES W CRITERIA OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS * Number of monthly arrival/departure overtiights occurring over designated rivers at altitudes of less than 2000 feet. WETLANDS * Number of acres of wetlands within site boundary: , * Number of acres of wetlands likely to be removed by construction or operation of � airport facilities I I WASTE DISPOSAL SITES ' ' * Number and type of known landfills within airport boundary: * Number of known contaminatad waste sites within airport boundary: WATER QUALITY * Number of acres of Prairie Du ChienJJordan Aquifer within airport II� boundary class'rfied as Very Highly Sensitive: Hi(7h Sensitive: II' � �,y'�µ .}.;�"' r.1�,,• �y:r.�.iiiF+::.:::pvx:..;.v:rr.ix�.vx . F.'F,.�•7:?rii;'ii:;.:tiii`.:.'•:'+.':.`::jr,.::3�.•'+.•i}'!.^:•i?iiiYhii:i?^i�Yi::.:::4'•: . ����•LI��{{J:RFn•n:�,NiR:f v ,M,i� • F}i::�iii}:{:::•.:i�:•S:i•:i:iYi%{}iiiS}'r:•::ii:}iii}iSiiF:.;•}; I���,�'. :::.....E�`+...l.t...::�.�;F!'i�; � .�'�.�z:: «:.�•::::::,,.,.:•:::•::.:::..•..•.�.�:::.�::::::::<::•::;:::::::r��::>>:: AII sto — ...��:<�+.�t>:.:.::.�"`;�!`�....r.......... rm water runoff will be treated on site. ::..x:.::::,::::•: ,:;:,:<::,::•;:.;>:;:.:.<.:.r.>:::• ;•:>:<::..:;:•>:.........•:.y;;;.,:> ..::.,.... .....�.:>::::::•..:.,:;.;...,........... ,�::::: ... .......... . : :..;; .:... . . ?:�:�i*���E� . . •::... :.:.:: ... ,. ��� •: . ...; ,,....::•.:o- •::.:.:::::::;:•.:.:,.::•::::::.:;•: �, ..,.........��:l�1. 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'::::?'��'�`��d:,�;t'�?����.�:�:: ..�{;., ..,«:::::,,h.�..::,;r.::•>`{::»:>:. the searoh area. :;: �..:,::.v:... .:. <..:..:....h:..,::.,•a..�,... >'a3cr,a..i::s.:;.;�..:....:...f *�� Known communities of rare species(flora&fauna) accordi'ng��to State i desi�nations within site boundary: �::':......X..�.�.... v�y.. {�..:::.;:.•::..�.s,,�::#�,�,�,{ , ....,:,v;... ,,,�•..y,y�.•....,,,y.v,yay,}k'k;;;�:}E?:.J.:i?:Y P'p, go i7;Y�.���:,...��.:jFi���,,,,,,;?t:7i�iJ�3:Ql:�,��i'�' i:ii:�lf• ' :.:i:;M:..;:.�::.,:•::::.:::;::::.:. �� �� `. I���',�, . :....�:::.,.:.�::::::::::::::.:.:.,.::.�::,:::.:,:<;.:,:;�.;:..:,���.�.::..,,..:,,.s;.:.:::;;;,:. There are no naturai areas in any of the sites, :>:.;:.::::;::::........ . ,..:....: *�����:�:'��'i.t�:�tp�€3�:�:�i�#�:'.:..::'i��1�<�#:�{'��' :::�;,;;,.: ;.::�k�ti�:`'��::'���'� ,;##�: based on DNR surve . There are no bald ea le .fi.:::�:•::::::._.;..,::.:>:::�. ...�.:.. Y 9 .,::�;.:: ::,{.r. .t... .�:.r. �p .:•��: :::.;•. . �g� `:»::��:;.:<.:::::::;:::::::>��::::;�::>... ,..�.:.::,.... <>;<::�.;:::.>:<:: .::>.. .a.,..�...,.... ...:..:. . <�:.::�:•:, . +::%£:"'' :..v �':'<:+.•:::7••. .::+> • ..S`:�-•i.?. (� �:, f• `' .ti.�;:.••:v». f:•: .�,t.:r:•:;•.;•::::•:.s,< .t.C. r. ::+.•:: � :.:•:. � � r'++7•�w•. .............,... :.::•. �.�^.::�:�:::�:.r:... •�.:»> .•• �.>;y � nests or roostin areas within 10 000 feet of an •::>:•..�..... ,•.,�:::::•, .'<.•.•::,;ti,.,.,...:�s:z.4J.+.'ivi:v;'2�:n%:'.• ..':�;::i:t: . 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I .. ,..,..,..,...���,�.��::��3:�::$�<:::::.:.:..:..,,..: 3ource: HNTB/Study Team Analysis Metropolitan AirpUrts Commissio�l Page 5 Revised: 07-May-93 , , . , DUA�TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY :x<x:•,ce;:«::y SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS k;�}'!;�i ;�<�:��t�>.::':�:�.:; ** Significant Change F A C T O R S/C R'[T E R(A CHAt�tGES tN CRITERfA. ENERGY SUPPLY AND NATURAI.RESOURCES * Differential vehicle fuei consumption for automobile trips to/from site (gallons}: ....,;..,•,..K .,�. ,�,.•r:..:.:.•;.:;..;•.:::;::::•.,..::::,{..�,:.;•.;•.�;;::r;O�!.y,.z.Er�Y�:'%{•':'���ti�:�4'•:�'r.i'R,+:;:•:i,'Jn,':+/,P,^.ti•\}:ti�i3::�:�:i�.'^:•i$::.'+•:S *�i�:��p?[�Ci�l�#;i�::��t� �:#�il��}:.»:::::<:r:>:•{:•�<,,,:-;.:{:.�,,{4.i.:.::s>;v.;,;<;{;�<>.:.•�:�<�;v:>rf::>:.>.:>;.;<:: No active mineral ener r ur wit in site ,v.,..:::.:�:.::<:�::::r.:::.>:»::•;:.;>:•>�::•::..•�:.�::,�:�. ::•.•Y.?•FI.•::i.r..}:Y.•.•:�:i•i:•iiyni'w,�¢\';+.y,.yrrr:.:i+::}:.;;:ti;:;•;:4:•}.... / 9Y eso ces h s. ......:v.v •? { !/ . A ..n:r::ti'6i}:::/.;r�:iii::::;{•'•RSti:+:'r}::v.r••,y,}•.x.;..:•r.•x::i..;:/.•;}}{v;ry•r:^:k:::}vi.:?}:�.x V�'+.o:r' '�,;.�:�`1�:�+�>��`:;�':�1��#1.�::�#1�����;�,��t��1?��;�?l�$`•,:��.!