HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.c. Lighting Survey � � CITY OF ROSLASOUNT �XECUTT'tTE SUA�+�ARY FOR ACTI4N CTTY COUNCTL MEETING DATE; June 1., 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Lighting Survey P,GENb�i SEGTI02�S: Dep�rtment Head Report PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA �1�.� � � Public Works DirectorJBuilding Official i � � ATTACHMENTS; Comparison Sheets ED Y: ���=�-- , In January 1993 I had N.S.P. Electric do an Energy Use Analysis for City Hall to see if there was any potential for electrical s��vings. The analysis is done based upon the nuxnber of hours of operati�n, number.of light fixtures and types of light fixtures. N.S .P. eal.culated an annual savings of $7., 000. 72 and a one time rebate of $1, 033 .40 . To aehieve this savings a11 fluorescent fixtures need to be equipped with a new style light tube and new ballasts . The balance of the lighting fixtures in the building are state of the art and very efficient. To determine the true cost savings we then had to find out what the conversion costs would be� so we could uti].ize the new style �3.uoresGent tube, For this, Mr. Ted Hanson of Master Electric did another fixture study and an estimate for retrofitting the �ixture with new ballasts. While he was in the process I asked him to study the maintenance shop and fire sta�ion a1sc�. � have attached copies of his analysis and the results for your review. I will be most happy to go thrc�ugh the report in detail with you on Tuesday night �.f you desire. In summary, for City Hall the cost to re�rofit the light fixtures is $8, 851. By applying the one time rebate we have a net cost of $7, 1b3 . With an annual energy savings of $1, 6$0 we can recover our cost in approxirnatel�r 4 .3 years. The same process was taken with eaeh of �.he other �aci.lities. The shap results in a $454 annual savings with a 5 .1 ye�tr payback. The fire hall nets a $66Q annual savings with a 7.6 year pa�back. If this is a program the Council is interested in pursuing, I will budget the $17,806 for retrofit costs in the 1994 budget. R.�'wCON�NDFsD ACTIQN: Mt�TI�N Tl� SUPPORT RETR{�FIT EXPENSES FOR ELECTRICAL SAVINGS . �,n (�A.;�,,,, {�.c�Q� ct�. C�e..rt ��s� �-. �---� COUNCIL ACT2�N: 3 MASZER ELECI'RIC Co. Frepared for: City of Rosemount 12467'Bvearie Ac�,�us Sautfi Fire Staria� 5at�ag�,h:Ga�esota S'5378 Phc�ne: (61�)85X3-3555 faac (612}89f}-3095 LIGI�IIl�TG C+D�dPARI50N E[�ICIENCY�tF1�ZIs of C�ANGE NSP rRte er KVV�I: �O.U6 F.�I'STII+TG — FIXt'URE'S PROPC)SED — FIX'IURE'S Total Hours of Annuat Savin NSP Rebate Watt's per Tot�( Watt's per Tatal Wattage Usage KWH Flectric Peroent P1an TYPE F'ixture ' QusAti Watta TYPE Fixiure Quanti Watta Saved er Year Usa e Cost Saved Amcnunt No. 2 L f X 8 172 30 5,160 2 L T 8 119 30 3,S7U 1,590 1,872 2,9?6 �179 319'0 �318 3 2 L 1 X 4 96 $ 768 2 L T $ 62 8 496 272 I,872 509 $31 3S�o SS4 3 4 L 2 X 4 192 49 9,4Q8 4 L T 8 11Q 49 5,390 4,Q18 1,872 7,522 �451 43�'0 �804 3 Totsl 87 1S 33b 9 4$6 5 88d 5 616 11�7 '�660 38% �l 17G PROGRAM CUST P'ROGRAM R.LCC)VLRY PL�RIOD PRt?GRt1M SAVIN�S - Srs� Material Cost �4,637 Total Cost �6�i 81 Etectric Savings �660 Labor �1,3U5 Less�- Rebate �1,i76 NSP Rebate �1,176 Ballast 1�spc�sai Net 5 005 Tax Savin� Lamp Aecyde �239 Average Yearly Savings �660 Other Savings Total Cost �b,181 Simple Recovery Period 7,,,_6 Tatal Savings �1,83t5 MASTF1t L�rL'I RIC Co. Preparad for: City of Rosemount 12dGTBoone As+�uue Sauth Shop Sava�M'rnnesota .SS378 Pbone: (612}89U-355� f�t: (612)890—�U95 LIGHIIl+IG Cl7MPARI50N EFPICIENCY BLNEFTIf.'S of C�ANGE NSP rat�` r KW��: �O.f� EXiSIING — FI��TURE'S PR4Pt3S�7► -- FTX'ITJRE'S Total Hours of Annual Savi.n NSP Rebate Watt's per Total WatYs per Totat W�ttcage U�age KWF-i Eleatric Percent Plan TYPE Fu�ture Quanti W�tta TYPE F'�cture Quanti Watta Saved er Year Usa Gost Saved Amount No. 4 L 2 X 4 192 12 2,34d 4 L T 8 110 12 1,320 984 3,146 3,U9t5 �18d 43�6 �197 3 2 L I X 4 96 25 2,400 2 L T 8 G2 25 1,550 850 3,146 2,674 �1b4 359b 5170 3 Z L 1 X 4 96 b 576 4 L T $ 110 3 330 7.46 3146 ?