�8:; Considered under cost. FLOODPIAINS * No.of acres af floodway within site boundary: * No.of acres of floodway fringe likeiy eliminated by airport facilities * Ability to mitigate flood fringe imp3cts�n site: DIFFERENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS * Differential land acquisition costs * Differential�costs to prepare site for airport construction arising from-- Road improvements{relocated roadways, airportaccess): Utiliry hookup/relocation: �*Storm water management: Added to account for cost of water managemen Topography/soil/geology/floodway structures: on site. * Community relocation costs: Notes: 1. Approximate size of airport boundary is 10,000 acres. 2. The criteria for comparison of alternative layouts an the preferred site, and for comparisan of MSP/New Aiprort/No Build wilf be different from the above. This listing is designed salely for selection of the preferred site. Source: HNTB/Study TeamAnalysis Metropolitan Airports Comrnissior SITE SCREENING The site screening process began in the fall • Differential site preparation costs. the fewest people in terms of noise,and has the of 1992. Each of the seven potential sites for a lowest ground access time. Also,Site 6 was the new aitpott was exarnined using 56 criteria within The site screening work included extensive best among the four western sites in most screen- the following broad categories: input from the Site Selection Technical Advisoty ing criteria,and the study groups felt it was . Committee and the Site Selection Task Force. important to carry forward at least one site from •A2�oy't churacte�`tstics-including As a result of the screening process,two both the eastern and western clusters so that all operational efficiency,airport e�cpandability and eastern sites(Sites 2 and 3)and one western site environmental factors could be properly docu- ground access times. (Site 6)were recommended to the MAC by the mented. Technical Advisory Committee and the Task A summ of the site screenin anal sis is • Community/social im jiacts-includ- Force. The MAC adopted Sites 2, 3 and 6 for ub- � g y ing displaced communities and people,effects on p shown on the next page. local land use plans,community infrastructure, lic review and comment in Februraty 1993. noise impacts,state safety zones,historic/archaea Sites 2 and 3 were recommended for further logical resources,farms,business,and public study because they do not require displacement of parks/recreation land. either Coates or Vermillion,they have relatively low noise impacts,good operational and expand- • Other environmental imjiacts- ability features,few conditions conducive to bird including wetlands,waste disposal sites,water strikes,and less than five acres of wetlands con- qualiry,bird strike issues,biotic communities,and tained within their site boundaries. floodplains. Site 6 was recommended because it impacts � 8 ...-: _ -.,:.� � .� _;;�_ SUMMARY Of SITE SCREENIN6 ANALYSIS SITf 1 SITE 4 SITE 6 •Good site e�cpandabiliry • Displaces Vermillion and Coates •Lowest travel time from metro area • Few businesses relocated • Highest site prepaxation costs �-Fewest off-site noise impacts •Virtually no wetland impacts • Proximity to encroaching urban development •Lowest population in State Safety Zones • Relatively low site preparation costs •Only fair tunway expandability •Displaces Coates •Greatest potential impact on Hastings • Highest potential bird strike hazard • Higher wetland impacts than eastern sites •Likely displacement of Vermillion •Two landfills and three contaminated waste •Less than optimal runway orientation sites w.ithin site boundary S�'�'E 5 • Site constrained by Pine Bend Refinery SI�2 • Shorter access time than for eastern sites • No impact on"very highly sensitive"Aquifer S'�� • Good operational characteristics areas •Does aot displace Vermillion or Coates •Displaces Coates and likely Vermillion •Lower travel time from metro area than eastern •Minimal natural environmental impacts •Significant potential off-site noise impact sites •Few siting constraints •Constrained by Pine Bend Refinery and •No impact on"very highly sensitive"Aquifer •Longer access time than for western sites Vermillion River areas • Highest population in State Safety Zones • Displaces Coates and likely Vermillion • High potential bird strike hazard • Greatest potential off-site noise impacts S�TE 3 •Second highest population in State Safety Zones •Goal operational characteristics •Most significant noise impacts on public parks •Does not displace Vermillion or Coates • High potential bird strike hazard •Minimal natural environmental impacts • Highest wetland impacts , •Longer access time than for western sites • Site expandability complicated by Vermillion • Potential impacts on Hastings River floodway 9 SITE SELECTION I'�i The final phase of the site selection process ronmental,geographic,economic and cost aspects Detailed analysis of alternative layouts for invol es a detailed evaluation of the three candi- of the alternatives. each site will be conducted during the develop- date�l, Site 2,Site 3 and Site 6. Some refinements were made to each site at ment of the comprehensive plan for the new air- '�This evaluation has the most extensive crite- the beginning of the site selection phase to mini- port. ria ir� he overall site selection process,including mize impacts. Other minor adjustments may Identification of a potential new airport is ' speci c factors to measure the operational,envi- occur during the site selection analysis. slated for early 1994. SITE SELECTION CRITERIA - '�'The purpose of the site selection criteria is to CommuniiylSocial Impacts Other Enuironme�al Impacts help hoose the"best"site from among the three .Displaced Communities/People •Wild and Scenic Rivers cand� ate sites,and to meet environmental analy- sis re uirements. These criteria were developed •�nd Use Plans •Wetlands durir� the site screening process,and were supple- •Communiry Services/Infrastructure •Waste Disposal Sites men'' d by additional,criteria and detail to meet • Noise Impacts •Water Quality the d' cumentation requirements of the site selec- • State Safety Zones A and B •Air Quality tion hase. •Tota1 Population Impacts Summary •Bird Strike Issues • Historic/Archaeological Resources • Endangered/Threatened and Special Concern �Ir� rt Char�r�rr�$��C$ • Farm and Non—Farm Businesses : Species • O rational Efficiency • Farmland • Energy Supply and Natural Resources •Air pace Interaction • Public ParkslRecreation Land • Floodplains • Sit�E�andability •sit�A��essibillty . Differential Developmem Costs •Land Acquisition Costs ' •Site Preparation Costs ', •Community Relocation Costs ; 10 ... _ .. _ . _ SITE LOCATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS - WESIfRN SIIES SIT II . SITE 5 � --, d . � � �. o. �� _ e. � _ � , .. .. �.� � �s,�. , . ._ � � �- .. j - -�-t� ..p � °I � �, s, �._TTJ�. �• � � . �. � ' ,.,,� „�� � , . ��.:, i .-� s. , " ��,,,• . • r, xT ,� � � _. . . Nr �. �I. '�_ . 1 .,, .... ' f � � , . . �„ .._ . �,. . .; .. � �.�, . .. � �- } .... ,a, �� : ... ' . � ...— ^T°�� , a .L. � � . � . . _.... ` .. �_.� xini .. � . �`a � .I''.. I x�o� �. . � _ v r� , 1 i ; $ ��„�a ; i "` � _ �8 r , a ., , ; s . �, i � < ._� ��� � � . } f'_i ,,.. ��-- �."' e�" . � i� . . . .. tl .:_�...-�:�.n n � I,��,. '. ...y' .) .. •�mii , t�. �F � E Olea� —` ' M� � : L.. � r �*� � i � �} Y � . •� � r ion � / i!i � �.'. I f � �y^ �\, a h n � E� Dirs � ^ � Y . /1 ¢ . �' __/ - . I . . . . . . �._ i �;��I : � . � �'��; . � . �g � _ , ,, . ; .. _ ..._ r . -a� � ` � ;. ., / �_ � . . s� I .t�+°'^ro y � �� . ti.� ww^."`. -�-k-�� wx , �- . _ �p=,_ "_ .. ' . . . . _` � �' �.. .. ___-� �- . . . .. 6, > > _� -t�.� - ;� , �� � .: . � � .: �. ,_ _ _ �� � � ��.. �. .� _ « `� _... Y , ' ' .. . . . r'. µ=�� . �-1 � _- 4 ' ' � I P__ . _ 1 �. ' 'S" .-- �. ._—: � �-.�.. -: �—t's�'^'_ d! 'tiEW T f Y�+�^`-..... � MEW� � � •W t of the Vermillion River,near center of Search Area. • West of the Vermillion River,south of Pine Bend. •No hwest—southeast primary runway orientation •Northwest—southeast primary runway orientation. ���li, ���7 � .. — � '' _�, , F, :��r �_ ', • 1� \I� �, �, ;� «. � � t �-i, � � fEM UHT ��� `�� � � � , �� . � � =.,1 ' ; '. "' '�T A+w' ,. i � s - � . �9E tR - - m . : .. �� I r ry�1 �� .: . . �y" � � ' �'� . - � £-. � /` P°� 7 �.� r,�;� 7 � _ „ � �� , . < : _ �,n,. , 4 . COA 'l — _ �`I�} ! 4 I � g ` ' .1 � ' I �e�: . �� � 1:. .�- . \ � .. '.x . . ' . � ' i sor� �-- I ii i n.. "�n� C . 1-�i�. _ .:� � L)' ; � � ' ' �� � . �'� � � � � . � � ��,.�,� �"� - `p ci -}- . � , I �� ,.�r-- , � r��- � ��� . � .v s �h.0 i � . . �; . � i \ : ..^ ' i I u a nin t � . x^ I M� i� w ..n n � � a� �e oi.. �� � `� ... / � +, "" ' { J EI ni.. ! ..�/ i : ' � ._ �. : I � � � � �\ ... C � .� � M" ..I,... I _ ,...'� � � ,��. p.A..uw*�R"� y'> / ' � { / --�� a � . . I I "c �w , T :� Ll '. .-� � � � � . . . b ' . . :' , i �� � . ' � : . E� � , Y �. , 1ll ;, � ' ;...� �� � ` � ' F - .. . . '" , ,, , .. � C� � ; � g ; � � � - � � , y... _._, , - _ .