�4 S46 43% $49 3 2 L i X $ 1'72 3 51ft Z L T 8 119 3 357 159 3,14b 5(ld S30 3f'3�v �32 3 4 L 1 X 4 192 2 384 �4 L T 8 11Q 2 220 164 3,i�i6 Slb ' �31 43% S33 3 Total 48 184 3']77 403 15 730 7 560 �454 39% $481 PRUGRAM COS'.0 PRQGREIM RECUV�RY P�1tIOD PROGRAM SAVING�S -- fmct y+ear Material Cost $1,968 Totai Coct �2,774 Etectric Saving� 5454 Labor S'7'I3 I,e,�s- Rebate (�481) NSP Reb�te �481 Ballast I?ispasal Net �2,294 'I�uut Savings I.amp Recyele �94 Averag�Ye�a-ly Savings 454 C)ther Savings Total!Cost ��2 7'74 Simple Re�covery Period S_1 Toiat Saving,s ��934 M.rS�T�lt�R�TC Co. Prep�reci for: City af Rosemount i2467Bc�one Ac�aiue South City�Iall Sav�g�,:M'ri�nesota S.S378 Phone: {Gi2)890-3555 fax: �612)890-3095 LIGHT7NG COMPARISQN EFFICIENCY SP�IEFITS of CHANGE NSP rate r KW�i: �d.06 EXISIING — FiXT(JRE'S PRU►P{?SED �- FIXTURE'S Total Hours of Annuat Savin NSP Rebate Watt's per Total Watt's per Totat Wattage Usage KWH Eteeceic Peroent Plan TYPE F'ixture Quanti Watta e TYPE Fixture Quanti W�tta SRved r Year Usa e Cost Saved Arnount No. 2 L 1 X 4 96 24 2,304 2 L T 8 62 24 1,48$ 816 572 467 �28 3S% �If>3 3 Z L 1 � 4 96 1A 1,920 �L T 8 110 10 1,100 $20 5'72 4b9 �28 439b �164 3 2 L Z X 4 96 2t3 2,3{?4 2 L T 8 54 ?A 1,296 1,Q08 4 516 4.613 �277 449'0 �2Q2 3 3 L 2 X 4 148 ' 6b 9,76$ 3 L T 8 89 66 5,874 3,894 4,457 17,356 �1,041 40% �779 3 4 I. 2 X 4 192 4 768 4 L T $ 110 4 440 328 572' 188 �11 439'0 �66 3 6 L 4 X 4 2$8 3 8b4 4 L T 8 110 3 330 534 3,1?A 1,6C6 $100 62%v 5107 3 20Qw R—Can 2A0 i3 2,600 120ER40 12t? 13 i,560 1,04d 3,120 3,245 �195 40°lo 5208 3 Tot81 15d 2(}528 12 088 4�10 28 002 $1680 41% �1 688 PRQGRAM COST PROGRAM RECOVEKY PERIOD PROGRAM SAYING�S - fmst rar Material Cost $b,111 Total Cost 58,851 Flectric Savings �1,680 Labor �2,475 Less— Rebate $1,688 NSF Rebate �1,6$8 Ballast Disposal Net �7,1b3 Tax Savings Lamp Recyeie $2ES Average Yearly Savings �1,b80 Uther Savings Total Cost � Simple Reeovery Pericxi 4�3 Tot�l Saving,s $3,3fi8 Senior Sales Aep ' EfecUic Sates ._.._----~ . � '��'�� Narthern States PowerCo�peny 3000 Ma�aell Ave lIGNTTNfi Ci3MPARISON' ��+�Port.Mtnnesota55055 621.1639 (dtg�al pege� > r>. �-^z..^^w^^s^^^ Telepqp�te(Sf2 4 :;"� '� `$ '.�°•`�r. "<F h.� � 3.,k Fe%(612 45 1 $8•1213 �.'+„��,�,�„���, �,5��,�t...,.�.'xy��'�° �.#l�.'�°..�i::�.:<.• RAr�$ _ � 8•1280 ' ... ._�_._._ - - —� ... _ _...._..._ _...._------ Ronald Wasmund - 423-4411 , A. Small General Service D. Small Generat Service Time-of-(say , -�;,.�,.�.�,:,?::i.;.':;-z:;-�--.•t.:..<:>•:,:z:;";:':;:<:::s>:<::;:;:::.: 2875 145th Street West �` ` ' �`�$ '� } : :�<.:...�iCt?�i'�!l �9!'V�4G.:. ,... ....:....�..; E. Generat Service Time-of-0ay Rosemount, MN 55068 C. Peek Gontrot Service P. Peak Cantrot Service Ti�e-of-Day .,�::::....,:•.:..,.�.::::;.�:.::.���.:,:....... .:. .. ��......,.-^,....�^-^:.........,.�-T-. .................�-��...........-.-.-...............:............. .. ... � :. ......K ti�.... ....4.... . .>fi�,.. .Nr.,. .: v...........................................�........ ......,..... d �. . .. .. ...r.h.....,.. n.. ... 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