- � " �_ "ew rr� «n � '-- - '� ra" -� �-�-�- . wEw u •Wes�of the Vermillion River,south of Pine Bend. •West of the Vermillion River,south of Pine Bend. •North—south primary tunway orientation. •Northwest—southeast primary runway orientation. � APPENDII► Metropoli�n Airports Site Selection Task Force Site Selec�on Technical Advisory Committee Commission �ommissioner Tommy Merickel,Chair Metropolitan Airports Commission Marshan Township Hugh Schilling,Chair Commissioner Alton J.Gaspar, Metropolitan Council Ra�enna Township Alton Gasper,Vice Chair Vice-Chair FAA Air Traffic Control Tower—MSP Hampton Township Faye Petron,Treasurer Richard Beens FAA En-Route Control Center— Eureka Township Mark Brataas John E Bergford,Jr. Farmingeon Douglas Township Jan Del Ca1zo Scott Bunin FAA Airports District Office Castle Rock Township Laurel Erickson Colonel Larry Burda Minnesota Dept.of Transportation— Northwest Airlines Kenneth"Chip"Glaser Joseph M.Finley O�ce of Aeronautics Air Transport Association John Himle Kathleen Gaylord Minnesota Dept.of Agriculture Mesaba Airlines Virginia Lanegran Edward G.Gutzmann University of Minnesota UPS Tim Lovaasen Joe Harris Dakota County Minnesota Air National Guard Nick Mancini Lawrence McCabe City of Eagan US Air Force Reserve Thomas Merickel E.Craig Morris City of Burnsville Minnesota Business Aircraft Association Jack Mogelson Thomas Novak . Ciry of Apple Valley Airline Pilots Association Patrick O'Neill Gloria Pinke City of Rosemount Aircraft Owners Pilots Association Paul Rehkamp Tom Rheineck City of Farmington Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ray Rought City of Hastings Minnesota Dept.of Natural Resources Stephen P.Tatum,Sr. City of Inver Grove Heights Minnesota State Historical Preservation Richard Theisen City of Lakeville Office Ray Waldron City of Vermillion Minnesota Environmental Quality Board � ,��� �����"������� John D.Williams � City of Cottage Grove � US Fish&Wildlife Service '� ��� � � � ,�� �,,������� ������������ � �Wendy Wiberg Wustenberg � Ciry of Coates � US Environmental Protection Agency � � � m � �� ��. ���� � Washington Counry US Army Corps of Engineers � � � � °�����'����� Goodhue Counry Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area � ��� �� ����� � °� � ������ � Empire Township Commission ,�� �����a������ . Vermillion Township �s .. . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS AND OVERVIEW Dakota Search Area and Conceptual Design Layout................................................................Page 2 OVerV�eW Schedule for 1989—1996..........................................................:..................................................Page 3 A Dua1 Track Airport Planning Process— designed to study the region's long—term a�iation Site Selection Study Approach....................................................................................................Page 4 needs—was established by the Minnesota Legislature's"1989 Metropolitan Airport . Site Identification.........................................................................................................................Page 4 Planning Act." The process is being conducted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission(MAC) Site Identification Criteria...........................................................................................................Page 5 and the Metropolitan Council. One track addresses ways to provide the Three Eastern Sites in Search Area...................................:.........................................................Page 6 needed capacity and facilities at Minneapolis—St. Paul International Airport(MSP). The other track Four Western Sites in Search Area.............................................................................................Page 7 provides the needed capacity and facilities at a Site Screening...................... „ . � new(replacement)airport in the Dakota Search ............................................... ........................... ............................P e 8 Area. A third"no build"option is also being Summ of Site Screenin Ana1 sis examined,along with other feasible alternatives as ar3' g y ..........................................................................................Page 9 they are developed. Site Selection and Criteria........................ ......Page 10 M�C is responsible for site selection in the ............................................................................ Search Area,prepaxing a comprehensive plan for Site Descriptions...................... ....Page 11 an airport on the selected site,developing the ............................................................................................... MSP Long Term Comprehensive Plan,and prepar- Site 2..................................................... .........................Page 12 ing the federal and state environmental documen- ............................................................... tation. Site 3......................... ................................Page 13 The Airport Planning Act also requires the .................................................................................... MAC and Metropolitan Council to make a Site 6.............................................................................................................................................Page 14 recommendation to the Legislature in 1996 on which approach should be taken for future airport Agency and Public Involvement...............................................................................................Page 15 development. Appendix.....................................................................................................................................Page 16 1 DAKOTA SEARCN AREA AND CONCEPTUAL DESI6N LAYOUT DAKOTA SEARCH AREA cor�Tuw n�oer � }R�4 '- ....._ uvovr . �~ " � '' - �a L.�:.� _ i. � �� '. � � � �{;� . - ;� �� � f- ys�•� �Q E �u�"�'.Y . � .�MINNEAPOUS SAINT PAUL � . ,�: � ,� N � � ` u � � � � _ � � � . � '- _ ` a _ o >' �H.s ,*h � AL3� � a�"^.I � - i�W •SX�KOPEE 6�X/3TIN43 . . . �3— s , . . ' ` f M1 — . , i � �aRraae �. � � � � 4 :. _.. ov� � '�� �: 9�i Ao. � s�sc� ..�.:�,�- __^___ � � , H��" ' ....,w, es a�ww� ; , .'. , _;� ,_- � ,, .._ -' �oc�t '.� — ,m _ `a1m e r t _� - � ,�,' J--=�.- °'_ _ _L�.__�` _;_ _ o- _ a°_.. .e�*' �- � � $, -- ;. . .� := RN,S L �- I . . _ s .�. - . � m I °`� c e_ 1 :5 z k; t ;"` o � :, qa .,�� �r 8d � _ . >��� x--� ��' � "i '_ .�a�,�M6UNT ; A •"'� =ra� � .��'`PiB e_c o k t � . ,� t �� � . „ .;, �-. � �.�s _`. 1 �� } � PlE YALI X � . � .-•� y � �� I �. " r �E� L' �t F` � t i�r : ,� � 1 _ Nirti�t_Qer„ � y �',z,, � �'i �x a iF; a x;. r r.v� . ;' Q COATE3 i �r �,L�•-...A8TIN��.:. �r,QrL� s a,�r x �� : � , : ., � o �, -=1_ ' F - -- -iKt � " ,�z -_- , ; - �_"�i,-� - � - T` � . t ' F � �,. .� r �,;1 - ,'. r � i a'o L � _I � yr � � � . � . � � t � �.� � x ,. � o� { , ____., . _ . _ -4� .. —_ � . � 1 ; � ; - '� '. — � '- ^ n�.'n" � , . �i i . I . ;. � :.. ` -�r..-'", � �' � . e.� � 'i Ysrmilllo.rt _ i Mareh n .. R i enna .r.:: . _ aTr 7 v q, `�� #" . = .._{ . . V >- �... �. — .- � . � j '.�. ti ��,� � .€ P m p i r e ��� i --1 i - = � . I �� � ��.AKE L�� LARMIN TON � i ._t __...__ 1;-��. � ��-' � �,�' 1 . 11 ., - , �:-`� , __�� �,_ � ���� � �uo ; c� �. , . I � ,�� _ � : ... a � � � f _ ` I _� ,- � _ i � i � �, . .� - <, -. ,x � z ._ � 1 , I . � .:� . � � � � �� � , ,..��; � ` .-__ `'°" , � � �. �_ � �` � __ � � � I � . 3 _._.. :.. � � .� ,,. , . __. 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The Dakota Search Area measures 17 miles east to west and eight miles north to south and encompasses about 115 square miles or 74,600 acres. 'The new airport conceptual design layout,developed by MAC,is being used in the site selection process in the Dakota Search Area. � .. . . . AGENCY AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 'Throughout the Dual Track Airport Metropolitan Council and MAC members,local Committee and Task Force,as well as Commission Plann'ng Process,there has been a major emphasis officials and business representatives. meetings,are open to the public. Formal input is on p�a lic and agency involvement before,during, . solicited at public hearings. Interested persons can and er the completion of key study components. • Site Selection Technical Advisory receive copies of published reports and documents "'. ffected local,state and federal agencies Committee. This committee reviews technical upon request. have een contacted to determine the type and studies and documents,and provides input into locat� n of resources within their jurisdiction and the studies. Membership includes representatives in th�new airport search area,and to identify of affected state/federal transportation,planning , poter� ial issues and concerns. and environmental agencies,local government ' n addition to these agencies,the following staff and aviation industry representatives. EIIVIPOIIIIIPrIIl11I RPrVIPrW PrOCPrSS grou' /committees have been involved in the site selec�on process: • Site Selection Task Force. The Task An environmental review process has been Force provides policy guidance and advises the initiated along with the Site Selection Study for a I!�� Stdte Advisory Council, The MAC on policy issues during the new airport stud- new airport in the Dakota Search Area. The Minn sota Legislature established the Council to ies. The broad—based group includes community process,which was approved by the Minnesota provi' e a forum for education and discussion on officials from the Dakota Search Area vicinity, Environmental Quality Board,is being co—spon- metr' olitan airport planning. The Council along with representatives from the metropolitan sored by the Federal Aviation Administration and revie' s and advises the legislature on the Dua1 area,the business community,current airport MAC. Tracl¢planning activities of the Metropolitan users,MAC,Metropolitan Council and Minnesota The environmental documentation associat- Airpcb s Commission and the Metropolitan Department of Transportation. ed with the Site Selection Study provides a record Cour� il. Council members include House and of analysis and of community and agency partici- Sena� legislators,federal,state and metropolitan A public involvement progra.m provides pation in the process. While the environmental agen�'es,representatives of the aviation industry eaxly and continuing opportunities for the public documentation is separate from technical reports and ' embers of the public residing within and to be informed and to review and comment on the on the Site Selection study,the work and tiining of outsi'e the metropolitan area. technical and environmental studies prior to deci- tasks on the two processes are necessarily inter- sions and selection of preferred alternatives. This twined. • Contingency Planning Group. program includes public information meetings, A document,entitled"Environmental ` This roup monitors trends in technology,tra.vel public hearings,news conferences and news releas- Review Procedures"for the Dual Track Airport habi ' and the economy and makes an annual es,informational brochures and newsletters. Planning Process,was published by MAC in assessA`nent of any changes or modifications that The public has opportunities throughout the March 1993. This booklet details the environ- may be ncecessaty for the Dua1 Track Airport process to comment both informally and formally. mental procedures and is available to the public by Plann'rng Process. The group is cornprised of In addition,meetings of the Technical Advisory calling the MAC. ' 15 SITE 6 - State Safety Zones and � Terminal Building and Runways Runway Protection Zones - Airport Boundary , , ` , "' + ; I ' � �- _ 4� � r � X ��� � �-> ��� `. � � � �rz ~��"� ` v ' �\ -�-1 _-,� , }-, , � I { �` �'�, ss � � �, `� � �. _ , Wa as�i��i Iltvve'� � � �, �� � n a� ` � � , � � � �� i t � � � � —...—�--� rPINE 6 d . r' ) � � . j� J'�TM' X�'yd6�� ��... Y � ` � � � _,� � T� 9. A'TE C. � � � � "�`.;��.� � � ��� Nag B �--� 4 55 }� � � ; �. � , I --�, zss , � .:� I B � � ' �,.. � . �, y ,; i �. 56 � �,. � i I I� I �°1 Y - 'T'cL �; � �- , ' ..... �2 �''y/� �! . r- ._..- � .. _._.._... � , . . �� t '� `l� — `yl ♦ ���1�8'� �Y:� � , � � � `-'?"-,---:_-. 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I �``�' �7 � 'Ch �t E � I � � ; ;+ , � � f i t` . , _... -� � `� � � ��C � �--�..._� � �� __ ,e? r.._ � ,� i � � � � . a� �n���r� � � , � 14 ... . .. . SCNEDULE FOR 1989 - 1996 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Search Area Study Site Selection ' ' ' ' ' New Airport ' ' Comprehensive Plan Federal/State Environmental Documents Community/Economic Studies MSP LTCP MSP LTCP Update ; ; < ' Decision Document Public/Agency Coordination Dual Track Planning Process MAC has developed this schedule,consisting of eight major elements,in order to meet the requirements set forth by the"1989 Metropolitan Airport Planning Act." The Act requires the MAC and Metropolitan Council to make a recommendation to the Minnesota Legislature in 1996 on which approach should be taken for future airport development. 3 SITE SELECTION STUDY APPROACN ' he Metropolitan Airports Commission To select a site in the Search Area,a impacts,environmental impacts,and development (MA� began the new airport site selection study three—step approach was developed by the MAC, costs. in Jan 1992. This work was initiated after the as follows: 3) Site Selection—to analyze the final candi- Metrq olitan Council designated the Dakota 1) Site Identification—to identify all possi- date sites and recommend a"preferred"site. Searc �rea as the general area within which a ble locations for a new airport based on a limited Analysis during this final phase will include the poten ial new airpott would be located. number of general criteria. factors addressed during site screening at a more �� he Dakota Search Area is 115 square miles 2) Site Screening—to reduce the number of comprehensive level,and additional factors that in siz� It includes the cities of Coates and potential sites to the three or four best sites using a will be required to distinguish among the sites Verm�lion,and Empire and Vermillion Town- set of detailed criteria to assess physical character- and to meet Alternative Environmental Document ships� well as parts of the city of Rosemount, istics,operational efficiency,community/social (AED)requirements. Ninir� er and Marshan Townships. SITE IDENTIFICATION 1 he first phase of the process included iden- beyond the Seatch Area boundary. During the site identification phase,a tifica�on of all possible locations for the new air- •State Safety Zones A and B and the LDN potential site included a specific land area within a port ' ithin the Dakota Search Area. This phase 65 noise contour may not impact,urbanized areas site boundary and a specific runway configuration. bega�}in January 1992. The MAC,working with of population centers outside the Search Area. A conceptual airport layout,which was developed its Sid Selection Technical Advisory Committee •The runway layout must maintain the full by the MAC in the New Airport Conceptual and S� e Selection Task Force,developed six site operational capabiliry of the Conceptual Layout Design Study in 1991,was used in the identifica- ident�ication criteria to identify potential sites,as design. tion process. follo ' : • No site would be considered which places In June 1992,a number of potential sites Airport runways,taYiways and other facili- airport facilities in areas of extensive wetlands. were identified by the Site Selection Technical ties mµst be contained within the Search Area. It • No site may be considered which would Advisory Committee during a series of workshops. was al�o assumed that Federal Aviation result in major ground facilities located in flood- After eliminating duplicate and/or overlapping Administra.tion(FAA)Runway Protection Zones ways. sites,seven potential sites were identified. Three and lapd within the FAA Building Restriction • Physical features not compatible with low sites were east of the Vermillion River,southwest Lines; hould also be contained within the Search altitude aircraft overflight must be avoided(specif. of Hastings. Four sites were west of the Area,' cause the FAA requires these areas to be ically avoiding overflights of the Pine Bend Vermillion River,near the center of the Search airpo' property. State Safety Zones may extend Refinery). Area. 4 �', �/" .i N. • SITE 3 � State Safety Zones and � Terminal Building and Runways Runway Protection Zones - Airport Boundary , � � , � I ��; c� � � � , � � ,� � T � � z'ssi ve�, i - ' '� s y�� u N TX,�� � �',''� z7�7�z Rti I ,� I''i n Q � f � �� , - �s +�Re � o $ � ) `� ��• -L \ v�/E - U.S.PA�TE C. an r N�R}'t� L � iy:.��� . � R-` /. G� � 4 SS i . �-�----- P �I 2SS � 56 � �N � n � Fjl e r Z ( — 52 i ! � � \ � _ � - ' � �--- ` Ct'�ATES �' j . t� � � �---, - 1 , �, A riN , �� x ; I �_ '' 4e ' I I . r , UNlV�£FStF�Y i � B +�� 47 �� B � o * � !!y'N£SOTA� �� � A � 316 1 � �G� � �I \\ �� I i' i I� � � . � i ���� �t� . . : i : :� _ 'i -..... _ . '� . . ..—�—... � y� I . /i � � Yr� �\ i, � � ♦� ( i _ � ! A r ��`�� � ; , d e r �m i 1 � i o n, , ..--" _� '. A ' , - , , ,�`� ' � _ _.... - -. � �� � ��--, � „ E p I r@! ' ` � � `� � � � o ` � I A ` , kZ � . I �� �. � ` R�,� - � :� � 6� ' � �� � � �i er'+�`�,itti�'�'` -�) L��, � � ' sl � ' , - � � ; �' ,� � ; . . 6� . , � �; � � �- � � B �-- Cl/ � . B � --�---- A •1 , . ' . � �� Sz � � i � � . . j ��\ B � ♦ � � I .:I i I Q,�, '� a �st E t � '� ��I� � I $ A � I �;� --1 , � �� : �.��� AM oN --._;-- B 18 SITE 2 � State Safety Zones and � Terminal Building and Runways Runway Protection Zones - pirport Boundary � � j t _ , ' I. ` ,�.� _ < �-r—�f � n + . .,` � I � � �� 4 � :� l%�_ �, %—� �, �� � I � � 1.t"` �assa �r � �, � ` � � %. � � � � ip ,� Ri,� , I � �,`'� - � �� � n � � ' > ; __ ( � ' _..— ' T 'PINE B D � r �. ) ,e" - �-r� tNgS h�REFiN Y U.S.P. I �-`' � * NpR7 A�TE C. � �. �'�; ��d�� � p 55 _�a A �❑ � ' . � � � � j . � � — " . . . � �8 e �y = ' //}+++��� '` � � ,;� : � i S6 i 'PY � Y�� .-fa •E�-:� �, �, . � Zs�' � s2 � .... ' _ �11 @ t" I i r, '�_ � ��� F` x ~�\ � i � , � � �.. j i ,-. . � ; -�--7 .._..... 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I � � _I . ! _-y€ ' C __ -''� _.. l.� 4' I��� — � w . < t � � �;�� �7 \�� .?� vs� iiiio� I. ,� F � �M`` � ` � �i v. m3ii�i .. i M. .n � . . . — --- — t� E�Yire �I, � —.-�5�... / I rY a� � E� i e I ( �/ .. . .. . � � — � T� . :... _ ">.�.� � ..�_ ��w � ....� 1 r� $ .. � ,. � !" �,,,,;x � ,,. ...- neai�wxc �� � ��.. ^.� �,._w.o..ae'"` 4 � EaM� <^ / �`. � . � � -i::��. � . '_, _...i ` � _ , . . _� � � , ; i _ - _ ; , , � �,.: �. r � . . ' � , r , .s . _ �. . "E �', ��•.•- 1 , : � ; ,�,4.: ' � ' ... ..... �. A_.� � � _ " : _. l _.... ..a. :.". -�I—\._y��' �� . � _ MEW � . . M ` ���YN'S�. -� . NEW r_. � Y � • Ea�t of the Vermillion River,south of Hastings. • East of the Vermillion River,south of Hastings. • E '�t-west primary runway orientation. • Northwest-southeast primary runway orientation. SITE 3 -� � ,� ,� ..s � \ . _ NT � �� ! ..L. � .. i I v ' y _ . :>� � �� ' � H��� .. u e caa€s � - - � , y ."-� o`�" ..i- _.. . : c� : �.,� C_I . .. � -7 - -- �,�,:�,� { . . . � �.� v mniio� � .n � + � - f' ' �' ` , � - ..._.... .. ..._.. _. ....... " � u' � o�ra � � . . , } 1. j S' � ;. ... .. .a �� _ / , : � ' "� „..u�w,^..�...�` ,, i . 'ueqr.e� � � >;��..: . . _. ... ,.. ....� .. . ., _., . -�_.. . . - : "._ . . .., �T� .i �/ _ � -...[ � Y_.. `:', (�� � I _.. .... ' tl,�0:; ,, I u . �� � —. i , ._..�� P ; _.L. � 1 - 1� V "NEYI r_Y` Y� . . 1 • East of the Vermillion River,along Seaxch Area southern edge. • Northwest—southeast primary runway orientation. 6 ' ,r ,, ,.: .�.._. _ . .. . SITE DESCRIPTIONS ',Two eastern sites(Sites 2 and 3)and one western site(Site 6)have_been selected for detailed analysis in or'er to identify a preferred site for a potential new airport. Descriptions of the three candidate sites appe� on this page,followed by illustrations of the areas on the next three pages. Can ida� Site 2 Candidate Si� 3 Candidate Site 6 II Site 2 is located east of the Vermillion River Site 3 is also located east of the Vermillion Site 6 is located northwest of the Vermillion in th eastern third of the Search Area. The four River within the eastern third of the Search Area. River in the central third of the Search Area. It is mainl arallel runways are oriented in a northwest- The four main parallel runways are oriented in a about 6 miles west of Sites 2 and 3. The four soutl� t direction. The crosswind runways are north northwesterly-south southeasterly direction. main parallel runways are oriented in a notth- perp@ dicular to the main runwa�s. The two crosswind runways are in opposite corners south direction. The two crosswind runways are '�Two refinements to the site were made dur- of the site relative to Site 2. perpendicular to the main runways. ing t, e early phase of the site selection process. Three refinements were made to Site 3 at the Two refinements were made to Site 6 as the First� he site was rotated 10 degrees clockwise to outset of the site selection process. The entire site final phase of site selection began. The entire site reduQ noise impacts in Hastings and Prescott, was shifted approximately 1,000 feet southeast, was shifted appro�mately 1,500 feet south and Wis '' nsin. Also,the northern inboard parallel the crosswind runways were canted 10 degrees, rotated 1 degree to move the runways farther away runv� y was shifted to the southeast to move it off and the longest runway was moved to the west from the Koch Refinery at Pine Bend,and the the� rmillion River floodway. outboard position. These refinements result in longest runway was moved to the west outboard reduced noise impacts in Hastings and Prescott, location. These two refinements resulted in better Wisconsin,and no runway crosses the Vermillion clearance of the tall stacks at the refinery and also River floodway. eliminated any runway crossings of the Vermillion River floodway. - 11